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The Transition: Ending ‘Power’


But of course the real problem is the transition… getting there…

…the ‘there’ is easy…

…a sweet summer breeze…

…compared to ending ‘power’.


The challenge is getting us all on the same side… and the only way to do that… is through freedom.


This will be the theme of upcoming postings.


But it may be that fleshing out * "The 'There'" is necessary for folks to believe in freedom… break through the mind-chains of conventional thinking…





12.24.11 – 01.08.12

The ‘work’ of getting us all on the same side…

…was begun with the words, “we are the ninety-nine…”

…but building on this fragile unity was summarily checked…

…by the forced removal of encampments…

…which in many instances led…

…to new divisions…

…a particularly dangerous development…

…given ‘power’s’ rush at present to divide…


…from the ‘ninety-five’.


‘Power’ has learned over the years that controlling language allows them to control what we can think… so… in a recent illustration… their media players have been instructed to stop saying ‘middle-class’… and instead plant… ‘hard-working-tax-payers.’


So… how to counter ‘power’s’ control of ‘the message’? This struck me as key when listening to the ‘news’ coverage of Occupy – Oakland… back when… it was still an encampment.


It was quite depressing to see what seemed to me agents of ‘state’ accessing KPFA’s airwaves… via phony press releases and spokespersons… (one ‘statement’… that got repeated over and over… made provocative false claims as to what the Mayor was saying about the police… and injuries)… promoting all kinds of nutty notions… and to note… that while this divisive megaphoning is given space… a perfectly decent message like: “we need a mass movement to end wage work” cannot find a media place.


The frustration was particularly fat when you consider that… briefly… (and still… to a degree…) folks on the ground had the possibility of speaking… publicly… through the media…. An amazing opening, to be sure, and that alone was enough to spur ‘power’ on… to shut this possibility down.


And because good-hearted folks can’t compete… (until we get more experienced…) with trained agents… when it comes to commandeering the microphone… this is an on-going problem that must be addressed.


So… on a list of ‘planning targets’ for a ‘Ninety-Nine Movement’… number one might be: “controlling the megaphone”… the closely aligned number two: “controlling the message”… and related as well… number three: “language that can’t be turned into its opposite or co-opted”… and lastly: “creating a viable model.”


The Megaphone:

…There’s an urgency here to push this opening further… and to reclaim lost ground. Generally commoners with messages that call ‘the system’ into question have zero access to the media… ‘pundits’ may… but the form their message takes usually  negates it… i.e., their insecurity about being perceived as ‘smart’ means they gravitate to conventionality and jargon… which neutralizes their ability to stand with, inspire or move the people to reclaim responsibility for our earth – the only honorable use of our ‘intelligence’ in times which are witnessing looming ocean-death, massive starvations and genocides… and the threat of creeping global totalitarianism.


But even though there are not many encampments left “Ninety-Nine” still has ‘brand recognition’… which means it still has a ‘megaphone’… i.e. still possesses the means to reach a broader audience… if we can get past that “it’s all good!” trap… and get enuf folks to claim a key message to make it viable.


We have to take control of the conversation.


So what’s the best way (message) to hold onto this rapidly diminishing advantage (megaphone) to dramatically expand the movement?


The Message:

The heroism of folks building this movement can only be fully appreciated in the broader community if it is understood there that the current economic crisis is not ‘periodic’… but structural… and that ‘power’ is rushing to install controls that will check all outcomes but the ones they want.


So how do we get that ‘economics’ discussion happening?


This seems to me critical because this is what will spark the interest of the broader population… and that it will require coordinated media events to accomplish this…


…perhaps under the banner: “Occupy the Future”.


It’s essential that we do this now before the media access dissolves.


How do we know that this ‘downturn’ is structural and not periodic?


Because Rosa… who did the analysis… predicted it…

The more violently, ruthlessly and thoroughly imperialism brings about the decline of non-capitalist civilizations, the more rapidly it cuts the very ground from under the feet of capitalist accumulation. Though imperialism is the historical method for prolonging the career of capitalism, it is also a sure means of bringing it to a swift conclusion. This is not to say that capitalist development must be actually driven to this extreme: the mere tendency towards imperialism of itself takes forms which make the final phase of capitalism a period of catastrophe…. ‘Sweating blood and filth with every pore from head to toe’ characterizes not only the birth of capital but also its progress in the world at every step, and thus capitalism prepares its own downfall under ever more violent contortions and convulsions. (Rosa Luxemburg, The Accumulation of Capital, p. 446 and 453)

So… our concern springs from the judgment of a brilliant ancestor who’s integrity cannot be impugned…


…and as it’s true… as all can see the reality of our over-burdened earth… and humans slaughtered for the mineral wealth in it… and the oceans dying… the soil and water contaminated…


…as all can see our earth and ‘earth-as-us’ are being trashed beyond the power of Replenishment…

…as, therefore, her conclusion is patently obvious to all who choose to look…

…our saying this analysis out loud will allow us all to take deep breaths that express unconscious relief that what our bodies know is finally being spoken plainly…


…we can at this long last begin…

…working together…

…to fix it…


…with all that energy released from beginning to think authentically.



Creating a Viable Model:

Over and over from occupations I heard the words, “we need spaces of our own to do the planning…”


…yet… this was never articulated as a demand to “city planners”…


…or… critically… to the broader community… who… would support it strongly… if they understood what was going on…


…in the economy.



Pundits use the word ‘abundance’ without putting any flesh on the bones.

What if we did?

What if we said it meant…

every one gets…

…to use their gifts.

What would that world look like?

…a world founded on Abundant Human Gifts… not ‘Economics’?

What if we understood that ‘wealth’ is in us… not ‘the market’?



Given the pressures not to…

…it’s a blessing to be forced to face the fury of ones unmet gifts….

It comes…

…if not before…

…in the middle range of life…

…when you’ve seen enough to know there is no ‘glory days’ to come…

(…until the end of ‘class’…)

…but only dancing on a leash…

…with empty hands and mouths agape…

…hoping for a tasty….


Once this is clearly seen…

(…a shock to the system usually…)

…the choice is…

…to return to sleep…

(…a deeper one …

…of grief…)

…or rage against the seeming inevitability….


To live we must resist…

… the category ‘servant.’

…and the earlier we learn this…

…the better for our common hopes…

…for freedom.


We need to experiment…

…with a ‘design shift’…

…this dis-‘order’ of ‘class’…

…is pushing far too many of us…

…off a cliff…

…and telling the rest…

…to just accept it.


This is wrong.


We need a space…

…to design another way…

…a model in which…

every one gets to use their gifts…

…a space…

…to plan a major shift…

…in our social arrangements.


Can we unite on this?

Let’s unify around the line: “We Need Time!… AKA Our Lives!”


How many useless conferences have you been to?

What if we planned one with this ‘measurable outcome’:

…a massive show of numbers in numerous urban localities to achieve a communal space in those localities… in perpetuity… solely for the purpose of ‘Society Re-Design’…

…and this becomes the sole point of our efforts until this space is won…

…after which we branch into these focuses:

•         Authentic Language and ways of applying it to the planet… i.e., physical reality;

•         Identifying Gifts among the participants and using them to design a ‘Test Site’;

•        From Micro to Macro: A New Design for the future.


There’s really nothing contentious about it… we are asserting our ‘democratic right’ to think for ourselves… to determine for ourselves the credibility or not of the claim that “the capitalist system” is doomed… [see ‘Wallerstein’s “Heads Up!] a system based on extracting ‘planetary resources’ and directing them into the hands of a few via a process of commodification and sale on ‘the market’…


…which turns them into measurable quantities… money.


A very, very few have been trashing the earth… and our brothers and sisters… for millennia. This is wrong. It has always been wrong. But now… finally… we can make it right.


01.08.12 – 01.14.12: * "The Language"

Alexander [the Great] died, Alexander was buried, Alexander returneth to dust; the dust is earth. Of earth we make loam, and why of that loam, whereto he was converted, might they not stop a beer-barrel?


Imperious Caesar, dead and turn’d to clay,

Might stop a hole to keep the wind away.

O that that earth, which kept the world in awe,

Should patch a wall t’expel the winter’s flaw!

Our earth-given gift… is balance… along with a facility… for feeling where it’s most needed… (“…and feeling’s a sort o’ knowledge…”) which blossoms in empathy.


(And one thing this means is that our first ‘natural’ (earth-given) reaction to what we find around us when we’re born is to ‘blend’… fit in… a ‘tend’ that’s obviously been… much used against us.)


‘Balance’… this feeling (health) gets transmogrified and trashed… under ‘class’… into ‘equivalence’… into ‘measured’ ‘equal’ ‘quantities’… that are exchanged… under conditions of duress… (and this is our lives I’m describing… being chopped up and stratified…)


…our predisposition was thus used against us…


…for in this substitution we find…

…an acceptance of a theory…

(…under ‘class’…)

…that “‘power’ provides”…

…provides us with ‘order’…

…and in return… ‘exchange’…

…we transfer our allegiance…

…our ‘time’… our lives… to ‘power’…

…for this alleged provision of ‘order.’


Words are used to express our connection to the world… but if we’re cut off… atomized and stuck in boxes… we have no connection to the world… and words become meaningless.


We invented language to express… love and allegiance to… the earth…

…as the source of ‘all’…

…which means it provides the patterns for ‘thought’…

…and thus…

…it originally expressed…

…an infinitely subtle balance…

…a “fine revolution” and reciprocity.


And being so based, ‘power’ had, by necessity, to re-make them…

…to break our connection to earth…

…take our true power…

…and redirect our allegiance…

…from earth…

…to ‘it.’


So when ‘power’ puts a price on earth… and everything in it…

“Do not believe it. Fewness and truth, ’tis thus:”

The ‘deal’ they’ve made is null…


…as a break with nature…

– our inherent wholeness.


And any break with nature… trust… is a break from truth and health…

…and we cannot return to former health except through a renouncement…

…of deals…

(“…you give us this… and we’ll surrender… all of it…”)

With that same purpose-changer, that sly devil,

That broker, that still breaks the pate of faith,

That daily break-vow, he that wins of all,

Of kings, of beggars, old men, young men, maids,

Who, having no external thing to lose

But the word ‘maid,’ cheats the poor maid of that,

That smooth-fac’d gentleman, tickling Commodity,

Commodity, the bias of the world;

Made to run even upon even ground,

Till this advantage, this vile-drawing bias,

This sway of motion, this Commodity,

Makes it take head from all indifferency,

From all direction, purpose, course, intent.

When they take our ‘words-from-earth’… they take our earth… for we would not let either go… if we had either… for our unity would be intact.


In ‘exchange’ we’re given hollow husks… emptiness… an ‘amiss’ we tend to miss ’til much too late… this loss of earth… the theft of words.


William Shakespeare labored indefatigably to call our attention to the theft of words, by which ‘power’ stole our world. He had to work under cover… as he could only do this infinitely important ‘work’ on sufferance… dependent on the whim of ‘power.’

O, for my sake do you with Fortune chide,

The guilty goddess of my harmful deeds,

That did not better for my life provide

Than public means which public manners breeds.

Thence comes it that my name receives a brand,

And almost thence my nature is subdued

To what it works in, like the dyer’s hand.

Pity me then, and wish I were renewed,

Whilst, like a willing patient, I will drink

Potions of eisel ’gainst my strong infection.

No bitterness that I will bitter think,

Nor double penance to correct correction.

         Pity me then, dear friend, and, I assure ye,

         Even that your pity is enough to cure me.

He knows… that though it’s to earth we owe… we’re forced to pay obeisance to a ‘state’ that makes us slaves.


And to pity him means to see… this hideousness…

…and if we see his distress…

…we realize his hope for us.

PROVOST:         What comfort is for Claudio?


DUKE:         There’s some in hope.


PROVOST:         It is a bitter deputy.


DUKE:         Not so, not so; his life is paralleled

Even with the stroke and line of his great justice.

He doth with holy abstinence subdue

That in himself which he spurs on his power

To qualify in others. Were he mealed with that

Which he corrects, then were he tyrannous,

But this being so, he’s just.

Here’s a measure (poem) for your measure (law… rule… statute… tool….)

Against ‘great justice’ ‘power’ stands the false ‘justice’ of the false ‘great.’


William bled… took his broken heart and cut us all a slice.

His ‘great justice’… his great help… his hope… (which for himself he had none…)

…he knew would be needed…

…and he gave it unstintingly…

…knowing that one day…

…he would be thanked…

…in the only way that matters…

…by reclaiming our lives…

…by reclaiming our words…

…and world.


Balance does come to Distress…

…from those who bear witness…

…and share the hope…

…to those…

…who need it most…

…by which means…

…we swell the ratio…

…of those who have…


…to those who need them….


If you haven’t lost yours, well and good, but it can only grow in a world in which each helps each… to keep it.


So… key… is bringing in the broader community…

…in this project of popular reclaiming of ‘the economy’…

…we… (all of us…)

…stepping into the breach… of the ‘economic crisis’…

…are responsible for this.


We cannot unify across the divides with the language… words and concepts… used to divide…


…so we must choose our words with consciousness of the goal (solidarity and reclaimed earth) in mind…


And we cannot link with our brothers and sisters and reclaim the earth in reality if we are not doing so with our language.


Which means we are Williams-all… using the earth as reference as we think and link to each other… inventing and then elevating concepts and words from earth.


This flips the usual way of it (the conditioning we receive) and orders the abstract concept to the witness stand to answer our demand that it justify itself in earth-terms…


…and then… this sense in hand… we join with our brothers and sisters in reclaiming that which is ours by birth.


The notion of ‘bargaining’ for a ‘better’ life is meaningless to a world in we own ourselves.

“Shall we own ourselves ‘more’ or ‘less’?”


“What gradation of ‘free’ can I bargain with you to let me be?”


The language of freedom eschews ‘bargaining’ for balance… or health.


How maintain a life… a world… an earth… that spins freely uncoerced?…


…lightly… with minimum effort.


‘Light’… a lovely word when applied to our ability to move freely in the world.


It is not the language and knowledge of ‘economics’ that we must school ourselves in… but that of ‘abundant-human-gifts’.


There are no ‘experts’ on ‘the future’… and if ‘heart’ don’t shape it… ‘power’ will make it… and if ‘power’ makes it… best believe our new chains will be issued with additional hardening.




01.15.12 – : * "The Longest Stride of Soul"

Dark and cold we may be, but this

Is no winter now. The frozen misery

Of centuries breaks, cracks, begins to move,

The thunder is the thunder of the floes,

The thaw, the flood, the upstart Spring.

Thank God our time is now when wrong

Comes up to face us everywhere,

Never to leave us till we take

The longest stride of soul men ever took.

Affairs are now soul size.

(Christopher Fry)

To reclaim the earth in reality we must simultaneously reclaim it in language.


Authentic language…

…which we will reclaim…

…captures the truth of ‘things’… describes what we see around us authentically… in earth-terms… i.e. as they are in reality… as opposed to a robotic repetition out of obeisance to ‘power’s’ instructions… ‘power’ telling us what things are… i.e. that ‘ideas’ matter far more than living reality.


…so… Authentic Language says… “within the seed’s the tree…”

…and… “we will never grow our freedom…

…out of slavery….”

And… “I am not ‘free’…

…if I can’t express my earth-given gifts fully….”


It means no longer pretending that true power comes from the dry husks of pretend-preeminence… or from masquerades-on-parade… from the bloated egos of Reign….


It says “all Life is ‘Seed-Fruition-Re-seed’…

“…it’s what we do…”

…and those who break with Life…

…are Death…

that’s truth.


Authentic language is the result of thought… of the study of earth and of seeing how tends play out.


The purpose of language… of words… is to be the Tree Of Our Seeds of Study… that re-seed thought… and so… on and on it ‘ons’…


Language… before calcified by ‘class’… was an on-going process of investigation… thought… and then realignment…


…a living thing….

And when it’s dead…


…no longer the product of thinking…

…so are we.


And when words are used…

…not to express truth…

…but to manipulate and deceive…

…or used as mere self-pump-puffery…

(…a degeneration unique to ‘class’…)


…is an abomination.


So we cannot speak until we think…

…and examine our thought all ’round…

…in ‘circuit’…

…as Emily saw…






01.04.12 – 01.10.12: * "Put On Your Vampire Hat"


(See also: You Know How I Know 'Localization'… or 'Democratic Economics'… Is A Con?)


Recently I listened to Gar Alperovitz and David Korten being interviewed unctuously about what they called the ‘Local’ ‘Movement’.


Let’s assume the best and not suspect funding from right-wing malevolence. 


It could be they are genuinely fuzzy on the question of what ‘wealth’ is and where it comes from… or just have books to sell… or both.


The following is a little of what David Korten had to say:

“The solutions will not come from the system, the real solutions will have to come from the bottom-up, from people building their local economies… [by shifting their dollars away from large corporations to local businesses…]”


 “We have to change the rules to fundamentally shift power back to the people… [this will be hard but] we have to start on the local level.”


“Capitalism presents itself as the champion of democracy and free markets and it’s actually the opposite. It is the local economy that’s the foundation of real democracy and real markets.”

While these are mostly noble sentiments… (of course ‘power’ must be returned to the people)… and while they, most significantly, tapped into the growing determination of ‘the people’ to reclaim responsibility for the planet…


…their ‘solutions’… (and they admitted this…) could not possibly be accomplished for many years to come…  (if at all… truth to tell… ‘political realities’ being what they are…)

(Whenever pundits tell you “it’s going to take time”…

…when you know our brothers and sisters are dying…

…and babies and trees can barely breathe…

…and we daily forfeit our dreams…

…trying to feed our families…

please don’t listen to what they say….


Listen to the earth…

…listen to your labored breath…

…the dirge of distress…

…the howl…

… …)

And… guaranteed… those “many years” will see… a choking off of our Global Awakening.


(And… significantly… he links ‘democracy’ with ‘market’… which aligns his message with a recent directive from right-wing propagandist Frank Luntz (sp?)… who advises his constituents to stop saying ‘capitalism’ and say instead ‘free market.’)


Let’s look at one of their ‘solutions’: “worker-owned businesses”.


A “worker-owned business” would only keep money in the local community if it was structured not to ‘grow’ – i.e., not extract much more from ‘earth’… than it gives back… (and by ‘earth’ I mean ‘earth-as-us’ and ‘earth-that-provides-all-the-stuff’…)


…it could do nothing to address the ‘Legacy Imbalance’…

(…or the existing blood-streaming-globally into ‘profits’…

…that becomes our jeans… or leashing-debts…)

…– i.e., the dis-eases with which our earth is burdened…

…and the great piles of money that determine…

…whose hides will be tanned first…


And these businesses are so constructed that they can never correct the Legacy Imbalance.


They may help a few have less hideous lives…

…but ‘power’ remains free to jump, stomp and stride…

…all over Grandma’s hide….

And we’ll still have trouble breathing…

…and our earth remains dis-eased…

…and our bodies still not free.

Let’s say we don’t want particulate matter in our babies’ lungs…

…or those who harvest our food dying in the noonday sun…

…how would we seize the results of corporate greed…

…that cause the dust we see spewing from all the factories?

How would we re-take…

…the earth which makes…

…the food from which we re-generate?




…your backyard can’t feed…

…us being tossed into the street…

…by the financial industry…

…or those dying due to drought…

…brought about…

…by cloud-seeding.)


Any ‘play’ we try to make…

…to restore power to ourselves…

…or refresh our earth’s depleted stores…

…means aggregating ‘means’…

…means ‘money’…

…and “‘power’-knows”…

…where it goes…


…its uses…

…access to it…

…all skewed to serve…

‘its’ abuses…


…while we stand hat in hand… begging… “please… could we just… at least… have a brief respite… a chance to breathe?




…go get your Plato-Given-Hubris-Gear… and put on your vampire hat… you know, the one with the drop-down eyes that turns everything you see into dollar-signs?


What do you see?


You see an earth pretty much divvied up and done… the mineral and oil wealth has been found… nicely converted into abstract quantities and placed on balance sheets… (yours… your balance sheet…) and is flowing with admirable regularity into your coffers… (yours… your coffers…) via channels of Sweet Sweet Manipulation… delightfully devious twistings that are virtually untraceable….


You are safe from detection.

You can’t be found out.

The earth is tapped out…

…and you’re sitting on mountains and mountains of money….

You are a hair’s breadth from being what you’ve always dreamed…

…part of that elite corps of philosopher-kings.


Are all bases covered? Think. Think.


All the One-Time-Money that can be squeezed out of the planet is already in your pockets… or is solidly in-line… in private hands… (yours… or those you can control…) waiting for its turn… to serve….


The earth-earth is threatening to churn up more ‘cost’ than ‘credit’… all that poisoning leading to… upchucking bio-diversity… and who-knows what horrors… that could still upset the cattle… all the human Renewables….


So the Renewables must be dealt with… fed… bred… multiply-misled… but otherwise almost infinitely bled…


…tapped… to fill with their own blood… the well-earned gap… between ‘them’… and ‘us.’


And… fortunately… you have so structured things that… for them to have any comfort at all… any relief from the pain of not being self-determining… they must have…





…Look! (smile)… you seem to have some (smile)…

“So…” (you smile at them)…

…“here’s some fields that need a hand (or two)…”

…“here’s mines… (a few)…”

…“but… (sadly)… there are far too many of you…” What to do?


And at this point you withdraw behind the veil of Stolen-Cattle-Dreams and confer a bit in quiet… with a few more of your tribe.


So this is how you reckon:

“We’ll train a few to guard the moat…

…give degrees… and tests….

And then…

…address residual distress…

…with pundits mouthing the usual nonsense…

…about self-governance….


And the poisoned earth will keep them busy and distracted…

…and their lives non-protracted….


And to these ‘middle-classes’…

…who provide us ‘higher’ services…

…we’ll grant a longer leash…

…let them plan…

…their own ‘urban experience’….


And our pundits will proclaim…

…that ‘capitalism’ has changed…

…into a brand ‘new’ game…

…called ‘De-centralized Local Governance’….


And those few…

…we give money to…

…can tell themselves they’re ‘owners’ too….


And we’ll let this chump change rest…

…in ‘local institutions’…

…that ‘re-invest’ in…

…‘local institutions’…

(…and of course some leakage is to be expected…

…some drift…

…into the global game of death.)

And those who play…

…this global game…

…called ‘Power’…

…will roll its eleventh hour…


…a ‘play’…

…in which only they…

…can move.



‘Localism’ is a shade…

…a pillow…

…and a Sweet Forget…

…a rationale…

…for the wage-enslaved…

…turning away…

…from brothers and sisters…

…facing hopelessness.


Embedded in this glory-talk of ‘localism’ without consciousness…

(…without vision… of freedom…

…of life lived in the authentic…

…in our own bodies…

…not in the heads of ‘representatives’…)

…without responsibility except to self…

(…hiding in the guise of ‘citizen’…)

…to keep your own ‘self’ ‘healthy’…

…while leaving the earth-connected…

…to fend off Vampirism all on their own…

…while we exist aglow with Plato’s blessing…

(Here’s truth: that’s inverted too… the earth-connected are true wealth… true knowledge and true health. They hold our souls, and we have ‘all’ to learn from them… if we could learn that our ‘help’, in standing solidly with them, is solely salvation for our ‘selves’.)

…embedded in this glory-talk of ‘localism’ without guilt or consciousness…

…is an ideology preparing us to accept as legitimate a bifurcated world…

…globally and ‘locally’….



01.13.12 – 01.19.12: * "Is 'Occupation' "Largely Symbolic"?"


…the shape the new world makes…

…can’t be imposed…

…it grows from the earth of which its made…

…it flows…

…as water bends to greet…

…each life it meets…

…and grows to what it is…

…from all it is…


…and living…


Over the airwaves I heard a young person from Occupy-Wall St. describe the occupation of Liberty / Zucotti Park as “largely symbolic” (i.e it ‘stands’ for something else, but is not what it is.)


Does she mean by this it was a gift…

…to ‘middle classes’…

…so they may see…

…that fear of ‘the masses’…

…is conditioned idiocy?

…and that she…

…in actuality…

…has no interest in being free?



Erich Fromm showed us that we use certain activities as substitutes for living… that allow us to feel alive…

…challenging work…



…communal expressions of religion…

…war and nationalism…

…in which we come together with our fellows and embark on joint projects.


‘Power’ of course knows this… knows that these are palliatives… substitutes for self-creation and freedom…

(…you’ll know you have it [freedom] when you ask yourself each day… fresh… anew… “what do I want to do?”…)

… and these substitutes can be used therefore… to manipulate and control… i.e. are levers…

…not… generally… as powerful as the main one… ‘money’… as we must first exist before we can ‘enjoy’ those other things… but potent nonetheless.


So it has positioned itself (…by means of controlling access to ‘money’…)

…to be the provider and ultimate sole source of them…

…and when… it can no longer be…

…the overseer of their orderly dispensation…

…or when we try to provide them for ourselves… apart from ‘power’…

…i.e. independent of the ‘money-lever’…

…which is also a regulator…

…‘power’ must create…

…‘chaos’ and threats…

…to ‘occupy’ us.



Unless we’re dynamically engaged with the earth we aren’t authentically living…


…and ‘thought’ can’t grow… as earth is truth…


…and authentic thought sprouts… blooms… in truth… i.e. in communion with earth [see “What Is Freedom?”]


The goal of controlling it (truth)… living in the mid-air realm of manipulated thought… as opposed to prizing the ability to truly live… reveals the truth of propaganda… and the arrogance of ‘power’…


…and will never lead to authentic… or fulsome… thought.



* "A Left Ideology?"

01.22.12 – 01.27.12:

Listening to a pundit decry the absence of any Left ideology that would pose an effective counter to the story the Right tells, I thought, “I’m not sure about the Left overall but the Left punditry definitely has an ideology”… at least in the sense of “a system of ideas and ideals”….


True, its’ set of ideas and ideals might not be conscious… and can’t, therefore, be integrated into any larger economic theory… but the Left punditry does operate according to a system of ideas and ideals…


…it could be called ‘utilitarianism’…

“Human beings and the earth overall are to be made use of (exploited) and ordered (ranked) in a coherent manner such that they can be managed rationally and efficiently by the people identified as “the best” as determined by their ability to advance in preexisting educational, political and economic hierarchies.”

And the reason it cannot offer any alternative vision to that of the Right is because both espouse versions of the same story…


…a story they might call ‘civilization’ and I would call ‘vampirism’…


…i.e. sucking on life until it becomes death.

(And, by the way, to refer to gambling (‘speculation’) – i.e. luring money out of people’s pockets to bet on a scheme – as “wealth creation” is obscene. It signifies a complete disconnection from life.


The Left uncritically accepting the categories given them by ‘power’… categories used to control us – ‘economy’, ‘productivity’, ‘rich’, ‘poor’, ‘efficiency’, ‘worker’, ‘profit’, ‘labor power’, and ‘progress’ – necessarily results in an identification with ‘power’…


…their very thoughts are traitors… and will never produce a truly oppositional vision.)

Some of its key ideas and ideals:

•     ‘progressive individualism’… there is a meritocracy and it identifies “the best and the brightest” (they both use this phrase a lot)…


•     class society allows a forward trajectory called ‘progress’…


•     there is no need for a vision of the future because we’ve already arrived… so what’s needed in order to address the problems we face is piecemeal tweaking, adjusting and reforming of a fundamentally sound system.

For both the official Left punditry (unconsciously) and the Right (consciously) the orderly (or disorderly, for that matter, particularly for the Right) plundering of the earth… i.e. ‘the economy’… takes priority over the happiness and the health of human beings and the earth.


If this were not so Left pundits would be very clear that the current system must end and it would put out a call for all of us to begin designing its replacement.


If they did this… as a block of left pundits… what excitement would follow…


…what energy released.


01.24.12 – 01.27.12:

The Left punditry can’t think strategically because it’s fundamentally dishonest….


Rather than seeing their rank as a privilege system-given…

…with intention to divide us…

…it has bought the self-flattery that it does the thinking for the rest of us….

…and so is prevented from honest analysis…

…by a need to be at the center of it.


And the Left punditry can’t think strategically because fear prevents their occupying…

…their own bodies…

…the truth of their loathing and longing….


And when mired in dishonesty one cannot see reality.

Egos invested in illusions cannot lose them.

And dishonesty disables action.



* "What Is 'Happiness'? and de Grazia excerpt – 1"

01.23.12 – :

For the ‘Founding Fathers’ ‘happiness’ meant the acquisition of property and the ‘freedom’ to ‘enjoy’ it without interference from the state…


…and, of course, slave labor to do the “dirty work”.

(…Stop for a moment and take in… the deep narcissism of this….)

This notion is the heavy consequence of ‘class’ that ‘class’-carved humans have dragged along…


…since long before the writing of The Iliad…

[By the way, I’ve been meaning to say…

…ditto to Samuel Butler’s assessment….

There’s no way the man who wrote The Odyssey is the same

…as wrote The Iliad.

Homer wrote The Iliad…

…but the writer of The Odyssey…

…Samuel said…

…was a clergyman….

I’d call him a fascist….

Those piled bodies of women at the end…

…brings clearly to mind…


But… to continue… never doubt the issue of “leisure” is very ‘up’ right now for Plato’s Tribe…


…as it should be for us….


Plato’s Tribe has been chasing ‘happiness’…

…and have been misled to believe…

…they can only achieve it…

…by enslaving you and me.


Sebastian de Grazia:

The first document that was meant to apply to the imminent United States of America was the Declaration of Independence. On July 2, 1776 the bare resolution that the colonies by right ought to be free and independent states was adopted. A cold statement by itself was not enough for the Founders. They insisted on a philosophic declaration for the benefit of mankind. A committee was chosen and Jefferson as we know prepared the official statement, in which these familiar lines rhythmically ring out: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” The declaration of the first Continental Congress a few years before had not mentioned the pursuit of happiness – property was in its place; nor had previous documents in the Anglo-American history of petitions and bills of rights reposed on happiness either.


The one who first brings it on the stage of American politics is a classical scholar, George Mason. Ten years before he did this, he had written describing himself as a man who spent most of his time in retirement and seldom meddled in public affairs; content with the blessings of a private station, he enjoyed a modest but independent income and disregarded the smiles and favors of the great. The Virginia Declaration of Rights is substantially the work of this man. In it the natural rights of men include the enjoyment of life and liberty, as in the Declaration of Independence, and also  “the means of acquiring, and preserving, property, and pursuing and obtaining happiness and safety.” This clause passed unchanged over to the Virginia constitution of 1776. Mason had prepared the statement for the Constitution of the United States too; it was left out through a complex series of circumstances. In one form or another, the clause has been incorporated by two thirds of the state constitutions framed up until this century. Some of them actually go so far as to say in the language of the Declaration of Independence that it is the people’s right to “alter or abolish” a government that fails to secure happiness for the people.


I noted that Mason’s clause was adopted in one form or other. Though various, the form contains a similar string of words. Life, liberty, property, happiness, safety, seem to be those most commonly found. Though to later interpreters these words were not clear, to Mason and Jefferson they were self-evident. If life and liberty are present they can be enjoyed. The way they are enjoyed is in the pursuit of happiness. Safety and property, the two words that revolve about happiness like satellites, have each a separate relation. Safety seems to have meant a guarantee of peace of mind, and insuring against the arbitrary jolts of tyrants or the rebellious shocks of helots. It comprehended the protection of property as well as person. Property was the means to happiness, and in a way so self-evident that if the one was mentioned, the other was implied. The conception was broad: Lockeian in its feeling for persons and their self-extension through the holding of property; mercantilistic in its permitting the acquisition as well as the holding and protecting of wealth. If land is the backbone of wealth, ships and sea trade are its sinews in this age. Not so for manufactures. “Manufactures are founded in poverty,” thundered Ben Franklin. “It is the multitude of poor without land in a country, and who must work for others at low wages or starve, that enables undertakers to carry on a manufacture.”


With land or ships and land one had property, then, by which to pursue happiness. Why the repeating of “pursuing” in these eighteenth-century documents? It was meant to convey, I believe, that each person should seek after happiness as he pleased. Property opened up many ways to happiness. Liberty allowed him to follow any one of them he chose. Happiness in an ecstatic sense was not thought humanly possible. Running through the Revolutionary generation was a Christian and Stoic resignation to life’s ordeals. What men could arrive at was contentment or a kind of bliss or gladness….


The Founding Fathers had their ideal of the good life. It embraced a creator and the belief that life here on earth is not the first nor last; it held that full happiness is for the hereafter, yet man can pursue and find a measure of joy on this earth, too, if he has a small estate, unharassed by tax collectors, on which to enjoy good friends and good wine, a choice library, tranquility, and the contemplation of the cosmos, the world and its affairs. To be free of necessity and therefore free to do whatever one wants to for itself alone – this to them was the pursuit of happiness. In this they could not have been more classical….


[Lord] James Bryce was right in saying that the Founding Fathers had gone back 2,000 years for the source of their ideas. Jefferson had said in 1825 that the Declaration of Independence “was intended to be an expression of the American mind.” Intended to be, yes, and American mind, yes, but an American of those times, not these. By today’s notions, American Revolutionary leaders were un-American. They were Romans, with a dash of Christianity and the Enlightenment.…


The ideal of leisure that the great Americans held was closer to Plato and Aristotle.


The democrat might raise the objection. This is all very well for the few who possess or acquire property but what of the many more others? Where are their Vergilian bucolics?… Suffice it now to say that when Locke speaks of “men” or “we”, and the Declaration of Independence of “all men”, and the Constitution of “We, the People”, they do not necessarily intend the adult population or even all adult males…. The men referred to are those to whom what they say is self-evident, a small body of self-appointed citizens and delegates with the firm intention to write into existence their ideal of the good life. No doubt the gentry and merchants thought they left elbow room enough for ambitious and talented spirits. Let them seek their happiness where they will was the eighteenth century’s attitude. For us we seek and enjoy a life of leisure in which whatever we do is for its own sake. (Sebastian de Grazia, Of Time, Work, and Leisure, p. 262 – 267)

* "de Grazia excerpt – 2"

01.23.12 – 01.24.12:


The nineteenth century was to raise the hue and cry to define men more precisely than with the vagueness that meant gentlemen. Once the revolutionary generation passes on, clouds of bewilderment swirl around the pursuit of happiness. Since the phrase occurs in so many historic documents, the courts are soon hard put to cut a clean swath. To go into all the variants, or simply all the main lines of argument pro and con, that the courts took from the pursuit of happiness would take a full tome, but the trend is clear enough to be stated briefly. In a first step, as we have seen, property provides the means through which one can find one’s happiness; next, property and work both are necessary for happiness, and then through work alone can happiness be found.

(So… you see… ‘power’ changes rules mid-stream… to block the claims of we whose ‘labor’ or quiescence they need…


…and see… how weak are ‘legal claims’ for shoring up ‘democracy’?


Rules are made to rig the game.


It’s not the rules that have to change…


…but we.)

The last few decades of the nineteenth century speeded up the process of decision. Manufacturers, so hated and feared by Franklin and the others, were having their day in court. During the Slaughterhouse cases the brief for the plaintiffs held that it was impossible to sustain life, enjoy liberty, or pursue happiness if denied the right to work. In the last of the three famous cases (1869, 1872, 1883) concurring opinion defined the right of men to pursue happiness, “by which is meant the right to pursue any lawful business or vocation.” Already in the second case by dissent Justice Field, leading up to this opinion, had proclaimed a new “right of free labor, one of the most sacred and imprescriptible rights of man.” Neither Mason nor Jefferson would have used the word “imprescriptible.” Nor would they have admitted the right of the freedom of labor as “perhaps the most sacred of all those that are guaranteed by the national and state constitutions.” Neither could they have written the opinion that appeared a century after which slights the comparative few “possessed of such means that they will not need to labor.” It is not creditable “for these favored ones, while young and strong, to idle away their time and live as drones upon the world.” The opinion then lifts the curtain on the teeming millions that the Founders never saw, and asks “how are the great masses of the people to acquire property, pursue happiness, and enjoy life and liberty unless they are permitted to engage in the ordinary avocations? Only a student of constitutional law could tell from these few sentences that such reasoning was often used to defend manufacturing interests. The emphasis today has veered much nearer the verbal sense of the opinions; the previous language simply made easier the later passage to the working man….


For us the import is this. Only through work, a new fundamental right, can men (all adult males and some females) pursue happiness. The original idea was the reverse: only through not having to work can men pursue happiness. Not surprising, then, that those idlers and drones who lived by this last notion, the gentry who wrote or approved the Virginia Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence, never did an honest day’s work in their lives. (Sebastian de Grazia, Of Time, Work, and Leisure, p. 267 – 269)

Do you see where I’m going with this?


The Founders knew that freedom requires leisure… not ‘free time’, but freedom from necessity…


…and we are living in times when more and more of us can see that it is only by manipulation of ‘reality’ that ‘power’ can pretend that ‘necessity’ is still an issue.


There is today obvious sufficiency… means enough for all of us to “hang up our rudders in the smoke of the fireplace” and release ourselves from labor… burn our yokes… converge on the town square… take stock of available resources… organize ourselves by skills… meet need with existing plenty… and begin planning for reproducing these means… in harmony…


…I digress….


‘Power’ knows this… knows that the leisure it wants to hoard for itself could now be made available to all…


…and it knows that ‘the economy’ cannot absorb anywhere near the numbers of us that would be required to stop our thinking… (and it is our thinking they fear… and have feared for millennia… Plato’s warning echoes through their minds.)


A job is like a carrot to a bridled mule in blinders… it keeps you focused on the immediate and completely unable to look objectively at your condition or plan an alternative.


Once one is released from captivity and starts to think… and especially if simultaneously one is joining with one’s brothers and sisters to address inequities…



The chief threat is the agents… and the only way to counter them is to look beyond them… to bigger visions grown from wholism…


…and to assess strategies all ’round.


Viewing strategies from all sides… assessing the impact from the perspective of ‘health’… from the perspective of what makes good wholes for Life…


…always remembering that our purpose is to melt the cold…


(“…the thunder is the thunder of the floes….”)


Our job is to challenge the cold.

Don’t let it go on.

Let’s grow.

Let’s interact with other Life

So that something completely new

Can sprout

And be nurtured whole.


* "What Is 'Democracy'?"

01.27.12 – 01.30.12:

Is ‘democracy’ the ‘solution’ to a failing ‘capitalism’ as I keep hearing left economist-pundits say… as well as some activists in the Occupy Movement?


When we express thoughts that do not come from our own experience in the world but are simply regurgitations of what we learn in school… or from the media… or from “the experts”…


…and particularly when we allow these thoughts to trump our own experience… and reality…


…our unconscious knows we’re being dishonest… and wants no part of it… and we lose access to it… a little part of our soul dies.


Is ‘democracy’ the solution?


What ‘democracy’ Whose ‘democracy’?… a ‘democracy’ that never existed… except among the Indigenous?


When we use the word ‘democracy’… and even frame the thought that it’s what we want for our future… when there’s no ‘earth’ in it… at all… but only abstracts flapping heavily about… perch-to-perch… from which to shout at us….

(There can be no ‘democracy’ without leisure (freedom)… and if we’re free we don’t need ‘democracy’… which, to the degree there is such a thing, exists to establish limits to ‘power.’)

Let me give you an example. From the Left today I hear stock phrases like “we need direct participatory democracy”… and even “participatory budgeting”…


…phrases that have zero ability to get me and my neighbors to converge on City Hall, bring sleeping bags and food… and plan to dig in for the long haul… i.e. until we get our demand for land…

(By the by… when we do the analysis we see that ‘power’ quite literally wants us to be landless… to have no claim to the earth beneath our feet… no connection to the earth that feeds us….

So the foreclosure crisis is by plan….

And when you understand that…

…when you understand the larger political significance…

…of occupying the land…

…that this act hits them on the heart…

…much more than even gathering in numbers…

…you rededicate yourself to accomplishing it.)

To reclaim the earth beneath our feet we have to be concrete…

(…and nothing short of reclaiming it…

…and clarity that we want to end not amend… plundering…

– to reclaim earth… not restrain ‘power’ –

…will allow us to live as healthy beings on a healthy planet.)

What’s of the essence is to flesh out a vision…


…of the future…

…of how to get there…

…of the first steps…

…and of the immediate: the few plots to be publicly claimed…  in the public domain… that can be communally named.


Given land and freedom… our bodies will do the rest.


In low-income communities there is no shortage of interested people…


if we come with a workable plan for acquiring land:


…that includes plots… designs and rough ideas for construction… and what it is we’re demanding from… those who claim to govern us….


If we show that…


…then people can back it.


* "Unpacking 'Democracy' - 1: de Grazia - 3"

01.28.12 – 01.30.12:

Sebastian de Grazia Excerpt – 3:

An age on the verge of change gets restless, it reviews its history, it runs to try new openings. The passengers on the Mayflower before debarking did solemnly and mutually, in the presence of God and one another, covenant and combine themselves together into a civil body politic for their “better ordering and preservation.” The Constitution neglected to state clearly what its more perfect union of men was for. Evidently, to establish justice and provide for the common defense were means to an end. Domestic tranquility meant little more than internal order, another means to an end. This was not Jefferson’s idea. We were left with the general welfare and the blessings of liberty as guides to the kind of life for which men join in union. The liberty meant in the Preamble was freer and wider than the liberty conceived today. The Declaration of Independence had made itself clearer, or at least more forceful: alongside liberty it placed the pursuit of happiness. The men who wrote and approved the Declaration were further away from the Pilgrim Fathers than we are. For the nineteenth century brought us back closer to the Pilgrims than to the Founding Fathers. The urgency of the Mayflower Compact to plant a colony fit the later urgency to plant a continent. One of the oldest rules of political science holds that men come together to keep alive; they stay together to live a good life. In this country men have refused to budge from the first state; they have acted as if there were a wilderness yet to conquer, some great work yet to do, that keeps them from the second stage. What is this great work? The frontier ended with the twentieth century, and the wilderness long before.


At any given moment in history a tradition trembles, a corner crumbles, gives way, the whole falls to pieces. Perhaps in the very dust that lifts, the shape of something new can be seen. Leisure, were we to attain it, could lend us truth and impart its distinctive texture to all society. What is honored in a country is cultivated there, says an even older rule of political science. We all have been too much taken in by the thousand-things-to-do. The times have taken away our balance, that tempering force without which we are at peace neither with ourselves nor with our neighbors. The wisdom of the world was madness if, in teaching men how to subdue nature and transform the earth, it made them turn their back on life. The nineteenth century’s materialism won the allegiance of every party – classical economists, anarchists, socialists of the scientific, utopian, and Christian varieties, communists and democrats. To know anything at all, to be man at all, is to do, is to act, to produce, to make something out of matter, something other than it was. Contrast this with the motto found inscribed on a sundial: Horas non numero nisi serenas. That the hours don’t count unless they’re serene is not a new notion. What is the good life?, asks Seneca. Thomas Jefferson answers him in his own tongue: Tranquillitas. (Sebastian de Grazia, Of Time, Work, and Leisure, p. 2 – 4)

“Why haven’t we moved on?” de Grazia asks… and then Studs Terkel asked again ten years later…


…the question that won’t… can’t… go away….


…it is our biological inheritance… freedom and light… merging in life.


“Why [is ‘power’] so afraid?” asks my son in our first audio column…


…and now… as de Grazia says… with the clearing of the dust… it’s obvious…


…‘power’ is afraid of us.


What’s important to see is that ‘class’ wears the mask ‘democracy’…


…that it’s always been used to excuse… the violation of good fellowship that is human categorization and ranking of humans…


…and that the relation of ‘class’ is essentially a ‘parent-child’ dynamic…


…in which the children (us) identify with… and mime… the master….


That being so…


…we adopt their fear as our own…


…and feel suspicion and mistrust for each other…


…which being so means…


…‘democracy’ interferes with our responsibility to each other.



Why haven’t we moved on? Why do we keep recycling the same issues endlessly?…


…given our nature is freedom… given the nature of life is to learn? Why haven’t we moved on?


Yesterday I heard on the radio the oft-repeated and extremely annoying lie that our natures are violent… and that “we need to learn from the bonobos how to be peaceful…”


“We can’t do it! We absolutely can’t do it!” sounding a bit exultant about it.


“Are you violent?” I would have asked her.




But, she would have added, “we, as a species, have a capacity to be violent…”


“We have a capacity to be anything,” I would have answered… which is why a ‘class system’ is a form of totalitarianism…


…or its seed…


…or incipiency.


We are violent under conditions of non-freedom.


So what did Marcuse mean by “the democratic introjection”?


He means that it’s through ‘democracy’… or ‘socialism’… or ‘communism’… or ‘social-democracy’… that we identify with the masters…


…that we have an interest in our own slavery…


…and treat each other as ruthlessly as they treat us.


The anti-war movement hasn’t done its analysis…

…if we want ‘peace’…

…we must work to ensure we all get…

…our freedom.


(This discussion of ‘democracy’ continues at: "Naming the Future: “What Do We Call It? Who Cares? It Means ‘Freedom’”")



01.15.12 – : * "What Is 'Freedom'? and Popper quote - 1:"


If disdain for earth and our ‘commerce’ with it is at the core of your theory of change… there seems… if based (à la Rosa) in reality… little hope… for generalized human freedom….

Just as the savage must wrestle with nature in order to satisfy his needs, to keep alive, and to reproduce, so must the civilized man; and he must continue to do so in all forms of society and under all possible forms of production. This kingdom of necessity expands with its development, and so does the range of human needs. Yet at the same time, there is an expansion of the productive forces which satisfy these needs. (Karl Marx, Capital, Vol. 3, quoted in Karl Popper, The Open Society and Its Enemies, Vol. 2: The High Tide of Prophesy: Hegel, Marx and the Aftermath, p. 105.)


Similar views are expressed by Engels. The expansion of modern means of production, according to Engels, has created “for the first time… the possibility of securing for every member of society… an existence not only… sufficient from a material point of view, but also… warranting the… development and exercise of his physical and mental faculties.” With this, freedom becomes possible, i.e. the emancipation from the flesh. “At this point… man finally cuts himself off from the animal world, leaves… animal existence behind him and enters conditions which are really human.” Man is in fetters exactly in so far as he is dominated by economics; when “the domination of the product over producers disappears…, man… becomes, for the first time, the conscious and real master of nature, by becoming master of his own social environment… Not until then will man himself, in full consciousness, make his own history… It is humanity’s leap from the realm of necessity into the realm of freedom.” (Karl Popper, The Open Society and Its Enemies, Vol. 2, p. 105. Quotes are from Friedrich Engels, Anti-Duhring)


There is a well-known passage in Capital, where Marx says that “in Hegel’s writing, dialectics stands on its head; one must turn it the right way up again…” Its tendency is clear. Marx wished to show that the ‘head’, i.e. human thought, is not itself the basis of human life but rather a kind of superstructure, on a physical basis. A similar tendency is expressed in the passage: “The ideal is nothing other than the material when it has been transposed and translated inside the human head.” But it has not, perhaps, been sufficiently recognized that these passages do not exhibit a radical form of materialism; rather, they indicate a certain leaning toward a dualism of body and mind. It is, so to speak, a practical dualism. Although, theoretically, mind was to Marx apparently only another form (or another aspect, or perhaps an epi-phenomenon) of matter, in practice it is different from matter, since it is another form of it. The passages quoted indicate that although our feet have to be kept, as it were, on the firm ground of the material world, our heads – and Marx thought highly of human heads – are concerned with thoughts or ideas. In my opinion, Marxism and its influence cannot be appreciated unless we recognize this dualism….

…But although he recognized that the material world and its necessities are fundamental, he did not feel any love for the “kingdom of necessity,” as he called a society which is in the bondage to its material needs. He cherished the spiritual world, the “kingdom of freedom,” and the spiritual side of ‘human nature’, as much as any Christian dualist; and in his writings there are even traces of hatred and contempt for the material. (Karl Popper, The Open Society and Its Enemies, Vol. 2: The High Tide of Prophesy: Hegel, Marx and the Aftermath, p. 102 – 3. Quotes are from Karl Marx, Capital, Vol. 1)

If ‘freedom’ means “free from being tied to the earth”… then “Plato’s ‘world’” may be the best vision you can come up with.


“Who will ‘seed and feed and harvest’?” Plato reasons.

“Not me,” says he…

…I want to be free to think.”


During all of my life of focused-probing, when the possibility of a world of shared work and responsibility was thrown into the room for discussion, someone would invariably ask, “But who will do the dirty work?”


The drudgery.


And we haven’t advanced much in debunking the issue as Marx and Engels and their subsequent students dismissed the examples of communalism around them as ‘primitive.’




Living and thinking (being) authentically means having a direct connection to truth… earth…


…a reverence which in practical terms means ‘wholeness’.


And so…


…far from a division between mental and manual labor resulting in intellectual stimulation, it results in intellectual stagnation….


And Creation under this unnatural regimen relies on mere linear iteration of what those who did think authentically… (wholistically…


…with brain and hand and heart all ‘one’…

Instinct is something which transcends knowledge. We have, undoubtedly, certain finer fibers that enable us to perceive truths when logical deduction, or any other willfull effort of the brain, is futile. (Nikola Tesla, Autobiography, p. 29)

One day, as I was roaming the mountains, I sought shelter from an approaching storm. The sky became overhung with heavy clouds, but somehow the rain was delayed until, all of a sudden, there was a lightening flash and a few moments after, a deluge. This observation set me thinking. (Autobiography, p. 41)

…in communion [merging] with the earth [truth]…)


…depends on what these large and loving and fully living saw and shared….


The ‘good livers’ are the ‘good thinkers.’

I had been looking for a long while and with profound melancholy at Holbein’s ploughman, and I was walking in the country, pondering over life in the fields and the destiny of the husbandman…. This wealth which covers the ground, these harvests and fruits, these splendid beasts fattening in the long grass, are the property of the few, and the instruments of the fatigue and slavery of the greater number. The man of leisure does not generally love for their own sake either fields or meadows, the sight of Nature, or the superb animals which are to be converted into gold pieces for his use….

On the other hand, the toiler is too dejected, too wretched, and too fearful of the future to enjoy the beauty of the country and the charms of rustic life. (George Sand, The Haunted Pool)


Beauty does not exist separately, by itself. It is the property of all… beauty is all days, and all things.

We grow out of the earth, out of all its impurities, and everything that is on earth is also in us. (Andrey Platonov)


On the day when he reached the thirtieth year of his personal life Voshchev was discharged from the small machine factory where he had earned the means of his existence. The dismissal notice stated that he was being separated from his job because of his increasing loss of powers and tendency to stop and think amidst the general flow of work….

Voshchev picked up his sack and went out into the night. The questioning sky glowed over him with the tormenting power of its stars….

You did not know the meaning of your life, Voshchev thought with careful sympathy. Lie here, I’ll find out why you lived and died. Since nobody needs you and you are lying uselessly in the middle of things, I will keep and remember you.

“Everything lives and suffers in the world, without understanding or knowledge,” said Voshchev, and got up from the roadside to go on, surrounded by general patient existence. “It’s as if someone, or some few, had drawn the feeling of certainty out of us and taken it for themselves.” (Andrey Platonov, The Foundation Pit)


Those that much covet are with gain so fond

That what they have not – that which they possess –

They scatter and unloose it from their bond,

And so by hoping more they have but less,

Or gaining more, the profit of excess

         Is but to surfeit, and such griefs sustain,

         That they prove bankrupt in this poor-rich gain.

(William Shakespeare, The Rape Of Lucrece)


Yet Nature is eternally young, beautiful, and generous. She sheds poetry and beauty upon all beings, upon all plants which are allowed to develop fully in the country. She possesses the secret of happiness, and no one has been able to steal it from her. The happiest of men would be he who, working intelligently and laboring with his hands, drawing comfort and liberty from the exercise of his intelligent strength, should have time to live through his heart and his brain, to comprehend his own work and that of God. (George Sand, The Haunted Pool)


Sweet Content

Art thou poor, yet hast thou golden slumbers?

         O sweet content!

Art thou rich, yet is thy mind perplex’d?

         O punishment!

Dost thou laugh to see how fools are vex’d

To add to golden numbers golden numbers?

         O sweet content! O sweet, O sweet content!

Work apace, apace, apace, apace;

Honest labour bears a lovely face;

Then hey nonny nonny – hey nonny nonny!


Canst drink the waters of the crisped spring?

         O sweet content!

Swimst thou in wealth, yet sink’st in thine own tears?

         O punishment!

Then he that patiently want’s burden bears,

No burden bears, but is a king, a king!

         O sweet content! O sweet, O sweet content!

Work apace, apace, apace, apace;

Honest labour bears a lovely face;

Then hey nonny nonny – hey nonny nonny!

(Thomas Dekker, 1575 – 1641)


* "George Sand Extended Excerpt - 1:"

Happiness would be wherever the mind, the heart, and the arm should work together beneath the eye of Providence, so that a holy harmony should exist between the munificence of God and the rapture of the human soul. Then, instead of a pitiful and frightful Death stalking whip in hand along the furrow, the allegorical painter [Holbein] might set by the laborer’s side a radiant angel, sowing the blessed wheat broadcast over the smoking soil.


And the dream of a sweet, free, poetic, laborious, and simple life for the tiller of the soil is not so difficult to conceive that it need be dismissed as a chimera. Virgil’s sad but sweet words, “Oh happy the man of the fields, if he but knew his happiness!” are a regret; but like all regrets, they are also a prediction. A day will come when the husbandman will be able to be an artist also, – if not to express (which will then matter little enough), at least to feel the beautiful. Does any one suppose that this mysterious intuition of poetry is not already in him in the condition of an instinct and a vague revery? Among those who are already protected by a little wealth, and in whom excessive wretchedness does not stifle all moral and intellectual developments, pure, conscious, and appreciated happiness exists in an elemental state. Besides, if from the abodes of wretchedness and weariness poets’ voices have already risen, why should it be said that manual labor precludes the functions of the soul? No doubt this preclusion is the general result of excessive toil and abject poverty; but let it not be said that when man shall work moderately and usefully there shall be none but bad workmen and bad poets. He who draws noble delights from the sentiment of poetry is a true poet, though he has never written a line in all his life.


My thoughts had taken this course… I was walking along the edge of a field which the peasants were preparing for the forthcoming sowing…. At the top of the field an old man, whose broad back and severe face recalled Holbein’s ploughman, but whose garments did not proclaim poverty, was gravely driving his plough of antique shape, drawn by two calm oxen with hides of a pale yellow, – true patriarchs of the meadow, tall, somewhat thin, with long, drooping horns, – those old work-cattle which long habit has made “brothers,” as they are called by our peasants, and which, when one loses the other, refuse to work with a new companion, and allow themselves to die of sorrow. People who do not know the country say that the friendship of an ox for his yoke-fellow is a fable. Let them come and see in some dark corner of a stable a poor, thin, worn-out animal, beating its lean flanks with its restless tail, snorting with fright and contempt at the food which is offered it, with its eyes always turned toward the door, pawing the empty place at it side, sniffing at the yokes and chains which its companion has worn, and ceaselessly calling it with lamentable lowings. The ox-herd will say, “There are a pair of oxen lost; his brother is dead, and this one will never work again. We ought to fatten him to kill; but he will not eat, and soon he will be dead of hunger.”…


But what next attracted my attention was a really fine spectacle, – a subject worthy of a painter. At the opposite end of the arable plain a good-looking young man was driving a magnificent team, – four pairs of young animals with mingled black and tawny hides which gave out glints as of fire, with those short and curly heads which still show the wild bull, and those great wild eyes, those sudden movements, that nervous and abrupt manner of working, still resenting the yoke and the goad, and only obeying with quiverings of anger a recently imposed authority. They were what are called “newly yoked” oxen. The man who drove them had to break up a corner…filled with old roots, – an arduous task for which his energy, his youth, and his eight almost wild cattle were hardly sufficient….


…When the obstacle was surmounted and the train resumed its regular and solemn progress, the laborer, whose feigned violence was only an exercise of strength and an expenditure of activity, quickly resumed the serenity of a simple soul, and cast a look of fatherly contentment upon his child, who turned about to smile at him. Then the manly voice of this young father would raise the solemn and melancholy refrain which the ancient tradition of the district transmits, not to all laborers indiscriminately, but to the most consummate in the art of exciting and sustaining the spirit of working cattle. This song – the origin of which was perhaps considered sacred, and to which mysterious influences must formerly have been attributed – is still reputed to possess the virtue of supporting the courage of these animals, of quieting their irritation, and of charming the weariness of their long tasks. It is not enough to know how to drive them well, tracing the furrow perfectly straight and lightening their labor by raising the iron share or by sinking it deeper into the ground; no one is a perfect husbandman who does not know how to sing to his oxen, and that is a science by itself which demands a special taste and ability.


This song is, indeed, only a kind of recitative broken off and resumed at will. Its irregular form and its intonations, which are false according to the rules of the musical art, make it indescribable. But it is none the less a beautiful song, and so appropriate to the nature of the work which it accompanies, to the pace of the oxen, to the calmness of the rustic scene, to the simplicity of the men who sing it, that no genius unfamiliar with the labor of the ground could have invented it, and no singer other than a skilful husbandman of that district could repeat it. At the periods of the year when there is no other work or movement in the country than that of the ploughing, this song, so sweet and so powerful, rises like a voice of the breeze, to which its peculiar tonality gives it a certain resemblance. The final note of each phrase, held and shaken with an incredible length and power of breath, rises a quarter of a tone, sharping systematically. It is wild, but the charm of it is unspeakable; and when one is accustomed to hear it, one cannot imagine how any other song could arise at these hours and in these spots without disturbing their harmony. (George Sand, The Haunted Pool)


12.23.11 – : * "The 'There'"


‘There’ I see… as a two-sided thing… which… once we’re free… we’ll flip effortlessly… daily.


On one side is the day-to-day… far-from-mundane… human-scale… inventing….


This part is a breeze because there’s so much accumulated communal wisdom out there just waiting to be seen. (My friend Bob saw something very like an * "Earthship" in excavations of ancient terraced dwellings in Ecuador.) I mean, living in harmony with our Grandmother and each other is our genetic norm…


…which is why we’re fighting so furiously right now to restore it…


…so, once free… we’ll come together and re-design our living arrangements to maximize fun and earth-restoration / communing… reverence… and love.


On the other side is the Magic Mirror through which we step into the world-way-well-beyond our doors…


…and our accumulated knowledge means… we can decide to do… damn near anything… proportionally…

…as we grow…

…and share this knowledge among us….


What I would love… are big Plazas with big screens used for communal gatherings… global reverencings… singing… playing… feasting… saying…



01.16.12 – 01.17.12:

When you understand the theory…

…of what makes healthy beings…

…it’s obvious what we need…

…and what our future must be.


Our future’s made of sylvan musicking…

…sky-watching and meditating…

…it’s made of gardens we work commonly…

…and dance and song and poetry…

…it’s made of restoring our ancestors to their rightful roles…

…in their proper stories…

…it’s made of continuous community re-design…

[…and by the way… if we really were ‘self-governing’…

…wouldn’t we want a place held commonly…

…in perpetuity…

…with a mural that represented…

…our common vision…

…of the future we want…

…in reference to…

…and looking forward and back…

…we would ask ourselves…

…“are we on track?”]

…and helping our neighbors world-wide…

…it’s made of time alone with the earth…

…and sharing each others burdens.




Every village would have its sheep…

…giving us wool and delicate cheese…

…and the soothing songs they sing…

…cooing our babies to sleep…


…and chickens for friendship and eggs…

…and tactile sensuousness…

…and knowledge of how they rest…

…snugged ‘shoogily’-warm in their nests.

(Tillie Olsen gave us ‘shoogily.’)



But… you ask…“what of ‘the sciences’?”

In the ‘There’ curiousity is unleashed…

…and ‘science’ will no longer be…

…a weapon used ideologically…

…to suppress the vast majority.

All the existing buildings and things…

…will be maintained…

…by them that treat them…


…and are learning simultaneously…

…the joys of self-sufficiency.

It will be a labor of love…

…the study of earth…

…not getting off on…

…a pretend-preening-preeminence…

…on sitting above…

…while squashing souls…


O no.


01.15.12 – : * "Issues for The 'There' - 1:"


I think the ‘There’ we need would prioritize flexibility… i.e. relaxed, easy, joyful, openness… with babies.


In Africa every muscle is massaged from birth so that babies will grow into adults who are very, very loose.


This is a millennia-old practice that creates physical grace… surely a quality we’d want to embrace.


Particularly when seen in relief against the historical practice of European elites…


…in deference to Plato’s dicta… abandoned unwanted children (those who fell short of ‘perfection’… or threatened ‘wealth’ with dillution)….


Babies culled frequently came to be cared for by commoners…


…or were placed outside foundling homes…


…or… perished.


The stiffness of ‘Western’ elites… and those who identify with them… can literally be tracked… to this history of child abandonment.


And… to the degree that we commoners adopted the child-rearing practices of ‘power’… we lost… in that false ‘exchange’… physical, mental, and emotional grace…


…and Empathy.


Fear of abandonment led to an obsession with ‘perfection’… with being ‘perfect’… and to an obsessive need for praise….


An obsession with ‘perfection’ is also a fear of being wrong…


…which led to an obsession with ‘proof’.


For the spirit formed from lies…

(…i.e. the lie that one must strive…to be ‘perfect’…

…and must ‘achieve’ the reward of being ‘seen’ and praised…)

…truth is a luxury it cannot afford…

…as ‘power’ will not reward it…

…for ‘power’ hides behind scenes…

…and ‘works’ to deceive…

…the vast majority.


This is a problem for getting to our future freedom because we need truth to have conviction, and conviction to have courage, and courage to challenge Convention.


And this is a problem for getting to our future freedom because the public communication infrastructure – the main means by which we can talk together and merge our thoughts commonly – in order to discover truth and achieve conviction… is largely controlled by ‘power’…


And this is a problem for getting to our future freedom because if we – the majority – cannot come together and talk with one another in order to achieve conviction, how will we design an alternative path to ‘power’?


The discussions we need won’t come from the punditry… these children of abandonment are owned… bought and sold… by the goal… of praise-seeking.



…on our own…

…we must forge new means of communicating…

…new routes to truth…

…by sharing with each other…

…the theory that reveals it.




The story of the blind men and the elephant is a time-tested method of explaining the truth of ‘truth’.


‘Power’ is very vigilant in attempting to confuse us on this point… telling us… via its propagandists… that ‘truth’ is ‘relative’…


…as the truth that “truth is earth” runs way too counter to… ‘the system.’


So… if you’re confused on the point… think of the elephant… that’s truth…


…i.e. it is what it is and will be what it is whatever you ‘think’ about it.


So the blind man holding the elephant’s trunk and proclaiming it a snake doesn’t make it a snake…


…it makes him mistaken.

[It’s only from the perspective of the whole that the truth may be known.

To know what’s true… you must look at it all ’round.]

There are varying interpretations… (opinions)

…but despite ‘power’s’ phony tallying and shilly-shallying…

…truth is truth until the end of reckoning.




…when your ‘thought’ consists of leaping from one mid-air fabrication to the next…

…never touching down…

– for you exist…

…solely in the artificial realm of ‘power’-sanctioned-‘thought’…

– I well see… ‘truth’ may seem…

…a very ‘flexible’ thing.


To illustrate, let’s take one of ‘power’s’ made-up concepts so we may consider what ‘truth’ is in it: ‘development’.


01.17.12 – : * "Authentic 'Economics' - 6: The Intersection of Language & Politics is... 'Economics' (i.e. Propaganda)"

Actually… ‘development’… is a step removed (afloat) from earth, so let’s use ‘growth’…


…it’s a better earth-referent…


…it has a link to what we can see:

…the seed sprout…

…the bloom unfold…

…the mounting waters rise against the banks…

…the building fury as our earth is forced to endure…

…outrage upon outrage.


So ‘growth’ when applied to Life is truth:

…that which is alive interacts with other life…

…and things completely new sprout as a result….



…this idea…

…when applied to that which is not alive…

…like ‘money’…

…is a lie.




– what’s false –

…is hidden in what’s true…

…to con us.


So… if mounting money does not mean life is growing (the only authentic [true] use of ‘growth’), what does it mean?


It means forests destroyed… and oceans despoiled… and human beings made means and treated like debris.


But ‘growth’ has a sound so much more sweet, doesn’t it?




A few years back I read a book about “the shadow elite”…


…without skipping a beat…


…from governments to corporations…

…while carrying on their true conversations…

…only behind scenes.


It’s not a book I’d recommend…


…she’s much too impressed with these men…

…who use both ‘business’ and ‘government’…

…as mere means to serve ‘larger’ schemes….


But it did reveal the truth to us…

…that ‘business’ and ‘power’ are not coterminous…

…and that it’s precisely because the actions of ‘business’…

…can’t be indefinitely concealed from us…

(…as they must at times be scrutinized…

…by governments whose leads…

…sometimes lengthen…


…that their true means…

…of inter-communicating…

…will never be seen.


All to say…

…the reason the earth has been trashed in this way….

…is not due to an ‘Invisible Hand’ at play….

The ‘forces’ at work…

…are not of ‘the market’…

…but actual earth-sprung…


…who plan…

…what, where and why…

… to plant propaganda…


…and that the words pundits cast…

…when they endorse a statist stance…

…are not necessarily by happenstance.


Case in point… I heard one say recently, “We really want to focus on solutions in 2012. If there was a policy change you would make today, what would it be?”…


…i.e. a very neat substitution of ‘policy’ for ‘solutions.’


Propaganda can be very subtly slipped in… between the lines… between the thoughts… unbeknownst…


…but also often knownst.


Now, she may honestly believe that there’s no alternative to ‘politics as usual’… i.e. ‘measures’:

…crafting… sponsoring…

…rallying to endorse them…

…passing… signing…

…non-profits to enforce them…

…and then starting over…

…with more legislation…

…but I don’t think so…


…as it wasn’t long ago…

…that she hosted a show…

…that showed the oceans didn’t have…

…very long to go.…


So her reduction in scope of so-called ‘solutions’ to a ‘more of the same’ push for more law… when we all know we’ve been playing that game for decades piled tall… and the health for commoners and the planet overall… is downward-spiraling out-of-control… strikes me as…




Another case in point…


During a recent discussion of ‘democracy’, a pundit was asked, “How can we have ‘democracy’ when we have a global economy?”


And the pundit replied (perhaps with a twinkle in his eye), “Well, we must make do. I don’t want a global state, do you?”


Neatly misdirecting us… from the obvious alternative… of globally inter-connected… small villages.


I hope we will not allow the limits given out by ‘the state’ (which is expressed in the words of pundits) to delimit the world we decide to make.




So we have ‘power’ that does not play by any rules… and a Left punditry that scrupulously searches out every rule it could possibly have missed in order to diligently follow it.


(In fact, they pride themselves on their mastery of the rules… or the minutiae of corrupt wheels and deals… forgetting time and again the alleged point of their endeavors: in theory they want to narrow the gaps, collapse the inequities… but by the time they remember, they’re history.)


We are ruled (literally, dominated… controlled… by rules…) by a ‘system’ that is based on not giving credit where credit is due… and all of us participate in this duplicity… which is what I mean by ‘complicity’.


The original of this ‘business’… is treating the earth with contempt… as mere ‘object’… rather than as ‘all’… as ‘relation’… as ‘source’….


Those who touch earth with love and humility…

…when they handle the animals that plow it…

…when they return to the soil what they got from it…

…when they labor unseen…

…for the benefit of those who have leisure…

…when they are allowed none of it…


…harbor the truth that we need.





01.17.12 – : * "Issues For The 'There' - 2:"


Happiness… is also a quality we want to see…


…in the ‘there’….


And propaganda-plants notwithstanding… it isn’t a function of one’s mental state… it’s a function of… the degree to which we… self-create…


…as we’re living things… and that’s what living things do.


But what complicates matters is that thoughts are also “positive as sound”… as Emily saw….




…if a cat believes it eats because it has trained you to feed it…

…that may in fact be true…

…and not irrelevant to ‘truth’…

…in which…

…inherent Life…

…and its ability to unfold uncoerced by seen and unseen conscious forces…

[Real misfortune in not just a matter of being hungry and thirsty; it is a matter of knowing that there are people who want you to be hungry and thirsty – and that is the way it is with us. (Ousmane Sembene)]

…is ‘all’.




00.00.00 – : * "..."

The ‘There’


Re: The Power-Down Implications Of The Right To Shelter...

Three Moons Circling Round Any NEW Plan To Power-Down:

1. Cultivating Reverence (For All That Has Been Used, Abused, And Treated With Contempt),

2. Distributed Generation Of Alternative Energy (Including Human Energy); and

3. Communal Living & Land (The Future In The Present).


*** ...planning our future is a school... in which we "claim the commons" as we reclaim our consciousness...


– a school which calls on all the progressive "thinkers" out there who are willing to play a key role getting us to that future freedom without bosses...to help end all divisions between us...


– and any Plan or school in which we "claim the commons" and redeem human energy...

...will require Wading Into The Muck Of State. * See below.

...And consider The Hidden Malevolence noted in this: ** Correspondence with Sister Joan.


In Waking Up, I wrote that there are those who naturally tend to the various 'claiming-the-commons-tactics' – interfacing with the State being a key piece. Can I say that this is not a piece that I play well (to say the least)? I guess my Activism Aikido needs some tuning....So your suggestions are welcome. The three key principles that I can see at this point:


Cultivating Reverence (For All That Has Been Used, Abused, And Treated With Contempt):

The Ancestors (identifying and honoring those who've gone before .)

...Who lived before on the soil we work, and how honor them?

...What can we learn from the first folks on this land?


The Earth (prioritizing low-impact).

...How to best work with (live lightly on) the earth?

...How best to 'seed' so the earth can best feed?


Each Other (prioritizing youth of color and those with no fixed abodes).

...How best to respond to immediate need...to make life easier now for those burdened with the weight of 'society's' contempt?

...How best to facilitate their planning process?



Distributed Generation Of Alternative Energy (Including Human Energy):

..."Identify which cities in the Transition Movement have set up Energy Services Companies (ESCOs) 'owned by the community, to provide locally generated electricity,'” (from Waking Up, The Plan, Pt. 12)

...Identify Multiple "Test-Sites" on which the low / no-income interested in learning how to build, and live in, Earthships, could begin to build (free of irrelevant code hindrances).

...Promote a "re-valuation of human beings" – and life in general – by assessing local ordinances for their compliance with "life-first" values.



Communal Living & Land (The Future In The Present)

(Everything we grow now harmonizes with our future freedom....If "good fellowship" is to be our future it will need communal land in which to grow – fueled by human energy...and public funds. We have to build the demand for communal land.)

...Land Grants To "The People"...set aside for communal living...in perpetuity.

...Code Suspensions...including building codes, business codes for the low / no-income, and inducements for small businesses that provide public toilet access.

...Free "Earthship-Building" Workshops for the Low / No-Income.


*** ...planning our future is a school...

...He looked at me with a strange look and said, "make?"...I am serious. And at the right moment this memory can be such a sad realization of the state of things that it nearly brings tears to my eyes. He literally believed that noodles grew....

Is that his fault? I don't think wholly. The government caused him to be lazy – caused the society to become lazy and dependent upon commercial agriculture and commodities. (D. Michael Salerno)

[From "Our Responsibility" (Eighteen)]

...I see "planning our future" as a school...

...the ideas that emerge from it as tools...

– planting seeds...


Saturday, 05.15.10

As I visit and listen to folks' longing for freedom...

...the over-pulsing reaction that comes to me is...

...why does it seem...

...that no one is taking...

...the "Mr. Smith Virus" more seriously?...


...What all of us have to get clearer about...

...is that vampires think...

...in terms of centuries...

...not decades...

...they traverse many lifetimes...

...they span millennia...

...their strategy has always been...

...identify the ones vulnerable to flattery...

...apply strokes...carrots...sticks...

...feign defeat at times...

...whatever it takes...

...then sit on the dollars...

...and wait....


...The land truly reclaimed...

...must be made...

..."the people's" in perpetuity....


...The chief thing they're afraid of is...

...communal living....


...Once you see that...

...once you know...

– once it's obvious what they fear –

– our strategy as well as our future's made clear....


...The question we must never allow to be trumped...

...is "what...future...do...we...want?"...

...Is it a future of folks competing individually?...

...for a miniscule portion of the earth made a commodity?...

...Is this what is good for the earth and her children?...

...Or is it a different arrangement of things...

...that is needed?...


...We have the right and, moreover, the responsibility...

...to not settle...

...for anything less...than the full kettle....


...Which means reclaiming bodies...


...in their entirety...and in perpetuity....


...Because so long as "the system" breathes...

...each body will represent "the state" in hiding...

...but in the future that we birth...

...each body will represent the earth.

Saturday, 05.15.10

...with your ideas...

...with your ideas...

...with your ideas...

...with your ideas...


...with your ideas...


See: Wading Into The Muck Of State.


*   On Wednesday, October 14th, 2009 I went to a meeting of Berkeley's Homeless Commission and shared with them and the audience a...Proposal To Allocate $331,200 Of Berkeley's $1.3 Million In Stimulus Dollars Designated For The Homeless To Fund An Earthship Construction "Test-Site" Built By And For The City's Chronic Homeless.


I share it with you below. I learned that that $1.3 million is already divvied up and gone...


...but they let me blurt out my piece and invited me to come back.


Dt:        October 14, 2009

To:         Homeless Commission, City of Berkeley

Fm:         Pamela Satterwhite

Re:   Proposal to Allocate $331,200 of Berkeley’s $1.3 Million in Stimulus Dollars Designated For the Homeless to Fund an Earthship Construction “Test-Site” Built By And For the City’s Chronic Homeless

Dear Commissioners:


Globally, a local community-based movement is building known as the ‘Transition Movement.’ Its goal is to “support community-led responses to peak oil and climate change.” It began in Kinsale, Ireland and Totnes, England a few years ago. Its centerpiece is the design of what its practitioners call an “Energy Descent Action Plan” – and what I think of as a “Power-Down Plan” – based on the use, reclamation, and promotion of “alternative energy.”


Its key precepts are: ‘sustainable living,’ ‘wise energy-use,’ ‘reduced-consumption,’ ‘self-reliance-building,’ and ‘waste-reduction.’


In the spirit of “radical redefinition,” which I believe the times call for, I would like to propose to you that Berkeley design a “Power-Down Plan” that takes as its starting point and base the reclamation of discarded and unappreciated human energy. Such a plan could establish an important precedent for the justice and rationality of addressing homelessness from an environmental standpoint and become the urban standard for this model.


I believe the most effective such model would include three key elements:


        1. Setting aside communal land and onerous irrelevant codes for a “test site”;

        2. Building Earthships;

        3. Teaching Earthship-Construction to those interested among the homeless.


* "Earthships"

What Is An Earthship?:

  An Earthship is a house built into the earth, in balance with the earth, facing south, maintaining a constant seventy-degree temperature simply by its design, completely self-sustaining: it fries its’ human feces, the resulting ashes fertilize the plants growing within the house itself; it grows its own food, generates its own energy, and collects its own water.


As to why this remarkable structure has not been more widely utilized, its creator, Michael Reynolds, replies as follows:

We have corralled ourselves with laws and codes that, while written to protect us, are also keeping us from evolving at the pace necessary to keep up with global change and population explosion. This is much like a barn built to protect horses from the cold. By an act of fate it catches on fire and traps them inside to burn to death. Due to global change and increasing population, our barn is burning. Our laws and codes have become barriers that won’t let us escape the burning barn fast enough to survive. The future will bring humanity extreme hardship unless we can bypass certain laws and codes in designated areas in order to experiment with new and more logical ways of living in our physical environment.
In the 1940s, New Mexico designated several thousand acres of land for testing weapons of nuclear destruction. There, scientists dropped an atomic bomb. Many codes and environmental standards were put aside for this endeavor in the name of defense from our enemies. Can’t we now take this same bold step to designate both acreage and legislation in every state to explore methods of sustainable life on this planet? The evolution of sustainable living methods must be allowed a “test site,” free from the crippling restraints of laws, codes and basic human encumbrances, in the name of defense…
…from our own failing methods of living.

In his Earthships, Vol. 1 he writes:

The only real major piece of equipment needed to build a tire building is a backhoe…Other typical tools needed are a chain saw, skill saw, and a cement mixer…The secondary materials are those which make up the fill in walls, ceilings, floors, glazing, and miscellaneous carpentry…Floors can be made from any local indigenous material from concrete to flagstone to tile or wood. Some Earthships in New Mexico have used adobe mud floors which are traditional in the area. They are very beautiful and will work anywhere. Floors should take advantage of local materials that are of a low energy impact nature, however they are quite conventional in the application to the Earthship structure. (p. 78-9)

The largest expense in Earthship construction is labor –­ the strictly voluntary labor of those interested in participating. The cost of earth removal and collecting the automobile tires and recycled aluminum cans (the primary building materials of the earthship) is relatively modest.


The advantages of using Stimulus funds to address homelessness in this manner are multifold: granting land to those without homes for the purpose of designing and building their own earthships offers the potential of a permanent solution for the people involved, requiring a modest initial outlay rather than on-going funding; it imparts real knowledge and skills that are broadly useful, and needed to address the climate crisis; it will re-claim, beautify and cultivate abandoned land; and it will empower all involved in the project.


The seemingly intractable problem of homelessness needs a fresh approach and vision, which I believe this model reflects. I hope you will agree to explore it further.


Pamela Satterwhite, P.O. Box 3952, Berkeley, CA 94703, 510.506.0080




One of the Commissioners asked me to give them, when I come back, "a specific model of what's been done elsewhere"....


...This is the usual screen to preclude the possibility of anything even mildly suggestive of 'freedom'...


...As it doesn't exist anywhere it mustn't exist anywhere.


[From: OnTheRoadLog 49, Friday, 10.16.09 ]



To:         Housing Advisory Commission, City of Berkeley, November 5, 2009


Fm:         Pamela Satterwhite


Re:    Comment to “November 5th Public Hearing On Housing and Community Needs”:
The Need To Set Aside Communal Land For Housing Arrangements and Gardens – To Be Held In Common In Perpetuity – e.g. an Earthship Village Built By And For The Low / No-Income


Dear Commissioners:


The current crisis facing the planet and the nation calls for new thinking in approaching seemingly intractable problems. In the case of ever-widening income disparities stemming from increased financial speculation in the banking industry (leading to our current foreclosure crisis) – and resultant increased displacement of low- and working-class people from their communities – the most promising new way of thinking merges environmental concerns with the demand for universal human dignity.


More and more people in the U.S. are thinking along these same lines (see Addendum 1.)

Globally, a local community-based movement is building to “support community-led responses to peak oil and climate change.” Inherent in the growing environmental concern is an understanding that gross income disparities, tied to an unsustainable disconnection of human beings from our earth, is the root of the problem.


It is estimated that we are perhaps mid-way into the current foreclosure crisis and that millions more among us will find ourselves without a roof over our heads at night. New housing and community land-use projects – serving low-income and working-class communities in the City of Berkeley – should, given the joint environmental and foreclosure crises, take as their starting point and base the reclamation of discarded and unappreciated human energy, tied to a redefined relationship to the earth.


As a South Berkeley resident I can speak to the destabilizing effect of financial speculation in real estate on our community. People are losing their homes all around me, and beyond even this, there is a growing sense that we low-income residents are considered ‘expendable’ and irrelevant to the design of our own communities. If allowed to design and build our own “Earthship Village” it would establish an important precedent for the justice and rationality of addressing the housing shortage from an environmental standpoint, and become the urban standard for this perspective.

I believe the most effective such model would include three key elements:


  1. Setting aside communal land and onerous irrelevant codes for a “test site”;

  2. Teaching Earthship-Construction to those interested within the community;

  3. Building Earthships.


(see above description: What Is An Earthship?**)


The largest expense in Earthship construction is labor –­ the strictly voluntary labor of those interested in participating. The cost of earth removal and collecting the automobile tires and recycled aluminum cans (the primary building materials of the Earthship) is relatively modest.


The advantages of using public housing funds to address the housing shortage and the devastating lack of ‘community’ in this manner are multifold: granting land to those in need of homes for the purpose of designing and building their own Earthships offers the potential of a permanent solution for the people involved, requiring a modest initial outlay rather than on-going funding; it imparts real knowledge and skills that are broadly useful, and needed to address the climate crisis; it will re-claim, beautify and cultivate abandoned land; and it will empower all involved in the project.


On the issue of ‘cost’:
What is exciting about an Earthship Village project in “bottom-line” terms is that, much like the Earthship itself, the project is self-replicating. The up-front outlay is (with the exception of earth removal) a one-time-only cost that leads to a permanent, and healthy, solution to the problem of human displacement. I think we will find that working communally with one’s hands, designing and creating a shared dream, provides therapeutic as well as material results.


The seemingly intractable problem of homelessness and housing shortage needs a fresh approach and vision, which I believe this model reflects. I hope you will agree to explore it further.


Pamela Satterwhite, P.O. Box 3952, Berkeley, CA 94703, 510.506.0080


** Communication With Sister Joan:

Sister Joan helped co-found a straw-bale home construction project for the low-income in New Mexico called Tierra Madre. She recently responded (November 10, 2009 email) to a query from me asking whether the land used in the project was owned by the people. Here's an excerpt from her letter:

The project I worked with and helped co-found with new immigrants in Sunland Park, NM on the border is called Tierra Madre. It is a self-help straw-bale home construction that incorporates water harvesting and passive solar and solar water heaters. The situation there is much different than Berkeley...but here are a few details and learnings.


The people are impoverished and exploited by land developers, there is little access to land and the company that has land charges immense interest and can take the land at any time, since the interest is so high they could not qualify for loans for houses so the company also sold very energy inefficient trailer homes.


Tierra Madre is a non-profit and we found land to lease long term in a land trust from the state of NM land office. A very creative and workable solution. The homes are financed with a combination of various programs like Rural Housing Development a few banks, etc. Families go through classes and qualifications and must assist all the homeowners in a group to build the homes and no one moves in until all homes are complete. There is a requirement of certain hours. In addition, there is a community organization that they are part of and is more and more led by the families themselves. The whole community is also looking at economic development as the last of 47 straw-bale homes are completed. We had the support of the city government for the project, but they did not give us money. We sought grants, etc to do this project.


My reply:

** Dear Sister Joan: Thank you for responding to my query. I traveled recently to Taos, New Mexico to try – unsuccessfully as it turned out – to meet with Michael Reynolds, the creator of the Earthship. The drive there and back (revealing certain patterns) proved illustrative and troubling – specifically the fact that "the banks" are financing the beautification of urban areas – urban gardens, libraries, landscaping – while simultaneously finessing the removal of low-income people from those areas – through debt. I asked you about land ownership because I'm convinced that developing and extending communal (in perpetuity) land ownership is critical if we are to achieve our broad social justice goals, insuring that no one is left "on their own, alone." I personally am convinced that we need a mass movement to unseat 'Power' (my website is ) and I've written a book on this subject which I'd love to mail to you if you're interested (it's posted on the website so you can check it out there to decide if you are.)


Thanks for getting in touch. I'd love to remain in touch and help to further a process of shared problem-solving. Thanks so much for all you do.