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[Return to: Miklos Nyiszli's Lessons on Class (temporary page)] for audio files and transcripts of the June 1, 2014 Waking Up Radio show that discusses this notion of ‘inclusive capitalism’.


[Return to: “Keith Lowe Lessons From Savage Continent… For Building Our Future” (Part 1)] for audio files and transcripts for the July 6, 2014 through the September 28, 2014 Waking Up Radio shows.


[Return to: “Keith Lowe Lessons From Savage Continent… For Building Our Future” (Part 2)] for audio files and transcripts for the October 5, 2014 through the November, 2014 Waking Up Radio shows.


“Embracing Global Goals, Scope and Action: Becoming Global Actors… Claiming the ‘All’”


“Continuing: Prince and Proudhon Raise Up the Love" (for the March 5, 2017 and Subsequent Show Audio Files To…


These audio-files are presented with the most recent first.


For other recent show audio please go to the the: "Facing Fear... Raise Up Love" Audio Page and also to the first "Missing Audio" page, although it is being messed with, but it has the audio for earlier shows: Missing Audio Files - 1 Page




For older "Prince - Proudhon audio please visit "Prince - Proudhon" Audio - 3 Page


For older again "Prince - Proudhon audio please visit )"Prince - Proudhon" Audio - 2 Page


For even older "Prince - Proudhon audio please visit "(Original) Prince - Proudhon" Audio - 1 Page




…and the: "Prince - Proudhon Audio, Chronological, July 31, 2016 through January, 2017 . Page… and the: "Prince - Proudhon Audio in Chronological Order from April 24, 2016 (Coincident with the murder of Prince) to Nov. 20, 2016 Page…


…and please visit the: Prince "The Rainbow Children" page… we will discuss this work on December 25, 2016… (this page includes a Dec. 20, 2016 conversation with my son. Look for future conversations to come.)


The pdf of the "Prince and Proudhon" series of shows download: “Prince and Proudhon… "Raise Up Love - 2” (pdf file)



“Prince Songs… discussed on WUR beginning with October 16, 2016 show (in progress)”



Our May 21, 2017 Show:




Proudhon made an important point in our May 14, 2017 show… He said that government was not possible while property exists (and recall that Proudhon defines 'property' as “the sum of the abuses of property…”) Today he will reiterate his point by saying: “Politics is the science of liberty. The government of man by man (under whatever name it be disguised) is oppression. Society finds its highest perfection in the union of order with anarchy [i.e.… freedom in voluntary association…]” So you see… controlling the definitions is everything… Owning the lexicon – always critical for the viability of the 'power'-guys' cons (i.e. the invented stories and lies that keep we-the-people in harness… supporting their elevated status ['class'…]) whatever the scope of the cons – has never been more important to the maintenance of their privilege ('privilege' defined as the 'power' to make the decisions that determine what happens… i.e.… what work gets done in the global social arrangement… as a global social arrangement… which right now is 'class' [i.e.… global-planning as the tapestry within which our nations ply their gifts… is key…] Of course… what we want is the opposite of 'class'… as… 'class' shapes us to see abuse of each other and the earth as 'normal'… to accept misery and pain… as 'normal'… “part of the 'human condition…” This is hideous… Babies know different… but we're conditioned not to believe them… and then teach them they're wrong…)…




This is the 'end-game' moment when resource-shortages (resources for keeping seven billion 'occupied'…) the 'socialization' of the products of our human creativity (and here you should visualize all the inventions of Nikola Tesla… scaled up into our current electrical and electronic distribution system… providing for all the comforts of what is called 'modernity'…) – a.k.a. 'automation' and 'computerization' – and its resulting 'end-of-work' scenarios – combine with massive clean-up-and-fix-up costs from two hundred-plus years of unremediated destruction and trashing of the planet… to result in – as Proudhon and Polanyi suggested… and which has been most recently confirmed by Immanuel Wallerstein: the inevitable death of a 'system' that is now desperate to 'reinvent' itself… (The 'power'-guys' plans for its reinvention we'll be probing within our discussion of 'nation' as we read Proudhon… We'll be considering the true meaning of the global-statesmen's current preoccupation with European Union integration… their re-definition of the word 'populism'… their trying to sell us on their developing the capability to track all financial transactions globally… and their attempt to discredit and contain social media – all fall easily under the rubric: “how do we reestablish control of 'the people'?…” their rule depends on our separation from each other… orchestrated by the 'power'-guys to establish for themselves what they intend to be an indelible place in our story… the place of “manager of us…” of we-the-people – who would squabble with themselves endlessly [is the story they tell themselves and us…] were it not for them… This is illusion… we don't need them to establish 'order'… Just the opposite… they institutionalize 'disorder' and discord in attempting to institutionalize themselves [look at the assault on the meager social… health… and civil protections afforded we-the-people under the cover of the Trump-Tool of 'power'… Nikola trying to stop two world wars versus them determined to appear to be god-like-men… all the hardship and death of the last two centuries from their orchestrated conflicts…] […a con only possible to run by keeping us separate… Otherwise we would see immediately and for ourselves Proudhon's point that each and every one of us… whatever we are or accomplish… is a product of the Great Communal Mind within and around us… of which we are all a part: “All human labor being the result of collective force, all property becomes, in consequence, collective and unitary…” [Nikola Tesla again provides the clearest illustration. But under conditions of imposed (created) Scarcity how it must have grated to be told – by Professor Pupin – just before Nikola decided to sue Marconi for violation of his patents… that he 'had given his discoveries to mankind…'] “…To speak more exactly, labor destroys property…”)




…for instance [we need our own lexicon of freedom… when we read this] about the founder of the company Amazon… the success of which is attributed to his ability to 'foresee' that the relentless squeezing of the earth and us (with the extractions squirreled away for a rainy day…) would necessarily lead to harsher and harsher regimes of 'scarcity' and us struggling to feed ourselves and breathe (or please shareholders…) to stretch our bucks to cover our embarrassments… or extract still more from the hide of our Grandmother… at greater and greater cost… destroying ever-more of the resources of the planet: “‘Innovation’… says the article… “upends [and I don't know about anyone else… but I personally have to thank Robert Shaw and his literary stars for that word 'upend'… I never used it until I heard him say it in Jaws… – P.S.] It upends industries – witness the current carnage in the retail industry…” So… we will not hear the bald Truth of Proudhon spoken in the 'power'-fed-media… Rather… we are told: the 'system's not dying… there's 'innovation' happening… Using 'power's lexicon… heartlessness becomes 'creativity'… and destruction (think of our wasted lives serving these guys…) 'innovation'…




Further we learned from Proudhon – who speaks in the straight-forward language of Truth… needs no massaged words… twisted concepts or strained-lies but rather is striving to establish clarity and mutual understanding between us: “in the absence of equality there is no society…” Can we take a moment to take it in?… take in the truth from someone who wants only for us… our Freedom: 'government is not possible while property exists…' there is no society without equality between us…' and if we speak the Truth Proudhon provides the state assaults us with a weapon stolen from Nikola Tesla – that is… the state is Fascist… There is no government. We have no society. What we have is Fascism hiding under the word 'democracy'… Nothing taught us in civics classes stands up against the Truth… as Prince puts it… Once we see this… we've been arguing… we're freed from the thought-freeze imposed by it… If nothing is what it was… then neither are we… if the state is Fascist… we cannot be… witnesses merely… to its depravity… we are released… from its false-imposition on us of 'subject'… from a 'deal' ipso facto illegitimate… when its true terms are kept hidden from us… ipso facto… they no longer hold us… But a release from mental captivity… when we have not established self-sufficiency… for each and every one of us… globally… cannot be sustained over the generations… We have to institutionalize the social infrastructure… of freedom… Did you find it interesting… as I did… when Proudhon said that the purpose of 'government' is 'economy'?… i.e.… is ensuring there is no scarcity… the 'law of the earth'… the 'law of Truth'… the 'law of our inherent nature of Love'… then compels us to reason this through: Why is there 'scarcity'? 1 + 1 + 1 Is 3… because the state wants there to be… and ipso facto then… the state is illegitimate… as it exists to keep us thin… cause us harm… and stripped of means to… ourselves… eliminate Scarcity… Could we?… if there wasn't an organized global-state (the 'power'-guys) sitting on us?… Of course we could. Imagine it… Imagine how exciting this challenge will be… with 'power' gone Answers there will be a'plenty… they'll flow endlessly: Food Shortages solved by sharing supplies… water… and energy… world-wide… Technicians trained to hurt and destroy will bring their ambition to the problem of monitoring and balancing water and energy supplies globally… in that slight hour or so they'll be helping food grow… for all… While with the rest of their time they might sit with the earth and the ancestors… and their own and their social thought-process… and decide… what else they want to do with their lives… As Proudhon says… as our Thought develops (and Love can only live in us when paired with the unfettered development of our thought – Love is the unfettered development of our thought…) we no longer accept the rule of man over man… and demand… the rule of Love… the rule of the determined Truth… based in the freedom and cooperative association of All Of Us… Nikola Tesla and Proudhon make for an interesting contrast… and a necessary synthesis… how? Nikola knew… because he provided for it… that as we would one day soon be One… all around the world… One in Mutual Aid and the sharing of All Knowledge… that this would create a world of such seeming-miraculous Abundance… that no calculations of value for the purposes of equivalent exchange would be required of it… that we would but need to extend our hand to each other to give and receive whatever was needed… in every branch of the human family… Taken together… synthesized and updated a bit… Proudhon and Nikola provide the social and material infrastructure to establish Global Freedom… how we work together in our respective nations Proudhon and Nikola have given us… “…the earth is a single brain…” said Nikola… “…capable of response in every one of its parts…” he provided for it… and we bend… says Proudhon… not to a government of men… but the authority of the Earth herself… which is the Universal Energy that made us… Love…




Please listen again to Prince for our May 21, 2017 Show:




Prince: [regarding his decision to change his name…] “…when one completely listens to one's inspiration and inner voice you will create things out of it that will lead you towards Enlightenment… 'Prince' was in a trap… 'Prince' was under contract… 'Prince' was owned… I had to get free from the mentality of being a slave… If you can't do everything that you want to do… if there's a ceiling… and you're not allowed to go as high as you can go… you're in fact a slave… we as people… because we have to answer to a 9 to 5 or answer to a boss or whatever – [we] didn't come to earth like that… [we] came to earth for re-creation… which means recreation… and to re-create love… you can't do that when you're constantly angry and constantly being held back… the 'industry' way of doing business is cool… for them… we're just an alternative… And the first rule with us is that there are no rules… and the main thing that I want to stress is that there are no contracts… We don't go into the agreement thinking we're going to end up in court… we go into this to make music… Larry and I have no contract and he always makes a joke that if we did what would we put on it… The studio time is free… All we have to do is keep the electricity on… We don't want to adopt somebody else's way of ['getting thing done' (rather than 'doing business'…)] We do business in a way that there is no 'business'… It's about the art… it's about the relationship… and the love of one another…” [From a 1998? interview.]




Prince Songs For Our May 21, 2017 Show:


[“11 Marz.mp3”:]


“Marz” written by Prince: “Lost my job at Mickie D's… For giving away too much food for free… But I couldn't watch another black child go to school… With nothing to eat… Seven of us then took to the streets… Raised by the music, fed by the beat… Seeing how long we could stay out of jail… It's how we… That's how we'd compete… We never own the streets that we kept defending… The money we got we just end up spending… With nothing to save and not a thing for lending… You're never really happy… Just good at pretending… Everybody in the world wants to be a star… Few got what it takes to get that far… If a rocket ship didn't cost more than a car… A brother might move to marz…” [Prince with 3rdEyeGirl, “Marz”, PlectrumElectrum, 2014]


[“03 Strange Relationship.mp3”:]


“Strange Relationship” by Prince: “I guess U know me well, I don't like winter… But I seem 2 get a kick out of doing U cold… Oh, what the hell, U always surrender… What's this strange relationship that we hold on 2?… Maybe I just can't stand 2 see U happy… More than that I hate 2 see U sad… Honey if U left me I just might do something rash… What's this strange relationship? (ship, ship, ship)… I came and took your love, I took your body… I took all the self respect U ever had… I took U 4 a ride and baby I'm sorry… The more U love me sugar, the more it makes me mad… Maybe I just can't stand 2 see U happy… More than that I hate 2 see U sad… Honey if U left me I just might do something rash… What's this strange relationship? (ship, ship, ship)… Isn't it a shame this ain't a movie… Then U could rewrite my every line… I'll take all the blame, yo baby I'm sorry… But I didn't like the way U where, so I had 2 make U mine… Maybe I just can't stand 2 see U happy… More than that I hate 2 see U sad… Honey if U left me I just might do something rash… What's this strange relationship? (ship, ship, ship)… Mmmmm, my strange relationship… Can't live with U, can't live without U… What’s that all about… Do U know? (strange relationship)… I think U and I got a (strange relationship)… What's this strange relationship?…” [Prince, “Strange Relationship”, Sign O’ The Times, 1987]


[“03 Song Of The Heart.mp3”:]


“Song Of The Heart” by Prince: “I don't care what the people say… this is my life… OK?… I don't care what the people say… this is my face… OK?… U might make a different song, yes that's right it's true… That don't make anybody more or less as good as u… If u can feel the music that's all u really need… To turn this party all the way out… Good time guaranteed… Everybody get up… Clap your hands and dance 2 the beat… Whatever u do little darlin' it's cool baby baby with me… Just get up out your seat… And wave a flag because everybody plays a part… One world united singing the song of the heart… Look… everybody makes mistakes… Oh yeah, not one or two (right!)… But that don't make the dirty little things they say about u true… (U tell 'em!)… Step aside little babies and watch me do my thing… I don't even need a good reason to do… Listen to me sing… Everybody get up… Clap your hands and show them what u got… Tonight we gonna jam from now until eternity… Don't u stop – make it hot oh!… And wave a flag because everybody plays a part… One world united singing this song of the heart… Come on! Watch me now!… Oh, I don't care what the people say… This is my life… OK?… I just got to like that life… OK?… They can go fly their momma's kite… Hooray! (we got it!)… All right I'm going to tell u one more time… Listen… Unh… One world… One world… One world united… Singing a song… Singing a song… Singing a song of the heart… Feel me? Oh yeah!… Feel me? Keep singing!… U can do u… I do me… Whateva! Get going y'all!… The song of the heart…” [Prince, “Song Of The Heart”, Indigo Nights, 2007]


[“2-13 U Got The Look.mp3”:]


“U Got The Look” by Prince: “Here we are folks… The dream we all dream of… Boy versus girl in the World Series of love… Tell me, have U got the look?… U walked in, I woke up… I never seen a pretty girl… Look so tough, baby… U got that look… Color U peach and black… Color me taken aback… Crucial, I think I wantcha… You've got the look, you've got the hook… U sho'nuf do be cookin' in my book… Your face is jammin'… Your body's heck-a-slammin'… If love is good, let's get 2 rammin'… U got the look, U got the look… Look here… U got the look (U got the look)… U must'a took (U must'a took)… A whole hour just 2 make up your face, baby… Closin' time, ugly lights, everybody's inspected (everybody's inspected)… But U are a natural beauty unaffected (unaffected)… Did I say an hour?… My face is red, I stand corrected (I stand corrected)… You've got the look, you've got the hook… U sho'nuf do be cookin' in my book… Your face is jammin'… Your body's heck-a-slammin'… If love is good, let's get 2 rammin'… U got the look, U got the look… (there's no girl to do)… Well here we are, ladies and gentlemen… The dream we all dream of (oh, please!)… Boy versus girl in the world series of love… Slammin'… U walked in (I walked in)… I woke up (U woke up)… I never seen a pretty girl look so tough' baby (baby)… U got that look, yes U do (yes U do)… Color U peach and black… Color me taken aback, baby… Crucial, I think I wantcha… You've got the look, you've got the hook… U sho'nuf do be cookin' in my book… Your face is jammin'… Your body's heck-a-slammin'… If love is good, let's get 2 rammin' (now)… U got the look, U got the look… Here we are folks… The dream we all dream of… You got the look… You got the look… You got the look… You got the look… You got the look…” [Prince, “U Got The Look”, Sign O’ The Times, 1987]


[“01 Soul Sanctuary.mp3”:]


“Soul Sanctuary” by Prince: “Loving U in silence, knowing that it's right… Under your gaze I ponder this love 2night… Unbothered by the chaos swirling 'round outside… In your arms is where I want 2 live and die… Someplace where your face is all that I see… Where the love we make intoxicates intensively… In a mirror where your sweet reflection used 2 be… There is hope, there is joy, my soul sanctuary… My soul sanctuary… Loving U in silence, neverending kiss… Under your gaze I can peacefully exist… Sanctuary, baby, nothing compares 2 this… In my darkest hour U can be my bliss (Bliss)… All of me I give 2 thee down at your feet… The reassurance in your rhythm speaks 2 me… Over and over your screams are like a prayer… In the dark, U are there (U are there), my soul sanctuary… Ooh, my soul sanctuary… Loving U in passion unmolested in this garden… Mango and nectarine, sweet honeydew, I beg your pardon… My mouth runneth over from ecstasy… It's true (it's true), baby, I love the taste of U… Loving U in silence, knowing that it's right… Under your gaze I ponder this love 2night… Unbothered by the chaos swirling around outside… In your arms is where I wanna live and die… Someplace (someplace) where your face is all that I see (All that I see)… Where the love we make intoxicates intensively (Intensively)… In a mirror (mirror) where your sweet (sweet) reflections used 2 be… There is hope, there is joy, my soul sanctuary… My soul sanctuary… (My, my, my, my, my soul) My soul sanctuary… Oh, my soul sanctuary… Soul sanctuary…” [Prince, “Soul Sanctuary”, Emancipation, 1996]




Our May 14, 2017 Show:




Does Emily's point (discussed in our last show…): “The Outer – from the Inner… Derives its Magnitude –… 'Tis Duke, or Dwarf, according… As is the Central Mood –…” tie in with Proudhon's that “every reformer is a magician…” or aspires to be… That is… are not both Emily's and Proudhon's points to do with our need to see the invisible power within (as opposed to the false 'power' that hides itself… without [souls…]) so that we know we are not alone… overcoming 'power's 'check' of atomization… until we manifest (the law of) Love in our social relations… And does Emily's point not also tie in with Proudhon's… that course-corrections ('reform'…) though seeming slight become massive ('evolution'…) over time… implying that certain corrections to the social arrangement of 'class' – those Proudhon has identified – judiciously-made… or encountered… result in the generation of its opposite… as only strategically-exerted counter-force – and 'the Outer” must come from 'the Inner' to achieve its due Magnitude – can topple a Goliath… (We'll be considering Proudhon's point in the context of the broad-array of approaches… ‘ways-into’… or ‘paths on which we get to’… or ‘doors that open onto’… this ‘Transition-Happening’ within… between… and among… us… today: “Some came by train… others on foot… some came laden… others came naked and stooped… some on feathery winds flew in… many brought gifts… many needed them…”)




And does Emily's point also tie in with the observation… made in our May 7, 2014 show as well… that “when we see that 'class' is Fascist it speeds our Transition… the fulfillment of Freedom… because: “if nothing was what it seemed… neither are we…” – i.e.… we must think… and the resulting baptism of Truth frees us from the muck of the past… and our internal 'starting again' – our renewed belief in Freedom – is manifested in the fruits of our conscious acts… So aren't they all then… illuminations of possible routes to solving the problem of “Socrates' Dilemma”?… which is the problem of the conditioning of 'class'… which Alice Miller explained but the solution to which she felt ill-equipped to induce into our thought-process… I think… thanks to Proudhon and Prince we may now be so equipped… as both help us perceive… those 'Invisible Deeds' by which we begin to see: “…subtle actions inaccessible by any sort of lens, but tracked in that outer darkness through long pathways of necessary sequence by the inward light which is the last refinement of Energy, capable of bathing even the ethereal atoms in its ideally illuminated space.” (George Eliot, Middlemarch) A central argument of Palmers' Chat: As We Take Our Earth Back… (which I was writing in 2011… before our reading together of Antisytemic Movements by Terence K. Hopkins… Giovanni Arrighi… and Immanuel Wallerstein…) was that a 'state-by-state' strategy for achieving freedom is useless because 'power' is global… But with Proudhon and Prince now with us as consultants this point can be further developed… When Proudhon says that he would leave the French charter as it is but merely introduce method into administration and politics… how do we update that basic frame for our expanded capacity today?… beyond saying that we have to coordinate our efforts globally… recognizing that our most useful or most practical ideas for operationalizing Proudhon – and within that operationalizing Nikola… Prince… and Alice – will come out of our global conversations / “End Coerced-Work” General Celebrations… I want to put it on the table of our thought-process today…




What I've been struggling with this week and have had difficulty coming to an analysis of… and therefore with how to express it… is the approach… or 'way-into' our ability to see our 'New World' based in Love… the solution to “Socrates' Dilemma”… embodied by Jesus (and all the prophets in defiance of 'class'…) which we discussed last week as a perfect foil to Proudhon's… the approach expressed in Jesus' words addressing those who bow to the authority of men instead of seeking the light of Truth: “O faithless generation… You are like children piping in the marketplace… crying to be seen and loved… Unless you see miracles… you will not believe…” that Love… “Positive as Sound”… exists… Is… The demonstration of 'miracles'… which is the power of Love ('transcendent nature' George Eliot calls it…) isn't it?… isn't this the approach of Prince?… and aren't they right?… Is their analysis not correct? Are we not “the faithless generation…” because we have been 'cultivated'… conditioned… to be so… to ignore what our bodies say and turn to 'the system' for our orders? But I'm avoiding it yet… the question of whether what we call 'miracles' expedite the process of believing in ourselves… in the authority of Truth… in the authority of Love… in the demonstrated truth that is its bloom… This is what I was avoiding (as to why – that can come later…) I avoided feeling deeply about the fact that they are right: Jesus… Emily… Prince… Love is not a concept but a living presence in us that is “Positive as Sound”… pulling our coats… nagging our thoughts… reminding us of who and what we are… But we've been taught that what is invisible… doesn't exist (One of the reasons we have such difficulty believing that there are global-statesmen who hide (hidden-'power'…) and that they secretly [hidden from sight and so 'invisible'…] possess a secretly stolen invisible weapon… called EMF…) We can now understand why Love is such a threat – it allows no master but itself… as Proudhon says… and in owning Truth perceives Falsity – and therefore why those who know this and manifest it become targets of the Plato's Tribesmen… who try to undermine them with propaganda relentlessly seeded to erode our belief in them (which is our belief in Love essentially…) This was done to Proudhon… to Nikola… to Prince… and then these Plato's Tribesmen attempt to narrow the audience for our 'Thoths' by shrinking in our eyes the scope of their relevance… while imposing absolute silence about their full legacy in the media – our only means for getting information and communicating it: for broadly seeing what each and all are doing… Love can only live in us when paired with the unfettered development of our thought (Love is the unfettered development of our thought…) i.e.… with self-creation… This is the strategic significance of 'solving' – by which I mean developing an array of remedial measures for intervening in and ending the self-abnegating patterns of the “cycle of 'class'” – of 'solving' “Socrates' Dilemma”…




Let's review Proudhon's strategic guidance for our structurally-underpinned 'system' of Global Freedom… or Equality – as all strategists will tell us… we have to know where we're going to get there… and Proudhon has… with the bigness of spirit and heart – Love – of a prophet… or… as he describes himself… of a “Truth-Seeker”… he has generously done the hard work of analysis to provide it for us: the destination which must be if we are to mutually realize and reinforce our inherent moral nature of Love… that destination being: structurally-reinforced Equality… and establishment of the 'science of liberty': Society only exists with equality as its basis – we have to end the 'system' in which the most damaged among us run the world simply because they're bigger bullies than anyone else – and equality can only exist if structurally-underpinned by Reason – the unhindered access to all knowledge… of all (including knowledge of each other… ) and the self-development of our Thought… Education must follow Kropotkin's and Proudhon's and Alice's and Prince's respect for our Master Teacher… the Earth… which includes the earth-our-bodies… if we trust… its need to grow whole… and develop its thought… Proudhon and Nikola Tesla together provide the key theoretical and structural guidance to achieving this goal of Global Society based on Reason and Love united: Reason alone guides us… not opinion… All wills are respected but no one's carries any more weight than anyone else's… Further:“ Individual possession is no obstacle to extensive cultivation and unity of exploitation… Individual possession is the condition of social life; five thousand years of property demonstrate it. Property is the suicide of society. Possession is a right; property is against right. Suppress property while maintaining possession, and, by this simple modification of the principle, you will revolutionize law, government, economy, and institutions; you will drive evil from the face of the earth.… The wages of laborers should be equal… products bought only by products. The condition of all exchange is equivalence of products, and so profit is impossible and unjust. Observe this elementary principle of economy, and pauperism, luxury, oppression, vice, crime, and hunger will disappear from our midst.… Men are associated by the physical and mathematical law of production, before they are voluntarily associated by choice. Therefore, equality of conditions is demanded by justice; that is, by strict social law… Free association, liberty – whose sole function is to maintain equality in the means of production and equivalence in exchanges – is the only possible, the only just, the only true form of society…”




What we have learned from all our largest spirits – out 'Thoths' of Heart and Hand United… our Thoths come back to help us – is that we cannot share our gifts… which are the social equivalents of loving ourselves… as I am you and you are me… under conditions of coercion. So… when you have your true self… and so love yourself… stuck though you be in a system of 'class'… and try to share your gifts… to bring the cycle of the gift to completion… the Damaged Global-State Statesmen stand in the way… raise their hand (they are a Single Will…) raise their hand to you… and blast you with their weapons… intending to stop you… We then have to figure out a way around them… (Is this injustice something we intend to pass on to the next generation?… the injustice of having to scramble… duck… dodge… bleed… be tortured… forced to leave too soon… in order to find a way to share the jewels we have for each other… so that we can advance beyond the reach of 'power's interminable scheming. Can we bend our minds around Wardenclyffe and not stare at what is lost – the living… present… Paradise Lost… a Paradise we try… generation after generation… to give to each other… now… openly… provenance not misappropriated… – can we contemplate Nikola Tesla… Proudhon… and Prince… without committing our lives to ending it… the 'system' by which Lost Souls commandeer our lives… our compassion… our most precious gifts… meant for each other… not for them…) Instead… let's redeem the suffering of our ancestors at the hands of these mistaken statesmen and realize the dreams our prophets left for us: Prince's Soul Song ringing from every mountain… Nikola's World System of Telegraphy established finally on its true base of Global Unity… Proudhon's dream of true Global Society founded in structurally-supported Equality between us. When Love leads we get to see who we are in reality…




Margaret Cheney's Tesla: Man Out Of Time: “Tesla, long before anyone else, published in Electrical World and Engineer (March 5, 1904) what had always stood out as the clearest statement by any pioneer working in the wireless art of what radio was to become and as we know it today. He envisioned the entire concept of transmission of intelligence, not just the sending of a single message from one point to another – and he alone of the pioneers in radio did so…” Tesla… speaking about his ‘World System of Telegraphy’: “It constitutes, I believe, in its principle of operation, means employed and capacities of applications, a radical and fruitful departure from what has been done heretofore. I have no doubt that it will prove very efficient in enlightening the masses, particularly in still uncivilized countries [i.e.… free from the contagion of 'class' and so still free… those who have much to teach as we mutually reach out to each other to share our lives… love… and listening… – P.S.] and less accessible regions, and that it will add materially to general safety, comfort, and convenience, and maintenance of peaceful relations. It involves the employment of a number of plants, all of which are capable of transmitting individualized signals to the uttermost confines of the earth. Each of them will be preferably located near some important center of civilization, and the news it receives through any channel will be flashed to all points of the globe. A cheap and simple device, which might be carried in one's pocket, may then be set up anywhere on sea or land, and it will record the world's news or such special messages as may be intended for it. Thus the entire earth will be converted into a huge brain, capable of response in every one of its parts. Since a single plant of but one hundred horse-power can operate hundreds of millions of instruments, the system will have a virtually infinite working capacity, and it must needs immensely facilitate and cheapen the transmission of intelligence.” [What is unclear from this brief summary description of Nikola's of his World System of Telegraphy (Communication) is whether wireless transmission of electricity was part of it… It certainly needs to be in our discussions for its implementation once we are free… – P.S.] These ideas were also discussed by him in Century magazine in June, 1900 following his return from Colorado.”




Another pioneer of radio, J.S. Stone: “Among all those, the name of Nikola Tesla stands out most prominently. Tesla with his almost preternatural insight into alternating current phenomena that enabled him… to revolutionize the art of electric-power transmission through the invention of the rotary field motor [the three-phase induction motor], knew how to make resonance serve, not merely the role of a microscope, to make visible the electric oscillations, as Hertz had done, but he made it serve the role of a stereopticon [“a slide projector that combines two images to create a three-dimensional effect…”].… [I]t has been difficult to make any but unimportant improvements in the art of radio telegraphy without traveling, part of the way at least, along a trail blazed by this pioneer…” Another radio-engineering pioneer, Commander E.J. Quinby, United States Navy (Ret.): “While others fought bitter word-battles in our courts over whose patents were really valid on the all-important system of tuning to avoid wholesale radio interference, nobody seemed to recall that Tesla had covered the subject back before the turn of the century with his comprehensive and fundamental patent on the tuning of electrical circuits to resonance. Without this feature, today's ever-expanding radio service would be utter chaos. A Supreme Court decision was finally reached in 1943, crediting Tesla with having anticipated all the others, thus making subsequent patents on the subject null and void…”




Pierre – Joseph Proudhon: “The proprietor, the robber, the hero, the sovereign – for all these titles are synonymous – imposes his will as law, and suffers neither contradiction nor control; that is, he pretends to be the legislative and the executive power at once. Accordingly, the substitution of the scientific and true law for the royal will is accomplished only by a terrible struggle; and this constant substitution is, after property, the most potent element in history; the most prolific source of political disturbances.… Now, property necessarily engenders despotism, – the government of caprice, the reign of libidinous pleasure. That is so clearly the essence of property that, to be convinced of it, one need but remember what it is, and observe what happens around him. Property is the right to use and abuse. If, then, government is economy, – if its object is production and consumption, and the distribution of labor and products, – how is government possible while property exists? And if goods are property, why should not the proprietors be kings, and despotic kings – kings in proportion to their facultes bonitaires? And if each proprietor is sovereign lord within the sphere of his property, absolute king throughout his own domain, how could a government of proprietors be any thing but chaos and confusion?… Then, no government, no public economy, no administration, is possible, which is based upon property.… Communism seeks equality and law. Property, born of the sovereignty of the reason, and the sense of personal merit, wishes above all things independence and proportionality…”




Pierre – Joseph Proudhon: “But communism, mistaking uniformity for law, and levelism for equality, becomes tyrannical and unjust. Property, by its despotism and encroachments, soon proves itself oppressive and anti-social. [Imagine if this man had not been suppressed… and was… rather… discussed by we-the-people?… imagine how it would have served as armor against the arguments put forward by 'power' – of whatever ideological flavor – to 'justify its enslavement of us… – P.S.] The objects of communism and property are good – their results are bad. And why? Because both are exclusive [i.e.… they are both expressions of 'class' and its base mindset – from Plato (at least in terms of its philosophical systemization…) on – of 'in' and 'out'… 'citizen' and 'barbarian'… – P.S.] …both are exclusive and each disregards two elements of society. Communism rejects independence and proportionality; property does not satisfy equality and law.… Now, if we imagine a society based upon these four principles, – equality, law, independence, and proportionality, – we find: [a] third form of society, the synthesis of communism and property, we will call liberty. Liberty is equality, because liberty exists only in society; and in the absence of equality there is no society.… Liberty is anarchy, because it does not admit the government of the will, but only the authority of the law [of Universal Energy… of Love… of Truth… that which is and of and from… the Earth… – P.S.]; that is, of necessity. [That is brilliant… – P.S.] Liberty is infinite variety, because it respects all wills within the limits of the law. Liberty is proportionality, because it allows the utmost latitude to the ambition for merit, and the emulation of glory.… We need to live our lives according to the dictates of our reason. It is our right to maintain our freedom. It is our duty to respect that of others.… We need to be appreciated by our fellows. It is our duty to deserve their praise. It is our right to be judged by our works.” (So much of what Proudhon speaks on resonates for me with Prince. Don't you wish we could have had these conversations with Prince? Don't you wish you could have had One Nite Alone with him to discuss them? Our outro song from Prince: “One Nite Alone” from One Nite Alone (2002)




Prince Songs For Our May 14, 2017 Show:


[“02 Beginning Endlessly.mp3”:]


“Beginning Endlessly” by Prince: “Nevermind the bird feed honey, just tell me your name… You wont have that long if I get my way in this game… My reputation precedes me, call it claim to fame… They know me around the world, you want me just the same… [Chorus:] Why should you be satisfied with just heaven and earth?… When if you look around there's so much more to the universe… Maybe every shining star, is just another part… If you and I could ever open up our dirty hearts… (Oh! Open up baby. Oh. Hey-hey…)… Listen… All of us in minerals and chemicals of space… You carry within your womb… that's how we got to this place… This might be a bit serious, but if it turns you on… Come with me now let's get nice till serious is gone… [Chorus]… (Oh! Come on! Oh! Oh. Get nice.)… Love is much too small a word for what you feel for me… If you ever let me explore your anatomy… You and I lost in each other… prisoners let free… Come on Darlin' let's get down beginning endlessly… (Uh uh. Let's get down! Uh uh. Beginning endlessly… Uh uh. Let's get down! Whooh!)… Come on! You see that I want ya. Ooh wee!… Come on! Can't you see that I want ya. Feel me now!… History is full of praise for another's history… More and more than the one that became before both u and me… Left alone with our devices, whatever will be will be… A brand new story in the making beginning endlessly… (Oh!)… Love is much too small a word for what you feel for me… (Feel for me)… If ever you you let me be, let me be your man… Ooh baby! Understand. I wanna I wanna be your man… (Let’s get down!)… (Come on!)…” [Prince, “Beginning Endlessly”, 20Ten, 2010]


[“03 Future Soul Song.mp3”:]


“Future Soul Song” by Prince: “I had a dream last night… That I was flying for the first time… And in the dream I could pilot my flight… With the thoughts in my mind… Since there wasn't any up or down… Everybody was all around… When we sang, we all sang together… Oh, what a beautiful sound… Ooh, ooh, sha la la la la… This is the future soul song… Ooh, ooh, sha la la la la… This is the future soul song… I had a dream last night… That I was singing and the sound of my voice… Seemed to come from every mountain top… Like it had no choice… And when my voice rose, so did the sun… When the trees sang the harmony as one… Every living soul sang the most beautiful… Melody ever sung… Ooh, ooh, sha la la la la… This is the future soul song… Ooh, ooh, sha la la la la… This is the future soul song… Before the war the only words and language said… Let there be light… Those that can see it are the ones who believe it… And put up no fight… And in the absence of fear and control… Is the sound of the surrendering soul… Louder than the dogmatic persecution… Sing it like you got that right… Ooh, ooh, sha la la la la… This is the future soul song… Ooh, ooh, sha la la la la… This is the future soul song… Ooh, ooh, sha la la la la… Ooh, ooh, sha la la la la… This is the future soul song…” [Prince, “Future Soul Song”, 20Ten, 2010]


[“02 Take Me With U.mp3”:]


“Take Me With U” by Prince: “I can't disguise the pounding of my heart… It beats so strong… It's in your eyes… what can I say… They turn me on… I don't care where we go… I don't care what we do… I don't care pretty baby… Just take me with u… Come on and touch the place in me… That's calling out your name… We want each other oh so much… Why must we play this game?… Don't care where we go… I don't care what we do… I don't care pretty baby… Just take me with u… I don't care if we spend the night at your mansion… I don't care if we spend the night on the town… All I want is 2 spend the night together… All I want is 2 spend the night in your arms… To be around u is so-oh right… You're sheer perfection (thank u)… Drive me crazy, drive me all night… Just don't break up the connection… I don't care where we go… I don't care what we do… I don't care pretty baby… Just take me with u… I don't care where we go… I don't care what we do… I don't care pretty baby… Just take me with u… Just take me with u… Oh won't u take me with u… Honey take me with u…” [Prince, “Take Me With U”, Purple Rain, 1984]


[“3-01 Hello.mp3”:]


“Hello” by Prince: “Hello, hello, hello, hello… Hello, hello, hello, hello… I tried to tell them that I didn't want to sing… But I'd gladly write a song instead… They said okay and everything was cool… 'Til a camera tried to get in my bed… Hello, my bed, hello, hello… I was sittin' pretty with a beautiful friend… When this man tries to get in the car… No introduction, No 'How you been?'… Just "Up yours, smile, that's right, you're a star!"… You call 'em bodyguards but I call 'em my friends… I guess I'm used to havin' 'em around… And cameras by nature like rewards… That's the trouble I get when I'm uptown… I'm not afraid to die… (Don't be afraid)… Oh no, there's a better place… ('Cause there's a better place to go)… I eat what I want… (You can eat what you want… Whole wheat toast… (Anything is cool in moderation)… And I'm happy, and that's for sure… We're against hungry children… Our record stands tall… There's just as much hunger here at home… We'll do what we can if y'all try and understand… A flower that has water will grow… And the child misunderstood will go… Hello… Hello… Hello… Hello… Everybody, we're against hungry children… Our record stands tall… There's just as much hunger here at home… We'll do what we can if y'all try and understand… A flower that has water will grow… And the child misunderstood will go… Our record stands tall, you know… Give us time and love will show… Hello… Hello… Hello…” [Prince, “Hello”, The Hits And B-Sides]


[“12 Time.mp3”:]


“Time” by Prince: “This song about time… Say its about time… About time that u… R around… I think its 'bout time… That I got time… Alone with u… Alone with u… I think I'm running out of patience… I think I'm running out of lies… I think its 'bout time I tell the truth… Instead of these alibi's… Well… I think its 'bout time… That I got time… Alone with u… Cuz ure so fine… When I get mine… Baby u can too… No more peace and quiet… I wonder why… A party full of drunken fools… I betcha some will b the rushing tide… Splashin all over u… I don't wanna work another day baby… No no stay with me… I wish u coulda stay with me… Stay with me… I don't think it matters anyway… It don't matter girl… For u I'm as rich as I could be… Baby baby… I think its 'bout time… That I got time… Alone with u… I know u know… Cuz ure so fine… When I get mine… Baby u can too… Sho 'nuff… Sugar well I'm thinking… That u really need 2 b my pet… And let me put u in my little cage… C'mon… Im sick and tired of playing hard to get… With an animal that's half my age… Sugar well well… My heads a little dizzy… My heads spinning 'round and 'round… Another dirty hotel room… Another lonely town… I need some time to rest… I need some time with u… This is what it feels like… I know what I wanna do… This is what it feels like… Gonna lemme tell u one time… I think its 'bout time… That I got time… Alone with u… Cuz ure so fine… When I get mine… Baby u can too… Oh oh I think I need u 2 b my girl… Travel with me around the world… Baby baby… So no paper… This works out fine… But not half as fine… As when I get time… With u… Sugar have u heard… I think its 'bout time… That I got time… Alone with u… Cuz ure so fine… When I get mine… Baby u can too… Keep breakin u down… Down down down… I think its 'bout time… That I got time… Alone with u… Cuz ure so fine… When I get mine… Baby u can too… U, u, u, u… Baby baby u can too… Ooh ooh oh…” [Prince, “Time”, Art Official Age, 2014]


[“2-05 One Nite Alone.mp3”:]


“One Nite Alone” by Prince: “In a pale blue spotlight… A figure spins around and the voice calls out to you… "Baby, do you like the sound?"… The undulating acrobat ready to do your bidding says… "Come, you must let me dress you… But first, I must do a fitting"… Do you like it fast? Do you like it slow?… I know it's better if we make it up as we go… And oh, by the way, tell me now, what's your name?… I'll let it sweeten my tongue just once… And never speak it again… Since this is our little secret… Just once and never speak it again… This is our little secret… Untarnished memory in a pale blue spotlight… Oh, let me hear you scream… If you're ready for one nite alone with me…” [Prince, “One Nite Alone”, One Nite Alone, 2002]




Our May 7, 2017 Show:




A false choice is being given to the people of 'the West' as 'power' attempts to negotiate its continued existence: a choice between so-called 'open-ness' (its definition reduced to 'economic-integration across borders' [and we must never forget that so long as it exists… we will ever be but 'economic factors' for the 'class'-system…] The false choice “'economic-integration' under the management of global-statesmen” versus 'narrow nationalism' is a 'choice' between 'what we got now'… and 'what we got now'… between 'mere words' and more 'mere words'… Nothing changes… but the faces and the clubs they beat us with… when possession of our bodies and our common earth remains in the hands of those ten-thousand Plato's Tribesmen… those bottomless-holes-for-souls god-role-hopefuls… Truth tells us… and ever more strongly so over the ages of 'class'… through each successive reincorporation of it in our prophets who stand against it… that… as Socrates says: big souls are men and women of the world. What does this mean practically in 2017 with 'power' operating with no accountability behind buffers… shields…hidden actors and practices? If this is not what we want… how do we determine… and move globally toward… what we do want? And how do we discuss this when at breakneck-pace 'power' crafts the definitions to suit its own interests and shoves them in our face?… 'nation'… particularly… the 'power'-guys want to claim in the end-game… Why? Our definition of 'nation' must be Proudhon's: “that which helps us realize our inherent freedom…” Proudhon: “Liberty [the word for his meaning we are using is ‘Freedom’… – P.S.] is essentially an organizing force. To insure equality between men and peace among nations, agriculture and industry, and the centres of education, business, and storage, must be distributed according to the climate and the geographical position of the country, the nature of the products, the character and natural talents of the inhabitants, etc., in proportions so just, so wise, so harmonious, that in no place shall there ever be either an excess or a lack of population, consumption, and products. There commences the science of public and private right, the true political economy. It is for the writers on jurisprudence, henceforth unembarrassed by the false principle of property, to describe the new laws, and bring peace upon earth…” Proudhon has thought through the true role of 'nation'… and far from seeing any conflict between our 'owning ourselves' – which requires de-commissioning of or 'deconstructing' 'the system' of 'class' – and 'nation'… sees the end of the 'authority of 'man over man' as the basis for the forming of equality between us… and so as the basis for society to exist… This frame: “defining the 'nation'” unifies all the issues we left pending: 'de-commissioning the system'… 'growing up requires owning ourselves' and 'regaining our voices'… and 'the importance of having the words – the language – with which to describe and discuss both the abuse we've experienced under 'class' and the alternative to it…'




Prince has said… and advocated for in multiple forums… that we must not let a 'system' – those in 'power '– determine how far we can go in the development of our earth-given power of creation and cognition: “…If you're not allowed to go as high as you can go… you're in fact a slave… we as people… because we have to answer to a 9 to 5 or answer to a boss or whatever – [we] didn't come to earth like that… [we] came to earth for re-creation… which means recreation… and to re-create love… you can't do that when you're constantly angry and constantly being held back… the 'industry' way of doing business is cool… for them… we're just an alternative…” (That sounds like Proudhon to me: “we're just gon' do this a little bit different… ain't no major change… of course… ultimately it may become so…” This is what I mean by the “strategic precocity”… of both Proudhon and Prince…) but he has also said… in Art Official Cage (2014)… “Louder than a bomb since the day of my birth… got me second-class when I got here first… lovely score but how'm I supposed to know what it's worth?” (I.e.… there is a huge totalitarian monster that starts chewing on us the moment we hit that floor…) There is a tension as we evolve (and I actually think this is more true for the rest of us than for Prince… because of his prophetic gifts…) under the boot of a 'system' organized by and for the (very very) Few (a 'Few' that continuously grows fewer… and ever more fearful as they do… with each passing generation… for they know that they perch parasitically upon the body of the people and that we will one day soon brush them off…) a tension between a decision to assume the position – vis-a-vis the 'power'-guys… the global-state-statesmen – that how one's life is lived would be the resistance to ‘power’s on-going assault… (And I'm not suggesting that is how Prince started… because he started with a clear analysis… I have to tell you I pondered that line in Art Official Cage: “why's my Heaven only come in prayers at night? What do I expect if I'm not willing to fight?” – because he's been fighting his whole life… at least since the song “Sexuality” in 1981… That's a lot of fighting when you're being tortured… Trust… So I'm still pondering what he means by that… Unless what he means by that is his silence around EMF… which we started out in this series talking about: the difficulty of a public figure speaking out about it… Look around today… If you know that what I'm saying is so… if you believe Nikola Tesla when he wrote to the statesmen in 1914 trying to stop the bombing of London – and thereby WWI – when he said, “You know my particle-beam weapon will put an end to this…” and if you're in the arts world and have achieved the status of being a threat to 'power'… you either are… or know someone who is… being targeted… So there's a lot of folk who know what I'm saying is true about this EMF-weapon and they are not speaking out for fear of being labeled 'crazy' – a label they will certainly apply to me if they're able to end my life. They will use my speaking out about it as 'evidence' that I was unhinged… They will fight to their last breath our exposing the truth about EMF… which means that anyone who speaks out about it – and you've got a lot to lose if you're in the public eye and depend for your livelihood on the public's belief in your credibility… if you depend on their good wishes and the attention they bestow on you – you have a lot to lose. 'Moi'… not so much… But if you're Prince… you have even more at stake than the typical celebrity because of his mission to restore to this earth… our belief in love.)




So… returning to this tension between the positions: “How I live my life will be my resistance…” and… “Something more is needed…” and that that 'something more' had to be based in a strategic analysis of the unique circumstances of the moment… recognizing that this “doing what was needed” rather than what may feel more comfortable… would… or could… isolate you further… for reasons only fully understood once we had Alice. This quote from Proudhon shows him struggling with this a bit I think: “I cannot explain myself more clearly. So firm a believer am I in the philosophy of accomplished facts and the statu quo of governmental forms, that, instead of destroying that which exists and beginning over again the past, I prefer to render everything legitimate by correcting it. It is true that the corrections which I propose, though respecting the form, tend to finally change the nature of the things corrected. [We'll be continuing to ponder that in upcoming shows… – P.S.] Who denies it? But it is precisely that which constitutes my system of statu quo… I ask, on the one hand, that property be left as it is, but that interest on all kinds of capital be gradually lowered and finally abolished; on the other hand, that the charter be maintained in its present shape, but that method be introduced into administration and politics. That is all…” (We are not so hobbled by the conditioning they do to us that we cannot seize this time: we cannot leave this horror of 'class' – which is inherently Fascist – for the next generation… now that we have the information we need to understand what's happening… We got Prince on board… we got Nikola on board… we got Proudhon on board…) This 'moment' I speak of… in which in one there is a shift… is hard to depict (illustrations of course help us see it…) The only adequate depiction I've seen in film of the horror one feels at the discovery that the world you'd been conditioned to see as a 'democracy' – set aside that they don't tell us what that really means (which is that they condition us to accept their definitions from birth…) – is in fact Fascist… is Charlize Theron's performance in Devil's Advocate… which was masterful (although it's probably so that Donald Sutherland's in Invasion of the Body Snatchers matches it… but it's been a while since I've seen it… and to be honest… it's a little too creepy… too real… for it to have been one of those I watched over and over again – it had a big impact nonetheless… true for most people who see it I suspect… I recall when my son's father and I briefly reconnected after decades of never hearing from each other my mentioning the film brought an immediate reaction that led me to suspect – now that hidden-'power's m.o. has become evident – that he perhaps was being messed with by it during our time together when T was an infant… because he's a Rasta… knew about EMF radiation's effects from his stint in the Navy… his family's home had once hosted Bob Marley when he came to Detroit…)




So… check out Charlize Theron's performance in Devil's Advocate… and Donald Sutherland's in Invasion of the Body Snatchers matches it… but it's been a while since I've seen it… and to be honest… it's a little too creepy… too real… for it to have been one of those I watched over and over again…) Its contrast with Al Pacino's in The Godfather is interesting. In both we are given a person enmeshed in a dream of 'nation': “that which protects us from… 'enemies'… 'threats'…” and in both cases the recognition that one has been living in an illusion causes a shift in the character (in Charlize's case it is in response to a transmogrification… in Al's case the shift or descent [a word that doesn't apply if you're already awake… then it's a different thing altogether…] is more subtle…) and the person changes because of it. So it is with we who see our purpose in ending the 'class'-system / global totalitarianism… once the monster bares its fangs at us… or its disguise drops… and we see the full ugliness that has been there all along… This understanding expedites our transition… because if nothing was what it seemed… neither are we…




We've all needed – been waiting for without knowing it – this moment when the right strategist with the right analysis and the right message – came together with the purpose… and for this moment when the purpose could meet the conditions needed to further it… i.e.… the right strategy could meet the right conditions for globalizing it… Proudhon: “Finally, – and it is here that I differ most from my compeers, – I do not believe it necessary, in order to reach equality, to turn every thing topsy-turvy. To maintain that nothing but an overturn can lead to reform is, in my judgment, to construct a syllogism, and to look for the truth in the regions of the unknown. Now, I am for generalization, induction, and progress. I regard general disappropriation as impossible: attacked from that point, the problem of universal association seems to be insolvable. Property is like the dragon which Hercules killed: to destroy it, it must be taken, not by the head, but by the tail, – that is, by profit and interest…” His advice is even more true now that there is a centralization of political functions (and I'm using the word 'political' in the authentic sense of including hidden-'power' and its shadow global-'government' – you know… the one that uses EMF to maintain 'order' and eliminate 'recalcitrants'…) His advice is even more true now that there is a centralization of the political functions of 'power' in an 'interstate system' and a global economic system… But his advice… viewed a certain way… also has relevance to us as individuals… and highlights one of the reasons Prince is so important to us… in addition to Alice: reclamation of our bodies can happen in an instant… and once we're free our heads can catch up…




Margaret Cheney's Tesla: Man Out Of Time: “Errors once committed to print are stubborn… [or… stated neutrally… physical books matter… on this 'power' obsesses… we for sure know this on our end: we've noted the 'power'-guys determination to remove physical texts that threaten them… An instance of this is suggested by (we referred to this in the show just prior to the death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia… a death I consider suspicious [and recall no autopsy was done…] as I suspect he would have supported the right of the people to abolish a government [state] that got in the way of the people's right to pursue happiness – use of torture and murder by EMF to eliminate dissent qualifies the state that does this to be so deemed… I think we can agree…) an instance of the global-statesmen's obsession with destroying physical texts that threaten them I believe is evidenced by the removal of Sebastian De Grazia's Of Time Work and Leisure from the Berkeley Public Library. This is a book that argues for the need for we-the-people in the U.S. to begin to claim our right to leisure… not as a break from coerced-work… but as the basis of a new world that we determine for ourselves… – P.S.] Errors once committed to print are stubborn. With respect to the invention of radio, they have permeated many reference sources, histories of science, scientific biographies, and popular journals… [The confusion] was officially cleared up in 1943 when the U.S. Supreme Court reversed an initial finding in Marconi's favor to rule that Tesla had anticipated all other contenders with his fundamental radio patents… [FYI: “Early on the morning of January 8, 1943 Alice Monaghan, a maid, ignored the sign and entered the apartment to find the inventor (Nikola Tesla) dead in bed, his sunken, emaciated [emaciation is one of the results of extreme EMF-assault over time… I suspect that the 'power'-guys turned on him his own invention – P. S.] the examiner noted that he had found “No suspicious circumstances.” Kenneth Swezey was notified at once; and at ten o'clock that morning he telephoned to Dr. Rado at New York University. King (of Yugoslavia) Peter's headquarters, then at 745 Fifth Avenue, was advised by the professor. Tesla's nephew, Kosanovic, then wartime president of the Eastern and Central European Planning Board for the Balkan countries, also was notified. Then the FBI was called. Swezey and Kosanovic summoned a locksmith and Tesla's safe was opened and the contents examined. [Recall: by 1902 the U.S. state had already stolen the most important of Nikola's inventions… – P.S.]”




“The radio-engineering fraternity made a major effort to atone in 1956, on the occasion of Tesla's one hundredth anniversary. It is strange therefore to find in the Dictionary of American Biography an article on Tesla by an eminent professor of electrical engineering and computer sciences [Charles Susskind], who cites reference sources through the forties, fifties, and sixties – yet completely omits reference to the U.S. Supreme Court's landmark decision… [Given the unprecedentedly massive crime the 'power'-guys were planning once they'd stolen Nikola Tesla's technology – and can any deny that the theft and continuing development of Nikola Tesla's EMF-weaponization methods (to say nothing of their theft and suppression of his technique for how to transmit electricity wirelessly…) in order to ascend to an unassailable 'power'-vantage: the ability to destroy whoever and whatever they choose invisibly with no consequences boomeranging back at them… a vantage from which they could observe and 'manage' (they believe) the world… can any deny that to attempt… let alone achieve… such an objective… constitutes a crime of massive proportions?… one which ipso facto delegitimates the state… – given this… it occurs that the 'great radio controversy' must surely be 'noise'… a distraction… for both Nikola when he was alive and for us… those conscious of the degree to which Nikola was mistreated… a bone for radio- and electrical-engineers of heart to worry… an injustice… generation after generation… to try to correct… a red-herring to draw out and absorb possible threats… until they could make Nikola's name fade as it sank… in the sea of our Forgetfulness… – P.S.]”




Proudhon writes near the end of Chapter V (…and it's important to keep in mind as we read this that he believes that not Force… but Reason will triumph over Moral Evil… that… given the chance to discuss it… that Understanding in both Servitude and Privilege – of whatever kinds – will blossom… and with it the willingness… eagerness… to do what must be done to achieve that Paradise we seek… the knowledge of which we have when we come…We have been staring at a puzzle for thousands of years… waiting for Proudhon… for Nikola… for Alice… for Prince… to place the right pieces in their proper arrangement… until… suddenly… Revelation!… we see the whole: what's been done to us… and why… What's left for us to do is to just take the necessary steps… He writes:) “Wherever this work is read and discussed, there will be deposited the germ of death to property; there, sooner or later, privilege and servitude will disappear, and the despotism of will will give place to the reign of reason.” For almost two hundred years Proudhon's clear analysis and incisive conclusions have not been read and discussed. For over a century the inventions of Nikola Tesla that will free us from coerced work… and his very name… have likewise been suppressed. The same can be said of Alice Miller and of course Prince: for thirty-five years his uncompromising focus on Freedom and his strategically-needed fresh thinking have been effectively kept from our broad awareness and discussion… On what turns this global social-arrangement as it's currently constituted if not ignorance… on keeping needed conversations away from us… Let us be filled with knowledge… with the Truth… so that together we churn and make Paradise on Earth… Fill us with Garbage and Dearth… and the Chaos in our minds makes Hell on Earth… “The Outer – from the Inner… Derives its Magnitude –… 'Tis Duke, or Dwarf, according… As is the Central Mood –……” Now Emily is writing about the individual soul here… but as with Alice we've applied her truth – for truth it is – to a far wider canvas… We are arguing that our natural capacity as human beings to 'harmonize our gifts with each other' has been forcibly interfered with… globally… which prevents its natural outcome: the establishment of Abundance… Paradise on earth… 'Interfered with' is gross understatement… of course. In truth… the Tiny Few have been for two-centuries-plus engaged in a massively-arrogant campaign to re-design us… re-design-us 'small'… force us to lose the 'bigness' we come with… All of our Prophets in Defiance of 'Class' model for us our true scope… urge us to Stare… See… the Immensity we are inherently…




I am struck that it is this spirit of 'bigness' that 'power' has been waging war on for millennia… in its obsessive search for 'the mechanism' that will drive us in such a way that it would seem to us as if it was a 'natural process' (and so be accepted by us as oxen the yoke…) The 'power'-possessed-and-bedeviled lost 'heart' as infants… do not believe in 'heart'… believe only in Force… in “might makes right…” Essentially… there is a split between those who believe in life… and those who believe in death… yet another expression of Prince's “this or that” observation – pointing out (along with Kropotkin) that Freedom and Authority are opposite operating premises for our organization of 'society'… This is something we've been trying to puzzle out then… therefore: how is 'reform'… or when does 'reform' become… 'evolution'… and the answer I think is… when we re-form the definitions. But there are related puzzles which may or may not matter… which I find myself pondering: Recognizing the variations in experience between us… acknowledging that it is a critical mass that initiates things… assuming that there is now that critical mass… a critical mass that sees clearly the truth that has been suppressed for centuries… and that what's left now to do is for that 'wedge' which is this critical mass… to take its first evolutionary… lengthened… step toward Freedom… i.e.… for us to aim the reach of our stride… beyond our 'comfort-place'… however that may be defined… depending on one's particular set of experiences… into a space that magnifies our effect in some way… So my question is… does that 'space' matter?… given the problem of “Socrates' Dilemma”? And is that 'Dilemma' solved by the method of Proudhon… of Prince… or both… depending on our particular circumstances… and how tied together is knowledge of our “One-ness' with knowledge of the 'Infinite'? And do we need to see a miracle to believe in it? And it must be said… were it not for Alice's explanation of the psychological dynamics that continue ad infinitum the misery which is 'class' until we see them and end the “cycle of contempt” which it is… And were it not for Proudhon's proof… demonstration… that our inherent nature is freedom… and so we know that never changes… and he urges faith in it… as it is… and is of… the stuff it is made of: the Infinite… Were it not for Alice and Proudhon… it would feel rather eerie and sickening to face how little has changed in the issues the prophets discuss with us across 'class'-ages: “O faithless generation…” said Jesus… “You are like children piping in the marketplace… crying to be seen and loved…” “Unless you see miracles… you will not believe…” in love… in Eternity… that which we are made of… “Every reformer is a magician, or at least desires to become one…” says Proudhon… “For myself, I have as great a horror of miracles as of authorities, and aim only at logic. That is why I continually search after the criterion of certainty. I work for the reformation of ideas.” Statu quo…: it is we who are transformed… the forms can remain the same… or seem to… This is Proudhon's method… and Prince's… and Emily's: the 'market mechanism' does not drive us… we drive it… We said that our definition of 'nation' must be Proudhon's: “that which helps us realize our inherent freedom [or… using Proudhon’s word… ‘Liberty’…]” This has been our dream of 'nation' which must be made reality. In “You Got City Hands Mr. Hooper”… I quoted Robert Shaw… the actor and novelist: “We wish to draw attention to the passage of Holy Scripture inscribed across our Flag: ‘He hath made of one blood all nations.’” Proudhon believes: Let Reason Lead… and Prince says “Follow Love”… Alice tells us first “To Grieve”… and Emily: “The Gap Must Be Filled with what it needs… What thaws the “frozen Misery of Centuries”? Asks Christopher Fry… Only we who are alive?… say I… but also we who die?… To turn our world from hate to Love… now that we can… requires All of Us. Our lives have to mean something again… and they can only mean something of they're of our own creation – 'Fewness and truth'… that's so obvious… and yet never said… we've been so conditioned to see ourselves as not important… Prince has said we are living in the time of prophesy's fulfillment… which makes sense doesn't it?… Thousands of years of bending our necks to the will of men is enough isn't it?… We honor our prophets who sacrificed their lives to bring us… yet again… the Truth – truth never spoken… Prince is at the end of a long line of the most courageous and brilliant among us. Let his sacrifice be the last… Let this now be the end of our need for prophets… As we reclaim our own 'bigness'… and come to face our challenges… we need to come then… like thunder. Our outro song from Prince: “Thunder” from Diamonds And Pearls (1991).




Prince Songs For Our May 7, 2017 Show:


[“04 Slave.mp3”:]


“Slave” by Prince: “Chorus: Everybody keeps tryin' 2 break my heart… Everybody except 4 me… I just want a chance 2 play the part… The part of someone truly free… Like candle slowly burning, I can feel my world unravel… Hemisphere upon hemisphere lie beneath my soul, soul… My enemies kept it turning, but now they pound the gavel… And judging me accordingly, I know, I know… Chorus… Hey! [x3]… Oh… Burning slowly candle, handle careless they did… Merrily down 3 heartbreak boulevards… Like fashion statements, they lie u be lookin' so good 2night, kid… I do my best 2 party, it's just that everybody keeps tryin' 2 break my heart… (chorus)… Except 4 me (except 4 me)… I just want a chance 2 play… (just wanna be free)… Slowly candle burns, where'd they learn hypnosis?… How'd they keep me under 4 so long?… Break the bread I earn, just keep me far from closest… I need their kind 2 illustrate what's wrong - what's wrong… Well, I'll tell u they just keep tryin' 2 break my heart (chorus)… They just keep tryin' 2 break my heart, ow!… (everybody) [x2]… Chorus… But I can't let u break my heart… (everybody keeps tryin' 2 break my heart)… Slave! (everybody keeps tryin' 2 break my heart)… Slave! slave! (everybody keeps tryin' 2 break my heart)… Slave!…” [Prince, “Slave”, Emancipation, 1996]


[“12 Emanicipation.mp3”:]


“Emancipation” by Prince: “Ever since I was a little baby… I had 2 have double everything… When they tell me that's enough… That's when I wanna fill my cup… 2 the top, johnny, hear me sing… Chorus: Emancipation - free 2 do what I wanna… Emancipation - see u in the purple rain… Emancipation - free 2 do what I wanna… Emancipation - break the chain, break the chain… Ever since that eve did unto adam, alright… What somebody been sho'nuff doin' 2 me (watch it!)… I've been tryin' 2 break the chain… Get my little ass out the game… I'd rather sing with a bit more harmony, oh… Chorus… Johnny please, huh, when I was on my knees… My back was broken and my spirit ill at ease… And now it seems just like the autumn leaves… Your money's turned from green 2 brown and now u best believe… Chorus… (emancipation) [repeat in bg]… Break the chain, oh yeah… Well, sho'nuff… See u in the purple rain… Emancipation - free 2 do what I wanna… Break the… break the… break the chain!… Hey!… Alright!… Hey! [x4]… Emancipation… Free - don't think I ain't!… Emancipation…” [Prince, “Emancipation”, Emancipation, 1996]


[“08 Come On.mp3”:]


“Come On” by Prince: “Lie down… We can do this all night… I know u got a young man… U don't care about me… He's darker than quicksand… He's taller than a tree… What u need is some real lovin'… Instead of these young-ass fools… I got the butter 4 your muffin… Just need the keys 2 the room… Chorus: Come on, baby (shake it now)… Come on shake it now (come on, baby)… Come on, baby (shake it now)… Come on shake it now (come on, baby)… Come on, baby (shake it now)… Come on shake it now (come on, baby)… Come on, baby (shake it now)… Come on shake it now… We could freeze in London… U could hear me sing (hear me sing)… And if u wanna make love then (come on)… U got 2 wear my ring (put it on, put it on)… Cuz I don't want no mistress (talk 2 her)… I'd much rather be bound (totally open)… Let's find a preacher… So we can get down, down, down… Chorus… Come on… Ha, ha - u and your girlfriend… Y'all 2 of a kind… Just runnin' these knuckleheads… 3 and 4 at a time… Both of u's want babies… But u still actin' wild… The first rule in makin' one… U can't be no child… Instead of hittin' that Remy (hittin' that Remy)… Why don't y'all hit the door? (hit the door)… I'll book us on the red eye… And we'll be good 2 go (good 2 go)… And if every life has got a reason… U can be mine… Perfume in the bath, darlin'… Champagne while we dine… Come on, baby (shake it now)… Come on shake it now (come on, baby)… Come on, baby (shake it now)… Come on shake it now (come on, baby)… Come on, baby (shake it now)… Come on shake it now (come on)… Come on, baby (shake it, shake it, baby)… Come on shake it now… Come on (come on, baby)… Yeah (come on, baby)… 20 days in london… And u ain't gimme no love… Could it be another brotha man… That u're thinking of?… Or could it be your girlfriend… Who never ever been straight… When I ask u – are u hungry? (hungry)… U say u already ate (ooh)… U can play me if u wanna… But u better let me know (let me know, baby)… I don't need 2 play the good licks… If there ain't gonna be no show… I'm better off sleepin' with my guitar… If u ain't gonna sing… Strapped 2 the body… Makin' love 2 the strings… (yeah, baby)… Come on, baby – come on shake it now [x4]… (gimme, gimme good love)… Instead of talkin' about babies (come on)… If we ain't gonna make love… U can't do nothing 4 me, 4 me… (come on, gimme, gimme good love)… Can't do nothing 4 me, baby (come on)… Come on, baby – come on shake it now [x3]… Come on, baby… I got the butter 4 your muffin…” [Prince, “Come On”, Newpower Soul, 1998]


[“18 (Hidden Track) Prettyman.mp3”:]


“Prettyman” by Prince: “Don't hate me, cuz I'm beautiful… Hey now - what's up?… Ah, you know how 2 come over here… Staring at a brother so hard… Say U what?… If U wanna be my baby… Got 2 tell me so… Overconfident lady… Better act like U know… If U wanna be my baby… Come on, take my hand… Tell me that U wanna get with… A prettyman… See me up here dancing… Dancing on the flo'… Got 2 get about doing… a little mo… Way I wear my knickers… Round this booty tight… Make a sucker wanna call me up… Every night… Hey… If U wanna be my baby… Got 2 tell me so… Overconfident lady… Better act like U know… If U wanna be my baby… Come on, take my hand… Tell me that U wanna get with… A prettyman… Everywhere I go… People stop and stare… They just wanna see me swing… This pretty hair… If there ever comes a time… It just won’t grow… Like my brother… I'll buy some mo… Hey!… If U wanna be my baby… Got 2 tell me so (Tell me, tell me)… Overconfident lady (Looka here)… Better act like U know (Do U know)… If U wanna be my baby… Come on, take my hand (Take my hand)… Tell me that U wanna get with… (Say)… A prettyman… If U wanna be my baby (Prettyman)… Prettyman (Prettyman)… Looka here now… In the early morning… When I'm feeling nice (Prettyman)… I walk by the mirror… And kiss it twice (Prettyman)… When it comes to perfume… It's on the shelf… I get it down… If there ain't nobody around… I, I, I smell myself… Hey… Now… Prettyman… Looka here… I ain't thru… (Prettyman)… Say… Wait a minute… Prettyman… Come on band, break down (Prettyman)… I don't care about money… I buy gold by the ounce… Y2K not today… I write a check and the bank bounce… Superbowl used 2 be my nickname… If U ask about love… No money might guarantee… When I'm a beau… Pretty… Man… If U wanna be my baby… Got 2 tell me so… Overconfident lady… Better act like U know… If U wanna be my baby… Come on, take my hand… Tell me that U wanna get with… Such a prettyman… Maceo [Maceo Parker – sax]… Brother – can U blow… Pretty (Prettyman)… […]… Wait – stop – go (Prettyman)… Maceo – can ya… Maceo - can U blow… Hey!… Prettyman (Prettyman)… Oh yeah… Can't scream now - [Hey!]… (Prettyman)… Can't scream now - [Hey!]… (Prettyman)… Hey… [phone rings]… Hello… Who is it? (Prettyman)… Yeah, this the prettyman (Prettyman)… [hangs up]… Princely!…” [Prince, “Prettyman”, Rave Un2 The Joy Fantastic, 1999]




Our April 30, 2017 Show:




There is a light shining on this at the moment: Brazil – in the midst of a General Strike. Let's follow their example and support them this May Day with our freedom-planning in the spirit of honoring Prince: with love for our bodies and those of our Brothers and Sisters… expressed as reclaiming them from Force and Necessity. Our bodies are treated like trash by mis-taught and mis-guided global-state-statesmen… raised to believe the earth and all on it… and our bodies particularly… are their personal possessions to use and abuse as they see fit. It is our challenge now… to deny their presumed right over our bodies… and to cherish our bodies by releasing them from the claims of statesmen. How we do this has been the focus of these shows. We are attempting to show in these pages the interconnections between the stunting of 'heart' – our ability to love – or… our 'empathy'… with the stunting of 'thought' (which explains why Plato's Tribe rely on banditry to survive…) which prevents the attainment of 'Wisdom'… or… in Proudhon's terms: the triumph of 'Reason' ('Liberty'… or Freedom)… which then lengthens the period we remain stuck in this interlude called 'Insanity' before we achieve our well-deserved Freedom… for global humanity. Proudhon: “Thus, in a given society, the authority of man over man is inversely proportional to the stage of intellectual development which that society has reached… Property and royalty have been crumbling to pieces ever since the world began. As man seeks justice in equality, so society seeks order in anarchy.” We are made to develop our thought… become the associates of our teachers… put our gifts at the disposal of our Brothers and Sisters… become teachers in turn… This process manifests the abundance within us and outside of us… aborting this process freezes us as abandoned… soul-denied… children. “What 'unfreezes' us?”… we've been asking – calling it “Socrates' Dilemma” – given the structural application of the ice… i.e.… 'power' 'owns'… everything we are told our 'world' consists of… The garbage we are given gives us garbage ad infinitum…




”What We're Told is 'Reality' [i.e. the Constructed 'Reality' of 'Class'] Conflicts With Our Dreams…” Emily Dickinson: “The Missing All – prevented Me From missing minor Things.…” All the Prophets who stand against 'class' have this in common: their eyes are on Emily's 'All'… and when they arrive they look about them for signs of it… see it not… and then make it their life's work bringing the theft to our attention. “Strong Draughts of their Refreshing Minds To drink – enables Mine… How powerful the Stimulus Of an Hermetic Mind –” I doubt he would approve but Prince puts me in mind of Hermes… although… as his soul reaches further back… this means I am really put in mind of Thoth… I first mentioned this in our June 12, 2016 show in the excerpt “our temple thoth”… in which we said that listening to one's body was listening to the wisdom of the earth… or 'truth'… tying earth to thought… to 'heart'… and the absence of these linkages Alice tied to an event called 'Hitler': “It is not experienced hatred that leads to acts of violence and destructiveness but hatred that must be warded off and bottled up with the aid of ideology, a situation that can be examined in detail in the case of Adolf Hitler…“We needed the right story to fully appreciate the truth of the message: “Listen to your bodies…” the message to literally put them first… defer to their wisdom… as the Hermes of the Earth…” The role of Thoth… was to continuously return Thought (Truth)… Truth through Thought… to us… when we get lost in 'class'… i.e.… in lies. When Emily says: “This World is not Conclusion. A Species stands beyond –“ and: “And through a Riddle, at the last – Sagacity, must go –“ I begin to think that she… with Prince… believes that Sagacity… or 'acute mental discernment'… must literally go into that World that stands beyond… in order to attain the Wisdom of which Proudhon speaks… an insight which Emily and Prince came as guides to lead us to… Why did we need “the right story”? Alice explains this. We need the right story in order to understand – an act of heart and thought united – what happened to us… because 'class' is totalitarian… as Prince describes in Art Official Cage: “Louder than a bomb since the day of my birth…” – it drowns out other voices… other stories… The hold of the lies has to be broken… with 'the right story'… i.e.… we needed both Alice and Prince… Alice to invite our sagacity into the 'unknown' abuse of 'class'… and Prince to invite it… into the 'unknown' Eternal… Love… the unity of thought and heart…




Have I mentioned that the 'power'-guys plan?… and that to use Prince's singular honesty against him has been their obsession (and no one even slightly cozy with his lyrics can leave that embrace without a sense that one has just experienced the rare pleasure of being with someone 'dangerously' honest. I recall what felt like a stunned silence following Prince's implied question to the audience in one of the interview-excerpts (from… I believe… 2004: “Do we want people in 'power' in charge of us?”…) The 'power'-play “discredit a threat” obviously didn't begin with its use against Prince… But the scale and scope of the threat Prince posed required he be re-cast completely… the true picture of honesty his music and words give inverted to make him seem in our eyes someone fundamentally dishonest and 'debilitated'… In a 'reality' constructed by a band of brigands – who we've been calling Plato's Tribesmen – who've flooded our world with false folks (admitting that we all struggle with deconstructing fascism in us… but I'm referring here to people paid specifically to be false… paid to consciously implement the political purposes of 'power'…) we can only know each other by our 'solidly affirmative' acts: those acts that take a clear stance on furthering the cause of Freedom… 'Freedom' as we've been defining it here: “no force in our global society… the end of Necessity in our interrelations…” Tell me a more “solidly affirmative for freedom” song for women than “Cream”? – We know each other by our acts and their effects. I am trying to provide a context for us to discuss this: “[Wendy] Melvoin takes a different view than her former flame [Lisa Coleman], believing that the women in Purple Rain are indicative of a more troubling part of Prince's personality…” Prince is accused of promoting a 'casual misogyny'… citing “the depiction of the Kid's mother as a victim of abuse and, of course, the lingerie-based female wardrobe…” but there is no doubt in my mind that Prince took this advice of Shakespeare's about the theater to heart: “whose end, both at the first and now, was and is to hold, as 'twere, the mirror up to nature, to show virtue her own feature, scorn her own image, and the very age and body of the time his form and pressure…”




…how much we owe him for proving his maxim: “all difficulties are but easy when they are known…” we will leave to our future Freedom to determine…) Young people today perhaps cannot imagine how the truth about the abuse that happens in 'private'… in silence… in the 'un-havenly' home… was never spoken… To do so was called “airing your dirty laundry…” or… “putting your business in the street…” Purple Rain rocked us then not just because of its music… just as world-rocking was its truth-telling… his 'make-no-bones-about-it' honesty… putting right there on the table the abuse we were not supposed to talk about… and – just as Eddie Murphy did in Beverly Hills Cop – it told the truth about the love between us across race… This was suppressed truth that Prince and Eddie sent like fireworks across the sky of our awareness in big letters… while we watched mouths-agape. They expanded the universe in an instant… they extended the realm of 'the possible'… As to the judgement given us that Prince was “debilitated by the idea of true intimacy…” and needed to be in 'complete control…' I ask those of you uncertain whether Prince was targeted… surveilled… harassed… and tortured with Nikola Tesla's stolen EMF-weapon – for over thirty-five years (we must never forget that the Plato's Tribesmen [hidden-'power'] started assaulting and isolating him psychically by surrounding him with agents when he was only twenty years old at best… a mere babe essentially… sucked into a heartless machine determined to contain and break him… bend him to its 'will'…) tortured with the Plato's Tribesmen's stolen EMF-weapon (essentially since he was but a child…) and then murdered with it – to those uncertain whether Prince was in fact so horribly abused … I ask you to nonetheless stretch your imagination and contemplate yourself as the victim in such a scenario… I happen to know that this is exactly what Prince was subjected to because I – though a much lesser threat than Prince – am in those shoes… and I have to tell you… after experiencing… for only a fraction of the time Prince did… this treatment… that living with it is a daily nightmare of negotiating my way through a stream of vipers and EMF… a survival-challenge which consumes a huge load of physical and psychic energy… I cannot imagine what it would mean to be caught like this in 'power's maw from such a young age… to be surrounded with nothing but falseness and vicious assault until you begin to believe that the extreme callousness of the human beings around you is simply what humans have now become… Let's just say Prince displayed a grace in this that has eluded me… when it comes to being all-surrounded by falseness and threat. Prince's 'work' was to show the Truth and point the way to it… and to help us heal from the 'frozen-ness' 'power' imposes on us. 'Power' would have us stew ourselves in a pot of angry thoughts our life-long… fume at everyone and everything we inaccurately suppose is at fault for our unhappiness… our being thwarted in expressing our authentic-ness… our inability to develop our gifts… the absence of honesty and love in our interrelations… at our being worked like mules… our being 'made-use-of'… but once we see them… once understanding blooms… 'anger' becomes past-tense… because All-Illuming-Understanding douses it. Being confused… duped and lied-to (which we unconsciously know is so…) understandably pisses us off… but knowing what is really happening un-freezes our paralysis and allows us to plan an alternative… and kiss mis-placed anger goodbye.




“The Central Lie of 'Class' is 'Class': How We Lost Our Voices”: Nikola's legacy… Prince's legacy… the Truth – they're all tied together… and… 1 + 1 + 1 Is 3… they lead to Freedom. Remember what Proudhon said?: “I beg the reader to consider that, having begun with a paradox, I must, if I reason correctly, meet with paradoxes at every step, and must end with paradoxes…” It is in that light that we can most fruitfully probe the following quotes from Karl Popper on Plato: “In this way, the economic principle of the division of labour is introduced [by Plato in the Republic] (reminding us of the affinity between Plato's historicism and the materialist interpretation of history [of Marx]). But this principle is based here upon an element of biological naturalism, namely, upon the natural inequality of men. At first, this idea is introduced inconspicuously and, as it were, innocently. But we shall see… that it has far-reaching consequences; indeed, the only really important division of labour [in the Republic] turns out to be that between rulers and ruled, claimed to be based upon the natural inequality of masters and slaves, of wise and ignorant…” “E]qualitarianism was voiced by the Sophist Hippias, whom Plato represents as addressing his audience: “Gentlemen, I believe that we are all kinsmen and friends and fellow-citizens; if not by conventional law, then by nature. For by nature, likeness is an expression of kinship; but conventional law, the tyrant of mankind, compels us to do much that is against nature.” This spirit was bound up with the Athenian movement against slavery to which Euripides gave expression: “The name alone brings shame upon the slave who can be excellent in every way and truly equal to the free born man.” Elsewhere, he says: “Man's law of nature is equality.” And Alcidamas, a disciple of Gorgias and a contemporary of Plato, wrote: “God has made all men free; no man is a slave by nature.” Similar views are also expressed by Lycophron, another member of Gorgias' school: “The splendor of noble birth is imaginary, and its prerogatives are based upon a mere word.” “In light of all this, I do not see why Diogenes' meaning was purely 'negative' when he replied to the question “where are you from?” by saying that he was a cosmopolite, a citizen of the whole world; especially if we consider that a similar answer (“I am a man of the world”) is reported of Socrates, and another (“The wise man belongs to all countries, for the home of a great soul is the whole world;”) of Democritus.” 'Class' itself is of course a fantasy… an illusion… as Lycophron… and… two thousand years later… Proudhon… said. We live our lives by lies… why? 'Thought' answers the question and sets earth under our feet… again…




“Dreams Become the Life U Lead…” When our waking-life is nought but lies the truth must come in dreams. Before I sat at Prince's knee and listened to enough of his thoughts… listened until I felt myself loosen… felt Prince forming inside me… some of his lyrics slipped by – though he is like Emily in so many ways… truth is sometimes told slant… necessarily… because it is an opposing universe to 'class' into which we are being invited… Point being… when I first heard him say: “Wherever U R, think of your dreams… Remember that dreams become the life U lead…” I didn't hear what he was saying accurately… despite – and this may sound curious – despite my having discovered this truth on my own… and pondered it… as he tells us to. His words are meant to be taken literally. Prince is a prophet… so his dreams are of particular significance to us… but all of us… all of us who can remember our earliest dreams as children and young people… and beyond… and especially our recurring ones… have experienced… I'm certain… seeing them come to pass – whether literally or metaphorically… That this is the case must erase… once we give it its due pondering… the lies taught us about 'time'… the true meaning of which is revealed through dreams… This is another taboo subject that Prince told the truth about… We'll be returning to this theme in upcoming shows… along with these other issues we're developing: The Transition… phasing out the need for capital: the need to phase out the need for 'capital' as means to 'get things done'… “If everyone has access to what they need 'the system' shifts into Freedom…” we said… Growing up requires owning ourselves: It is perhaps within this 'de-commissioning' frame that we can best see (for purposes of discussion with our Brothers and Sisters…) that 'growing up' is not in a simple sense about 'loving ourselves”… but rather about “owning ourselves…” – being in command of our own 'expansion'… which requires access to our common Knowledge Products… created over the millennia and to which… as Proudhon taught us… all of us owe our existence… expanding thereby to absorb all the knowledge we need… for our capacities and our purposes to meet… Regaining our voices… Prince provides the words: And finally: We have become invisible to ourselves… and so we need (authentic) speech – in interaction with others (engaged in a process of 'social thought' – to claim ourselves as real… in order to recall our true purpose and disengage from the 'rulers' dreams…” – or… more accurately… their lack of dreams… Prince and Alice provide the words that return our voices… which allow us to become visible to ourselves again… and then to each other…




Margaret Cheney's Tesla: Man Out Of Time: “Tesla, in order to maintain his fashionable mode of life at the Waldorf through the years, had given two mortgages on Wardenclyffe to the hotel's proprietor, George C. Boldt. They secured bills of about $20,000. He had asked that the mortgages not be recorded, fearing damage to his financial credibility. When in 1915 he was at last unable to make any payments at all, however, he signed the Wardenclyffe deed over to Waldorf-Astoria, Inc. The hotel corporation tried to convert its strange security into cash but no one in those days knew what to do with the ruins of a world broadcasting center. The War Department was approached for ideas but nothing came of it. Next it was considered as a site for a pickle factory. Tesla must have wept when he heard this… [In 1917… on July 4…] the tower was destroyed under a salvage contract between the owners and the Smiley Steel Company of New York, but the inventor did not wish to disclose the real owners. And it was destroyed only in an effort to realize a few dollars from scrap. [We have put our lives… our earth… into the hands of stunted-souls… people we can only think of as 'evil'… though Alice has explained what happened to them as infants… to make them so… – P.S.] The tower proved to be more strongly built than its destroyers guessed. They had to keep blasting away as if it were rooted to the spot by some mysterious force. On the ensuing Labor Day it collapsed, dynamite having triumphed at last over the merely celestial. It brought the corporation $1,750 above salvage costs. A junkman noticed some of Tesla's notes blowing down the street. Marconi, with Carl F. Braun of Germany, won the Nobel Prize in physics in 1909 for their “separate but parallel development of the wireless telegraph.” Never for the rest of his life would Tesla give up on his concepts of power transmission and broadcasting. It was not a dream he declared, “but a simple feat of scientific electrical engineering, only expensive – blind, fainthearted, doubting world.” But perhaps it was better “in this present world of ours that a revolutionary idea or invention instead of being helped and patted, be hampered and ill-treated in its adolescence – by want of means, by selfish interest, pedantry, stupidity and ignorance; that it be attacked and stifled; that it pass through bitter trials and tribulations, condemned, combatted, suppressed – only to emerge all the more powerfully, all the more triumphantly from the struggle.”




Our goal of ‘Thought-full de-commissioning' of 'the system' – what Prince calls 'Deconstruction' in The Rainbow Children – is also a 'Returning'… to our original selves… the re-flowering of our natural capacity of 'harmonization' with each other. Prince's music… words… and “Let-Love-Rule” operating principle… we said… are essential grounding in 'heart'… love… and fun… for all our efforts… Images and feelings and sounds of sea and movement and soaring are what come to me when I hear Prince's music… For me he represents and manifests our common evolutionary momentum as a global humanity… that Proudhon… and all lovers of Freedom… have helped us to see has been in us… and with us… from the beginning… and that the first step off that path towards 'class' was a mis-step that led to others that interrupted our fluid Dance of Unimpeded Evolutionary Life… Let's bring the right movements back again… and all of us globally harmonize with them… Our outro song is one of the first of his that I played on this show… I love it because it makes me laugh – it's so 'unexpected – it shows that Prince quality of being surprising… it starts as one thing – you hear these tinkling bells and think: “typical ballad…” and then you discover… it's something else… And the title expresses what I'm feeling right now… though that is not the sense Prince meant… Our outro song is: “I Love U In Me”]


Prince Songs For Our April 30, 2017 Show:


[“01 Tick, Tick, Bang.mp3”:]


“Tick, Tick, Bang” by Prince: “Ooh, I can't hold it… Ow! Bang, bang, bang… Bang… You, yeah… You're such a big tease, you get me all excited… All excited and then you go home… You're like ice cream… Knew I got to getcha, got to getcha before you're all gone… You're such a bombshell… If I ever get ya, ever get ya, ever get ya… There's no telling how long I'd last… Before I tick, tick bang all over you… Tick, tick-a-tick, bang, bang all over you… Tick, tick-a-tick, bang, bang, bang, tick, bang, bang… You ain't no cheap thrill… Every time you tick I'd rather you bang… But you leave me in a fire sweat… (Leave me in a fire sweat)… You're like a good pill… All I need is to and I'm so into you… You're the best stuff that I could get… You're such a bombshell… If I ever get ya, ever get ya, ever get ya… There's no telling how long I'd last… Before I tick, tick, bang, all over you… All over you, tick, all over you, tick… Ooh, I can't hold it… Ooh, it's getting all over me… Ooh, I can't hold it… Ooh, it's getting all over me… You're such a queen bee… Let me taste your honey, taste your honey… Taste your honey, for it go bad… You're so slippery… Ooh, like this chain around my hip… I want a 24 karat relationship… So baby don't spit me out… Tick, tick, bang, all over you… Tick, tick-a-tick, bang… Ooh, I can't hold it… Ooh, it's getting all over me… You're such a bombshell… If I ever get ya, ever get ya, ever get ya… There's no telling how long I'd last… Before I tick, tick-a-tick, bang, bang, bang, bang, all over you… All over you, bang… All over you, tick, tick, bang… All over you, tick, tick, bang… All over you, tick, tick, bang… All over you, tick, tick, bang… All over, all over, all over, tick, tick, bang…” [Prince, “Tick, Tick, Bang”, from the 1990 album and film Graffiti Bridge…]


[“06 LoveSexy.mp3”:]


“LoveSexy” by Prince: “New power, new power, give it to me… Oh, it needs some bottom in here, lay it on me… New, yeah, hey now, hey now… Everybody on the block say it is the best… The most vital is what they say, more or less… It put my name upon my thigh… It make me dance, it make me cry… And when I touch it, race cars burn rubber in my pants… Oh… This feeling's so good in every single way… I want it morning, noon and night of everyday… And if by chance I cannot have it I can't say… But with it I know heaven's just a kiss away, kiss away… Dig me, now, anyone that's ever touched it… They don't want nothing else, no, they don't… And I got to tell the world… I just can't keep it to myself, no, no… All in life becomes easier… No question is unresolved and I'm not afraid now… Come on and touch it, I know you will love it… With it I know heaven's a butterfly kiss away… This feeling's so good in every single way… I want it morning, noon and night of everyday… And if by chance I cannot have it I can't say… With it I know heaven is a just a kiss away, kiss away… Yeah, lovesexy… No yeah yeah… Did you feel that?… Love, loves… Rain is wet, sugar is sweet… Clap your hands, stomp your feet… Everybody, everybody know… When love calls, you got to go… Lovesexy… Tonight we make love with only words… Girls first, girls first… Okay so like first, I will start by telling you… How smart and intelligent a curve your behind has… And then I can tell you that I can just smell you… And race cars burn rubber in my pants… But I really dig trippin' on the thought of being caught… By somebody with your beauty, style and grace… Baby, I don't care… I would rip out my hair for just tonights with your face… I don't wanna make love to you… I just wanna look at you… I just wanna listen to you… Oh, pretty little whip, you got me drippin'… Drippin' all over the floor, the floor… If I come back as a woman… I want a body like yours, a body like yours… Living rooms? I think you would… I think you wanna play house… Yeah, I think you wanna play house… You don't mind, I think you… I think you want me to f*** inside of you… Yeah, yeah… You want me to sit around your living room… Yeah, you, you want me to walk right down your halls… You want me to swivel in your love seat… Don't you, baby?… You want me to write my name on your walls… You want me to write my name on… We make love with only words… I'll make love to you tomorrow…” [Prince, “LoveSexy”, LoveSexy, 1988]


[“08 Scandalous.mp3”:]


“Scandalous” by Prince: “Come. Closer.… Feel what U've been dyin' 4… Don't be afraid, baby… Touch it and explode… Understand, understand that I love U… But more than that – I want U… Everybody always told me… “Good things come 2 those who wait”… But I've got so much on the menu… I just can't wait, I just can't, I can't wait baby… I can't wait baby… I can wrap my legs around U girl… Cuz sugar, U know U're just the kind of lover… That I've been looking 4… 2 night why don't we skip all the 4 play, mamma… And just get down here on the floor… Scandalous… I'm talkin' about U and me… Marvelous - baby, baby, can't U see… Anything U've ever dreamed of… I'm willing 2 be… 2 night it's gonna be scandalous… Cuz 2 night I'm gonna be your fantasy… My dearest, my dearest… (Whisper) Whisper a question… With my body (body) I'll scream a reply… Anything's acceptable… Just ask me and I'll try it… 2 hell with hesitation… 2 hell with the reasons why… Scandalous… I'm talkin' about U and me… Marvelous - baby, baby, can't U see… Anything U've ever dreamed of… I'm willing 2 be… 2 night it's gonna be scandalous… Cuz 2 night I'm gonna be your fantasy… Baby, baby, baby… Oh girl, the things U make me do!… Genius is the only way 2 describe U… Anything U've ever dreamed of baby… Just ask me - I'll do, I'll do,… I'll do it 4 U baby… Anything at all… Spirits rise and spirits fall… Anything U ever dreamed off, I'm willing 2 be… 2 night is gonna be scandalous… Cuz 2 night I'm, 2 night I'm gonna be your fantasy!… Scandalous… I'm talkin' about U and me… Marvelous - baby, baby, can't U see… Anything U've ever dreamed of… I'm willing 2 be… 2 night it's gonna be scandalous… Cuz 2 night I'm gonna be your fantasy… Scandalous, marvelous…” [Prince, “Scandalous”, Batman, 1989]


[“11 Revelation.mp3”:]


“Revelation” by Prince: “Revelation… Revelation… It's coming back to me now… You and I were meant to be together… and hope… Revelation… Revelation… It seems like you've always been here… Now that you are, stay with me forever my dear… Revelation… Revelation… If ever (if ever), there was ever (there was ever…) Such a thing as time, oo babe (oo babe…) It's useless, so useless to me now… For in your arms is everything, in your arms, everything… An army of haters, one by one… Will do what they will to everyone… But the task at hand until we see the sun… Is to keep doing you until you come, to revelation… (revelation…) Can I play with it now?… It's all coming back to me now, like it was deep in the ocean… I beat my sword into a plow, and shared a heavenly potion… A future queen… Half east, half west, the truth somewhere rests between… Through English glamour casting spell… Though Hebrew, Greek and Roman hell… Higher 2 we overstand… the colour of the Pharoah's hand… (the colour of the Pharoah's hand…)…” [Prince, “Revelation”, HitnRun Phaze Two, 2015]




Our April 23, 2017 Show:




It's been a year since I was hit with what I believe was my first laser-EMF-injury – I think it was a laser because of the intensity and focus of the pain it caused – into my thigh and up into my hip and back… three days before the 'power'-guys murdered Prince… I wrote a 'poem' about it for the May 15, 2016 show: “What they did to me… days before they killed him (but what was the precipitating event?… They'd been torturing him with EMF for decades… and these guys are sadists…) showed exactly what they did… they ran that laser into Prince… into his back… into his hip…” The burning and numbness lasted for months. I bring this up again because it shows the degree to which these 'power'-guys plan. They have nothing else to do with their time (given their skill-set…) but to plot schemes for increasing the misery and suffering in the world – that and consume the planet… which is towards the same end. Prince… so far as I know… alone (…although Prince was obviously not alone in getting targeted with EMF – I believe the global-'statesmen's use of this weapon has been widespread… coinciding with their three broad objectives with it: limiting population [with disease…] controlling or 'managing' population… and maintaining global supremacy vis-a-vis other state-actors – and that… within the purpose 'controlling or managing population' their priorities are the elimination of dissent and the erasure of stories that conflict with the one they are composing… or… generally speaking… as they are about 'sculpting'… the elimination of those they deem 'not useful' or 'no longer useful' for their purposes… or possible threats… or know too much about them [this mindset is strictly utilitarian…]: i.e.… crafting a future that's grim [that an EMF-assault affects one's emotions… makes you feel sad or angry… cannot be dismissed as a 'strength' in the eyes of the 'power'-guys'… they have been trying to conquer this turf for some time… 'control' is their mantra…] they are sculpting a future in which we-the-people [globally] are focused on surviving 'scarcity' and serving the 'rulers' posing as our 'saviors' – and we should consider that within their objective “erasing stories that conflict with 'grim'”… anyone in the public eye [and if in the eye of youth… and capable of jump-starting an authentic thought-process… even more so…] that can generate in us a feeling of happiness… make us laugh… stimulate us to think from the root of earth-truth up… help us become more empathic and inter-connected across the false divisions… and want to live authentic lives… is particularly at risk… This means… mos def… comedians who are – by their very existence – critics of 'class'… – at least the ones that lighten our loads and make us feel more hopeful and less alone… Those Tiny-Tiny-Few desperate to 'rule' want youth to feel alone and hopeless as… if they can reproduce this effect in youth… generation after generation… their reign of Heartlessness and Hate can be extended ad infinitum…)




Prince… so far as I know… alone… went beyond 'protest' (which but flatters them with our recognition… does not challenge them by our stepping up as an equal with our vision of the alternative [the rule of Love… and therefore – as Proudhon is showing us – the rule of Reason…] and with a plan to supplant them…) because he knew these guys stay hidden… amass resources… and that they are Fascist… which means they intend to own every bit of the earth and everything on it… and that we cannot equivocate or compromise in our mission… and hope to attain it: we must claim 'all-of-it'… for 'all-of-us' – ensuring that “everyone…” as Proudhon says… “is king…” My getting targeted for 'punishment' with EMF allowed me to see the qualities the 'power'-guys find threatening (…partially… partially allowed me to see this… their obsession with Nikola Tesla I didn't get until we read together Margaret Cheney and I learned that Nikola'd invented EMF-weapons… and that when he said 'wireless transmission of energy…' he meant 'electricity'… despite the title of one of his articles being “The Transmission of Electric Energy Without Wires” – dim as this undoubtedly makes me…) My getting targeted for 'punishment' with EMF allowed me to see… not only the qualities they find threatening… not only (as my 'reach' was almost non-existent…) the extent to which any 'counter-story' would be suppressed… but that the combination 'reach' and 'counter-story' would be met with a massive response of repression… given that on me they have spared no expense. Imagine then what this said to me about Prince… even with only having Purple Rain… after reading Alice – who studied the psychology of totalitarians and explained what they find threatening and why (providing additional explanation for why I was targeted…) – and then even more so once I dove into the ocean of his work since: it said to me: “Prince is for them a monumental threat… and has been for his entire musical career… Is there any quality of suffering they did not inflict on this man?…” Trust. These guys plan. And they have been backroom-plotting how to bring about his end since he first claimed our right to our own bodies in a public forum. I.e.… for a while now. There is no doubt this man was tortured with EMF… his life inundated with agents. For the record: regarding the New York Times article of April 18, 2017 about the police investigation into his death (which has been classified as a homicide…) clearly the Plato's Tribesmen are hoping we read only the headline-lie… which is completely unsupported by the story… which reads as a mess of constructed scenes… crafted lies… and clumsy cover-up…




I've been thinking about how completely invisible Prince seems to have been to the 'world-as-we-know-it' through 'the media-lens' – and therefore to us… as we have been made dependent on its interpretation of people and events… This is a disastrous position for a captive populace to be in and we desperately need our own media… My thoughts took this bend after reading a lengthy review of Prince's CD The Gold Experience that Prince included in the booklet packaged with it… I was appalled by its inclusion… and fell to pondering why Prince would help disseminate such a… what I consider… unfair treatment… gross diminishment… of: what he was about… what he had accomplished… and what he intended to accomplish – a depiction horribly unequal to the man himself – I concluded a couple things: it seemed to me he included it largely for the last brief paragraph (which should have been… I thought… how the review began…) of a six-page review… and then decided the entire review would have to be printed so as not to be accused of distorting the reviewer's point of view about him. The last paragraph included the sentence: “There is a palpable sense of urgency here, as if he knows that time is running out for all of us to make connections with ourselves and the outside world.” And I concluded that Prince had been made so invisible to us – as he says in “Undisputed” – that he was grateful for any accurate 'sense' that appeared in the media about him… no matter that it's drowned in a sea of trivialization… What does it feel like… to know the country you're living in that calls itself a 'democracy' is Fascist… when no one else apparently is aware of it… particularly when paid-agents surround you… there to create a sense of psychic isolation and self-doubt… and… further… you are being invisibly assaulted daily: and you must bear it… and bear the fact that no one cares… What does it feel like to have no emptiness to fill… to be self-sufficient… in a constructed world premised on 'Scarcity'?… a seed planted… or so it seems… in every 'class'-constructed human being… So what do you do then… when your eyes have been early-opened to the presence of a mission in you… and you encounter intense and unexpected resistance to your completing it?… The 'power'-guys place a wall of resistance around everybody – that's what 'class' means… But with Prince this wall was both massive and 'all-surrounding': Prince was tortured with EMF his entire adult life… The ‘global-state-statesmen / would-be-gods have claimed for themselves an exclusive 'right' of decision-making… and – most egregious – the 'right' both to prevent us from developing our thought… and to decide who lives and who dies: “Imagine you could rid the Earth… Of anyone you choose… Which ones would you need the most… And which ones would you lose?… Do we want to judge another… Lest we be judged too?…” (Prince, “Planet Earth”, 2007) As Proudhon says… these sorts (brigands… thieves… and statesmen…) “pretend to be the legislative and the executive power at once…” – and extra-legally dispense 'punishment' and / or death to whoever they choose… hobbling our forward-moving momentum… to Freedom… our necessary drive to develop our hearts and minds mutually… I like Nikola's way of describing the interference this Tiny-Tiny-Few interject into our common evolutionary momentum as a global humanity: “elements tending to produce friction and retardation…” Prince readily perceived the significance of his 'invisibility'… recognized that the problem was both structural and global… and that he would have to expand to meet the threat… faced with a global 'class'-system in a state that was clearly Fascist… Prince decided he would have to create in himself… the alternative (we're going to be thinking a lot about that in our upcoming shows…) The full import of Prince's words eludes us until we have fully immersed ourselves in them. He creates his own universe… he said in one of the interviews… and invites those he needs – we strays of the world – to come in… his process ends with the minority becoming the majority… this process ends… in Freedom…




What we've learned from both Proudhon and Alice and Prince… is that 'growing up' is not just about (or best described as…) “loving ourselves”… but more accurately: “owning ourselves…” – being in command of our own 'expansion'… another term for which is “becoming 'big'…” – expanding to absorb all the knowledge we need… for our capacities and our purpose to meet… so we look to our tribe to model this quality of 'bigness'… so that we may emulate and surpass them in it… in being what is uniquely human… and advance thereby our entire global humanity… this occurs naturally… it requires no force… it is our biological inheritance… our gift from the earth… from the Eternal… from the 'All-of-it'… As we said last week… we need to see a model of Freedom before we can emulate it… become 'big' ourselves… and… once Fascism has its fangs in us… we need to regain speech and judgment (our authentic thought-process…) we need (authentic) speech to claim ourselves as real… We have become invisible to ourselves… we no longer see our true purpose… enmeshed… as we've been made to be… in the 'rulers' dreams… The education we need is of a specific kind… that which returns speech to the muted… and sight to we made blind… We could not see Prince because his vibrancy and certainty conflicted with our early childhood experience… during which we learned… nothing was certain… this was a hurt… a wound… that silenced us… and blurred our vision… But having the words… and the discussions… and the joyful experiences… that explain that hurt… that process of abnegation… returns to us our voices… and vision…




Margaret Cheney's Tesla: Man Out Of Time: ““There is Hertzian telegraphy in theory only,” Tesla explained, “since these waves diminish very rapidly with distance.” Hertz and Crookes, he said, did not apply true sources of power since they used the Ruhmkorff coil and a simple spark gap. Tesla claimed that he had made no progress in the field until he was inspired to invent his oscillation transformer, with which he obtained greatly magnified intensity. He believed, after experimenting with different forms of aerials, that the signals picked up by the instruments were actually induced by earth currents instead of being etheric space waves.…” After [Nikola’s] “very promising” session with Frick, the inventor was again forced to send bad news to Scherff, the negotiations had come to nothing. The year 1906 threatened to be, if possible, worse than its predecessor. Even his old friend Westinghouse seemed to be avoiding him… [I have to tell you… this was very hard for me to read and think about given our debt to Nikola Tesla: the way he was mistreated and abused and then erased from our knowledge until… hopefully… now… – it stimulates this surge of sadness… and sadness mixed with all kinds of other stuff. I am really hoping that those of us who know our debt to Nikola… for that reason alone… we set the record straight… and setting this record straight… ends the 'class'-system…]”




Nikola Tesla: Has anything happened to mar the cordiality of our relations? I would be very sorry, not only because of my admiration for you but for other serious reasons… The transmission of power without wires will very soon create an industrial revolution and such as the world has never seen before. Who is to be more helpful in this great development, and who will derive from it greater benefits than yourself?” Westinghouse, although knowing that without Tesla's AC patents his firm could not have become the lusty adolescent that it was, replied in effect thanks but no thanks. The harrowing routine continued. Scherff wrote that a promised carload of coal had not yet been delivered and that scheduled tests must be delayed. He also mentioned tactfully his extra job for two days a month keeping books for a sulfur manufacturing firm. This was a bad omen for Tesla, for Scherff would soon become a full-time employee of this company [The money lever is wielded by 'power' in various ways: to boost or sink businesses… – and we've got numerous examples of that in the New York Times of late… So… trust… those of you who think that money and corporations are the problem… no… these guys sink the corporations they want sunk… for whatever reasons that they keep to themselves… So please… let's start accurately describing the problem as 'power': these ten thousand guys… It ain't about money… And we have to think through… as Proudhon was doing: this issue of 'transition'… because the vast majority of we-seven-billion are going to be joyously marching into a world without coercion… And those who have stuff they're afraid of losing have to be reassured: “we don't want your stuff…” And that's why we're reading Proudhon… to figure out how he managed that problem… by simply phasing out the need for 'capital': no one needs it… it goes away… If everyone has access to what they need 'the system' shifts into Freedom… So let's all of us together think this through… and convene… organize… that One-Day-Global General Strike so that we can bring our ideas into that communal forum… celebration…]”




[The money lever is wielded by 'power' in various ways: to boost or sink businesses through financial manipulation and the manipulation of opinion in their media… and of course to move we-puppets to and fro as they so desire. There is no doubt the 'power'-guys wanted to completely isolate Nikola from authentic support… and almost certain this departure of Scherff was orchestrated… – P.S.] continuing with Margaret: “Worse news lay ahead. On June 26, 1906, the newspapers were filled with sensational accounts of the murder of Stanford White. The architect [recall… was a strong supporter of Nikola… he was the architect that remodeled the Players' Club… the one to whom Nikola wrote: “I have not been half as dumbfounded by the news of the shooting of the President (McKinley) as I have by the estimates submitted by you (for building the tower at Wardenclyffe…) – P.S.] The architect had been shot three times by a Pittsburgh financier, Harry K. Thaw, the night before on the roof of Madison Square Garden, while numerous members of the New York “400” looked on. White was believed by the killer to have been involved with his wife, Evelyn Nesbit, in a love triangle. Later Thaw was committed to the Matteawan Hospital for the Criminally Insane. But the architect who had given New Yorkers such splendid edifices as Madison Square Presbyterian Church, the Garden City Hotel, the Hall of Fame at New York University, and the Astor Mansion, at Rhinebeck, was gone – leaving the tower on Long Island as his final monument. Scherff left Wardenclyff that fall. He never ceased, however to keep an eye on Tesla's financial affairs, working for him on evenings and weekends and almost always remembering to file his tax returns on time. The world system for broadcasting – a concept designed to incorporate almost every aspect of modern communications – was all over but the mourning. Yet as long as the tower stood, Tesla continued his efforts to complete it. Exactly when all the workers left, no one could say. Thomas R. Boyles, the general passenger agent of the railroad station just across the road from the abandoned plant, only noticed that passengers had stopped getting off there. A caretaker remained on duty for a time. When curious journalists or research engineers showed up they were allowed to climb to the tower top with its sweeping view of Long Island Sound. For all that the tower looked so light, it was built entirely without metal, even down to the wooden pegs holding together the wooden uprights and cross members. After abandoning the plan for covering the dome with a copper sheathing, Tesla had installed a removable disk through which a beam of radiation could be projected to the zenith. The visitors found the laboratory filled with curiously complex apparatus. In addition to much glass-blowing equipment there were a complete machine shop with eight lathes, X-ray devices, a great variety of high-frequency Tesla coils, one of his original radio-controlled robot boats, and exhibit cases filled with thousands of bulbs and tubes. There were an office, library, instrument room, electrical generators and transformers, and great stocks of wire and cable.… In 1912 a judgment of $23,500 against the inventor for machinery supplied to the project was won by Westinghouse, Church, Kerr & Co. The equipment left at the site was taken to satisfy it…”




As we near the conclusion of Chapter V of Proudhon I've been taking stock… comparing Proudhon's intent… and his careful analysis – where he's led us – with our initial objectives… the one most key being: our goal of 'thought-full de-commissioning' of 'the system' – what Prince calls 'Deconstruction' in The Rainbow Children. What I'm more and more coming to see is that the consonance that exists between all we-Advocates-for-Freedom hoping to engage our social-thought-process with others of like mind and heart globally… is an example of both Proudhon's notion of the natural harmonization of our gifts when they are freely-given… and Prince's and Nikola Tesla's observations about the 'invisibility'… and time-fluidity… of our common evolutionary momentum as a global-humanity… Prince's music and “Let-Love-Rule” operating principle are essential grounding for all our efforts… essential grounding in 'heart'… love… and fun… as we work through various strategies of 'deconstruction'… which we explore and develop here… and all over the world… – P.S.] Proudhon: “The proprietor, the robber, the hero, the sovereign – for all these titles are synonymous – imposes his will as law, and suffers neither contradiction nor control; that is, he pretends to be the legislative and the executive power at once. Accordingly, the substitution of the scientific and true law for the royal will is accomplished only by a terrible struggle; and this constant substitution is, after property, the most potent element in history; the most prolific source of political disturbances. Examples are too numerous and too striking to require enumeration. [The precedence of Advocates-for-Freedom in developing the thoughts that we need to understand 'class' authentically is always taken from them… has Proudhon been credited for his explanation of that famous line from Marx (I paraphrase…): “all hitherto known history is the history of class struggle…”? – although recall from our shows when we read excerpts from The Eighteenth Brumaire… Marx does not however claim this particular mantle for himself… – P.S.] That is so clearly the essence of property that, to be convinced of it, one need but remember what it is, and observe what happens around him. Property is the right to use and abuse. If, then, government is economy, – if its object is production and consumption, and the distribution of labor and products, – how is government possible while property exists? And if goods are property, why should not the proprietors be kings, and despotic kings – kings in proportion to their facultes bonitaires? And if each proprietor is sovereign lord within the sphere of his property, absolute king throughout his own domain, how could a government of proprietors be any thing but chaos and confusion?…” [I mean… this is just logical… right?… straightforward “1 + 1 + 1 Is 3”… not even stasis… but deterioration… In our prospective Waking Up Radio show of April 16,2017 (I'm writing these words on April 6, 2017…) we plan to discuss a comment that my son made in our conversation of April 4, 2017 (a “no-stream-fill-in” show…) In summing up a point I was making he said: “So you're saying that Prince's answer to the dilemma of Socrates is: claim your bodies but then take that to a place of communal celebration…” What Proudhon… Polanyi… and I… are describing… is… as I said… the implementation of Plato's maxim by Plato's Tribe: “keep the cattle herded…” – using the economy (and the totalitarian-state… once they'd established it…) as whip – by keeping us hassled… harassed… insecure… ignorant… and confused – herded psychically… by being kept atomized… and ceding authority over our minds… to Plato's Tribe. This… fantasy of 'Supremacy' that hobbles the 'rulers' thought-process they have placed like a yoke on ours… We are bright and indefinable beings… we are 'mystery'… we are Love… it is time we honored that Mystery… and that Love… On December 20, 2015 I played this song by Prince as part of our opening 'Musical Tribute' and dedicated it to the 'child-brides of Plato's Tribe'… I said to them “listen to it over and over again until you feel it…” I wish I had played it for Prince knowing what I know now then… and said… “in truth… 'Baby…U're A Universe…' we owe you so much… thank you…” Our outro song is “Baby I'm A Star” from the 1984 album and film Purple Rain…]




Prince Songs For Our April 23, 2017 Show:


[“06 Round and Round.mp3”:]


“Round And Round” by Prince: “Oh yeah… Round and round and round… Round, round… Yeah, yeah, yeah, ooh yeah… Can u tell me where we're going 2?… Can u tell me what it is we really want 2 find? Is the truth really there? Or is it right under our hair? 4 all we know it's been there all the time… I say, nothing comes from dreamers but dreams… I say, sitting idle in our boat while everyone else is down the stream… Nothing comes from talkers but sound… We can talk all we want 2, but the world still goes around and round… Round and round. We go round and round and round… And what we're looking 4 still isn't found… Can u tell me when we gonna get 2 it… I'm tired of fooling around I said I wanna do it… (go 4 it, get 2 it)… I learned my lesson young, I said if want to have fun (go 4 it)… And when u win say, "I knew it" (go 4 it, get 2 it)… Nothing comes from dreamers but dreams… I say, sitting idle in our boat while everyone else is down the stream… Nothing comes from talkers but sound… We can talk all we want 2, but the world still goes around and round… Round, round, round, round, round, round… Round and round (get get get get 2 it, go 4 it, get 2 it)… We go round and round and round… And what we're looking 4 still isn't found… 1 day I'll make it in the big city… And I'll be looking 4 a girl who's pretty… 1 day I'll make a play and she will say ok… 'cause I plan 2 be a cool kitty… Round and Round… I say, nothing comes from dreamers but dreams… I say, sitting idle in our boat while everyone else is down the stream… Nothing comes from talkers but sound… We can talk all we want 2, but the world still goes around and round… Round and round. We go round and round and round… And what we're looking 4 still isn't found… Round and round we go. Round and round we go… Round and round and round and round and round and round we go…” [Prince, lead voice in “Round And Round”:is Tevin Campbell, Graffiti Bridge, 1990 film and CD]


[“11 Push.mp3”:]


“Push” by Prince: “Step 1… step off to the dance floor… Step 1… step off to the dance floor… Push (hey) ((push up on it))… (good god)… Push - lord (push, yeah) ((push up on it))… Every time u get some… People wanna take it back… They rather see u on the run… Than see u get it like that… Every time they stop u… Change up like a sock… Every time they try 2 clock u… Tick more than they tock… Push I push… Don't let them pull u down, yeah… Push I push… Until u get 2 higher ground… Push… U're never 2 young, never 2 old… Push… Don't stop until u go… Did u ever stop 2 wonder… Why U put another down?… No man should asunder… The joy that another man found… Maybe 'bout the business u was worried… Wasn't ever filed in your name… Maybe the cartridge u was playin'… Don't fit in your video game… Push I push… Don't let them pull u down… Push I push… Until u get 2 higher ground… Push… U're never 2 young, never 2 old, yeah… Push… Don't stop until u go, hey… (alright) I push (push) ((push up on it))… (push) I push (push, push, hey)… (push) (come on and push it now, hey push)… ((push up on it)) (push) I push… Every time u get some push… People wanna take it back p-push… They rather see u on the run push… Than see u get it like that… Every time they stop u… Change up like a sock push… Every time they try 2 clock u push… U gotta tick more than they can tock… Push I push… Don't let them pull u down… Push I push… Until u get 2 higher ground (higher)… Push… U're never 2 young, never 2 old, yeah… Push… Don't stop until u go… (no, don't) (push) I push… (push) I push… (push) I push… (push) I push… Did u ever stop 2 wonder (Did u ever stop 2 wonder) (push)… Yeah – I'm a-push up on it… (push)… (push)… (push, push)… (Tony…) Yo?… (Get on the mike…) I'm a push up on it (get on the microphone)… (Tony…) Yo?… (Get on the mike…) Yeah – I'm a push up on it (get on the mike)… (Tony…) Yo?… (Get on the mike…) Slow down – I'm a push up on it… (Get on the mike…) (get on the mike)…(Get on the mike…)… I push for a beat that is greasy… I'll dis a beat if it teases… Mark this down as I state it… I like my funk concentrated… The pop seem, hmmm, a little overrated… U sure can tell where we're steppin'… There's some grease on the stage… Ooops, I just stepped in it… (push)… Circlin' as we slide… The full stride for the ride… On a watered-down tip… We could never get by (push)… Fellas… (get on the mike)… Check it out, here's what u gotta do (push)… Gotta step in the room with the mood… Never juicin' yourself,… Just a confident attitude (push)… Believe me, u will get busy… Your mouth'll drop open… [As u watch the slimmies funkin'] (push)… But u don't want the one who's jockin'… Cause it's all about the clockin' (push)… Step 1, step off 2 the dance floor (push up on it)… There ya go, y'all, yeah (push)… (1… eno… 1,2,3) (push, push, push)… Push up on it (get on the mike, woman)… (Prince…) (get on the mike) Push up on it… (get on the mike)… (Prince…)… U don't want me on the mike Push up on it… (get on the mike)… No man, u don't want me on the mike (don't stop until u go)… (get on the mike) Push up on it… (push)… It's thunder when I'm on the mike (push) I push… Daddy Pop's in the house… And u're sure 2 like his diamonds (push) I push… Sure 2 like his pearls… I'm good 2 cream every boy and girl… Cuz I'm a stollin',… Steady hip-hop rockin' rollin (push)… A willing and able horny pony… And I'm pumpin' em, I'm pumpin' em, (push)… I'm pump-pump-pump-pump-pumpin' em… From Pakistan 2 Poland (push)… Straight into your town… Snatchin' up kiddies (get on the mike)… Like a circus clown (get on the mike)… (push)… (get on the microphone)… Well, all u people out there, (push)… U'd better be 'ware… Cuz they call me Rosie G… And I just don't care (push)… I like 2 step, all night long… Rappin', hiphopin', and pushin this song… The song gets higher and it sets u on fire (push)… Like the lion in the jungle (get on the mike)… It takes you all higher (push)… My momma said “Girl, u know it ain't cool, (get on…)… Said ya don't wanna play by nobody's rules”… I said "Momma chill out, (push)… And give me a break, cause… I know I got just what it takes" (push)… I said "Momma don't put me under pressure (get on, get on…)… I love u and I think u're fresher – push" (push)… Everybody here we go, come on now,… A-push if ya wanna push… A-come on, a-come on, a-come, a-come p-p-push it, push (push)… (push it) (push)… (push it) (push)…” [Prince, “Push”, Diamonds And Pearls, 1991]


[“04 Cream.mp3”:]


“Cream” by Prince: “This is it… It's time for you to go to the wire… You will hit… 'Cos you got the burnin' desire… It's your time (time)… You got the horn so why don't you blow it?… You are fine (fine)… You're filthy cute and baby you know it… Cream, get on top… Cream, you will cop… Cream, don't you stop… Cream, sh-boogie bop… You're so good… Baby, there ain't nobody better (ain't nobody better)… So you should… Never ever go by the letter (never ever)… You're so cool (cool)… Everything you do is success… Make the rules (rules)… Then break them all 'cos you are the best… Yes you are… Cream, get on top… Cream, you will cop… Cream, don't you stop… Cream, sh-boogie bop… Look up in the air, it's your guitar… Do your dance… Why should you wait any longer?… Take a chance… It could only make you stronger… It's your time (it's your time)… You got the horn so why don't you blow it? (go on and blow it)… You're so fine (you're so fine)… You're filthy cute and baby you know it (you know it)… (And you know it)… (Come on)… Cream, get on top… Cream, you will cop… Cream, don't you ever stop… Cream, sh-boogie bop… Cream… Cream… Cream, sh-boogie bop… Cream… Cream, right there… Cream (don't you stop)… (Cream) Sh-boogie bop… (Boogie)…” [Prince, “Cream”, Diamonds And Pearls, 1991]


[“06 Trust.mp3”:]


“Trust” by Prince: “(W,X,Y,Z)… “Hey, it's the man! Yeah, let's see what's going on!” Trust – who do ya? Trust – what makes U a real lover?… Trust – I put this question to ya… Cuz I want U 2 be with me… Love – U cannot imagine… How much I want 2 give 2 U… Hot – I get so excited… Just thinkin' about all we could do… Dig it now… Another world awaits us… Another power 2 see… Close – don't worry about nobody else… From now on U'll be here with me… Trust – who do ya?… Trust – what makes U a real lover?… Trust – I put this question to ya… Cuz I want U 2 be with me… Money – how much'll make U happy?… U can have it all if it'll suit U right… But nothin', I said nothin' can take the place… Of U and me kickin' it tight, tight!… Come, it's easy… Just let yourself go – don't put up a fight… Sex – it's not that type of party… Girl, we're gettin' higher 2 night… Trust – who do ya?… Trust – what makes U a real lover?… Trust – I put this question to ya… Cuz I want U 2 be with me… “Get 'em! Take the pictures!”… “Gotham's greed!”… Trust… Hot and close, dig it now… Ooh, that feels good… Trust – who do ya?… Trust – what makes U a real lover?… Trust – I put this question to ya… Cuz I want U 2 be with me… Oh, My Lord!… When I'm on I feel good… Trust (good Lord)… When I'm on I feel good… Trust… Who do ya trust if U can't trust God?… Who can U trust – who can ya?… Who do ya trust if U can't trust God?… Who can U trust – who can ya?… Come and see… Trust – who do ya?… Trust – what makes U a real lover?… Trust – I put this question to ya… Cuz I want U 2 be with me… Wait, I want ya with me…” [Prince, “Trust”, Batman, 1989]


[“09 Screwdriver.mp3”:]


“Screwdriver” by Prince: “Everyday when Eye wake up… Gotta make up… Another reason 2 make it last… Miss Mistake Up… If we break up… We’ll smash guitars & shatter glass… But till the day that we do… Eye’m ur driver & u’re my screw… Everywhere that we go now… There's a show now… People pay $ 4 the rock n roll… & the big wow… B4 we bow… U can call me C.C. Crowd Control… But if u don't want 2 it's cool… Eye’m ur driver… Empty car on a fast train… Driving rain… Eye can make u swear that u did some thang… What u don't know… What won't hurt u so… We got a long, long way 2 go… Might as well enjoy the view… Eye’m ur driver & u’re my screw… U said u was… my screw… Sharing stories & cool clothes… And party toes… This is what life is like on the road… Never 2 high… never 2 low… That's the only way 2 go… But right now, without further ado… Eye’m ur driver & u’re my screw… Counter-clockwise, turn u round… All u got 2 do is listen 2 the sound… Music never lies, u know it’s true… Eye ain't even got to u know who… Time we got plenty of… Forever's worth the wait when it comes 2 love… Eye’m ur driver & u’re my screw… Might as well enjoy the view… Eye’m ur driver & u’re my screw…” [Prince, “Screwdriver”, HitnRun Phaze Two, 2015]


[“08 Baby I'm A Star.mp3”:]


“Baby I'm A Star” by Prince: “1, 2, 3… Hey, look me over… Tell me do you like what you see?… Hey, I ain't got no money… But honey, I'm rich on personality… Hey, check it all out… Baby, I know what it's all about… Before the night is through… You will see my point of view… Even if I have to scream and shout… Baby, I'm a star… Might not know it now… Baby, but I are, I'm a star… I don't want to stop, till I reach the top… Sing it, we all are a star… Hey, take a listen… Tell me do you like what you hear?… If this don't turn you on… Just say the word, and I'm gone… Honey, I know… ain't nothin wrong with your ears… Hey, check it all out… Better look now or it just might be too late… If my luck's gonna change tonight… There's gotta be a better life… Take a picture sweetie, I ain't got time to wait… Oh, baby I'm a star… You might not know it now… Baby but I are, I'm a star… I don't want to stop, till I reach the top… Sing it, we all are a star… Everybody say, nothing come too easy… When you got it baby, nothing come too hard… You'll see what I'm all about… If I gotta scream and shout… Baby, baby, baby, baby… Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah… Might not know it now… Baby but I are, I'm a star… I don't want to stop, till I reach the top… Sing it, star… Baby, baby, baby… Oh, baby, I'm a star… Baby, baby, baby… Somebody… We all are a star, yeah… (Baby I'm a star, we all are a star, yeah)… (We all are a star)… We all are a star, yeah, doctor… Baby, baby, baby, baby… Baby, baby, baby, baby… We all are a star…” [Prince, “Baby I'm A Star”, Purple Rain, 1984]




Our April 16, 2017 Show:




[Also… FYI… the pdf – the written text – of these “Prince and Proudhon” series of shows is now also posted – in addition to the link in the paragraph on the 'Blog' page that holds the current date – is now also posted on the “Prince Songs Discussed in these shows” page… the link to which is found on the 'Blog' page as well but near the top… just under the link to “My Son's Beats”…] I've been struggling – as did… I'm certain… Prince – with the dilemma we turn over and over again here (call it “Socrates' Dilemma”) of how to present the truth of our trapped lives under 'class': that 'the system'… in 'managing' us… stunts our development… How do we present the 'facts' of the abusiveness of 'class' such that we recognize it as the most important issue of our day… and age… – an issue that can no longer be handed off to future generations (and granted this 'dilemma' is to a very large degree a function of intensive repression… isolation… and elimination of authentic dissent [that which demands an end to force in our human inter-relationships…] and the suppression of needed information: what was done to Nikola and with his inventions [most significantly…] and what these folks have orchestrated secretly… But let's set that aside for the moment and focus on the truth the body speaks…) how do we present the truth of trapped lives – what our bodies are screaming at us – under 'class'… such that more can see it… and what role does perceived scarcity play in this? (i.e.… it is 'convenient' for us at times not to see…) How… for instance… do we wend our way through the following statements… weave them into a solid and coherent argument that cannot be denied… even now… and that shines bright its light to freedom: “Let there be one commander, one authority…” “As long as we live, we want a chief or chiefs…” until… “once a man's] mind being formed and his education finished [confirming the knowledge he was born with… – P.S.], he becomes the associate of his father; [and] his true chief and his king [becomes] the demonstrated truth…” “Thus, in a given society, the authority of man over man is inversely proportional to the stage of intellectual development which that society has reached…” “[Human beings under 'class'] lost the perceptual reality of being free. They were owned…” “…the state exists to block our social-thought-process…” – how weave these statements into a strategy that does not require multiple generations to flower into freedom?… When Prince says (and shows us…) that we don't learn [freedom] by words alone… we learn by being shown… and that resistance to 'class' begins with taking our bodies back… through our intellectual development (authentic thought…) All those who struggled with “Socrates' Dilemma” eventually came to the issue of 'education' as key… key to moving forward our entire human society… the strategy we could call “De-Mobilization of System Resources”… The assumption Fascists make about children… because this was done to them – their slate was wiped clean – is that children are 'blanks'… lumps of clay to be shaped any way Fascists please… But they are mistaken… Children come with their missions that need to be supported… Instead… They find themselves… under 'class'… locked in its totalitarian family-system… and then totalitarian-education… ranked throughout… told to 'prove' themselves throughout… and have no access to the suppressed thoughts and ideas they need to believe in the knowledge they were born with… This is where we come in…




Margaret Cheney’s Tesla: Man Out Of Time (we are pursuing what I think is a necessary digression to Margaret's chapter on “Robots” in order to address the erasure of the name of Nikola Tesla from our understanding of how 'robotry' came to be): “Inventors of modern computer technology in the last half of the twentieth century repeatedly have been surprised, when seeking patents, to encounter Tesla's basic ones, already on file. Leland Anderson, for example, states that Tesla's priority was first pointed out to him years ago by a patent attorney for a major computer firm with which he was associated in a research and development capacity. Anderson writes, “I am puzzled by the reluctance of some in the computer technology field to acknowledge Tesla's priority in this regard in contrast to the adulation given to Messrs. Brattain, Bardeen, and Shockley for the invention of the transistor which made electronic computers a practical reality.” [But we are not puzzled now… are we?… Anybody wanna make a list of credit denied him?… Let's see… their was Roentgen taking credit for the X-Ray… Edison for electricity and its home-availability… Marconi the radio… and now Shockley for the transistor… That can't be all… given the astonishing fertility of the man… and the equally astonishing depravity of those who call themselves our 'betters'… The attempt to erase Nikola from our knowledge and so from our preservation in his rightful place of honor for what he's given us… for our very survival as beings-of-integrity… for our very future as free beings… it is critical we correct… – P.S.]




Margaret Cheney: “Their patents and the Tesla patents were both directed at applications in the communications field, he notes. Both patents are combined to produce the physical embodiment of a solid-state AND gate. Computer systems contain thousands of logic decision elements called ANDS and ORS. All operations performed by a computer are achieved through a system design utilizing these logic elements. “Tesla's 1903 patents 723,188 and 725,605,” says Anderson, “contain the basic principles of the logical AND circuit element. The simultaneous occurrence of two or more prescribed signals at the input to the device element produced an output from the device element.” “Thus,” declares Anderson, “the subject early Tesla patents, which were designed to achieve interference protection from outside influences in the command of radio-controlled weapons, have proved to be an obstacle for anyone attempting to obtain a basic logical AND circuit element patent in this era of modern computer technology.” “The general principle of controlling apparatus by radio goes back to the early days of what was once called 'wireless.' At the first electrical exposition held in this city over forty years ago Nikola Tesla maneuvered and blew up a model submarine in a tank by radio. There soon followed a score of German, American, English, and French inventors who showed how engine-driven vehicles, torpedoes and ships could be steered by radio waves with never a man on Board…” (New York Times, February 1, 1944, editorial, quoted in Tesla: Man Out Of Time, p. 131) [But Nikola's] sights were fixed on bigger game – if that were possible. His laboratory in New York was no longer a safe place for his experiments; or, rather, his experiments had become too dangerous for a crowded city…” To Leonard Curtis, a patent attorney who had loyally protected his and Westinghouses's rights during the War of the Currents, he wrote: “My coils are producing 4,000,000 volts – sparks jumping from walls to ceilings are a fire hazard. This is a secret test. I must have electrical power, water and my own laboratory. I will need a good carpenter who will follow instructions. I am being financed for this by Astor, and also Crawford and Simpson. My work will be done late at night when the power load will be least.” Curtis, who was associated with the Colorado Springs Electric Company, immediately set to work on the inventor's problem. His solution would have far-reaching consequences.”




Looking back on how we came to Proudhon: we were drawn to the fact that Proudhon had thought deeply about the issue of ‘de-commissioning’ ‘the system’… and since then… I was given Prince… who clearly has as well… his body of work demonstrates it… and it is explicitly stated in The Rainbow Children… The guidance of both men in this moment could not be more urgent. Pierre Joseph Proudhon: “In proportion as society becomes enlightened, royal authority diminishes. That is a fact to which all history bears witness.… By means of self-instruction and the acquisition of ideas, man finally acquires the idea of science, – that is, of a system of knowledge in harmony with the reality of things, and inferred from observation. He searches for the science, or the system, of inanimate bodies, – the system of organic bodies, the system of the human mind, and the system of the universe: why should he not also search for the system of society? But, having reached this height, he comprehends that political truth, or the science of politics, exists quite independently of the will of sovereigns, the opinion of majorities, and popular beliefs, – that kings, ministers, magistrates, and nations, as wills, have no connection with the science, and are worthy of no consideration…” [As Proudhon wrote these words… Plato's Tribe was giving birth to itself… establishing a path that… once emboldened with the theft of Nikola Tesla's inventions… would lead to a direct confrontation with Prince… an emerging international rock star who at first had no idea of their existence… until they forced their presence on him… Now… this was a hard object they struck… despite his seeming (and actual…) tenderness… so they misinterpreted his moves… and his influence upon their trajectory was invisible to them… i.e.… they believed they had caused the process Proudhon is describing – which he calls 'politics' – to cease… they believed they could see it crashing on the rocks of their Gross Duplicity… they believed it was aborted before well-begun: our understanding of the inevitable resistance of the 'class'-bound human – by means of the seeming cast-iron strategy of designing humans to obey from infancy. Prince they saw as but a minor inconvenience… until… he would not go away… even after they murdered him… he stays (“some stick around for the aftershow…) to stand against them… Who and what will triumph in the end (recall his song: “The Sacrifice of [The] Victor”…) Prince told them clearly and repeatedly for over thirty-five years (and they call me slow…): “Stand in the way of love and we will smoke you all…” – not with force of arms but with force of love… and with Truth… our Ace Nikola and our Angel Alice… backing us…]




Proudhon: “He [Man] comprehends, at the same time, that, if man is born a sociable being, the authority of his father over him ceases on the day when, his mind being formed and his education finished, he becomes the associate of his father; that his true chief and his king is the demonstrated truth; that politics is a science, not a stratagem; and that the function of the legislator is reduced, in the last analysis, to the methodical search for truth. Thus, in a given society, the authority of man over man is inversely proportional to the stage of intellectual development which that society has reached; and the probable duration of that authority can be calculated from the more or less general desire for a true government, – that is, for a scientific government. And just as the right of force and the right of artifice retreat before the steady advance of justice, and must finally be extinguished in equality, so the sovereignty of the will yields to the sovereignty of the reason, and must at last be lost in scientific socialism. Property and royalty have been crumbling to pieces ever since the world began. As man seeks justice in equality, so society seeks order in anarchy. [Beautifully put… – although I would say: “ever since it – 'property' and 'royalty' – i.e. … 'class' – began…” – P.S.]”




Proudhon: “Anarchy, – the absence of a master, of a sovereign… The most advanced among us are those who wish the greatest possible number of sovereigns, – their most ardent wish is for the royalty of the National Guard. Soon, undoubtedly, some one, jealous of the citizen militia, will say, “Everybody is king.” But, when he has spoken, I will say, in my turn, “Nobody is king; we are, whether we will or no, associated.” Every question of domestic politics must be decided by departmental statistics; every question of foreign politics is an affair of international statistics…” [And here… perhaps… is a good place to pause and consider our earlier point that we needed Nikola Tesla's inventions to provide the underlying structural support (his technological advances) for establishing the evolution Proudhon is speaking of – and notice that Tesla created this needed technology not very long after Proudhon helped us see (using his terminology…) the 'science' of 'the development of society'… confirming Proudhon's argument… which is also an argument Tesla (using different language) made… Nikola Tesla: “Let me tell you of another comforting feature. The progress in a measured time is nowadays more rapid and greater than it ever was before. This is quite in accordance with the fundamental law of motions, which commands acceleration and increase of momentum or accumulation of energy under the action of a continuously acting force and tendency, and is the more true as every advance weakens the elements tending to produce friction and retardation. For after all, what is progress, or – more correctly – development, or evolution, if not a movement, infinitely complex and often unscrutinizable, it is true, but nevertheless exactly determined in quantity as well as in quality of motion by the physical conditions and laws governing?” (Nikola Tesla, Collected Papers, Vol. 2, A-102, quoted in the book Waking Up: Freeing Ourselves From Work, p. 80) Nikola Tesla saw before anyone else that the establishment of our instantaneous global inter-communications – this capacity – was needed to end the miscommunications that led to war. Nikola's reasoning is accurate… it's just that… what he didn't know – any more than did Proudhon – was that a global cabal we've been calling 'Plato's Tribe' (as they use the man and his tome… the Republic… to con their children into continuing to try… across the generations… to realize their mis-begotten notions…) he didn't know that this global cabal was now creating these miscommunications… i.e.… that the 'original' of the “Man In The Middle” strategy (that they have since replicated in numerous versions and venues… including in the computer-intercept one that installed the current U.S. president…) was being elaborated by these guys in order to put themselves in-between all of our attempts to get free.




…but we mustn't shortchange our exploration of Proudhon's turn to the practical here… Hopefully he's about to venture even farther down that road. When he says: “Every question of domestic politics must be decided by departmental statistics; every question of foreign politics is an affair of international statistics…” – what guidance does this provide to us in this moment?… when the accuracy of Proudhon's analysis has been proven by Time… and co-signed… most recently… by Prince – the truth that our growth as human beings depends on our being able to follow the 'rule' of the earth… the Eternal… the All-of-it… Truth… and that our collective humanity can likewise only bloom if nourished by Truth… which means that for us here on the planet in this moment… what we see when we look about us and assess what's needed… is the glaring need to re-establish the rule of Truth… so that love can be a living presence in our lives… defining our lives… again… so that we can grow and develop our gifts… see them blossom in harmony with those around us… absent this Otherwise… absent the rule of Truth… we're trying to establish them on melting ice… nothing grows… nothing flows… nothing holds… while The Wind From Above just blows and blows… but with it… with Truth established – meaning that we can base out decision-making on unmuddied… un-massaged… un-masked… Actual Terms… those not manufactured every moment by the Tiny Few requiring enormous energy-waste to maintain: the application of extreme force – but rather are based on… and require… no 'force' of any kind – beyond the bias of the earth… We need Nikola's gifts to have access to each other globally… to have actual information on which to plan our exit from 'class'… and to create the infrastructure needed to guarantee universal access to 'the actual'… to true knowledge and the truth of each other's lives… so that we can plan together… as a global One…




Proudhon: “…and, since every citizen may address a memoir to the Academy, every citizen is a legislator. But, as the opinion of no one is of any value until its truth has been proven, no one can substitute his will for reason, – nobody is king.… [As Nikola (and others) has shown us… human-energy-unforced and human-knowledge-open-and-unfettered is infinitely expandable to meet… to excess… aggregate global need… P.S.] But, as the opinion of no one is of any value until its truth has been proven, no one can substitute his will for reason, – nobody is king.… The legislative power belongs only to the reason, methodically recognized and demonstrated. To attribute to any power whatever the right of veto or of sanction, is the last degree of tyranny. Justice and legality are two things as independent of our approval as is mathematical truth. To compel, they need only to be known; to be known, they need only to be considered and studied. [Are we feeling Proudhon here? He is expressing the same principle as Prince's “1 + 1 + 1 Is 3”… or Shakespeare's “Truth is truth until the end of reckoning…” So… for instance… there is no argument that health is a necessary value in our shared society… and therefore preserving or protecting health an important criteria that guides action… and can…as Proudhon says… be determined with sufficient consideration and study. It is only the fear of scarcity… of privation and shortages… that lead to conflict and discord. Scarcity was only a problem when the world was not 'One'… when we weren't working (or rather playing…) together globally to create joyful abundance. A system of 'class' is designed to do the opposite: create hardship and fear… to maintain the Few in command of the Many… – P.S.] Every citizen may assert: “this is true; that is just;” but his opinion controls no one but himself. That the truth which he proclaims may become a law, it must be recognized. Now, what is it to recognize a law? It is to verify a mathematical or a metaphysical calculation; it is to repeat an experiment, to observe a phenomenon, to establish a fact. Only the nation has the right to say, “Be it known and decreed. I confess that this is an overturning of received ideas, and that I seem to be attempting to revolutionize our political system; but I beg the reader to consider that, having begun with a paradox, I must, if I reason correctly, meet with paradoxes at every step, and must end with paradoxes. [This is Proudhon's much more elegant – and informative – way of saying: “garbage in… garbage out… But it does seem to me… that an overturning of the rule of lies… does mean 'evolution' – our growing up – not 'reform'… – P.S.] For the rest, I do not see how the liberty of citizens would be endangered by entrusting to their hands, instead of the pen of the legislator, the sword of the law.… Talkers govern the world; they stun us, they bore us, they worry us, they suck our blood, and laugh at us. As for the savants, they keep silence: if they wish to say a word, they are cut short. Let them write.” [or… in the case of Prince… our most recent Prophet In Defiance of 'Class'… let them write and make music… model unconditional love… and put that 'new'/'old'-way-of-being-and-thinking… into song…) – I feel Proudhon here… we are now in that moment he prophesied… when we are done with the official voices… and finding our own… in our own bodies… rather than in the body of 'the state'… so that truth can reach our children's ears… The only solution is to break through atomization and bring our voices into authentic people's communions… or… as my son put it: “to claim [our] bodies but then take that to a place of communal celebration…” I feel Proudhon… but I also know… that we cannot let these damaged folks control our story – name us… essentially – tell us 'what happened'… for when we do it will necessarily be skewed to ensure their continued rule… – Surely we know this by now? Surely this is obvious?… When Proudhon says… “Talkers govern the world…” perhaps he did not see that he'd come to the Original Paradox of 'Class': we let them tell us our story… which silences the truth… in stealing our voices… so key to the solution is both getting to youth the language they need to voice what they're feeling (and so be able to own their own voices… understand and trust what their body says… We need the words – and the example of someone who has the words – to express what we feel… in order to identify and express the dissonance of being captured… So …key to our telling our own story is both getting to youth the language they need to articulate their feelings of being suppressed under 'class'… and getting 'power' out of our inter-communications… Our outro song from Prince speaks on this: “X's Face” from HitnRun Phaze One…]




Prince Songs For Our April 16, 2017 Show:


[“13 Live 4 Love.mp3”:]


“Live 4 Love” by Prince: “Launch procedure commence… Countdown start… 10,9,8,7,6,5,4… Keep goin'… Acceleration into temporal space continuum now begins… 30,000 feet and still-a-counting (live 4 love)… The attack on my plane is steadily mounting (live 4 love)… They killed my buddy, but I'm supposed to feel nothing (live 4 love)… How can I live 4 love? I'm calling… Live 4 love… Live 4 love - I'm calling… Live 4 love - I'm calling… Live 4 love… Kicked out of my home at 17 (live 4 love) ((get outta here))… A real family,… Now what does that mean (what does that mean) (live 4 love)… Don't nobody know the trouble I've seen (live 4 love)… How can I live 4 love? I'm calling… Live 4 love… Live 4 love… Live 4 love - Calling, I'm calling… Live 4 love… My mission, so they said, was just 2 drop the bombs… Acceleration into temporal space continuum now begins… Just like I got no conscience, just like I got no qualms… Alpha 7, acknowledge… Now what does that mean?… Go Tommy go, go tommy go… Go Tommy go, go tommy go… Go Tommy go, go tommy go… Go Tommy go, go tommy go… So here, my target is approaching… The angel on my shoulder starts coaching… "Live 4 Love, without love u don't live"… Boom - I take a deep breath… Is it boom - life?… Is it boom - death?… (live 4 love)… Maybe I was better off staying in school (live 4 love)… But everybody said flying planes was cool (live 4 love)… It's so easy 4 them 2 say… Cuz they never have to go through… How can I live 4 love? (live 4 love) I'm calling… Live 4 love - I'm calling… Live 4 love - I'm calling… Live 4 love… Live 4 love (live 4 love)… Live 4 love… Live 4 love… Damn, I got hit, but I still complete the mission (live 4 love)… I flash upon my whole life just-a-steady wishin' (live 4 love)… The choice u make is vital… So at the end of my recital… I say - U got 2 live 4 love (live 4 love)… Keep goin'… Live 4 love… Live 4 love (live 4 love)… Live 4 love (live 4 love)… (live 4 love), (live 4 love)… Live (live 4 love)… Live 4 love, without love u don't live… And how u make it is based on what you're givin' back… In fact, only a few of us slip through the cracks… Through generations,… The cards have always been stacked against us (live 4 love)… 2 love each other is a must… If we just trust and cut the fuss… Believe me, unity is a must… Listen everybody, as I spread the word… Everything is hazy when your vision's blurred… I'm kickin' reality in the streets of the city… There's this mentality what goes around comes around… And gangk any clown who ain't down… With the colors that u're sportin' 'round… Listen G, u are supposed 2 be strivin'… 2 be the best that u can be… So stop tryin' 2 dominate and push and shove (live 4 love)… C'mon y'all, we got 2 live 4 love (live 4 love)… (live 4 love),(live 4 love),(live 4 love)…” [Prince, “Live 4 Love”, Diamonds And Pearls, 1991]


[“3-19 4 The Tears In Your Eyes.mp3”:]


“4 The Tears In Your Eyes” by Prince: “Long ago there was a man… Who changed stone 2 bread with one touch of his hand… He made the blind see and the dumb understand… And He died 4 the tears in your eyes (Your eyes)… Many people came from all around… 2 hear this man preach with glorious sound… He spoke of man in harmony and love abound… And He died 4 the tears in your eyes (Your eyes)… He died 4 the tears in your eyes (Your eyes)… CHORUS:… 4 the tears in your eyes if they're tears of sorrow… 4 cents may be all that they're worth… 4 the rising sun each day assures us… The meek shall inherit the earth, the earth… Faith is a word we all should try… In describing the man who willingly died… Believe that your sorrow, hunger, and fears… Is less than the tears in your eyes, your eyes… Your eyes, your eyes… Less than the tears in your eyes (Your eyes)… CHORUS… (Assures us)… (All they're worth)… CHORUS…” [Prince, “4 The Tears In Your Eyes”, The Hits / The ‘B’ Sides]


[“02 Don't Play Me.mp3”:]


“Don’t Play Me” by Prince: “Don't play me… I'm over 30 & I don't smoke weed… I put my ass away & music I've played… aint the type of stereo U're tryin to feed… Don't play me… Don't play me… I use proper English & I'm straight… I'm in the news again for paying dues my friend… And not the type of ganda U prop in my way… Don't play me… Don't play me… I've been to the mountain top & it aint what U say… Don't play me… Don't play me… I'm the wrong color & I play guitar… My only competition is well in the past… Time & time if time existed movin ever so fast… Don't play me… U couldn't play enough of me now… 2 make me feel like a star… Don't play me I already do in my car… Don't play me… Don't be mad at me… The curtain puller in the game… Maybe how U call us Niggers aint the same… It's all good when u know the only fame… Is the light that comes from God & the joy U get to say his name… Don't play me… Don't play me… I've seen to the mountain top & it aint what U say… Don't play me… Already got laid…” [Prince, “Don’t Play Me”, The Truth, 1998]


[“07 Love Like Jazz.mp3”:]


“Love Like Jazz” by Prince: “Hey baby, what's your name?… Do you wanna play a game?… Play it like we don't know when… We'll ever get to play again… Experimental so brand new… The things I wanna do with you… Like a physical kind of blue… Come on baby, let's get to it… I want a lover that can improvise… I need a lover that can make me cry… Baby, I don't care what you… Learned in lovemaking school… You and me we 'bout to jam… Make love like the first woman and man… I don't wanna know ahead of time… The notes you play should be a reaction to mine… Nothing planned or contrived… Then both of us will arrive destination… I wanna feel like I've been hypnotized… If you think you can then let's go for a ride… Love like jazz, love like jazz… Love like jazz, love like jazz…” [Prince, “Love Like Jazz”, Lotus Flow3r, 2009]


[“02 RocknRoll LoveAffair.mp3”:]


“RocknRoll LoveAffair” by Prince: “She believed in fairytales & princes… He believed the voices coming from his stereo… He believed in rocknroll… She left the past & those lily white fences… & headed out 2 hollywood in search of her soul… But she had 2 pay the toll (yes she did)… They were bound 2 find each other… He needed proof, she needed a brother… That’s when stars collide… When there’s space 4 what you want… & ur heart is open wide… Wait a minute… He gave up women 4 the stripes of the road… & learned the meaning of grace… That’s when his cup overflowed… & she said, “hello”… He said “my faith keeps me from willing, but u know that Eye’m am able… & if there’s some room… I’d like 2 sit at ur table”… She said “it’s tight, but Eye think Eye can fit u in”… This kind of love don’t come from a prayer… Ain’t talkin’ rebound born of despair… Yellow sun rising on their bodies in bed…” [Prince, “RocknRoll LoveAffair”, HitnRun Phaze Two, 2015]


[“07 X's Face.mp3”:]


“X's Face” by Prince: “A few months ago,… Or maybe it was years… T’was a heart break,… And so many tears… How’s she gonna make it,… Out here on her own… A body like that,… Should never be alone… A kiss on a stairway,… Another man’s embrace… How was she to know… Just what was taken place… Two busy with the jugular… And how it tastes… To remember what she saw… On the X's face… The X's face… The X's face… Long time ago,… Or maybe yesterday… You and I in chariots,… On our way… To a proper celebration… For what we've learned… That for every battle one,… There are scars and burns… For every broken heart, Another will mend… Who needs enemies,… When you’ve got friends… Every open door,… There's somethin’ in the way… Last time we checked,… It was the X's face… The X's face… Everybody know about… The X's face… Black don't crack… Bass don't age… Go on a take that banana,… Think you’re back in your cage… Oh Lord… The X's face… Go on – take that banana – take it!… Get it – I said you could have it… Go on now…” [Prince, “X's Face”, HitnRun Phaze One, 2015]




Our April 9, 2017 Show:




Proudhon: “The most advanced among us are those who wish the greatest possible number of sovereigns, – their most ardent wish is for the royalty of the National Guard. Soon, undoubtedly, some one, jealous of the citizen militia, will say, ‘Everybody is king.’ But, when he has spoken, I will say, in my turn, ‘Nobody is king; we are, whether we will or no, associated.’ Every question of domestic politics must be decided by departmental statistics; every question of foreign politics is an affair of international statistics. The science of government rightly belongs to one of the sections of the Academy of Sciences, whose permanent secretary is necessarily prime minister; and, since every citizen may address a memoir to the Academy, every citizen is a legislator. But, as the opinion of no one is of any value until its truth has been proven, no one can substitute his will for reason, – nobody is king…” “Nikola's Work Is Far From Done: We Need Him… Not Only to Provide the Infrastructure of Our Future… But To End the Reign of 'Rule…' in Outing How It Suppressed Him…” Our freedom will be established on the contributions of Nikola and Nikola's Tribe… whose inventions provide the physical infrastructure that supports our basic premise: individual self-sufficiency… You can imagine this infrastructure better than I can… your knowledge of the technology surpasses mine… by far… and there are innumerable possible arrangements of its pieces… they vary with the temperaments and gifts of those who combine them… But there are common denominators which should be easy to agree upon… as they stem from basic physical and cultural needs… the need to preserve the life… freedom… and spiritual health of all… to ensure all participate in the reproduction of social life… in providing shelter… food… sociability… sharing… intellectual development… As these are freely given by the earth… and the earth-that-is-us… there is no need for quantification-for-exchange-of-equivalencies… only for determining need or bounty: deficits reflecting need… and surpluses available for sharing and developing a store of reserves… The infrastructure of the Internet… social media… and instantaneous communication… i.e.… our working together globally… means – as both Kropotkin pointed out… looking at a far more slender infrastructure-base… and of course Nikola himself – vast advantages in energy-efficiency and elimination of suffering… caused by distance and the imposition by 'power' of the coercion and the manufactured scarcity required to maintain the seeming need for 'class'… The technology exists for the entire globe to participate on an equal basis… and as we own our own lives… and therefore our time… we can give to questions what they require for truth to be proven… a Proudhon says… When we look within… we see that we are 'big'… this is the moment for no longer denying it… for recognizing that this is our world… our lives… and it's time to claim them.




Prince nailed it in 'one' and 'out-the-gate'… in his 1981 song “Sexuality”: we've been living on this earth like we don't own the joint… Incomparably honest… he told the truth: “Pardon me for living but this is my world too… this is my body… You can't tell me what to do with it…” Sisters and Brothers: this is really what “speaking truth to 'power'” looks like… – not picking a 'class'-category from the bag-of-confusion 'power' presents and then railing at it. Continuously… over the course of his life Prince urged us in what was clearly an invocation – and perhaps the central unifying theme of both his political 'philosophy' and strategy – Prince urged us not to 'settle' for anything less than what we want: “C'mon everybody, yeah, this is your life… I'm talking about a revolution we gotta organize… We don't need no segregation, we don't need no race… New age revelation, I think we got a case… I'm OK as long as u are here with me… Sexuality is all we ever need… Reproduction of a new breed – Leaders, Stand Up, Organize… We can change anything at all… This is my world… U can't make me change… Maybe we all got to rearrange… Our brains… Only we can change the world…” “…And if the elevator tries 2 bring u down… Go crazy… punch a higher floor… “Join the party, make a sound… Share the truth, preach the good news… Don't let nobody bring u down…” “I got news for you… Freedom ain't free… They lock you in a cell if you try to be… But the ones who say no, make history… Call it an act of God… call it what you want except an act of God…” “Eye come from north Minny… And Eye never run from any… And Eye ain't about 2 start right now…” rince could see that we did not love ourselves… and as a result could not love our Brothers and Sisters… and he could see the immediate cause: that we have been disconnected from our bodies… and thereby stripped of vitality… So Prince knew that we needed to see that an organized Few were in fact causing it: our spiritual disarmament… and that… capitulation would mean the end of our chance for a healthy humanity… making resistance our only viable path… In our show last week we said that the opposite of 'obedience' is 'love'… or empathy… meaning that… as “passive obedience is the premise of 'class'”… and that this principle cannot be installed unless we turn our backs on what our bodies tell us… i.e.… do not love ourselves… and… having no empathy for ourselves absolutely forestalls our having empathy for others… we must go back to the start of that crooked road… and straighten it… This process of installing obedience… and its reinforcement with the coerced-work-system… is what is now being reversed.




Margaret Cheney's Tesla: Man Out Of Time: “The winter passed with his anxieties over Wardenclyffe mounting daily until it seemed there would be no end to his trials. The long steaming summer returned to New York, with Tesla's routine seldom varying. To Scherff he wrote again of money problems: “Troubles and troubles, but they do just seem to track me. The Port Jefferson Bank will have to get along with interest, assuming that I can scratch it together.” Soon afterward, however, he hastened to send exciting news. He had had a meeting with Mr. Frick, the industrialist and nouveau-riche art collector. Since becoming manager of the Carnegie Steel Company trust in the 1890's, he had managed to double the size of the plant through the assiduous use of exploited labor and cheap materials. Now, enjoying the rewards of his prescience… [what a word to use to name the call the 'assiduous' and irreverent chewing on his own Grandmother's thighs… I'm tempted to launch into Ovid's story of Erysichthon and relate what the dryad sisters… “stupefied at their own and their forest's loss [of the mighty oak of Ceres]…” did in its aftermath… – trust… it's relevant… I recorded my reading of the story and posted it to the page that hosts the audio for this shows…” – P.S.] Now, enjoying the rewards of his prescience, he was casting about for new investments. The inventor's note to Scherff exuded optimism. “Troubles are many but progress is encouraging. Had a very promising session with Mr. Frick and am full of hope he will advance capital still necessary.” At about this time Tesla and Johnson had an editorial exchange over Hertzian waves. Tesla had sent the latter an article for Century that puzzled Johnson because of his assertion that such waves were not employed in wireless telegraphy. “There is Hertzian telegraphy in theory only,” Tesla explained, “since these waves diminish very rapidly with distance.” Hertz and Crookes, he said, did not apply true sources of power since they used the Ruhmkorff coil and a simple spark gap. Tesla claimed that he had made no progress in the field until he was inspired to invent his oscillation transformer, with which he obtained greatly magnified intensity. He believed, after experimenting with different forms of aerials, that the signals picked up by the instruments were actually induced by earth currents instead of being etheric space waves. Kenneth Swezey… [who… we learned from Margaret… met Nikola as a teenager… and our argument here [our experience here…] is that when 'power' targets someone… as a threat of any kind… its m.o. is to surround them with their own people… and Nikola was for these 'power'-guys a massive threat to them – as we are just realizing now too – and that most likely by 1895 Nikola had become a target for them… after which any 'new friends'… were almost undoubtedly agents…]”




The 'power'-guys… Plato's Tribe… following Plato's political guidance to breed the citizens of the 'Republic' 'with great care' as they do their 'beasts'… craft their children – and the children of agents or recruited parents – to become agents… teach them to continue trying to realize the dream of 'the Republic'. We've talked about this before… we've drawn on not just Karl Popper [and Alice Miller] but Martin Bernal and his exposure of the fabrication of the notion of 'Ancient Greece' as the birthplace of 'Western civilization'…in order to create a sense of legitimacy in the children. They know… as I hope we know as well… that it is only by claiming the children's minds that they can continue to run the con called 'class.' Which is why Proudhon is so essential… in his explanation of the importance of intellectual development… What 'claiming a child's thought-process' does is… it halts… it atrophies… freezes… not just their empathy… their 'heart'… but their intellectual development… and what we're exploring… in this and upcoming shows… is the possibility that it is through the route of 'intellectual development' that the heart can open… that it is one route for unlocking frozen hearts… Proudhon brought this to our attention a year ago: that new thoughts… new ideas… could break the hold of… what he called 'prejudice'… and what Alice Miller called a 'repetition compulsion'… when it is installed as a result of a trauma… 'Power's use of children as agents for getting around a target's defenses has been a successful tactic… it's taken people off-guard – I believe they did this to Nikola with Kenneth Swezey… I believe they did this to Prince… it is highly likely they did this to Michael Jackson… because when you are a target of 'power' and surrounded by false folks… you are desperate for the authentic… for someone who's authentic… who's true… – and until we had the synthesis of the analyses of the various scholars we've put together in this show… and understood how the Plato's Tribesmen have implemented Plato's political guidance… most of us would assume that a child was not an agent… was 'safe'. This is not the case. Children are grabbed early on… and I mean as infants… and taught to obey authority… and have reverence for the mission of realizing the 'Republic'…




[The mention of Kenneth Swezey… a science writer who met Tesla as a teenager in 1929… suggests a necessary visit to Margaret's chapter on “Robots”… to address the erasure of the name of Nikola Tesla from our understanding of how 'robotry' and computers came to be… Margaret writes: “Tesla disclosed that he had begun active work on building remotely controlled devices in 1893, although the concept had occurred to him earlier. During the next two or three years he had built several mechanisms to be actuated from a distance and showed them to laboratory visitors, but the destruction of the laboratory by fire had interrupted these activities.… “In 1896,” he wrote, “…I designed a complete machine capable of a multitude of operations, but the consummation of my labors was delayed until 1897.… When first shown in the beginning of 1898, it created a sensation such as no other invention of mine has ever produced.” These first robots, he wrote in 1919, he had originally considered crude steps in the evolution of the art of Telautomatics. As he had conceived it: “The next logical improvement was its application to automatic mechanisms beyond the limits of vision and at a great distance from the center of control, and I have ever since advocated their employment as instruments of warfare in preference to guns.… In an imperfect manner it is practicable, with the existing wireless plants, to launch an aeroplane, have it follow certain approximate course, and perform some operation at a distance of many hundreds of miles.” He recalled that as a student in college he had conceived of a flying machine quite unlike the present ones. “The underlying principle was sound but could not be carried into practice,” he wrote, “for want of a prime-mover of sufficiently great activity. In recent years I have successfully solved this problem and am now planning aerial machines devoid of sustaining planes, ailerons, propellers, and other external attachments, which will be capable of immense speeds and are very likely to furnish powerful arguments for peace in the near future.” The futuristic aircraft that he conceived of and illustrated was to be guided either mechanically or by wireless energy. “By installing proper plants it will be practicable to project a missile of this kind into the air and drop it almost on the very spot designated, which may be thousands of miles away. But we are not going to stop at this. Telautomata will be ultimately produced, capable of acting as if possessed of their own intelligence, and their advent will create a revolution.” [He's talking about computers… Reading this provokes the sense that the hollow-men who lust for us to see them as the 'supreme' among us… are absolutely obsessed with Nikola Tesla… with claiming this man's insights and gifts as their own… with supplanting and 'surpassing' him… with doing what he could not… because the 'power'-guys were determined that they (and they were aggregating the means apace to make it so…) and not he… would claim the crown of Inventor-in-Chief of What Is To Be. I've been searching for a word that captures this: what they felt about and wanted to do to Nikola… and their needing to piss on the future…. It's difficult because the 'abandoned-child-mindset-and-sickness that stimulated this compulsion in them is a synthesis of so many unhealthy feelings and mal-influences: jealousy… envy… lust… anger… hate… longing – culminating in their determination to tarnish his image… undermine him… set him up to fail… make him trip… feed him false ideas… dance a wide array of false folks around him to lure him into mis-steps… distract him… flood his mind with ultimately meaningless worries and stress… meaningless beyond the fact that bullies can bully – well… yes they can (the state occupied his head with stress – or hoped to – i.e.… with what they put in it… to prevent its occupation with what the earth gives…




Recall from Waking Up: Freeing Ourselves From Work – which you can download free from the 'Tools' and 'Waking Up' pages of the Nascence website – that it was on August 26, 1895 that Nikola Tesla harnessed the power of Niagara Falls “for full-time commercial use”… – quoting the book Empires of Light: “The New York Times noted in its small story buried back on the ninth page, “The power from the power house is sent over copper cables laid in a conduit to the aluminum works [the first customer of Niagara power.] The current sent is an alternating one, and before it can be used in the making of aluminum it must be transformed to a direct current. This is done by passing through four of the largest rotary transformers ever built. These are 2,100 horsepower each, and three of them are running. Everything was found to work perfectly and great satisfaction was expressed by the officers.” I think it's safe to assume that most of those who clustered around him at least by 1895 if not earlier… were placed there by the state… (And… by the way… to you baby-agents out there… who Prince accurately as always termed 'amateur separatists' in “Race”… who might still want an authentic life… please revisit Margaret's discussion of Katharine Johnson's fate in the September 11, 2016 show…) As early as 1898 he had also proposed to manufacturers the production of an automated car… Conceiving of robots as having many uses besides war, he believed their greatest role would like in peaceful service to humanity. He later described his 1890's activity to Professor B.F. Meissner of Purdue University: “I treated the whole field broadly, not limiting myself to mechanisms controlled from distance but to machines possessed of their own intelligence. Since that time I had advanced greatly in the evolution of the invention and think that the time is not distant when I shall show an automaton which, left to itself, will act as though possessed of reason and without any wilful control from the outside. Whatever be the practical possibilities of such an achievement, it will mark the beginning of a new epoch in mechanics.” He added: ‘I would call your attention to the fact that while my specification, above mentioned, shows the automatic mechanism as controlled through a simple tuned circuit, I have used individualized control; that is, one based on the co-operation of several circuits of different periods of vibration, a principle which I had already developed at that time and which was subsequently described in my patents 723,188 and [725,605] of March [and April], 1903. The machine was in this form when I made demonstrations with it in 1898 before the Chief Examiner (of Patents) Seeley, prior to the grant of my basic patent on Method of and Apparatus for Controlling Mechanisms at a Distance.’”




[F.Y.I.: I've typed ahead to the conclusion of Chapter V. of Proudhon… and developed a prospective April 16, 2017 show and begun writing a prospective April 23, 2017 show… so please read ahead to the end of Chapter V.] I suspect I'm not alone in feeling this rush of gratitude for Proudhon… for giving we-who-have-come-after this monumental work of analysis that confirms our own… though much less massive… analysis… which likewise confirms his: that there is a 'science' of society – that necessarily can only be produced when based on truth – that which is not coerced… created… or manipulated… in secret… by The Few… and which can only be established when the globe is sharing in its determination. (And this is especially true when defining and determining 'progress' – a point made in our December 20, 2015 show: “151220thefallguysofclass_2.mp3”: “We-the-people – are the only legitimate authors of the story of 'Progress'… the only ones who should determine its needed content… and that I believe… with Kropotkin – and Nikola Tesla… and all folks of good heart – that ‘progress’ lies in our authentic unity… the authentic unity of all human beings… i.e…. a unity ‘based in individual self-sufficiency’ – and that to think these necessary thoughts (necessary for advancing the species to freedom…) we need to discuss… essentially… the story of 'class'… such that we understand its hierarchy and division and compartmentalization accurately… and can challenge ‘power’s story that it is the 'inevitability' of 'necessity' and 'scarcity' – and 'our' inherent greed' (as opposed to their greed… lust… for 'power' – that (supposedly) makes our unity as human beings an 'unattainable dream'. That we are essentially the same… all made of the same 'stuff'… that we are all good… and want the same things out of life… is never acknowledged… We are told it is 'progress' if those who are so determined to control our lives… command our energy… if they can re-cycle rather than destroy a rocket that is priced in the tens of millions of dollars… while the death toll and disease prevalence caused by their affirmative acts intended to forestall ad infinitum our free future… we're told – by their silence… and by our continued confusion… is irrelevant… I wonder if Proudhon knew by the end of his too-brief stay among us how desperately it would be needed in this moment as we build the confidence we need to believe what our bodies tell us… that we deserve to be authentically… truly… free… [And I've learned since our earlier discussions of the origins of 'class'… that child abandonment and mystery also play a role in it… in this need to claim the exclusive 'task'… of 'leading'… in the first place… For lost children must be guided – if they are maintained in their condition of ignorance as to what happened to them… and is happening… in their world… And we know… that there are crooked roads… down which – at some point… because of 'hereditary succession' – it was the Lost themselves who forced us… claiming an exclusive right of Leadership… until we woke up…]




P. J. Proudhon: “Neither heredity, nor election, nor universal suffrage, nor the excellence of the sovereign, nor the consecration of religion and of time, can make royalty legitimate. Whatever from it takes, – monarchic, oligarchic, or democratic, – royalty, or the government of man by man, is illegitimate and absurd.… Man, in order to procure as speedily as possible the most thorough satisfaction of his wants, seeks rule. In the beginning, this rule is in him living, visible, and tangible. It is his father, his master, his king. The more ignorant man is, the more obedient he is, and the more absolute in his confidence in his guide. But, it being a law of man's nature to conform to rule, – that is, to discover it by his powers of reflection and reason, – man reasons upon the commands of his chiefs. Now, such reasoning as that is a protest against authority, – a beginning of disobedience. At the moment that man inquires into the motives which govern the will of his sovereign, – at that moment man revolts. If he obeys no longer because the king commands, but because the king demonstrates the wisdom of his commands, it may be said that henceforth he will recognize no authority, and that he has become his own king. Unhappy he who shall dare to command him, and shall offer, as his authority, only the vote of the majority; for, sooner or later, the minority will become the majority, and this imprudent despot will be overthrown, and all his laws annihilated.” I.e.… we are born free… and that earth-given-gift forever biases us toward it… we will return to it… needing but guidance and light to see the way… Once we see the way… we will not accept being clouded again: “Never goin' back underwater, no…” The music of Prince stuns with its freshness… that endured… and endured beyond… thirty-five years of being tortured with EMF… I use the number '35' because that dates it with his 1981 song “Sexuality”… in which his resistance is so pronounced… Until we have his written testimony… if it exists… we can't know for certain when it started… but that he was being tortured throughout his adult life no one now being hit (long enough to figure this out…) doubts one bit… Our outro song dates from before “Sexuality” – it's from his second CD and his trademark precision tone and timing… and delicate phrasing… are as polished here as in his last CD: that interviewer was right who said that Prince's music is 'timeless'… This is from his 1979 CD Prince: “With You”…– P.S.]




Our No-Stream Fill-in Waking Up Radio show of April 2, 2017: An April 4, 2017 Conversation between Pamela and Thandiwe on Prince




[This conversation between Pamela (The Raven) and her son (D-Way) – the "No Stream April 2, 2017" show - was recorded at home on April 4, 2017.] Pamela: We are in the midst in our Waking Up Radio discussions of trying to figure out "Socrates' Dilemma"… Prince came to this planet to model being vibrant… being fully alive… Alice Miller came to this planet to help diagnose the problem too: what is getting in the way of our being fully alive… Prince answered this with the model of himself… He believes that we need to be shown… that words are not enough alone… that we need to see vibrancy and authenticity [a need these 'power'-guys… per their m.o…. try to intervene in and distract us from…] because these 'power'-guys are good at imitating… and they study us for what a human being is supposed to be like… and they are good mimics… so they mimic vibrancy… Prince was the real deal and we could feel it because he could speak on it… He could help us understand the problem… which is that we don't own our bodies… Now no mimicking intercepting-agent is gonna tell us that it is an abomination for our human energy to be made a commodity or commanded by any but ourselves… and this is where we are at in our reading of Proudhon… he is saying that where we are going is to that time when every man and woman is king and queen… that that is our destiny unless we allow 'the Few' to install 'Feudal Chaos'… In a world in which only truth exists around us… in which our children are not commandeered and fed lies for their brilliance to work on… It is unnatural for our children to be told what to work on… When we come into an authentic world… we assess what's needed and we make it better and better and better… When they commandeer our children… giving them false information… what we see and what has been happening… is a world that is getting worse and worse and worse… So there is nothing more important right now than regaining our own thought-process… and doing our best to make sure that it is only truth that our children's brilliance works on… They have to have truth to be of assistance… otherwise they get commandeered by those in 'power' and… like all of us… get turned into the state to continue to dig our own graves… This has to stop. Prince came as a prophet… from my perspective he is our hope… Prince told us over and over (countering their drumbeat that all we have to look forward to is 'the Apocalypse'…) Prince told us "joy is right there… let's grab it… all we have to do is help each other… We can do this…" We need those words of hope… D-Way: For me… that's really what he does… he provides hope… and proof… that I'm on the right track… that listening to your body… your heart… is the most important thing you can do… [D-Way and Pamela discuss some of his favorite childhood books…] D-Way: …and I think that the more there is a dialogue: talking to children authentically about what's up for them… and… slowing down… because… you know… we rush them to school… force them to do things that they don't want to do… Pamela: So how do we stop this treadmill? How do we intervene in a totalitarian system?…




Pamela: So how do we stop this treadmill? How do we intervene in a totalitarian system? It grabs our children… It immediately starts indoctrinating them in the notion that they have to perform… D-Way: Right… well… you talking about being a parent and grieving off of having to be a slave to this system… and me… thinking about being a parent… I think your answer is: in talking to each other… and having greater awareness about the lies that we've been taught… the indoctrination… I mean I see this [parents humiliating their children…] all the time… working with children… [D-Way gives an example…] The solution is about making conscious the unconscious… So far… in my community there has not been a rich dialogue… to be able to do that… I get together with other parents and I can voice these types of issues… Pamela: But I think we got to go 'bigger'… Obviously I agree with you that we need discussions on a very broad scale… but it's hard… because we don't have our own media… to get those rolling… and it's getting it rolling that is the challenge… Prince… in the song "Stare" says… "now we got the sounds that's poppin' in the street… they all stare… 'can I help you?'" I mean… I really think we gotta go bigger… I really do believe we got to draw attention to this… That's how conversations get going… with it coming out of the house… into the streets… and I'm very longing to talk to Prince about that: "what are you thinking about this?" I think of him as my soul-mate because I don't know anybody else that I so vibe with… who so wanted to get down… and I so want to get down… We have so much work to do… They've grabbed our world… They've grabbed our media… They've grabbed our children… There is so much work to do… How do we make this bigger?… is where I'm at. I think we all need to be thinking about this: so taking those conversations outside… making up some songs that say what you want to say… and singing them… so that they stick in people's minds… because of the rhyme… We gotta make it bigger… We don't have a lot of time… They have Nikola Tesla's weapon… That's why all of this theater around nuclear weapons is just to make us afraid… They got a hierarchy of weapons… just like they like to rank us and rank nations… they like to rank weaponry… The top nations get Nikola Tesla's EMF… the rest… they're down there in their tanks… This is just nonsense… The entire world is false… They have an EMF-weapon that can take down planes. Nikola Tesla said this a hundred years ago… Literally they see us as puppets on strings… dancing us around… laughing at the fact that only they know what's going on… [It seems to me] authentic activism means two tracks: making states own the fact that they got these EMF weapons [and Nikola Tesla's technology for making it rain where they want it to…] - that's critical because that de-legtiimizes the entire mess - and… just as important… we got to be going for what we want… and that's in our bodies… each one of us has a direct connection to the truth through our bodies if we listen to them - that's what they don't want us to do… that's why they hit Prince so hard… So I am encouraging all of my Brothers and Sisters to start thinking about how to take this bigger: creating the world we want… which is… no force. Children learn by being shown… not by being talked at… We talk down to our children because this system talks down to us… They train us to stay children… It's time for us to grow up… That's what Prince was showing us… I miss that man… and I personally believe he has a plan… Come on… I wanna see it… D-Way: So you're saying that Prince's answer to the dilemma of Socrates is: claim your bodies but then take that to a place of communal celebration… Pamela: Totally… that's a good summary…




For Our (Upcoming) April 9, 2017 Show: Ovid’s Story of Erysichthon




Over two thousand years ago Ovid offered the cautionary tale of Erysichthon to the ‘power’-obsessed of his day… they still refuse to listen… and the Earth-In-Us – kindly Demeter – in righteously defending love can no longer tolerate the reign of lost souls over it… it's time for them to go: ”Famine did the bidding of Ceres, although their tasks are ever opposite, and flew through the air on the wings of the wind to the appointed mansion. Straight she entered the chamber of the impious king, who was sunk in deep slumber (for it was night); there she wrapped her skinny arms about him and filled him with herself, breathing upon his throat and breast and lips; and in his hollow veins she planted hunger. When her duty was done, she left the fertile world, and returned to the homes of want and her familiar cavern…”




Prince Songs Originally For Our April 2, 2017 Show (Postponed Due To No Internet Stream) Which Became Our April 9, 2017 Show:


[“08 Dolphin.mp3”:]


“Dolphin” by Prince: “How beautiful do the words have 2 be… Before they conquer every heart?… How will U know if I'm even in the right key… If U make me stop before I start?… If I came back as a dolphin… Would U listen 2 me then?… Would U let me be your friend?… Would U let me in?… U can cut off all my fins… But 2 your ways I will not bend… I'll die before I let U tell me how 2 swim… And I'll come back again as a dolphin… Why does my brother have 2 go hungry… When U told him there was food 4 all?… This is the man that stands next 2 the man… That stands 2 catch U when U fall (Oh!)… If I came back as a dolphin… Would U listen 2 me then?… Would U let me be your friend?… Would U let me in?… U can cut off all my fins… But 2 your ways I will not bend… I'll die before I let U tell me how 2 swim… And I'll come back again as a dolphin… If I'm under water, will U find me? (Find me [x4])… Will U shine a light and try 2 guide me?… It's happened before, I've knocked on your door… But U wouldn't let me in… How beautiful do the words have 2 be… Before they conquer every heart? (Oh!)… If I came back as a dolphin… Would U listen 2 me then?… Would U let me be your friend?… Would U let me in?… U can cut off all my fins… But 2 your ways I will not bend… I'll die before I let U tell me how 2 swim… Come back in the end as a dolphin (Oh)… (I'll come back, baby)… (Let me in, let me in) As a dolphin… (Be my friend) Dolphin… (Yeah, yeah)… Dolphin… As a dolphin… As a dolphin… As a dolphin…” [Prince, “Dolphin”, The Gold Experience, 1995]


[“04 Look At Me, Look At U.mp3”:]


“Look At Me, Look At U” by Prince: “Look at me… Tell me what you C… The back & 4th of an earthquake… Or a strong & sturdy tree… Eye ask myself this question… But it's still a mystery… How am Eye gonna… Keep my balance when Eye… Look at U… How can U not know… Standing over there like a Nefertiti… Or the queen Dido… Please don't think 2 ill of me… But it's all that Eye can do… Not to feel myself… When Eye look at U… Modesty aside… Whoever made ya should b praised… Ain't no need 2 hide… Every glass should b raised… Brandy or martini… Kudos overdue… What else is there, really… When Eye… Look at U… Fight it yes — my soul has tried… But when U look at me… All the other women just roll their eyes… But even Ray Charles can c… Stevie Wonder can 2… Thoughts well up & wonder… Thinking about me & U… A dozen fantasies… Call me “won & done” when U… Look at me…” [Prince, “Look At Me, Look At U”, Hit n Run Phaze Two, 2015]


[“04 The One U Wanna C.mp3”:]


“The One U Wanna C” by Prince: “I know I ain't the first to tell ya… I sho bet I won't be the last… I know Ur in a hurry baby… So let me make this fast… [Chorus]… I got a lotta money… I don't wanna spend it on me… I like pretty thangs… U're just as pretty as U can be… So if U ain't busy later… And U want some company… I ain't trying to be a hater… I'm the one, the one, the one U wanna C… Look around U baby… U know U've seen it all before… Every nickle in this club lookin 4 a dime… Nothing less nothing more… 2 tall 2 be talked down 2… 2 over it 2 be put under… Any spell a blind fisherman could cast… That's why I come like thunder to tell U… [Chorus]… U don't need 2 fix ur hair… 4 somebody U don't care 4… U don't need 2 shave Ur legs… If it ain't me that's knocking at Ur door… I know U ain't a concubine… I know U ain't a 1 nite stand… I don't wanna waste Ur time… If U wanna get creamy… I'm the one U wanna C… Oh the one U wanna C baby… [repeat]… Bring a pretty woman to her knees… Coming on U like thunder… Let no man put asunder (Not this time…) I’m the one U wanna C…” [Prince, “The One U Wanna C”, Planet Earth, 2007]


[“07 I Rock, Therefore I am.mp3”:]


“I Rock, Therefore I Am” by Prince: “Uh huh… NPG to the maximum… All the time world wide… 96 sound better… Legendary tune… I rock (I rock) therefore I am (therefore I am)… I don't need you to tell me I'm in the band ([…] please)… I rock (I rock) therefore I am (therefore I am)… Right or wrong I sing my song the best I can… I don't need you to tell me what clothes to wear… I don't want suggestions about my hair… If the whole world buys your bullshit I don't care… I'd rather put on something that you won't dare… I rock (Legendary to the maximum) (I rock)… Therefore I am (therefore I am)… I don't need you to tell me I'm in the band (I don't need it) (No)… I rock… Legendary to the maximum… NPG for now and forever… Welcome to mendacity, sign your name… See the world so pretty, wealth and fame… They can put you on the field (Yeah)… But you won't get in the game (Whoa no)… How many suckers knew that before they came (Woo yeah)… Now you know… I rock (I rock) therefore I am (therefore I am) ([…])… I don't need you to tell me (I don't need it)… I'm in the band (Legendary all the time)… I rock (I rock) therefore I am (therefore I am) (NPG to the maximum)… Right or wrong I sing my song the best I can (Show 'em)… Therefore I am… All you mean to NPG to the maximum want you to understand somethin'-asta… [Come/When] me say [no/love] me say unto another… Watcha them attack each and every vulture… Or do you wants forget that P-R-O starts via pro… Teachin' things in life you'll never know… What for they dabble they don't understandsa… They caught me comin' from the other Minnesota… My flava will burn their earsa… Awhen it comes to music this sir is no stranger… Is the same kids you compliment… The same ones that you were meant… To rob an education from… In a private school as opposed to one… That yearly spits out another group of fools… Into a system designed to fail… Wait a minute, I just got some e-mail… Somebody selling 12 CDs for a dollar… Make me wanna holler (Yeah)… Alright to the maximum… I don't need you to tell me what clothes to wear… I don't want suggestions about my hair… If the whole world buys your bullshit I don't f'in care… I'd rather put on something that world wouldn't dare cuz… I rock (NPG to the maximum) (I rock)… Therefore I am (therefore I am) (Legendary)… (I don't need) I don't need you to tell me I'm in the band… I rock (I rock) therefore I am (therefore I am)… (Right or wrong) Right or wrong I sing my song… (Singin' my song the best I can) the best I can… I rock (I rock) therefore I am (therefore I am)… I don't need you to tell me (I don't need)… I'm in the band (I'm in the band)… I rock (years and years)… Therefore I am (original)… Right or wrong I sing my song… (Singin' my song the best I can) the best I can… Clap your hands…” [Prince, “I Rock, Therefore I Am”, Chaos And Disorder, 1996]


[“05 With You.mp3”:]


“With You” by Prince: “I've held your hand so many times… But I still get the feeling I felt the very first time… I've kissed your lips and laid with you… And I cherish every moment we spend in each other's arms… I guess my eyes can only see as far as you… I only want to be with you… We've come so far in so little time… Sometimes I wonder if this is meant to be… Sometimes you are so very kind… That the nights you're not with me I'm scared that you're gonna leave… I guess you could say that I'm just being a fool… But I only want to be with you… I guess you could say that I'm just being a fool… But I always, always want to be with you…” [Prince, “With You”, Prince, 1979]




Our March 26, 2017 Show:




We are examining “'the economy' and 'the polity' as ideology…” as a single fabricated 'story'… used to confuse… anesthetize… and pacify – used to control us… 'we-the-people'… by concealing the totalitarian-inside of the fabricated-'reality' of our lives… concealing the false-face of the 'rulers' of the 'global-state' – the Plato's Tribesmen – who hide behind… I.e.… it's based on lies… lies about who we are as humans… lies about who and what determine the conditions of our lives… lies about our Brothers and Sisters… lies about the limits we find when we bump into them… lies about our unhappiness and isolation… lies about what can be done about them… All the lies! All the lies are quite disarming… strip us of the memory of what we came to do and be… wasting so much: our time… our lives… us… Manufacturing thereby… so much unhappiness… as we unconsciously wonder why we've been made bootless… Why would our common human society not want our gifts?… our magnificence?… All this unhappiness… we're told… is to produce… 'Excellence'… produce 'the best'… a heartless-and-so-self-aborting-quest we shall date from Plato's Republic… as he 'systematized' it… by giving it a 'philosophical' treatment… to disguise the underlying psychology of it… for which we needed Alice…




With the help of Alice Miller and her book For Your Own Good: Hidden Cruelty in Child-Rearing and The Roots Of Violence we have been bringing into the light from the place of Intentional Suppression – condemned by 'the Few' – where it had been lost to us: the true route by which Excellence… blossoms… arguing that we've been misled and lied to about how we become fecund… and that it is fecund we want to be… for ourselves and for each one of us… globally… So many lies we have to wade through when we arrive… And it can take a lifetime… to figure out why… figure out that our relations have to be restored for happiness to happen… and that happiness is what we deserve… and what our bodies know (on the other side…) and realize… that it is our responsibility to ensure that as each baby arrives they find a world fit for free humans… that they find a society made… to meet their expectations… Only a free… global… human society… based on true equality between us can produce happiness… and only happiness… as our general human condition globally… can generate Excellence as it blooms not by Competition… but by the excitement of love: our interest in the world is rooted in our interest in pleasure – we love to please each other… to help each other… see each other do well… it pleases us… makes us smile… grow warm… sigh… thinking how subtly interwoven are our lives… ties… across place and ways and time… Prince taught me this.




What we have been struggling with… for millennia… is the 'principle of Obedience'… Recall that in our May 3, 2015 show we said that… “'capitalism' is done… 'power' ain't… can we please start talking about 'power'?”… And we said that: “Marx did not devote enough time to this issue of 'obedience'… that you cannot have the accumulation of the entire resources of the planet into this Tiny Few's hands… unless you've had… prior to this… the broad imposition of the habit of obedience… and Marx didn't have time to get to this… So we have to finish that work… Right? We have to talk about the other side of our twin-dilemma: the fact that we've internalized this mess…” What I didn't know… two years ago… is that Proudhon – Marx's contemporary – had figured it out: “Man (naturally a sociable being) naturally follows a chief. Originally, the chief is the father, the patriarch, the elder; in other words, the good and wise man, whose functions, consequently, are exclusively of a reflective and intellectual nature.… Those philosophers who (carrying into morals and into history their gloomy and factious ['tending to factions'… – P.S.] whims) affirm that the human race had originally neither chiefs nor kings, know nothing of the nature of man. Royalty, and absolute royalty, is – as truly and more truly than democracy – a primitive form of government. Perceiving that, in the remotest ages, crowns and kingships were worn by heroes, brigands, and knight-errants, they confound the two things, – royalty and despotism.… As soon as the strongest, in the comparison of merits, was decided to be the best, the oldest had to abandon his position, and royalty became despotic.… The more ignorant man is, the more obedient he is, and the more absolute in his confidence in his guide. But, it being a law of man's nature to conform to rule, – that is, to discover it by his powers of reflection and reason, – man reasons upon the commands of his chiefs. Now, such reasoning as that is a protest against authority, – a beginning of disobedience. At the moment that man inquires into the motives which govern the will of his sovereign, – at that moment man revolts. If he obeys no longer because the king commands, but because the king demonstrates the wisdom of his commands, it may be said that henceforth he will recognize no authority, and that he has become his own king.In proportion as society becomes enlightened, royal authority diminishes. That is a fact to which all history bears witness.” Once we start to think… authentically (to do which requires our possession of the Right Story: what really happened and is really happening in the constructed 'reality' of 'class'… to which 'the state' attempts to attach us…) then it's “Game-Over” for 'power'… Except… then the Plato's Tribesmen decide it's time to “make the canvas clean…” – are you hearing me… my Sisters and Brothers?… Their pattern since the French Revolution has been to orchestrate catastrophic events in response to the development of our independent thought-process… But now that we know this too… Are we gonna continue to just let it happen?… whatever it is they do to divide… dismantle… devastate… and confuse us?




“Let's explore in greater depth what is meant by “our social thought-process…” and consider whether it does indeed… as we said last week… do an 'end-run' around 'economics'… and if it does… whether this means that it simultaneously does an 'end-run' around 'the system'… 'the state'… inculcated lack of empathy… and Obedience… we are agreed that we cannot develop our thought… our gifts… fully… – or wrest the right to be in charge of our own lives – possess our own Authority / leadership capacities – which include the right to engage in unimpeded global decision-making with our Brothers and Sisters all over the world – unless we end the 'statesmen's monopoly of decision-making… his privilege of Authority… We shall also be assuming that the bigger we grow our gifts… the bigger we grow 'the world': our global social existence… What I've been pondering are the inter-linked connections between our training in Obedience and our corresponding low-to-no quality of Empathy… which… we said… we need to extract ourselves from the thought-prison of 'class'… It could be… therefore… that the opposite of Obedience – i.e.… the principle of Obedience – is not 'disobedience' but rather Empathy… love… first for ourselves and then for each other… Putting ourselves and our Sisters and Brothers first inaugurates our social-thought-process… meaning… that we turn to each other… rather than to 'the state'… 'power'… both for the source of our original thoughts… and for the on-going 'call-and-response' of our thought's development… and that 'the state' exists to block our social-thought-process… Stated like this… it seems so obvious…




Margaret Cheney's Tesla: Man Out Of Time: “Johnson was the associate editor of Century magazine… Their home became a natural haven for the cultured Tesla, who missed the civilized rituals of Old World cities. Both he and Michael Pupin, although they came from the poorest backgrounds in Yugoslavia, had been appalled when they first confronted the vulgar clamor of America. At the Johnson home Tesla met prominent Continental artists, writers, and political figures as well as the cream of American society… Significantly, Johnson had begun to worry about whether his holding of stock in the Nikola Tesla Company might be misconstrued by his employers… Such concern about conflict of interest implied that Tesla's stock as a scientist was slipping and that his name no longer carried the old cachet.… Many in the business world appear to have believed that Tesla was still receiving “princely” royalties from Westinghouse on his alternating-current patents, not realizing that he had been bought out at bargain rates in 1896. This was made clear by an article in the Brooklyn Eagle of May 15, 1905, calling attention to the “expiration” of Tesla's valuable patents. The newspaper reported that “a great stir” had been created among electricians by announcement that the patents had expired. ‘There will be a grand scramble everywhere to make the Tesla motor now universally used without paying more royalty to Tesla. The Westinghouses announce they have a number of subsidiary patents, and will fight.’ For it to have become known that Tesla was receiving nothing at all would have cast him in a strange light, not to his credit in the world of non-poets. Late on the night of July 18, 1905, he wrote to Scherff, anxious at not having heard from him, “The last few days and nights have been simply horrible,” he confided, referring to an unnamed illness. [Given that several years have now elapsed since the Navy-orchestrated transfer of Tesla's EMF knowledges to those hidden global-'power'-guys who had convened scientists from all over the world to study… absorb… and steal… his stuff (see e.g.: “170205teslaprovidesnavyinvisibleassault_9.mp3”… and “170205globalstateobsessionwithnikola_10.mp3”… and “170219thebetrayalofnikolaandus_5.mp3”) – including in this the physiological impacts of EMF… which we know from the present use of EMF on us includes the production of numerous diseases and health problems – this 'unnamed illness' is highly suggestive… And there is no doubt that at this point Nikola's existence was becoming problematic for the global-statesmen… – P.S.] “I wish I were at Wardenclyffe in a patch of onions and radishes. Troubles are at their height.… I will tell you frankly that it looks blue for this week unless L. carries out his promise… I have several chances and many hopes but I have been deceived so often that I am a pessimist.”




What we have been learning about the “'the world-economy' and the 'All-Purpose-Cleanser' of its political mechanisms – is that it's a story that says: “The U.S. must stay on top…” What this means now that we are in the 'End Game'… the 'death' of 'capitalism'… is that authoritarian 'heads-of-state' globally are being told: “accept your assignments… get your house in order… and help us clean up the canvas…” It is a given that none of them care a whit about our lives… we are 'The Disposables' – chips bartered to secure their survival… 'Edmunds'-all… they view our honesty as 'foolish'… So they are caught between our rising consciousness… and the lunacy of the Plato's Tribesmen. This is their dilemma. Ours is preserving life and freedom for ourselves… our children… and the planet… Our banners: Honesty… Love… Cooperation… Sharing… can be held in the light… Theirs they must forever shroud in lies. Our cause is righteous… our hearts loving… Finally… at long last… this is our time… And while the U.S. global-state-statesmen have internalized the maxim: “no divisions in the master class”… we can't know how this works in practice and I suspect they continue to see (citing De Tocqueville as authority…) the U.S. as playing the lead role in their story of how they “established the 'rule' of Excellence and realized Plato's dream of of creating the Perfect State…” And we can certainly see evidence that they are trying to solidify this position: showing off 'their' EMF weapons and their Finance-weapon… the Federal Reserve… which is… as one article puts it: “…the central banker to the world…” (“As Fed Acts, Workers Outside U.S. Are Cringing: Rising rates are driving money out of many nations, straining workers…) Steuart called the 'statesmen's manipulation of the economy to achieve political objectives “the plan of oeconomy”… His notion was that 'Intellect' would replace Brute Force in the effort to impose 'Order' on the world… We can appreciate Proudhon's analysis in this aspect of the Statesman's Story: that we arrive on the earth as social animals looking to serve our fellows… and so we need to learn from those who came before how to do this… So at first we defer to Elder Authority… but then came the rule of Tyranny – captured in the maxim “Might Makes Right” – and Elders were made to go sit in Nursing Homes… while the Despots tore each other to shreds… Then came “The Day of the Statesman”… who modified the maxim to mean that 'Intellect' must Reign Supreme… and Order would be established… 'bloodlessly'… Not so much. The question for us is: are enough of us seeing the world right-side-up?… and when do we start planning in concert… and increasing our numbers?




We’re discussing ‘iPhone City’… as the latest in a very long list of vivid illustrations of the total contempt the global band-of-brigands has for we-the-global-people… and hoping our seeing that will help shake us out of any remaining illusions yet lingering in us as to the capacity of this global-band to 'think outside of their repetition-compulsion' (…the repeated battering of the Chinese people as their so-called 'rulers' rush to 'catch up to' and 'surpass' U.S. global-state statesmen… raises a most likely irrelevant question… I would love to hear how Kropotkin and Proudhon would answer it… how they would assess the dilemma faced by the Chinese people in the post-WWII decades… given… none of us made this mess ['class'] and only as a global-One can we get out of it… and given the theft by this global cabal of Western Fascists who call themselves 'statesmen' (the Plato's Tribesmen”…) given their theft of Nikola Tesla's EMF-weapon invention – the theft of which is completely intermeshed with the geopolitical horror called 'World War II' – which… along with the economic edge (inextricably tied to this theft…) of the US-zone of the global (and so shadow)-state… to what degree can the brutal battering of the Chinese people by their so-called rulers… who were stepping up to the Global Supremacy Game in the post-WWII decades and determining to go toe-to-toe with their 'Western' counter-parts… to what degree can it be legitimately presented as 'defensive'?… in the absence of all of us globally being aware of this theft – and discussing the implications of it? I know… it's one of those questions like “could Nikola Tesla have prevented the 20th century's two world wars?”… questions that weight our hearts too much for them to bear thinking about… until we're free.




[Recall that Proudhon prefaced his explanation… of the identity of property with robbery… by saying that: “Property… violates equality by the rights of exclusion and increase, and [violates] freedom by despotism…” – P.S.] Returning to Proudhon: “The second effect of property is despotism. Now, since despotism is inseparably connected with the ideal of legitimate authority, in explaining the natural causes of the first, the principle of the second will appear. What is to be the form of government in the future?… Although a firm friend of order, I am (in the full force of the term) an anarchist. Listen to me: ‘In all species of sociable animals [Proudhon is quoting here from Flourens: Summary of the Observations of F. Cuvier… – P.S.], the weakness of the young is the principle of their obedience to the old, who are strong; and from habit, which is a kind of conscience with them, the power remains with the oldest, although he finally becomes the weakest. Whenever the society is under the control of a chief, this chief is almost always the oldest of the troop.… The sheep which we have raised follows us, but it follows in company with the flock in the midst of which it was born. It regards man as the chief of its flock… Man is regarded by domestic animals as a member of their society.… He does not, then, change the natural condition of these animals, as Buffon has said. On the contrary, he uses this natural condition to his own advantage; in other words, he finds sociable animals, and renders them domestic by becoming their associate and chief. Thus, the domesticity of animals is only a special condition, a simple modification, a definitive consequence of their sociability. All domestic animals are by nature sociable animals.’ Sociable animals follow their chief by instinct; but take notice of the fact (which F. Cuvier omitted to state), that the function of the chief is altogether one of intelligence. Man (naturally a sociable being) naturally follows a chief. [This seems to be a variant of the earlier point made… quoting Cuvier… that “the weakness of the young is the principle of their obedience to the old…“ – and our Alice shows that this 'moment' of 'natural obedience' gets arrested and extended ad infinitum when the element of coercion is imposed on the infant… resulting in our present dilemma of our world now being run by such tortured rampaging infants… – P.S.]”




Proudhon: “Those philosophers who (carrying into morals and into history their gloomy and factious ['tending to factions'… – P.S.] whims) affirm that the human race had originally neither chiefs nor kings, know nothing of the nature of man. Royalty, and absolute royalty, is – as truly and more truly than democracy – a primitive form of government. Perceiving that, in the remotest ages, crowns and kingships were worn by heroes, brigands, and knight-errants, they confound the two things, – royalty and despotism. But royalty dates from the creation of man; it existed in the age of negative communism. Ancient heroism (and the despotism which it engendered) commenced only with the first manifestation of the idea of justice; that is, with the reign of force… [He goes further by saying that 'the idea of justice' IS 'the reign of force'… Is he saying that 'Force' – given our earth-given (inherent) gift of equality – had to create 'justifying' ideologies with which to snow (manipulate and coerce) the people? – P.S.]”




Continuing with Proudhon: “Ancient heroism (and the despotism which it engendered) commenced only with the first manifestation of the idea of justice; that is, with the reign of force. As soon as the strongest, in the comparison of merits, was decided to be the best, the oldest had to abandon his position, and royalty became despotic. The spontaneous, instinctive, and – so to speak – physiological origin of royalty gives it, in the beginning, a super-human character. The nations connected it with the gods, from whom they said the first kings descended. This notion was the origin of the divine genealogies of royal families, the incarnations of gods, and the messianic fables. From it sprang the doctrine of divine right, which is still championed by a few singular characters. Royalty was at first elective, because – at a time when man produced but little and possessed nothing – property was too weak to establish the principle of heredity, and secure to the son the throne of his father; but as soon as fields were cleared, and cities built, each function was, like everything else, appropriated, and hereditary kingships and priesthoods were the result. The principle of heredity was carried into even the most ordinary professions… [The book we cite here that explores the archeological evidence… V. Gordon Childe's Man Makes Himself… makes a different argument for the gradual appearance of 'class'… one based in a phenomenon that few can deny… that when a stimulating idea swings by… human beings are gratified… and generally find it… seductive… seldom turn our minds and eyes away from it… (Our outro song is “I Wish U Heaven”… from the 1988 CD: Lovesexy.) – P.S.]”




Prince Songs For Our March 26, 2017 Show:


[“01 Joy in Repetition.mp3”:]


“Joy In Repetition” by Prince: “He like to frequent this club down up on 36th… Pimps and thangs like 2 hang outside and cuss for kicks… Talking 2 no one in particular, they say “the baddest I am tonight”… 4 letter words are seldom heard with such dignity and bite.… All the poets and the part-time singers always hang inside… Live music from a band plays a song called "Soul Psychodelicide".… The song's a year long and had been playing 4 months when he… Walked into the place.… No one seemed to care, an introverted ‘this-is-it’ look on most of their faces.… Up on the mic repeating 2 words, over and over again… Was this woman he had never noticed before… He lost himself in the… Articulated manner in which she said them.… These 2 words, a little bit behind the beat.… I mean just enough 2 turn u on.… 4 every time she said the words another one of his doubts were gone.… Should he try 2 rap with her? Should he stand and stare?… No one else was watching her, she didn't seem 2 care.… So over and over, she said the words til he could take no more, (no more)… He dragged her from the stage and together they ran through the back door… In the alley over by the curb he said tell me what's your name… She only said the words again and it started to rain (rain, rain, rain)… 2 words falling between the drops and the moans of his condition… Holding someone is truly believing there's joy in repetition.… There's joy in repetition.… There's joy in repetition.… There's joy in repetition.… There's joy in repetition.… She said love me, love me, what she say?… She say love me, love me.… Joy, why don't u love me baby, joy, why can't u love me baby… Joy, come on and love me baby, joy in repetition… Alright, joy in repetition,… Alright, joy in repetition,… Alright, joy in repetition,… Alright, joy, all my wishes add up to one… Love me, joy, Love me, joy, Love me, joy… Love me, Love me, joy, joy, joy in repetition… Joy, joy in repetition,… Joy, joy (love me) in repetition,… Love me, love, joy, joy, joy in repetition… Joy, and I'm gonna say it again, joy, joy, and I'm gonna say it again,… Joy, I'd like 2 go way up high and say, Love me, joy… I'll say Love me, joy… Joy, joy in repetition, joy in repetition… There's joy in repetition…” [Prince, “Joy In Repetition”, One Nite Alone… The Aftershow: It Ain’t Over!, 2002]



Our March 19, 2017 Show:




Harmony… the Sweep of a Life… and the Power of One” – these themes are up for me because they seem to be the streams raising-up a surfeit of feeling that I can't name… it feels like Prince surging in and through our recent realizations about the opportunity and risk of this moment… now… because we are… globally… shaking off “The Spell of Plato” – the haunt of centuries (which we would not see clearly were it not for the critical help of Karl Popper…) – a spell that has kept us tightly boxed and stiffening – till now almost frozen… just at that edge… we've discovered the paired-gift of Nikola Tesla and Prince – and because we are loosening and softening and melting together… globally… those desperate to restore his dead-on-arrival notions are rushing to tighten their control of us by 'securing' us more tightly in our nation-state boxes… which to accomplish they plan to ensure that only those who do… or can be made to… support the goal of establishing in physical reality Plato's Republic are placed at the head of… or in key leadership positions in… the state. For instance in an article in the New York Times of March 11, 2017 about the Centenary of the Russian Revolution it is clear that Russian global-statesman are re-writing the history with Plato in mind (and thanks to Karl Popper we know the roots of totalitarianism are in Plato…) – and that the target of this official 'history' are young people (and let's never forget – while this global-system of 'class' exists… with Plato-adoring-Fascists at the head of it… Plato's dictum to “make the canvas clean…” [see our July 31, 2016 and August 14, 2016 shows…] – 40 million dead in Europe as a direct result of World War II… 27 million of which came from the Soviet Union… definitely qualifies as an instance… and let's also recall that Russia is one of the countries that possesses Nikola Tesla's EMF-weapon…) Young people globally are being targeted with conditioning to see 'the state' as a powerful 'parental figure' that they must obey… will be encouraged not to think… not to read Karl Popper's discussion of how essential it is (for the continuous growth of humanity itself…) how essential it is for 'individual altruism' – that possessed by those who are undivided 'wholes'… who possess a true 'self' – to use Alice Miller's language – putting no 'collectivist altruism' above themselves… those able to see that it is 'the whole One' who is the source of true altruism… how essential it is for 'individual altruism' to challenge and triumph over the 'collective altruism' responsible for giving us Fascism… There are not three better models for the observation that it is 'the whole One' who is the source of true altruism than Nikola Tesla and Prince… and Alice…




“Getting 'Big' So That We Can Harmonize Our Gifts and Establish Global Unity On An Authentic (Free of Force) Basis”: The goal of 'politics'… just as we've seen with 'the economy'… is to craft us 'small'… make us soft putty easily pounded – spiritually and intellectually-malnourished… uncertain of our gifts… and so… easy to manipulate… Several lines from separate sets of Prince lyrics are nagging at me… so I suspect they bear on today's theme: “Everybody wanna see u down 4 the count… But that ain't what being a real man's about… The brave and the bold hang around 4 the kill… So the bigger the hole, the bigger we fill it (fill it!)…” “School's now in session… Put down the Smith & Wessons… Real renegades don't invite grenades 2 make the grade… This is a brain raid - who rise above the lies… Raise above the days… New ways disguised as a craze… Uh, gotcha back against that status they be thrownin up at us… Back against the wall again… High trees catchin a lot of wind, oh…” We face difficult times… and none I know of but Prince fully grasped the extent of the threat… and formulated a strategy to respond – saw 'the state' as the problem… understood the key messages that challenge it… – and… consciously… as part of his strategy of building global-unity… used the power of his charisma… art… and political analysis… to forge international ties between us… and to model the solution his analysis had brought him to see… Prince's most state-confronting – which are necessarily simultaneously his most 'body-defending' – lyrics as a group only stand clearly before us when we know about Nikola Tesla's EMF-weapon and the state's theft of it… and its use against those who present counter-messages to youth – whose minds they want full control of (this policing of the messages that young people receive reminded me that I've been meaning to give thanks for the film Beverly Hills Cop… in particular Eddie Murphy's portrayal of the lead character… I don't know about you but this was the first time I was ever shown a Black character leave the White ones in the dust… At the moment that film appeared I'd never seen this… and I know Eddie Murphy got shit for it. Fascists don't forget… But I want you to know… I needed it… I needed confirmation of my power… Thank you Eddie Murphy.




Once we do know… and then once we process the implications of Prince's thirty-five years of enduring torture from this weapon… I at least found myself flooded with appreciation for the courage and brilliance it took for him to show us – each one of us – what we must do. He has made our options clear: choose true power… feed on truth… own no master but love… soak up that sun… and then share it with your Brothers and Sisters… or… become fodder for Fascists… to be used or disposed of as they see fit… Nikola and Prince did not create such Abundance because they were under threat of 'competition'… or the compulsion of fear… it was because they weren't… They knew the source of their gifts… which was mos def not the state… and it was 'the source' to which they gave their allegiance. We must do the same.




“How 'The Economy' Accomplishes the Political Aims of Plato: 'No Change'… Stasis (Death)… Establishment of the 'Rule of Hate' By Legitimating 'Rank' – By Means of Market-Quantification”: We've taken time with 'the economy' during our Proudhon readings in order to get past the House of Mirrors 'power' has erected around us… and to… hopefully… see more clearly the sense in which 'the economy' is a confidence trick… and to see why the 'Left Narrative' that endless accumulation is the point of it… is inaccurate… and therefore hopefully to see that its fundamental purpose is political… in order to grant ourselves permission to move on – and what follows on this… is seeing its opposite: the uncoerced… 'natural' harmonization of our gifts… as we think socially and long for unity. Until Nikola Tesla and Prince provided us with means… 'unity' has been an elusive goal… seldom aspired to as a reality that's global… as the totalitarian scheme (of 'class') of the 'rulers' is set to stop us claiming for ourselves the global turf… And while Plato's misguided 'system' (of 'class') is responsible for the 'Rule of Hate' coming to dominate over us… it may be that Popper is right to suggest that even Plato's underlying motive was 'unity'… in a sense… although only of the so-called 'master race… 'and that while the 'Rule of Hate' was the inevitable result (which we can see… thanks to Alice…) of the attempt to realize Plato's vision (of the Republic…) Plato himself was sincere in wanting to stop the 'rulers' from continuously slaughtering themselves… Plato's was a child's logic… with the lens of Alice we can clearly see the curse of Abandonment lodged in him… the 'child's logic being: “They are fighting over social place… status… but as beasts (human and otherwise…) can be trained to accept the status we assign them… so may we likewise craft the world of 'citizens' (and as we saw… and will read again in our 'Proudhon' section of today's show… when we recall the “peasants are like oxen” quote from a 20th century Chinese-statesman… this thinking is definitive of 'Rule' that seeks to 'institutionalize' itself (fix itself in place across the generations…) But the strategy 'the economy' can only realize the child's logic up to a point… The Abandoned Child cannot know that 'stasis' is impossible… Life didn't get the memo and cares not about the confused logic of lost children… Proudhon shows us not only that our conversion into 'money' increases 'power's power over us… but also that it strengthens 'power's totalitarian-hold over us… in that we become – because of it… because of this process of quantification… this 'money'-conversion – more tightly and strongly enmeshed within that which oppresses us… making us ever-weaker… ever more-dependent… as the global-state grows ever-stronger – having used its 'economy'-tool… and the strategy of debt… to acquire ever-greater control of the planetary resources needed to reproduce life This 'requirement'… dictated by the terms of 'the market'… that we be converted into quantifiable 'means' (via our integration into 'the economy' – integrated into 'networks of obligation and debt'…) before the 'leaders' / 'masters' can access and animate us – along with the 'market requirement' imposed on corporate employers that they produce increasing profits for their investors… has led to an exhausted planet and the inevitable condition – as 'the system of theft… consumption / conversion… and destruction of finite and / or ever-more costly resources… as this 'system' 'ages out' – means that this system must succumb to the condition of the 'falling rate of profit'… The 'falling rate of profit' means that within 'power's 'capitalism-scheme' it cannot employ enough people-made-means to do the 'clean-up-heal-up' work the earth desperately needs us to be doing… It's important that we 'face this reality'… acknowledge it in our discussions… so that more of us… and more quickly… will perceive the imperative of delaying no longer… Thanks to Nikola… Prince… and Alice… our coast-line of Freedom is in sight – tread-water-time is past… over… done… we see our Freedom… let's kick hard for it……




It is our social thought-process that end-runs 'economics'… and it can only be accessed under conditions of freedom… it cannot be forced… “There's a certain amount of trust…” I said once… “required for us to take that leap into the Unknown which is our Future… and that 'trust' has to do with knowing that we are earth… and just as we trust that the earth will be there for us every morning when we wake up… we have to trust that we want to heal… that we want to be whole… and that as soon as 'power' is off our backs we can start to grow straight again… Trust that… that's real… that's true… Trusting the earth that is us is trusting that ultimately we are love – stunted… starved…under 'power's weight… but still there is love there for us… waiting for us… waiting to be called upon… to be fed water… and given sun… which we trust will happen… because it's fun – that's the earth in us too – and we are just so ready for the 'fun-part' of this ride to come.




(A digression: I hope out in the real world – not the world of media – we know that Trump was installed… I hope that there's no doubt in your minds that we got Fascism… I mean… their attempts to convince us that he was elected by the people… while every day reporting on how detested he is… And… by the way… there is a really funny article in the Saturday, March 18, 2017 New York Times on the first meeting between German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Donald Trump [which… by the way… happened on Tuesday… but wasn't reported on until the following Saturday… I guess they really didn't want us thinking too hard about it…] and it's really funny: the writing is so theatrical… emphasizing the staging of the scene… Usually [or so I thought…] news reports try to sound journalistic – but this was written like… “next stop: screenplay…” like it was providing stage-direction for the script…)




(And – forgive the digressions – for the record: I was speculating that one of the reasons why it's so hard to gain weight when you are in this very advanced stage of being attacked with the state's EMF-weapon – because… if you don't get to this point it doesn't necessarily manifest [and hopefully you won't… or… hopefully you do… because I believe a lot of folk start gaining weight [this was actually my experience at first because the swelling and pain in the knees and muscles makes walking painful… and you can become more sedentary…) as a response to the swelling and pain of movement… and then you really are dead-in-the-water: you don't make it to the point where you can't keep weight on… Anyway… because it's an electrical assault… there's contraction of the muscles… and so that has to burn energy… right? Any doctors out there? Confirm please… We need some doctors who are on our side – not these Mengele's in the service of these Fascists… we need some doctors who are actually exploring the impact on the body of various types of EMF-assault… because… at some point… we will be documenting this mess – but before that point it's gonna stop… right? Come on… We cannot let the state have a weapon that kills us invisibly… The fact that we have to make an argument here is evidence enough of the extent of their conditioning of us… but we didn't have Margaret Cheney's book… they have suppressed that book as a broad discussion globally and across every nation… We need to be discussing this man who is… recall… the greatest inventor of all time…) Continuing chapter 16: “Ridiculed, Condemned, Combatted”… “The multiplier effect of his hard luck knew no geographic limits. He was sued for nonpayment of electricity furnished to the experiment station at Colorado Springs, and this was odd, considering that Leonard Curtis, one of the owners of the City Power Company had assured him that electricity would be free. The city of Colorado Springs also sued him, for water bills. Finally the caretaker of his old experiment station brought an action for unpaid balance of wages due him.… [These tactics of 'power' (we could call it 'the attempt to orchestrate stress'…) – for anyone in the crosshairs recognizes them easily as such – the meanness and maliciousness of them recall Bentham's identification and categorization of that which… when grasped by the so-called 'master class'… allows these global-state-guys to influence the mental and spiritual state of the human being under 'class’… Obviously the global-statesmen could see how grating on his psyche it would be for the man who gave as a gift to humanity electricity where it was needed… as but one of a very long list of gifts… to be told he 'owed' us anything… Once again 'power' outs itself by its own egregious display of callousness… – P.S.] Tesla's response to the city was Teslian. Inasmuch as he had graced it with his presence [and this is in fact the case Margaret… What I've come to recognize in sitting with the words and music of Prince is that it's very difficult for those who are the victims of an intense and coordinated media-campaign of 'power's against them – that never ends – to defend themselves against it… and that the campaign… to varying degrees… tends to work… affects how we see them… largely because of the dynamics Alice discusses: authoritarian child-rearing practices condition us to identify with 'power' – the implantation of utilitarian ethics in all of us under 'class' (again… the principle: “might makes right”… essentially…) – P.S.] Although partying with his friends continued, there was a new frenetic quality about it, as if the celebrants had begun to sense the tragedies ahead and were determined to lose no opportunity for laughter…”




[We are examining in what sense 'the economy' is ideology used to anesthetize or pacify us… and – closely tied to this – how it is a key strategy employed to conceal the totalitarian reality of 'rule'… and used therefore by the 'rulers' of the 'global-state' state – the Plato's Tribesmen – to hide behind… “‘The economy' as anesthetic” (part 3): Three clear messages that we cannot help but hear in the instances cited below: in the death-tolls of both World War II and China's 'Great Leap Forward' – and the massive slaughters of the 20th century generally… First… they suggest not just a willingness on the part of the global-statesmen… not just a callousness… but almost an eagerness to waste our lives… We cannot help but see the truth that we are to the global-state-guys but so many units of exploitable energy… to be consumed or tossed at their convenience and whim… Secondly: our 'heart'… creativity… and brilliance are released in times of great need for them… it is then we see… in the aftermath of one of 'power's schemes for global supremacy… that toss our lives into the fire like so many pennies into a wishing-well… our capacity to create Abundance widely-expressed – a capacity to marvel at: “Abundance is What We Do”… a capacity once fully believed in will also pave our way to Freedom… But there has also been an appalling lack of empathy in us… we who are stuck in the global-'class' system – easily understood under Alice's tutelage – and Keith Lowe's (among others…) who wrote Savage Continent: Europe In the Aftermath of WWII…] presentation of it – we owe him… and all those who show how it happens… who have provided numerous examples of how the would-be gods continuously stoke lack of empathy for our Brothers and Sisters by manufacturing Scarcity – using their tool 'the economy' – and stimulating our fear of 'Insufficiency'… a.k.a. Abandonment… the mental state and mindset that is the direct consequence of the abusiveness of 'class'… We should have been done long-since thanked the people of China who have suffered egregious hardship to bring us the cell phones cheap… the millions of people in the Congo slaughtered mercilessly for the minerals contained in their land needed to make them… Earlier in the show we said that “it is our social thought-process that end-runs 'economics'… and that it can only be accessed under conditions of freedom… it cannot be forced…” I think we'll find… on our path to Freedom… by the side of the road… necessary conversations that span the 'walls' that have divided us… 'Necessary' because so much pain has been hidden… ignored… and dismissed behind them… We think socially – in relationship… in a back-and-forth… 'call-and-response' way. This explains the tendency to stultification in the thought of totalitarians… because there is no 'call-and-response'… no development… only fixity in allegiance to the principle of obedience and the agile manipulation of the thoughts or data given by 'the state'… Empathy is necessary for the development of our thought… Systematized (intentional) disparities in access to the 'good stuff' of life: leisure… beauty… food that warm and pleases… which we then re-seed to become Abundance again… systematizes lack of empathy… Systematized (intentional) disparities in access to the 'good stuff' of life: leisure… beauty… food that warm and pleases… which we then re-seed to become Abundance again… systematizes lack of empathy… Just as we cannot serve two masters… they cannot change – we… and they… can only be 'this' or 'that'… To the 'statesmen' we can either be 'means' or free: used to increase their 'power'… or lost to their control and for ourselves. For them… all that exists is their dominion… all must be converted into evidence of their dominance… or not exist… They tell us… “be grateful we let you have food to eat… serve us well and we may improve it…” – they look at us and can't see that all the true power is in our hands… When we look at us… what do we see? (A read a reviewer once who said this song advocated 'chaos'… just the opposite… it represents the sweetest sense… Our freedom is at long last coming… and once in it we will see that our gifts blend harmoniously. 'Chaos' is what we got… listening to our body's call for freedom is the purest sense… and love… Let's respond to it… “Let's Go Crazy”… our outro song… from the 1984 CD and film: Purple Rain.




Prince Songs For Our March 19, 2017 Show:


[“01 Can't Stop This Feeling I Got.mp3”:]


“Can't Stop This Feeling I Got” by Prince: “Dear Dad,… Things didn't turn out quite like I wanted them 2… Sometimes I feel like I'm gonna explode… Everybody wanna see u down 4 the count… But that ain't what being a real man's about… The brave and the bold hang around 4 the kill… So the bigger the hole, the bigger we fill it (fill it!)… They can hit us with all they got… But cha know what?… What?… I can't stop this feeling I got… I feel it right down 2 my toes… I can't stop this feeling I got… My body got 2 have it u know… I can't stop this feeling I got… I'll write a letter to the whole world… I can't stop this feeling I got… Every man, woman, boy and girl… Can't stop this feeling I got, I can't stop this feeling I got… I can't stop this feeling I got, I can't stop this feeling I got… I can't stop this feeling I got… U know I can't sleep at night… I can't stop, u know I love it a lot,… I'm talking about an everlasting light.… I can't stop this feeling I got… I get to shaking all in my shoes… I can't stop this feeling I got… The doctor say there's nothing that he can do… Can't stop this feeling I got, can't stop this feeling I got… I can't stop this feeling I got, can't stop this feeling I got… Keep on singing now… Can't stop. try 2 tell me how 2 paint my palace,… That ain't where it's at,… That's like trying 2 tell Columbus that the world is flat.… If the song we're singing truely is the best… Then that my brothers is the ultimate test… All in favor say Aye.… We can change anything at all.… I, I, I can't stop. can't stop.… I'm in a butt kicking mood tonight ya'll… Can't stop. can't stop.… Can't stop this feeling I got… Can't stop this feeling I got… Can't stop this feeling I got… Can't stop this feeling I got… Can't stop this feeling I got… Can't stop this feeling I got… Can't stop this feeling I got… (no, no, no, no)… Feeling, feeling, feeling, hey!… Hey, pardon me 4 living, (pardon me 4 living)… But this is my world, (this is my world)… U can't make me change (u can't make me change)… Maybe we all got to rearrange (rearrange)… Our brains (our brains)… Yeah. Only we can change the world… Only we can change the world… Only we can change the world… 1, 2, 1, 2, 3… I can't stop this feeling I got… I can't stop this feeling I got… I can't stop this feeling I got… Feeling, feeling, feeling, feeling, feeling, feeling, yeah!… Yeah!…” [Prince, “Can't Stop This Feeling I Got”, Graffiti Bridge, 1990]


[“09 Wall of Berlin.mp3”:]


“Wall Of Berlin” by Prince: “Where am eye?… In a universe of paradoxical design… Reality o merely in the mind… In my head or in some german town… She said “u want a 4 leaf clover… In the round?”… Ain't superstitious… And eye don't believe in luck… But eye heard the thunder… B4 the lightning struck… Couldn't read the writing… Cuz it was so small… But according 2 the document she got on the wall… She gets down like the wall of berlin… Eye come round about a quarter 2 ten… We just met or at least we pretend… It's so fresh knockin' down… The wall of berlin… Where am eye?… A galaxy of monumental delight… Or parallel hologram copyright… The call comes unexpected… Like a mugger in a park… And the sound of the train interrupts the ?… Is that the queen of sheba… Or an alien dream?… The marks on the table say… Somewhere in between… Not one 4 rituals… But one thing eye have found… Everything's better when you come around… She gets down like the wall of berlin… Eye come round about a quarter 2 ten… We just met or at least we pretend… It's so fresh knockin' down… The wall of berlin…” [Prince, “Wall Of Berlin”, Lotusflow3r, 2009]


[“03 The Arms Of Orion.mp3”:]


“The Arms Of Orion” by Prince: “Orion's arms are wide enough 2 hold us both 2gether… Although we're worlds apart, I'd cross the stars 4 U… In the heart of a sleepless moon, I'll be with U 4ever… This is my destiny till my life is through… CHORUS: The Arms of Orion, that's where I wanna be… Since U've been gone… I've been searching 4 a lover in the Sea of Tranquility… Drowning without U here, my dear… When I am lost or feeling lonely, I just look 2 heaven… I find my comfort there… God only knows where U are 2night… God only knows where U are 2night… Maybe time will tell me… Till then I close my eyes, say a prayer 4 U… (Say a prayer 4 U 2)… CHORUS… Orion's heart is bright enough 2 shine on both of us… The constellations never fail 2 light the way 4 love… Orion's arms are wide enough 2 hold us both 2gether… Although we're worlds apart (I'd cross the stars 4 U)… I'd cross the stars 4 U… CHORUS… (Oh)… The Arms of Orion, that's where I wanna be… Since U've been gone I've been drowning (Lost)… In the Sea of Tranquility (Lonely)… Drowning without U here (Baby)… My dear (Drowning without U, oh)… Arms of Orion… That's where I wanna be (Where I…)… That's where I wanna be (The Arms of Orion) [x2]… Since U've been gone, babe… Since U've been gone, I've been drowning (Drowning)… Drowning, drowning without your love… The Arms of Orion (Arms of Orion)…” [Prince, “The Arms Of Orion”, Batman, 1989]


[“01 Art Official Cage.mp3”:]


“Art Official Cage” by Prince: “Welcome home class… U've come a long way… (U've come a long way and heaven knows)… Mine damer og herrer… [Translation: "Ladies and gentlemen"]… Konger og dronninger og alt der imellem… [Translation: "Kings and queens and everything in between"]… Velkommen til timen… [Translation: "Welcome to class"]… Vi er ved at gøre noget, der vil forandre dit liv for evigt… [Translation: "We are about 2 do something that will change Ur life 4ever"]… Cage… Cage… Åbn dette bur!… [Translation: "Open this cage!"]… Come on, let's go… Free the people, come on, let's go… Free the people… Free the people… I woke up in the city in a bit of a rage… Determined 2 free my mind from this art official cage… Thought by thought my teachers taught from an early age… A place in heaven far off in the future… Come on, let's go… Free the people, come on, let's go… Art official, art official cage… Ghettos 2 the left of me, malls 2 the right… Why's my kingdom come only in prayers at night?… What should I expect if I'm not willing 2 fight?… A place in heaven somewhere in the future… Art official, art official… Art official cage… Louder than a bomb since the day of my birth… Got me 2nd class when I got here 1st… Lovely score but how am I supposed 2 know what it's worth… Art official age in the future… Free the people, come on, let's go… Startin' from the top, gettin' higher so… Never goin' back underwater, no… Brand new boogie without the hero… As sure Minneapolis get this snow… I'm goin' up Lady Liberty's dress and blow, blow, blow… Art official, free the people… Art official, art official cage… Cage… Cage… Art official cage… Cage… We need U 2 tell us what U know… Cage… We need U 2 tell us what U know… Let me go!… Art official cage… Art official cage… Art official cage… Art official cage… Cage, cage, cage, age, age, age…” [Prince, “Art Official Cage”, Art Official Age, 2014]




Our March 12, 2017 Show:




Abundance is our birthright because it's what we make – our unique gift – to do this with consciousness… consciousness both of our capacity… and our debt… to the 'All-of-it'… but a few were taught as children that Abundance couldn't exist… that there was only Void… a dearth… an Emptiness… that must be made an Order… made of only what is Perfect… but that there were The Ignorant… who were forever getting… 'in the way' of 'It'… The honest title and telling of this story is: “How the Children Who Did Not Love Themselves Waged War on Life…” That Misanthropes exist has been hard to miss – these who have been identified… by Prince and others… as 'Takers' – but without Alice… we did not know the ABC of it… the 'ins-and-outs' and 'hows'… the 'how far it extended'… and 'why'… of 'It'… the Big 'It”… the 'it' that the ones who arrived… from the 'All' into close rooms of gloom… and tried to rise above it… and to please… the ones who could not see them… and found their gift of joy and life denied… and so they cried and cried and cried… while those cold eyes stood by… in silence… an all-embracing gloom… in which no time existed to recognize their plight… and as without recognition we cease to exist… they had no choice but to be a part of 'It'… the Big 'It'… the Plan of Fascists… the ones who wage war with consciousness… conscious that they are fighting that which will not bow to Fascism: Life spontaneous… Freedom… conscious they are fighting that which and those who will not be part of 'It'… those who watch the boot press and cannot be else but… 'disobedient'… but… without Alice… there was nothing to grapple with… they remained hidden to us… i.e.… no one – no one that we could see – fought back… as… none but some of those they targeted with their secret weapon of EMF saw them clearly… and these were silenced by the invisibility of it… and so Dissent was stifled and the mask of 'the Left' was placed on false-faces… 'power's agents… These guys have been waging war on us… for some time… while we but shook our heads… because there was no viable opposition… What was called 'The Left' has been thoroughly infiltrated… So there's just us… we who see this… and Prince… who came to fully understand the Dilemma's extent… and address it… in the way Emily prophesied… or advised (depending…): a gap must be filled with that which caused it… and what Prince saw was: “Children Who Did Not Love Themselves Were Waging War on Life…” (Prince 'illustrates' Alice… he does exactly what she says you have to do to hang onto your 'self'… – he shows us… it's so critical… his model – he did this consciously… Prince came of age in the midst of the Fascist offensive against music (and the arts overall…) music that represented Freedom… and (completely unprecedented…) he took it on… despite being targeted… tortured… harassed… isolated… and murdered… he stands… producing a gift of music… poetry… and political analysis… that shows us what it means to put ourselves first… to love ourselves unequivocally… once we have access to his music and the means to discuss it and catch up to him… Juxtaposed with Alice and Proudhon they raise the discussions we need to regain our joy and confidence… as we develop our thought… that we do indeed have a right to love each other… globally…




“AintTurninRound”: The drums of war are being pounded (Are they serious!?…) so loud we all hear them… stuck in our various state-places of capture… the shock at the thought of it (Are they serious!?…) that they're pushing 'cold-war' tactics at us… as if the last seventy years didn't exist… as if we really haven't now all become friends… across all their false divisions… it makes us feel a bit woozy… we find it difficult to breathe… the sociopathic-statesmen… plowing ahead so hard… at breakneck speed… despite and because… all of our love is… blooming… Recent propaganda-plants intended to make and stoke our fear and uncertainty about our chances of forging global unity: “There is no doubt that the United States faces serious security threats…” “An idea, once unthinkable, is gaining attention in European policy circles: a European Union nuclear weapons program…” “There is no doubt that the United States faces serious security Foreign and defense ministers of European Union members reached a deal on Monday to create a headquarters for military training operations…” The New York Times is largely a tool of the Plato's Tribesmen – the hidden global-statesmen… it consistently promotes the picture 'power' wants us to have of a 'world-of-threat'… the U.S. under siege – and no doubt state-specific versions of this message are occurring across the globe. We've seen this tactic repeatedly… but now we see and know each other globally and can counter it with more than just good thoughts: we can counter it with mobilization for the unity of all peoples globally… by stopping work for a day (on a volunteer basis – no coercion…) of discussion… planning… and partying… We have the means to organize this quickly if we in the regions of greater official civil protections of speech and assembly use this 'on-paper-protection' to push hard before these 'power'-obsessed decide – as we saw with the installation of the Trump-tool of 'power' (and in their lies about the murder of Prince for that matter…) – that public opinion and preference may be disregarded (we've watched them plow full-steam ahead with the imposition of their plan of Fascism by using their own lies and behind-scenes foul-playing as 'evidence' to make the 'case' that 'the Ignorant' among us gave us the Horror-story of Trump… which in a sense is true once we discuss that the most dangerous ignorance is the belief one is a philosopher-king… which springs from the ignorance of the abusiveness of 'class' and one's own suffering as an infant as a result of it…) It's just so obvious that this is the global-state-guys' agenda… not ours… Ours we share with Prince… and all large spirits: to live and love well – that's what we want… So the only discussion we should be having is this: Do the means exist for every person on the planet to live and love well… without coercion or Necessity worming itself into this process of harvesting from our 'playing' together our juicy apple of content?… the self-sufficiency resources identified on the Nascence website alone say “yes”… and they but get the ball rolling… grease the gears of our endless creativity… off-leash… that's what we want to do with our time on the planet – build a just and abundant and joyous world for all… in which all the babies born into it get to stay happy… It's taken us ten thousand years to get here because Nikola and Prince are right: we needed the means to unite by going around the 'power'-guys… thanks to them we have these means… and we see the way…




Margaret Cheney's Tesla: Man Out Of Time: “[As Nikola Tesla had just invented a method for the wireless transmission of electrical power… knowledge that will end Necessity in the human story… and… in conjunction with it… a weapon that ends war because it is definitive and so thought-provoking that it unites the people globally… he was] not much interested [in marketing therapeutic oscillators]. Instead he issued two handsome brochures, one describing the world system of communication and another, expensively printed on vellum, that announced his entry into the field of consulting engineering. The main work crew were kept busy fabricating and assembling novel devices, blowing glass vacuum tubes, and doing the routine work of firing up the steam generator. The latter job was spasmodic: by mid-July of 1903 the paying of coal bills had become a problem. Periodically the crew was laid off. When coal for the Wardenclyffe generator could be afforded, the inventor wired Scherff to stoke up for a weekend of tests and took a train to Long Island. “The troubles and dangers are at their height,” he wrote Scherff on one occasion. “Coal problem still awaits solution. The Wardenclyffe specters are hounding me day and night.… When will it end?”… [J.P.] Morgan's disenchantment [or display of it at least… – P.S.] with Wardenclyffe was final. Tesla, equally persuasive and beseeching, then angry, accusing, and bitter. They pursued the banker by special messenger everywhere, even to the pier as he embarked on yet another grand tour of the Continent. Inevitably rumors spread that Morgan had acquired Tesla's radio patents just to prevent their development; but there was no proof. When bad news whispered along Wall Street, it gained strength from itself. Word that Morgan was dropping out of the world system venture – he actually had been only a lender – convinced other potential backers that it must be a soap bubble. Tesla knew such rumors were killing him; but there was little he could do except live each day trying to dodge bill collectors, pleading with other bankers and rich acquaintances, working out scientific problems of the project, seeking to market other inventions, and bidding for consultancies.… [This story of 'The Screwing Of Nikola” is in so many ways instructive about the strategies and tactics of 'power'… and while their use of the 'money-lever' to manipulate and hurt him stands out – shows how it is used to sink particular individuals that 'power' wants to control… destroy… or bury – because the target is Nikola Tesla it exposes 'power's mindset in showing us the kind of world it wants to sculpt… – P.S.]”




“Lessons From Proudhon…” “‘The economy' as anesthetic” (part 2): [It may be helpful to look at 'the economy' from Nikola's seat and view it from the perspective of 'energy'-conservancy… with an energy-yardstick… his 'energy-way-of-seeing' both what 'work' is being done in 'the economy' and the implications of the kinds of disparities and imbalances that are being created (and of course… as we've seen… the energy inefficiency of Force… is obscene…) and… factoring in its essential paracitism… as well as recalling the principle of 'energy conservation – that “energy cannot be created or destroyed… only altered from one form to another – to recognize as con what the 'power'-guys call 'the economy'… Nikola's point is that we need balance… that there is no 'something-for-nothing' when it comes to energy-allocations. A system based on 'continuous increase' (as Proudhon puts it…) a 'continuous increase' that is hustled away from us… the source of it… (…and… now… with our Freedom calling can we also see Prince's point?: it don't matter where it went – “I don't really care what y'all be doing…” – what matters is our gift for making Abundance that these poor 'power'-obsessed have been sitting on generation after generation… Whatever these guys stole we'll replenish ten-fold out the gate… like a young colt giddy with the smell of Spring… finally… at long last… Let's forget about where their 'money' is hoarded… and take in that whiff of Freedom… and sleeping-in… and staring as long as we want at whatever is stoking our fire at the time… no rush… we have our own lives in our own hands… that… Sisters and Brothers… is the authentic definition of 'wealth'…)




A system based on 'continuous increase'… a 'continuous increase' that is hustled away from us… the source of it… must… simultaneously… be a system of continuously increasing immiseration of those from whom the energy is extracted… stolen… stolen to create the illusion of 'self-generating capital'… a system designed to continuously 'increase' is designed to extract the energy from the earth and us (converting it to this abstract measure…) – while giving back the barest minimum of what it has extracted… and it does this 'super-exploitation' increasingly over time. What this means for the non-human portion of the earth resources so squeezed is polluted lakes and waterways… oceans dying… (…I hope folks are feeling me here… now… that 'class' is a totalitarian system… it's self-reinforcing (self-referencing)… it's a closed system – and within that system… within its logic… we cannot create abundance because whatever we create has to be converted into… essentially… 'power'… to suppress us… and in an increasing way… which means that we – in this system – have to continuously be 'being diminished' in order for their… the global-state-guys – their 'power' to continuously increase. It's a closed system… we're stuck in it… it's a suicide-mission… We have to break their control of Life in order for Life to resume as its meant. Within this closed – death-worshiping – system… its rules require its rule… the continuous reproduction of its rule… which in order to do requires the conversion (reduction) of all resources necessary for Life to achieve independence to be placed within its hands [through the mechanisms of commodification and privatization (conversion to money…)] under its control… [This is where we've been intentionally mis-led on the Left: the point of 'the' system is not 'accumulation of capital' but rather “the continuous reproduction of 'Rule by The Few'… the continuous reproduction of 'class'…] So… within their “'logic' of 'rule'”… the only way clean-up of the pollution and repair of the infrastructure can get done – ultimately… they can drag this on… we don't know how long and we don't want to know how long… we wanna get on with our lives – they can drag this on (if we let them…) but ultimately it means they 'have to' get us to do it for free – within their 'logic'… which means acknowledging that 'capitalism' is a dead husk and usher in Totalitarianism Straight-Up… and try to get us on board with the scheme through their nationalistic ideologies… but essentially it means slavery… if they're saying “we need you to voluntarily serve us because you agree with our vision… our aims… for creating the 'Perfect Society' [essentially the scam they run right now…] but that will ever mean that we don't exist for ourselves… we only exist as means – whatever word you wanna put on that it's still Fascism – it means “you must obey 'the state'… there is no Dissent allowed…” it means this even if what they are calling “no dissent” is that they remove from our sight… our ability to access… any counter-values… principles… stories (explanations…) which is what they've been busily doing for the last two and a half centuries and which we are interrupting right now by disseminating these alternative stories – because the hard work of Nikola Tesla and others has provided us with the means to do so – disseminate these alternative ways of seeing and values and suppressed ancestors ourselves… resurrect the folk they've buried… and we have to keep doing that within this single generation… And be aware and prepared for the catastrophes they are planning – that's their m.o.: when they wanted to erase our memory of Nikola Tesla they orchestrated catastrophes – we see that happening… it's imperative that we move quickly and organize our global day of planning. It's not about Force… it's not about Violence… it's not about even the redistribution of wealth… it's about reclaiming our bodies – it's that simple – No Force Needed… all that's needed is for us to love each other… love ourselves… play… have fun… have a good time: that's what Prince has been saying for three decades plus…




What this means for the non-human portion of the earth resources so squeezed is polluted lakes and waterways… oceans dying… species-loss… the end of bio-diversity… us struggling to breathe… concrete crumbling – i.e.… a lot of costs have built up just as the Earth has come calling with her check and we are saying “to hell with this – all we're getting out of this tacit agreement is derailed lives… sacrificed dreams… and early deaths… We want to live… and live well… to follow our hearts… fulfill our dreams… while we're here on the planet… We want to help each other… not be pushed in each other's faces to fight for scraps like roosters in a cock-fight… forced to provide the entertainment for “a veiled form of Fascism…” So… what this means for human beings is ever-increasing global misery… as Accumulation-Ever-Increasing means growing disparities… increasing inequality. The statesmen use stratums of 'the middle classes' to 'manage' the extraction from the rest… automate mundane and repetitive tasks… and… once that's done… 'help' move more and more of us-'superfluous' to the same fate as those who built Auschwitz. Isn't it time we convened our Global Day of Celebrating Prince and organize together our future Freedom? We all want this – those ten thousand guys will get over losing their crowns quick as soon as they see nobody's behind them… “The problem, at least for now, is not that there isn't enough work – there is, but it is very different from the kind of work technology is displacing. Manufacturing and warehousing jobs are shrinking, while jobs that provide services (health care, child care, elder care, education, food) are growing. “We are far from the end of work, but face a big challenge redeploying people…” [one of the founders of M.I.T.'s Initiative on the Digital [as in 'invisible'… – P.S.] Economy – he advocates… among other things: “federally guaranteed student loans for nontraditional programs like online certificates or coding boot camps…”] One idea is for the government to subsidize private employment or even volunteer jobs…” When the 'power'-fed media tell us that there is a 'mis-match' between available 'jobs' and the people available or willing to take those jobs… they're talking about the 'falling rate of profit' – recall that in our May 3, 2015 show we excerpted from Roman Rosdolsky's The Making of Marx's 'Capital'… in which he quotes Marx: “…the capitalist mode of production develops and an ever larger quantity of capital [earth… ultimately… – P.S.] is required to employ the same amount of labour-power [us… also earth… ultimately… – P.S.]” Now… if you are a misanthrope… what does this tell you? What do we imagine is 'power's… the global-state-statesmen's… the Plato's Tribesmen's… ultimate 'solution' to this 'problem'… as we watch them unleash their prepped and eager-to-see-action modernized Fascists in almost every nation-state (or supporting…in some… already-in-place autocrats…) – calling them 'populists' to once again plant the seed that it is we-the-people responsible for this (they hope) Triumph of Ignorance… unleashed Fascists mean an attempt to rope us more tightly into nation-state boxes… with stricter supervision in the form of 'Good' or 'Bad' Daddies… depending… on who's been 'naughty or nice'… “The falling rate of profit” is the last chapter of “'Capitalism'… the Econ-Con”… and as “Capitalism” closes… a re-written standard is being brushed off and up-dated: “Fascism Is You” – the opening of the World Geo-Polity era of the Totalitarian 'Class'-System… with the Global-Heads working even more closely together to get past this unprecedented threat: Us… Waking Up… So we have a choice: we can either 'wait-and-see' what these god-wannabes come up with as 'fate' for us… or we can say “Enough of this!… we're tired of being subject to the whims of self-deluding global-state-Fascists!…”




So… recalling the principle of 'energy conservation… that “energy cannot be created or destroyed… only altered from one form to another…” I think the article on 'iPhone City' might break the spell of the dangled hint of rest implied in the temptation 'guaranteed minimum income'… as we see that… fundamentally (as with 'the economy' generally…) the 'iPhone' story is about 'politics'… not 'economics'. 'Power' is now exposed… and those less frozen of mind – those who recognize the implications of our Global Awakening – are trying to squeeze as much out of what's left of 'the economy' as they can… before the Titanic is sunk and done. The 'power'-guys like to drop the story on us that there are certain 'rogue elements' in 'the state' when it sees that we are catching on to them… hoping to convince us that the fundamental 'project' of 'the state' is sound… in order to preserve it as a launch-pad and prison… and divert us to the 'project' of 'fixing' it… They express this tactic across multiple media (the Trump-Tool but the most recent example) – the two examples in film that stand out for me are Enemy Of The State in which the 'rogue element' is represented by Jon Voigt… and Outbreak… in which Donald Sutherland does the honors (my son and I were just talking again about this film and realized that for both of us when we hear Prince's words from his song “Act Of God” – “the ones who say 'No' make history…” – we see the Cuba Gooding, Jr. character in that film… flying the helicopter… taking in what the Dustin Hoffman character is telling him about the state being willing to murder thousands of citizens – annihilate an entire town – in order to keep its secret weapon… and then the way he answers “No!” so emphatically (we love this character – the entire film is wonderfully well-acted – and Cuba in general is so exuberant: those who model earth-given-exuberance are at risk of being targeted by Fascists and we need to support them… which is supporting ourselves… by planning our De-commissioning of Hate and our global Invitation to Love… As Prince also said (in an interview-excerpt posted for our October 2, 2016 shown – and on the 'Blog' page: “…ultimately I think the music just shows that we're just all one people… and we don't deal in the divisions… we're just one big party…”




When we read in the the 'iPhone' article: “In a bid to lower costs, some of the biggest American technology companies… began dismantling their domestic manufacturing in the 1980s and moving work overseas, largely to Asia. Not Apple. The company's co-founder, Steven P. Jobs, believed that software and hardware development had to be closely integrated… Finances forced Apple to change course.… Under the direction of Mr. Cook, Apple shifted more business to Foxconn [a Taiwanese company… Apple's outsourcing partner in China…] City [Zhengzhou] officials lavished money and favorable investment terms on Foxconn… They promised discounted energy and transportation costs, lower social insurance payments, and more than $1.5 billion in grants for the construction of factories and dormitories that could house hundreds of thousands of workers… “A State-Recruited Army”: Apple's labor force, the size of a national army, relies heavily on the generosity of the Zhengzhou government. As part of its deal with Foxconn, the state recruits, trains and houses employees. Provincial officials call townships and villages to ask for help finding potential workers.… As the economy slows, Beijing has started to shift its development path away from manufacturing and exports and toward innovation and consumption. It wants to empower Chinese brands and foster homegrown technology.…” I think the true story hidden between the lines is discernible here… particularly when we consider them with our archival excerpts that follow… and 'Wallerstein's Heads-Up!' that “capitalism is doomed'… i.e.… the pressure placed on the health and well-being of the Chinese people (and Asia generally) – in large measure to preserve the illusion of 'capitalism' – has been off-the-charts-enormous…




But some unpacking is needed of that line: “to preserve the illusion of 'capitalism' – because so much is hidden behind it… including the… what should we call it that captures more of the truth of it?… the calculated… callous… competitiveness… of the Chinese global-state-statesmen with their counterparts in 'the West' – but is it fair to call them that before they were that? – their determination to 'catch-up' to the level of ruthlessness with which they were confronted from their equivalents in 'the West'… really I suppose it was 'simply' to catch up to their equivalents' adoration of Plato… and to the 'necessity' of 'class' being made intentionally global via the financial mechanism of Debt… and to their technological supremacy 'achieved' by thievery… by stealing the inventions of Nikola Tesla. Let's set aside judgment of the Chinese 'rulers' and focus more on the cost imposed on the Chinese people: the sacrifice… the spent-hope… the contempt… they have borne with such strength and creativity… They have been the main bargaining chip that the 'Rulers' negotiate with… that allows them to sit… unbent… at the table with the Plato's Tribesmen… become one of them… the statesmen of the global-state… who… until Prince… it seemed could only be answered in their currency of Hate… and of course the suffering of the Chinese people has been mirrored all over the world in the past two and a half centuries: every continent and land has been weighted almost to breaking under this Horror called 'class'… a horror that we must not only make singular… but redeem with our successful fight for global Freedom… which is simultaneously about each one of us seeing our fire within… our wholeness… Prince models it… but we have to do the work of finding it… This is a key message of our outro song: “Third Eye'” from Prince's 1998 CD: The Truth…




Prince Songs For Our March 12, 2017 Show:


[“02 Undisputed.mp3”:]


“Undisputed” by Prince: “Get free, yeah!… NPG get rowdy, get rowdy now!… NPG get rowdy, get rowdy now!… Once again I don't follow trends, they just follow me… Just like the Israelites thru the red sea… It might take U some time but U will want 2 see… The undisputed truth and get free (Get free)… NPG (Feel me) get rowdy (Love me), get rowdy now! (Live)… NPG (Feel me) get rowdy (Love me), get rowdy now! (Come on)… (Get free, yeah!)… NPG (Feel me) get rowdy (Love me), get rowdy now! (Go, come on)… NPG (Feel me) get rowdy (Once again)… (Backwards: the incredible)… At the very core of thinking I originate… That's why U'll never know my thinking or my fate… Invisible - unless of course U R my mate… If not, U think U see me - I disintegrate… I disintegrate my thoughts from yours… U can feel me coming outa every one of your pores… Reintegrating where I am understood and adored… "U're just my subject - that's y Ur outta touch"… So what's this claim - out of what?… My dear, I am the touch… Ooo, hear me, feel me… Ooo, hear me, feel me… Come on… NPG (Get funky)… [Love me now…] NPG get rowdy, get rowdy now!… I can give U power (power), I can take it away… I can make U dance, cuz this guitar I play… Heavy rotation (Come on, come on)… Never made my world go 'round… Commercialization, commercialization of the music… Is what brought it down… (Overhere)… (2 the bridge)… My level is now what U must learn 2 rise above… Talk to D'Angelo or better yet - ?uestlove… It might take y'all some time but U will learn 2 see… The undisputed truth and get free… NPG (Get free)… NPG (Feel me) get rowdy (Love me), get rowdy now! (Live)… NPG (Feel me) get rowdy (Love me), get rowdy now! (Come on)… (Get free, yeah!)… NPG (Feel me) get rowdy (Love me), get rowdy now!… NPG (Feel me) get rowdy (Once again)… (Backwards: The Incredible)… (Get free, yeah!)… NPG (Feel me) get rowdy (Love me), get rowdy now! (Horns)… NPG get rowdy, get rowdy now!… Get funky… […] Funky… NPG - new power (Chuck)… Generation… Free Nation… Free Nation… There's no racism (14)… Free nation (Funky)… Free nation (Funky)… Check it… (Undisputed!)… Come one, come all 2 the download ball, uh… There's no curfew 2 hurt U - no substitutions… School's now in session… Put down the Smith & Wessons… Real renegades don't invite grenades 2 make the grade… This is a brain raid - who rise above the lies… Raise above the days… New ways disguised as a craze… Uh, gotcha back against that status they be thrownin up at us… Back against the wall again… High trees catchin a lot of wind, oh… Last band standing… Gotta knock for overstanding… According 2 planning (NPG get rowdy)… Look up in the sky!… No cable wire… Whoa!… God bless the child… God bless the child… (So funky)… Ha-ha-ha-ha…” [Prince, “Undisputed”, Rave Un2 The Joy Fantastic, 1999]


[“09 Good Love.mp3”:]


“Good Love” by Prince: “Good love, U got a:… Baby, in the heat of the night… U know what 2 do… Good love, U got a:… Cherry pie, apple kisses… Everything is cool… Technicolor children in Picadilly Square… Whisper words, erotica, when U kiss me there… Gustav Mahler #3 is jamming on the box… I'll have another glass of U, this time on the rocks… 4th of July in every stroke… A symphony of light and sound… Oh, I want 2 die from all the smoke… Fire breaks out when U're around… Good love, U got a: yeah… Baby, in the heat of the night… U know what 2 do… Good love, U got a: yeah… Cherry pie, apple kisses… Everything is cool… It brings a flash 2 my heart just the thought of U… Plethora of euphoria in everything U do… Any place 2 zero, U are number 1… Baby, in the heat of the night, U're my favorite fun… U and I in each others arms (U and I - each others arms)… Here is another world (Here I'm protected)… Here I'm protected from all harm… Only the naked, boy and girl… Good love, yeah!… Baby, in the heat of the night… U know what 2 do… Good love, yeah (Ooh)… Cherry pie, apple kisses… Everything is cool, cool, cool (Cool)… Alright, we go'n say good love… Right here (Good love!)… Yeah… Gustav Mahler #3 jamming on the box… U wanna rock? (Why not?)… (Good love) - Yeah (Yeah, yeah)… Oh baby, in the heat of the night… U know what 2 do, don't cha?… Good love, yeah (Yeah, yeah)… Cherry pie, apple kisses… Everything is cool, cool… Every little funky damn thing is kickin'! (Good love)… Oh my Lord (Oh my Lord)… My Lord (My Lord)… (Good love, yeah)… Baby, U got the, U got the, U got the good love, yeah… In the heat of the night… U know it's alright (Yeah)… Good love, yeah… Good love, honey baby… Good love, yeah yeah yeah (Yeah)… Cherry pie, apple kisses… Everything is cool, everything is cool… Cool… Come on… That's how I like it, come on… [CHORUS] Technicolor junkie in a funky square (Yeah)… Good love talkin' when U kissin' me there (Yeah)… Gustav Mahler jamming on the box (Yeah, yeah)… Teenage junkie got his foot on the rock: get off!… U gotta, U gotta get good love… Good love… U gotta, U gotta get good love… Yeah, good love… Gustav…” [Prince, “Good Love”, Crystal Ball, 1998]


[“01 Newpower Soul.mp3”:]


“Newpower Soul” by Prince: “2 the darkness - let there be light… 2 the soundman - turn up my voice real tight… 2 the N.P.G. - if U in this mother, scream… Show me how U all get down - 1 2 3, come on… Get freaky, let the head bob {x2}… We should all come 2gether 2 the Newpower Soul… Get freaky, let the head bob {x2} (Come on, come on)… It'll make U feel much better - come on, baby, let's go!… Every while in a great once there comes 2 town a show… That lives up 2 all your funkspectation no matter how high or low… A reason 2 get your freak on in a way U never freaked before… Newpower Soul lay claim 2 the booty - come on, let's go… (Lemme see U get down)… Let the head bob… Get freaky, let the head bob (Come on, come on)… We should all come 2gether 2 the Newpower Soul… (Lemme see U get down)… Let the head bob… Get freaky, let the head bob {x2} (Come on, come on)… It'll make U feel much better - come on, baby, let's go!… Every while in a day twice funky matters in our ear… As long as we keep our love strong, we'll never shed no tears… The brothas be threatenin' 2 jump off buildings, Newpower's what… they fear… Love 4 one another risin', Newpower Soul is here… (Lemme see U get down)… Let the head bob… Get freaky, let the head bob (Come on)… We should all come 2gether 2 the Newpower Soul (Come… 2gether)… (Lemme see U get down)… Let the head bob… Get freaky, let the head bob (Come on, come on)… It'll make U feel much better (feel better) - come on, baby, let's go!… Newpower Soul… (We should all) {repeat sample}… Gemini rising on the 7th day… Makin' MAD SEX, UNTIL U'RE IN MY ARMS, OK?… Cuz WHEN U LOVE SOMEBODY like that, it's cool… U gots no need 4 the SHOO-BED-OOH-bed-ooh… The good life, yeah, we'll be livin'… PUSHIN' UP on every FREAK THIS SIDE of heaven… COME ON, come on, shake it, come on… U know I be's THE ONE with the FUNKY MUSIC, hon'… And I'm layin' phat claims 2 the booty… Phat claims 2 the Newpower booty… Keepin' the crowd movin', y'all, is my one and only duty, ooh wee!… With the NEWPOWER SOUL… Right on… We should all… We, we should all… Every while in the day 3 times my brother hit me on the one (Get freaky)… Abuse like that'll either make U funky or make U wanna buy a gun… (We, we should all)… I'd much rather get my freak on and make U if I can… Newpower Soul lay claim 2 the booty - come on girl, let's jam!… Get freaky, let your head bob (Get freaky, let your head bob)… We should all come 2gether 2 the Newpower Soul (Come… 2gether)… Come on, get your freak on… It'll make U feel much better - come on, baby, let's go!… (Lemme see U get down)… Oh!… Yeah, yeah, yeah… Come on horns, freak on… Yeah (We should all come 2gether)… Right on… Everybody's coming 2 the Newpower Soul… Let the head bob… Get freaky, let the head bob (Yeah)… (Lemme see U get down)… We should all come 2gether 2 the Newpower Soul (Come on)… (2 the Newpower Soul)… Let the head bob… Get freaky, let the head bob (Yeah, well come on)… (Lemme see U get down)… We should all come 2gether 2 the Newpower Soul (Come… 2gether)… Right on… Lemme see U get down… Newpower Soul…” [Prince, “Newpower Soul”, Newpower Soul, 1998]


[“05 Stare.mp3”:]


“Stare” by Prince: “1st things 1st, we like you 2 stare… We used 2 go on stage in r underwear… We changed up… We got a brand new beat… Now we got the sound… That’s poppin' in da street… They all stare… Can Eye help u?… Everybody jam cuz this party goin' ham… Just… stare… can Eye help u?… Ain't nobody stoppin' cuz we got this party poppin’ now… 2nd things 1st… We know u got thirst… But we like it when you're feenin’ for the funk… Until it hurts yo hair… Can u blame me?… Every time u whip it to the beat it make a brother… Just stare… Sista freak me… Nobody got a chance U need to back up… & lemme show u how 2 dance!… Can Eye get a kiss?… Eye pull out at 2… Hurry ma & tell me what u wanna do… Do u wanna… Sexy dancer… U don't want us naked… Cuz u know we couldn't take it… But we like it when u shake it… Baby careful not 2 break it… Don't break it now… Do you wanna… Last things last… Eye need ur number fast… Eye rather let the music talk… While u and me walk in2 the past… In2 the past…” [Prince, “Stare”, HitnRun Phaze Two, 2015]




Our March 5, 2017 Show - same ol' same ol' suppression slow-down:




Thank you for bearing with the delay posting the February 26, 2017 show… My wireless connection attempts at the Oakland Public Library have been interfered with since I started going there but this week every time I connected by my choosing the network (as opposed to being shunted off it seems with the network chosen for me…) my connection would be broken and I'd receive the message that the Oakland Public Library (called “Oakland Library Hotspot”) would not let me “join its network”… When Prince says that nothing is more important than what your body wants to do… are we clear what is meant by this?… My son – just back from Kung Fu – said to me that he finds it difficult to know how to help others see that the world we are conditioned to call 'society' is in fact the completely artificial construction of 'class'… how to begin that conversation when… for instance… someone expresses the belief that its 'in us' to be violent… He said: “I'm so tired of that argument – it's so obvious that we're part of life and want to be free… and that if life is kept from being free it will get angry…” he was unsure… he added… how to help others see the abuse we suffer in infancy… see the web of artificiality… see violence as part of that construction… see that the ideas we're given is Fascism constructed within us: “How begin a conversation in which that has to be addressed… when we haven't thought about or questioned the state within us?” My short-hand answer: “Fascism…”: 'The state' is inherently Fascist… Beyond that single tag… you already know the phrases I would add: “The parent is the deputy of the state…” “…through the parent the state commandeers our bodies by forcing the suppression of our authentic (spontaneous) feelings…” “…from infancy 'what we want' is denied and we are directed to paths down which the state wants us to go…” “this leaves in all of us under 'class' a huge load of psychic damage: we all bear the wounds of 'class'”… Knowing that our bodies feel the reality of suppression… and our discomfort with it… the state provides 'safe [for it] outlets' for it… Then tells us… for instance… our discomfort as women is because men oppress us… and then… when we say this out loud… tells us we are “speaking truth to 'power'…” Prince's truth got him tortured… harassed… and murdered… (Serious biz… I've been hesitant about saying that but that is in fact a reality check for us in terms of gauging whether what we're doing is threatening to 'the state'…) When I spoke 'the truth' 'power' grants I received no punishment… Now that I 'get' what Prince said… and am speaking it… I mos def am receiving 'the punishment'… We are led to believe that if we are uncaring… if we close our mind to the suffering of others… if we lack empathy and are not moved to act by the sight of clear injustice… that these reflect personal deficits in ourselves… we are not told that our lack of compassion… deep sight… and empathy… are not just structurally-created… but structurally-mandated… we tend to be what 'society' sets us up to be… If we want our empathy to grow 'society' must allow it: support the broad development of our human gifts… among which… caring and love are the most precious… “Why should anyone care about me when I don't care about them?…” is the thought that comes once we start to think about the absence of love… (Who in public life… with the power to influence… modeled the opposite but Prince?… caring about others though it could not be reciprocated…) The social arrangement called 'class' provides no structural support for reaching out with love and help to those Sisters and Brothers in whom we see the need for us… for broad 'Society'… the need for our common legacy of freedom to be honored…




Now 'power' knows that this – creating true society – is 'up' for us… and of course doesn't want to be written out of the script… and is trying to figure out how to manage it… which… predictably… per its nature… in its practice differentiates by 'class'-rank'… 'the 'scientists' or 'knowledge workers' being those it most wants to mold to itself… A recent article illustrates: “According to Madisch, the social network [ResearchGate] has signed up 12 million scientists, or roughly 60 percent of all such potential users world-wide.… On Tuesday, the social network said that it had raised $52.6 million from a range of investors, including Goldman Sachs, Bill Gates and Benchmark Capital, a venture capital fund. The money, which more than doubles the amount it has raised previously, was secured in late 2015, but was only made public on Tuesday in accordance with German corporate accounting rules. [“Take the money, or I'm gonna worry about you…” – P.S.]” It's hard to listen to our bodies… listen to the pull of Freedom… when stuck in the web of 'class'… as we are learning from the upsetting story of that magnificent man and Giant of Hearts… Nikola Tesla… the Tiny Souls… who work in concert and clandestine… who “hide behind corporate eyes…” scheme to steal the earth from beneath our feet to force us to our knees… have a completely different set of priorities… and they hoard the money to fund theirs… But you know what I'm thinking: four men drew to a common agenda 12 million… and our agenda has comparatively low overhead… How many of we seven billion… want authentic Freedom?… What about our 'experts in the field'… Prince obviously stands out… but we have our millions as well… and some of them are 'scientists' too…




Margaret Cheney's Tesla: Man Out Of Time: “Aided by his loyal friends, Tesla redoubled his efforts to raise money. Lieutenant Hobson pulled all his strings trying to interest the Navy in robotry. Having seen Tesla's radio-controlled boats and torpedoes in 1898, he urged him to display them in a naval exhibit at Buffalo and set it up so that the inventor would not have “the usual difficulties of formalities.” But in vain.… [At this point I think we can safely assume that when his New York laboratory became the happening place for “scientists from all over the world…” (discussed in our February 5, 2017 show…) the attempt was being made by the global-state to pick his brain… that those scientists got enough of what Nikola had discovered to continue developing it on their own… on the down-low… that Nikola was from then on (and for some time prior…) continuously manipulated and lied to by those intercepting-agents within the state… and that there would be extreme secrecy within the state about its aims… The 'Borgia-Medici' m.o. of 'power' – or rather Plato's rules for 'rule' – for 'power' never changes… the domination of double-dealing over our lives only ends when we-the-global-people take our lives back and move beyond it… rendering 'power' and its methods irrelevant… – P.S.]”




Continuing with Tesla: Man Out Of Time: “The naval hero [Lieutenant Richmond Pearson Hobson… who Nikola met when he was 37 (around 1893) and who was apparently sent on mysterious missions during the Spanish American War… launched almost simultaneously with Nikola's stunning Madison Square Garden demonstration of robotics in 1898 (p. 125 – 6… The timing here too I suspect is significant… – P.S.] The naval hero reported that there had been a fight within the Navy about Tesla's wireless exhibits – a feud not directly related to his inventions, he said, but rather something ongoing between two high officers, resulting in the rejection of of Tesla's entry. It is possible that Hobson was skewing the situation to avoid hurting his friend's feelings.… Tesla then went to Thomas Fortune Ryan and succeeded in raising a little supplemental funding. But it all went into paying off existing creditors, whose bills were beginning to tower like Wardenclyffe itself. He did not need patient, observant George Scherff to tell him where the trouble lay. “My enemies have been so successful in representing me as a poet and visionary,” he said, “that it is absolutely imperative for me to put out something commercial without delay.” [My guess is… knowing 'power's insistence on… obsession with… infiltration… it wasn't his enemies he needed to worry about… it was his friends… – P.S.] There was a growing interest in the medical profession [wonder how that happened… – P.S.] in Tesla's therapeutic oscillator, a small Tesla coil. Doctors and professors phoned from all over the country, saying they were constantly receiving inquiries for such high-frequency apparatus. [That has 'power' written all over it – one of their little schemes – they love to coordinate these 'mass-attacks of interest' in things – can we all say “fake news”?… – P.S.] [Tesla was] much interested [brief pause for a reality-check: this was a man who had just invented a method for the wireless transmission of electrical power… knowledge that will end Necessity in the human story… and… in conjunction with it… a weapon that ends war because it is definitive and so thought-provoking that it unites the people globally – particularly in the light of his entire group of inventions – including the ability to bring rain when needed – that end the practice of commodifying human energy – to this man present the prospect of devoting his precious gifts to marketing therapeutic oscillators… This whole scene Margaret is describing from in to out and bottom to top… is every-sides-and-ways-wrong… – P.S.]”




“Lessons From Proudhon…” We are examining in what sense 'the economy' is ideology used to anesthetize especially those of us whose bodies are for the moment kept well-fed… – and right from the 'get' let's acknowledge it… a key propaganda-intent… related to their key objective (Proudhon put it so well…) 'feudal chaos': to scare us right back into that job… ('market'…) because… without hierarchy… without fear of being supplanted – which is base ideology of 'class'– and without us anesthetized by the 'to-do'-list… the 'power'-guys got nothing… find they're in the deep… so they need even the least-able back in the 'job-market'… and they need immigrants… to provide the food (spiritual and material…) on which all else runs… And since I wrote those lines there is one other article – more an idea really – that was published in the New York Times of February 7, 2017 that we may want to note… titled “Is the Slogging Economy Blazing? Growth Our Old Gauge Can't See: Looking for Economic Growth…” the one idea being… ironically (given that we will be arguing the opposite side of her point…) that 'economic development' measures don't see us… and our supposed 'happiness'… Let me explain… drawing on… and hopefully developing… Proudhon's point that our skills and gifts naturally harmonize with each other… that there is a natural harmonization of gifts that occurs to life free of coercion…




And I'm hoping that all of us think more about this point of Proudhon's… this notion of the 'natural harmonization of our gifts'… and what that would look like… and what that would feel like… so that we can begin to believe in it… (So… do we see the connection here to 'economics'?… that these are two opposing methods of getting ourselves fed… one based in Force… the other on Freedom…) With non-humans Proudhon thinks the degree of skill-disparities between individuals is slight compared to human beings… What distinguishes humans he thinks is continuous intellectual development… when we're free… and… as we're social and think socially… we see what others we bond to need… i.e.… we seek to please… we seek to please because it pleases us (this is the body speaking…) to please… There is a natural link here between intellectual development and sexuality… a connection captured in the word 'sensuality'… As we use our thought's development to please (harmonize with others…) we are pleased… stimulated… sexually… which encourages us to keep going… This is what made Prince's thought so potent… he did this consciously… Breaking our body-connection to this mutual sensuous appreciation of each other's gifts… in which we bond with them… breaks our thought's development… it seems that Prince trusted this double- (mutually-reinforcing…) -process… trusted that we could stimulate it in each other… trusted that the fun of it – of being engaged playfully with the world when we are free and as we are freeing ourselves (especially compared to the deadness of 'class'… trusted that… in combination with discussion… and in conjunction with our growing clarity that 'the state is Fascist…' it would be enough… to end 'the system…' even as 'the state' desperately tries to put a lid on all of this… through its monopolization of our means of communicating… through the fact that 'a system' is necessarily totalitarian… and what is totalitarian has the potential of appearing 'natural' – to seem 'all there is'… all that is 'possible'… and in which… then… 'power' can stay hidden… can disappear into the 'natural order of things'… This was Plato's innovation in the service of his fathers: his explanation of how to 'advance' the hierarchy of 'class' to the status of 'system'… and therefore to the status of permanence – his great dream – by organizing clearly what he'd learned from studying the class-arrangements of Egypt and the city-state of Sparta. So when 'economists' say they see a 'natural' process of 'economic development'… what they are seeing is an amalgam of hidden dynamics never mentioned… and easily kept hidden as we are never told that to understand a global-system of 'class'…we must view it from the vantage of the whole… we are never told that Force (hidden-'power') is continuously being applied 'outside' of their measurement scheme… and that this is the process of the earth being eaten. what is happening that they are not capturing… these economists… is our constant push for intellectual development (which to flourish cannot be separated… as Prince shows us… from the free expression of our body's spontaneous expression of its feelings…) a drive that happens for each and every one of us (under 'class'…) within the broader frame of 'power's total absorption in its 'grab-steal-destroy' (quantification-privatization…) mission… which it euphemistically calls 'economic development'… What's key to seeing what is really going on in 'economic theory' is understanding that we – our longing for freedom – are invisible to it – cannot be quantified and so… to them… doesn't exist… It is we who are digging our own graves when we continue to serve 'the state'… not the ones who hold the whip and drive us to perform for 'it'… So… to the degree that all that those we are bound to (by ties of love…) want is limited – in the case of this global-'class'-system… to obedience – so too are we limited… and we see how obedience hobbles us: stalls our growth… and we see why 'the system' has only survived by means of continuously re-infusing itself with those still spiritually alive and who it therefore seeks to kill – the opposite of reverence…




Of only one of the first three articles we are considering can we say with certainty that it is intentionally propagandistic because of its layers of duplicity… For one it pretends to be going up against Trump… when we-the-people are the actual opponent… and not just because Mr. Trump is a husk they can disregard… but because managing us is the whole game: “More people can make more stuff. That is the simple, brutal math behind G.D.P.… And the surest way to increase the number of hours worked is to allow more immigration…” [Showing discretion he forbore to mention… 'power's preferred direction: a 'slave'-system… using which… increased 'productivity's but a few licks of whip away… – P.S.]” I.e.… specifically… we need immigrants on whose low-status the 'knowledge'-sectors can rest… and… in general… “we (the 'power'-guys) can't inflate unless you are drained… can't 'grow' unless you… don't…” (this is not a 'paradox'… this is parasitism…) or: “the tighter you fasten those bolts the more secure you'll be in your cage called 'the economy'… leaving us free to get rid of you 'responsibly'… which means EMF not concentration camps… means much less need for an ungainly number of catastrophic events… We're all about 'the aesthetic'… of it…”




Our May 26, 2013 - June 9, 2013 series of shows… posted to the page titled: “Beginning To Rebuild Our Freedom [Pt. 1]”… speak to these issues and are worth revisiting I think. They are a discussion of James K. Galbraith’s Inequality and Instability: A Study of the World Economy Just Before the Great Crisis… in which he goes to great trouble to… in essence… 'prove' Wallerstein's point that the world has been placed in the hands of the 'power'-guys by means of the weapon of 'debt'… The May 26, 2013 show includes a 'poem' I called “Piece Work” [see the audio file: “130526actinconcert”]: “The people are squeezed… in debt crises… and if the people are squeezed… the earth is squeezed… cuz we’re paid by the piece… a piece of the earth… and with each little piece… there’s a little bit gone… of earth… and us… and it doesn’t take long… till… when the squeeze is on… consistently… when it never lets up… and keeps us on our knees… we can only get up… if each reaches hands to each… hand-to-hand… mind-to-mind… we decide…” (But how do we know these thoughts we are thinking?… see each other?… reach hands across… the vast divide… of 'power's ever-watching eyes… and false speech… and trigger fingers itching to find those among us whose love is reaching?)




So… are we scared yet? If 'immigrants' and 'automation' don't scare you right back into that job… and if you're ready to spread the word about EMF and the theft of Nikola Tesla's inventions… Come on… you're late… you and me got a date… though I already found my soul-mate… let's spread the word about the torture and murder of Prince with the state's secret weapon of EMF… His love for us is 'Automatic'… and my love for him is 'Automatic' too… that's our outro song: “Automatic'” from Prince's 1982 CD: 1999…




Prince Songs For Our March 5, 2017 Show:


[“02 Da Bang.mp3”:]


“Da Bang” by Prince: “Say I don't mind… What U do 2 me… If U waste my time… Then it's meant 2 be… I called your number (Yes I did)… Like U told me 2… Like a puppet on a string… I'm go'n dance and I'm go'n sing… I will do most anything… If U promise me da bang, bang, bang!… Don't wanna lie… I just wanna do it… But some other guy (Baby)… Has beat me 2 it… If U're in love (Well)… We're 2 of a kind (Yes we are)… What good is your body, baby… Without your mind (Not much)… Like a puppet on a string… I'm go'n dance and I'm go'n sing… I will do most anything… If U promise me da bang, bang, bang!… Hit me, niggas!… So here's the story… I'm here 4 U… Without the boring… Without the cool… When U try 2 fake it (Baby)… And U wanna get through (U know what I'm talkin' about)… Like a puppet on a string… I'm go'n dance and I'm go'n sing… I will do most anything… If U promise me da bang, bang, bang!… Bang, bang, bang!… Yeah! Ooh!…” [Prince, “Da Bang”, Crystal Ball, 1998]


[“06 The Ride.mp3”:]


“The Ride” by Prince: “If U got the time, baby… I got the ride… If U got the time, baby… I got the ride… Where I wanna go… Keep U satisfied… If U like it real slow, baby… I got days… If U like it real slow… I got days… But if you want some good lovin baby… I know the way… I know the way… If U like 2 be alone… I like 2 watch… If U like 2 be alone, baby… I like 2 watch… But if U want some good lovin', baby… I'll give U all I got… All I got… If U got the time, baby… I got the ride… If U got the time, baby… I got the ride… Where I wanna go, girl… Keep U satisfied… If U got the time, baby… I got the ride (Vegas)…” [Prince, “The Ride”, Crystal Ball, 1998]


[“02 Boom 1.mp3”:]


“Boom” by Prince: “What if another universe… Complete with sun and moon… An entire galaxy and what's worse… U and eye 2 soon… Find each other xpanding beyond this dirty room… Butterscotch mountains… Son shine… Run ur fingers up and down the… Obelisk in the earth… Down 2 33 rmps where… The primordial gives birth… Or else we lie neck high you and eye… In one another's ooze… Volcano magic… Summer time… Everybody knows what happens… When you worship from afar… The ebb and flow of angels… Dancing around the star… And if the sunrise is still a question… The answer's in the dark… Celibate… Mushroom… Canopy…” [Prince, “Boom”, Lotusflow3r, 2009]


[“08 The Other Side Of The Pillow.mp3”:]


“The Other Side Of The Pillow” by Prince: “Cool as the other side of the pillow… Smooth as another glass of wine, oh yes sir… I'm so glad U're my baby, oh yeah… I'm so glad that U're mine… Bad as Bonny when she ran with Barrow [Clyde], yeah… When U kiss me, feels like I'm committing a crime, oh yeah… U use furniture in new ways, yes you do… I can't find the adjectives enough to say… I'm so glad U're my baby… okay (yeah yeah yeah yeah)… Cool as the other side of the pillow (oh baby)… So smooth there's another glass of wine (bubbly, bubbly)… I'm so glad U're mine, U're my baby (oh yes I am), oh yes I am (oh yes I am)… I'm so glad U're mine… Cool as the other side (U're my baby) of the pillow… Smooth, I wanna drink U all out… How did U learn that trick with the… chair? I don't care… Just as long as U do it again… Cool as the other side, cool as the other side, cool as the other… Cool as the other, cools as the other side… As the other side of the pillow, baby… Cool (cool),… Glass of wine… I'll get tipsy and I… [whistling]… Cool as the other side of the pillow… Cool…” [Prince, “The Other Side Of The Pillow”, The Truth, 1998]




Our February 26, 2017 Show:




Two things from last week to briefly follow-up on: “who pays you is the shadow-state…” (as 'the economy' is hidden ideology…) and… as Prince put it… in his succinct… straightforward… (honest)… way: “do we want 'This or That'?”… Which is also Proudhon's point: “Either we want society or we don't…” It's no coincidence that the probing thought and discussion of both men have been suppressed… Now that we've found them… we must hold on to them… hold on… to our right to freedom… It was inevitable that Prince's model of authentic love would get him targeted with EMF: 'power' was terrified of him – of his manifestation of what they had lost: true power – his faith in life… in love… was for them not just foreign… but frightening… every fiber of Prince's being stirred their suppressed memories… of Abundance… he abundance within us… of what we were… and possessed… originally… when we were (and must be again) our bodies… our gifts… our intelligence… when nobody could claim them… What was foreign to us then was the idea that anyone would want to turn us into robots… As suspicion became fact some of us were forced to bury our 'selves'… turn away from them… and not look back… We said last week that our challenge now… at this juncture… is for us to believe again in that time of Abundance for which we were made… and which we are here to make real in our shared global society… and that it is made by each of us making our joyful sounds… which blend… as Proudhon said… into a harmonization of gifts…which “gets the job done…” while being at the same time fun… And then… once we do… 'work' ends' and real life… under the authority of 'life' / 'love' only… begins…




We're arguing that both 'power's 'Trump-Tool' and the hidden weapon of EMF are being used to 'negotiate' a 'new geopolitical consensus'… as 'capitalism' is doomed (and for me it is the fact that the ideology is doomed that is most significant… an ideology premised on the continuous consumption of the planet… and the reduction of human beings to quantifiable objects for the use of states… – i.e.… on lies… – “which would necessarily [as it means keeping us in chains and boxes…] lead to the earth becoming a barren rock… because only we – off-leash – can replenish her…) with 'capitalism' shredded… and the stakes so high… what happens to the 'global-state'-guys so accustomed to hiding behind it? I imagine the knowledge of Nikola Tesla's EMF-weapon is out now (and by 'out' I mean 'out among the global heads of states' primarily…) and that some agreement between states premised on its existence is being negotiated (it's quite possible that the “lightning strikes… that killed more than 70 people in India… some estimates put the toll at nearly 100…” [“Lightning in India Kills Over 70, Many on Farms”, by Suhasini Raj, New York Times, June 23, 2016 – it was particularly upsetting to read that “Prime Minister Narendra Modi… expressed anguish about the lightning strikes…” Recall… this is the man who played some part in the Gujarat Massacre of thousands of Muslims: “…Narendra Modi was greeted as a hero [following the massacre.] His smirking offer to resign from the Chief Minister's post was unanimously turned down.… While the parallels between contemporary India and pre-war Germany are chilling, they're not surprising. (The founders of the RSS have, in their writings, been frank in their admiration for Hitler and his methods.)” (Arundhati Roy) – and quite possible that the “lightning [that] killed an entire herd [of reindeer]: 323… the animals died 'as if someone just turned off a switch,' a researcher said… 'They were standing on a hill… they seem to have fallen dead on the ground, exactly where they stood…'” were demonstrations of the power of Nikola's weapon for the benefit of new inductees into the club of EMF-murderer-statesmen… were demonstrations of the power of Nikola's weapon for the benefit of new inductees into the club of EMF-murderer-statesmen… Our alternative must be he collective work of all of us globally?… And to see each other doing this… feels necessary… to see us stop for a day of planning and building that critical mass… countering 'power's message of violence and coercion with love… sharing knowledge of how this applies to the inevitable presence of agents… feels necessary for seeing our power… true power… But I have to say… Prince… for me… is central to this process… Because as Prince said… we have to see it… we have to be shown… I can well understand why 'power' was terrified of this man. Given the choice between standing with Prince or these lifeless folk… it's no contest… It's as if he embodies the alternative – no… not 'as if'… he does.




When I attempt to read essays from… and for… the global-state-statesmen about the management of us… essays in which we generally make no overt appearance… or are disappeared into abstract concepts that reduce to the word 'threat'… or the phrase 'threat to order'… essays about today's subject: the 'power'-guys' goal to establish 'world order'… I find (and this explains why they have gone on the offensive with the “Fake News” campaign…) that 'the state' has supplanted 'the truth' as the priority for what is called 'society'… Whereas we-the-people are solidly with Proudhon on this point (speaking in the first quote of 'the nation'… a concept which our current technological and material conditions allow us to move beyond to a form of social organization premised on individual autonomy… Proudhon writes that “the word of the nation is, like that of God, sacred…” and: “With the exception of falsehood, I hate nonsense more than any thing else in the world.…” The term 'sovereignty' is defined as “the authority of a state to govern itself or another state…” (the language of the Haass article quoted below is even more obviously premised on 'perpetual war'… of which assumption we must always ask: “On what is conflict based? The answer of the honest discussant must be: 'scarcity'…) We should also remember Karl Popper's point that the theory of 'sovereignty' is premised on the notion of 'rule' (which likewise assumes conflict…) [And… I would add… is but an expression of the fundamental premise of 'class': “might makes right…” in which Truth bears not at all… – that this is never stated openly testifies to the fact that 'power' must stay hidden… that the global-state-statesmen know that because they are inherently dishonest… as their existence is premised on their manipulation of us… about which they cannot be straightforward… to establish the premises of its 'rule'… which must be kept in shadows… needs hidden actors to conceal the coercion required to compel our obedience… which… since the French Revolution… they have used 'the economy' to accomplish: and they have hidden ever since behind manufactured scarcity (which then becomes the basis for the lie that they 'provide for us'…) which… in recent times… has been called 'capitalism'…] Quote from Richard Haass: “The globe's traditional operating system – call it World Order 1.0 – has been built around the protection and prerogatives of states. It is increasingly inadequate in today's globalized world.… The result is that what goes on inside a country can no longer be considered the concern of that country alone. Today's circumstances call for an updated operating system – call it World Order 2.0 – that includes not only the rights of sovereign states but also those states' obligations. Such a concept of 'sovereign obligation'.… [builds on…] does not not reject or replace the traditional approach to order…” We are made for Honesty while 'the state' is premised on lies. 'The left' that they give us to absorb (neutralize) our protest asks us to find small lies and expose them to light (this is one of those fix-the-state spoon-twisters (time-wasters) that then passes on to subsequent generations our responsibility to establish Truth as the basis for our global society…) but the whole system is a lie… premised on lies: – that there is scarcity… that we do not come from and long to manifest 'love' / the Eternal / the 'all-of-it'… what all the various names for 'God' dissolve to…




It is no accident that… at this juncture… 'capitalism' is avoided in these 'new world order' advocacy pieces… I hope there are discussions such that we broaden the understanding that 'capitalism' has ever been just the most recent form taken of what 'power' ('class') has ever needed to compel our obedience: 'coercion'… and that with 'capitalism' shredded… something else is needed to replace it… (And I'm not at all certain that all of the functionaries of Plato's Tribesmen understand both the identity of 'world order' with 'force'… or that 'capitalism' was a weapon to accomplish it… or the degree to which their whole project of imposing 'order' is Plato-derived – understand that 'force' – with 'manipulation' – is the underlying… defining… issue… both within their own lives… and in their vast (and costly beyond measure…) social experiment called 'class'… i.e.… understand the fundamental irrationality (absence of authentic thought…) both of the project overall… and the irrationality of making one's raison d'être getting orders checked off a 'to-do' list…) It is this identity of 'capitalism'… and 'the economy'… with 'force and manipulation' that helps us address our question: “where will the 'power'-guys hide?” Because as the 'debt-bludgeon' becomes ever-less effective… 'truth'… 'the real'… necessarily proclaims its existence… asserts its authority over our lives… and the false 'power' of 'the state' withers… as we see that it is based on nothing but deception… “The Good Daddy Show (Part 2)…” In our January 29, 2017 show… jumping off the point that 'politics'… and to-the-max-even-more-so 'geopolitics'… is theatre… we began our argument that the chaotic world of current events is surface manifestation of the 'power'-guys' hidden planning… planning that is a re-crafting of their “post-WWII 'global consensus'… a consensus between a handful of actors – global-state statesmen – on their bifurcation of the world into two 'zones'… We argued that the ultimate point of such agreements between global-state actors is effective containment of we-the-people globally to ensure their 'rule'… given that our upward pressure toward authentic freedom is continuous… And we argued that the Egyptian Revolution acted as a catalyst for the expansion and concretization of this biological imperative in us (to use Herbert Marcuse's term…) the concretization of it globally… a catalyst that… due to its global impact… solidified… expanded… unified… and intensified… it…




The lens of 'world-system'-analysis that Wallerstein gives – and its explanation of the end of 'capitalism' – along with Alice Miller's explanation of the repetition compulsion and fear of spontaneous feelings that plague totalitarians (particularly the modern version: the Plato's Tribesmen… as they very meticulously attempted… in the centuries since the French Revolution… to turn the torture of infants' into… a 'science'…) helps us understand the freneticism and aggressiveness of the 'power'-guys' present actions: why the global-statesmen are responding so fiercely to the dramatic growth of our capacity – sparked by the Egyptian Revolution and its demonstration of the powerful new evolution-organizing tools now in our possession – our new capacity to 'see' the global-statesmen… and their growing vulnerability (with the collapse of 'capitalism'…) globally… allows us to understand how (why) it is they would want more fluid and maneuverable means to respond to our rapid intellectual growth (as it is by controlling our thoughts that they control us…) as a result of the flowering of our global consciousness… allows us to understand that 'power' necessarily moves in shadow to promote its never-stated-openly agenda… allows us to see why they want Total Surveillance to mean Total Ability To Forestall… our growth… allows us to see that they would need means beyond the bludgeon of 'debt' to continue their 'project' of imposing 'order' on the world… allows us to see why they would want a 'new geopolitical consensus'… to replace 'capitalism'… Quoting from the Haass article: “Promoting World Order 2.0 will require extensive consultations.… Forward progress on this agenda will need to come voluntarily, from countries themselves, rather than as the result of some top-down edict from a supposedly authoritative body or actor. Looking squarely at the mismatch between the nature and scale of contemporary problems and the capacity of existing arrangements to solve them, governments will have to decide whether they are prepared to sacrifice some autonomy in return for improved collective action [of states]…” And quoting Popper: “As long as the ruling class is united, there can be no challenge to their authority, and consequently no class war.… Since the ruling class alone has political power, including the power of keeping the number of the human cattle within such limits as to prevent them from becoming a danger, the whole problem of preserving the state is reduced to that of preserving the internal unity of the master class. How is this unity of the rulers preserved? By training and other psychological influences, but otherwise mainly by the elimination of economic interests which many lead to disunion…” What exactly about the collapse of capitalism is it that we are unclear on? The Plato's Tribesmen have been preparing for (anticipating) it for some time. They needed it to privatize and concentrate the resources of the planet into fewer and fewer hands… that 'job' is largely done. So Mark Zuckerberg is wading into a dark… thick… muddy… mess… when he says he intends to build the 'social infrastructure' that would allow communities to develop… empower… themselves: “There's a social infrastructure that needs to get built to deal with modern problems in order for humanity to get to the next level…” A hidden… shadow… global-state – which we must start accepting is and calling “necessarily 'Fascist'”… as every particular state within it is required to suppress not just dissent but our intellectual development – global-state-statesmen have a conflict with “humanity getting to the next level”: it's called their 'rule'…




States are also required either to come up with some sort of ideological justification for their existence… if a state aspires to be invited to the big-boys' table (i.e.… “You will be tested…” they are told… “for the 'purity' of your convictions” (obviously Mr. Modi got that message…) “You will not be trusted with the knowledge resources unless you can demonstrate that you are in firm command of your captive population… that it is well-conditioned and obedient… although the idea of 'advancement' in the hierarchy of states feels like an antiquated notion in this moment… when there is such a strong press from below for our freedom…) potentially joining the more 'privileged' group of states where the 'knowledge resources' and the 'knowledge-resources-workers' are concentrated… or… if ineligible for this role… required to identify 'the best and the brightest' within their borders… and ship them off to the 'knowledge-resource-states' in order to (they reason…) infuse a little life-blood into the thought-and-heart-stultifying places (in the 'privileged sector') where 'power' generates its 'ideas' for maintaining its 'rule' ad infinitum… required to keep the bulk of its population in a state of perpetual demoralization and penury… to force them to 'immigrate' (can we come up with a “'people's term” for what 'power' is doing here?… which includes the use of immigrants to stoke anger and divisions (how does Prince put it in “The Sacrifice Of Victor”?: “…a group of unsuspecting political tools…”) when 'power' makes the flip calculation that more Division and Hate are needed [for instance… the continuous use of this tactic in South Africa: “Violence Erupts at South African Protests,” New York Times, February 25, 2017…) force intentionally pauperized populations into a condition of such utter lack of status… that they can be pushed into the low-status-work needed done in the more-privileged sectors of the global-state…) (This… by the way… may be the clearest… simplest… [and expressing the broadest impact…] example of why 'class' is so energy-inefficient: the amount of force required to suppress life [freedom] consumes the planet…) 'Power' rules by means of psychological manipulation… psychological manipulation of us… So – putting on our 'power'-caps – how… do we imagine… would 'power' answer our question to Wallerstein [and this was written before we gave the broad answer – “establish a new geopolitical consensus” – the following reply falls within that broad answer]: “with 'capitalism' shredded… and the stakes so high… what happens to the 'global-state'-guys so accustomed to hiding behind it?” Of one thing we can be certain… in reply to the end of 'capitalism' they do what they do: divide… hierarchicalize… and lie… lie… lie… but beyond this… given their centuries-deep training to think of themselves as 'masters of the universe'… as 'Mind'-personified… their first thought beyond 'manipulation' is that there must be a 'technological fix' – this is their answer to every problem… as 'heart' has been squeezed out of them… Following which comes the assessment of the current status of 'artificial intelligence'… and their EMF-disease-epidemiology-and-catastrophic-events division… leading necessarily to the minions pleading (probably after entering some private space to muffle their screaming…) pleading to their masters: “We need more time!”




Is it fair then to call the “Trump-tool-of-'power'” an all-purpose cleanser (or is a sticky tub of 'patch-it-up' a better metaphor?…) – taken advantage of on both sides of the Pond… it seems they mean to get a great deal of use out of Mr. Trump while he is their's to command (which may be longer than they originally intended… the egregious artificiality of the entire constructed scene called “Enter The Trump-Tool”… makes him a hot mess best left to the fiction-writers who made him – while we plan our freedom…) Fascists always want to appear to be 'Good Daddies'… protecting their children from 'external threats'… But we are growing up… We are tired of the needless cost of suffering we pay as the price of admission to their 'Daddy'-acts… As Nikola saw… we are starting to listen to each other rather than to them… So two 'management-zones' are nowhere near enough… for a global-people… that is waking up… particularly when the earth… she is exhausted… and the holes in their totalitarian-scheming… they are a-sprouting… Add to this that the eyes of the once-peripheralized 'rulers' of the 'second'-tier states are also open wide… minds fully engaged in the possibilities of this moment… and that not all of them are dancing on the ship-deck… and we have the recipe for a lot of mad-scheming behind scenes… More 'zones' then… are needed… reason the Plato's Tribesmen – everything is up for negotiation. And within… around… and surrounding… these 'zones'… enough threats to the very notion of 'rule' exist to set the 'class'-bound mind just a'-spinnin'… “We-the-global-people': this is our time…




Margaret Cheney's Tesla: Man Out Of Time: “In Colorado he had achieved voltages of ten to twelve million volts on the antenna sphere of his magnifying transmitter, although he believed that 100 million volts were feasible. On his return to New York he applied for another group of patents of which the most important was an “Apparatus for Transmitting Electrical Energy,” related to the Wardenclyffe project, being No. 1,119,732 filed in 1902 but not issued until 1914. [That is to say… the state held onto it for twelve years… A gap suggestive of behind-scenes scheming and double-dealing… what do you suppose Nikola was doing as the state held onto his patents without responding to him?… must have been a pretty good lie the state was snowing him with… the timing is obviously significant: 1914 brought the outbreak of World War I… and an article from Nikola published in The Sun of December 20, 1914 [discussed in our August 7, 2016 (“160807teslaseesknowledgeequalizingus_2”) and our August 14, 2016 (“160814worldwidediscussionoftesla_6”) shows titled: “Science and Discovery Are The Great Forces Which Will Lead To The Consummation [End] of The War,” in which he wrote: “Modern machinery wrought by science is responsible for this calamity; science will also undo the Frankenstein monster it has created… A new force, a new agent, a demonstration by any means, old or novel, but of a kind to surprise and suddenly illuminate, to bring the belligerent to their senses and furnish irrefutable proof of the folly and uselessness of carrying on the brutal fight.… Thousands are working on it…” [A note is appended here that reads: First in this series was No. 685,012, means for increasing the intensity of electrical oscillations by use of liquefied air, issued in 1901; followed by 655,838, method of insulating electrical conductors; 787,412, art of transmitting electrical energy through the natural medium; 723,188, method of signaling; 725,605, system of signaling; 685,957, apparatus for utilization of radiant energy; and 1,119,732.]– P.S.]




[Last week we… asked… how is it that the global-state-statesmen do not see the death-destination of their 'plan' for 'effective management'?… a 'plan' embedded in the ideology 'the economy'… We are calling it an 'ideology'… but 'fairy-tale' may be more accurate… as their entire scheme for 'management' of the planet is based in wanting to be seen as 'Good Daddies'… only done if we are designed-obedient (those among us – we-the-people – left to exist…) made to be 'Happy Children' who frolic on command and rattle our chains playfully… and do only… what we're told to…] Let's recall our Shakespeare: we cannot allow ourselves to be kept… to be forever dependent… to forfeit our gifts that make us self-sufficient… to allow others – a tiny-10,000 others globally – to decide who shall live and who shall die… that… life that cannot provide or itself cannot survive – and… cannot create the Abundance we are here to make… cannot continuously restore for our Sisters and Brothers our shared Paradise. Proudhon: “Society devours itself, – One. By the violent and periodical sacrifice of laborers… Two. By the stoppage of the producer's consumption caused by property…” So… as we asked last week: “Is this what we want?” Do we want the Tiny Ten Thousand to decide what we Seven Billion do with our hearts… bodies… and minds?… decide… not just who we can love… but whether love can live at all?… force our hearts and minds to freeze instead of cry and rise to act when we read our Sister in South Africa say: “We cannot feed our families and we have no way to fight back…” We are examining in what sense 'the economy' is ideology used to anesthetize especially those of us whose bodies are for the moment kept well-fed… freeze our hearts and steal our minds (and by 'steal our minds' I mean that our minds are forced to identify with 'the state' that has command of us… For instance when I read… as I did today [February 26, 2017…] this from a union-rep: “If this keeps up [the Chinese state “subsidizing the coal electricity and alumina needed to produce aluminum…”] within a few years, the United States will have no capacity left. My ability to provide for my family, along with all of my coworkers', will be in danger… [Robert Smith quoted in Winter, 2017 USW@Work…] in his words we can see… when viewed objectively… a distortion of reality… they express a crafted-skewed sense of reality: the lie that we owe 'power' for our food and not the earth… and so are not moved to take care of her…) an ideology continuously reinforced propagandistically in media-pieces designed to forestall… stop… our thought-process… I hope it's clear: reclaiming our bodies ends 'the economy' and begins Honesty… begins Freedom… begins the time in which Abundance is the premise of our social relationships… globally… (Our outro song from Prince continues our theme of Love and Abundance: “When U Love Somebody'” from his CD: Newpower Soul… So many of Prince's songs of love resonate for me about him… This is one of them.)




Prince Songs For Our February 26, 2017 Show:


[“04 Plectrum Electrum.mp3”:]


“PlectrumElectrum” by Prince with 3rdEyeGirl, CD: PlectrumElectrum, 2014


[“03 Until U're In My Arms Again.mp3”:]


“Until U're In My Arms Again” by Prince: “All of my life I've never wanted anyone like I wanted U… Every night I said a prayer 2 God and His angels… I'm sure they knew… The many tears that I'd have 2 cry… If I ever had 2 leave your side… CHORUS: Until U're in my arms again… I know this pain will never end… This broken heart will never mend… Until U're in my arms again… Every mornin' when I awaken, I imagine U sleepin' in your bed… Wrong or right the reason U're taken from my embrace… Well, it's never said… Cuz every day that U don't return… Is another day that my heart just yearns and yearns… That's why… CHORUS… If life remains a mystery… Then there's no reason 2 the rhyme… And U, U'll never know what U mean 2 me till U're mine, all mine… Until U're in my arms again {x3}… (CHORUS) Until U're, until U're, until U're in my arms again!… No, ain't never gonna end… Never gonna mend… Until U're back, right back in my arms again… I'll never see like others see… (I know that U'll come back 2 me)… I know U're gonna come right back 2 me (Come on back 2 me)… And this time U will never leave my arms again… (Never leave my arms again)… Until U're in my arms again {x3}… Come on back, baby… Come on back {x2}… Until U're in my arms again {x2}…” [Prince, “Until U're In My Arms Again”, Newpower Soul, 1998?]


[“12 Reflection.mp3”:]


“Reflection” by Prince: “2 sevens together… Like time, indefinite… Try 2 catch the glass… b4 it falls… Without a frown… Can U turn up the stereo?… Eye wanna play U this old song… it's about love (it's about love…) Can Eye do that?… Did we remember 2 water the plants today?… Eye 4got 2 look up at the moon because… Eye was 2 busy, said Eye was 2 busy… Eye was 2 busy… Looking at you babe… Still it's nice 2 know… That, uh… when bodies wear out… We can get another… What does that 1 thing have 2 do with the other 1?… Eye don't know… Eye was just thinking about my mother… U know what… Turn the stereo back down… Ain't nothing worse than an old worn out love song… Tell me do you like my hair this way… Remember all the way back in the day… When we would compare who's afro was the roundest… Mirrored tiles above the bed… Fishing nets and posters all over the walls… oh yes… Sometimes… Sometimes Eye just wanna go sit out on the stoop… and… Play my guitar… Just watch all the… all the cars go by…” [Prince, “Reflection”, Musicology, 2004]


[“12 Welcome 2 The Dawn (accoustic version).mp3”:]


“Welcome 2 The Dawn” by Prince: “When the things U know are right… are far from what they seem… When the past becomes the future… and time becomes a dream… When the light of God… is the only thing in life that will redeem… Welcome, welcome 2 the dawn… When the voices U hear commands U… 2 entertain thee absurd… When U do the action unlocks… the apocalypse of that you've heard of… When the day lies before U… seems the darkest in a word… Welcome, welcome 2 the dawn… Every piece a puzzle and every name a clue… Every charge U make is karma… So be careful what U do… Welcome, welcome 2 the dawn… (Welcome 2 the dawn) (Thank U)…” [Prince, “Welcome 2 The Dawn”, The Truth, 1998]


[“09 Immerson.mp3”:]


“Immersion” Written by Prince and Performed by Bria Valente with Prince: “Come in… Very adept in the art of healing… A voice [bubbled?] to her saying, 'Come in,'… She's lost her words… describing the feeling… Whatever it is… It never ends… No… Uh uh… Very adept in the art of listening… She studied everything she needed to know… Her dreams now turn to the water glistening… And the words 'come in' and 'go'… 'Come in' and 'go'… To a place where time it has no meaning… In space where there are no more walls… Very adept in the art of receiving… She finally got the call… 'Come in'… 'Come in'… 'Go'… Immersion… Very adept in the art of releasing… She let all of her inhibitions go… With the unexpected shock of a bee-sting… She got pulled into the future… And into the New World (into the New World…) Welcome to the place much faster than time… The true reality we're only [beasts?] you'll find… Come in… Come in… Go… Immersion (immersion)… Go……” [Bria Valente with Prince, “Immersion”, Elixer, 2009]




Our February 19, 2017 Show:




“How will you know the pitch of that great bell Too large for you to stir? Let but a flute… Play ’neath the fine-mixed metal: listen close Till the right note flows forth, a silvery rill: Then shall the huge bell tremble – then the mass With myriad waves concurrent shall respond In low soft unison.” I remind myself of George Eliot's words of encouragement in moments of extreme frustration… shoved up against the walls of all the boxes… appalled… after all the hard work and suffering of Nikola Tesla… precisely so I would not have to feel what I am now feeling: appalled at the huge expenditure of energy involved in simply living lovingly… in connection with my fellows… which requires knowing how my Sisters and Brothers are doing globally… and extending a hand where it's needed (and I'm not talking in terms of 'money'… I'm talking about our shared human energy…) I would not be feeling this frustration… if the world Nikola Tesla wanted to see… had been let be – above all… we would not have seen the mammoth toll of lost lives and suffering… completely unnecessary… of the twentieth century and in the years since… the price we continuously pay for co-signing their Dishonesty… I don't know anybody but Prince who was speaking out about this… saying that freedom… our bodies free of force… comes first… above all else… like the birds… The frustration… came when I read a many-times strained – substance needed to build our common sense of 'oneness' carefully removed – article about the coalescence of our longing for freedom as it manifested in another part of the world… and struggled to figure out what more precisely was going on… “Fed By Anger and Mistrust, Unrest Persists in Romania”… You see what I mean… the straining of one's whole being required to try to come to common terms with Mr. Badita… but this article was not for this but for 'not-this'… not for us but for 'not-us'… The enormous power of the technology… as a result of so much hard work and pain – in no small measure that of Nikola Tesla – left for us… and we still cannot listen to each other's beat (“Listen to the drummer but you still want to have fun… It shouldn't be 'work'…”) we still cannot talk to… and share with… each other globally… or even locally… in safe spaces that make conscious… and examine… the totalitarian mindset of 'class' – exploring how it is 'the state' – and recognize its abusiveness… see that abuse in all of its institutions… so we can build trust and love between us (this is our obligation to children…) we still cannot work with each other in the ways that link with and build authentic freedom for every single human on the planet… The need for our doing this could not be more urgent… (And we'll be considering in this regard an article from a couple days later in the New York Times of February 17, 2017 titled “Zuckerberg, Bucking Tide, Takes a Public Stand Against Isolationism”… in which Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook is quoted as saying that we “need to build a global community that works for everyone…” and that we have to “create the social infrastructure” with which to do it – which reflects on the point we'll be getting to later: either we want society – and our society today is necessarily global – either we want society… or we don't… As Prince says… it is either 'this' or 'that'… so if we want it… we will have to fight for it…)




As we said in our February 5, 2017 show… only such a critical mass of 'freedom-agents' as ourselves can counter the death-destined-trajectory instilled with the bully-mindset in the global-state-statesmen (perhaps the theme of today's show… along with the need for all of us to step up and create our global community…) only we can clean up the mess made by a mindset premised on abusiveness and theft… “Mr. Badita 'took unpaid leave from his job [in a northern city…] to participate in the Bucharest protests…'” What is clear is that he is tired of ritualistic 'protest'… and he is following his questions: “What is it that we really want… and must have… so that we can live as we're meant… and leave for the children more than just more things to protest?” Imagine if our conversations in this space were broadly discussed: our thinking through the question of 'the state' with Peter Kropotkin… Pierre-Joseph Proudhon… and our Good Three… the authors of Antisystemic Movements – Terence K. Hopkins… Giovanni Arrighi… and Immanuel Wallerstein… imagine if we were having this conversation globally with our Brothers and Sisters in Romania… and South Africa… Instead… the 'power'-guys are once again telling young people here in the U.S.… young people the shadow-global-state hopes to recruit to their purposes… “Watch us pull a rabbit out of a hat!…” 'power' says to the children – “in goes Atomization… out comes Unification! It's magic! Your bodies don't feel any different?… Never mind that… just coast on the 'hero-vibe' we keep pumping into your mind…” – once again the global-statesmen are hoping to entice young people into falling in line behind the same useless 'strategies' that have conned youth-with-heart for generations: 'pick-an-issue'… and… fix your mind on 'fixing-the-state'… and we are generously providing for an added feeling of urgency… and that pleasant 'heroic' sense… a Villain: “Here…” they are told… “wait for your 'shadow-state-issued' pin… and then… get in line behind all the other Issues… and then… with your state-issued-pin… when the miracle-self-reinflatable Trump-Balloon floats by (enough sides for every issue…) you have our permission… to… stick it in…” This… the global-statesmen tell any youth who allow themselves to be guided by their intercepting-agents… this is called “joining forces!”… “your pins all touched 'the system'… “magnifying your impact!” – and when the Trump-Tool steps out of the way and you all fall in a clump on top of each other… they will then call it 'Successful Diversion'… just not to you…




The Good Daddy Show (Part 1): I've been thinking more about this as well: the competition between the global-state-statesmen – and here too wondering how much it matters to our planning for global freedom? Thoughts on this? I found myself wondering how closely-kept is the secret of the theft of Nikola Tesla's inventions that provide to the 'power'-guys that possess them a huge technological advantage… Given our huge debt… why is Nikola Tesla never mentioned? The answer is obvious: they wanted his weapon… When will we demand full accountability of the U.S. state regarding these weapons… and deny them this gun they have trained on our heads?] We learned from Margaret Cheney that at least three other countries filed patents on the EMF weapon in 1924… This is coming up for me because the Trump-Tool is being used to do so many things… the wielding of it seemingly so chaotic: used to help bolster the notion of a unified Europe… used to try to lure investors to unclench their fists… used to bolster the notion that 'fascism' – and though this is the image clearly we are to see… they use the words 'nativism' or 'isolationism' or 'anti-globalization' generally – used to support the propaganda that 'fascism is on the march globally'…used to strike fear in the hearts of immigrants… used to generate sympathy and support for immigrants… used to entice young people here in the U.S. to become 'patriotic'… used here in the U.S. to isolate 'labor' from 'the rest of us'… used to create the belief that 'racism' is on the rise… that “we are so divided” in the U.S.… used to beef up the 'money'-buffer (i.e.… the problem is 'the elite'… 'the wealthy'… 'the corporations'… not the Plato's Tribesmen… a completely unaccountable bunch of global-'power'-guys…) between 'the people' and the global-state-statesmen… used to serve as sharp contrast to the 'Good Daddy'… reinforce the notion that the 'stable state' is the 'true' state… is the 'Good Daddy'… which we desperately need to save us from the 'Bad Daddy'… and the predatory nature of all the 'authoritarian regimes' 'out there'… all those 'external threats'… – i.e.… where we started has… in the span of a week… been left in the dust of the would-be juggernaut-of-the-would-be-gods called 'Trump'… – But… as we said earlier… to get clear on this point: that we've got to unite globally… create a global community in which all of us work together for the lives we want… which means our bodies are no longer at the command of others… which necessarily results in a shadow-state… when you create economic hardship… i.e.… scarcity… people have to do what they have to do… to eat: you become a functionary… a machine… of whoever pays you… and whoever pays you… is the shadow-state… they have the shadow aims… they are completely unaccountable.




Turning now to Nikola… our reading of Tesla: Man Out Of Time: “By spring (1903) Tesla's money problems had grown… severe… He wrote [to J.P. Morgan] on April 8… Two weeks later Tesla again wrote: 'You have extended me a noble help at a time when Edison, Marconi, Pupin, Fleming, and many others openly ridiculed my undertaking and declared its success impossible.…' But Morgan still did not act, and Tesla, now beginning to feel pangs of desperation decided to play his final card. So at last he wrote to Morgan and bared his true goal – not just the sending of radio signals but the wireless transmission of power.” [So… I think we can see the way of things… how the plot thickened in the 'behind-scenes'… Recall from our December 4, 2016 and January 1, 2017 shows that Nikola first confided this intention to George Westinghouse when he appealed to him for $6,000: “You will know of course,” he confided, “that I contemplate the establishment of such a communication merely as the first step to further and more important work, namely that of transmitting power.”




Tesla: Man Out Of Time [It was during our January 1, 2017 show [“170101teslameetswithduplicity_5”] that we learned that Nikola took a big risk and confided to George Westinghouse that his goal was the wireless transmission of electrical power… after which: “The industrialist invited Tesla to ride with him on the train from New York to Pittsburgh in his private 'palace car' to talk over the whole matter…” Nikola was candid… and Westinghouse… with Nikola's brain relieved of as much as his hands could hold… promptly turned him down. Nikola… frustration upped… is then handed over to Mr. Money-Bags… with whom he is (too late…) more circumspect… who plays the part of someone generous beyond what common sense should allow… A flurry of activity ensues… we learn in our February 5, 2017 show: “The inventor's hectic schedule often gave the impression that he was three or four individuals. His New York laboratory had become a meeting place for scientists from all over the world. The nights were filled with social activities, arduous experimental work, the writing of patent applications, professional journal articles, and letters to editors.” I think we can see the hidden objective of all Morgan's malicious foot-dragging and sadistic playing with Nikola's peace of mind… – P.S.]: “On July 3, [Nikola Tesla] wrote [to J.P. Morgan]: “If I would have told you such as this before, you would have fired me out of your office… Will you help me or let my great work – almost complete – go to pots?…” The answer came eleven days later, addressed to N. Tesla, Esq. “I have received your letter,” wrote Morgan, “…and in reply would say that I should not feel disposed at present to make any further advances.” Tesla replied that night in Jovian style by going to the tower and setting off such a fireworks display as no one has seen before. His tests went on through the night and for several thereafter.… When reporters rushed to the scene they were turned away… When interviewed, Tesla said, 'The people about there, had they been awake instead of asleep, at other times would have seen even stranger things. Some day, but not at this time, I shall make an announcement of something that I never once dreamed of.'” [Nikola… as opposed to all the the people the 'power'-guys surrounded him with… is honest to a fault… He… and the coterie of other scientists the 'power'-guys placed around him… knew exactly what he had… – P.S.]




(Last week we asked Proudhon to explain the 'bully-mindset' of the 'power'-guys'… in particular how they could find 'glory' in being murderers… and torturers… and thieves… and of course monumental deceivers of their Brothers and Sisters… And in referring us to some of the early texts of 'class' he successfully did this… Today we ask for his help with something else that has puzzled us about the global-state-statesmen (although this is perhaps a question more appropriate for Alice Miller…): how is it they can see what is obviously a death-bound trajectory as 'effective management'?… Let's see if Proudhon… joined for this discussion by Albert O. Hirschman… can help us with this…) The 'management mindset' pervades (is) the ideology 'the economy' (and… of course… obviously… that of 'the state'…) so the question is… as we said last week [as I wrote those words] (in the December 25, 2016 “Rainbow Children” show…) do we want to remain children… so the 'power'-guys can play 'kings'? (…which is why they are so keen to reduce us all to absolutely transparent and irreducible and quantifiable units… seen via – only alive via – the transactions we make in the 'Internet-of-things'… this is why the global-banking-system 'likes bitcoin's technology'… we discussed this in our October 30, 2016 show (“161030studyingthosedefconguys_6”)… the fact that we – human beings – are the 'things' they want to ensure are 'devices' that operate only on their command… the hidden global-state-statesmen are very much used to thinking of 'the economy' as a tool for our management… but what is at first curious to us about their gleeful assumption of the 'management' mantle is that they cannot see its obvious death-of-life-destination… that an attempt to halt change (the dream of Plato which they have decided to realize for him…) force the world into stasis… means the end of life. This death-obsession… a determination to kill all life… which word – 'life' – we must hear as 'freedom'… that the two are equivalent functionally… this death obsession hides (though in plain sight to an active [alive] thought-process…) behind the 'management-mindset'… The global-statesmen create scarcity to kill all life. (Prince is a man of Abundance and didn't at first understand this mindset… and neither did Proudhon… He believes that these folk can be reasoned with… Alice Miller however explains [in For Your Own Good…] that they cannot… that their's is an irrational set of beliefs fixed in them when they were infants as a result of the torture [force] inflicted on them…)




(And I'm really looking forward to when we have more open… broad… public… discussions so that we can clarify… unpack… broad or dense statements… I thought about that in writing the previous segment… as well as that last thought that force applied to an infant is torture… and that that needs to be discussed… because I don't know that all of us understand that…) We've discussed before (getting back to our point that “the economy” is a tool of 'power' for 'managing' us – which makes it a political tool…) we've discussed before… quoting Albert O. Hirschman's The Passions and the Interests: Political Arguments for Capitalism before Its Triumph… how the concept of 'the economy' became a tool in the hands of the 18th century incipient Plato's Tribesmen… to impose 'order' on the 'political world'… In a chapter he calls “Improving the Political Order”… Hirschman writes: “…from the potter He had been in the Old Testament… [God] became a master clockmaker, le Grand Horloger. The implication was of course that once He had built the clock, it was going to run entirely by itself. Steuart's watch (= economy) shares with the clock (= universe) the quality of being a finely built mechanism that should not be tampered with by arbitrary outside interference, but by choosing the image of a watch he manages to convey both the impossibility of arbitrary and careless handling and the need for frequent corrective moves by the solicitous and expert 'statesmen'…” This concept was adapted in the aftermath of the French Revolution into the fervent new religion of 'Plato'… i.e.… the addition of an irrational destination… to which understanding we owe Karl Popper's The Open Society and Its Enemies: Volume 1 – The Spell of Plato… Plato too recommended 'course corrections'… he called this “tempering 'the ideal' with 'the possible'… So Proudhon could not know… the degree to which his prediction of 'feudal chaos' (if we did not demand our right to own… be responsible for… our own intellectual development…) would become reality… did not see the degree to which 'the managers' that scratched and clawed and dirty-dealed their way to ascendancy would entrench themselves by means of a global-totalitarian-self-and-mutually-reinforcing structure of bureaucratic states… Proudhon saw… and tried to engage in dialogue with… the argument of 'the managers'… tried to move them to reconsider… in order to avert… as Nikola Tesla likewise tried less than a century later… feudal chaos… Let's recall our Shakespeare: we cannot allow ourselves to be kept… to be forever dependent… to forfeit our gifts that make us self-sufficient… to allow others – a tiny-10,000 others globally – to decide who shall live and who shall die… that… life that cannot provide for itself cannot survive – and… cannot create the Abundance we are here to make… cannot continuously restore for our Sisters and Brothers our shared Paradise.




(That's another concept that… when I wrote it… it occurred to me that it needs to be discussed… unpacked… I often get a little too concise in these shows because I'm trying to get thoughts out there that have been suppressed… and I'm very conscious of the show's time constraints…) Butting up against the clock… we'll have to leave “Property is impossible, because, if it exists, Society devours itself…” till next week… but to end with this thought which we'll reiterate next week… that we really have to use Proudhon's society-wide-eyes to make sense of the juncture where we stand… of the challenges before us right now… and apply them to our global society… and ask ourselves do we want “This or That”? Either we want society or we don't. Prince cuts to the chase and could have pulled Proudhon's coat… it's time to move on… to stop the 'dialogue' with these death-obsessed folks… to tell the 'power'-guys: “we're tired a'y'all…” and to reclaim our bodies… our gifts… our intelligence… for ourselves… and to believe therefore in that time of Abundance for which we were made… and which we are here to make… that time in which all of us can have fun just Strollin'… have fun makin' that joyful sound… because “makin' that joyful sound” creates Abundance… it doesn't have to be work… in fact… “it shouldn't be work…” So that leads to our outro song from Prince: “Strollin'” from his 1991 CD: Diamonds And Pearls… Prince says “let's take a break from the '9 to 5'…” well… we need to hear for this juncture… “let's take a 4Ever-break from that '9 to 5'…”




Prince Songs For Our February 19, 2017 Show:


[“03 Calhoun Square.mp3”:]


“Calhoun Square” by Prince: “(In the notes with the CD Prince writes: “This song was actually about the NPG [New Power Generation] store in Uptown: 'Look across the street…'”) [Prince's instruction to his fellow musicians before the beginning of the song: “Listen to the drummer but you still want to have fun… It shouldn't be 'work'”] I don't like this much 2 drink… I was there… I know right now it's hard 2 think… I don't care… But it's time 4 U and me 2 wonder… Why we're here… Maybe we should roll 2 the rock and rumble… Calhoun Square (Let's roll)… Meet me there… If U dare… Calhoun Square!… It don't matter clothes U're wearin'… Or your hair… If U're freaky, they don't care and… They don't stare (Ain't nobody lookin' at U)… All that matters if U're happy… And if U're there (Are U there?)… Don't U wanna roll 2 the rock and rumble… Calhoun Square? (Don't U wanna? Come on now)… Hey!… Meet me there… If U dare… Calhoun Square!… Walk through veils of many colors… If U dare (Do U dare?)… Jasmine, peach and love 4 others… In the air (It's all in the air)… Don't be shocked 2 see your mother… In the chair (Sit down, baby)… Everybody roll 2 the rock and rumble… Calhoun Square (Oh Lord)… Hey, come on!… Oh Lord [x2]… Hear me now… Calhoun Square, Calhoun Square [x2]… Meet me there… If U dare… Calhoun Square!…” [Prince, “Calhoun Square”, Crystal Ball, 1998]


[“09 No More Candy 4 U.mp3”:]


“No More Candy 4 U” by Prince: “9 out of 10 mortals agree 2day; 2 much fame causes spiritual decay… 2 all the punx who believe life imitates music… No more candy 4 you we can't hang with you… 2 all the punx who wanna b rock stars and do what they do… There's no future 4 you that's the life of a fool… No more candy, no more candy 4 you we're 2 funky and you can't handle r groove… 2 all the freax in the magazines who never paid no dues… No more candy 4 you u can't sing it's true… 2 all the freax walking in2 walls somebody put a spell on you… No more candy 4 you eye guess the devil got a brand new fool… [Chorus]… 2 all the haterz on the internet somebody's lookin' at you… No more candy 4 you they got ur number now, fool… 2 all the suckerz winning anything and thanking the lord 4 what… They do… No more candy 4 you no more candy 4 you… Eye am 2 funky and you can't handle my groove…” [Prince, “No More Candy 4 U”, Mplsound, 2009]


[“01 3121.mp3”:]


“3121 / D.M.S.R.” by Prince: “Through the gates… knock on the door… put yo clothes in a pile on the floor… Take yo pick from the Japanese robes… and sandals… Drink champagne from a glass with chocolate handles… Don't you wanna come… to 3121?… It's gonna be so much fun… 3121… That where the party be… 3121… You can come if you want to… But you can never leave… Everybody… Get on the floor… Tell me now what you come here for… Girl it aint no use… You might as well get loose… Work that body like you want some mo… Sing everybody… Get on the beat… We gonna show you people how ta… People everywhere… loosen up ur hair… Take a deeper breath and sing along with me… Oo… Alright… Dance… music… sex… romance… I can't hear you say it… Oo… Alright… Dance… music… sex… romance… Look over there… there's another turn-on… Butterflies scared that they're gonna be awake all night long… Dancin' in your belly… like a ballerina… In spite of your efforts to calm them down… Yeah… Don't you wanna come… 3121… It's gonna be so much fun… 3121… That's where the party be y'all… 3121… You can come if you want to… But you can never leave… Everybody… Loosen up… Shake it like you just don't care… Never mind your friend… Girl it ain't no sin… Shake that body 'til the early light… Tell me now if you there… I said everybody… forget the masses… We only want to have some fun… Do whatever we want… Fuck in the middle of a restaurant… Police aint got no gun… Y'all don't haveta run… Everybody say… Dance… music… sex… romance… Everybody say… Oo… Say it again… Dance… music… sex… romance… Don't you wanna come… 3121… It's gonna be so much fun… 3121… That's where the party be people… 3121… You can come if you want to… But you can never leave… It's going down y'all… twenty-one nights in London…” [Prince, “3121 / D.M.S.R.”, Indigo Nights, 2007]


[“03 Clouds.mp3”:]


“Clouds” by Prince: “You should never underestimate the power of… A kiss on the neck, when she doesn't expect… A kiss on the neck, when she doesn't expect… A kiss on the neck… And every time you catch her singin' in the shower… You should go and get a flower… No matter what the hour… Just rub it on her back, rub it on her back, rub it on her back… All over maybe… In this brand new age we do everything… Quick, fast… in a hurry… All of our life's a stage… Everybody stars, reality's so blurry… If you screamed out loud, loud… The top of your voice wouldn't be higher than the crowd (no)… Tattoo-less and proud, yeah… We're getting high on something that doesn't require clouds… No, we don't need no clouds, no… You should never underestimate the power of… A kiss on the neck, when she doesn't expect… A kiss on the neck, when she doesn't expect… A kiss on the neck… And every time you catch her singin' in the shower… You should go and get a flower… Don't matter what the hour… Just rub it on her back, rub it on her back, rub it on her back… All over maybe… I'm gonna give you something baby… But I wonder does it really even matter if it ain't on a stage… If it ain't on a stage… I don't really think it matters in this brand new age… When life's a stage, in this brand new age… How do we engage?… Bullying just for fun… No wonder there's so many guns… Maybe we're better off in space… Mr. Nelson, Mr. Nelson, can you hear my voice?… Sir, we know you're a little bit groggy… And you're probably going to find it hard to speak… But don't try to talk or process too much now… We just want to let you know that the medication you were given… Has put you in a suspended animation for quite some time… Well, in fact, about 45 years… But where you are now… Is a place that doesn't require time… That saying, you are completely safe… And we are here to help you… You should never underestimate the power of… A kiss on the neck, when she doesn't expect… A kiss on the neck, when she doesn't expect… A kiss on the neck… It's in my power to love you… It's in my power to love you up… It's in my power to love you… It's in my power to love you up…” [Prince, “Clouds”, Art Official Age, 2014]




Our February 12, 2017 Show:




It's difficult for me to describe the feeling that the deepening realization brings… of Prince bearing… alone… for thirty-five years… the knowledge that this crafted world erected around us is Fascist – 'horror' feels so inadequate… and his calm acceptance that his death would be required for us to wake up… that we would have to be the ones to see this work to fruition in global freedom… fills me with awe… When the shadow-state (necessarily 'shadow' as the official ideology is required for keeping us in chains and the official ideology flies in its face…) when the shadow-state puts you in the EMF-vise and continues tightening it until you die… there is at first a kind of denial you feel – I can testify to this – which is itself a testament to the power of the conditioning done on us… and a testament to the truth of both Bentham's (i.e.… 'we will believe a thing without questioning it if it is confirmed on all sides'…) and Alice Miller's ('we do not question that which is a continuation of childhood'… an understanding which reflects back again on Bentham… as he said that the parent must be the deputy of the state for the conditioning to be deep and the existence of the state permanent…) – a testament to the truth of both Jeremy Bentham's and Alice Miller's observations. And both together are compressed within Prince's question to us: if you were given all the answers would you ever stop to wonder why? So… how will you know the truth? (paraphrase from the song “The Truth”…) Together these points enclose “Socrates' Dilemma”… reiterated by Alice… the question: how can we know a thing if we've been conditioned not to know it? The certainty that the state we are trained to think is a 'democracy' (setting aside that we are intentionally misled as to what that word means…) is in fact Fascist is the paid-for-in-blood knowledge that necessarily comes when one becomes targeted for assault and / or elimination by-EMF… The resulting psychic isolation from this certainty is almost as devastating as the physical assault… which is why the global-state-guys were so excited about it as a weapon for weeding out dissent: in every aspect it seems to answer the question for them of how to prevent the formation of a movement for true freedom – one in which we reclaim our bodies for our own purposes – the purposes of helping each other develop our gifts… the purposes of realizing in physical reality the love we come with… It must have seemed to the 'global-statesmen' that this weapon was a made-to-order 'gift' for the realization of their ambitions… a weapon Nikola intended to be used to end conflict and coercion – particularly in the context of all of his other inventions… designed to form the basis of global unity and peace – in bringing about an end to want and scarcity… and fostering… through the release and development of our unique gifts… a world of Abundance… Instead this weapon has been used to suppress the human spirit… which ever-presses to soar beyond the constraints imposed on it by those ruled by fear rather than love…




So you see how absolutely essential to the continued existence of their illusions of divinity is 'staying hidden' (As we know from Karl Popper's accurate translation of Plato's texts… and his explanation of Plato's totalitarian political beliefs… in synthesis with Alice Miller's analysis of the totalitarian methods their children are trained with – in the period since the French Revolution – and with Martin Bernal's compilation of the history of the 'power'-guys' fabrication of 'Ancient Greece'… also for the training of their children… and also in the aftermath of the French Revolution – recall… as… we said last week… it is critical to their sense of themselves that they be perceived and perceive themselves as 'saviors'… another debt of understanding we owe to Karl Popper and his explanation of yet another of their internalizations of Plato: that 'the rulers' must see themselves and be perceived as a 'superior master race'… So… we know from this synthesis of key… suppressed… discussions… that the global-state-statesmen see us as beasts of burden – and what they most try to burden us with are their fathers' illusions…the illusions invested in them of being 'all-powerful'… Fortunately… we've been given the real thing – real power – and can see the difference…) absolutely essential to them if they are to stay hidden are both some political ideology of 'freedom' and 'equality' to pacify and anesthetize our spirits… and… now… equally important… keeping the secret of their theft of Nikola Tesla's EMF-weapons (as well as his inventions – like being able to make it rain where it's needed… by the means he devised using electricity – that end all notion of 'scarcity' in our social relationships…) it is now essential to the perpetuation of their 'rule' to keep the secret of their theft of Nikola Tesla's EMF-weapons to use as backup… so they could eliminate dissent when our longing for freedom… despite all their inflicted 'punishment'… continues to assert itself… In this insistence on possessing back-up weapons to enforce our obedience regardless of the state of our intellectual development… our reason… they are guided by Machiavelli… The 'power'-guys had no illusions that they could run this scam forever… they understood that what they were running was a 'pyramid'-scheme dependent on the rape of the planet … and the ignorance of we-the-people about the scheme… The planet has 'dutifully' been raped by we-trained-to-perform and obey… Polluted water-ways… poisoned earth… crumbling concrete… depleted resources… the death of the oceans… and the continuous pressure that we-the-people exert on 'the system' to advance the material conditions we provide to our children – all of these things together promised de-legitimation of the official state-ideologies even before our seeing the massive Dishonesty on which both official and shadow-state 'structures' rest. It is in this context of economic collapse – the inevitable collapse of a house built with lies – that the story of the suppression of the truth about Nikola Tesla appears… to devastating effect – devastating for those who want to continue to 'rule' over us… The question we raised last week in our discussion of “Wallerstein's Heads Up!” was: “with 'capitalism' shredded… and the stakes so high… what happens to the 'global-state'-guys so accustomed to hiding behind it?”




[Because we've gone two weeks without a reading of Proudhon… I'd like to hold “The Good Daddy Show” over to the February 19, 2017 show… and make it almost the sole focus…] Margaret Cheney's Tesla: Man Out Of Time: “In June Tesla moved his laboratory from Manhattan out to the new brick building at Wardenclyffe… What with one thing and another, when he was summoned for jury duty on a murder case in New York that fall, he put the notice aside and forgot about it. Soon, to his embarrassment newspaper headlines made him sharply aware of an American citizen's duties: “Nikola Tesla fined $100 – Fails To Show Up for Jury Duty in General Session – Is Sorry Now” [New York Times, “Court Excuses Tesla,” October 16, 1902… This is one of many illustrations Margaret Cheney unintentionally provides of the methods by which the shadow ('hidden') state operates: as it is essential to the central strategy (accomplishing key objectives clandestinely…) of the post-French Revolution 'power'-guys… that there be no way for their criminal or amoral actions to be traced back to them… This act – causing Nikola public embarrassment may seem too petty on its face to be the business of global-state actors… but they have learned that such small cuts… continuous… multiplied… wear on peace of mind… once they knew – certainly by 1898 – with his public demonstrations of his ability to design and pilot unmanned boats… and then later launch “wireless torpedoes in the Sound, encircle a ship with them, and [then land] them on the beach…” (discussed in our last show…) if not earlier – Once they knew they wanted to absorb this man's creations and capabilities into themselves (which requires that he be 'disappeared' from history…) they would start… little-by-little… damaging Nikola's reputation and by this and other means robbing Nikola of his legacy… This caustic effect occurs on both ends: it both causes unease in Nikola… ultimately eroding his peace of mind – rendering him thereby easier to manipulate – and whittles slowly away at our awareness of his massiveness… making it easier for them to erase him from our memories. This was difficult as he was well-known and much admired by the people… globally… Recall how much he'd already given us: he brought electricity to cities all over the world with his AC-system of electrical distribution… and he'd given us his three-phase induction motor… which he invented specifically to lighten our load… free us of back-breaking manual labor… And when he gave us these things he was just getting started… Had he not been sabotaged his inventions would have allowed us to bring free water and electricity to wherever it was needed… i.e.… to live free of necessity… – P.S.] By spring (1903) Tesla's money problems had grown so severe… [So we see what J.P. Morgan did to Nikola was akin to a potential producer optioning a script in order to prevent anyone else from taking it… He gave him a 'disappearing loan' that kept Nikola's nose to the grindstone and laden with concerns… Follow the money… and notice who benefitted… who it is that is rewarded by 'History'… Who benefitted? Not us… Not Nikola… – P.S.]”




Continuing our reading of Margaret Cheney's Tesla: Man Out Of Time: “By spring (1903) Tesla's money problems had grown so severe that he was again compelled to return to New York to try to raise more funds. Even so, he did not entirely put aside his scientific preoccupations. In a note to Scherff, one of hundreds, he asked that there be sent to Professor Barker of the University of Pennsylvania “the photograph (Roentgen) of the bones of a hand… taken in Colorado… the tube was operated without wire by my system.…” [This is another of numerous illustrations of 'power's attempt to bury Nikola Tesla… described by Margaret Cheney earlier in the book:] “Pupin noted in his diary that American physicists had paid little attention to vacuum-tube discharges and that, to the best of his knowledge, he was the only American physicist with any experience. Hence when Roentgen's discovery had been announced, “I was, it seems, better prepared than anybody else in this country to repeat his experiments and succeeded, therefore, sooner than anybody else on this side of the Atlantic.' He claimed to have obtained the first X ray in the United States on January 2, 1896, two weeks after the discovery was announced by Roentgen in Germany. This was curious in view of Tesla's pioneer love affair with vacuum tubes, which he had demonstrated in his series of lectures in 1891, 1892, and 1893. Although Tesla always gave full priority to Roentgen, he had spoken then of both “visible and invisible” rays when demonstrating his molecular-bombardment lamp and other gaseous lamps, and he was using uranium glass and a variety of phosphorescent and fluorescent substances for detecting radiation.” [So… here's an actual 'fact'… we are informed by the dictionary in this computer… with the implied suggestion that we should commit it to memory for later regurgitation… when we do duty reinforcing 'power's conditioning of us: “The X-ray was invented by Roentgen…” – was it? The dictionary in the computer also tells us that the term 'Roentgen' “was first used in 1920…” and yet here we have Nikola Tesla using it in 1903… The totalitarian system of 'class' that we are all conditioned to see as “all there ever was and ever can be” requires for its existence the deconstruction of our humanity by re-making us in the image of the global-state-statesmen: into bullies – the premise of this system being “might makes right”… as Proudhon has been laboriously showing us… which means: “might makes its own history…” which is as far from truth as it is from justice… and from the triumph of love in our nature… The realization of truth… justice… and love… premised on freedom… on non-coercion… falls to us – it falls to us to straighten the crooked road… and close the Devil's Kitchen… 4Ever… – P.S.]




Lessons From Proudhon: Our Pierre – Joseph Proudhon Readings [We have been… with Proudhon… exploring the roots of 'power's 'bully-mindset'… in order to grasp how it is that they feel entitled to take by force what they did not make… offer pain rather than thanks for it… and… almost incomprehensibly hideous… can feel there's 'glory' in it… in being murderers… and torturers… and thieves… Continuing now with Proudhon's explanation of this… – P.S.]: “It is related of the great Pompey, that he blushed easily, and, nevertheless, these words once escaped his lips: “Why should I respect the laws, when I have arms in my hand?” This shows him to have been a man in whom the moral sense and ambition were struggling for the mastery, and who sought to justify his violence by the motto of the hero and the brigand. From the right of the strongest springs the exploitation of man by man [with Alice Miller's help we can now go deeper into causality… work loose more of this knotty chicken-and-egg problem – and I have to say about Alice what I heard someone say about Emily Dickinson… deservedly… that the only way to approach her is on our knees… Truly… ten thousand years of 'class' finally coming to an end… – the authentic explanation… the right story… the truth… which we need to free ourselves from the demon Fear… took ten thousand years to reach enough ears… and then tongues… to get our globe of Freedom rolling along… – once in possession of the true story of what happened to us… when souls were stolen… wills killed or suppressed – only when our difficulty was fully known was love empowered… given space and food to grow… and now our 'knowing' has taken global form… which Nikola Knew meant a New Dawn… a global band encircling 'power's hand… Now…at last… it can be restrained… and love unhindered can build on itself again…… – P.S.]”




But perhaps the answer also lies in the fact that 'power' is never… can never be… 'established'… because freedom… as Marcuse says… is a biological necessity… i.e.… what stands behind us is the power of Eternity… which for me is personalized by Prince… his daily reminder to me that we need to define for ourselves our place in Eternity: “Now what's beyond u and me… Depends my friends primarily… On how u view ur role in Eternity…” (“Muse To The Pharoah”) 'Making a living' instead of making ourselves means soul-death – Unacceptable… once we learn its worth: “Art official cage… Louder than a bomb since the day of my birth… Got me 2nd class when I got here 1st… Lovely score but how am I supposed 2 know what it's worth… Art official age in the future… Free the people, come on, let's go… Startin' from the top, gettin' higher so… Never goin' back underwater, no…” (“Art Official Cage”, Prince, from the CD Art Official Age, 2014) Our Prince of Love… our Dr. Feel-Love knows how to describe… express… the feeling of something… And being anesthetized by 'the system' feels like being 'underwater'… Yes it does… it's also the feeling that comes to us as infants when we're trying to process… that all 'the system' wants from us… is obedience…




Proudhon: “From the right of the strongest springs the exploitation of man by man, or bondage; usury, or the tribute levied upon the conquered by the conqueror; and the whole numerous family of taxes, duties, monarchical prerogatives, house-rents, farm-rents, etc.; in one word, – property. Force was followed by artifice, the second manifestation of justice, which was detested by the ancient heroes, who, not excelling in that direction, were heavy losers by it. Force was still employed, but mental force instead of physical. Skill in deceiving an enemy by treacherous propositions seemed deserving of reward; nevertheless, the strong always prided themselves upon their honesty. In those days, oaths were observed and promises kept according to the letter rather than the spirit… From artifice sprang the profits of manufactures, commerce, and banking, mercantile frauds, and pretensions which are honored with the beautiful names of talent and genius, but which ought to be regarded as the last degree of knavery and deception; and finally, all sorts of social inequalities… [With that word 'pretensions' I think Proudhon asks us to recall his earlier point (in the second section of the first part of Chapter V.… discussed in our June 19, 2016 show…) that: “The man who is superior in strength, skill, or courage, knows that he owes all that he is to society, without which he could not exist. He knows that, in treating him precisely as it does the lowest of its members, society discharges its whole duty towards him. But he does not underrate his faculties; he is no less conscious of his power and his greatness; and it is this voluntary reverence which he pays to humanity, this avowal that he is but an instrument of Nature, – who is alone worthy of glory and worship, – it is, I say, this simultaneous confession of the heart and the mind, this genuine adoration of the Great Being, that distinguishes and elevates man, and lifts him to a degree of social morality to which the beast is powerless to attain.” This point that Proudhon is making necessarily brings to mind those who model the greatness that we all possess… though it may lie latent within us… those who advance us to the realization of Love… the Great Being… all the prophets of 'class': Socrates… Jesus… Muhammad… Shakespeare… Martin Luther King… Alice Miller… Proudhon… Popper… Prince… and countless unknown others who preserve and model in their entire being the qualities that children need to see… as we advance to Freedom…




Proudhon: “The ignorance of councils and popes upon all questions of morality is equal to that of the market-place and the money-changers; and it is this utter ignorance of right, justice, and society, which is killing the Church, and discrediting its teachings for ever. The infidelity of the Roman church and other Christian churches is flagrant; all have disregarded the precept of Jesus; all have erred in moral and doctrinal points; all are guilty of teaching false and absurd dogmas, which lead straight to wickedness and murder. Let it ask pardon of God and men, – this church which called itself infallible, and which has grown so corrupt in morals; let its reformed sisters humble themselves,… and the people, undeceived, but still religious and merciful, will begin to think. [Proudhon appends a note here which reads: “'I preach the Gospel, I live by the Gospel,' said the Apostle; meaning thereby that he lived by his labor. The Catholic clergy prefer to live by property. The struggles in the communes of the middle ages between the priests and bishops and the large proprietors and seigneurs are famous. The papal excommunications fulminated in defence of ecclesiastical revenues are no less so. Even to-day, the official organs of the Gallican clergy still maintain that the pay received by the clergy is not a salary, but an indemnity for goods of which they were once proprietors, and which were taken from them in '89 by the Third Estate. The clergy prefer to live by the right of increase rather than by labor. (What if Proudhon's grasp of the true nature of 'the economy'… 'economic growth'… 'the accumulation of capital…' had not… as with Lycophron's discussion of the 'protectionist' role of the state… been suppressed… disappeared from our thought-process… would we not by now be in our reward of global unity?… our Freedom… our Triumph of Love… – P.S.)”




Proudhon: “One of the main causes of Ireland's poverty to-day is the immense revenues of the English clergy. So heretics and orthodox – Protestants and Papists – cannot reproach each other. All have strayed from the path of justice; all have disobeyed the eighth commandment of the Decalogue: 'Thou shalt not steal'… Hitherto the victories of justice over injustice, and of equality over inequality, have been won by instinct and the simple force of things; but the final triumph of our social nature will be due to our reason, or else we shall fall back into feudal chaos. Either this glorious height is reserved for our intelligence, or this miserable depth for our baseness.” [The challenge posed by Proudhon's warning has now come to us to answer… the truth of his analysis has been 'proved' with increasing force with each passing generation… and we are now at the juncture where we must honor (and meet in kind…) the greatness and sacrifice of our prophets… or fall into the baseness Proudhon is warning us of. 'Feudal chaos' is what they want… and their propaganda-pieces have been steadfastly attempting to move us to acceptance of what I'm sure they consider this 'inevitable' outcome… We've said often in this space that the 'power'-guys hide their true objectives – the installation of “might makes right”: an open… unapologetic… global totalitarianism… – behind the ideology 'the economy'… ('capitalism' being the most recent iteration…) pretend that the point of this ideology called 'the economy' isn't for them to 'achieve' 'recognition'… acknowledgement… 'win'… to 'prove' they are “masters of the universe” (“O no… can't be… too nutty…” you think… And as with all of their hidden acts… and particularly their most audacious… they leap to the offense… once we dimly perceive them… and with their words dripping with scorn… they scream via their propaganda-means… “Conspiracy theory!” (and now of course “Fake News!”…) we can ignore their noise once we see the structure of their propaganda-pieces… we'll try to illustrate with four or five that perpetuate their ideology of 'the economy in a moment… Let's keep in mind… as we explore how the ideology of 'the economy' is delivered propagandistically… Proudhon's point that the alternative to their intended 'feudal chaos' is… in essence… that we start to care about each other – “the triumph of our social nature”… and let's also keep in mind the question we posed to this; how can we develop our social nature when we don't own… cherish… treasure… covet… protect… our own bodies?… which is what Prince came to help us to see… (Our outro song from Prince: “The Flow” from his 1992 CD: Symbol…) – P.S.]




Prince Songs For Our February 12, 2017 Show:


[“03 Endorphinmachine.mp3”:]


“Endorphinmachine” by Prince: “Ow!… Come on!… Yeah!… C-c-c-c-c-come on!… Would U please look at this mother next 2 me… Frontin' more booty than Peru got keys… Damn, if I don't get that… Wait right there and I'll be right back… Got a new trick in the back of my car… It's kinda like a movie but U're the star… Lights, camera, make a scene… The Endorphinmachine… Go baby… The Endorphinmachine… Yeah, go baby (Go baby)… Tippy, tippy, tin my friend or shall we begin?… Step right up and I'll strap U in… Don't be shy, this won't hurt a bit… Unless of course U don't believe in it… As sure as the dippy dippy wave of my 'do… U'll believe in somethin' before this night is through… Press one 4 the money, press 2 4 the dream… And get ready 4 somethin' that U've never seen… The Endorphinmachine… Go baby… The Endorphinmachine… Go baby (Go baby)… Tommy Barbarella, turn it on… Uh huh, uh huh… Hold up, wait a minute… Ain't no good unless somebody else is in it… U there with the cynical disposition… Perhaps U'd like 2 join us in a mission… Of fishin' 4 logic in a think tank… Unless, of course, U're feelin' like a punk and take the bank… But every now and then there comes a time U must defend… Your right 2 die and live again, live again, live again… Get up, get up, get in… The Endorphinmachine… It's alright, baby (Go Baby)… Don't be shy (The Endorphinmachine)… Yeah, I ain't gonna hurt U… Go baby… Come on, come on (Endorphinmachine)… Well, I told ya (Go baby)… The Endorphinmachine… Go baby, go baby, go, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!… Don't make me!……” [Prince, “Endorphinmachine”, The Gold Experience, 1995]


[“07 When 2 R In Love.mp3”:]


“When 2 R In Love” by Prince: “So fair she looked tonight,… The brightest star appeals to your sex.… Before we do anything,… Let me just talk 2 U.… When 2 R in love… They whisper secrets… Only they 2 can hear… When 2 R in love… When 2 R in love (love)… Their stomachs will pound… Every time the other comes near… When 2 R in love… When 2 R in love… Falling leaves will appear 2 them… Like slow motion rain (slow motion, slow motion)… When 2 R in love… The speed of their hips… Can be faster than a runaway train… Drop, drop, drop, drop, water, water, water… Come bathe with me… Let's drown each other in each others emotions… Bathe with me… Let's cover each other with perfume and lotion… Bathe with me… Let me touch your body 'til your river's an ocean… Bathe with me… Let's kiss with one synonymous notion… That nothing's forbidden and nothing's taboo… When the 2 R in love… L.o.v.e. - l.o.v. - can U hear me?… When 2 R in love… Their bodies shiver at the mere contemplation… Of penetration (let alone the act)… Let alone the actual act… When 2 R in love… The thought of his tongue in the V of her love… In his mind, this thought it leads the pack… Come bathe with me… Let's drown each other in each others emotions… Bathe with me… Let's cover each other with perfume and lotion… Bathe with me… Let me touch your body 'til your river's an ocean… Bathe with me… Let's kiss with one synonymous notion… That nothing's forbidden and nothing's taboo… When the 2 R in love… (Love) in love - can U hear me?… (hold me)… (yeah)… (just like that)… (don't move)…” [Prince, “When 2 R In Love”, Lovesexy, 1988]


[“08 Mountains.mp3”:]


“Mountains” by Prince: “Once upon a time in a land called Fantasy… 17 mountains stood so high.… The sea surrounded them and together they would be… The only thing that ever made u cry… U said the devil told u that another mountain would appear… Everytime somebody broke your heart… He said the sea would 1 day overflow with all your tears,… And love will always leave u lonely… But I say it's only mountains and the sea… Love will conquer if u just believe (oh yeah)… It's only mountains and the sea… There's nothing greater, u and me… Once upon a time in a haystack of despair,… happiness sometimes hard 2 find. (yeah)… Africa divided, hijack in the air,… it's enough to make you want to lose your mind… But I say it's only mountains and the sea… Love will conquer if u just believe (Oh yeah)… It's only mountains and the sea… There's nothing greater, u and me…” [Prince, “Mountains”, Parade, 1986]


[“01 Rave Un2 The Joy Fantastic.mp3”:]


“Rave Un2 The Joy Fantastic” by Prince: “Rave un2 the joy fantastic – rave… Rave un2 the joy fantastic – rave… World full of lovers, city full of good times – rave… Don't go undercover, I can get U out of your mind – come on – rave… All you need is a good walk and a brand new position… Then we can spread the real soul, doin' it like a mission (rave) – rave… Oh, rave un2 the joy fantastic – rave… Everybody, rave un2 the joy fantastic – rave… Arrividerci cock poppy, that was hip yesterday – rave… New thing hitting where it feel good, what did U say? – rave… Tell me all… ain't that a bomb? Mack Daddy ain't got no gun - rave… Everybody got a new thing, new fun – scandalous – rave… Ooh, U've got 2 – rave un2 the joy fantastic – rave… Everybody, rave un2 the joy fantastic – rave ooh yeah oh… Come on, sugar… Rave… Take a look inside your mind… Sister got a sizzler on, (know she 2 hot) ooh – know she 2 hot (rave) – rave… Brutha playing an apache scarf… Gaultier - stop (oh-oh)… Ooh, if i had a dollar 4 every time they smiled… I'd sho nuff jump and holla… Cuz I'd sho nuff be rich a while - rave… Everybody rave… (Rave un2 the joy fantastic) - ooh rave [2x]… Ooh…” [Prince, “Rave Un2 The Joy Fantastic”, Rave Un2 The Joy Fantastic, 1999]


[“09 Jughead.mp3”:]


“Jughead” by Prince: “Keep it nice and quiet, keep it nice and quiet… What the hell was that?… (Hey y'all, I thought we bust this new hype before)… All across the land… (New dance commercial take 2)… Rio, Marbella - we gettin' stupid… Ha, Germany, Paris France - we gettin' stupid… Yeah, Stockholm Sweden, we love ya… Let me shed, it's easier said code red… Bust the new groove just hyped 4 the jughead… Bass thumpin' everybody's doin the bumpin'… Oops, I slipped on a move… I think it's time 2 bust somethin'… Sleazy, but cool and easy… ("Is this the right one?")… Yeah - this is 4 the hood… Better keep it greasy… Better yet on a smooth tip… I don't wanna sweat… I want my slimmie 2 get with this… Move your head and shoulders from side 2 side… Take your back foot, and then u let it slide… Yo, in a fade motion, lots of attitude, coast 2 coast… Then u're floatin' homeboys boastin'… U made his skeeze freeze… U've been chosen, P… Ladies and gentlemen, NPG introduces the… Jughead (Jughead)… Yeah, we gettin' funky in the house tonite… Kickin' the jughead (Doin' the jughead)… Come on, get stupid, get stupid… Kickin' the jughead (jughead)… Oh yeah, we gettin' funky in the house tonite… Kickin' the jughead, yeah (Doin' the jughead)… Wait a minute, what's he doin'? (get stupid, get stupid)… Well, Mack daddy in the house over there… What u doin' dawg?… ("Gettin' busy G, kickin' the jughead")… Yeah, baby's gettin' busy in my face… Cold housin' a future… Everything has been well placed… This daddy's 2 fly… He bust the jughead as he floats to the other side… U watch the rotation, there's a bit of hesitation… This is some new hype stuff u're facin'… U gotta come with a new git… The J-U-G-H-E-A-D, and I'm flowin' with it… U could say I'm on a roll… NPG and y'all, and we're gettin' bold, oh… Yes - bold steps must be taken… 2 bump a nation their scrutiny is what I'm facin'… As u pump the volume to what I'm sayin'… U'd catch me dead before you catch me… Doin' anything but the… Jughead (Jughead)… Yeah, we gettin' funky in the house tonite… Kickin' the jughead (Doin' the jughead)… Get stupid, get stupid… Kickin' the jughead (jughead)… Yo, yo, we gettin' funky in the house tonite… Kickin' the jughead, ha ha (Doin' the jughead)… (get stupid, get stupid)… Don't worry if you're lookin' silly… Look over here at me, workin' 4 Willie (check it out man, check it out)… Gettin' busy in the corner (Oh yes, is that Levi?!)… Holdin' my own - u think I'm posin'… I'm just frozen on an upbeat… Clockin' a freak in a low pro… U know - discreet… Baby was laughing… But before a "no" was even said… She's on the dance floor… Next beat kickin' the jughead (jughead)… Yeah - (get funky in the house tonight)… Get funky… Kickin' the jughead (Doin' the jughead)… (come on, come on)… Get stupid, get stupid… Kickin' the jughead (well, jughead)… What's up with that?… (Dis one's mine, T) (get funky in the house tonite)… Huh, I thought so, yeah (jughead)… (get stupid, get stupid)… Yo - Margaya (jughead)… Yeah - we gettin' funky (get funky in the house tonite)… Yeah - say Rio - yeah, (doin' the jughead)… What about New York? - yeah (get stupid, get stupid)… LA? - yeah (well, jughead)… Get funky - yeah (get funky in the house tonite)… Atlanta, G.A. - yeah (doin' the jughead)… We gettin' funky in the house tonight (get stupid, get stupid)… Yeah, homey, kick it just like that (go… yeah)… [X8] (jughead)… Boy, we gettin' international… In the house (gettin' funky in the house tonight)… That's right… We gettin' international… In the house… We want this one 2 go worldwide… Huh, that's right worldwide… Not state-side… Give it up… M… P… L… S… Who turn the mother out?… M… P… L… S… Who turn the mother out?… Oh yeah - That's what I'm sayin' (get funky)… That's what I'm sayin'… That's what I'm sayin'… Who turn the mother out?… (That's what I'm sayin')… Tony, you were excellent (That's what I'm sayin')… What you need is a manager (That's what I'm sayin')… For what?… I can make you… Money minders are like parasites… They pose as wheelers and… Dealers for your rights. And most… Companies say that you need em!… Not me… But I've kicked back, observed, and… I'm honest… Watched 'em bleed 'em… Artists young and old… I can bring you to the top! Where'd this unwritten law come from anyway?… That years after the contract you should… Still be gettin' paid? Boy, I go broke… And hit the skids before I take care of… A rich sucker's kids. Hell,… My contract… A contract ain't no pension plan,… My contract… Years after this my kids are still… Gonna make the grand.… Tony, you… And you laugh at my brother Little Richard… When he says you ain't gave him nothing.… Let's leave him out of this… Hell, that ain't no joke.… His songs are still sellin', that man… Could die broke. So fellow artists,… U need me... Push for yours, and watch for… Mr. Money Minder, as we settle the score.… Tony…” [Prince, “Jughead”, Diamonds And Pearls, 1991]


[“02 Ain't About 2 Stop.mp3”:]


“Ain't About 2 Stop” by Prince: “Closed over, dead done… New day is dawning… And the fun has just begun… On 2 da next… Generation X… Didn't leave me nothing and nobody 2 respect… Lookin' to b proud… Dirty projects hoping hunger in my stomach… Don't exceed my mom's checks… Eye come from north Minny… And Eye never run from any… And Eye ain't about 2 start right now… If ur life is the B-side… My dream is the A… Eye got a rockstar salad crusher can-o-trick-away… Eye come from north Minny… And I never run from many… And I ain't about 2 start right now… Lower class… In the da past… From da bottom up… We gettin' ruff and kickin' a%!… Never fail cuz… C these females still gotta… Lil bit-o-dirt underneath these hundred dollar nails… Latest fashion… Once Eye get da cash in… Nothing is 2 good for Rita… If she got da passion… (Chorus)…” [Prince, “Ain't About 2 Stop”, Hit N Run Phaze One, 2015]




Our February 5, 2017 Show:




It strikes me that our bringing back Immanuel Wallerstein's analysis from Does Capitalism Have A Future? in our last week's (January 29, 2017) show… his analysis of the post-WWII 'global consensus'… a 'consensus' of would-be gods on the division of the world – an 'agreement' essentially on the 'management' of us… between competing so-called 'superpowers'… i.e.… global-state-statesmen… it strikes me that it's quite likely that our hitting this note at this moment explains why yet again I'm having to address one of my pages not saving 'edits' (a recurring problem…) This suspicion was reinforced after I picked up that day's New York Times in which one of the articles contained this title: “American Allies Shift Focus to China…”: “We've always said that America is our best friend,” Jeroen Dijsselbloem, president of the Eurogroup – comprising finance ministers from countries sharing the euro currency – said in an interview with The New York Times on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, this month. “If that's no longer the case, if that's what we need to understand from Donald Trump, then of course Europe will look for new friends… China is a very strong candidate for that,” he added. On Wednesday, Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany spoke by telephone with Premier Li Keqiang of China. “The two spoke in favor of free trade and a stable world trade order…”




“The swift reassessment of trade relations – a realm in which Mr. Trump is directly threatening the order that has prevailed since the end of World War II – only amplifies the potential for a shake-up of the broader geopolitical framework… Mr. Trump has already criticized NATO as obsolete… He has provoked fears of a clash with China… In shutting American borders to people from predominantly Muslim countries, Mr.Trump risks inflaming tensions with Middle Eastern nations while widening a void with democratic allies over basic values… Given that nearly one-third of all American trade is conducted with China and Mexico, a rupture risks severe economic damage. The three countries are intertwined in the global supply chain. China makes components that go into auto parts manufactured in the United States. Those parts are delivered to factories in Mexico that produce finished vehicles sold to Americans. Calling such vehicles Mexican imports misses that much of the value is produced in the United States, employing American labor. “The idea of trade wars these days, what politicians have in mind is really a 19th-century or early twentieth-century conception of trade,” said Gianmarco J.P. Ottaviano, a trade economist at the London School of Economics. “You don't even know who you're going to hurt with these kind of things. You're probably going to destroy American jobs in the end.” Beyond the economic effects, Mr. Trump's refashioning of trade has already altered global alignments… In emphasizing “America First,” Mr. Trump has generated a widespread sense that the country is surrendering its global leadership position. Britain's abandonment of the European Union has enhanced the view that a period of international integration has devolved to a new era in which nationalist concerns are paramount… With both countries pursuing nationalist aspirations and multilateral institutions seemingly endangered, the world suddenly seems short of supervision. China is working to assume the mantle. President Xi Jinping of China last week used an address in Davos to submit his nation's bid as a reliable champion of expanded trade. Mr. Xi is an ironic choice as an icon for free trade. Yet Mr. Xi's speech was so successful that it won the embrace of business people and world leaders alike. At a lunch in Davos two days [later]… a Berlin-based private equity fund manager… predicted the dawning of a new era. “We heard a Chinese president becoming the leader of the free world,” he said.” [And wouldn't it be interesting… if we weren't too busy planning that One-Day Global General Strike… to do an authentic unpacking of that little scheme – the notion of Mr. Xi taking the lead to establish the 'new' 'New World Order' – I suspect that if we took the time and had a bit more info… what we would find behind that… mantle being placed on Xi Jinping: Big Fear of the Chinese People… – P.S.]




(If we had to hazard a guess as to what's behind this propaganda-bit – the 'elevation' to 'measured-statesmen-status' of a ruthless totalitarian – I would say: “massive fear of the Chinese people…” and justifiably so… they are so strong and have suffered so much… and been lied to so egregiously – the official ideology so at odds with the reality – but this is true of all of us… and once we understand this… we become determined to bring to fruition our global alternative that is honest and free of all coercion…)




If all this seems orchestrated: 'Trump the Global Fear-monger' 'scaring' 'allies'… scaring immigrants… scaring people of color… scaring women… etc. etc. – PEW regularly-spewed research on how 'divided' we are… 'the news' informing us of how authoritarian 'other states' are: feeding us images of bloody bodies stretched out on the ground… people living in fear of government attack… youth lined up concentration-camp-style that the Chinese state has labeled “Internet Addicted”… another with electrodes attached all over his head… LinkedIn blocked in Russia… a New York Times app blocked in China – all to remind us of 'how “free” we are here in the U.S.'… random state or political violence dominates our sense of 'other places' in the world… social media (we're told) is 'out of control'… there's no 'global consensus' anymore… no one 'in charge'… supposedly stimulating in us a longing for the 'good old days'… for 'American strength' establishing 'order' in the world… spinning our longing to be free as 'nativism' (Fascism…) – 'the people'… we're told… are all over the world drawing back to within their own nation-state borders and hunkering down to get through the hard times which (manufactured) resource-shortages demand… as the 'power'-guys try to scare us right back into boxes they've defined for us along 'economic'-survival lines… Never said… is that the world of Abundance that we make off-leash together dissolves all 'squabbling'…




(Another missing conversation on the 'Left'… the issue of 'scarcity… whereas… if we were to zero-in on just that question: “Is that true?… Is there 'scarcity?… “Why is there 'scarcity'?… given the vast now supply of self-sufficiency knowledges and tools built-up… Why is there such hardship in the world?” The least bit of investigation into the question reveals it's a lie… it's a scam… Why?… I guess it's because the global-statesmen want to control our hands and minds… Why? Well that was a puzzler… that was a head-scratcher… Thankfully the ancestors provided the answers… with Karl Popper… and Alice Miller… et al.… The folks who provide the answers to those questions are the ones we should have been discussing… from the moment we begin thinking about it as children… if there were any truth in the official state-ideology we're taught…) When we sense we're looking at orchestration… we should ask ourselves 'what is the likely goal?'… 'what are the objectives'… For instance… when we see a headline in the February 3, 2017 New York Times that reads: “Anarchists Vow to Halt Far Right's Rise, With Violence if Needed”… we know who's behind it… even if it includes agent-recruited duped adults and youth… In order to plan strategy effectively… doing the analysis is key: Prince did the analysis and was tortured and killed for the accuracy of it: for over thirty-five years he has consistently said: it's time to reclaim our bodies. This requires no force… no violence… it requires only putting our fingers to keypad and typing… and then showing up on the agreed-upon day… and partying… like we ain't gonna party again… meaning… like we want to finally live… and ain't willing to bend to the 'rulers' plans for us… to be dead – 'soul-dead' or body-dead… both are equally significant… You see there's this thing called “the slowdown of the global economy… and by 'power's lights… there are far too many of us… It is in the context of what we called on the website “Wallerstein's Heads Up!” that we can best make sense of the frenetically-paced orchestration we've been bludgeoned with since… what?… this most recent bout of 'hubris-driven-acting-out'?… 2008?… the Egyptian Revolution? :“The issue is not whether capitalism will continue to exist or not. It’s doomed. The issue is what will replace it. It’s no longer possible to have serious accumulation of capital because the costs are too high in terms of purchasing power… Capitalism as a system depends on lots of people working to produce surplus value that ends up in a few hands. This results in polarization. If thirty percent of Indians or the Chinese are middle class… a lot more money has to go into their hands. So the world level of profits declines with the growth of the middle class globally. And they consume an enormous amount of goods – Now there could be a substitution – Americans consume less as the Chinese consume more – but there’s resistance to that… One way is to reduce labor costs… bring in rural populations at lower wages, but we’re running out of them. Within the next twenty-five years they’ll be wiped out.!”




Wallerstein pulled our coat as to what was really happening behind the happy-talk given us by the official indoctrinators in 'economics'… that we are living in a moment when Erysichthon is chewing on his own flesh: “What was sustaining the accumulation of capital since the 1970s was the turning from seeking profits via productive efficiency to seeking profits via financial manipulations, more correctly called speculation. The key mechanism of speculation is encouraging consumption via indebtedness… What was different this time has been the scale and the ingenuity of the new financial instruments used to pursue speculative activity. The biggest A-phase expansion in the history of the capitalist world-economy has been followed by the biggest speculative mania…” .e.… that we are in the “End Game of 'Power's Quest for Supremacy”… and best believe… the 'power'-guys… with all their 'think-tanks' humming along inside and outside of Academe… have been planning for this moment for some time… and the Egyptian Revolution… with its concentring waves that gathered us all in – we the global-peoples – into its magnetic field… called the question for 'power'… and provoked in us a deep remembering: there is business we are here to finish…




Through the lens of 'world-system'-analysis… we can understand why the global-statesmen are responding so fiercely to the dramatic growth of our capacity – sparked by the Egyptian Revolution and its demonstration of the powerful new evolution-organizing tools now in our possession – our new capacity to 'see' the global-statesmen – and their growing vulnerability (with the collapse of 'capitalism') – globally… allows us to understand how (why) it is they would want more fluid and maneuverable means to respond to our rapid intellectual growth (as it is by controlling our thoughts that they control us…) as a result of the flowering of our global consciousness… Immanuel Wallerstein's analysis – 'world-system' theory – is important for reasons we've discussed before but which bear repeating in the somewhat different language we've been developing that incorporates what we've been learning from Prince… Proudhon… Popper… Bentham… Nikola Tesla… and Alice Miller: it busts our thought out of the Panopticon by allowing us to think from the vantage of the whole' – taking the 'long' (historical)… and 'wide' (global)… and 'deep' ('geopolitical') view of what we think of as 'capitalist'… and allows us to see ourselves placed within it as a necessary global actor confronting 'power'-guys who are very… and for some time… self-consciously global – allows us to recognize ourselves as a necessary counter to ruthless 'power'… And while the 'world-system'-lens is key… it's key for reasons not usually seen: it's key because 'class' is totalitarian… What is not thought-through in Wallerstein's analysis… with 'capitalism' shredded… and the stakes so high… what happens to the 'global-state'-guys so accustomed to hiding behind it? That the 'power'-guys have been obsessing on the question there is absolutely no doubt – and the answer we can now see clearly all around us – and while 'Trump-the-tool' was probably not originally in their scheme (Good Grief! have their fiction-writers [“think-tank analysts”] been laboring double-time to adapt their script…) they've been very 'inventive' with it. What they've given us is (we need a good metaphor… let's think of one…) we'll call “Bad Daddy / Good Daddy”: guess which one Trump is?… guess which one we're supposed to want?… at least long enough to get them through this 'rough-patch' (for them…) so they can 'automate-us' out of existence as self-determined-humans… But we need a metaphor that captures the element of provoking… pulling-out… and absorbing – of 'drawing-to-itself' – all of our ire… sort of like 'the police' are supposed to do… except… then… the device requires… a poof!-be-gone-ing'-act taking with it (for a time…) the ire… What do we call that? What we have to always remember about these 'power'-guys is that it is critical to their sense of themselves that they be perceived as 'saviors'… another debt of understanding we owe to Karl Popper and his explanation of yet another of their internalizations of Plato: that 'the rulers' must see themselves and be perceived as a 'superior master race'…




Another New York Times article (on February 1, 2017…) may help us better see the theatre-piece they're producing for us which we are calling “The Good Daddies”. It's titled: “Under Trump, U.S. Is Now a Threat To Europe's Stability, Leader Warns”… The article begins by helpfully highlighting the geopolitical set-design pieces that the global-state-statesmen have built and placed on the stage: “…major geopolitical challenges like Russian aggression, China's assertiveness and international terrorism… In a letter sent to European leaders, Donald Tusk, the council president, wrote that those factors and “worrying declarations by the new American administration all make our future highly unpredictable.” This stage was set before Trump was written into the script… the point of it (this staging) being what we began discussing last week: the need for the 'power'-guys to 'negotiate'… or 'come to agreement' on… or have us (in theory) co-sign onto… a 'new geopolitical consensus'… one that addressed (unspoken of course) the world of threat for them in this global event of we-the-people finally seeing them and recognizing the key elements of our resistance to global-totalitarianism: that unity is key… we have to work together globally – that those that use the 'master's methods are representing for the 'master'… those methods being: coercion and division… that centuries of class-conscious organization on their part has resulted in a breadth and depth of infiltration and surveillance we cannot see when 'the job' keeps our noses pressed to the 'to-do-sheet'…




Margaret Cheney's Tesla: Man Out Of Time: “Another well-known engineer, H. Otis Pond, who… helped build the laboratory… often accompanied Tesla on long walks. They were together on the day in December 1901 when Marconi sent the first transatlantic signal. “Looks like Marconi got the jump on you,” he said. “Marconi is a good fellow,” replied Tesla. “Let him continue. He is using seventeen of my patents.” Pond also recalled Tesla's worrying about the instruments of war that he had been inventing. He had just launched his model wireless torpedoes in the Sound, encircled a ship with them, and landed them on the beach. “Otis,” he said, “sometimes I feel that I have not the right to do these things.” [Now… of course… it is quite obvious that the global-(shadow)-state would be all over anyone who could – in 1898! – 'radio-control' ('remote control') boats and submersibles… as described in the following excerpt from chapter 12 (“Robots”): “Commander E.J. Quinby (USN Ret.) who, during World War II was in charge of electronic weapons research for the Navy at Key West, Florida, has written of visiting Tesla's historic exhibit when he was a child: 'I was there with my father, quite fascinated, but also quite unaware that I was witnessing the dawn of space navigation to be realized later, in the following century. Tesla was not using Morse code. He was not transmitting messages in any known language. Nevertheless, he was employing his own coded pulses via Hertzian waves to directly control this pioneer unmanned craft. He encoded the visitors' commands, and the vessel's receiver decoded them automatically into actuating operations. “The full potential of the invention was concealed, in part because Tesla hoped the Navy would seriously consider using it in the war. 'One of the features not revealed,' science writer Kenneth M. Swezey later disclosed, 'was a system to prevent interference by means of coordinated tuning devices responsive only to a combination of several radio waves of completely different frequencies.' What his patents included, but the Madison Square Garden viewers did not see, were specifications for a torpedo boat without crew, including a motor with a storage battery to drive the propeller, smaller motors and batteries to operate the steering gear, and still others to feed electric signal lights and to raise or lower the boat in the water. Six 14-foot torpedoes were to be placed vertically in two rows so that when one was discharged another would fall into place. Tesla had advised the Navy that he thought such a boat could be built for around $50,000. He claimed that a few such craft 'could attack and destroy a whole armada – destroy it utterly in an hour, and the enemy never have a sight of their antagonists or know what power destroyed them.'”




(When we hear that the Navy was “not interested” in what was just described of what Nikola offered to them… that tells us everything… Now… with our more advanced understanding of the secretiveness… duplicity… and sheer audacious amorality… of these 'power'-guys… we absolutely know they lied to Nikola about 'not being interested'… and have never stopped lying to and about him since… about what Nikola unfortunately gave to them… In the history of 'power' ['class'] never would 'power' be 'not interested' in supreme military advantage… and it is the fact that “no one would know” what had destroyed them… that grabbed them… It must have sent their imaginations soaring… they must have felts giddy with the possibilities of that… and I”m sitting here one of the results: people can't 'prove' they're being assaulted… So Nikola is this massive loose-end which they must know will strangle them…) Margaret Cheney: ““When word of this got out he received from Mark Twain, then in Austria, a letter in which the humorist wrote: 'Have you Austrian and English patents on that destructive terror which you have been inventing? and if so, won't you set a price upon them and concession me to sell them? I know Cabinet ministers of both countries – and of Germany too; likewise, William II. I shall be in Europe a year yet… Here in the hotel the other night when some interested men were discussing means to persuade the nations to join with the Czar and disarm, I advised them to seek something more… than disarmament by perishable paper… Invite the great inventors to contrive something against which fleets and armies would be helpless, and thus make war thenceforth impossible. I did not suspect that you were already attending to that, and getting ready to introduce into the earth permanent peace and disarmament in a practical and mandatory way.'” [This was Nikola's argument to the 'power'-guys – repeated over and over – as he tried… unsuccessfully… to avert two 'world wars'… heart and mind revolt at the thought: all the slaughter of the twentieth-century and beyond… completely unnecessary… The global-state-statesmen of Nikola's day and beyond had it within their power to end armed conflict permanently… and chose instead to instigate a blood-letting across Europe and beyond – an unleashing of their death-obsession on us on a scale never before seen… in order to bury the memory of Nikola Tesla and his 'particle-beam' (EMF-weapon…) – It is monopolizing the 'knowledge resources' – what is truly happening in our world presently captured by the 'power'-guys – that continues this foul 'arrangement' in which criminals in sunday-suits… those most-barren of soul-guidance… the hollowed-out-substance-less and heart-dead… determine the quality of our souls… our world… The continuance of life itself demands that we renounce the whole notion of 'leadership'… and put in its place: “fully-developing individuals associating freely to establish a world without coercion and without rank…” – P.S.] [Our outro song from Prince continues the theme of his internationalism… and what I think of as his 'strategic precocity': “Girls and Boys” from his 1986 CD: Parade.]




Prince Songs For Our February 5, 2017 Show:


[“04 Computer Blue.mp3”:]


“Computer Blue” by Prince: “Wendy?… Yes Lisa… Is the water warm enough?… Yes Lisa… Shall we begin?… Yes Lisa… Where is my love life?… Where can it be?… There must be something wrong with the machinery… Where is my love life?… Tell me, tell me… Where has it gone?… Somebody please please tell me what the hell is wrong… Until I find the righteous 1… Computer blue… Until I find the righteous 1… Computer blue…” [Prince, “Computer Blue”, Purple Rain, 1984]


[“01 Le Grind.mp3”:]


“Le Grind” by Prince: “So U found me… Good, I'm glad… This is Prince… The cool of cools… Some of U may not know this… But some of U may know… Some of U may not want 2 know… We r here 2 do service… Please don't try 2 stop us… 4 we come regardless… 4 we r strong as we r intelligent… So come vibe with us… Welcome to the Funk Bible… The new testament… People get ready, nouveau dance here… All the girls and all the boys,… Get close, have no fear, (have no fear)… We're gonna do le grind y'all… Got U where I want U… And girl it's going 2 feel so good, (feel so good)… Up and down, up and down, on the beat y'all… Like a pony would, pony would… Le Grind… All the boys, grab a girl, get down on the floor… This funky beat's gonna show u,… Gonna show u what your hips r made 4… Nouveau grind, come on (people)… People it's much 2 late,… It's much 2 late 2 be shy… London, what does Big Ben say?… (time 2 do the grind)… no hear U say (time 2 do the grind)… Le Grind… Baby, I gotcha where I wantcha,… Now I gotcha where I wantcha, wantcha… Ce soir, [la chantez], all night long (all night long)… Ce soir, [la chantez], all night long (all night long)… [French: "Tonight, sing it"]… Hey pretty mama, with the long hair… Is that your boyfriend?… Ha, I don't care… Cuz' I can do, said I can do… tricks he can never do… Get naked and we'll see the real u… Am I getting thru? (grind)… I gotcha where I wantcha (now)… baby, baby… piano man, put it where it feel good… Grind, grind, grind, grind… Le Grind, grind, Le Grind, grind… This party, this party is gonna last all night… When I give the cue scream, alright?… Party (party)… Party (party)… u say it, party (party)… Clap your hands double time… All the boys say "Yeah Yeah" (Yeah Yeah)… All the girls say "Oh Yeah" (Oh Yeah)… Now all u others say "Hell Yeah" (Hell Yeah)… Too sexy, Grind, Grind… (not yet Bonnie)… Grind, grind, grind, le grind… grind, grind, le grind, oh ya… People, get ready, nouveau dance here… Girls and boys, get close, have no fear… (Grind) Doin' the grind, doin' the grind, in here… (Put it where it feels good)… Hey yeah… I do believe that we've… truly touched on something… nouveau… (Ha ha ha ha ha)… (Ha ha ha ha ha)… Ooowww, c'mon, am I in the right place? (Ha ha ha ha ha)… (don't move) (Ha ha ha ha ha)… Ooh, R u sure baby? R u sure (Ha ha ha ha ha)… I'm in the right place? (Ha ha ha ha ha ha)… (Don't move, don't move)… (grind, grind)… c'mon (grind, grind, grind, grind, grind, grind)… Girl put it where it feel good… (grind, grind, grind)… not there, not there (grind, grind, grind, grind)… Put it where it feels good (grind, grind, grind, grind)… Slow down (grind)… Slammin'… Le Grind… Up and down, up and down, feels so good… Up and down, up and down, like a pony would… Up and down, up and down, feels so good… Up and down, up and down,… Like a pony would (Like a pony would)… Like a pony would (Like a pony would)… Like a pony would… Le Grind… Uh, slammin'… Grind, grind (serve it up, Frankie)… Slammin'… Put it where it feel good… Grind… People (get ready, people, noveau dance here)… (People, get ready, doin' the grind)… (up in here, up in here)… People, get ready (grind, grind)… ((Frankie, how do u know…))… Le Grind, grind… Grind…” [Prince, “Le Grind”, Black Album, 1994]


[“03 AintTurninRound.mp3”:]


“AintTurninRound” by Prince with 3rdEyeGirl: “Born on the isle of pain… It's easy to find others to blame… We used to be gagged and bound… And we ain't, no we ain't turnin' round… To get to the promised land… You got to go back to understand… Everything comes from sound… All vibrating under the crown… And we ain't, no, we ain't turnin' round… Ran out of patience yesterday for them with no helpin' hands… We came from a people who built everything and farmed the land… Let's stop looking for a reason to die and just sound the alarm… Maybe the hand you're looking for is at the end of your arms… End of your arms, end of your arms…” [Prince with 3rdEyeGirl, “AintTurninRound”, PlectrumElectrum, 2014]


[“07 Animal Kingdom.mp3”:]


“Animal Kingdom” by Prince: “I saw a friend of mine 2day… In an ad sayin' what would do my body good… I told him he was wasting time I say… If God wanted milk in me… The breast I suck would have a line around the hood… No member of the animal kingdom nurses past maturity… No member of the animal kingdom ever did a thing 2 me… It's why I don't eat red meat or white fish… Don't give me no blue cheese… We're all members of the animal kingdom… Leave your brothers and sisters in the sea… Animal, animal kingdom [x2]… Who told us we should eat the swine?… U can bet your final money it damn sure wasn't no friend of mine… What about the clams on the shore?… Souls in progress, here come the fisherman - soul no more… No member of the animal kingdom nurses past maturity… (Nurses past, oh yeah)… No member of the animal kingdom ever did a thing 2 me… (Ever did a damn thing)… So I don't eat no red meat or white fish… Or funky, funky blue cheese… We're all members of the animal kingdom… Leave your brothers and sisters in the sea… Animal, animal kingdom [x3]…” [Prince, “Animal Kingdom”, The Truth, 1998]


[“08 What It Feels Like.mp3”:]


“What It Feels Like” by Prince: “Been a couple hundred hours since he got Ur call… U use 2 treat me like David, but now I feel like Saul… Been making it rain all around the world… What difference does it make when the boy ain't got his girl?… This is what it feels like [x2]… This is what it feels like, babe [x2]… This is what it feels like [x2]… This is what it feels like, babe… Ur name's not David and it sure ain't Saul… Maybe U have no business writing on my wall… Springtime on the Philistines b4 the middle of the fall (Middle of the fall)… Silly rabbit needs 2 stop doin' tricks if U wanna get my call… (If U wanna get my call)… This is what it feels like [x2]… (This is what it feels like, babe)… This is what it feels like, baby… This is what it feels like [x2]… This is what it feels like, babe [x2]… Everybody goes up and down in a lifetime love affair… Makin' up, just to break it up and pullin' each other's hair… What I wouldn't give 2 have U right here next 2 me… Show U want I really feel aboutcha, one kiss and U will see… This is what it feels like… This is what it feels like, babe [x2]… This is what it feels like [x2]… Yeah… This is what it feels like, babe [x2]… The art of seduction, U and me is the right equation… And all U need 2 reach my lovin' is by [?] and a [?]… I can't wait 2 be Ur baby… baby, here I am… just take me… This is what it feels like… This is what it feels like, baby… This is what it feels like [x2]… This is what it feels like, babe [x2]… This is what it feels like… This is what it feels like, babe… This is what it feels like… This is what it feels like, babe… This is what it feels like… This is what it feels like, babe [x2]…” [Prince, “What It Feels Like”, Art Official Age, 2014]


[“11 FunkNRoll.mp3”:]


“FunkNRoll” by Prince: “Finally beloved we meet at last… Middle of the here, nevermind the past… Only way to get to where you never been… Is to party like you ain't gonna party again… [Chorus:]… Let's funk, let's roll… Get it turned up, get it out of control… Get into the rhythm it's good for the soul… Let's funk, let's roll… Get it turned up, get it out of control… Come on everybody, let's funknroll… Whether you are coming by bus or train… Shade throwers hating cuz they're going insane… I'm talkin' 'bout the million dollar party to their nickel and dime… Another mother further you're committing no crime… [Chorus]… Only way to last 'til the break of dawn… Is put your phone down now and get your party on… Who you gonna call when it's obvious dear?… Everyone you know is rocking up in here, so let's funk… I don't really care what y'all be doin'… (I don't really care what y'all be doin'…)” [Prince, “FunkNRoll”, Art Official Age, 2014]




Our January 29, 2017 Show:




“Every day since the election, I have felt like I'm living in the Twilight Zone, that I'm watching some weird show that is part fiction, part reality TV…” – i.e.… it feels like she's watching theatre… which is the truth… we are being given fiction equipped with multiple supporting fictional strands attached (this mess – and I'm speaking of the global mess the 'power'-guys keep delivering to us – is so not-what-we-want… but are we asking ourselves what we do want?… because these global-'brigands' are rushing to renegotiate their post-WWII 'global consensus'… and before continuing I'd like to encourage us to recall (and listen again to) the following words from the first chapter of Does Capitalism Have A Future? (that we read together in our May 4th and 18th, 2014 shows…) in the context of the question “how do we begin the necessary process of taking charge of our own lives? – which means wresting them from the frozen grip of the global-state-statesmen… the people Immanuel Wallerstein refers to as the 'World Right: “In my view, for a historical system to be considered a capitalist system, the dominant or deciding characteristic must be the persistent search for the endless accumulation of capital [having it put so clearly unintentionally exposes the ideological nature of 'capitalism'… as well as its underlying root of coercion (“you will be compelled to obey…”) and its function as shield… as the obvious role of brute force in sustaining it is ignored or kept hidden… for instance… all of Nikola's stolen inventions have been turned into corporations… and we trained to thank them for them…] – the accumulation of capital in order to accumulate more capital. And for this characteristic to prevail, there must be mechanisms that penalize any actors who seek to operate on the basis of other values or other objectives, such that these nonconforming actors are sooner or later eliminated from the scene…” [Now… as we and the earth (and we are earth…) are the source of everything… and… as we're tired of bowing down to would-be 'kings'… and to forge our global-unity to figure out what to do about it… we need 'global-unity-forging' tools… which Nikola et al. thoughtfully provided to us… so we support with our substance these tools – should one of them fall into the hands of someone who also wants global-unity… does 'power' have means within its 'economic' scheme for 'removing' this 'nonconforming actor' from the scene?… Say 'power' whittles away at his fortune but the people globally keep restoring it… what does 'power' do to get rid of him?… In 1900 or so they stole another one of Nikola's inventions to solve this 'dilemma' for them: the EMF-weapon… so we must face reality: 1 plus 1 plus 1 Is 3…]




“A de facto division of the globe into two spheres of influence…” Immanuel Wallerstein: “The United States emerged from what we refer to as the Second World War endowed with incredible economic strength… The one sphere in which the United States did not have an excessive advantage was the military sphere… As a result, if the United States were going to play the role of hegemonic power, it would have to come to some kind of terms with the Soviet Union and neutralize its military strength. This was particularly true since internal political pressure in the United States led to a relatively rapid demobilization of its land forces worldwide. It is my contention that what ensued was a tacit “deal” between the United States and the Soviet Union, to which we have given the metaphorical name of Yalta. It seems to me that this deal had three components. The first was a de facto division of the globe into two spheres of influence, more or less along the lines of the location of the armed forces of each of the two countries at the end of the war. There was a Soviet bloc, which would come to be defined as running from the Oder-Neisse line in central Europe to the 38th Parallel in Korea (and including mainland China, after the definitive defeat of the Kuomintang by the Chinese Communist Party forces in 1949). What the United States and the Soviet Union in effect agreed to observe was the primary (virtually exclusive) right of each to decide matters within its sphere. A crucial element of this de facto agreement was there would be no attempt to change these boundaries by military (or even political) means. After 1949, this accord was reinforced by the concept of “mutually assured destruction” based on the fact that both sides had sufficient nuclear strength to respond to any attack and destroy the other.” [And we are arguing that the development of nuclear weapons was to primarily serve a profoundly propagandistic purpose… which is also obviously political: to guarantee a permanent state of fear in the people… and that what really reinforced the accord was the secret of the theft and use of Nikola Tesla's invention: the EMF-weapon (once they'd ironed out their little difficulties… as evidenced by the 'Russian'-blasting of the US embassy in Moscow in 1960 with electromagnetic force waves– see our August 14, 2016 show which has this quote from Leuren Moret's document…




Immanuel Wallerstein: “The second part of the tacit agreement was the de facto economic disjuncture of the two zones. The United States would offer no assistance in the reconstruction of the Soviet bloc. Its aid would be limited to its zone – the Marshall Plan in western Europe, comparable aid to Japan and later to South Korea and Taiwan in east Asia. U.S. aid to its allies was not simply altruistic philanthropy. It needed customers for its flourishing industries, and reconstructing the economy of these allies made them good customers, as well as faithful political satellites. The Soviet Union in turn developed its own regional economic structures, ones that reinforced the autarkic character of the Soviet zone… The third part of the “deal” was to deny that there was any deal. Each side proclaimed very loudly in its particular language that it was in a total ideological struggle with the other. We came to call this the “Cold War.” Note however that it was and remained to the end a “cold” war. The purpose of the very loud rhetoric was not in reality to transform the other… Each sought rather to oblige its satellites (euphemistically called allies) to toe a very strict political line, as dictated by the two superpowers. Neither side would ever support in any meaningful sense rebellious forces within the other camp, since this might lead to the undoing of the primary agreement of a military status quo between the two superpowers. [I.e.… their 'rule' over us: “There must be no divisions within the master class…” said Plato… – P.S.] Once the military status quo was achieved, the United States could proceed to realize its overall political and cultural dominance […during the show his use of the word 'cultural' brought up questions for me… as I see a frozen global 'class'-system as the antithesis of 'culture'… – P.S.] This arrangement worked very well in the beginning. And then the self-liquidating character of a geopolitical quasi-monopoly began to take its toll. [The phrase 'the self-liquidating character of a geopolitical quasi-monopoly' I suggested was an unhelpful abstraction disguising the continuous striving of we-the-people for our authentic freedom… – P.S.]”




In the current circumstances – in the new geopolitical scene… in which 'the people' globally are rejecting all forms of captivity… in which Syrians… Gambians… Russians… the English… the Chinese… Bangladeshis… and Argentines – none of us… want keepers… are no longer willing to accept keepers… …obviously the post-WWII 'global consensus'… that 'glory-time' for the U.S. global-statesmen and those who serve them…in which the U.S.-zone of the globe rode rough-shod over the world is long-gone… but the 'power'-obsessed can't think outside-of-their-compulsion and so decide they must make more… zones… to re-capture us with… and bust up our building global-awareness…) but the point of the article is not commiseration… but rather to deepen still further our sense of disorientation… to sow confusion in us by encouraging us to doubt what we know… and feel… while reassuring the global-statesmen and those who consciously serve them – who surely see… that the mental-captivity of we-the-people is slipping… and increasingly so – to reassure that .0001 percent… so wedded to their dominance… that our backs are still bent to the yoke (quote from Wang): “They will eventually comply with this one-child policy. The first time will be the most difficult, just as when you put a yoke on an ox's back for the first time, it will resist and struggle. But once the yoke is accepted by the ox, you can tighten it repeatedly, even to the point of choking it to death. Peasants are like oxen, once they accept something as inevitable, you can continue to tighten the screw.…” (I hope it's clear that this is not just how 'power' views the Chinese people but how 'power' views all of us – from Plato's day on… and obviously even before Plato… but Plato gave them their playbook on how to keep us as they see us: beasts burden…)




(Several of our upcoming shows will focus on 'the economy' – to help us 'see reality'… and be better prepared for the challenge that confronts us… of creating our own 'global consensus'… and to not get suckered… when they come at us with offers of a 'guaranteed minimum income'… or tantalizing hints of the chance to build 'new nations'… always… of course… under their 'leadership' [eventually into High-Tech Auschwitz (never said…)]) The conclusion the article reaches – after bringing in other voices to dominate over Marcy's… The lie they hope to lead us to is that Trump represents a movement of 'radical disruption' that wants to “return to a surer, stronger past to which Mr. Trump's red baseball caps have alluded.” Never mind that this is the nation that elected its first Black president eight years ago and re-elected him four years later… we're supposed to believe that we are now a nation longing for “a surer, stronger past…” – this is obvious b.s. cooked up in right-wing think-tanks: this describes how they think… not how we think… We are witnessing an attempt to re-erect their crumbling 'Panopticon'… with malevolent-tales they hope will “reclaim our eyes…” which have been wandering for some time… The manufactured “fake news' campaign… though primarily created to eliminate social media as a tool for us to use for the global organization of our freedom… is also an attempt to prevent our discussing what's really 'fake'… the Big Fake… the Big Scheme to turn human beings… into machines – i.e.… millennia-long slavery. The truth is: we're not supposed to be slaves. 'Class' is one massive 'crooked road' that we got to straighten out. We're in the midst of the greatest true adventure of all time… as Prince said (in the last song of his [so far] last CD [Hit n Run Phaze Two] – “Big City” : “Power to the ones aware… there's nothing bigger than this!” – in this adventure we-the-people have been handed some powerful weapons with which to fight for our freedom: two powerful Seers… Nikola Tesla… and Prince… and the magical tools they have created for us. It's time for the ones aware to get this party on… for all the rest…




…a tilt-a-whirl built by Fascists: and so designed to throw as many off as fast as possible… But we know… because we've been thinking it through… that those 'dizzy'… 'sick'… 'nauseous'… 'uncertain'… and 'unhappy'… feelings… that all the lies crafted for us to imbibe cause – and we feel the duplicity no matter the patter on the radio (or on the 'whatever'.…) – that these sick feelings are what those who want to preserve their 'management' of us want us to have… that this state of things is what the global-statesmen want to be… so that their hands are left free to dispose of us as they please… “Grant I may never prove so fond, [foolish] To trust ‘power’ on its own bond; Or a dog that seems a-sleeping; Or a keeper with my freedom…” (Shakespeare) And that line from Ousmane Sembene's novel Gods Bits of Wood keeps recurring to me now: “Real misfortune is not just a matter of being hungry and thirsty, it is a matter of knowing that there are people who want you to be hungry and thirsty – and that is the way it is with us. We've discussed often in these shows how it is we know that the divisions and miseries around us are systematically sown… we've discussed this citing the technologies described by Kropotkin (in agriculture… ) Michael Reynolds (with the Earthship… We spent some time on 'the Earthship' in Waking Up: Freeing Ourselves From Work [the book]… as well as on the Nascence website. After I got back from Taos, New Mexico… following an unsuccessful attempt to meet with Michael Reynolds… I drafted some memos and presented them to the Homeless Commission of the City of Berkeley [these memos are posted somewhere on the Nascence website] – feeding and sheltering ourselves isn't hard… because with our own hands we could make homes more beautiful than what they got up in the hills – and sleep in our 'bedroom vehicle' while we're constructing them. But 'power' doesn't want us to build for ourselves that which is more beautiful… because the key issue for 'power' is 'class'… maintaining stratification… maintaining hierarchy – and for us to have the power within our hands to make beauty… grow our own food – “O no no no…” they think… they don't what that… then the whole game is up. But it is within our power now and we must take that time… that One-Day Global General Strike… to discuss that truth: that there is no need for us to continue to bow down to these folks… no mo'…




We've discussed often in these shows how it is we know that the divisions and miseries around us are systematically sown… we've discussed this citing the technologies described by Kropotkin (in agriculture… ) Michael Reynolds (with the Earthship…) David Blume (decentralized fuel production which he describes in his book Alcohol Can Be A Gas!…) to name but a tiny portion of the now-available resources that will ensure the necessary material basis (for preserving authentic freedom…) of individual self-sufficiency… even before we were led back to Nikola Tesla on his birthday (July 10, 2016 was the date of this show…) and came to see the full implication of all of his astonishing collection of inventions… used now to harm us… but intended to free us… of the sick folk who suppressed them… So that line from Ousmane Sembene will unfortunately only be behind us when we become certain that we deserve our freedom… Prince learned this early… the hard way… the bought-sense of Shakespeare's bitter truth that we must never allow anyone to be 'in charge' of us… which is why he can help us… why he is so needed… Prince has been honing his native gift as a strategist now his entire adult life – over thirty-five years – because for over thirty-five years this sad… mistaken… collection of 'power'-mad global statesmen have been identifying and eliminating and torturing – with Nikola Tesla's EMF-weapon invention – those they tell themselves are “enemies of the state”… or 'inconvenient'… or simply… 'sadly'… 'redundant'… (I'm convinced the arts world has been particularly targeted because of the models it offers of honoring one's spontaneous feelings and gifts – and in particular of honoring the love… the empathy… the common blood that flows in all of us… across the false divisions… We discussed last week – in our excursion into ancient Athens and the sad place called 'Plato's Mind'… which designed a rewrite of… not just an 'honorable' man… Socrates… but one of those rare-jewels we absolutely needed… to get free… because he possessed and modeled certainty… so we could see it… and think about it… and one day be it… be all we need to get free… be that 'free' unbent 'self'… be… our inherent freedom… So Socrates was 're-written'… and 'power' – they who see us as beasts to bend to the yoke – watch for others who possess this gift… in order to bury them… i.e.… bury our hope… all chance of living authentic lives… We cannot afford to stand aside this time… and watch them do this… to Prince… This ain't about being 'self'-less… it's about being all-life-saving-selfish (which… if we recall… our Popper told us… is a very good thing to be: to be powerful 'individually' means to be powerful for 'you and me'… It could not be more urgent that we rediscover the value… the preciousness… of our our original gifts of freedom (“lovely score but how am I supposed to know what it's worth?” asks Prince in “Art Official Cage”… an important question… We can only do this globally… our fates are necessarily intermeshed… we must help each other… And as Prince has also said (in “Act Of God” – I paraphrase): “It'll be all over when we – all of us globally – own the fact that 'the Eternal' is singular… and we all come from it… from that source… and work together to demand to be how it made us: free…”




This Plan Of Rule – from Plato's Day on – to 'train' us to obey… requires us to be kept off-balance… not knowing what's true and what isn't. This is the defining quality of this 'end-time' for the 'class'-system… which is why Prince's song: “Art Official Cage” is the most relevant and evolutionary (radical) song of the post-French Revolution period of the 'class'-system – its appearance heralding this system's conclusion… While Proudhon is absolutely correct that the 'class' -system – which is but institutionalized relations of access to resources made artificially scarce (and the key resource 'rulers' must monopolize is the truth: knowledge) – or 'property'… is premised on theft and despotism… perhaps even more fundamentally it is premised on lies… So when Hitler acknowledged the secret thrill of Fascists that only they know what is really going on in the world… he is pointing out a quality of 'rulers' in general… for millennia… it is only the scope of what is considered 'the world' that has changed… This is why Alice Miller could call the households Nazi officials grew up in as prototypes of the totalitarian state… but the world is now indisputably 'class'-defined and totalitarian – via the global economic and political mechanisms established with the centralized state structures of the post-French Revolution centuries: 'class' is now expressed in every global institution… thereby simultaneously however… then… objectively uniting us globally. It is this structural unification of we-the-people which allows for our achieving our freedom… as Nikola saw… and explains the fanaticism with which the 'power'-guys are panting to divide us… in every way they can think of… While thinking about and discussing our alternative global arrangements for interlinking ourselves – based in individual material self-sufficiency – must be our priority… we must also be able to better advocate for our Brothers and Sisters globally and locally… and intercede in the propagandistic conditioning being disseminated so fast today… And in this regard… I hope you will agree that we cannot leave the framing of 'Trump' – how we understand 'Trump' – to the very people who created him. At the very least we can refer to him as “the 'Trump-tool' of 'power'”…




Margaret Cheney's Tesla: Man Out Of Time: “He soon had cause for bitterness. As the year 1901 drew to a close the world press blazoned the news that Marconi, on December 12, had signaled the letter “S” across the Atlantic Ocean from Cornwall to Newfoundland. What astonished Morgan and many others was that he had done it without anything like the great plant that Tesla was building… They doubtless… [Now… of course… that we have more knowledge about the global scheming of the 'power'-guys… how they have been busily creating the hidden shadow-state through the crafting of layers upon layers of double-dealing 'fake'… it's obvious that Margaret needed an underground vault full of 'doubts'… needed a whole new lens… to see the backhand dealing of the global shadow-statesmen… – P.S.] They doubtless did not know that Marconi had utilized [violated] Tesla's fundamental radio patent No. 645,576 filed in 1897 and issued March 20, 1900. Small wonder that Tesla began to refer bitterly to the “Borgia-Medici methods” [Got it in 'one' Nikola… – P.S.] the “Borgia-Medici methods” by which he was being deprived of credit and fortune.… He worried constantly about security. As the “wonder tower” lifted its airy spars ever higher, Tesla drove himself and a large staff without mercy. He sent money to Germany for radio engineer Fritz Lowenstein's return, and the latter soon joined the Wardenclyffe team. Another well-known engineer, H. Otis Pond, who had worked for Edison, helped build the laboratory. Years later Pond was to say [in the Seattle Sunday Times of July, 1972] that he disagreed with history's assessment of the two inventors. Edison was “the greatest experimenter and researcher this country has produced – but I wouldn't rate him as much of an originator,” he said. Tesla, however, he considered “the greatest inventive genius of all time.” [And yet we know almost nothing about him – school-children are yet taught that “Marconi invented the radio” despite Nikola taking his case to correct this lie to the Supreme Court… and winning… This obvious suppression tells us all we need to know to 'prove' that we live in a global totalitarian system. I'm curious what children in other nations are taught about Nikola Tesla… what do their schoolbooks say?… – P.S.]”




Prince Songs For Our January 29, 2017 Show:


[“18 The Sacrifice Of Victor.mp3”:]


“The Sacrifice Of Victor” by Prince: “What is sacrifice?… (We s… we s… we s… we sacrifice)… NPG in mass attack, Sonny, please.… (we sacrifice)… Church if u will, please turn 2 the book of Victor (We s, We s)… We like 2 start at the top if u don't mind… (we sacrifice)… (Don't say it, preacher)… I was born on a blood stained table… Cord wrapped around my neck… Epilectic 'til the age of 7… I was sure heaven marked the deck… (we sacrifice)… I know joy lives 'round the corner… (Joy for sale down on the corner) (we sacrifice)… One day I'll visit her I'm gonna… (Out on my block I'm just a loner} (we sacrifice)… When she tell me everything (tell me)… That's when the angels sing (sacrifice)… That's when the victory is sho 'nuff (sho 'nuff down with the sacrifice)… (we sacrifice)… (help me)… (Don't say it, preacher)… Mama held up her baby 4 protection… From a man with a strap in his hand… Ask the Victor 'bout pain and rejection… U think he don't when he do understand… (we sacrifice)… I know joy lives 'round the corner… (Joy for sale down on the corner) (we sacrifice)… One day I'll visit her I'm gonna… (Out on my block I'm just a loner) (we sacrifice)… When she tell me everything (tell me)… That's when the angels sing (sacrifice)… That's when the victory is sho 'nuff (sho 'nuff down with the sacrifice)… (we sacrifice)… (help me)… (S.A.C.R.I.F.I.C.E)… (we-we-we sacrifice)… (Don't say it preacher)… (sac-sacrifice)… (we-we-we sacrifice)… (we-we-we sacrifice)… (sacrifice… if u turn the page)… (Don't say it, preacher)… 1967 in a bus marked public schools… Rode me and a group of unsuspecting political tools… Our parents wondered what it was like 2 have another color near… So they put their babies together 2 eliminate the fear… We sacrifice yes we did… Fighting one another, (we sacrifice) (don't say it preacher)… All because of color… The angel of hate - she taught me how 2 kick her… If she called me anything but Victor (u mean like nigger?)… If the only thing that tells is father time… Then sacrifice is a mutha sublime - we love it… Listen mutha - we sacrifice… (don't… don't… don't say it preacher)… (we sacrifice)… (Well, well, well, well)… (What is sacrifice?)… Hold yo' text, deacon… Never understood my old friends are laughing… They got high when everything else got wrong (pass the booze up here)… Dr. King was killed and the streets… They started burnin'… When the smoke was cleared, their high was gone… Education got important, so important 2 Victor… A little more important than ripple and weed… Bernadette's a lady, and she told me (what she say?)… "Whatever u do son, a little discipline is what u need,… Is what u need, u need to sacrifice"… (we sacrifice)… I know joy lives 'round the corner… (Joy for sale down on the corner) (we sacrifice)… One day I'll visit her I'm gonna… (Out on my block I'm just a loner) (we sacrifice)… When she tell me everything (tell me)… That's when the angels sing (sacrifice)… That's when the victory is sho 'nuff (sho 'nuff down with the sacrifice)… (we sacrifice)… (what is sacrifice?)… (we sacrifice)… (S.A.C.R.I.F.I.C.E)… (we sacrifice) (joy around the corner)… Hey Wendy, how come we… (we sacrifice)… 'scuse me y'all (we sacrifice)… We don't don't mean 2 take up yo time (joy around the corner)… But we got something… Heavy on our minds (we sacrifice)… Yes, we do (we sacrifice)… Sometimes, u gotta leave the one u love… Somebody, anybody, everybody wave your hand… Around every corner, there's another sacrifice (joy around the corner)… But u got 2 do the best u can y'all (we sacrifice)… Say u got 2 go through it (go through it)… U got 2 go through it y'all (go through it)… High glory, yeah… Sell it, don't tell it, don't tell me myself (joy around the corner)… sacrifice at my feet… Lord I might get tired,… But I, I've got 2 keep on (we sacrifice)… Walkin' down this road, (we sacrifice)… Keep on walkin' down this road (joy around the corner)… When I reach my destination (we sacrifice)… My name will be Victor… Amen” [Prince, “The Sacrifice Of Victor”, Symbol, 1992]


[“04 Still Would Stand All Time.mp3”:]


“Still Would Stand All Time” by Prince: “It's just around the corner, it's just around the block… this love that I've been waiting for, a Love solid as rock… A Love that reaffirms that we R not alone… A Love so bright inside U it glows… and night and day would run together, and all things would b fine… still would stand all hate around us… still would stand all time… still would stand all time… it's not a thousand years away, it's not that far my brother… when men will fight injustice instead of one another… its not that far if we all say yes and only try… then Heaven on Earth we will find… (all time)… (still, still would stand all time)… no one man will be ruler, therefore love must rule us all… dishonesty, anger, fear, jealousy and greed will fall… Love can save us all… Oh, love, Love, oh Love if U would just please give us a sign… Still would stand all time… Heaven, heaven on Earth we all want 2 find (we all want 2 find it)… Still (still) would stand all time… we R not alone people (we're not alone)… tell me can U see the light (can ya see the light)… if U just open your eyes (still would stand all time)… so much U will know, so much U will show… Love, Love, its not that far away if we all say yes and give it a try… (Got ta give it…a try…yes!) still would stand all time (I say still)… (so many times) so may times, i thought i could not make it… (still would stand all time)… life was closing in I just knew, I just knew I couldn't take it… that's when Love opened it's arms, and if U dont go in child… Still would stand all time (still would stand all time)… U better run to the light, leave your past behind… all things will be fine… Still would stand all time…” [Prince, “Still Would Stand All Time”, Graffiti Bridge, 1990]


[“10 Now.mp3”:]


“Now” by Prince: “Now!… (Freaks on the floor) [repeats in BG during chorus)… 1 2, 1 2… Light up another one dude… Now! (1 2 3 4, come on, come on, freaks on the floor)… (Go go yeah) (Now) (Go go yeah)… Now! (1 2 3 4, come on, come on, freaks on the floor)… (Go go yeah) (Now) (Go go yeah)… 1 2, 1 2, '94… I'm on the set, freaks on the floor… Don't worry about my name, it's 2 long 2 remember… I could tell U now but we'd be here 'til next September… 3, it be like that, see?… This ain't about the trippers trippin' like they know they be… This ain't about this, that, what, where, or how… This about the freaks doing everything they wanna do now!… Now! (1 2 3 4, come on, come on, freaks on the floor)… (Go go yeah) (Now) (Go go yeah)… Now! (1 2 3 4, come on, come on, freaks on the floor)… (Go go yeah) (Now) (Go go yeah)… Now! (1 2 3 4, come on, come on, freaks on the floor)… (Go go yeah) (Now) (Go go yeah)… Now! (1 2 3 4, come on, come on, freaks on the floor)… (Go go yeah) (Now) (Go go yeah)… What U wantin' 2 say? (Get funky)… What U wanna play? (Get funky)… 3 4, 3 4, 99… She the new hero cuz she's so divine… Unaffected by the system, she'd rather die… Than write a rap 4 some big booty heifer gettin' by… On that booty, instead of doin' duty… Aspire 2 be higher, I admire so I fire… Cuz it's flyer 2 be hungry than phat… Take it from this sista, y'all take it from that… It's flyer 2 be hungry than phat… The ride up front is better when U've been in the back… That's a fact… This ain't about this y'all, it ain't about that… This ain't about the booty movin' pumpin' the max… This ain't about this, that, what, where, or how… This about the freaks doing everything they wanna do now!… Now! (1 2 3 4, come on, come on, freaks on the floor)… (Go go yeah) (Now) (Go go yeah)… Now! (1 2 3 4, come on, come on, freaks on the floor)… (Go go yeah) (Now) (Go go yeah)… Now! (1 2 3 4, come on, come on, freaks on the floor)… (Go go yeah) (Now) (Go go yeah)… Now! (1 2 3 4, come on, come on, freaks on the floor)… (Go go yeah) (Now) (Go go yeah)… What U gonna say? (Get funky)… Now U wanna play? (Get funky)… 40, 45, snake's alive… Say one thing, do another, it's time… We chill on that… Nah, I don't need a gat… I'd rather see yourself checkin' ass up 2 bat 4 another swing… Anybody can sing… There's more 2 genius than the word my sister anything I would bring… Or would U rather dine alone?… If U change your mind, U can reach me on your video phone… It's a dime, as in dollars and that's my 2 bloody cents… This ain't about this, that, what, where, or how… This about the freaks doing everything they wanna do now!… Now! (1 2 3 4, come on, come on, freaks on the floor)… (Go go yeah) (Now) (Go go yeah)… Now! (1 2 3 4, come on, come on, freaks on the floor)… (Go go yeah) (Now) (Go go yeah)… Now! (1 2 3 4, come on, come on, freaks on the floor)… (Go go yeah) (Now) (Go go yeah)… Now! (1 2 3 4, come on, come on, freaks on the floor)… (Go go yeah) (Now) (Go go yeah)… What U come 2 say? (Get funky [x2])… Come on, now how U wanna play? (Get funky [x2])… Band!… (Now)… 67, 67… Freaks dance like they in heaven… DJ don't stop the music, DJ don't stop the music… Fill us with de dope track, lick us, twist us, roll us in your mouth… Light us up and take a hit, light us up and take a hit… Mmm, suck us 'til we're dry… And when we're lookin' like a roach, hit the lights… Before U say goodnight though… Let's make a toast yo… This ain't about this, that, what, where, or how… This about the freaks doing everything they wanna do now!… Now! [x7]… Now! (1 2 3 4, come on, come on, freaks on the floor)… (Go go yeah) (Now) (Go go yeah)… Now! (1 2 3 4, come on, come on, freaks on the floor)… (Go go yeah) (Now) (Go go yeah)… (Get funky [x4])… (Freaks on the floor) (Now) [x3]… (Get funky) [x3]… (Now)… Now!…” [Prince, “Now”, The Gold Experience, 1995]




Our January 8, 2017 Show:




It's hard for me to look sometimes… at what I shouldn't call… but do… 'the minions'… To not see that look I will take some time… I will drop my eyes… to not see that look on their faces… though Alice explained it… that look so pleased… to be of service… that look so self-satisfied… or absent… because we are made to serve a Bigger Thing… I don't want to see… that they've exchanged the grim paternal visage… for Eternity… One of the key reasons I wrote Waking Up: Freeing Ourselves From Work… The work of our time is for all of us to begin to distinguish ourselves from 'the system,' so we can begin to be people again…” (I was referring to the Mayans I quoted at the beginning of chapter II [“The Two Winds:] who said they were people… not 'workers'… I didn't know about Karl Popper. Once I'd read The Open Society The work of our time is for all of us to begin to distinguish ourselves from 'the system,' so we can begin to be people again…” (I was referring to the Mayans I quoted at the beginning of chapter II [“The Two Winds:] who said they were people… not 'workers'…and Its Enemies: the Spell of Plato I had a more powerful term – more powerful because it captured more explanation… even more truth… in it: The Tribe of Plato. In a conversation my son and I had this morning we were thinking about the implications of a condition of chronic fear being imposed on us by a Tiny Few damaged folk – the global-state statesmen: they manufacture insecurity as the broad… general… inescapable… condition for our lives… and treat us as experimental subjects in a vast social experiment… establish variables within it… and then watch us to study our reactions to what they do. Because we are 'figuring-out-beings-par-excellence' (we're problem-solvers… we're not meant to be stuck ad infinitum in a problem – as Prince says in Gold: “There's an ocean of despair… There are people livin' there… They're unhappy each and every day… But hell is not fashion so what you tryin' 2 say?…” – Truly. What are these people who set this mess up trying to say? Prince's work is packed with so much thought that needs to be discussed… that will help us disconnect from their repetition compulsion…) Because we are 'figuring-out-beings-par-excellence'… what has been key to their domination has been 'keeping us busy'… keeping us jumping so fast that we don't have time (our own lives) to think.… Whatever other factors may have been involved in this story… one thing I think is clear: that baby had no fear. But what when the threat is not known?… when something is behaving un-naturally?… as… for the infant… with a parent that is indifferent to its distress… and in fact causes it… or forces the baby to disown its own feelings… The state – and now it is a global-state… a global-system-of-'class'… – wants us to have fear as infants… so that we will eventually have fear of it… It's what they trade in… it's their currency: “Here… take the fear… or I'm gonna worry about you…” (to paraphrase that line in the film Bound that I like so much… and use so often…) It is this unwanted… imposed… load of fear that explains why it takes so long for us to find our true voices… speak in an authentic tongue… We're taught the language of fear as infants… taught to wait for permission… to listen for the voice of Authority to tell us what exists… what's 'legitimate'… Training in obedience as infants literally seizes (freezes… paralyzes…) our bodies. Prince is the 'body-worker' we've been waiting for…




Margaret Cheney's Tesla: Man Out Of Time: “Tesla, believing that Marconi had infringed his patents, wanted to sue him.… Of all the people who had read Tesla's article in Century magazine and been impressed by the boldness of his vision, one fitted the inventor's requirements perfectly: J. Pierpont Morgan. The two met for a talk about the world system. Tesla instinctively was less forthcoming than he had been with Westinghouse: no need to distract the financier with too much technical information. Instead, he dilated on themes of money and power. He described to Morgan the plan for all wavelength channels to be broadcast from a single station. Thus the financier would have a complete monopoly of radio broadcasting. Where others in the field were thinking only in limited terms of point-to-point transmissions, as in ship-to-shore and transoceanic wireless, Tesla was talking about broadcasting to the entire world. Morgan was interested.… He made no mention to Morgan of the wireless transmission of power, not because he had given up the idea, but for the prudent reason that it would have made some of the banker's existing investments obsolete.” The way Nikola Tesla is received in a system premised on controlling (commanding) human energy… i.e.… in a system in which human energy is not free… should be sufficient… once we discuss it… to 'prove'… that the evolution of humanity itself depends on our 'loving ourselves' – putting ourselves first… refusing to put ourselves on the market… and being willing to work to achieve the needed intermediary steps: the Global General Strike… and our global discussions… To set these discussions up for success… we must prepare ourselves for 'power's preemptive strike on ideas it's threatened by… So how do our 'system-dissolving' ideas not get absorbed before they have a chance to do their work?… and what makes them 'system-dissolving'?




Herbert Marcuse: “To the degree to which organized labor operates in defense of the status quo, and to the degree to which the share of labor in the material process of production declines, intellectual skills and capabilities become social and political factors. Today, the organized refusal to cooperate of the scientists, mathematicians, technicians, industrial psychologists and public opinion pollsters may well accomplish what a strike, even a large-scale strike…” [Marcuse was writing in the 1960s… two decades before our Good Three's careful analysis which faced the reality of a global system of 'power'… as well as the new circumstance of instantaneous global communication – all to say Prince is dead on it:…“next time we march All is what we're marching for…” said Prince… striking for All is a different animal than all heretofore known 'strikes'… – P.S.] “…in the administered society, the biological necessity does not immediately issue in action; organization demands counter-organization. Today the fight for life, the fight for Eros, is the political fight…” and our Good Three's (Terence K. Hopkins… Giovanni Arrighi… and Immanuel Wallerstein) analysis in Antisystemic Movements lend support to Marcuse's conclusion that unity is key across the false divisions of 'class' – it tells us that a global movement to establish global Freedom must by-pass the interstate system… We have the benefit of their insight and analysis… what more then is needed? For one thing: knowledge of Nikola Tesla and discussion of the implications of the theft of his inventions and discoveries – his inventions and discoveries that have to do with electromagnetic force (EMF) – for our ability to mobilize on a global scale… The fear of the global-state-statesmen… that the story of how they suppressed and used the EMF inventions of Nikola Tesla… their fear that this hidden history will be broadly exposed and discussed is for multiple reasons… it shows the utter contempt with which it treats our most creative (and of course all of us… all life…) 'proving' that 'power' sees our creative gifts as its to dispose of as it wishes… that by its calculus… we exist but to be put to use by 'it'… to serve its (not global humanity's…) narrow self-interest… its 'power'-lust ambition… and that for us to have any chance at all of using our gifts to the full we must insist on the end of 'power'… the end of coercion… discuss where it exists… picture our future without it… and push for it hard until we own it… all… all of our suppressed gifts from the earth and the ancestors and each other… But not least of the reasons they fear this exposure is that it puts us all globally on the same side… across all the false divisions… In particular the global-'power'-guys fear that those who possess the needed technology for us to get free… literally almost over-night… will re-conceive their allegiance… re-orient their moral compass to the magnetic pull of Love… and help sweep… as fast as we can all make it happen… the ignoble purposes of the global-state into the dust-bin of our story as humans bent on freedom and unification… globally…




This fear of the global-statesmen has been telegraphed repeatedly… in the months before and after their installation of Trump (who it seems they may soon excusing from the classroom…) in its preferred print-propaganda-placement device… The New York Times… a good example appeared just yesterday… “a new era in the tech business… a new superclass of American corporate might ('Devil, devil what u know?… U been here since 1914, but now u got 2 go… U been hidin' behind corporate eyes… Devil, u got 2 go…') In the United States, Europe, Asia and South America, the Five find themselves increasingly arrayed against legal and regulatory powers, and often even against popular will…” [And here we have the secondary purpose of the piece (after the establishment of 'the state' as 'hero'): to try to create what they claim already exists: antipathy in 'the people' toward those who own the technology we need to get free – they will beat this poor horse all the way home… As if this process has not been driven by the global-state-statesmen and their obsession with Total Surveillance… to see the real source of the disruption of our lives… see the burying of Nikola Tesla… see 40 million dead in Europe alone due to World War II because of it… as well as the manipulation of the weather by pumping metal particulates into the atmosphere… see the silent slaughter also with EMF using Nikola's stolen weapon… see our living in hardship… fear… and insecurity… see the 'power'-guys… see the global-state-statesmen…]




Propaganda tells us what exists over and above our own experience… which… in my case… working in the trades… is that… when we have direct experience of each other all the lies we've been told about 'the other' fade – “Every time I watch the other people news… I c a false picture of myself, another one of u…” (“The Work Pt. 1”, The Rainbow Children) – and as Prince also said… the state sows divisions between us – and I've learned quite deliberately… with agents – in order to stay in charge of us (and in “Million $ Show” [from Hit n Run Phaze One (2015)… one of the Prince songs posted for this show…] Prince reminds us… for when we're rockin' in our freedom with his music… that it is the haters (the 'power'-guys and their 'paid-to-undermine-guys'…) who will be doing the complaining – there are strategic implications to this which I hope will be discussed. To see 'power' and 'power's minions… look who's sowing divisions… or telling us ad infinitum how wide 'the divide' is growing between you and I: between 'we-the-people' and the Tech-folks… between 'we-the-people' and the police… between 'we-the-people' and the 'One-Percent-ers'… or that 'the corporations' or 'the politicians' are to blame… sitting in their corporate board rooms or isolated nooks… they 'just don't get' how hard it is for we 'common folk'… trying to pay the rent with rising food prices… and then… within the 'we-the-people' sub-groups the state places us in: between the 'racial boxes'… between 'skilled' and 'unskilled'… gay and straight… women and men… But who is it who wants to stop us from coming together globally and self-developing our gifts? – that's the question to ask. Nikola wanted unity and freedom for all of us… Nikola wanted global unity… and a few of those 'tech titans' do too… So we need to expose the hidden hand that smashed Nikola Tesla… stole his inventions… and uses them to sit atop all of us: corporate titans not on the 'in'… 'stars' of stage and screen… 'celebrities' who know about this weapon… have seen friends be made ill and drop… or just drop… but are controlled by the need to protect the ones they love… We are a 'problem-solving species'… let's 'problem-solve' this…




But also critically needed is our: understanding of the hidden abusiveness of the 'class'-system… an understanding provided by Alice Miller and Prince… in their emphasis on the importance of resurrecting suppressed spontaneous feelings… a suppression which led to the arrest of thought (and I hope it's clear that when we're talking about the resurrection of spontaneous feelings we're talking about reclaiming the body… because it's hard to love what ain't yours… when you reclaim your own body… you don't want it used by anyone but yourself… and you see that getting our freedom is something that we can only do together…) a suppression which led to the arrest of thought: we start repeating what we're told… regurgitating the given thoughts of the state… and in so doing we lose our earth-given-gift of empathy – that is to say… the pressing need for us to be “made whole in Love…”: “God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him. Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment [when 'power' tests us… – P.S.] He that feareth is not made perfect in love. We love him, because he first loved us. If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen? And this commandment have we from him, That he who loveth God love his brother also.” (John 1, 4: 16 – 21) Prince's mission is Alice's mission: to get us 'un-stuck'… thaw our frozen feelings… get us out of our 'heads' – i.e.… 'power's conditioned mindset (which inspires suppressed rage and instills paralyzing fear…) Thanks to Alice we can see the cringing child beneath the dress of Authority (the totalitarian parent…) the Fascists who stand behind the goal of 'Perfect Reason'… …but what stands behind us… and our goal of perfect love in perfect freedom… that will help provide to us… the needed confidence? Their EMF-assault tactic is 'designed' to do many things: to murder in the guise of 'disease'… to punish and 'correct' 'disobedience'… to impose physical and psychic isolation… but a key potential effect that I believe is intended is to make the victim more like the assailant… i.e.… bitter… heartless… to cause the target to no longer believe in love… They were never able to achieve this with Prince… Over and over despite his own torture he wrote: “Wherever U go, whatever U do… Ooh please, remember that I'll always be there 4 U… U don't have 2 call, U don't have 2 say… Just think about me and I'll be on my way…” This man is so interesting because he arrived with the most important mission in history… It's so humbling to discover this man… humbling… humiliating… embarrassing… and… angering… This is the man they want to literally turn into a cartoon character… this man so formidable who is for us to hold onto – we 'strays of the world' who are here to end this foul 'system' of 'class' – for us… in our darkest moments… to know we're not alone: this man they are trying to utterly diminish and rob us of…




[Proudhon is identifying… itemizing… all the ways a system of 'class' commits robbery. Point being… as our bodies tell us daily… a 'class'-system is premised on theft… which means it's destined for death. It's time for us to take our bodies back. What we have to have to do this… is certainty… 'certainty' that we must have the full width and breadth of our gifts… back… in our sole possession… – P.S.]: “We rob, – (thirteen). By farm-rent, house-rent, and leases of all kinds… We rob, – (fourteen). By commerce, when the profit of the merchant exceeds his legitimate salary… We rob, – (fifteen). By making profit on our product, by accepting sinecures, [“positions requiring little or no work but giving the holder status or financial benefit…”] and by exacting exorbitant wages… The farmer, who sells a certain amount of corn to the consumer, and who during the measurement thrusts his hand into the bushel and takes out a handful of grains, robs; the professor, whose lectures are paid for by the State, and who through the intervention of a bookseller sells them to the public a second time, robs; the sinecurist, who receives an enormous product in exchange for his vanity, robs; the functionary, the laborer, whatever he may be, who produces only one and gets paid four, one hundred, or one thousand, robs; the publisher of this book, and I, its author, – we rob, by charging for it twice as much as it is worth…” The farmer, who sells a certain amount of corn to the consumer, and who during the measurement thrusts his hand into the bushel and takes out a handful of grains, robs; the professor, whose lectures are paid for by the State, and who through the intervention of a bookseller sells them to the public a second time, robs; the sinecurist, who receives an enormous product in exchange for his vanity, robs; the functionary, the laborer, whatever he may be, who produces only one and gets paid four, one hundred, or one thousand, robs; the publisher of this book, and I, its author, – we rob, by charging for it twice as much as it is worth. [I.e… as many have said since… if not half so eloquently… “we didn't make this mess… OK?…” – P.S.]




“In recapitulation: – Justice, after passing through the state of negative communism, called by the ancient poets the age of gold, commences as the right of the strongest. In a society which is trying to organize itself, inequality of faculties calls up the idea of merit; equite suggests the plan of proportioning not only esteem, but also material comforts, to personal merit; and since the highest and almost the only merit then recognized is physical strength, the strongest [i.e.… based on the given premise… – P.S.], and consequently the best [ditto], is entitled to the largest share; and if it is refused him, he very naturally takes it by force. From this to the assumption of the right of property in all things, it is but one step… [So – Proudhon has done it… explained to us how it is that the Plato's Tribesmen… the global-state statesmen… can so stretch their imaginations as to think that in robbery… murder… torture… genocide… there exists 'glory'… or anything but bottomless soullessness… – P.S.] Such was justice in the heroic age, preserved, at least by tradition, among the Greeks and Romans down to the last days of their republics. Plato, in the “Gorgias,” introduces a character named Callicles, who spiritedly defends the right of the strongest, which Socrates, the advocate of equality, seriously refutes.” [Popper discusses this question within the context of what he terms “the protectionist view of the state”… which Popper saw as a goal to steadily work towards… but is a notion that Kropotkin and Proudhon have handily debunked… and which Nikola Tesla's gifts have rendered moot – along with all the subsequent technology invented that is useful for establishing the individual self-sufficiency of each as the basis of our global society – this being the political implication of one of Prince's conclusions at the end of The Rainbow Children: that we must… once healed from the brutalization of 'class'… turn to… attend to… be led by… the kingdom deep within… an 'order' that comes from tuning our various instruments to the key of love… this… Prince believed in… the power of love always guiding us… as that inner voice we're made too busy to hear… but it cannot guide unless each individual is free. I am so angry at all the lies they're hoping to sink Prince in… bombard him with as they bombarded him with EMF. Establishing his truth – the truth – means winning our freedom… I believe this… but I also want it established in and of itself: what they did to him. I want to see the record set straight… 4Ever… Prince's song “4Ever” from his CD Lotusflow3r (2009) is our outro song…




Prince Songs For Our January 8, 2017 Show:


[“18 Gold.mp3”:]


“Gold” by Prince: “There's a mountain & it's mighty high… You cannot see the top unless you fly… And there's a molehill of proven ground… There ain't no where 2 go if you hang around… Everybody wants 2 sell what's already been sold… Everybody wants 2 tell what's already been told… What's the use of money if you ain't gonna break the mold?… Even at the center of fire there is cold… All that glitters ain't gold… All that glitters ain't gold, mmm… There's an ocean of despair… There are people livin' there… They're unhappy each and every day… But hell is not fashion so what you tryin' 2 say?… Everybody wants 2 sell what's already been sold… Everybody wants 2 tell what's already been told… What's the use of money if you ain't gonna break the mold?… Even at the center of fire there is cold… All that glitters ain't gold, no no… All that glitters ain't gold, no no… There's a lady, 99 years old… If she led a good life, heaven takes her soul… Now that's a theory and if you don't wanna know… Step aside and make a way 4 those who want 2 go… Everybody wants 2 sell what's already been sold (Sold)… Everybody wants 2 tell what's already been told (Told)… What's the use of bein' young if you ain't gonna get old? (Old)… Even at the center of fire there is cold (Cold)… All that glitters (glitters) ain't gold, no no no no no… All that glitters ain't gold… Alright… All that glitters, all that glitters, all that glitters… ain't gold… Na na na na na na na (Gold [x4])… Na na na na na na na (Gold [x4])… Gold, gold, gold… All that glitters ain't gold, gold, gold… All that glitters ain't gold, gold, gold (Na na na na na na na)… [repeat]… You are now an official member of the New Power Generation… Welcome 2 The Dawn… All that glitters ain't gold (Gold) [repeat & loop]…” [Prince, “Gold”, The Gold Experience, 1995]


[“01 The Truth.mp3”:]


“The Truth” by Prince: “What if half the things ever said… Turned out 2 be a lie… How will U know the Truth?… If U were given all the answers… And U stopped 2 wonder why… But how will U know the Truth?… Everybody's got a right to love… Everybody's got a right to lie… But the choice U make ain't no piece of cake… It ain't no MF piece of pie… [clock ticks]… What If time's only reason?… Was to give us all somethin' 2 fear?… And if so y'all, the end of the journey's so clear… Questionaire, What did U stand 4?… Questionaire, Who did U save?… When it gets right down to-wait a minute… When it gets right down to the nitty of the gritty… When it gets right down to it did U take more than U gave… Everybody got a right to love… Everybody got a right to lie… But the choice U make aint no piece of cake… It ain't no MFMF [O(+> screams the following] piece of pie… [computer blips]… Mmmm oh… Gotta (Gonna?) tell the truth y'all… Gotta tell the truth… Gotta tell the truth y'all… Gotta tell the truth… Gotta tell the truth y'all… Gotta tell the truth… If there was just one day… That everybody tell the truth… We'd all trade bank accounts & move back to Neptune…” [Prince, “The Truth”, The Truth, 1998]


[“14 The One.mp3”:]


“The One” by Prince: “Mr. Mike Phillips. Just for me… the sexy people just… snap your fingers… oo… if you're looking for a man who'll walk away from responsibility… I ain't the one… if you're looking for a brother that'll treat you like anything but a natural queen… I ain't the one… if you're looking for a man that'll sweep you off your tired… weary feet… take you anywhere you want to go baby… buy you anything you want to eat… make love to you child… each and every day of the week… look no further… I am the one… O yes… O yes… O yes… Somebody clap your hands tonight… Let me talk… Listen… If you're looking for a man… take his money and keep it all to himself… I ain't the one… No… If you're looking for a man who will have twenty women and confuse it with his wealth… I ain't the one… O no… If you're looking for a man… Who'll share with the mirror… buy you half the town… treat your every little step baby… like you were walking on holy ground… Look no further… Yeah… Yeah… I am the one… Mr. Maceo Parker show your love to London… Yeah… Respect… Ladies and Gentlemen… Renato Neto…” [Prince, “The One”, Indigo Nights, 2007]


[“08 Ol' Skool Company.mp3”:]


“Ol' Skool Company” by Prince: “Oo… this is my song… [Chorus]… Every once in awhile… U need some ol' skool company… Somebody that appreciates a sexy groove… And a old school melody… When god his son and the love of family… Ruled in the community… The songs you sing… Lift you up 2 heaven… A heaven we can believe in… Everybody's talkin' about hard times… Like it just started yesterday… People eye know they've been strugglin'… At least it seems that way… Fat cats on wall street… They got a bailout… While somebody else got 2 wait… 700 billion but my old neighborhood… Ain't nothing changed but the date… [Chorus]… Ain't nothing ever come from complaining… Xcept a bitter heart, that's true… Follow along and you gon wanna do… Something b4 the next chorus is thru… The songs we sing… They used 2 mean somethin… Now every other one is just mean… Rather than reminisce eye'm telling you this… It's time 4 a brand new scene… [Chorus]… Everybody's sinkin' in the quicksand… Created by the keeper of time… Cast aside by using ancient tricks… That changes ur state of mind… They got you catering the whims of the flesh… B4 you get ur paper right… Call me old fashioned… But back in the day… There wasn't no shorties in sight… 1st come job then come marriage b4 shorty… Come out with the baby carriage call me… Old fashioned just clap yo hands just clap yo hands… Radio used 2 b local untouched by the man… Songs we used 2 sing used 2 mean something… Now they just bland like the drummer… Where's the real drummer? michael b.… Mint condition, morris day… Jellybean wishin' sheila e and brother john, sometimes me… 'til dawn… If the white house is black… We gotta take the radio back… Power 2 the people… Power 2 the people… Put this thing on repeat go back 2 one… And just move ur feet tell ur friends prince and… The mplsound we can't be beat…” [Prince, “Ol' Skool Company”, Mplsound, 2009]


[“09 Like A Mack.mp3”:]


“Like A Mack” by Prince: “That’s why I never let a man pick out my clothes… [Prince:]… Roll up in the town early afternoon (hey hey hey)… Looking for the pimp dress make you swoon (hey hey hey)… Found a little number and a fancy brassiere (hey hey hey)… Lookin' like a mack all up in here (lookin' like a mack all up in here)… [Chorus -Prince:]… sho black posse and the girls are hot… Pick one come and show me what you got… Everything or nothing if you want a lot of what's cookin'… She's lookin', lookin', lookin', lookin', lookin' like a mack, like a mack… [Curly Fryz:]… Whatcha lookin' at me? Oh!… Stead of lookin' like who? Whoa!… Drop it down then I pick it up slow… We run the town, city, states and the globe… Tryin' holla, I’m like, “What? No!”… Plus he lookin' like eww, gross!… I’m on the wave can you keep up with my flow… My music bang, you can feel it in your soul… And I rolled up in the town early afternoon… On the block lookin' hot like it's early June… At the top shinin' bright something like the moon… Can you picture us with my lyrics bumpin' my cartoons… With my ace cuz we're queens so we never get carded… Kill the scene then we leave call it “dearly departed”… Tryin' to dip but we can't cuz we came bombarded… You already know we coming the hardest… [Chorus - Curly Fryz:]… Cam light flashing and my click is hot… Pick one come and show me what you got… Everything or nothing if you want a lot of what's cookin… Cuz she lookin', lookin', lookin', lookin', lookin', ow… [Prince:] Look at little Willy walking down this way… Only bring a blonde on a good day… Not another autograph, cue the DJ… Everybody dance when I say… Pro black fashion and the girls are hot… Dancin' with each other cuz the boys are not… Tryin' to trade numbers for the drinks they bought… But, whatcha supposed to think in a club full of thots… [Chorus - Prince:]… Pro black fashion and the girls are hot… Pick one, come and show me what you got… Everything or nothing if you wanna lot of what's cookin'… Cuz she lookin', lookin', lookin', lookin', lookin', like a mack… [Curly Fryz:]… Here’s my crew dressed in all black like we mobbin'… Pockets got the mumps so you know we never starvin'… Noddin' and bobbin' our heads to the beat… You see how we rockin' shows, go and get up out your seats… Life is like a movie when we step up on the stage… I got fifty different styles that I got up on display… We gon' make the party jump so you know we're here to stay… Stackin' paper up while y'all on the same page, come on… [Chorus - Curly Fryz:]… Cam light flashin’ ‘and my click is hot (hey)… Pick one come and show me what you got (come on)… Everything or nothing if you wanna lot of what’s cookin’… Cuz she lookin’, lookin’, lookin’, lookin’, lookin’, ow… [Prince:]… Tryin' to trade numbers for the drinks they bought (hey hey hey)… Drinks they bought, dri-drinks they bought (hey hey hey)… whatcha tryin' to think in a club full of thots… Hey hey hey, hey hey hey… Club full of thots… club full of thots… Club… Hey hey hey, hey hey hey… She's lookin', lookin', lookin', lookin', lookin', lookin', like a mack… Lookin', lookin', lookin', lookin', lookin'…” [Prince, “Like A Mack”, Hit n Run Phaze One, 2015]


[“07 Million $ Show.mp3”:]


“Million $ Show” by Prince: “Don't worry, I won't hurt you, I only want you to have some… Dearly Beloved… we are gathered here today to get through this thing called… 'Show'… [Chorus:]… Welcome To the Mill… Million $ Show… This is something that you never seen before… Welcome To the Mill… Million $ Show… This the kinda music make you lose control… [x2]… If you're ready come on let's go… You heard the news on the internet… About the tickets you got to get… Your favorite band comin' to your town… What was lost but now is found… Tell serena first come first serve… What we mean is who got the nerve… Standing outside people singing in line… Nothin's out the question when you outta your mind… [Chorus:]… Welcome To the Mill… Million $ Show… This is something that you never seen before… Welcome To the Mill… Million $ Show… This the kinda music make you lose control… Don't listen to the music… Sayin' fear the fro… You got the $ so you go, go, go… Miss it for the world - only be insane… They're coming thru the snow… The sleet or the rain… Oh the rain… the rain… the rain… Miss it for the world - only insane… [Chorus:]… Welcome To the Mill… Million $ Show… This is something that you never seen before… Welcome To the Mill… Million $ Show… This the kinda music make you lose control… [x2]… If you're ready come on let's go… Only the haters ever complain… Can't hear jack in the back of my plane… Turn the music up so they diss in vain… Turn the music up so they diss in vain… Turn the music up!…” [Prince, “Million $ Show”, Hit n Run Phaze One, 2015]




Our January 1, 2017 Show… Our “Bill Gates' Raids UC-System Coffers to Sink Nikola Tesla” Show:




How is it that those who are determined to 'rule' us can commit heinous acts and feel triumphant?… find 'glory' in putting their proprietary mark on something they didn't make… and in fact stole… how it is that those who violate the implied social contract of equality and good fellowship which we all arrive on this earth with… how could they violate it at every step along their journey through life… and nonetheless perceive themselves as 'the best'? Nothing excites this discussion – the fact that these guys just take what they want and perceive themselves as 'superior' for being the most duplicitous – more than the theft and suppression of Nikola Tesla's inventions This false-dealing with Nikola came up for me majorly this week when I read a piece in the New York Times of December 13, 2016 that should have been titled “Gates Takes the Initiative to Bury Nikola Tesla”… but instead was called: “Bill Gates Leads New Fund as Fears of U.S. Retreat on Climate Grow”: “[Bill] Gates, the billionaire co-founder of Microsoft, announced on Monday the start of a fund [Breakthrough Energy Ventures] to invest in transformative energy research and development to reduce the emissions that cause climate change. The work would supplement and build on basic research already underway at government labs…” In Shakespeare's day there was a game called 'Bowls'… I don't know how it was played… but it involved a bowl in which a ball was spun… running along whatever bias was given it… This is a good metaphor for all of us under class… 'Power' gets our parents to 'bias' our 'selves' in the directions that serve it… while disappearing from our attention and access huge realms of our native inclinations… Well… 'power's plans for these students present a small example of this: 'power' intends for those who arrive with a lively interest in the completely fresh and original… and once-in-a-millennia-man… Nikola Tesla… to 'forget'… dismiss… dis-incline their interest away from… Nikola… and towards… “basic research already underway…” by which phrase they do not mean “research underway built on the stolen inventions of Nikola Tesla… harbored in the hidden labs of the shadow-global-state…” Nikola: “While I have not as yet actually effected a transmission of a considerable amount of energy such as would be of industrial importance, to a great distance by this method,” he would write on returning East, “I have operated several model plants under exactly the same conditions which will exist in a large plant of this kind, and the practicability of the system is thoroughly demonstrated.” His method in brief: “Here, according to his experimental results, a great electrical “south pole” was created with a stationary wave that rose and fell in unison with his transmissions from his “north pole” at Colorado Springs. Each time the wave receded, it was reenforced and sent back more powerfully than before to the antipode. Had the Earth been capable of perfect resonance, the results could have been catastrophic, but since it was not, the effect, he believed, was merely to make available at any point on the Earth energy that could be drawn off with a simple piece of equipment. This would include the elements of a radio tuning unit, a ground connection, and a metal rod the height of a house. Nothing more would be needed to absorb household electricity from the waves rushing back and forth between the electrical north and south poles.” [And… by the way… the New York Times of December 14, 2016 suggests that Mark Zuckerberg has not learned from the cautionary tale of Steve Jobs… or our discussion of the strategy of 'power' to place agents too close for targets to see… who then assist with the delivery of EMF till the target's hand loosens its grip on what 'power' covets…]






Proudhon: “We rob, – (twelve). By usury. This species of robbery, so odious and so severely punished since the publication of the Gospel, is the connecting link between forbidden and authorized robbery. Owing to its ambiguous nature, it has given rise to a multitude of contradictions in the laws and in morals, – contradictions which have been very cleverly turned to account by lawyers, financiers, and merchants. Thus the usurer, who lends on mortgage at ten, twelve, and fifteen percent., is heavily fined when detected; while the banker, who receives the same interest (not, it is true, upon a loan, but in the way of exchange or discount, – that is, of sale), is protected by royal privilege. But the distinction between the banker and the usurer is a purely nominal one. Like the usurer, who lends on property, real or personal, the banker lends on business paper; like the usurer, he takes his interest in advance; like the usurer, he can recover from the borrower if the property is destroyed (that is, if the note is not redeemed), – a circumstance which makes him a money-lender, not a money-seller. But the banker lends for a short time only, while the usurer's loan may be for one, two, three, or more years. Now, a difference in the duration of the loan, or the form of the act, does not alter the nature of the transaction. As for the capitalists who invest their money, either with the State or in commercial operations, at three, four, and five per cent., – that is, who lend on usury at a little lower rate than the bankers and usurers, – they are the flower of society, the cream of honesty! Moderation in robbery is the height of virtue!” (Our outro song from Prince… featuring Morris Day and the Time: “Release It” [from Graffiti Bridge (1990) film and CD…])




Prince Songs For What was to be Our December 18, 2016 show which is now our Jan. 1, 2017 Show on “Bill Gates' Raids UC-System Coffers to Sink Nikola Tesla”:


For our December 25, 2016 show on Prince's The Rainbow Children, please visit the Prince “The Rainbow Children” page… [This in-progress page as a (regularly updated) pdf: The Rainbow Children, by Prince (pdf file).


[“14 Shy.mp3”:]


“Shy” by Prince: “After a month of just bein' alone he said, "I wonder what L.A.'s thinkin'"… Streets he roamed in search of a poem amongst the wild and drinkin'… When he sees cool dark skin in hot virgin white… The search was over at least 4 2night… When she co-signed and then told him she was… Shy - Cool dark skin in hot virgin white… Shy - Lips say won't but her body say might… Shy - Looks like we're gonna take the long way home 2night… Oh baby (Shy)… After a look much louder than words she said, "I passed my initiation… A friend of mine, he got killed and in retaliation… I shot the boy ("Pop! Pop!"), huh, twice in the head… No regrets, no sorrow - I'm goin' back 2morrow 2 make sure he's dead… Cuz if I don't, they'll call me a chicken, but U can call me…" Shy - Cool dark skin in hot virgin white… Shy - Lips say won't but her body say might… Shy - Looks like we're gonna take the long way home 2night… Shy… Shy - Lips say no but the body say might… Looks like we're gonna take the long way home… Looks like we're gonna take the long way home… Looks like we're gonna take the long way home 2night… The girl was rough, but he called her bluff… And he told her not 2 know was better… Fact or fiction he wondered… And that's when the rain and thunder got wetter… And at the top of the page he wrote… Shy - Cool dark skin in hot virgin white… Shy - Looks like we're gonna take the long way home 2night… Shy - Cool dark skin in hot virgin white… Shy - Lips say won't but her body say might… Shy - Looks like we're gonna take the long way home 2night… (Oh, say it now, yeah)… (Shy, shy!)… (Shy)… Ooh baby, don't U wanna be alone 2night?… Shy - Yeah (Oh yes)… Shy (Shy)… Shy - Looks like we're gonna take the long way home 2night…” [Prince, “Shy”, Gold Experience, 1995]


[“11 Comeback.mp3”:]


“Comeback” by Prince: “Walking up the stairs… Just the afternoon… Sweet wind blew… Not a moment 2 soon… (Hoo) I cry when I realized… That sweet wind was U… Spirits come and spirits go… Some stick around 4 the aftershow… Don't have 2 say I miss U (don't have 2 say I miss U)… Cause I think U already know… If U ever lose someone… Dear 2 U… Never say the words they're gone… They'll come back, yeah… They'll come back, yeah yeah… They'll come back… Tears go here… Tears go here… Tears go here… Tears go here…” [Prince, “Comeback”, The Truth, 1998]


[“01 P Control.mp3”:]


“P Control” by Prince: “Nuestra presentacion especial comenzara en breve… (Our special presentation will start shortly)… Pero antes un mensaje de nuestros auspiciadores… (But first a message from our sponsors)… Uh, yeah… Uh… Good mornin' ladies and gentlemen ("What hotel number is she in?")… Boys and motherfuckin' girls ("319, 319" "Cool")… This is your captain with no name speakin'… And I'm here 2 rock your world… With a tale that will soon be classic… About a woman U already know… No prostitute she, but the mayor of your brain… Pussy Control (Are U ready?)… Aaah, Pussy Control, oh… Aaah, Pussy Control, oh… Our story begins in a schoolyard… A little girl skipping rope with her friends… A tisket, a tasket, no lunch in her basket… Just school books 4 the fight she would be in… One day over this hoodie… She got beat 4 some clothes and her rep… With her chin up, she scolded "All y'all's molded… When I'm rich, on your neck I will step"… And step she did 2 the straight A's… Then college, the master degree… She hired the heifers that jumped her… And made everyone of them work 4 free?… No! Why?… So what if my sisters are triflin'?… They just don't know… She said "Mama didn't tell 'em what she told me… 'Girl, U need Pussy Control'" (Are U ready?)… Aaah, Pussy Control, oh… Aaah, Pussy Control, oh… [Verse 2] Pussy got bank in her pockets… Before she got dick in her drawers… If brother didn't have good and plenty of his own… In love Pussy never did fall… And this fool named Trick wanna stick her… Uh, talkin' more Schick than a Bic… 'Bout how he gonna make Pussy a star… If she come and sing a lick on his hit… Pussy said "Nigga, U crazy if U don't know… Every woman in the world ain't a freak… U can go platinum 4 times… Still couldn't make what I make in a week… So push up on somebody wanna hear that… Cuz this somebody here don't wanna know… Boy, U better act like U understand… When U roll with Pussy Control" (Are U ready?)… Aaah, Pussy Control, oh… Aaah, Pussy Control, oh… Breakdown… (Are U ready 4 the best Pussy U ever felt?) [x2]… With one more verse 2 the story… I need another piece of your ear… I wanna hip U all 2 the reason… I'm known as the player of the year… Cuz I met this girl named Pussy… At the Club International Balls… She was rollin' 4-deep… 3 sisters and a weepy-eyed white girl drivin' her haul… I pulled up right beside her… And my electric top went down… I said "Motherfucker, I know your reputation… And I'm astounded that U're here… I fear U're lonely and U want 2 know… A 12 o'clock straight up nigga… That don't give a shit that U're Pussy Control… Well I'm that nigga, at least I wanna be… But it's gonna be hard as hell… 2 keep my mind off a body… That would make every rich man… Want 2 sell, sell, sell (75, we need another.. 85, 85 here, sold!…) Can I tell U what I'm thinkin' that U already know?… U need a motherfucker that respects your name"… Now say it, Pussy Control (Are U ready?)… Aaah, Pussy Control, oh… Aaah, Pussy Control, oh… And the moral of this motherfucker is… Ladies, make 'em act like they know… U are, was, and always will be Pussy Control (Are U ready?)… Peace and be wild (Aaah, Pussy Control)… Say what, huh? (Oh)… Oh no, don't U think about callin' her a ho (Are U ready?)… U juvenile delinquent… Best sit your ass down… Talkin' about Pussy Control… Huh, can U dig it?… Aaah, Pussy Control (Are U ready?)… Oh (Are U ready?)… Aaah, Pussy Control (Are U ready?) Oh (Are U ready?)…” [Prince, “P Control”, Gold Experience, 1995]




Prince Songs For Our November 27, 2016 Show:


[“01 Wow.mp3”:]


“Wow” by Prince and ThirdEyeGirl: “Like a bee to some honey; a moth to a flame… We've got an addiction and we got him to blame… We never saw it coming 'cause he made no claims… 'til now… You can call it the unexpected or you can call it… wow!…” [Prince and ThirdEyeGirl, “Wow”, PlectrumElectrum, 2014]


[“12 ...Back 2 The Lotus.mp3”:]


“…Back 2 The Lotus” by Prince: “From a lotus flower… from my inner… corner of my… from within the clouds… animal of your seed… the forms are……” [Prince, “…Back 2 The Lotus”, Lotusflow3r, 2009]


[“01 It.mp3”:]


“It” by Prince: “I think about IT baby all the time, all right… IT feels so good IT must be a crime, all right… I wanna do IT baby every day, all right… In a bed, on the stairs, anywhere, all right… I wanna do IT baby all the time, all right… Cuz when we do IT girl, IT's so divine, all right… I could be guilty 4 my honesty, all right… But I've got 2 tell U what U mean 2 me, all right (all right)… With U I swear, I'm a maniac, all right… U see IT ain't no joke, just a natural fact, all right… I wanna do IT baby all the time, all right… Cuz when we do IT girl, IT's so divine, all right…” [Prince, “It”, Sign O' The Times, 1987]


[“04 Anna Stesia.mp3”:]


“Anna Stesia” by Prince: “Have you ever been so lonely that you felt like you were the only one in this world… Have you ever wanted to play with someone so much you'd take anyone… boy or girl… Anna Stesia come to me… talk to me… ravish me… liberate my mind… tell me what you think of me… praise me… craze me… out this space and time… Between white and black… night and day… Black night… seemed like the only way… so I danced… Music… nothing great… no way to differentiate… I took a chance… Maybe… maybe… maybe… I could learn to love… I mean the right way… I mean the only way… Perhaps… you could show me baby… Maybe… maybe… maybe… I could learn to love… if I was just closer to somethin'… (Closer…) (Closer to your higher self?…) I don't know… (Closer…) (Closer to heaven?…) Maybe… (Closer to God…) Save me Jesus… I been a fool… how could I forget that you are the rule… you are my God… I am your child… from now on… for you… I shall be wild!… I shall be quick… I shall be strong… I'll tell your story… no matter how long… No matter… no matter… no matter… for you… We're just a play in your master plan… now my lord I understand… (Understand…) Love is God… God is Love… Girls and boys… Love God above… Love is God… God is Love… Girls and Boys… Love God above… Love is God… God is Love… Anna Stesia come to me… talk to me… ravish me… liberate my mind… tell me what you think of me… praise me… craze me… out this space and time… Love is God… God is Love… Girls and Boys… Love God above…” [Prince, “Anna Stesia”, Lovesexy, 1988]


[“15 And God Created Woman.mp3”:]


“And God Created Woman” by Prince: “In a deep sleep I fell… And the music starts 2 swell… One of my ribs He took and it shall be… Bone of my bones (bone of my bones)… And God created woman… And we were naked and did not care… There's a time 2 take and a time 2 share… 2 in love, all around and all aware… Flesh of my flesh (flesh of my flesh)… And God created woman… Temptation sweet and so much (sweet and so much)… Surely die if neither one of us shall ye touch (shall ye touch)… Then again we could die from the rush (rush)… Heart of my heart (heart of my heart)… And God created woman (woman)… Woman… My-my-my-my-my-my woman… In my darkest hour I find… Many serpents who have lied (lies)… Given half the chance still I'd run 2 your side (run 2 your side)… Love of my love (love of my love)… And God created woman (woman)… And if I never see u again… It's alright 4 I am guilty of no sin… They can have u, I'll have your love in the end… Soul of my soul (soul of my soul)… And God created woman…” [Prince, “And God Created Woman”, Symbol, 1992]


[“16 Wherever U Go, Whatever U Do.mp3”:]


“Wherever U Go, Whatever U Do” by Prince: “Oh-ooh… Wherever U go, whatever U do… Ooh please, remember that I'll always be there 4 U… U don't have 2 call, U don't have 2 say… Just think about me and I'll be on my way… I don't have 2 worry, I'm sure U'll be fine… Cuz if U stay happy, then what's your's is mine… Wherever U go, whatever U do… Remember that I'll always be there 4 U… (Ooh Baby)… Wherever U R, think of your dreams… Ooh please, remember life ain't always what it seems… 4 each rainy day (rainy day)… That comes your way… The sun will come shining and U'll be okay… Keep on smiling - every girl and boy… Remember when U were children U had toys… Wherever U R, think of your dreams… Remember that dreams become the life U lead… Whatever U play, it's okay 2 lose… Ooh sometimes (sometimes…)… As long as U learn from every game U choose… If one thing is sure, U'll always endure… If U try your best at everything U do… Say what U mean and mean what U say… The price 4 a broken heart's 2 much 2 pay… And nothing is worth it, if U don't have 2 try… The higher the stakes - the higher the sky… Wherever U go, whatever U do… Please remember… Remember that I'll always be there 4 U…” [Prince, “Wherever U Go, Whatever U Do”, Rave Un2 The Joy Fantastic, 1999]


[“12 Family Name.mp3”:]


“Family Name” by Prince… Chapter 12 of “The Rainbow Children”: “Welcome. U have just accessed the Akashic Records Genetic Information Division. This program is required 4 those wishing 2 obtain a marriage blessing from The Kingdom. When u wish 2 begin this program, place ur right hand on the scanner and tightly clench up ur buttcheeks as u might feel a slight electrical shock. Please select the race history u desire. U have selected African-American. This is your history: First of all, the term "black and white" is a fallacy. It simply is another way of saying "this or that". Let's examine the term "this or that" in its ultimate form which is: "this" means the truth or "that which is resistant 2 it. When a minority realizes its similarities on a higher level - not just "black"- but PEOPLE OF COLOR, and higher still "INDIGENOUS", and even higher still, "FROM THE TRIBE OF.", and yet higher- the "RAINBOW CHILDREN". When this understanding comes, the so-called minority becomes a majority in the wink of an eye. This action will cause a Reaction or Resistance. The source of this Resistance must b banished as it is in direct conflict with the initial action. It cannot be assimilated, 4 its very nature is resistance. In other words, ONE CANNOT SERVE 2 MASTERS. U r either "this" or "that" which is not "this"…” [Prince, “Family Name”, Rainbow Children, 2001]




Our November 20, 2016 Show:




While it's been noted that Prince was about 'bringing the love'… I have not heard anyone point out that 'bringing the love' also means returning (modeling) an independent thought-process… because 'thought' is the daughter or son of love… which springs from the Infinite – and that to 'bring the love' in any meaningful sense… we have to end this system premised on its opposite …and I have heard no discussion of what is required to accomplish this project… Prince released this song in 1996… the year of his baby's death (one day I hope to get clearer on the chronology of the events of his life…) a death I do not believe was an 'unfortunate fate' or an 'act of God'… but the intended effect of a laser-weapon into the head of an in utero infant: “I will walk this road, I will, I will… It's gonna be hard but I know, I will, I will… People come and they'll go, but I'll still, I still… Face up to the truth and just grow, I will, I will… I will fight this fight, I will, I will… I will sleep 2night, I will, I will… Ive been down before, but I still, I still… Remember what I came 4, I will, I will…” [Prince, “I Will”, Chaos and Disorder, 1996] After reading Alice Prince might have added a stanza or two: “As a child they tortured you… I know… I know… And it left you broken in two… I know… I know… And all your feelings froze… and so… and so… The tears they just won't flow… you can't let them go… But this grief that no one sees… I will… I will… Spoken it will unfreeze… it will… it will… Our love will be like the sea… it will… it will… That our grief runs to meet… once it… is seen… it will…” Point being: 'bringing the love' ain't easy… but we must remind ourselves daily: “I will… I will…”




[The batteries died during the discussion of “The ATM Machine” so some of that commentary was lost… – P.S.]


What does it mean to be 'antisystemic'?… Doesn't it mean that you out hidden-'power' by bringing its opposite?: up-front… assertive… unapologetic… emphatic… love… Who does this but Prince? And don't we need someone as dazzling as he… to pull our eyes away from 'power'… and the fear it continuously re-seeds?… Isn't this 'power'-imperative – to reclaim our eyes and keep us afraid… to impregnate us unceasingly with fear (and to provide to us a cornucopia of designer-'protests' to choose from… and so divert our energy for 'protest' into the next generation… the damage the 'power'-lustful can do behind the front of Trump – which they will then blame on us … “because 'we' voted for him…” – is infinite…) – isn't this 'power'-imperative what the dramatic insertion of Trump into our prospects for an open future… isn't this what it was designed to accomplish?… to get us all wistful and weepy for the kind… 'fatherly'… state?… and so isn't what we're seeing the current 'power'-guys' iteration of the 'Cold Bath Treatment'-staple in their “Keep them off-balance and insecure” bag-of-duplicitous-tricks for staying in control?… Do we really want to spend our time on the planet reacting to what 'power' does to us?… or do we want to start planning the alternative? (…and let's never forget their biggest trick…grabbing all the land (the money… honey…) and hanging onto it: When we say that finite resources cannot sustain this 'system'… it's important to the effectiveness of our practices that we help reinforce with each other an understanding of what 'the system' is… that by 'the system' we do not mean 'capitalism'… but 'class'… i.e. a 'system' in which the Tiny Few continuously reduce the amount of earth available to everyone 'not-them'… or 'not-needed' to sustain the illusion of a 'meritocracy'… We have been arguing that an authentic definition of 'the economy' is: “a mechanism or process for continuously reducing the amount of earth available to 'commoners'… while continuously consolidating the whole of the earth's resources (including 'the people' themselves…) into the hands of those who plan to establish themselves as planetary 'rulers' who can never be unseated by any group or groups of 'commoners'…” Doesn't what we have been calling 'capitalism' accomplish that? Is that not a 'wonderful' machine for accomplishing that?




We were just talking about the ATM Machine… and the strategic reason… from the perspective of 'power'… for inserting Trump into our prospects for a free future… So this 'ATM Machine"… we've been arguing is the Big Con: grabbing all the land… all the resources… and then training us to be obedient… predictable… functionaries… who are trained to respond to the stimulus (carrot) of money… and to the carrot of recognition… because resources are made scarce… love and appreciation and attention are made scarce… Point being: we are created (by 'power') to be small intentionally… This is never discussed on the Left… except by Prince… and Alice Miller… a few folk… which we don't get to have our discussions of… and that has to change for us to grow bigger… (They also have some less soaring but nonetheless pressing tasks to finish up – [and… it should also be remembered… and always kept within our hearts – the advise Jesus and many other wise-guides-to-love gave: we know each other by our acts… and… in 'power's case… they are known particularly by their acts in interrelation and synthesized – i.e.… we see their intentions by their acts (the only reason to read their propaganda-sheet…) and their hidden hand is becoming ever-more-transparent with their insertion of Trump and his 'scary unpredictability' – and on this tip we owe Hillary Clinton a debt: she forced the 'power'-guys' hand… and I will be forever grateful to her for that…] …for instance… they really want to bring their boy Edward Snowden home [I mean – and this is not the only suggestive item – a full-page ad in the New York Times that says “Bring Our Boy Home” – or words to that effect – evidences this (wherever money is flowing 'power's hand is holding the urn… “Black Lives Matter” again comes to mind… [they really want to set Barack up to take the hit historically for what they're calling (for instance in the New York Times of November 14, 2016) the imposition of a “harsher security” regime in the U.S.])] and… obvious from even before the Republican nomination was up for grabs… they like House Speaker Paul D. Ryan for the 'Say-so seat' (the presidency…) Now… who's to say their timeline… and they do take pride in 'looking long'… and they must – as Plato told them and Kissinger repeated – temper the 'ideal' with 'the possible' (always changing…) but it's hard to miss that the global-statesmen are worrying their bits in this moment… else I doubt they would have brought us the theater piece “Trump the Extreme” (doesn't the bile rise to think of it: that in the eyes of the global-statesmen our deaths and misery are just their chips-and-cheese and entertainment they munch for lunch…) And doesn't this mean then… that we must… with an equal force to their thrust of him on us… turn away from their horror-story-theatrics… and begin designing our loving alternative… initiated… as Prince recommends… with music… dance… and a regenerative romance – a holy respect and appreciation for each other's bodies (a state cannot… could never… do this for us – only we can do this… for each other… Statesmen are in the way of this… necessary… evolution to love…) and a 'holy respect' for each other's bodies (disrespect of our bodies is the core of this 'system' called 'control-us-ad-infinitum…) means we don't try to coerce each other… don't attempt to subtly… or obviously… overtax each other's creative gifts (our love – and I'm talking about when we all come together to plan that party for Prince and our One Day Global General Strike – that is the goal… and that shakes out the agents… trying to disrupt that basic goal is how they 'out' themselves… because we ain't trying to coerce nobody… we ask for help with our particular project… we got a good idea… people vote with their feet: "OK I'll help you do that… that makes sense to me…" but it is key that we begin re-growing… kickstarting… our authentic thought-process… We have not been aware… because we haven't been discussing these issues consciously… the degree to which the thoughts we think are 'power'-given and re-circulated [Prince gives us new thoughts to think…] We need to begin to think authentically… that means working with these fresh ideas that we hear together by discussing the texts that have been suppressed… including Prince… and with these suppressed ideas begin thinking new thoughts… and sharing them with each other – thinking for ourselves… Thinking for ourselves restarts our process of developing love and empathy – tied… as it must be… with our grief at what has been done to us in having our authentic self stolen from us…)




Let me just finish this thought: what it means to respect each other's bodies… and to not make demands on each other's creative abilities – what I'm trying to say… is that it would be easy… as this is the conditioning… to slip back into that mode of trying to control other people's energy… and this is what we're going to be discussing with each other: the degree to which coercion is totally… that our words… our thoughts… are totally saturated with this 'need' to get others to do our work: what we want to accomplish… and by this measure we gauge our power in the world… So we're going to have to support each other in regenerating our independent thought-process… and in trusting that process… So no force is needed when it comes to planning our One-Day-Global-General-Strike… and our Party For Prince… and none – whether as a mere hint or a hammer – must be tolerated – if folks don't want to do it… they don't want to do it… we work with the folks who want a free future… and then we try to grow our numbers by the sheer magnetic… captivating… and charismatic display of ourselves doing this Freedom-Work…) Our tool… our source… rather… that with which our ideas and actions are fueled… is just the resurgent stimulus of life renewed and unrecumbent… that's all we need to urge us on… the longing to see each other as we are meant to be… brilliant… joyful… startling… funny… and loving…




I don't know if you can hear these drones but I'm getting hammered pretty good… it's constant so please bear with me… it's gonna be that way until it ain't… I have accepted the reality that only a movement… only us moving forward… not 'protesting'… but moving for what we want: our bodies back… and talking about that… and having discussions and planning sessions and dance and song about that – that creativity blossoming of freedom is what makes their EMF weapons untenable: too many targets… and… little by little… we break out of their hold… and they then have to confront the reality that we are aware of 'the weapon'… and will be forced… at some point… to own its existence and their possession of it… and decide: 'what then?' – how they are going to cope with the fact that we know… Their m.o. is: 'just keep lying and lying and lying'. Ours must be: 'eyes on the prize at all times…' Ideas blossom in unexpected ways in the fertility of mutual re-energizing… re-becoming – if our mental soil has been adequately prepared… our heart sprouts ideas… and vice versa… We said that 'bringing the love' means returning (modeling) an independent thought-process… This is so because the absence of love (which our bodies note when we arrive…) is a puzzle we can't work out in a totalitarian system… as… a totalitarian system bans by tacit global-statesmen-agreement and by the implied decree of the uniformity of thought built into its social arrangements and conditioning – via the institutions of 'class': 'education'… 'media'… and 'childrearing' – the thoughts we need to gain a clear picture of our actual condition… that we are captive living beings who were made by the earth for freedom… and so… when we are unable to figure out this 'original puzzle'… our minds circle 'round it fruitlessly… i.e.… 'Thought' gets 'stuck'… but (as George Eliot said…) “feeling's a kind of knowledge…” that can help us get 'un-stuck'… We are unpacking in this space some conclusions we arrived at with the help of Alice Miller (using her book For Your Own Good…): that the suppression of our authentic-ness… our 'true self'… our spontaneous feelings… which our parents force us to do… in their mis-guided service to the state (the 'power'-guys…) driven by the fear that otherwise we would be punished (which no doubt is true… but this doesn't mean we run from the necessity to fight for freedom…) that the theft of our wholeness necessarily makes us 'small'… and that to get it back… we have to see the opposite: 'big'… This… in a sense… is the method in Prince's broader strategy for 'decommissioning' 'the system': he models 'big'… and 'partying-big'… and makes us want both – a joyful expressing of our body's voice in joyful engagement with our fellows – and in wanting what he has… we are wanting our original selves back… our original joy… Prince knows this… and encourages us repeatedly to follow his lead…




We need each other to feel truly glorious… lovable… unconquerable… 'big' (and I'm talking about the groups we work together in… and I know we have to confront the issue of 'trust'… and Prince is going to be very helpful here as well…) – or at least it's a whole lot easier when we support each other in becoming and being so – and we need to feel truly glorious to want to defend our right to 'be it'… for ourselves and others… seeing each other's worth as we do 'the Work' (this is a quality of Prince that is key to the freshness of his writing: he paid attention to the people and the world around him… this quality of authentic-thinking is necessarily connected to the quality of 'being love'… it stands out in his lyrics from Day One… For instance… when he says: “We live in a world overrun by tourists… They look at life through a pocket camera… Half of the staff of their brain is on vacation… Mama, are u listening?… We need a new breed – Leaders, Stand Up, Organize… [From the song "Sexuality" (we're going to have to discuss that… the connection between 'sexuality' and "Stand up! Organize!"…) in the CD… Controversy (1981)] – or when he says in the song “New Power Generation” [from the CD Graffiti Bridge (1990)]: “Pardon us for caring, we didn't know it was against the rules… If we only want to love one another… Then tell me now who's the fool?…” – "who's lost their thought-process…" in essence…) spoken to those who have been told what to think from infancy… Next week we'll think more deeply about how Prince sees expressing sexuality honestly [more difficult than we thought…] challenges the 'rape-non-culture-of-class'…)




So while it feels as if we're 'just' engaged in one long party… we're actually envisioning and concretizing the future we want… in which problems get solved effortlessly… because the focus… the goal… is the engine driving all of us: we are consciously there to face and undo our wounds of 'class'… and to plan the (global) infrastructure needed to support each one of us being fully self-determining – that's what we're there for… everybody we are working with… in whatever space we are in… working on it… that's what they are there for… and if they are not… that becomes evident pretty quick… and we get through it… by dancing… I'm beginning to see… and I want to get clearer on this… – and problems get solved effortlessly because we trust… the collective 'mind'… 'soul'… and 'body'… of us… – once we are shakin' our collective mind-body-and-soul together… the earth tends us into sync (and our thought-process is going to expand exponentially as we watch this happen…) i.e.… we trust the process and the basic concept: individual material-and-soul-sufficiency is necessary for the individual to be the initiator and implementor of 'policy' – at the center of decision-making: that is… the basic unit of political organization… the process… then… must model the objective… It is the intention behind the act that elevates or debases it… We get together to party and support each other's goals… not to tell each other what to do…




And if we find ourselves outnumbered… and this is possible… that is to say… our focus on the One-Day-Global-General Strike / Prince Party is somehow being nullified… or negated… or vetoed… because we were such a threat that our group is almost wholly agents… if we find that we're back to working independently… we must trust our independent thought-process… and as we do this… as we get strong… we're able to withstand the pressure of being outnumbered … that's a real pressure that hopefully will be part of our discussions… Continuing our excerpt from Margaret Cheney's Tesla: Man Out Of Time… Earlier in the book… in chapter 12… “Robots”… Margaret Cheney… describing an event in Tesla's life in 1898… writes: “It was not on the whole, however, a comfortable time for a man of dark complexion and foreign accent to be an American… [Nikola] was hoping, after an impending exhibition at Madison Square Garden, to interest the government in his very latest wonders. [And I think that we have to know… that he did… – P.S.] The day for which Tesla the inventor had been working and waiting arrived in the midst of martial distractions… The demonstration of the world's first radio-controlled robot boat by Tesla failed to make the splash it deserved, not only because it was overshadowed by the war, but because he made the mistake of presenting more than the public could absorb at once. The remarkable stage of development to which he had carried wireless, the forerunner of modern radio, would have been quite enough; but to introduce automation simultaneously, as he did, was probably too great a leap. On that day in 1898 when he demonstrated the common ancestor of modern guided weapons and vehicles, of automated industry, and of robotry, he was introducing an idea for which the world would not be ready for many years.” [Nothing illustrates the 'plunder-mindset' of the 'power'-guys… which Proudhon will school us on next week… as the story of the their theft of Nikola Tesla's inventions…]




In our August 28, 2016 show… we noted (thanks to Karl Popper…) that to attempt to impose a closed (totalitarian… or 'communist' – which the ancient society of Sparta was [on which Plato based the Republic…] – whatever the tag a branch of the tree 'Class' uses… it teaches 'its' people to think: “I am nothing… the state is all…” – this is the base content of all the institutions of 'class'…) that to attempt to impose a closed system of thought ('class') on people is to arrest 'thought' in them… and in the broader social arrangement – global… and in all of its parts… In that show we also quoted John… from the New Testament: “God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him. Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment [when 'power' tests us… – P.S.]: because as he is, so are we in this world. There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love. We love him, because he first loved us. If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen? And this commandment have we from him, That he who loveth God love his brother also. (John 1, 4: 16 – 21)]…” and asked: 'What is the route by which love for our freedom becomes the imperative for love for all my Sisters and Brothers?…' What we've been discussing – in our synthesis… since the murder of Prince… our synthesis of Prince's strategy for global human freedom with what we've learned from Alice Miller and others about what gets in the way of it – we've been discussing how it is that when thought is arrested… simultaneously are empathy and love arrested… Prince's mission is Alice's mission: to get us 'un-stuck'… thaw our frozen feelings… get us out of our 'heads' – i.e.… 'power's conditioned mindset (which inspires suppressed rage and instills paralyzing fear…) – Prince… analyzing this problem correctly devoted his energies to getting us back… situated comfortably… in our bodies… Our recent shows have been viewing the mindset of 'power' – which… being expressly totalitarian can be viewed… examined… and understood from many angles – from the perspective of 'theft'… the original theft of 'the soul'… perpetrated by parents… at the behest of the state: the child's spirit is conquered – fear is instilled – and here begins the 'rape-culture' mindset of 'power' – the 'plunder-mindset': “Take what you want… you need not respect ownership…” No thought is involved in it so it cannot be reasoned with… it is a mindless compulsion to 'be' (manifest 'perfectly'…) a function… and to perform for the reward of recognition dangled… To this compulsion – base service to the “plunder-mindset of 'power'”… to rip off Nikola… to rip off Prince… as their own creativity is dead… is a 'triumph'…




Proudhon: “Communism is inequality, but not as property is. Property is the exploitation of the weak by the strong. Communism is the exploitation of the strong by the weak. [(Think of Nikola… think of Prince… they are the strong… these 'power'-guys are the weak… it is exactly the opposite of what they want us to think…) Writing… as he was… in the 1830's… his authentic concept of 'communism' – similar only in the broad sense of a 'collective ownership' – is not what we've been 'taught' (i.e.… absorbed via the 'power'-fed-media…) to think of when we hear the word… its unity with 'totalitarianism'… though… as Popper shows us… is obvious not just in Plato's philosophy… but obvious once we subject it to an authentic thought process… To Proudhon… writing within the context of an incipient global-'class'-system… the full-blown monster raging around us today would be a nightmare too shocking to contemplate… were it not that he undoubtedly would also see the counter-balance blossoming around us as well… Our full-blossoming in Freedom… Maxim Gorky knew [seen in his novel Mother…] will mean our mutual brilliance will startle our eyes… cause our hearts to cry for joy… to be and meet at last who we truly are… - P.S.] In property, inequality of conditions is the result of force, under whatever name it be disguised; physical and mental force; force of events, chance, fortune; force of accumulated property, etc. [Such an important point… never discussed… and particularly now… with the abundance of our gifts - stolen - surfeiting in 'overproduction'… is discussion of this suppressed: Whence comes the coercion? Why do we put up with it?… Nikola Tesla's inventions alone free us from the need for any coercion in the sharing of our gifts with each other… - P.S.] In communism, inequality springs from placing mediocrity on a level with excellence [No… as Prince points out and demonstrates… this is a tactic and product of 'class'… to make us easier to control… - P.S.] Communism is oppression and slavery. [Slow-wit that I am these days… it just occurred that he is describing… whether he has it in mind is another matter… the communism of Plato… i.e totalitarianism… Popper has explained this exhaustively - the community of men and women and all the property held in common was intended… as Proudhon says… to strip the human being of all personality and render him or her but shadows of the state… robots… 'yes-men-and-women'… in word: obedient… that's not how we came… that's how we had to be made… from infancy on up… from 'power's perspective… so that they would have a free rein to implement their fantasy… trained in them… by their mis-guided parents… So it's time for us to stop helping them… and rather help each other's freedom live in the world around us… – P.S.]” – Our outro song from Prince is “Baby Knows” from Rave Un2 the Joy Fantastic… and I hope you're thinking about in what sense dance is going to get us through the minefields of infiltration…




Prince songs For Our November 20, 2016 Show:


[“08 HardRockLover.mp3”:]


“HardRockLover” by Prince: “She walked into the party… And dared me to live up to her dreams… We 'bout to get it started… Turn my guitar up so I can make this woman scream!” [Prince, “HardRockLover”, HitnRun Phaze One, 2015]


[“09 Whole Lotta Love.mp3”:]


“Whole Lotta Love” by Prince: “We have a whole lotta love…” [Prince, "Whole Lotta Love", Indigo Nights, 2007]


[“11 Indigo Nights.mp3”:]


“Indigo Nights” by Prince: “London knows how to party” [Prince, “Indigo Nights”, Indigo Nights, 2007]


[09 I Will.mp3”:]


“I Will” by Prince: “I will walk this road, I will, I will… It's gonna be hard but I know, I will, I will… People come and they'll go, but I'll still, I still… Face up to the truth and just grow, I will, I will… I will fight this fight, I will, I will… I will sleep 2night, I will, I will… Ive been down before, but I still, I still… Remember what I came 4, I will, I will… I will get 2 U, I will, I will… And then I'll help U get thru, I will, I will… U've preyed on many a fool, until, until… No one cared about U, but I will, I will…” [Prince, “I Will”, Chaos and Disorder, 1996]


[“11 She Loves Me 4 Me.mp3”:]


“She Loves Me 4 Me” by Prince… Part 11 of “The Rainbow Children”: “This one I can b what I wanna b… I don't have 2 live up 2 no one's fantasy… I could write another 300 melodies… 2 her it's just 3, cuz this one.… She Loves Me 4 Me… With this one I don't even have 2 comb my hair… I can wear what I want 2… Or nothing she don't care… I don't even have 2 take her on the rollercoaster c… Cuz this one, this one, She Loves Me 4 Me… In the morning,… When I rise and c her eyes… Look deep in2 mine… I find a better place… This one I can tell all my secrets 2… I don't need 2 make her swear she would never tell anywho… Besides I'm the only one she ever really wants 2 c… Cuz this one, honestly, She Loves Me 4 Me… When the night falls… And she calls… I run 2 her side… Cuz she got the ride that I like 2 ride… I like to ride it… This one I can take over my momma's house… And I don't have 2 worry what goes in and out her mouth… All she needs is just a little gratuity… She don't like no beef, she just loves me 4 me… she just loves me 4 me… This one, This one, She Loves Me 4 Me…” [Prince, “She Loves Me 4 Me”, Rainbow Children, 2001]




Our November 13, 2016 Show:




The fear with which the global-statesmen absorbed the election of Barack Obama… and then his election again… is perhaps best measured by their relentless efforts – testified to by an almost daily dose of it in the 'power'-fed media – their relentless efforts to both create and make us believe in a 'widening racial divide'… They are very busy with this right now… constructing the story that Barack's election meant exactly the opposite of its actual meaning… and the story that… when we have the chance to make history by electing the first woman U.S. president – and not just any woman… but the most supremely qualified person for that gig around… the electorate – one in which people of color and women play an increasingly influential part – 'inexplicably' lost their minds and voted for a man who boasts of hating both… a 'mystery' the propaganda-sheet 'explains' by their invented 'widening racial divide'. If it sounds like fiction… it's because it is fiction… a construction… and they are able to get away with this because we are kept atomized… I mean think about that Panopticon… if we can't see or talk to each other except through the medium of them… how are we gonna know what each other thinks?… and they exploit that to the max… I guess we know now how it was Trump could run-to-lose… and nonetheless still 'win': during the campaign I couldn't figure him out… how it was he could be so absolutely unconcerned about running for president – and he's a practiced performer… I never bought for a minute that he was 'authentic'… that he just said whatever odd thing came into his head – I mean whoever heard of a person who was running for U.S. president going off to play golf in Scotland in the middle of a campaign?… not caring how he performed in a debate… brushing off a video in which he boasts of groping women… Now I get it… he wasn't running like he wanted to lose… he was running like he knew he couldn't lose… [There is always I suppose… given the times we are living in… the possibility he was running to lose and the 'power'-guys are making him lie in their bed… but whichever way it was… he is putty in their hands… a puppet… We are living in an utterly false world… so false in fact… that… as Prince has pointed out… the falseness must flip on them… i.e.… the overwhelming falseness causes to be generated the counter-balance… more and more of us are feeling that we must be that… the counter-balance… And I would be the last person to suggest the “power-of-the-one” doesn't exist… So in the event we are looking at an example of it… a grand gesture… I strongly recommend to him… and to all of us… “punch a higher floor…” We must all refuse to be moved by the strings [unless they're Prince's guitar-strings…] and when we do… soon it will be impossible to believe they had ever been…




The Plato's Tribesmen are going to pretend they didn't install this guy as president but rather keep pushing the message that we did – we-the-people – because we are 'so divided'… and then gleefully encourage us to blame each other for whatever befalls us… in the way of our 'civil liberties' loss… as a result… These guys have such contempt for us… with heads so swollen with their own hubris… swollen largely due to their theft of the inventions of Nikola Tesla – they imagine we will accept whatever noose they decide to strangle us with (and though it is obvious… it should perhaps be said that the statesmen are supported in their intentions by the 'professional Left' – only those who would corroborate 'power's key messages in this moment will be allowed access to our thought-process…) for example… though I find it difficult to tune in our local so-called 'progressive' station because of its 'left-version' propaganda… I did this week a couple times… before I knew the outcome of the election… and both times I heard a key 'power'-guy-message being dutifully regurgitated… i.e.: “the Democratic Party has only itself to blame for nominating someone so 'unelectable' [and this pundit had the shamelessness to say this even though she won the popular vote… despite 'power's vote-theft…] This fabrication – that she was disliked by the electorate – was put out every other day in the New York Times for what felt like the entire campaign… precisely… I'm certain… to make it so… but I never bought that it worked as bombarding-self-fulfilling prophesy… women (and a lot of men…) wanted to see a woman become U.S. president… appreciated her grasp of the issues and coolness under pressure – there is none more capable for the position… which means she could offer resistance to the Plato's Tribesmen… if there is no one in that seat that can offer resistance to them at all… we planning global freedom have a much more difficult time… which is why I'm so disappointed that we have not figured out how to expose this [“man-in-the-middle”] tactic and counter it in some way… Although I'm really hoping that it becomes moot at this point… that we have seen enough of the dirty tricks and ugliness of this 'system'… that we no longer need to go through this song-and-dance of trying to… as Prince says… “choose the lesser of two dangers…” but rather… choose freedom… for all of us…




If they can angle drones off in the distance and suck up my little contribution to 'The Work' (…and the tech-people the 'power'-guys are likewise busily trying to divide us from have to know this 'man-in-the-middle' technique – outed repeatedly now as part of the global-statesmen's arsenal of election-stealing tricks [the man credited for designing in during the selection of Bush conveniently (for 'power') was killed in a plane crash] – have to believe that it was a factor in this 'miraculous' 'win' for Trump. For instance I unearthed a story from a couple months back about a (so-far) ill-fated collaboration between Mark Zuckerberg and 'SpaceX' (which is part of the 'Tesla' motor company… and has the Space Station cargo-delivery contract [which… once we learn more about the Pentagon's 'Space Battleship”… mentioned by Margaret Cheney… may prove more than just ironic…]) – their “$200 million communications satellite that would have extended Facebook's reach across Africa…” – Mark Zuckerberg hoped it would “provide wireless connectivity to nations across the world that do not otherwise have easy internet access… [including connectivity] to large parts of sub-Saharan Africa…” – exploded as it was about to launch. “Along with satellite coverage, Facebook is teaming with local internet providers [in Kenya] to offer access, and is also building its own drones – the first of which is named Aquila – to beam internet connectivity down to cities…” (Kenneth Chang, Mike Isaac and Matt Richtel, “SpaceX Explosion Puts Big Goals of Facebook and Musk Into Question,” The New York Times, September 2, 2016) – and that beam… as opposed to the one they killed Prince [and blast me…] with… goes both ways…)




If they can angle drones off in the distance and suck up my little contribution to 'The Work'… what do you suppose they did with the data that determines who holds the office on which they've fixated with such an ill lust… such a fierce covetousness… for this chess piece to hold among their 'assets' – 'assets' for putting us in a hold they believe we can't get out of? But it's important that we never forget that it is a global-system-of-'power' that confronts us… which means that it's imperative that we reach hands across the interstate system and plan together our freedom… globally… Initially I wrote about challenging the vote… but how could such a discussion even begin when we don't have our own media? This problem continues to press on us… but it need not impede our convening a global day of work-stoppage for planning our global alternative to the current fear-and-force-based system (…not having our own media need not impede our using social media to organize a Global General Strike… – at least for now… but I think we have to see this Trump-insertion as a threat as well to our ability to use social media tools for global action planning… the 'power'-guys are already dropping signs in The New York Times (to get us all 'adjusted' to the idea… that our leashes must get much tighter… between the lines of this for instance: “…it seems clear that a shift is in the offing… Leaders of these [tech] behemoths… want to make money, sure, but they also wanted to make the world a better place, to offer a kine of social justice through code… offering a kind of radical connectivity that they promised would lead to widespread peace and prosperity [Note to any tech folk of good heart: Please listen again to Prince's song “Loose!”… which I posted to the Blog page near the current date… which opens with the line “Wake Up People!”… if you truly want “widespread peace and prosperity” keep listening to this show and start thinking some new thoughts on how to get there… – P.S.] Much of the wealth generated by the five biggest American tech companies flows to young liberals in California and the Pacific Northwest, exactly the sort of 'global elites' Mr. Trump railed against in his campaign…” [Oh please… if you want to picture 'global elites' think 'Henry Kissinger' or 'Bill Gates' – he's definitely up there… got the inside scoop… helping them with (funding) the 'geo-engineering' / 'chem-trails' false-trail… Whenever they're trying to amp up the stream that is hitting me those trails are all over the sky… going with me wherever I go… so I know it is about the use of that weapon… I absolutely know that… Prince saw them everywhere too – they were using them to hurt him…




And in addition… the global-statesmen have already set up the lines of battle to keep us divided internationally in their various versions of the 'us-and-them' global-divide-and-conquer play… to forestall our determination to come together… they hope ad infinitum… These two titles from the November 11, 2016 New York Times give you the idea: “A Well-Armed Trade War: If Trump Moves to Squeeze China, He Could Inflict Pain, But Beijing Would Have Ways to Counterattack,” and “Russia Prepares to Block LinkedIn…” This edition also mentions that China has wasted no time clamping down even harder on Hong Kong… and we know Russia feels likewise empowered vis-a-vis 'her' 'closed-in-and-captured' (the paper the next day brought more bad news along these same lines… about the 'license to abuse' states are seizing globally…) Given the speed with which the global-statesmen are moving… it feels more and more urgent for we here in the U.S. to link organizing a global day of work-stoppage in order to plan a global-society based in opposite operating premises (to 'class' / 'power' / 'rule'…) with a referendum on our right to happiness… and this tied to exposure of the state's use of EMF weapons against individual U.S. citizens – an inquiry that demands an answer from Henry Kissinger as to his knowledge about how early… and how… these weapons have been employed by the state… …and most importantly for its success (as we'll be discussing…) let's make a work-stoppage for designing the infrastructure of… and planning steps for achieving… a global society based in individual material-sufficiency and non-coercion… a party in memory of Prince… who worked so hard for us to have just this… our freedom… gave his life so that we might achieve it… and has set us up with all the music we could ever want… to amplify our need to be free… Prince expressed what it feels like to be assaulted with EMF weapons… by using his slowed-down voice to convey that sense of electric-paralysis that makes you feel frozen and clogged… mucus-thick and painfully-slowed… And he testified to this assault as well by employing recurring themes: being stuck in a soulless machine… being the target of professional killers… the expectation of an early death… and… especially when he was a young man… the notion that he was being confronted… assaulted… by… an utterly alien (alien to him… to love…) force… that for some reason he could not fathom felt threatened by him… The song “1999” (released in 1982) opens with this voice saying: “Don't worry… I won't hurt you… I only want you to have some fun…” with a drumbeat that sounds like his slowed-down heart… “Download: a veiled form of fascism… Nothing really ever changes… U never had a voice… If you look, ur sure gonna find… Thruout mankind's history… A colonized mind… The one in power makes law… Under which the colonized fall…” (“Colonized Mind”, Lotusflow3r, 2009)… or: “But I got news for you… Freedom ain't free… They lock you in a cell if you try to be… But the ones who say no, make history… Call it an act of God… Funny how nobody's holy books are the same… Everybody's God got a different name… The day that it's over is the end of the game…” ("Act of God", 2010, 2010)




Prince told the absolute truth in his music… and when he called himself “Dr. FeelGood” in “Let's Go Crazy”… he was not overstating it… These guys… the global-state-statesmen… exist by theft – trapped in the 'plunder mindset' Proudhon schools us on today… one that only knows destruction… exposing with this mindset what was done to them… the 'power'-guys… revealing the hidden crime: the murder and secret burial… of its 'glassy essence'… the soul's abandonment… and with it… an authentic (independent) thought-process… they have no creativity themselves. The lust for false 'power' (plunder) testifies to the absence of the true… 'Creativity' means 'life'… means surrendering to the forces of life… Imagine the world in which it is allowed to exist unharnessed and unharassed in each and every one of us… It is time for us to have this world… – only we can make it for ourselves… Fascism can only stride openly if it can get us to hate… or believe our Brothers and Sisters are motivated by hate… One of the tasks of the emphatic partner – Prince is showing us – is to help us feel loved… show us the abuse we've suffered that we've been trained not to see – confirm it exists… and help us to release our grief… our tears… It is the corruption of this 'system' that has to be seen… so parents can do the right thing… as… fundamentally… none of us want to hurt our children… none of us want our children to become lost to themselves… tools for others… lose their gifts…We all want to experience freedom… But until we talk about it… we can get stuck in the absence of love – each of us will have to bring it… it is the core of 'The Work”… which consists of: …our global consciousness (seeing from the 'vantage of the whole'… and owning a commitment to the truth as expressed in our essential earth… our bodies being our direct route (root) – the knowledge that “1 + 1 + 1 Is 3”…) the work we do for our Sisters and Brothers… the work we give to 'the All'… there is the 'tribe' we do it with… sustain with DMSR (Dance… Music… Sex … Romance)… which are routes to manifesting the eternal… and experienced (honored) as such… It should console us that Prince was made for this historical moment – broadly speaking… His music provides a necessary corrective to the hateful thoughts with which we are generally raised (under 'class'…) which 'power' ensures get continuously reproduced and disseminated. His songs require discussion among all of us who believe in “one global people… one love…” as we discover and share whatever we find to extend our numbers… and commitment to global freedom…




For instance… in the song “Race”… Prince provides what I believe are useful tactics to consider: He calls out and names what he sees: outing “hidden-'power'”… folks I've no doubt were agents (“If the air is a little thick in this room 2nite… I reckon it's the result of an onslaught of separatist rookies… Overcome by this colorful sight… Talkin' so fast that even they… Don't know what they mean… Of all the things that base a rhyme… How is it that U everytime… Regurgitate the racist lines that keep us apart?… Thank God this ain't Monopoly… U'd make us all go back 2 start…” – and shows us that… strategically… the best response to “hidden-'power'” (and we must discuss what that is…) is to notice what's going on around us… and keep dancing… and bringing the love… in creative ways that anchor our goals… Also: notice his finding a way to practically express our global-consciousness (“Race… In the space I mark 'human'…”) and his driving-force forward (“D-d-down with H-I-S-T-O-R-Y and all this BS propagandi… Keepin U from me and me from U as we grow… I don't wanna know… Why those before us hated each other… I'd rather believe they never did… I'd rather believe… That there's hope 4 a kid… And if he imitates the best… I guess that's what I'll try 2 be… And I will let the rest dissolve with my guitar underneath the sea…”




Consider what it would mean for the 'power'-guys of the time – folks like J.P. Morgan and the heads of state Nikola appealed to for support as WWI loomed… support in scaling-up his particle-beam weapon – what would go through the minds of those who lust for 'power'-untouchable to learn of Nikola's invention… Think of what the current versions today would do… and you know what they did… Margaret Cheney: “When he reached New York in mid-January 1900, reporters and magazine editors pounced upon him. Predictably, the eastern scientific fraternity had echoed Professor Holden in denouncing Tesla's claim to have received a message of extraterrestrial origin – at least, without telling them how he did it… Certain that he was at the forefront of a broad, revolutionary technology, he immediately began filing new patents for radio and the transmission of energy, based on his Colorado experiments. As a first step, he envisioned building a world radio center offering all the services enjoyed today – interconnected radio-telephone networks, synchronized time signals, stock-market bulletins, pocket receivers, private communications, radio news service. He referred to it as a world system of intelligence transmission. The first patent that he filed on his return (No. 685,012) was a means for increasing the intensity of electrical oscillations, the medium for doing so being liquefied air to cool the coil and thus reduce its electrical resistance. He also received two other patents in 1900 and 1901 related to buried power transmission lines and the method of insulating them by freezing a surrounding dielectric medium such as water. One, a reissued patent (No. 11,865), referred to a “gaseous” cooling agent – apparently a key word that had been inadvertently omitted from his original patent No. 655,838. He was therefore one of the originators of cryogenic engineering.… This is yet another instance in which his pioneer work has gone unacknowledged – possibly because it might open a door for the U.S. Patent Office to invalidate later claims.…” Preface to our reading of Proudhon: We should keep in mind… though… that at some point… probably in Plato's day… and then by him 'systematized'… these errors became conscious lies (as Popper has shown us by exposing Plato's conscious intent to incorporate them in the next generation…) – the notion that to be motivated by… what Proudhon calls 'instinct' and I call 'heart'… expressed a 'lesser stage' in 'human development'… while a few proclaimed themselves manifestations of the 'higher stage'… and set about making us… forcing the rest of us to be… more 'amenable' to 'rule'… so the 'higher' ones (so-called) could craft the 'higher' 'society': Plato's Republic… Proudhon is now showing us a subsidiary error that derived from the original dualism (mind / body split…) the original rigidity… a duality in thinking that shattered our original wholeness… the idea of Plato's 'communism'… another word for 'totalitarianism'… being key to the achievement of 'equality of conditions' for the Many – the 'leveling effect' De Tocqueville spoke of… or “the greatest good for the greatest number” notion of Jeremy Bentham… to which all are forced to bend…)




Proudhon: “Private associations are sternly prohibited, in spite of the likes and dislikes of different natures, because to tolerate them would be to introduce small communities within the large one, and consequently private property; the strong work for the weak, although this ought to be left to benevolence, and not enforced, advised, or enjoined; the industrious work for the lazy, although this is unjust; the clever work for the foolish, although this is absurd; and, finally, man - casting aside his personality, his spontaneity, his genius, and his affections - humbly annihilates himself at the feet of the majestic and inflexible Commune! [Did he not just… in the blink of an eye… because he sees their antecedents… understands from what they are made… cut the whole item "Plato's Tribesmen"… not needed to piece together anything… set it on our discussion-table to contemplate… And the proof of his perspicacity in seeing their unchanging fixity is on view all around us today… as they seek to impose 'their Way' on the entire planet… Time to get busy my Sisters and Brothers… - for something else: our Freedom… - P.S.]” [Our outro song is “Strange But True” from Rave Un2 the Joy Fantastic… - P.S.]




For Our November 13, 2016 Show:


[“02 Race.mp3”:]


“Race” by Prince: “Lie down, fair 1, and come away… Till the rain is over and gone… G-G-Gimme the beat now (Face the music)… Lead line (Face the music)… If the air is a little thick in this room 2nite… I reckon it's the result of an onslaught of separatist rookies… Overcome by this colorful sight… Talkin' so fast that even they… Talkin' so fast that even they… Don't know what they mean… Of all the things that base a rhyme… How is it that U everytime… Regurgitate the racist lines that keep us apart?… Thank God this ain't Monopoly… U'd make us all go back 2 start… Race… In the space I mark human (Face the music)… Race… Face the music… We all bones when we dead… Race… In the space I mark human (Face the music)… Cut me, cut U… Both the blood is red… I gotcha… D-d-down with H-I-S-T-O-R-Y and all this BS propagandi… Keepin U from me and me from U as we grow… I don't wanna know (I don't wanna know)… Why those before us hated each other… I'd rather believe they never did… I'd rather believe (I'd rather, I'd rather believe)… That there's hope 4 a kid… And if he imitates the best… I guess that's what I'll try 2 be… And I will let the rest dissolve with my guitar underneath the sea… Race… (Face Face Face Face Face)… Face the music (Face the music)… Face the music… Race… In the space I mark human (Face the music)… Race… Face the music… We all bones when we dead… Race… In the space I mark human… (Face the music)… Cut me, cut U… Both the blood is red… Get it?… Race… Got it… Race… (Face-F-Face the music)… Race… Race…” [Prince, "Race", Come, 1994]


[“05 Act Of God.mp3”:]


“Act Of God” by Prince: “But I got news for you… Freedom ain't free… They lock you in a cell if you try to be… But the ones who say no, make history… Call it an act of God… (Act Of God)… Tax dollars build a plane drop a bomb… Supposedly to keep us all safe from Saddam… Bringing bad news to another woman… Call it an Act of God… But I got news for you… Freedom ain't free… They lock you in a cell if you try to be… But the ones who say no, make history… Call it an act of God… (Act Of God)… Funny how nobody's holy books are the same… Everybody's God got a different name… The day that it's over is the end of the game… And they call it an act of God… Hey, it will be all over when the people are free… Free to be who and what they want to be… Wherever we go it's up to you and me… Call it an act of God… We so tired said we through with fear… There never was no hell or boogie man here… If he was seen look he was in your mirror… Call it an act of God… Call it whatcha want except an act of God [x3]…” (Prince, "Act of God", 2010, 2010)]


[“01 Loose!.mp3”:]


“Loose” by Prince: “(Loose!) Everybody wants 2 know what's wrong with U… (Loose!)… They see U actin' like a crazy fool… (Loose!) When the music hits U don't know what 2 do… Push your way up 2 the front and shake your motherfuckin' 'do… Loose!… (Loose!)… Fuckin' 'do Loose! (Loose!)… (Loose!) Bangin' gangs, slangin' wangs and rock… (Loose!) Won't gain U nothin' but an angry cop… (Loose!) Get your education first then buy a pair of shoes… Push your way up 2 the front and shake your motherfuckin' 'do… Loose!… (Loose!)… Guitar solo… (Loose!)… (Loose!) How the hell U gonna tell me what 2 do?… (Loose!) I got the clothes, I got the bank and the crew… (Loose!) If U look real close, I even got your garden tool… Push your way up 2 the front and shake your motherfuckin' 'do… Loose!… (Loose!)… C'mon everybody… Loose!… (Loose!)” [Prince, “Loose”, Come, 1994]


[“10 Wedding Feast.mp3”:]


“Wedding Feast.mp3” by Prince… Part 10 of “The Rainbow Children”: ““Brother dear brother, I came as quickly as I could… The Digital Haze is broken,The Banished Ones r gone 4 good, gone 4 good”… Now there must b a wedding… Now there must b a feast… A feast, a feast… A smorgasbord at least… A brunch, a munch… Of cake if just a piece… Not just a vat of chitlins… Or turkey meat u c… We r what we eat… So we must eat a leaf… We'll dine under a tree… Unless it snows!”






For Our October 30, 2016 Show:




Prince: “My father was so hard on me… I was never good enough… and there was something about that… it was almost like the Army when it came to music… "that's not even close…" he would say… "that's not even close to what I'm doing…” and he'd play again… and… I could hear it… We learn like that… we learn from being shown… It doesn't come from books and just reading it… we need to be shown… So… it's having really good teachers and a bar that's so high… Creating your own universe is the key to it I believe… and letting all the people that you need occupy that universe… I'm blessed enough to be able to say that Miles Davis was a friend when he was alive… and he was a wonderful mentor… and really really funny… and he could critique something you've done by humor… and out of love… people he care about… he tried to help…


[“05 Colonized Mind.mp3”:]


“Colonized Mind” by Prince: “Upload: the evolution principal… U c a rock on the shore and say… "it's always been there"… Download: no responsibility… Do what you want nobody cares… Upload: the master race idea… Genetically disposed 2 rule the world… Download: a future full of isolated… Full of isolated boys and girls… Upload: a 2-party system… The lesser of 2 dangers… Illusion of choice… Download: a veiled form of fascism… Nothing really ever changes… U never had a voice… If you look, ur sure gonna find… Thruout mankind's history… A colonized mind… The one in power makes law… Under which the colonized fall… [And this is Kropotkin's point… very to the point… – P.S.] But without god it's just the blind leading the blind… Upload: a joint venture record deal… It's just another way 4 the man 2 steal… While he's sticking you with the bill… Download: the temporary acquisition of fleeting fame and fortune… Nothing 2 leave in ur will… Upload: a child with no father… Download: no respect 4 authority… Upload: a child with no mother… Download: a hard time showing love… If you look, ur sure gonna find… Thruout mankind's history… A colonized mind… The one in power makes laws… Under which the colonized fall… But without god… It's just the blind leading the blind…” (Prince, "Colonized Mind", Lotus Flower, 2009)]


[“08 1+1+1 is 3.mp3”:]


“1+1+1 is 3.mp3” by Prince… from “The Rainbow Children”






For our September 11, 2016 Show:




Prince: [regarding his decision to change his name…] “…when one completely listens to one's inspiration and inner voice you will create things out of it that will lead you towards Enlightenment… 'Prince' was in a trap… 'Prince' was under contract… 'Prince' was owned… I had to get free from the mentality of being a slave… If you can't do everything that you want to do… if there's a ceiling… and you're not allowed to go as high as you can go… you're in fact a slave… we as people… because we have to answer to a 9 to 5 or answer to a boss or whatever – [we] didn't come to earth like that… [we] came to earth for re-creation… which means recreation… and to re-create love… you can't do that when you're constantly angry and constantly being held back… the 'industry' way of doing business is cool… for them… we're just an alternative…”[From a 1998 interview.]




Our September 4, 2016 Show:




Nikola Tesla: “It was the artist, too, who awakened that broad philanthropic spirit which, even in old ages, shone in the teachings of noble reformers and philosophers, that spirit which made men in all departments and positions work not so much for any material benefit or compensation [but] for the pleasure there is in achieving it and for the good they might be able to do thereby to their fellow-men. Through his influence types of men are now pressing forward, impelled by a deep love for their study, men who are doing wonders in their respective branches, whose chief aim and enjoyment is the acquisition and spread of knowledge, men who look far above earthly things, whose banner is Excelsior! Gentlemen, let us honor the artist, let us thank him, let us drink his health!…” Those who have taken the time to listen to these shows know we are exploring in this space what gets in the way of our getting our freedom… we are attempting to identify these barriers and we've learned that while they are mainly mental… there are physical ones as well… and a critical one that has to be removed from the hands of the state is EMF weaponry. There is so much packed into those words of Nikola Tesla's that explain why a system of 'class' is a failed social arrangement that must be replaced with freedom. Discussing Prince in the context not just of his punishment with EMF and the silencing of his criticism… but in the context of what made him a threat – his 'big-ness' (he urges us to be 'big' with him…) – outs 'hidden-power'… de-legitimates (shrinks…) the state – hidden and official… [and] what has been called 'chem-trails' (what I'd assumed was another name for geo-engineering – which has received funding from Bill Gates…) are a spray of metal-particulates that enhance the effect (strength) of 'power's microwave stream… It was not only in low-income Minneapolis that such experiments (tests) were conducted… I read once in a posting on HAARP that Detroit also was a 'test-site' that received this particulate-spray as well.




…it wasn't long before 'the state-as-parent' noticed him as 'a concern' – when he presented himself as a recalcitrant to the music industry – stepped in… and began applying what I'm sure they considered 'the needed corrective'… and monitoring (life-long monitoring… following… behind… punishing… letting him – along the way – point out for them their weaknesses… where they were vulnerable… so they could shut it down… I don't think we can share Prince authentically… and in the process better understand ourselves… and the current challenges that face us in defending our 'selves'… and getting free… if we don't appreciate that his life – an extreme version of our own – was completely dominated by false folks… it takes a long time to sort that out – I can testify – because we judge others by ourselves… They created a completely artificial world around him – and all artists they fear – it takes time to figure this out – but it's just an extreme version of what they do to all of us… all of us are being held in a concentration camp while some among us – like Prince – are being tortured while we pretend not to notice… It's hideous to contemplate that these folks got in this man (because he absorbed everything around him…) but… thinking on this… it could be an event analogous to that scene in the last Matrix when Mr. Smith finally kills the Oracle only to have her power… her love… released into the world… Let's make the murder of Prince a completely analogous event to this.




We can't authentically share him without understanding what he was up against… and so what we are up against: the hidden-'power' that is manipulating our lives… and this includes sharing and discussing the fact that he was being invisibly attacked almost from the start of his professional life… by false-folks and EMF (and while we're on the subject of being threatened… can we please send some protective energy to Hillary Clinton?… I don't like the vibe I'm getting from the 'power'-fed media… elevating her running mate while subtly undermining her… harping on her health… and so on…)




…this means that Prince gained… at a very early age… an education only 'won' the 'hard-way'… and which… incorporated into his musical… poetic… and analytic gifts… catapulted him to the top of our 'Most Needed Asset for Securing Our Freedom' list… He learned that loving… listening to… and expressing your body's urgings unequivocally (without fear…) gets you 'in trouble' with the state… In “Computer Blue” when he says "please please tell me what the hell is wrong" I believe he's expressing this… and for the next thirty years plus he never stops expressing this. He had a unique gift of being able to express (document…) masterfully… in an extraordinarily compelling interweave of story… mood… sound… and song… what his body felt… what he saw and sensed going on around him… a gift that only increased as his musical and literary palette grew more extensive… Prince's entire life was about the confrontation with the rigid… unequivocal 'discipline' of 'the state-as-parent' – a presence in all of our lives under 'class' but generally hidden behind buffers… the confrontation Prince experienced was extremely coercive and violent… but invisible except for the effects in his body: a physical… wave bombardment that could never be discussed… this… his very life… health… peace of mind… under 24 – 7 assault… and on this most important subject for his very physical and psychic survival… he could not speak in his voice… only in his music did he testify… and relied on our perspicacity and the truth to be established… in time…




I love Shakespeare and Prince… you can spend so much time with so few words of densely-packed thoughts… Shakespeare and Prince: magic people… It's funny… my son came across an Ebony magazine packed in a box in the garage from 1984 that has Prince on the cover… and whoever wrote the article about him said “…you wonder if he's not magical in some way…” which was startling because I was thinking that and it's not a word you usually hear journalists use… This play by Shakespeare sums up in three words the great event that is Prince: 'Measure for Measure': spirit / soul stepping in to supercede false justice… Soul: his strong arms… his cauldron… welcomed us in… that they might take our fear… take our pain… take our fake… and 'mealed' with his heat… be returned to honest… unashamed… feeling… Prince dedicated his life to the belief… the cause… of healing the cancer of 'deadness'… soul-murder… that was all he was surrounded with (the 'power'-guys were… and should be still… very afraid of him…) Prince called his strategy (in the 1988 CD of the same name…) 'LoveSexy'… which he juxtaposed with 'SpookyElectric'… children arrive ready to come to the rescue… as we've said… they come wanting to help solve the problems the people they see around them manifest… but… with the exceptions of those he started out with and the old-school musicians like Miles Davis he sought out or who sought him out (who I've no doubt the 'power'-guys assiduously tried… with their Iago-whispering tactic… to separate him from…) so… with significant exceptions… there were a large quantity of agents placed around… We've learned from Alice why he was a threat to 'hidden-statesmen'… and I've learned from bitter experience that they like to surround and suffocate their targets…




Once this power of authenticity became apparent to the 'power'-guys… probably with that first Warner Bros. contract when he was only 17 – only a child then… a child that I'm certain they were completely confident they could eat alive with but a few applications of their EMF 'treatment' – the wave weapon they stole from Nikola Tesla… all of whose inventions were intended for the same purposes Prince made his: peace and love… once this power of authenticity came to the attention of the 'power'-guys… the global-statesmen… I believe they got busy 'punishing'… or 'correcting'… his 'inappropriate' behavior. What they wanted was for him to place his gifts… his astonishing abilities… at their disposal… to produce for them… and they fully intended to continue the 'treatment' until they made him bend… He never did. He never will – this he communicated as well… clearly… in his songs from that point on.… Now later… the state would embrace open sexuality and improving the position of beat-down boxes (reducing social inequality…) such that this rhetoric is now featured prominently in the 'power'-fed media… 'Power' learned from him… in essence… how to contain him… Would he be considered a threat by 'power' if he entered the world of 'class' today… or been born on the Woodstock stage… as he put it? Without Alice it might be difficult to get: that while 'class' exists Prince for 'power'… poses a complete and total threat…




Prince was deemed a threat because they believed he 'tempted' young people to consider an alternative allegiance to an allegiance to the state. Put like this they 'justify' assaulting and killing whoever they choose… by categorizing their target as a so-called 'national security risk'. Prince suffered this extralegal punishment for over thirty years… during which… and increasingly so as his understanding and determination to resist grew… hidden 'power' tried to suppress and censor his work… keep him and his music from his audience… the people he truly was sent to serve – us… The alternative allegiance Prince presented is common to artists generally… which is why they are particularly at risk… I'm feeling a painful sense of urgency about the need to preserve Prince's legacy to us… We need to lift high those who rep for us… for life… else 'power' will sink them… In our May 15, 2015 show we asked what was the precipitating event to his murder… and we suggested in our May 1 show that he may have been about to release some powerful songs of resistance: songs which may reside in the Vault where he kept reportedly well over a thousand songs archived. Prince is not here to defend his legacy… and given the 'power'-guys continuous campaign of suppression of his most powerful critiques of 'the system' it falls to all who want to ensure that all his rich legacy to us is preserved intact… that none of it is suppressed. Let's press for a full inventory – including titles and lengths – of what he left in the Vault. And… though it may not be seen in the light that it stands in for me… I find I cannot stop thinking about the timing of his death: the coincidence with my being injured by an EMF stream that went into my left thigh and back (described in the April 24 show…) so if anyone has information about this that I've been pondering… please let me know. Is it possible he'd listened on occasion to the show?… to Waking Up Radio? Could he have seen my son and I when we went on Frank Moore's Vimeo internet show “The Shaman's Den” on July 29, 2012? If he had listened it would confirm his interest in outing the hidden practice of assaulting us with EMF weapons. Please let me know if he ever watched Frank Moore's show… and also of course if you know whether he ever listened to this radio show – if there was a 'Prince' listening to this show it would add an additional sense of urgency to the 'power'-guys obvious intention to silence this show…)




He provided visits to the eternal… the hypnotic effect of his music is such that he pulls you with him into it… Why is that not enough to answer 'Socrates' Dilemma'? My son's point… left unaddressed last week… was that Prince's music needs to be coupled with discussion… that 'people listen to music to get by… maybe questing but we need something paired with it so that our prophets are not killed… so that it's not about them. We need more people seeing their light… grieving for that lost child that was them…' But if it is so that 'people listen to music to get by…' this is a manifestation of 'power's pressure on them – unacknowledged… undiscussed… no one ever said to them… 'the system is abusive… based on coercion… which runs against our nature as humans…' –Moreover 'power' hold on us must necessarily grow less and less… our Good Three pointed this out in our discussions of Antisystemic Movements… and this is… in essence… the physical (in us) manifestation of all the 'Breakdown Theories' of Marx… Rosa Luxemburg… and Proudhon: 'power' is loosening its hold: we see this in its increasing reliance on violence - blatant coercion – to suppress us… though until we discuss it this may sound counter-intuitive… and as we discuss it… this opening… Prince's music enters at that opening and fills us up with longing for the real… His music surges rhythmically – like the earth it is part of – it pulses… throbs… it is the opposite of 'class'… Prince wanted to be the solution… I think he was more successful than he knew… The world has been made so false that the critical mass to flip it is building fast…




In one of his songs a disembodied voice tries to hypnotically condition him to remove the words 'me' and 'mine' (though it is true that all of under 'class' have been framed… shaped… by that story 'me and mine'… we have to create a new frame…) to remove those words from his vocabulary… Prince was way too hard on himself. When you are being hurt… and no one else sees… necessarily you focus on 'self' self-protectively… and necessarily the longing to be held becomes intense… because your hurt is never acknowledged… I'm struggling with a lot of anger at those who did this to him (and at myself for being 'survival-mode-heart-slow'…) but I think of it as one of Prince's messages to me… that one of the things I learned in exploring the meanings in "Thieves"… that there is no contradiction between love and fury (and recall Alice's point that no one is ever hurt by an emotion… it is these emotions that we have to own… acknowledge…) Jesus shows us this when he grabs the switch and drives out those who have corrupted our temple… the temple that is our bodies… our freedom… our inherent right to not be messed with… Hope is Truth… and vice versa… I believe is Shakespeare's point… his 'great justice'… under a system of 'class'… long overdue for collapse: …this is a system that requires an enormous amount of energy – which has only one 'prep-ready' source: us… we who take the energy of the earth and make it available to 'power' so it can continuously suppress us / life / freedom… n amount… this energy – that is to say… the amount of energy they need to keep 'control' of us steadily increases as… so you see time is on our side… as we get this ball rolling… as we remove our energy from them – as we stop making the sun's energy available to it… to suppress us with – and give it to each other… to the cause of freedom… the cost for them of repressing us… to try to contain it… goes way up… and eventually they cannot sustain their system of coercion… Freedom is cheap… Freedom as a global social arrangement is effortless… because we do it naturally…




I continue to urge those who love this man… Prince… to continue to press the media for more concrete facts (as opposed to planted innuendo…) about his death… answers to some of the questions we asked on the June 19, 2016 show… and to insist that we need an independent analysis of the autopsy findings and the results of the police investigation… when and how did this drug supposedly get into the body of this man who foreswore all drugs – whose body was his temple – and to figure out ways to get this widely discussed… I believe that most of us who love him know he was murdered… and those who come from his world must surely know that if this is not stopped when we have a better shot at doing that than has ever existed before… we are not just doing a disservice to Prince… we are doing a disservice to life itself… because a system of 'class' is based on the ability to enforce death – no movement… enforced obedience means 'soul-death'… a world peopled by automatons… which is what they've become because they experienced the most extreme versions of 'power's child-rearing practices… and we want to help them no less than ourselves get free of rigid fixed 'class' divisions… We have the means… its long-overdue… One last thing: I'm sure it did not escape you [we played his song “Let's Have a Baby”] how much Prince wanted that baby… who I believe was also murdered… so another way you can help in this righteous cause of outing the truth is to investigate whether a laser-weapon assaulting an in utero infant's skull could cause it to fuse…




For our September 4, 2016 Show:




Prince: “…I was so moved that I had to write this song… the other thing is that the first line of the song says that 'I was born on the same plantation of the United States of the Red White and Blue…' and we live in a place now that feels just about like a plantation… we're all indentured servants… when I found out there were eight presidents before George Washington I wanted to smack somebody… I wanted to know why I was taught otherwise… Just tell me the whole story… I'll fill in the blanks… but don't tell me something that you think I'm supposed to know…” [From a 2009 radio broadcast.]




Prince: “…What he [Dick Gregory, in a video called 'The State of Black America'] said affects all of us. He said something that really hit home about this phenomenon of 'chem-trails', and, you know, when I was a kid I used to see these trails in the sky all the time and you'd say 'Oh that's cool, a jet just went over,' and then you started to see a whole bunch of them, and the next thing you know everybody in your neighborhood was fighting and arguing and you didn't know why, Ok, and you really didn't know why, I mean everybody was fighting. So, he started riffing about the chem-trails, and he started to say some things that hit home so hard and I would recommend that everybody try to get what he said online or whatever, try to get a copy of it, and just listen to it, because I was so moved that I had to write this song…” [From a 2009 radio broadcast. As I said in a subsequent show… my experience has been that these trails all over the sky coincide with particularly intense EMF-assaults on me… so I believe 'chem-trails' is a red-herring (along with the Bill Gates-funded 'geo-engineering' scheme…) to disguise the fact that they are 'amping-up' an EMF-stream… – P.S.]




D-Way: “What do you mean by 'authentic language'?…” The Raven: “'Earth-based'… For example… on the Left… often language is co-opted by a mistaken urge to be 'scientific'… What I'm saying is that in order to unify and in order to free ourselves from the conditioning of this system which is designed to take our earth away… we have to re-claim earth… it's really quite simple and basic… if we stop and think about it… which jobs don't allow us to do… which is what they're for… and with not enough of the populace locked down in a job… 'power' is trying to figure this one out… and this is a rare and very important opportunity that we have to seize… So… 'earth-based is my short answer to your question… that… when we start talking about 'what future we want'… we have to… little by little start re-connecting with the earth… and say… for example… 'ok… I'm looking around where I'm standing… I see way too much concrete… how are we going to feed ourselves?…' But to start I think it's enough to know -- and the Occupy Movement I'm very grateful to for many reasons but particularly for showing how quickly we can begin again… instantaneously because we're alive… and this is what we do… So… instantaneously we can begin creating that alternative that is in alignment with the earth if we start aligning ourselves with the earth… It is about saying 'we're done with this system…' I think… and the inability to say that that is holding us back…” [From our July 29, 2012 radio broadcast.]




…and… by the way… more and more I'm convinced… because this is what I've experienced… that while they may have drones that can dispense EMF… the drones are mainly used for surveillance… precision-targeting… and for intercepting or interrupting wireless transmissions – i.e.… for plausible deniability… and to instill in us a false sense of the 'power'-guys supposed omnipotence… but that the main 'delivery-mechanism' for EMF-assault is elsewhere – an 'above' 'elsewhere'. This is what Leuren Moret says in her article, “The Historical Roots of the New World Order and Its Permanent War Economy…” She tells us that as early as 1952 “a secret meeting was held in New Mexico between Russian and U.S. scientists at the Sandia Lab… [and that] an exchange of information on the biological hazards of microwave and electromagnetic frequencies and safety levels was not entirely successful… [that] shortly after the Russians began a thirty-year programme beaming the U.S. embassy in Moscow with microwaves, causing the deaths of three U.S. ambassadors and illnesses in employees…” So when are we going to demand full disclosure on this weaponry?… and is it not clear that the 'power'-guys operate globally… and use states to keep us caged?




The structural backbone of the crafted falseness (smallness of spirit…) of this global 'class'-system – manifested in 'economics'… in 'politics'… in what we are told is our 'human nature' – is material insecurity: manufactured scarcity… another name for the enforced atomization they impose on us (and we're exploring that connection today…) 'Hidden-power' is this crafted smallness… its 'hidden-ness' is designed to conceal this point… that it has a goal: the 'meritocracy'… 'Perfection'… By their acts consistent with this objective they are outed… but we have been prevented from discussing the obvious… To 'achieve' a so-called 'meritocracy' – and thereby realize the vision of your 'OT' (Original Totalitarian) – what would you need? You would need Ideology – 'EPP' (Extreme Poisonous Pedagogy)… you would need 'TB' (Total Belief)… and you would need ATM (All The Money). The 'systems' for continuously delivering these things to them – and in an ever-increasing fashion – we can see have been achieved: extreme disparities in all three are not only clearly evident… they have replaced… if we are to judge by appearances only… the need for independent thought entirely… and are rapidly replacing the human being with the human machine – and their 'hidden-ness'… the speed of their actions… and our atomization… have defeated all attempts to discuss our feeling that we are being driven… rushed like cattle to slaughter…




Our August 28, 2016 Show:




The longing for freedom didn't start with us… and the theory of how to suppress it didn't start with them… to end 'class' we have to know how it began… at least its present totalitarian iteration… Karl Popper describes this longing for freedom as being manifested in 'the transition from the closed society to the open society'… Thucydides: “Nearly the whole Hellenic world was in commotion. In every city, the leaders of the democratic and of the oligarchic parties were trying hard, the one to bring in the Athenians, the other the Lacedaemonians… The tie of party was stronger than the tie of blood… The leaders on either side used specious names, the one party [for democratic Athenians] professing to uphold the constitutional equality of the many, the other the wisdom of the nobility; in reality they made the public interest their price, professing, of course, their devotion to it. They used any conceivable means for getting the better of one another, and committed the most monstrous crimes. This revolution gave birth to every form of wickedness in Hellas… Everywhere prevailed an attitude of perfidious antagonism. There was no word binding enough, no oath terrible enough, to reconcile enemies. Each man was strong only in the conviction that nothing was secure…” – and we must keep in mind that what he's talking about is the attempt of a self-organized band of 'rulers' – the current version of which are the Plato's Tribesmen – to artificially impose 'tribalism' – which is what a society of rigid fixed 'class' divisions is an expression of… i.e. everyone confines their identity to 'their' narrow group… while the Plato's Tribesmen… it just so works out… remain forever on 'top': everyone 'plays their position' and is (artificially… because they are told they are… from infancy…) 'happy'… – the society is closed to change… to new ideas… to thought… to growth… But once the quest for the open society… for freedom… begins… we cannot be turned from our determination to achieve it… – Jesus of Nazareth being one of the most potent examples of this…] John: “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love. We love him, because he first loved us. If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen? And this commandment have we from him, That he who loveth God love his brother also…” [And this brings us to our question for today: What is the route by which love for our freedom becomes the imperative for love for all my Brothers and Sisters?…]




Nikola Tesla: “All this energy emanates from one single center, one singe source – the sun. The sun is the spring that drives all. The sun maintains all human life and supplies all human energy… Another answer we have now found to the above great question: To increase the force accelerating human movement means to turn to the uses of man more of the sun's energy… [through his explanations in other writings we have gleaned… that he's asking… ultimately: what will increase the human energy that will get us free? This is our question as well… And we will be arguing that this creative energy for life is the kind of energy Prince speaks of when he talks about 'purple electricity' you know the kind you feel when you feel passion… when you feel love… when you feel powerfully connected to all life… – that it is this kind of energy that fuels creativity… fuels our freedom… But Nikola Tesla's inventions to free us were stolen and used to produce toxic energy… – P.S.] we honor and revere those great men of bygone times whose names are linked with immortal achievements, who have proved themselves benefactors of humanity – the religious reformer with his wise maxims of life, the philosopher with his deep truths, the mathematician with his formulae, the physicist with his laws, the discoverer with his principles and secrets wrested from nature, the artist with his forms of the beautiful; but who honors him, the greatest of all, – who can tell the name of him – who first turned to use the sun's energy to save the effort of a weak fellow-creature? That was man's first act of scientific philanthropy, and its consequences have been incalculable.…” (1900) [Whoever was that first 'scientific philanthropist'… many others followed… in whose line we find Prince. Prince is our treasure… he took enormous risks… bore hideous punishment… for us:]




(Message to the 'power'-guys:) “Lay down your funky weapon, come join us on the floor… Making love and music's the only things worth fighting 4. We r the new power generation, we want 2 change the world. The only thing that's in our way is u. Your old fashioned music, your old ideas, We're sick and tired of u telling us what 2 do. Pardon me 4 thinking, but there's something under my hair… I bet u thought the lights were on but noone's living there… U think that if u tell enough lies they will see the truth? I hope they bury your old ideas the same time they bury u… Lay down your funky weapon, come join us on the floor Making love and music's the only things worth fighting 4. We r the new power generation, we want 2 change the world. The only thing that's in our way is u. Pardon us for caring, we didn't know it was against the rules (shout it out) If we only want to love one another… Then tell me now who's the fool (tell me, tell me) No father, no mother, no sister, no brother, nobody can make me stop Said if u didn't come 2 party child, I think u better get up offa my block. Lay down your funky weapon, come join us on the floor… Making love and music's the only things worth fighting 4. We r the new power generation, we want 2 change the world. The only thing that's in our way is u. Your old fashioned music, your old ideas, We're sick and tired of u telling us what 2 do. Why don't u just be happy, baby.” (Prince)




'An evil… once known… must be destroyed…' – isn't that how Proudhon put it? Where did his love come from?… this love that fuels all fighters for freedom… Two such we are thinking on today are Nikola… and Prince. Nikola's and Prince's words to us last week are planting seeds: it is that which 'harmonizes' us globally that – once misery and want are eradicated with the employment of Nikola's inventions – will cultivate common aspirations in us globally… In Nikola's case what harmonizes us is 'Nature'… i.e.… the earth and our passion for discovery… and in Prince's case… it is love (we played his song Anna Stezia from the CD LoveSexy…) which… arguably… embraces all three. At the risk of seeming self-indulgent – until I establish more clearly his incalculable significance – in bringing Prince to our weekly gatherings… his murder supports our doing this. He was a threat to those who hold our leashes… and it's important that we understand why… beyond the evidence of his body testifying to EMF… or the results of the police investigation exposing glaring holes in the official story… back to the original reasons why he was targeted as a threat in the first place… …and until we see – which I certainly didn't before being rolled into the gears of the machine – that the entire 'world' we are presented with as infants… and conditioned to accept as 'real'… is false… a construction crafted by hidden actors… and particularly the propaganda machinery known as 'the education system' or 'the media' (because the global-state-statesmen amassed means to so do…) – until we see this… or look at this… recognize the degree to which the media and education is vetted… censored… cleansed of his messages that indirectly (though they speak this clearly enough to them who are policing the popular 'discourse'…) reject the legitimacy of the state – it may be difficult to understand why an obvious treasure would be treated so hideously… The answer lies in Alice Miller and in our understanding what conditions make it possible for us to be ruled (that's the whole game that's the point… for them… we must be 'governable'…) those being: keeping us separated from each other… keeping us from seeing our inherent self-creative power – our endowment from the earth – and that being as well… freezing spontaneous feelings in the 'power'-designed imposition of child-rearing… as a strategy for planting obedience –the 'master's voice – in every child… and our internalization of the master's voice (obedience…) and of course the stultification of our thought-process: our inability to see the crass falseness around us because of our indoctrination in accepting it as real… or legitimate. Prince challenged 'power' on all these fronts.… The punishment inflicted on him for his courage – the worst being the assault by EMF… because he could not fight back – paid for the education all artists who witnessed that courage received from it… paid for their knowledge gained from his example… It may not save them from being similarly assaulted but… if those who read this spread the word… many more may learn that this weaponry exists… and that the state uses it… along with the tactic of infiltration – a 'surround with false-folks' strategy – to sabotage and suppress the so-called 'disobedient'… Discussing Prince then leads directly to discussions of Nikola Tesla… And we learn so much from challenging 'power' that we need to know about ourselves.




(And that's a notion I want to think more about… so we can get clear on the distinction between what we're talking about… and the so-called 'self-healing' industry…) Everything Prince did required enormous courage – add to this… thirty years of torture by EMF… forcing him into a state of hyper-awareness of continuous threat… of being aimed at constantly… making his road – our treasure… creating such a rich legacy for us – making his road so hard… 'compensating' him – these 'power'-guys did… for the gifts he shared… with pain and suffering his whole life… and then… now… insults to the last… they attempt to trash him yet again… this time with lies about his supposed inability to bear pain… that fictional 'pain' itself a fabrication to cover up the real pain they'd been dishing out to him for decades… Prince came… if we can judge by what he gave… to feel and express our common pain from living in a social construction in which we have no intrinsic value – that was his whole point… and the whole point of his being a threat to 'power'… He exposed the pain… the wounds… of 'class'… exposed them to our conscious scrutiny and analysis… so we could begin figuring out what to do… He is an inestimable asset in our fight for freedom… His goal: churn pain to joy… frozen to vital… the transformation of a cruel cruel world… a dead world… to living manifestations of love. Love = Life. The idea that he would run from it is ludicrous… This man did not run from pain… he transformed it to love… that they want to hang that crooked story on him is hideous… He took in all the pain and all the intense feeling… and expressed it for us – both so we could take a look at it… and so we would not feel so alone… He became the voice of the Silence around him: that which is never spoken but unconsciously felt (or consciously felt but never spoken because it is speech sanctioned by 'power'…) and therefore that which has been silenced by the system… because authentic assessment of the system would challenge its legitimacy… It perpetuates itself by keeping us from looking honestly at our true (deep) feelings… Considering his many gifts defines for us true wealth… necessarily raises the question of our right to happiness… to live in our gifts without being molested…




Mrs. Trotter gave me a chance to be a real friend and I blew it… She said… if the thought of me comes into your mind… call me… The night she died… I thought of her… and didn't call… I can't tell you how often Prince sprang to mind… only to be dismissed because I didn't want to be seen as name-dropping… making-use-of his fame… I was too focused on 'self'… and didn't think with my heart… Not a day passes I don't regret it… Alice is that angel Prince spoke of… bringing her words of compassion… words of peace… Where would we be without Alice? Thank you Sister… Prince came to bring us encouragement and love “Do not fear” he tells us and modeled it. When he says “I'm here to tell you… there's something else… he is reiterating Emily's words to us… “This world is not conclusion…” and Jesus': “Do not fear…” Prince's message comes from and honors his body… always (and honors honesty…) Don't be afraid of those strong feelings – or of expressing them – of longing for one-ness… of longing to merge… they guide us true. Dance is free expression of feeling… Every feeling has a body expression… In movement / expression / music we get our feelings out… My son said something I'm continuing to think on: “People have to see the light in themselves and I'm not sure how much his music helps with that process He told the truth – what he was seeing and experiencing – with his music. But people listen to music to get by… maybe questing… but we need something paired with it so that our prophets are not killed… so that it's not about them… We need more people seeing their light… grieving for that lost child that was them… I'm not sure that comes from telling the truth. We need more people seeing their light.” – “Emily Dickinson's right… you do have to tell it slant… and Prince is right: You have to have positivity… beauty… grace… and emotion…” I wanted to respond to that but it's not been possible his week – it's been a very intense… challenging… week… but I'm hoping all of you will ponder that as well… because it speaks to that segment of the show we keep putting off: “What would an authentic self-defense practice look like?” and I'm particularly thinking about the applicability… or the practical aspects of Prince's strategy… trying to describe more clearly what that strategy is… Prince sees so much… he did not fear… he was not afraid to look… He looked (not a common… or easy… thing to do… for we trapped in the 'class'-system…) he looked… and then applied his musical and poetic gifts… and his analysis… to sharing with us a key piece of the solution… He told us: we all spring from the sun… we are all literally connected. The more I learn from him… the sadder I get… that I missed… until now… the great event that is Prince.




(No word yet on the results of the police investigation – including the full autopsy findings – into the death of Prince… and until the full information is released… I'm encouraging us to apply whatever whatever pressure we can to getting more answers to our questions about his death… to continue to press for the release of this suppressed information… which… with our knowledge… gained from Nikola Tesla that the hidden 'power-guys' possess the inventions [including EMF weapons…] that he conceived to free us from toil and coercion of every kind… would allow us to look for evidence – inclusive of the conditions Henry Kissinger described in his telegram to Moscow in 1976 – of damage to Prince's body as a result of assault [and in his case this would be a prolonged assault over decades…] by an EMF weapon or… I am convinced… many different types of EMF weapons… Last week Proudhon introduced to us the beginning of an argument which sheds light… I think… on the origins of 'class'… as well as on our project of ending it… and we commented that he is describing Plato's vision… which the would-be rulers – the global-state statesmen – have taken up as their mission proffered for a tin-cup…) Proudhon: “But man acquires skill only by observation and experiment. He reflects, then, since to observe and experiment is to reflect; he reasons, since he cannot help reasoning. In reflecting, he becomes deluded; in reasoning, he makes mistakes, and, thinking himself right, persists in them. He is wedded to his opinions; he esteems himself, and despises others. Consequently, he isolates himself; for he could not submit to the majority without renouncing his will and his reason, – that is, without disowning himself, which is impossible.… [In this work Proudhon demonstrates his greatness… he shows us… we trapped in 'class'… he shows us ourselves… as Shakespeare does… in a different venue… he tells us he will help us through the sticky-wickets… he will not abandon us to those trapped in the 'mistaken notion' that they must 'rule'… In short… he inspires us to keep going… Like all the great souls the earth produces within 'the system' of 'class' he is an antidote to the horrors produced by those arrayed against her… – P.S.] he could not submit to the majority without renouncing his will and his reason, – that is, without disowning himself, which is impossible. And this isolation, this intellectual egotism, this individuality of opinion, lasts until the truth is demonstrated to him by observation and experience.…”




I feel we should back up and consider Proudhon's argument in juxtaposition with Popper's Chapter 10 of The Open Society and Its Enemies (which shares the book's title…) with Alice… and with Prince… because all four… I think… are looking at the same thing from different angles: dissension and violence rending human 'society' (and this is coterminous with class… or maybe just another way of saying that a system of 'class' rends human society with dissension and violence…) and how to heal the rent… and bringing them into nexus may bring us to the crux of our dilemma… we who have been 'made use of' for many many millennia… What I found myself reacting strongly to in what Proudhon will say is the notion that the crux of the problem of society being rent in two is the human's (under 'class'… we must always add…) power of reflection… So… he argues… the problem is our thinking… and our ego (and you can probably see where I'm going with this: to Alice… who argued that the freezing of spontaneous feelings when the effort to force us to obey engenders fear and confusion in us… as infants… forestalls the development of the authentic self… the true self… or 'ego'… which one needs to exist both for us to authentically 'reason'… and to fiercely defend it… So Proudhon's argument pertains to those whose souls have not been bludgeoned into robotic repetitions of programmed thoughts…) and then he says… our false notions we will not let go “until the truth is demonstrated to him by observation and experience [which… we will be arguing… is the influence of the earth… involved with… influencing… our bodies…




Karl Popper… in describing… in his Chapter 10… the… in his words… struggle of humans to emerge from the 'closed society' – he uses the illustration of the conflict between Athens and Sparta… between the two opposing ways of being in the world: the open versus the closed society – reveals – perhaps tangentially – a fundamental disagreement between us… me and Popper… expressed in the statement: “Our Western civilization originated with the Greeks. They were, it seems, the first to make the step from tribalism to humanitarianism. Let us consider what that means…” – I suspect that a large part of our dispute is about terminology and that as we clarify what he means by 'humanitarianism' we may be better able to decide whether we agree or not… but we'll set that aside for now with my short rebuttal that I see nothing 'humanitarian' about 'class'-society… which in most academic work is equated with 'civilization'… We have been arguing in this space that we need to create and agree upon a new lexicon: the lexicon of freedom…Proudhon: “In what follows, the magical or tribal or collectivist society will also be called the closed society, and the society in which individuals are confronted with personal decisions, the open society….” [we should note that this definition confirms our argument that this global-'class'-society we got is totalitarian… i.e.… closed… which he says “can be justly compared to an organism…” – and while the notion of 'an organism' – i.e.… something self-contained – is suggestive of totalitarianism… Popper would disagree that 'class' is inherently totalitarianism… a disagreement that I think might dissolve with the new information we've acquired since he wrote: I'm thinking particularly of 'world-systems theory'… contributed by our Good Three – Terence K. Hopkins… Immanuel Wallerstein… and Giovanni Arrighi – and of course the work of Alice Miller… explaining the psychological dynamics at work in the resistance of some progressives to reincorporate… and continue… the work of Peter Kropotkin – and of course if he had had any inkling that the work of Nikola Tesla was being used to clandestinely kill us… either for our dissent… or because we're part of a population the global-statesmen want to get rid of… that would have put him square on the side of “Yes… the state we got is Fascist…” What our Good Three argued is that the strategy 'fix the state' is a failed strategy…that has long since been nullified by the totalitarian (global) character of 'class'… – P.S.]




Proudhon: “As a consequence of its loss of organic character, an open society may become, by degrees, what I should like to term an 'abstract society'. It may, to a considerable extent, lose the character of a concrete or real group of men, or of a system of such real groups.… We could conceive of a society in which men practically never meet face to face – in which all business is conducted by individuals in isolation who communicate by typed letters or by telegrams, and who go about in closed motor-cars (Artificial insemination would allow even propagation without a personal element.) Such a fictitious society might be called a 'completely abstract or depersonalized society'. Now the interesting point is that our modern society resembles in many of its aspects such a completely abstract society… There are many people living in a modern society who have no, or extremely few, intimate personal contacts [except with their personal group… their 'tribe': “rigid… fixed… divisions” between us being what 'power' has systematically created… cultivated… and enforced… for the last 250 years – they had a plan… which means they were very effective because they organized to achieve it – P.S.], who live in anonymity and isolation, and consequently in unhappiness. For although society has become abstract,the biological make-up of man has not changed much [you can bet your bottom-whatever they are working on that… – P.S.]; men have social needs which they cannot satisfy in an abstract society.… [O]ur modern open societies function largely by way of abstract relations, such as exchange or co-operation.… Thus when we say that our Western civilization derives from the Greeks, we ought to realize what it means. It means that the Greeks started for us that great revolution which, it seems, is still in its beginning – the transition from the closed to the open society.…” […given the complete suppression of that… the notion that these ideas of longing for freedom originated in ancient Greek society I think is not true… and the fact that they have elevated Plato (the 'power'-guys…) over the millennia… and completely suppressed the anti-slavery movement of Athens… and the broader world… does not suggest an on-going progress of furthering freedom… but rather an on-going progress of suppressing it… – P.S.]




Proudhon: “Of course, this revolution was not made consciously. The breakdown of tribalism, of the closed societies of Greece, may be traced back to the time when population growth began to make itself felt among the ruling class of landed proprietors. This meant the end of 'organic' tribalism. [By which I take it he means tacit (unquestioned) consent… agreement…of the 'rulers'… We have to keep reminding ourselves that this 'society' he speaks of is resting on the backs of us… the human-cattle… – P.S.] For it created social tension within the closed society of the ruling class. At first… colonization… postponed the breakdown… Perhaps the most powerful cause of the breakdown of the closed society was the development of sea-communications and commerce. Close contact with other tribes is liable to undermine the feeling of necessity with which tribal institutions are viewed…” [We will be applying the lessons from this… and our analysis the example of Prince… to begin answering the question: how do we open up this closed society?…]




For older "Prince - Proudhon audio please visit "Prince - Proudhon" Audio - 3 Page


For older again "Prince - Proudhon audio please visit )"Prince - Proudhon" Audio - 2 Page


For even older "Prince - Proudhon audio please visit (Original) "Prince - Proudhon" Audio - 1 Page




“The principle directional tendency of capital is its centralization on a world scale… This determining direction of capital on a world scale… entails for antisystemic forcs at least three broad consequential subordinate directional tendencies. First… the ongoing relocation of labor-using manufacturing processes to the semiperiphery and hence the shift there of the epicenter of “classically” framed and conducted class conflict… Second is the de-nationalization, in effect, of domestic (“national”) labor forces. The world’s workers, increasingly made into laborers under the aegis of capital, move as they always have in order to be in relation to capital, a movement sharply furthered in speed and extent by developments in communications and transportation… Ship, air, and electronics have for decades now been analogously forming the possibility of an organized world proletariat within “national” locales. The possibility is at once eliminated, however, so long as we think with the state-formed consciousness that there are “nationals” and there are “immigrants,” and in that way reproduce the varieties of racism these historically formed categories inevitably entail. “National” and “immigrant” are categories of the capitalist world-economy’s interstate system; they have no place (except as phenomenologically [i.e. to do with objects in our consciousness and experience…] phenomenologically real conditions to be overcome) in the language of world-scale workers’ movements.”




“National liberation in segments of the capitalist world-economy, and the transformations it has effected in relations of rule and other social relations, have altered the social structuring of the world-historical accumulation process. That much is historically evident and therefore theoretically to be taken into account. [Don't you love that?… that analytical clarity?… I mean… who else… who says they're devising theory even bothers to ensure that it's based in reality these days?… or 'strategy' likewise… or particularly… – P.S.] But it has not eliminated the relational conditions through which the accumulation process operates. And precisely that world-historical elimination, of the relational conditions through which accumulation of capital occurs, is what is entailed in the idea of the class struggle as the pivotal process in the transformation of the capitalist world-economy into a socialist world order. [What happened to that as our goal… hum?… We seem to have lost track of that somewhere along the way… – P.S.] …If, however, we cease to accord strategic primacy to acquiring such state power within the interstate system, far more becomes historically possible and thereby, within the domain of historically realistic alternatives, theoretically possible. It would seem a dubious theoretical tenet to assert that national liberation, in its successive occurrences, is in any way a necessary condition of the revolutionary transformation of the world-economy. It is surely indefensible to claim it as a sufficient condition.”




Thandiwe's Word:


...on the challenge of beginning to create the alternative:


“The imagination has to be stimulated – that imaginative part of ourselves that manifests our dreams, through that fire, that passion, that is our art. Asking questions stimulates that process of figuring out, visualizing, and manifesting what we want. But we need each other's help in order to do that – to manifest our power – and we've been cut off from helping each other.”




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