Waking Up Radio Theme
“Berkeley Liberation Radio Stream”
“Berkeley Liberation Radio Stream” (alternate)
[Return to: Miklos Nyiszli's Lessons on Class (temporary page)] for audio files and transcripts of the June 1, 2014 Waking Up Radio show that discusses this notion of ‘inclusive capitalism’.
[Return to: “Keith Lowe Lessons From Savage Continent… For Building Our Future” (Part 1)] for audio files and transcripts for the July 6, 2014 through the September 28, 2014 Waking Up Radio shows.
[Return to: “Keith Lowe Lessons From Savage Continent… For Building Our Future” (Part 2)] for audio files and transcripts for the October 5, 2014 through the November, 2014 Waking Up Radio shows.
“Embracing Global Goals, Scope and Action: Becoming Global Actors… Claiming the ‘All’”
“Facing Fear… Raise Up Love…” Reflections of 3.7… Audio From (Including and After…) the November 15, 2015 Show
These following audio-files are presented in chronological order... beginning with the November 15, 2015 Show... with the more recent at the end.
For other show audio please go to the the: "Missing Audio Files- 2 Page: Proudhon Raises Up the Love" Audio Page. The first "Missing Audio" page is being messed with, but it has the audio for earlier shows: Missing Audio Files - 1 Page
[Our show just previous (November 8, 2015 show) provides the context:]
And while the invention of the global-state… the global interstate-system… made 'class' consciously…intentionally… totalitarian (i.e. no matter how we turn and twist… chafing at the bars and bits… no matter how we struggle against it… in the end we find… our cage awaits us… This is accomplished as Peter Kropotkin helps us see… by means of words only: “We are so perverted by an education which from infancy seeks to kill in us the spirit of revolt, and to develop that of submission to authority; we are so perverted by this existence under the ferrule [a metal encircling band] of a law, which regulates every event in life – our birth, our education, our development, our love, our friendship – that, if this state of things continues, we shall lose all initiative, all habit of thinking for ourselves. Our society seems no longer able to understand that it is possible to exist otherwise than under the reign of law, elaborated by a representative government and administered by a handful of rulers.” (Peter Kropotkin)
(I love that Nikola Tesla placed his work to establish instantaneous global communication in the context of its bringing about the unity of men and women globally… and …though not saying so directly… implied that 'power' can manipulate us if we cannot talk to each other directly… share our thoughts directly…) “Law, in its quality of guarantee of the results of pillage, slavery and exploitation, has followed the same phases of development as capital.” (Peter Kropotkin)
“Thus the protection of exploitation directly by laws on property, and indirectly by the maintenance of the State is both the spirit and the substance of our modern codes, and the one function of our costly legislative machinery. But it is time we gave up being satisfied with mere phrases, and learned to appreciate their real significance. The law, which on its first appearance presented itself as a compendium of customs useful for the preservation of society, is now perceived to be nothing but an instrument for the maintenance of exploitation and the domination of the toiling masses…” (Peter Kropotkin)
…we are honing in on a strategy… and perhaps a short way of summarizing it is that we… each one… must be leaders – that's what it means to say that the basic unit of political organization in our freedom and in our transition to freedom is the individual – no more surrendering our leadership capacities to others… each one of us has to get 'big'… doing so immediately overpowers a system based on coercion and force – it extends their resources too thin… and very shortly then they're ready to cut a 'deal'… And we have to understand… that there are no 'deals' cut when it comes to our freedom. Just like you can't be 'a little bit pregnant'… we can't be 'a little bit free'… It is all or nothing… and we are in the end-game… we are in the time where if we don't claim our freedom then we are setting our children up for chains and leashes… and constant fear… I have got this: these folk only feel safe if we are obviously afraid of them… if we are not afraid of them they don't feel safe… and so then they will 'up' the force… 'up' the coercion… 'up' the clandestine violence. You do the math… where does that lead?… that endless escalation from their endless fear?
The hard work and common sense of our ancestors who long for generalized human freedom (globally) has been suppressed. All states (who participate in the interstate system… whose statesmen want to be 'global players'…) do this – and do this in collaboration – this 'work' of ensuring that the vast many cannot develop our thought… cannot see the obvious: that ten thousand guys who want to be gods must not be allowed to decide for seven billion… must not be allowed to coerce our human energy for purposes which… as Peter says… all end with the object of keeping us as children… dependent on them… ad infinitum…
(Last week I said that my house feels like a prison… I forgot to add “where they torture you every second…” I think sometimes about these people who do this… who torture their Brothers and Sisters… and I have to think they must be children… teenagers… who have no experience of life… who have no ability to think what they're doing through… – we'll be talking about that: their use of children to do these things… and I say 'children' because I'm sure they're encouraged to think of what they do as a computer game – they're trying to turn everything into a 'game' so that we don't take our lives seriously anymore… or anyone else's… – I imagine these 'children' are sitting in front of a computer screen somewhere and the people they do this do aren't real… You see?… only a child can be satisfied with just fulfilling the task and getting their reward of 'candy'… At some point… the thought process… even in these trained to be obedient… must start to kick in… and I wonder what they do with folk at that point…)
…which brings us back to 'sticky hands'… and the result of our analysis: the need to redesign education… create an education for us… for free humans… and then… find ways to disseminate it… …both derive from the priority of re-engaging our thought process – the thought process of all of us here in the U.S.… and throughout the world of 'class' – by causing that which is not seen (or the sight of which has been suppressed…) to be seen… We are seeing (in our readings) how that thought process got shut down… in our individual lives… and historically… This priority of re-engaging our thought process can be expressed in multiple ways… we could describe it as 'breaking a spell'… or establishing a 'new ethics' in a world of our self-conscious creation – based in our children's right to their feelings… their right to honor their bodies' voice… and follow its guidance… honor its living manifestation of love… …our children's feelings provide 'right guidance'… to follow which… is their inherent right of self-creation. Our children deserve… we deserve… to live their… our… gifts freely… without coercion… The Talking Tree – both the book and the CD are intended as tools for a process of helping children see and believe in the authentic… the true… their feelings… the root… the ethical basis of our future.)
(I'm hoping to obtain video of Coleen Gragen… the woman who started Hand to Hand Martial Arts Center in Oakland… singing this song that she wrote: “Facing fear… raise up love… raise up love… Facing fear… raise up love…” – and also video of Coleen in motion – to share… because it strikes me that they tried to silence her voice… and I find it to be… necessary… in this moment… to raise her love… an enormous love.)
Harrison Sims… died of 'congestive heart failure'… I know they did this to… He is the man I think of when I say those words: “a gentle Black man”… none more gentle… I fear for the psychic safety of his son… because I know they've done their homework on him… keep tabs on him… insinuate false folks around him… because that's their m.o.… that's what they do… I've learned in the course of the past six years… that's what they do… I had no idea… which is why it works… no one has any idea… until they find themselves in the crosshairs… and usually those people don't last too long… It is really important that we start mobilizing… these folk are so deadly serious… and so damaged… and it's difficult for us to believe that such folk exist because we tend to judge others by ourselves… but I've learned they definitely do exist… They are a shadow-state… they operate as a shadow-state with enormous resources… and absolutely no rules… no rules apply… they do what they want… and they are supremely obsessed with knowing what we think… at all times… in particular those who are challenging their world-view with another… putting another way out there… or simply just… as we've been doing here… returning to discussion suppressed ancestors that they don't want discussed…
How can the Miniscule Few control the Vastness of Us?… is the question that 'occupied' Jeremy Bentham… and the 'Panopticon' was the answer he presented to statesmen… a prison design which… you'll recall… kept us from working together and developing our thought… as it required us to not 'see' each other… but rather to only look up. But to control us globally – the seven billion of us – required more than just hierarchical organization. And so the 'solution' 'power' settled upon was to intentionally multiply its 'children'… a simple matter when the structure of 'class' rests on the basis of child abandonment… how easy it was to lure our lost children with the message lodged in them of their 'specialness'. These cultivated children span the globe… and 'Sticky Hands” is their m.o. The strategy illustrates perfectly how trained intention 'bests' the uninitiated… manipulates the honest… and as a bonus sows despair and mistrust… when eventually we conclude we don't know what's true… and what isn't. (There was a likely illustration of this strategy this week here in Berkeley… at Berkeley High School…)
[For our November 15, 2015 show:]
“Facing fear… raise up love… raise up love… Facing fear… raise up love…” (Thandiwe's word-beat of Kate singing Coleen Gragen's song, posted to the November 15, 2015 Waking Up Radio show)
“Facing fear… raise up love… raise up love… Facing fear… raise up love… Raise up love for women and children… Raise up love for the homeless and the poor… Raise up love for human rights… …for all people… Raise up love… put an end to war… Facing fear… raise up love… raise up love… Facing fear… raise up love…” (Kate Hobbs singing “Raise Up Love”, recorded at her home on November 5, 2015)
[Our November 15, 2015 show):]
Facing Fear… Raise Up Love” (Part 1): my attempts to add text and audio to the “3.7” page have been blocked.) You recall I wrote about the 'jog circuit' in the first chapter of Waking Up… well… this is a good illustration of it. 'Power' likes to break our flows when we got a good one going… and I think we do with this “Embracing Global Goals 3.7” page.… So… for now… I'll write and type up the commentary portion of each subsequent show as a single pdf… such that the result… in conjunction with the “3.7” shows… might serve as practical guidance for working with our Brothers and Sisters…
Facing Fear… Raise Up Love” (Part 2”): [And… to reiterate a personal request… it sure would be a big 'assist'… if I had a way to upload without putting my life at risk… Here's the pattern: I venture out pre-3-AM and journey to my upload spot… cars with pointing headlights identify the road for the coming drone… I start my upload tasks… and soon overhead the drone passes… I get blasted… I know because my body starts to swell (though I feel it most in my knees… chest… and head…) then either it… or some other one… hovers off at a distance… and plays “Man in the middle” for all my 'url' requests (I know because there have been a few glitches…) it seems when I think I'm uploading… they're intercepting it… who knows why… or what they do with (to) it… but it sure would be sweet to have an upload-alternative…]
Facing Fear… Raise Up Love” (Part 2”): Sisters and Brothers: I admit to a dream… I don't mean our free future… for that is certainty… each one of us becoming 'big' ends this system… withers 'the state in us…'… …no… the dream I see is all of us singing… “Facing fear… raise up love…” a song written by Sifu Coleen Gragen…
It's urgent that we claim the turf of the world we want...
The only 'progress' being made is 'power's 'progress' in hardening our chains.
The chief difficulty facing us is kept hidden from us...
We are reading Alice Miller to understand unconscious damage.
"The child is never capable of describing [the abuse] because he or she doesn't know that things can be any other way..." [this mirrors precisely our dilemma...]
"Who will bear the brunt of this humiliating treatment when the colonies are no longer there to perform this function?"
These 'power'-mad Few eliminate anyone they want on a whim… [the current state of things is hideous… we could not be in more need of Alice… Notice the close correspondence between what was done to them… and their stance toward us…]: “These passages teach us that: 1. Adults are the masters (not the servants!) of the dependent child. 2. They determine in godlike fashion what is right and what is wrong. 3. The child is responsible for [the parent's] anger. 4. The parents must always be shielded. 5. The child's life-affirming feelings pose a threat to the autocratic adult. 6. The child's will must be “broken” as soon as possible. 7. All this must happen at a very early age, so the child “won't notice” and will therefore not be able to expose the adults.
The significance of the command to not place blame on one's parents is due… not only to the fact that challenging it is key to our healing – key to our healing from the abuse of child-rearing to recognize that our parents were wrong – but also to understanding – through Bentham… and through our own observations… the larger political reality – that the parent is indeed the deputy of the state…
[Our November 22, 2015 show):]
We've been arguing that hidden-'power' exists in our internalization of it – that our identification with 'the state' is a transference of our identification with 'Authority' more broadly… with that of our parents… in the mental frames they set in us… that 'power' hides in the absence of any real challenge to it… accomplished with the creation of the nation-state in a global interstate system (specifically to provide the 'power'-guys with cover… backup… and structural support) in the period post-French Revolution – in its elimination of all other options… that hidden-folks… 'power's agents… have insinuated themselves into every nook and cranny of our lives (and especially into our resistance) feels like a new thing… but only because we are only now confronting it openly… with tools that allow us to discuss the strategy globally…
…'power' is looking here in the U.S. to transform progressive communities into conservative ones. [The manufactured 'foreclosure-crisis' was the tactic used to destroy established diverse communities in which folks got along across the false divides… 'Power' wanted the cities back… they got them back. Low-income folk have been forced out of their former homes. This is a transparent effort to rigidify 'class'-divides… such that we don't interact with each other…] Here in Berkeley, California for instance… the shift has been dramatic and continuous in the past six years or so… The City Council this week just intensified its assault on the low-income by further criminalizing homelessness… an assault the UC – Berkeley student paper calls “regulating streets…” quoting merchants who complain of public defecation. There is no doubt that folks hanging out without homes are infiltrated with numerous false folks… there to shift public opinion against the low-income. This tactic of infiltration… because it can't be proven soon enough to stop its object from being achieved (and 'proof' in any case wastes too much energy… given our more pressing priorities…) must… as we've discussed… be made null in our 'organizing the transition' working arrangements… [the experience of being hit with EMF weapons feels like being frozen and fried at the same time…])
[We need Alice to help us understand 'power's agents… We can see the world we want… open… free from coercion… in which our harmony in abundance will make our world a paradise so easily… it's very difficult to understand the fear of those who stand against it…]
(Alice: “Almost everywhere we find the effort… to rid ourselves as quickly as possible of the child within us – i.e., the weak, helpless, dependent creature – in order to become an independent, competent adult deserving of respect. When we reencounter this creature in our children, we persecute it with the same measures once used on ourselves. And this is what we are accustomed to call “child-rearing.”) It's perfectly clear and obviously true… that the parent does the work of the state in conditioning us to subsume our 'will'… i.e.… what our bodies want… to the command of 'Authority'… to 'the state'. So long as the parent does this work… 'the state' continues. Yet never is this said on the Left… that ending this torturing of children called 'child-rearing' is the only way for this 'system' of 'class' to end… It's not just Fascism that is distinguished by its underlying hate… but totalitarianism broadly… …and saying that… knowing that 'class' is totalitarian… strikes sharply obvious… The normalized cruelty called 'child-rearing-under-class' explains the cruelty with which all those who are made-dependent are treated. It could not be more obvious or straightforward: allow children to be 'big'… powerful… and we end 'the system'… Meld 'power's 'secret' weapon of (differential) child-rearing (in generalized abandonment…) with its clandestine actors… its hidden planning… and hidden EMF weapons… and the result is a massive certainty-disproportion between them and us.
The progressive vision of 'socialism' was stripped of its internationalism in WWII's massive slaughter and destruction… and the ideology of 'Marxism' worked to defeat from within… like a Trojan horse with a secret mission… by mystifying 'mind' it served to divide us… by making it an Academic discussion… and by co-signing the 'mind-body-divide' propaganda. Shouldn't our actions be guided by 'Reason'? But there's no contradiction… it's the split that's the issue… the elevation of 'mind'… the silencing of our bodies'… the omnipresent propaganda that we are here to serve… – which means what our bodies want can never be our priority… that we must ignore them… to be 'productive'… when what we want for our lives… is 'wholism'.
(I hope folks are checking out the Kropotkin pdf – excerpts of his essays – that I continue to add to… I am very grateful to Peter Kropotkin… it is trying to figure out – as he did – why do not more of us share his certainty… that has… led us to the folks we need to answer that question: Karl Popper… for his explanation of the 'power'-guys' use of Plato for self-justification and political strategy… Alice Miller… for our understanding of how child-rearing itself became their secret weapon…) “…What becomes of all those people who are the successful products of a strict upbringing? It is inconceivable that they were able to express and develop their true feelings as children, for anger and helpless rage, which they were forbidden to display, would have been among these feelings… Unfortunately, it does not disappear, but is transformed with time into a more or less conscious hatred directed against either the self or substitute persons, a hatred that will seek to discharge itself in various ways permissible and suitable for an adult… Without a doubt, the conscious ideals of young parents of the present generation have changed. Obedience, coercion, severity, and lack of feeling are no longer recognized as absolute values…” [except among these 'power'-guys… except among those 'trainers' of a whole 'army' of children… specifically to reproduce their 'rule'… and this is one of those 'insights' – a big lesson – that derived from my book getting out into the world… – that it is not simply 'how things roll' that they maintain their 'rule'. No. Rather… it is through serious and concerted planning… to the extent of 'creating' the children who become the adults who will reproduce the conditions of class… and continue the mission of realizing the Republic… as a global vision… So this is not by happenstance that the 'rule' of these guys has gotten tighter and tighter… that things have gotten worse and worse…
[So… while she's saying that these values of strict obedience to Authority is changing among us… we commoners… we-the-people – and that is precisely why they are accelerating their efforts to lock us down… is because we are less and less obedient… we less and less are willing to subsume ourselves… we are more and more wanting to develop our thought… and grow our gifts… and we'd best accelerate that process… and do so as a conscious strategy of resistance… And I encourage those who have received this kind of training to serve… without question… 'the master'… 'the shepherd'… and to have as an objective becoming a 'philosopher-king' (I realize now that they use this lure to try and recruit young people… because young people want to develop their thought – that they use these philosophical tools as a means of intercepting potentially critical youth and getting their thought going down the wrong direction…) and serving this vision of installing Plato's Republic… to continue inviting ideas that challenge this notion that there is a 'best'… that deserve to rule over 'the rest'…]
“It also gives us a very special, secret pleasure to see how unaware the people around us are of what is really happening to them. (Adolf Hitler)” [We have to begin discussing this core strategy of 'power' of fabricating events in order to create divisions between us and discord among us… we have to begin discussing that it is in their interest for us to be divided from each other… for us to feel unsafe with each other… suspicious of each other… and that the only way for us to address this is to put forward our alternative… and get focused on it… completely… and work with our Brothers and Sisters… so that we can be the 'counter' to that 'sowing seeds of mistrust'-tactic… that we can be the love that they're trying to destroy…]
[Our November 29, 2015 show):]
Numerous ancestors have noted the 'evolutionary' trajectory of 'class'-bound… 'class'-mutilated… humans… We could say it is towards freedom… but… even more essentially… it is toward reunion: we want to be together. We are the living analog of that robot in the story The Iron Giant that cannot help but reconstitute his original 'self.' That is us… ever-striving to restore our original wholeness… our 'species-existence' presses upon us. This is why we can be certain we will get there… if the 'power'-lustful do not destroy all humanity first… for they are stuck in a death-spiral… and cannot help but pull all of us into it with them. If we let them. Which we won't. To get to our 'freedom/reunion'… we must: know what we want… see what stands against it (for our getting it is not 'inevitable'…) and be determined to get there. I believe this last comes from 'Aidos' – the Balance – our earth-given gift of Fairness. Let's listen for a moment to Peter Kropotkin's observations of the event called 'the Paris Commune'… “Of course people now blame the men, the individuals for this; but it was not the men who were the cause of this failure – it was the system. The practical solution will not be found, will not be made clear until the change will have already begun. It will be the product of the revolution itself, of the people in action, – or else it will be nothing, the brain of a few individuals being absolutely incapable of finding solutions which can only spring from the life of the people.” – If just those few paragraphs had been read and discussed by every 'revolutionist'… would they not have to become an 'evolutionist'?
The strategic point of developing 'certainty' is 'gathering numbers'… gathering numbers rapidly. But what has made doing this such a challenge until now… was… as Kropotkin says… that we are confronted with a system – i.e. a false reality that is totalitarian… “Ah, if the bulk of the nation, of the commune, could only understand before the movement what is necessary to be done as soon as the government is overturned! If this dream of the utopians of the chair could be realized, we never would have had bloody revolutions. The will of the bulk of the nation once expressed, the rest would submit to it with a good grace.” – …so… just as the illusion was layered… piece by piece… upon us… so… in just this way of 'layered-ness'… perhaps… for some… must certainty come: first doubt as to the lies we are told arrives with new information that challenges them… then questions… and with them… thought develops… as we seek out discussion… and then looking about us… testing our new insights… noticing how powerfully they explain… and then eventually the enormity of the outrage of massive Dishonesty… explodes into our psyche… and then we have certainty.
…and the only way to break into that conditioning (speaking in terms of its existence societally…) as Socrates and these 'power'-guys well know… is to reach the youth… the children… because the earth gifts them with openness (and we ourselves as well… but our openness freezes shut to the extent we have investment in 'the system'… – at least until we are presented with the alternative: “The will of the bulk of the nation once expressed, the rest would submit to it with a good grace…” – and then we find ourselves… perhaps even to our surprise… eager for it.)
But is 'capitalism' why we can't pursue 'happiness'?… why we are so burdened with bills and worry… and obligations?… why we have no time to stop and catch our breaths… let alone 'pursue happiness'… why each year the burdens grow heavier?… there's more mutual suspicion… more hardship… more children unhappy… more hunger… But who will protect us from the terrorists?… What if 'the terrorists' are as false… as the Society of December 10 was… when Louis Napoleon established… 'rule-by-clandestine-means' practices… in which the shadow-state operates behind scenes?… Isn't it likely that the Tiny Few who have scooped up the resources of the planet… and established 'states' with them… and so have the means… and the motive… to keep us dependent and weak… would produce 'reasons' why we need them? Aren't the acts they commit toward our 'management' kept secret?… like their use of microwave energy-weapons? How can we believe 'the state' exists to serve us… when our lives grow ever-more closed-in with surveillance… and dissent is silenced with media-censorship… and with weaponry they refuse to admit exists? Could it be we only feel insufficient… because we've been kept separate?…
And that's what we see… in every 'evolutionary' moment – in Egypt… Istanbul… and definitely in the Occupy Movement… like the friend of Kropotkin said: “How good humanity is! I didn't know that!”… We've been so misled… because they have insinuated agents… and captured the media… to a degree we never imagined – …and while I say here that “we don't need anyone else to tell us what to do…” the reality is… that these babies… who 'power' seizes – and we're going to hear more about that from Heinrich Himmler himself… the game-plan laid out for us right there… very clear… if we had had really 'freedom of speech'… if we had had really an independent 'Left' speaking… this would have been discussed decades ago: the fact that they take from the 'lesser' 'nations' those children they consider 'the better ones'… those of better 'blood' from 'the lessers'… and raise them… – and it makes sense… we've never talked about the obvious: how do you reproduce 'the system'… the belief that you are 'a superior race'… by blood… destined to rule… to be… the 'philosopher-king-statesmen'… unless you train children to believe that? So while we say in this space that “no… we don't need anyone else to tell us what to do…” Alice is going to be explaining today that… in fact… these children are raised who absolutely need someone to tell them what to do…
[What we are learning… from Peter and from Alice… is that the process of developing empathy is the process of freeing ourselves from 'the state'… is the solution to “Socrates Dilemma” – and Peter's and Alice's and ours – that being: how can “…the bulk of the nation [the world…] understand before the movement what is necessary to be done as soon as the government is overturned!…” The evolution of our love means 'the state' has already been overturned in us… what follows is mere housekeeping tasks… and modeling for our fellows-still-enthralled the empathic parent who releases them from the bondage of their identification with 'power'… with Authority… grants them the permission – those few still caught in unconscious patterns – to develop their thought.… “It is clear from the foregoing that a relativity of traditional moral values is an intrinsic part of this system: in the last analysis, our status and degree of power determine whether our actions are judged to be good or bad. [My son told me an interesting story of a kindergartner who pushed another child out of his way… and when my son talked with him about what happened… the child asked, “what would you do if I was a giant?”… – P.S] This same principle prevails throughout the whole world. The strong person dictates the verdict, and the victor in a war will sooner or later be applauded, regardless of the crimes that have been committed on the road to victory.…”
“Those who were permitted to react appropriately throughout their childhood – i.e., with anger – to the pain, wrongs, and denial inflicted upon them either consciously or unconsciously will retain this ability to react appropriately in later life too. When someone wounds them as adults, they will be able to recognize and express this verbally. But they will not feel the need to lash out in response. This need arises only for people who must always be on their guard to keep the dam that restrains their feelings from breaking.… A person who can understand and integrate his anger as part of himself will not become violent. He has the need to strike out at others only if he is thoroughly unable to understand his rage, if he was not permitted to become familiar with this feeling as a small child, was never able to experience it as a part of himself because such a thing was totally unthinkable in his surroundings…”
“Someone may object by saying that an individual human being cannot destroy an entire people on such a scale, that the economic crisis and the humiliation suffered by the Weimar Republic contributed to producing the catastrophe. There can be no doubt that this is true, but it was not “crises” and “systems” that did the killing, it was human beings – human beings whose fathers were able to point with pride to the obedience instilled in their little ones at a very early age…” …and again… this gets us back to that gap we are here addressing… that it is 'class' itself… the coerced-work system… that sets the totalitarian nature of this manufactured (false) reality that we are forced to accept… forced to teach our children is legitimate… – P.S.] …When they were little children full of vitality, their parents had offered them up as sacrifices to a grand pedagogic purpose, to lofty religious values, with the feeling of performing a great and good deed. [And what sets the mental frame for our being 'made-use-of'… for all akin and subsequent 'uses' to which we put our children… but 'class' itself… and its utilitarian ideology of 'rule'… but absent our Karl Popper and Martin Bernal… John Boswell… and our Good Three – Terence K. Hopkins, Giovanni Arrighi, and Immanuel Wallerstein – and Alice herself… what sense would we have made of 'power's compulsive acts?… To understand… to see the full picture clearly… is everything: “All difficulties are but easy when they are known…” our William told us… and for this and innumerable other insights that allow us to know 'power'… and so to solve this massive 'difficulty'… we owe him endlessly… – P.S.]
“But what happens when not a trace of vital spontaneity remains because the child's upbringing was a total and perfect success, as was the case with people such as Adolf Eichmann and Rudolf Hoss? They were trained to be obedient so successfully and at such an early age that the training never lost its effectiveness, the structure never displayed any fissures, water never penetrated it at any point, nor did feelings of any kind ever jar it. To the end of their lives, these people carried out the orders they were given without ever questioning the content. They carried them out, just as “poisonous pedagogy” recommends – not out of any sense of their inherent rightness, but simply because they were orders.… Yet, it was also Himmler who said: “One principle must be absolute for the SS man: we must be honest, decent, loyal, and comradely to those of our own blood and to no one else. What happens to the Russians, what happens to the Czechs, is a matter of utter indifference to me. Good blood like ours that we find among other nationalities we shall acquire for ourselves, if necessary by taking away the children and bringing them up among us.…” [It's useful to recall this historical bit of geopolitics (from our October 5, 2014 Waking Up Radio show) provided by Kevin Phillips: “During the winter of 1942, the Swiss-based Allen Dulles discussed with emissaries, at least half seriously, a settlement in which Germany would keep Austria and some other new territory, SS chief Heinrich Himmler would replace Hitler…”
[It's useful to recall this historical bit of geopolitics (from our October 5, 2014 Waking Up Radio show) provided by Kevin Phillips: “Roosevelt also faced dissension in the military and intelligence communities. Not a few senior officers, especially in the navy, disagreed with the White House priority on supporting Britain against Germany. They urged greater attention to the Pacific theater and war against Japan.… Some intelligence officials, in turn, were ambiguous about favoring the Soviet Union over Germany, maintaining quiet connections through Switzerland with non-Nazi Germans and some Nazi officials.During the winter of 1942, the Swiss-based Allen Dulles discussed with emissaries, at least half seriously, a settlement in which Germany would keep Austria and some other new territory, SS chief Heinrich Himmler would replace Hitler… Truman had argued in 1941 that as between the warring Russians and Germans, ‘if we see that Germany is winning we ought to help Russia, and if Russia is winning we ought to help Germany and in that way, let them kill as many as possible.’ It was not a sentiment that got Truman in trouble…” …a good illustration… I think… of the fact that it is the 'system' of 'class' itself – 'Rule by Sociopaths' – that is diseased… – P.S.]
[This is one of those critical discussions that we must have: the importance of reclaiming our children – I recall in an audio-file titled “Richard Aoki and the Abandonment of Children”… a conversation between my son and I in which he asked… “well… what do we do when we see that our children are being sucked into this agenda?”… Our response?… we have to have an alternative…] “These are only three examples of the endless number of people whose life took a similar course and who no doubt had received what is considered a good, strict upbringing. The results of the child's total subordination to the adults' will were not seen solely in his future political submissiveness (for example, to the totalitarian system of the Third Reich) but were already visible in his inner readiness for a new form of subordination as soon as he left home.…”
[Our December 6, 2015 show):]
Themes and things: “…what is a healthy 'tribalism'?… and how do we use it to combat… the destructive notion (destructive of our earlier rich diversity… and which we are recomposing… in forming 'open tribes'… 'associations'…) to combat the destructive notion of 'class'… and build certainty that 'happiness' requires the individual self-sufficiency of each one of us globally…” and that we are… “working together to 'pursue this happiness'… which is our codified right here in the U.S. – granting us the ability and responsibility to initiate a global movement to end the 'class'-system ('rule by the few'…)
In our June 14, 2015 show on “practical politics”… we said that we counter 'power's tactic of infiltration (including the form of 'infiltration' we have been calling 'internalized discipline'… or 'the state in us'… or Marcuse's 'democratic introjection'…) – the point of which tactic… infiltration – in the case of our mobilizations to move the agenda of 'freedom' – would be to attempt to identify 'the leadership' (those in whom an alternative [and authentic…] allegiance resides… in order to mess with it – and that we counter agent-infiltration by ensuring that our movement (for the release of human energy globally) is simultaneously a movement for soul-sufficiency…
…I feel like they're using me as a test subject… that they're testing a sizable chunk of their arsenal – and definitely as a hierarchy of punishments – we'll hear more about that later… – a sizable chunk of their arsenal of microwave weapons on me… including lasers [more during the day it seems…] and this latest [used on me as I sleep at 'night'…] de-hydrates to an extreme degree… and feels like being stuck in an electro-magnet – the skin of my hands and feet have dried up. And in this pointing-headlights-at-me business… for years I assumed it was simply about targeting [and that may be mostly what it is…] but given the immediate pain it sometimes causes I'm beginning to consider the obsessive insistence of these tracker-folks on doing this in light of Leuren Moret's warning that these 'shadow-state'-guys have the ability to 'weaponize the energy in the environment'… and lasers are light-energy EMF weapons… [Leuren Moret is also mentioned in our November 17, 2013 and January 19, 2014 shows…] the only way to defend our right to resistance is to put forward our alternative…
Point being: these folks are trained to be like pit-bulls… to have a commanding presence… to take charge… and I've been pondering how 'real' will that 'practical politics' guidance be… as we must be tender and open for a 'love evolution'… and yet as determined to achieve it as 'power' is to stop it.… That training to grab our hands and lead us… is troubling… and I think we should make more specific something previously said… that the agreements we make together at the outset of our collaborative efforts are critical to the success of them. But let's also consider the implications for our dilemma of what Kropotkin has said… and shared with us: …each one of us must be leaders – and that it is simply… the multitude of our global associations on which our future is based.
“All the elements of the revolution were there, it was only necessary to set them to work. When I returned to my lodging at night I said to myself, 'How fine is humanity after all, but no one knew it; it has always been calumniated.' Then came the elections, the members of the commune were named – and then little by little the ardor of devotion and the desire for action were extinguished. Everyone returned to his usual task…” From Kropotkin we learned the following lessons: “… each one of us must be leaders… each one of us has to get 'big'…” – acknowledging… obviously… that each one of us is at a different point in that process of regaining our power… our full power… our authentic selves… and we'll be talking more about that reality check as well…
…so when agents come among us – as they will… they must… – it's important that we acknowledge their inevitable presence (speaking generically… I'm not suggesting we can be certain… who is or is not an agent…) acknowledge the presence of paid-folk among us with love… and in such a way that every single one of is… in a sense… 'indicted' (and this is definitely not an individual process… this business of accepting the fact that there are folks among us paid to disrupt or mislead our movement… we need the support and mutual aid of our fellows to do this…) But… as to being 'led' by any particular one… this must be denied by the very structure of our cooperative association… …because the basic unit of political organization – in the transition no less than in our freedom – is 'the individual'… What does that mean? It means self-sufficiency politically (and there's a lot captured in that phrase which we'll have to unpack next week…) It means the light of our individuality shines bright… It means… as Whitman said… no papers bind our agreement… only our spirit of freedom leads us…
So… what is the problem?… is the problem 'the state'… is the problem 'coercion'?… or is it the unequal distribution of resources?…is the problem the rush… that we can't live our lives fully?… or that we don't know our neighbors… that there is no community?… is the problem our training in 'obedience'?… and our inadequate education?… or is it the censoring of the media… and the suppression of key conversations… or is it hierarchy and division?… or is it atomization?… or more basically… simply 'scarcity' and need?… or is it the abandonment of our children?…
Quoting Alice and then Alice quoting Goering and then commenting: Alice: “In The Face of the Third Reich, Fest documents the servile, uncritical, and almost infantile naiveté with which the men who were to enter the annals of infamy spoke of Hitler's omniscience, infallibility, and divinity. That is the way a little child sees his father. And these men never advanced beyond that stage. I shall quote several passages here because, without them, it might be hard for today's generation to believe that these men who later went down in history could have been so lacking in inner substance. Fest here quotes Hermann Goering:” Goering: “Anyone who has any idea of how things stand with us… knows that we each possess just so much power as the Führer wishes to give. And only with the Führer and standing behind him is one really powerful, only then does one hold the strong powers of the state in one's hands; but against his will, or even just without his wish, one would instantly become totally powerless. A word from the Führer and anyone whom he wishes to be rid of falls. His prestige, his authority are boundless.” Alice: “What is actually being described here is the way a little child feels toward his authoritarian father.”
“A child cannot acknowledge the negative sides of his or her father, and yet these are stored up somewhere in the child's psyche, for the adult will then be attracted by precisely these negative, disavowed sides in the father substitutes he or she encounters.… My patient was much too little at the time to bear these sudden separations without a feeling of panic. In her analysis we had been aware of this for a long time, but her fear of being abandoned by her husband did not subside until her dreams revealed to her what had hitherto been unconscious: the other – brutal and cruel – side of her father, whom she had until then remembered only as loving and tender. As a result of confronting this knowledge, she experienced an inner liberation and was now able to begin the process of becoming autonomous.” [I imagine there is an analogous process of confrontation and healing as we separate from that 'substitute father' 'the state' and its many surrogates… – P.S.]
Quoting Alice: “And so, when a man comes along and talks like one's own father and acts like him, even adults will forget their democratic rights or will not make use of them. They will submit to this man, will acclaim him, allow themselves to be manipulated by him, and put their trust in him, finally surrendering totally to him without even being aware of their enslavement. One is not normally aware of something that is a continuation of one's own childhood. For those who become as dependent on someone as they once were as small children on their parents, there is no escape. A child cannot run away, and the citizen of a totalitarian regime cannot free himself or herself. The only outlet one has is in raising one's own children. Thus, the citizens who were captives of the Third Reich had to rear their children to be captives as well, if they were to feel any trace of their own power.”
Quoting Alice: “When feelings are admitted into consciousness, the wall of silence disintegrates, and the truth can no longer be held back. Even intellectualizing about whether “there is a truth per se,” whether or not “everything is relative,” etc., is recognized as a defense mechanism once the truth, no matter how painful, has been uncovered. I found a good example of this in Christoph Meckel's portrayal of his father in Suchbild: Uber meinen Vater (Wanted: My Father's Portrait):” “On the heels of the lavish dispenser of sweet treats came an officer with a whip. He had punishment ready for his children. He was the master of what amounted to a spectrum of punishments, a whole catalogue. First there were scoldings and fits of rage – that was bearable and passed over like a thunderstorm. Then came the pulling, twisting, and pinching of the ear, the blow to the ear, and the little, mean punches to the head. Next came being sent from the room and after that being locked away in the cellar… Finally, as reminder and as climax came the punishment, the exemplary punishment pure and simple… administered with an iron hand. Corporal punishment was used for the sake of order, obedience, and humaneness so that justice might be done and this justice might be imprinted in the child's memory…”
Quoting Alice: “When someone suddenly gives vent to his or her rage, it is usually an expression of deep despair, but the ideology of child beating and the belief that beating is not harmful serve the function of covering up the consequences of the act and making them unrecognizable. The result of a child becoming dulled to pain is that access to the truth about himself will be denied him all his life. Only consciously experienced feelings would be powerful enough to subdue the guard at the gates, but these are exactly what he is not allowed to have…”
[Our December 13, 2015 show):]
So it seems they are ready to roll-out a more hard-core totalitarianism… – So… best vote for Hilary! And… by the way… is it not the Horror Story of our days that most of us didn't know that we're living in a Fascist state?… I certainly didn't… when I blithely released Waking Up… starting myself on this path of developing 'certainty' about the existence of hidden-'power' – and so I do understand when folks have a difficult time crediting the existence of these guys… and this treatment I'm receiving is not necessarily something the average folk are going to experience… so we are going to have to proceed… plow forward… even in the absence of perhaps the degree of 'certainty' I have… simply based on the truth of our body's need to be free… to begin to discuss with Alice Miller. Because you don't have to believe in hidden-'power' to credit what she says… the truth of what she says is so patent… and when we hear it… it is earth-shaking… our bodies shaking… when we realize the degree to which we have been deeply conditioned… She's going to say that when you plow through that conditioning and see reality… and claim your true self… you can't go back: “Once you have found your authentic self you will not relinquish it for any price… and that is the truth – it is hard-won getting there… And isn't that a Horror Story… that we didn't know we're living in a Fascist state –So we understand this 'structure of class itself' a little bit better now that we've been delving into Alice Miller… and Martin Bernal… and Karl Popper… and Immanuel Wallerstein… and Alfred O. Hirschman… and John Boswell – we owe many good folk for our ability to put together these puzzle-pieces… I'd like to see some left-wing commentator do a show that integrates all of those… and then tell me they find it difficult to believe that there are hidden 'power'-guys who operate on the down-low… behind scenes.
In recent shows we've been trying to grasp how it was that training in obedience came to be viewed as simply a 'mode of thought'… as almost a 'cultural' achievement… an 'evolution of the human' (most egregiously…) also-known-as 'civilization'… …and this pinpoints… I think… the difficulty we've been having gathering together our ethical resources (globally) and determining to move on… because… as Kropotkin says: “When we have but the will to do it, that very moment will justice be done: that very instant the tyrants of the earth shall bite the dust.” (From “An Appeal to the Young”) …a difficulty captured in Kropotkin's use of the word 'tyrant'… because while there's no doubt the word fits for our current crop of 'power'-besotted men… they would deny it… deny that it applies to them… and in truth they are a breed apart from the 'power'-lustful 'kings… priests… and capitalists' (the guys Kropotkin meant by the word 'tyrant'…) of which he wrote – these new 'power'-guys… by going into hiding… by inventing 'child-rearing'… and by using 'Plato' for self-justification and guidance… rewrote the terms of 'the class struggle' such that it gave us no purchase… [Kropotkin's] analysis is useful… I think… to dispel the fog enshrouding our relations… across the false divisions: the fog of 'economics'… but it should be updated to reflect [the new terms of the 'class struggle'… and] our current situation of 'power's depletion of our common planetary resources…
…consider to what degree the maxim “might makes right” expresses utilitarianism… and that both concepts underlie the “separation of 'the self'”… and that… further… in 'dualism' / 'utilitarianism'… is included not just “Might Makes Right”… which implies “'conquest' as raison d’être”… but also: “worth must be 'proven' / 'demonstrated' – and therefore 'performance'… 'abandonment / betrayal' – and the 'scarcity-mindset'… which underlies and… in theory… according to the propaganda… 'justifies' everything that 'power' does… Is it clear that in the above… we're but naming the same item – again and again – from slightly different perspectives?… that the 'reality' we're given is totalitarian?… The 'power'-guys have been working apace in the decades since the French Revolution… to instigate a massive 'cultural' shift – in truth the kiss of death for 'culture' in any authentic sense – such that we would see this 'mindset' of utilitarianism… authoritarianism… subjection of self to 'Authority'… as 'modern'… as an 'advance' over 'barbarism'… as representative of 'Progress'… in order to silence the authentic voice of the earth… the earth in us… the voice calling us to our authentic allegiance: to her… to our Brothers and Sisters… and to the ancestors who dedicated themselves tirelessly to helping us see… our inherent freedom…
…no taking our eyes off the prize… Three prizes.'Utilitarianism' is totalitarian… but 'the principle of utility' (that one that Bentham so loved…) has no allegiance to any particular political cause – it is a key principle of strategy – it simply means that we have thought through the chain of steps… that lead from any particular act… to our intended… ultimate… effect… Three effects: An annual (to coincide with May Day seems best… doing so saves time discussing it…) One-Day-Global-General-Strike – to roll into a series of such when the time is right… Continuous key (suppressed) conversations – perhaps using our “Reflections of '3.7'” as guide…) with the broader community… Regaining our 'will': practicing soul-sufficiency… this last is a bigger deal that we've heretofore credited it as being… because up to now we haven't made conscious and discussed child-rearing as 'power's key political strategy… Alice is helping us see the degree to which 'obedience' – submission to Authority – has been trained into each one of us (under 'class'…) So we'll have to get creative in unlearning it… and ask for the support of our 'cores'… our 'heart' – our collective 'selves' – to accomplish it.
So… if we're given our meanings… made 'subjects'… but… without seeing the one who's doing it… such that… ours 'selves' are lost… but there seems no cause but us… then… it's a question… isn't it: “who are we?”… (Clearly… if the world is [literally] a stage… we are [literally] only actors… performers for the Director of this tragedy…) …not 'tragedy'… no… there is no 'inevitability'…
Heinrich Himmler: “We had the moral right, we had the duty to our own people, to kill this people that wanted to kill us… By and large, however, we can say that we have performed this most difficult task out of love for our people. And we have suffered no harm from it in our inner self, in our soul, in our character…” Alice Miller: “This speech contains all the elements of the complicated psychodynamic mechanism that can be described as splitting off and projection of parts of the self… Schooling oneself to be senselessly hard requires that all signs of weakness [apparent weakness… – P.S.] in oneself (including emotionalism, tears, pity, sympathy for oneself and others, and feelings of helplessness, fear and despair) be suppressed “without mercy.” In order to make the struggle against these humane impulses easier, the citizens of the Third Reich were offered an object to serve as the bearer of all these qualities that were abhorred because they had been forbidden and dangerous in their childhood – this object was the Jewish people. Freed from their “bad” (i.e., weak and uncontrolled) feelings, so-called Aryans could feel pure, strong, hard, clean, good, unambivalent, and morally right if everything they had feared in themselves since childhood could be attributed to the Jews and if, together with their fellow Germans, these “Aryans” were not only permitted but required to combat it relentlessly and ever anew among members of this “inferior race…”
Alice Miller: “It seems to me that we are still threatened by the possible repetition of a similar crime unless we understand its origins and the psychological mechanism behind it. [And is there any doubt at all that she's not only right… but that the threat never left for an instant since… and that the lack of any global-society-wide process of doing precisely what she calls for: understanding the origins and psychological mechanism behind totalitarianism… rather… in fact… the opposite has been the case… there has been suppression… 'proves' that 'rule' is continuously engaged in suppression of this knowledge… and reproducing the conditions for… its 'working out' of its 'abandonment issues' – using us as object – through its massive misanthropic crimes… – P.S.] “People with any sensitivity cannot be turned into mass murderers overnight. But the men and women who carried out “the final solution” did not let their feelings stand in their way for the simple reason that they had been raised from infancy not to have any feelings of their own. These were people who, as children, had been proud of being tough and not crying, of carrying out all their duties “gladly,” of not being afraid – that is, at bottom, of not having an inner life at all…”
Alice Miller: “This perfect adaptation to society's norms [which… in our May 18, 2014 show we referred to as 'self-betrayal' because it is from this angle… perhaps… that we can best see empathy's absence… – P.S.] This perfect adaptation to society's norms – in other words, to what is called “healthy normality” – carries with it the danger that such a person can be used for practically any purpose… Witnesses of sudden political upheavals report again and again with what astonishing facility many people are able to adapt to a new situation. Overnight they can advocate views totally different from those they held the day before – without noticing the contradiction. With the change in the power structure, yesterday has completely disappeared for them…”
Alice Miller: “Yet it is possible that both those who admire and those who scorn these protestors are missing the real point: individuals who refuse to adapt to a totalitarian regime are not doing so out of a sense of duty or because of naïveté, but because they cannot help but be true to themselves. The longer I wrestle with these questions, the more I am inclined to see courage, integrity, and a capacity for love, not as “virtues,” not as moral categories, but as the consequences of a benign fate… Morality and performance of duty are artificial measures that become necessary when something essential is lacking. The more successfully a person was denied access to his or her feelings in childhood, the larger the arsenal of intellectual weapons and the supply of moral prostheses has to be, because morality and a sense of duty are not sources of strength or fruitful soil for genuine affection. Blood does not flow in artificial limbs; they are for sale and can serve many masters. What was considered good yesterday can – depending on the decree of government or party – be considered evil and corrupt today, and vice versa. But those who have spontaneous feelings can only be themselves. They have no other choice if they want to remain true to themselves… once they have found their authentic self they will not want to lose it.”
[In Preparation for Our December 20, 2015 show):]
The lost child is the source of our troubles…. [And… thanks to John Boswell's The Kindness of Strangers: Child Abandonment in Europe from Late Antiquity Through the Renaissance… we understand now how this happened… That is an important book. If you get a chance… I hope you'll read it… or bits of it… and that you'll try to feel it… if you know what I mean… feel the full implications of that – thousands of years of child abandonment – and how that gets embedded in what people think is part of being 'human'… but isn't… It's like Kropotkin telling us that in ancient texts gorillas were described as 'gregarious'… breaks your heart to think about that… how much damage has been inflicted… on life – we are not yet what we're meant to be… but we will recover all that was stolen from us by this sick system of rigid hierarchical rule.] It’s time for us to heal the hurt, complete the circuit – return home. We have nothing now but our imaginations and our biological memory, but that’s enough for the task at hand, which is reunion. [From our February 8, 2015 radio broadcast.]
“‘Economics’ is a tool for conquering language. So the problem is bigger than it seems… particularly as we’re never allowed to see it…. When Bentham tells the ‘philosopher-king-global statesmen’: “He who defined the language ruled the universe…” we haven’t appreciated – because we’re not encouraged to think the thought – that this is quite literally true… that as “creatures of illusion” we are made of words… sculpted with words… invented… designed… with words. Which makes their use… a sacred trust… a bond… between humans… not to abuse it… and ‘abuse it’ the so-called ‘rulers’ have done… without cessation… from “Day ‘One’”… since ‘class’ was begun… by ‘philosopher-king-statesmen’. And what are these words we’re ruled with if not versions of ‘be productive’… ‘be useful’… ‘be good’… ‘be obedient’… and when these words oppose the body… we’re told… “the body is wrong… and must be governed…” and thus begins our training in ‘management’… in ‘utilitarianism’… in ‘economics’ – the world-view we’re all trained in… is designed not for us… but to facilitate the use of us by… to convert us into resources for… the statesmen. So how are we supposed to enter into… authentic discussions of our future… when authentic thought is not allowed to exist?” [From our June 1, 2014 radio broadcast.]
[Our December 20, 2015 show):]
In this week's show we return to this matter of our cultivating a new 'economic' allegiance… using our definition of 'economic': 'suppressed creative expression flowering'… and our on-going need to create and use a language between us that reinforces our right to an authentic Freedom – i.e. based in individual self-sufficiency… which means “no masters”. We will be arguing that the road to this accomplishment is through owning our own spontaneous feelings… a section of the chapter, “Progress” in Waking Up I would write differently… Today… with the benefit of Alice Miller… and Karl Popper… and John Boswell… and Martin Bernal et al.… we can see that it was not the “pressure of 'Necessity'” that drove the (what would eventually become) 'Plato's Tribesmen' to unleash their hate on us… rather it was… base and corrupt… child abandonment – these Tiny Few who plague us today are the progeny of the oblates John Boswell writes of… the abandoned children of the abandoned children of 'princes'… who were mis-guided by that 'original' of the 'global-state-statesman': Plato.
…‘progress’ lies in our authentic unity… the authentic unity of all human beings… i.e.… a unity ‘based in individual self-sufficiency’ – and that to think these necessary thoughts (necessary for advancing the species to freedom…) we need to discuss… essentially… the story of 'class'… such that we understand its hierarchy and division and compartmentalization accurately… and can challenge ‘power’s story that it is the 'inevitability' of 'necessity' and 'scarcity' – and 'our' inherent greed' (as opposed to their greed… lust… for 'power' – that (supposedly) makes our unity as human beings an 'unattainable dream'. That we are essentially the same… all made of the same 'stuff'… that we are all good… and want the same things out of life… is never acknowledged… it especially never comes up when the 'power'-vetted media brings out its pundits to 'analyze' the 'geopolitical scene'… or 'national security'… or the 'weapons systems' that DARPA is developing. (And who are the targets these weapons are designed to be used against ultimately… if not us?… Especially now that we are in the time of manufactured resource-shortages… and calculated depletion… it is the 'domestic theater' that looms large in the militaristic ambitions of global-state-statesmen… and let's not forget that the police are designed to be the 'fall-guys'… I thought about this when I realized… contrary to what I'd assumed initially… that the police were ignorant about the EMF-assault on me… I'd thought the opposite at first because it was from someone in a police lock-up – an 'Occupy' protester I believe… who wrote about it – that I learned to use garlic to recover… and now my extensive experience of being targeted and hit from some distance above… showed me that detained folks can be 'punished' – and let's not forget 'punishing' is 'power's m.o. – and the police never know… though in the minds of detainees hit… it will seem as if the police are the cause of it…)
Not only is 'progress' in our… authentic… sense never discussed… but rather… the assumption is that 'our' divisiveness' is endless. It's as if Göering's words from his jail cell were never uttered… In that broadcast we asked… “how are we supposed to enter into… authentic discussions of our future… when authentic thought is not allowed to exist?”… and today we ask the question this way: “Is authentic thought a route to the recovery of our spontaneous feelings?” …and then: once authentic thought flows… as our recovered language grows… and as we find our 'tribes'… and start the necessary conversations… once our discontent becomes conscious… because we have an adequate language for it… and so an adequate understanding of it… and we pool our resources… will we discover that Shakespeare is correct… that “all difficulties are but easy… when they are known…” and that heart… and faith… are sufficient… to meet this challenge facing us… as global humans…
…recall that in a previous show we discussed Antonio Gramsci's speculation (in Prison Notebooks…) that 'revolution' must come [given… though he didn't put it like this… the 'totalitarian' nature of the 'capitalist' system: the State reflecting and manifesting the 'logic' of 'capital'… and vice versa…] must come from an 'economic element' that has been suppressed rising up… that flowed as a wave across states… unifying folk behind… in the same way as did the French Revolution… behind the expression of that suppressed creative element… and we are arguing that it is our creativity… our life-force… that has been hidden in the concepts of… and the term… 'economics'… and that has robbed us of speech because we haven't found a way to express what we really need… what we are… and we're going to keep exploring this notion until it's clearer… I've been struggling with the fact that Alice herself is struggling with how to help folk recover the authentic self… those suppressed feelings… I'm hoping everyone is pondering this deeply: strategies for working with ourselves and our Brothers and Sisters to release those suppressed spontaneous feelings…
If, it is contended, society were organized on these principles, man would not be limited in the free exercise of his powers in productive work by a capitalist monopoly, maintained by the State; nor would he be limited in the exercise of his will by a fear of punishment, or by obedience towards individuals or metaphysical entities, which both lead to depression of initiative and servility of mind. He would be guided in his actions by his own understanding, which necessarily would bear the impression of a free action and reaction between his own self and the ethical conceptions of his surroundings… He would thus be able to reach full individualization, which is not possible either under the present system of individualism, or under any system of State socialism in the so-called Volkstaat (popular State)… As to their economical conceptions, the anarchists… consider the wage-system and capitalist production altogether as an obstacle to progress. But they point out also that the State was, and continues to be, the chief instrument for permitting the few to monopolize the land, and the capitalists to appropriate for themselves a quite disproportionate share of the yearly accumulated surplus of production. [And I would add… allow the 'capitalists' to 'appropriate'… to privatize… the entire earth… and we have been arguing in these spaces… that that is… in fact… their 'purpose' in the schema of the Plato's Tribesmen… from the perspective of global-'power': is to remove the resources of the earth… our common treasure… into private hands… that is what was accomplished by 'capitalism'… – 'was'… past-tense… being the operative word – “was accomplished”… 'power' is now ready to move on to… what they consider to be… the 'next and higher stage': “we on 'permanent-lock-down-can't-get-out' called global totalitarianism”… which we already have… but with a 'friendlier' face (which is more expensive to maintain…) for those in the more privileged place in the hierarchy of states… – P.S.]
In virtue of the above principles the anarchists refuse to be party to the present-State organization and to support it by infusing fresh blood into it [a most important point… and so much more difficult to achieve… we can see today… with our expanded perspective… as we know we are wrestling with a hidden-State – and we have a vantage not available to Kropotkin: we can see that we need our own definitions… new concepts… and new strategies… to advance to our freedom… We can see that our actions must be global and local simultaneously – that it is only by working with our communities to stem the tide of the functionaries – expanding the number of our Brothers and Sisters in soul-sufficiency – while uniting globally… that we can get free… We can see that the categories 'labor' and 'capital' are themselves weapons against us… that the compartmentalizations of 'class' are part of the atomization process that prevents our working in concert (as does 'power'…) – all of us – globally… We can see that 'power's key strategy: the systematic suppression of our authentic feelings… means that the individual must be the basic unit of political organization for us to get free… We can see that 'progress' exists in our unmediated… unfiltered and unfettered access to each other… globally… else… how grow our gifts?… and growing our gifts unfettered is 'happiness'… which is our right as human beings – as well as our 'right' as 'a people' yet leashed by the U.S. state… our codified right – codified in the Declaration of Independence – granting us… here in the U.S.… the honor of the lead-position… on the path to our Freedom…]
…what's the difference between claiming one's spontaneous feelings… and claiming one's body – i.e. refusing a system of coerced work?… if one is an advance toward the restoration of a healthy humanity… is not the other as well?… This cannot be emphasized enough: we all want this… our self-creative energy has been suppressed… each one of us senses that we're being wasted… thrown away as worthless… each one of us is life that longs to live in the full possession of all our gifts – and 'all' requires self-directed. We've been waiting for help in how to do this… waiting for authentic clues beyond 'the system'… and we who are claiming our authentic selves can provide the outlet for this development… this longing-to-exist that are our authentic voices… We saw this in the Occupy Movement… before agents infiltrated it… the truth of 'Stone Soup'… each one brought something to contribute… we can always do this… create 'communes'… because that ability is in us… only this time… we do it de-centralized (seriously de-centralized…really small-scale de-centralized… each little core-tribe… we who love each other… nonetheless… we have our eyes are open and we realize our love embraces all…) we do it de-centralized… we do it with consciousness… seeing our prize of freedom… we do it knowing what to do with agents… i.e.… we openly… as a group… acknowledge their presence… own that until we've established our freedom globally – that is… as long as 'power' exists – on some level we are all agents… and then… we engage Alice… and exercises to address this problem of the internalized-state on a regular basis…) Our gifts and talents we don't want to put on the market… we would rather use to help grow those of our Brothers and Sisters… and thereby our free future… …merging that strategy into our goals… our 'Three Prizes'… brings material sufficiency for our movement…
Perhaps… the definition of class… is that which drains energy… and gives nothing back… but it also traps… holds back… and silences… but the pent-up energy… the swallowed words… the earth that sings in us with all life… denies their death obsession… rejects it… and searches for its like… which… melding… mating… mutually-conceiving…
It is unlikely that strictly intellectual attempts to seek explanations and gain understanding during adulthood can be sufficient to undo early childhood conditioning. Someone who has learned at his or her peril to obey unwritten laws and renounce feelings at a tender age will obey the written laws all the more readily, lacking any inner resistance. But since no one can live entirely without feelings, such a person will join groups that sanction or even encourage the forbidden feelings, which he or she will finally be allowed to live out within a collective framework. Every ideology offers its adherents the opportunity to discharge their pent-up affect collectively while retaining the idealized primary object, which is transferred to new leader figures or to the group in order to make up for the lack of a satisfying symbiosis with the mother. Idealization of a narcissistically cathected group guarantees collective grandiosity [which describes perfectly the tribesmen of Plato… as well as their exploitation of the children they intentionally wound – but among totalitarians… how do 'leaders' happen?… are they shaped with intent… as are their minions… only fed and stroked as is the Queen Bee by her drones… the 'shepherds' in the ideology of Plato?… or is their arrival a thing 'organic'… arising mysteriously from the morass of suppression of all spontaneous feeling… creativity… and initiative?… Rather… as she suggests… the 'narcissistically-cathected group' is the “idealized primary object”… Because it seems to me… the attempt to make oneself 'kingly'-by-design – even 'philosopher-statesmen'-'kingly' – can only achieve its opposite… as Popper and Kropotkin have told us: to raise-by-rule-book destroys initiative… results in 'yes-men' (and sociopaths…) “How do 'leaders' happen among totalitarians?” – they don't… 'power' robs… rapes… and pillages – they take what they want… – P.S.].
[Our December 27, 2015 show):]
Today we'll be exploring the areas of intersection and connection between these three discussions: “Claiming feelings claims the world…” “He who owns the lexicon rules the world…” and “Transitioning to our (global) freedom is to thoughtfully de-commission 'the system'…” and at their point of nexus we may discover the answer to our questions last week… inspired by 'Alice's Dilemma' of how to make the impact of her work 'bigger'… such that it shakes the system of 'class' itself: “What is the route… or what are the routes… to 'recovery' – of 'authenticity'… of spontaneous feelings… of 'voice'?… Could one route be… the debunking of the con 'economics'?”… and: “Is authentic thought a route to the recovery of our spontaneous feelings?”… [And… as an aside: While we always hope for some good-hearted whistle-blower to spill the beans on their secret weaponry… our focus must be… single-mindedly… on getting free… and then… may we have some truth-outing period to 'clear the air' and… on 'getting free'… if you're seeing a way to do that that I'm missing… or even if you just want to encourage some way to expand these conversations… or come in and have a conversation on air… whatever it is… I'm totally open to having these discussions in an on-going and big sense… so if you have some suggestions… please let me know… at: nas2endwork@gmail.com]
Alice Miller: “…a younger, very empathic colleague whose work I regard highly… became [in the course of their conversation] increasingly reflective and then said very slowly, 'You know, now I wonder if what is called pedagogy may not be simply a question of power, and if we shouldn't be speaking and writing much more about hidden power struggles…' 'That's exactly what I have tried to do in [this] book… In the same way that technology was used to help carry out mass murders in the Third Reich in a very short space of time, so too the more precise kind of knowledge of human behavior based on computer data and cybernetics can contribute to the more rapid, comprehensive, and effective soul murder of the human being than could the earlier intuitive psychology…” [I.e.… she is very much aware of the larger political implications of systematically-inculcated obedience in the population… Still… does this answer the question of her colleague?… It's interesting to juxtapose this statement about “well-raised people” with the observation of 'America's first anarchist'… Josiah Warren… So… 'obedience' was seen… well before Alice… as a problem to overcome… a matter for contemplation. What was not seen… perhaps… was that the problem of 'obedience' was a matter of suppressed spontaneous feelings… due to an intentional scheme of 'child-rearing'… systematically-driven… by those who would become Plato's Tribesmen…] “Since one's use and abuse of power over others usually have the function of holding one's own feelings of helplessness in check – which means the exercise of power is often unconsciously motivated – rational arguments can do nothing to impede this process…” […these folks… the ones who hide… the ones who hoard the coin to tie us to the strings of their making… are like a machine that cannot stop on its own… and in being obedient… we stimulate their need to destroy us…]
So… they have a vision (of 'the Republic'… which provides them with a sense of their inherent 'justice': they believe they are entitled to rule – “Plato said so…” – because they are the ones who are the dialecticians… they are the 'trained and qualified philosophers') their abuse is systematic and calculated. And as… as Alice says… they cannot be reasoned with… and so we – the vast majority – must find means to protect our physical and spiritual existence… not just from a 'mindset'… not just by healing from our early childhood conditioning – though we certainly do want and need to get that hidden-state out of our heads – but means to protect ourselves from these 'power'-lusting global-statesmen… we have to defend not just our individual selves… but humanity itself… it is the global perspective that places a global threat in proper perspective… a vantage that allows us to see through 'power's proffered 'particularistic' (state-based) 'solutions' to the problems facing our existence… (it is a moment in which we must make some decisions about the purpose of our lives while we're here… face the fact that we cannot… now that we see the cons… let them continue… this is just our responsibility given what we've been shown – falls on us folk…)
In my recent posting of Kropotkin I found it both validating (in seeing that the issues we are engaged with necessarily interconnect – that there is a necessary correspondence between them…) and somewhat dispiriting to face… yet again… that this pathway of truth we've been carefully marking is not just extremely well-trod… but that its riches along the way have been entirely neglected… systematically suppressed… kept from us. I'm thinking not just of Kropotkin… though certainly this applies to him… but of P – J Proudhon… whose work… What Is Property?… I am discovering through the fresh lens of Kropotkin (and I'll share bits of this work as I did with Kropotkin's… we will be excerpting from the Dover edition… the Benj. R. Tucker translation…)
[The EMF-assault on me from these hidden-'power'-functionaries has been particularly rough of late… as the chance to get our house fully-paid unexpectedly came: a letter explaining I can now apply to receive the electrical trust funds held for me (the inner workings of this bureaucracy has been for me even more opaque than most…)]
I am struck… in the bit of reading I've done of Proudhon… by the correspondence between the issues he discusses and the very ones we are grabbling with here: the importance of claiming the lexicon… the fact that individual self-sufficiency must be the basis of our new world… that strategies for transitioning to that world are through a process of thoughtful 'de-commissioning'… and… moreover… the modeling… in the insistence on personal freedom… of the authentic self that we are hoping to bring to our communities. I suspect that our reading of Proudhon will provide needed strategic assistance in this moment of transition… “…which Proudhon described as 'Mutuellisme,' all the exchanges of services would be strictly equivalent. Besides, such a bank would be enabled to lend money without interest, levying only something like 1 per cent, or even less, for covering the cost of administration. Every one being thus enabled to borrow the money that would be required to buy a house, nobody would agree to pay any more a yearly rent for the use of it. A general 'social liquidation' would thus be rendered easy, without expropriation. The same applied to mines, railways, factories, and so on.” [Let's ponder this for a long moment… and the thoughts that come… about 'easy 'power'-liquidation…' I suspect… will be key to our 'thought-full' de-commissioning process…
[As an aside… they are really plowing the skies this morning – and I suspect there was a large element of 'butt-covering' in that recent article planted in the Express about 'chem-trails'…because I have often noticed aircraft one-eighty-ing up and down… or shooting across the sky… leaving trails… associated with my experience of intense swelling… such that I've come to believe it is intended to boost the effect of assault – FYI… but we must find a way to end the use of hidden weapons… they are a stranglehold on dissent… – P.S.] Kropotkin: “In a society of this type the State would be useless. The chief relations between citizens would be based on free agreement and regulated by mere account keeping. The contests might be settled by arbitration. A penetrating criticism of the State and all possible forms of government and a deep insight into all economic problems, were well-known characteristics of Proudhon's work.”
Rosa Luxemburg: “it was decided to repeat the celebration every year.… In fact, what could give the workers greater courage and faith in their own strength than a mass work stoppage which they had decided themselves?… Thus, the idea of a proletarian celebration was quickly accepted and, from Australia, began to spread to other countries until finally it had conquered the whole proletarian world.… The first to follow the example of the Australian workers were the Americans. In 1886 they decided that May 1 should be the day of universal work stoppage…” What I've been pondering is: the feelings that must arise when we see the unity of our fellow human beings in claiming together our inherent freedom… not as a particular tribe… but as a united humanity… i.e the development of thought required to see that… must trigger our earliest knowledge of it: the feeling of oneness – our knowledge of being 'big'… infinite. But there's also this to throw into the mix: this observation of Proudhon's… in a sense directed to Alice: “…that habit, like a second nature […like a 'false self'?… – P.S.], has the power of fixing in the mind new categorical forms […like 'obedience'?… like a 'master'?… like 'submission to authority'?… – P.S.] derived from the appearances which impress us, and by them usually stripped of objective reality, but whose influence over our judgments is no less predetermining… This is the most fecund source of false prejudices, and the permanent and often invincible cause of a multitude of errors… Enclosed within a circle, our mind revolves about itself, until a new observation, creating within us new ideas, brings to view an external principle which delivers us from the phantom by which our imagination is possessed…”
Self-creation… self-creation is the source of authentic happiness… is what we've been arguing… and we've been arguing as well that we are made of words… as words form feelings in us… How does this happen? George Eliot also wrote that “feeling's a sort of knowledge…” and might it not be so that re-experiencing our earliest feelings triggers our earliest questions… and vice versa?… that with authentic thought's development… our authentic self is summoned?… and that this happens when we see with the eyes of the ancestors… the ones who figured out 'class'… figured it out for us… in this moment… and show us all we need to know – and with that knowing… the feeling-knowledge comes back… the certainty that the truth we were born with… is not just legitimate… but essential to our continued existence.
“Mutually-conceiving”?… meaning?… We are lost without our common home… our common souls… our mutually-seeing… still-born… adrift… without our knowledge… our experience… of the infinite… to 'be'… means… to 'see'? to see… to hear… to touch… to feel… for understanding without purpose… to be… the soul's oneness… in merging…
[Our January 3, 2016 show):]
Update on our house becoming a planning resource: The process of accessing the funds held for me from my electrical work days (which are almost exactly the amount needed to pay off the mortgage… which is what I intend to do with them…) is much more drawn-out than I'd hoped… which means weeks on end of 24 – 7 weakening of my immune system with EMF / microwave weapons… I'm mentioning the house because my intention is for it to become a center for planning global-system de-commissioning… although at the moment I feel sort of at a loss as to how to begin… so… your input is appreciated. And… on the subject of EMF-targeting… I also want to mention that I was 'hit' constantly during the 40 minutes-trip going… and 40 minutes-trip returning… to and from the trust fund office on Monday – while I was driving 60 miles pre hour. There were a lot of cars and big trucks around me – there always seems to be a lot of metal positioned around me these days (which is what I suspect they're putting in the air…) We need to ponder seriously what can track and hit a vehicle going sixty miles per hour for forty minutes – what could do that?… and how many of these things do they have?
Proudhon: “We discover phenomena and laws by observation and experience; only this deeper sense reveals to us existence. Humanity believes that God is; but in believing in God, what does it believe? In a word, what is God?” …is not our knowledge of 'the infinite' part of our experience?… and is this not knowledge that we bring to the world? “…is it our knowledge of 'the infinite' that is suppressed?…” “and isn't 'suppression' a theft?… reinforced by our atomization?” …suppression that left behind questions?…” “with an imprint to be rediscovered… or not?…” “and so… then… isn't 'suppression' a theft as well of 'the one who asks questions'?… suppressed… when questioning is forbidden… when it is too threatening to the parent?” “…and isn't the theft of questions… the theft of 'thought'?…” “…must it not be so that… at the core of 'Thought's suppression… is 'Fear'?”
What is this fear… essentially?… in a 'class'-system… given… as Proudhon says… “the eternal and absolute laws of our mind…? and given… as Kropotkin suggests… that one… if not the core… 'law of our mind'… is mutual aid?… the assumption… and so the search for… association… relationship with 'the all' – i.e.… our deep 'historical-body-knowledge' of 'the communal': the fundamental 'knowing'… that we are not alone… What prompts this fear… if not the deep 'historical-body-knowing' that something is amiss… that what should be present… isn't… What is this fear?… …That we are alone. The ancestors have our back… that's the point… that's why they're suppressed: they hold… for us… wealth… sustenance… joy… and vitality… they hold for us connection… in holding fast the truth – a gift beyond 'generous' – they guide us back to our 'selves'… so that… once we are back… we can also learn from all other beings that are free…
And what Proudhon… cannot know… because the plan was in its inception… was the organized ambition of 'power' to do our thinking for us – this is Bentham's gift to 'power' of the Panopticon – that it – 'power' – would be 'the Mind' of which we would be possessed… that it would be 'the Mind' that possesses… all of us …such that… 'the Mind' we revolve about… 'the Mind' we become… is not our own… …such that… when our children come… we don't see them… which stimulates an enormous fear in them… because they come with the body-knowledge of 'the infinite'… with the body-knowledge of 'connectedness'… they come with the expectation of deep… eternal… 'Relationship'… …and when they don't find this… And this is a 'system'-wide Fear… a 'system'-wide confusion… that we are now… …moving beyond…
For what are we when separate?… if not but 'power's reflection… the totalitarian center holds… when we revolve around it… the single 'Mind' of 'power'… enclosing us… repeating their compulsions… the single 'Judgment' of 'power'… disposing of us… when we are deemed superfluous… And we?… …just a'troddin'… endless… endless… a'troddin'… lost in… mist? …souls a'drift…
Alice: “…Against the backdrop of the rejection of childishness instilled by our training, it becomes easier to understand why men and women had little difficulty leading a million children, whom they regarded as the bearers of the feared portions of their own psyche, into the gas chambers. One can even imagine that by shouting at them, beating them, or photographing them, they were finally able to release the hatred going back to early childhood. From the start, it had been the aim of their upbringing to stifle their childish, playful, and life-affirming side. The cruelty inflicted on them, the psychic murder of the child they once were, had to be passed on in the same way: each time they sent another Jewish child to the gas ovens, they were in essence murdering the child within themselves… [This need to split off and murder what they see as weak in themselves… includes that weakness called “fear-inspired obedience…” and that to the degree that we do not claim our power… we stimulate this urge in them to destroy us… Those they consider 'weak' and 'deficient'… those in 'power' long to destroy…]
Alice: “Most of the children saw themselves in an extremely negative light, describing themselves as “stupid,” as “a child no one likes,” who “can't do anything” and is “bad.” They could never admit to being proud of something they obviously did well. They hesitated to try anything new, were terribly afraid of doing something wrong, and frequently felt ashamed. Several of them seemed to have developed scarcely any feeling of self. This can be seen as a reflection of the attitude of the parents, who did not regard their child as an autonomous person but entirely in relation to the gratification of their own needs…” […this insidious insinuation of 'rank' throughout our lives… the omnipresent insistence on 'obedience' that destroys spontaneous feeling and silences voice… is in reality (never-discussed) “hidden-'power'” manifested…]
Alice: “Dolls and fictitious persons were constantly being beaten, tormented, and killed. Many children repeated their own abuse in their play. One child, whose skull had been broken three times as an infant, always made up stories about people or animals who suffered head injuries. Another child, whose mother had attempted to drown it when it was a baby, began the play therapy by drowning a doll baby in the bathtub and then having the police take the mother to prison. Although these real-life events played little part in the children's openly expressed fears, they were the basis of a strong unconscious preoccupation. The children were almost never able to express their anxieties verbally, yet they harbored intense feelings of rage and a strong desire for revenge, which, however, were accompanied by a great fear of what might happen if these impulses should erupt…”[I hope the extreme violence of this example does not distract us from seeing the degree to which 'obedience' / utilitarianism… as the base mindset of 'class'… makes puppets of all of us… places us in the hands of hidden-'power'-actors… the only ones who benefit from the imposition of this mindset… who have ever… through the ages… insisted on 'making use of' us… for any purpose that occurs to their heartlessness… a 'use' that has grown ever-more heinous… Time to break that cycle… is what our ancestors are telling us… time for us to get 'big'… grow our gifts… work together to build that alternative… And mos def time to take responsibility for all the children…]
[…and that's a hard notion to wrap our minds around – this idea of taking responsibility for all the children – we who have been trained to view ourselves and our children as property of 'power' – unconsciously: and our reading of Proudhon will help us see how our stated beliefs and our behavior are generally (under 'class') not in consonance… and argues that in making our behavior conscious… and the beliefs implied by our behavior conscious… we can reclaim our original thought process – our original 'selves'…] Alice: “It appeared as if those children who were forced to serve the needs of their parents in general were not spared having to serve the parents' sexual needs as well, which usually took the form of covert, unconscious advances toward their children.…”
Alice: “Child-rearing is used in a great many cases to prevent those qualities that were once scorned and eradicated in oneself from coming to life in one's children. In his impressive book, Soul Murder: Persecution in the Family, Morton Schatzman shows the extent to which the child-rearing methods… were based on the need to stifle certain parts of one's own self… tries to stamp out in his children is what he fears in himself… Little attention has been given up to now, however, to the fact that what is called child-rearing is based for the most part on this mechanism and that, consequently, the exploitation of this mechanism for political purposes would be impossible without this kind of upbringing.……” [And let's not forget… the complete and total correspondence – that Alice showed us in the excerpts from the poisonous pedagogues – between their methods for creating 'perfect' (that is to say… perfectly obedient…) 'citizens' and making the 'perfect' State… i.e.… the invention of 'child-rearing' was a conscious political strategy… – P.S.]
Alice: “…A. described his father as kind, good-natured, understanding, appreciative, contented, and genuinely devout. All his family and friends also admired these qualities in him, and there was no ready explanation for why his son, having such a kindhearted father, should develop a severe obsessional neurosis. Since childhood, A, had been burdened with disturbing obsessive thoughts of an aggressive nature, but he was unable to experience feelings of annoyance or dissatisfaction, to say nothing of anger or rage, in response to actual frustrations. He also had suffered since childhood because he had not “inherited” his father's “serene, natural, trusting” piety, he attempted to attain it by reading devotional literature, but “bad” (because critical) thoughts, which filled him with panic, always stood in the way… In his analysis A. was now able to acknowledge the helpless rage he felt at the terrible constrictions that had been imposed on him by his father's attitude. He was expected to be, like his father, good-natured, kind, appreciative, undemanding, not to cry, always to see everything “from the positive side,” never to be critical, never to be dissatisfied, always to think of those who were “much worse off.” A.'s previously unrecognized feelings of rebelliousness revealed to him the narrow confines of his childhood, from which everything had to be banished that was not suitable for his devout and “sunny” nursery.”
Alice: “Now that A. had found the way back to his childhood emotions, he was also able to empathize with the child that his father had once been. He asked himself how his father had dealt with the fact that his parents sent eight children so far away without ever visiting them, for the sake of promulgating the Christian idea of brotherly love in Africa. Wouldn't he necessarily have deep doubts about such a love and about the meaningfulness of work that required such cruelty towards one's own children?…” [This routinized cruelty is 'the system'… is 'power'… though never discussed as such…]
January 10, 2016 Show:
…and let's never forget… this is destruction by clandestine means… consider the teams of criminal 'doctors' they must have [and Miklos could not be more dead-on in his sense of urgency when he warned us about them… he could see that 'power' was seeking ways to improve the secrecy of its killing continuously…] consider the teams of criminal 'doctors' they must employ to think up ways to use microwaves to cause ill-health… disease… and death… – we have to accept that if they can compel our 'labor'… they can compel [and are compelling…] fascism…
……and though… upon thought… it is obvious… we… as a people… have never had that discussion of the fact that 'hierarchy' requires (by definition) the relinquishment of the 'thought-process'… Recall that Bentham's gift to 'power' of the Panopticon allowed for the mechanical… in a sense… installation of obedience in we-the-common-folk… in his design the Few can control the Many if the Few strictly control the thoughts of the Many…a strategy that extinguishes our thought-process (and I'm speaking of us as a broad generality…) as what a 'thought-process' requires to exist… we will be arguing… is the absence of coercion… which means the absence of 'class'…
…I'm considering this in the context of our question: “is there a non-therapeutic… or 'non-analytic'… route to the re-experiencing of suppressed feelings (a Global General Strike perhaps?…) such that we can recover our authentic 'selves'… and thereby exorcise the 'state-in-us' – freeing our energy for our movement to achieve global human freedom?…” – i.e.… to heal humanity itself.… Because 'class' is totalitarian – global and omnipresent throughout all social institutions – …means that there is a generalized suppression of authentic feeling and thought… across the global populations… What… specifically… are the feelings that have been suppressed… And given the training we all receive… under 'class'… in utilitarianism… subjected to varying degrees of manipulation and coercion… in every social institution of 'class' – in order to 'mold' this 'desired' behavior… coerce into being these qualities – given this generalized (often unconscious) expectation (under 'class') that we exist to serve 'the economy'… and that children must be trained (shaped) accordingly… …when a fresh new life enters this 'scene' (and it is very much a 'scene' – a theater-construction…) a child who sees the world 'right-side-up'… i.e.… honestly… who has not been conditioned to believe that it exists to be of service… what is the reaction of this child to this 'molding' process? Is it not rage?…
…because to displease the parent could mean total psychic isolation (under conditions of atomization…): the threat of 'exile'… banishment… and this is completely unacceptable… must be prevented at all costs – the cost of an authentic 'self'?… So be it.?… So what is our conscious… political… strategic… response to this dynamic that… when never discussed… works against our resistance?… Because we lost our certainty… Because our true thought… our authentic questions… was met with frowns… while our performances received warm praise… We set them aside… our questions… Our parent… the state… was proud of us… But they waited for us… our questions…
There has been suppression of the work of Alice: her documentation of the correspondence between the parent's attempt to shape 'the perfect child'… and the state's… or rather the tiny Few's (those tiny Few who have crafted and now run the global-system…) the tiny Few's aim to shape 'the perfect state.' It is critical that we begin to have that discussion… that we no longer forfeit the growth of our – we-the-people's – understanding of what is happening to us to those whose interest it is to limit and control us… beginning… perhaps… with a discussion of that quote from Goring that includes him saying this on the subject of 'war': “the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders [i.e. to kill their Brothers and Sisters]… …But the thrust of both articles is that there are 'evil states' that… for some reason never explained… do want this… that… for some reason never explained… states must persist in a constant state of competition. Clearly… then… states are worse than superfluous… they are engines of destruction. Now that we have the Internet… let's discuss this and plan our alternative. We have Sisters and Brothers in other lands driven to armed struggle in self-defense (which 'power'… of course… counts on… in the last analysis…) because they don't have the means to shut down the 'global economy' for a day – we do… it's called the Global General Strike… and it develops… and is… the building consciousness of all of us (we're not talking about cavalier acts… but rather a strategy that builds numbers methodically…) we could spare them lost blood and loved ones… we could stand with them… and with ourselves…
Alice: “If someone who has turned into this kind of a person [a person who has been forced to develop a false 'self'… dominated by the principle of 'obedience'…] becomes a father himself, he will be confronted with a situation that threatens the whole structure he has taken such pains to erect: he sees before him a child full of life, sees how a human being is meant to be, how he could have been if obstacles hadn't been placed in his way. But his fears are soon activated: this cannot be allowed to happen. If the child were allowed to stay as he is, wouldn't that mean that the father's sacrifices and self-denial weren't really necessary? Is it possible to have a child turn our well without forcing him to be obedient, without breaking his will, without combating his egoism and willfullness, as we have been told to do for centuries? Parents cannot permit themselves to ask these questions. To do so would cause no end of trouble, and they would be deprived of the sure ground provided by an inherited ideology that places the highest value on suppressing and manipulating vital spontaneity… If the father had been able to face his doubts consciously, come to terms with them, and integrate them, his son would have been freed of having to grow up with them and could have had a full life of his own at a much earlier age and without the help of analysis.” [When she says: “face his doubts consciously…” we could as well describe this as “facing our questions consciously…” and… when she says he should then “come to terms with them…” is this not placing them in the most accurate context?]
[And as we read what follows we should keep in mind that… as the parent is the 'deputy of the state' – per Bentham's advice to 'power' (i.e.… we are talking conscious planning here (and that's a significant piece… part… of our ability to recover our full selves… – we'll be thinking more about this…) on the part of the 'single Mind' that 'power' allows to exist under 'class': it's…) – it is the state that is benefitting… 'getting its needs met'… not the parents. But what we should also keep in mind is that as we reverse this condition: the condition that only 'power' is able to act consciously – albeit megalomaniacally – only 'power' determines the design of our global society… while all the rest of us are required to remain un-conscious… unaware of what is happening to us… required to accept the imposition of a constant state of paralysis of our thought-process – that as we reverse this… the 'class'-system is de-commissioned… – P.S.] Alice: “The reader will have noticed long before now that all pedagogy is pervaded by the precepts of “poisonous pedagogy…” [Note this] example from the following passage from Emile (Book II) (by Jean-Jacques Rousseau… [1712 – 1778…]) he who literally abandoned all five of his children… “deposited them at foundling homes…” over the mother's protests… – P.S.]: “Take an opposite route with your pupil; always let him think he is the master, but always be it yourself. There is no more perfect form of subjection than the one that preserves the appearance of freedom [Whoa… that pulled me up short – it is almost as if Bentham (1748 – 1832)… reading this… made it his goal… and worked backward from it… – P.S.]; thus does the will itself become captive. The poor child, who knows nothing, can do nothing, and has no experience – is he not at your mercy? ['Manipulative' don't even begin to touch it… this is pure sadism here… – P.S.] Are you not in control of everything in his environment that relates to him? Can you not control his impressions as you please? His tasks, his games, his pleasures, his troubles – is all this not in your hands without his knowing it? [Recall Hitler's “It also gives us a very special, secret pleasure to see how unaware the people around us are of what is really happening to them.” This is 'power'… this Plato-derived… abandonment-driven… longing to be 'in control'… totally… and… beyond this… in its totally misanthropic obsession… – P.S.] Doubtlessly, he may do as he wishes, but he may wish only what you want him to; he may not take a single step that you have not anticipated…” [These are folk… themselves made puppets as infants… obsessed with doing the same to us… ad infinitum…]
Alice: “All this does not mean that children should be raised without any restraints. Crucial for healthy development is the respect of their care givers, tolerance for their feelings, awareness of their needs and grievances, and authenticity on the part of their parents, whose own freedom – and not pedagogical considerations – sets natural limits for children…” [It seems to me that in this point… her use of 'freedom' suggests either the 'power'-approved sense of 'personal freedom' – i.e. 'freedom to do as one wishes…' – or what the 'personal' sense unconsciously manifests or expresses: the assumption that hidden-'power' doesn't exist… that the world is not controlled by a global-elite who have been systematically tightening their noose of control around our necks ever since the French Revolution… the assumption that 'freedom' is a variable thing… depending on 'local'… 'national'… and one's 'personal'… conditions – but that… regardless of these 'natural' limits… we must be 'honest' with our children about what we want… as we respect their needs within the context of respecting our own. None of which asks us to consider that we cannot “respect our own needs” within the context of 'class'.In the end… this approach abdicates our responsibility to challenge the global totalitarian system – which is what 'class' is – undermining from within her stated objective to ensure that every child retains his or her authentic 'self'… without interference from adults… – and most particularly not from ten thousand guys… who want to be gods…]
January 17, 2016 Show:
A couple updates before we begin: first… long story short… I slipped in the mud and my left wrist is out of commission… typing is out for a bit… but the show goes on and its resulting audio will (hopefully) get posted… second… a January 12, 2016 New York Times piece suggests an explanation to a (personal) mystery of why these 'power'-guys are so obsessed with 'hitting' me at Lakeside: “Merger Will Create a Giant in Drugs for Rare Diseases”…
“What thoughts and practices could deliver us from the trap of the false notions of 'class'… and by what process would this happen?…” in which discussion we will… “revisit concepts of the 'emphatic partner'… and “the trauma of 'class'”… We'll consider what these concepts mean for our building that critical mass of committed folk working to 'de-commission the global-system…” and… “given that our conditioning is (in a sense…) the 'whole of it'… the whole of the matter of our containment (under 'class'…) and given that the gaps between our 'understanding-of-what-is-happening'… and 'power's… and between our 'certainty' – our confidence in ourselves and our belief in our right to our unhindered movement in the world – and 'power's – as 'power' has established a grossly disproportionate 'advantage' in technological… military… and psychological means… as well as an extreme gap ethically… – i.e.… given our absolute dependence… we ever exist in a constant state of extreme risk of being harmed in their arbitrary process… euphemistically known as 'management' of us and the planet (all of these being… essentially… gaps between our sense of our capabilities and the off-the-charts-hubris of 'power'…)” So… “how do we address these disproportions?
…de-commissioning the 'global-system' does not mean 'chaos'… but “the blossoming of 'the peoples' cooperation…” (at long last and hallelujah!)… In Waking Up I argued that we have to prepare now for the (manufactured) 'crises' they will inevitably throw at us once enough of us are waking up… This is even more true to the degree we nullify their 'agent-provocateur-strategy' (which we do… minimally… by letting our goal lead… which should sort them out of our organizing efforts (and into the community to snipe at us there…) “Letting our goal lead” means keeping our eyes on the prize of human beings freed globally – freed from the compulsions of Necessity… and from all forms of coercion… in the global-society of our making… and by employing the principle of 'utility': by asking of everything we do: “how does this lead to our goal of global freedom?”…) We must ask ourselves not just how we nullify a strategy of agent-infiltration of (and implementation of invented / staged…) movements (e.g.… at this point in the development of our understanding… any 'fix-the-state'-based movement must be seen… not just as an ill-informed strategy… but as a conscious attempt to either 'pied-piper' our resistance down fruitless paths… or turn public opinion against the very notion of resistance… for instance… the “quotation of the day” from 15-year-old Ashlie about an “armed occupation” in Oregon…
Recall Alice telling us that we don't question that which is a continuation of our childhood. What are the essential qualities of our childhood under 'class'?: Dependence… Coercion… Obedience training or… training to be 'of service'… 'Utilitarianism' (which… in our opposing… we are sharing Alice's anti-pedagogical position…) and so ultimately… a key characteristic: Performance – relinquishment of the authentic 'self' or 'self-betrayal'… and so Duplicity or dishonesty… These are qualities that weaken our spirit… cause erosion of it… and deepen the loss of vitality that stems from the betrayal of our true 'self'…
Thoughts we are pondering: The threat that the global-state-statesmen pose to us is essentially militaristic… given their adherance to Plato's 'dictum' that the 'master class' must achieve and preserve absolute military dominance over 'the people' (and this obviously includes technological superiority and within this a monopoly on supreme surveillance technology…) Feelings and thoughts are one (from the December 27, 2015 show…) – if feelings and thoughts are one… and… as Alice says… our suppressed anger from our early childhood experience of being forced must be tapped into and re-experienced consciously… what does all of this mean for regaining our thought-process?… The Global General Strike is 'the people' as the experience of 'the infinite'… 'the infinite' being that experience that we come to the world with… which immediately is challenged by the global 'class'-system… and so what does all of this mean?
In our October 25, 2015 show… we said that as we 'make ourselves' – both individually and collectively… constituting ourselves as 'a people' made of fully-developing individualities – we 'un-make' them – the 'power'-guys: “command exists but with obedience…” as George Eliot said… and we meant this psychologically no less than materially… we cited Karl Popper's point that Plato advised… essentially… lying to the children (of the elite) such that they would come to believe in their inherent superiority… they must be certain… said he… that they have nothing in common with the broad generality… and steel themselves to be ruthless… unbending… firm… in their enforcement of their “management-right” over us. (Why is it that has never occurred to us to talk about? It's so glaringly wrong… and in our face… and invisible… like the EMF-weapons they dispose of us with… those they deem superfluous…?) And because these Tiny Few (.0001 per cent at best of the global population…) aggregated tremendous means – those means being our blood… sweat… tears… and love (and the earth's generally) converted into that noose of control around our neck (the economy… – I mean it's quite obvious that a privatized earth means we can't feed ourselves… that this is not immediately perceived as its purpose speaks volumes on the con job they've done on us… De Tocqueville and Bentham saw this need of we-the-people's to break out of 'power's imposed constraints… – saw it would never cease. So the issue for both of them became… how to control it… this ceaseless attempt… Both of them believed that this need of ours can only be controlled by “controlling the thoughts we can think…” to do which requires the nation-state system… Nikola Tesla… on the other hand… worked in the opposite direction… worked to see the 'open society' become a reality… Nikola worked tirelessly for the day – and we are in that day – when the technology would exist to allow our thought to blossom…
…but the Miniscule Few believe they can install… manufacture for us… the “greatest 'happiness'…” and so work against this… and are organized… possess tremendous resources in aggregate… and have a plan… hatched in the aftermath of the French Revolution… which consists in constructing our psyches such… that we would exchange freedom for containment… Given all this… what are the thoughts and practices that would free us of the weight of all of it? If dependence… obedience… betrayal… performance… duplicity… is our experience of childhood in 'class'-society… and so form the basis of our assumption about 'being' itself… – how do we begin to overcome these false notions… such that we can reclaim our original 'selves'?
…our experience of 'class' is itself a trauma that needs to be experienced consciously… and integrated into our personalities (can we experience 'class' as a trauma consciously if we have not first experienced the abuse we were subjected to as infants and small children consciously? – we're going to be trying to sort that out as we work toward building numbers of folk committed to working for global human freedom…) such that we can become 'fully-developing individualities'… as opposed to manifestations of 'power's priorities… and we asked: “if 'we-the-people' – the nation – are the child… who… what… might be… the “emphatic partner”?… by which word… 'emphatic'… I take it she means… strong… in possession of certainty… And what does it mean?… being the emphatic partner? – voicing those original suppressed thoughts? What does it mean to be the psychic support of our Brothers and Sisters in our common process of healing from the wounds of 'class'? We're going to be thinking again about these questions… especially in terms of the kinds of 'safe spaces' we want to establish…
…We have been kept silent… our voices haven't been used for exposing and exploring our truth… rather… as Alice says… they have been used to hide from… and conceal… and deny… our truth… and because of the problem of our having been trained to be 'of service' – the generalized imposition of the mindset of utilitarianism – known as 'economics' in 'modern' language… even when we attempt to address social ills and inequities… we ourselves… our personal dilemma of lost vitality and our omnipresent subjection to compulsions within and without… are never put in that picture of the 'unfairness of society'… but… we should factor in: the coerced-work system is the linch-pin of the global-'class' system… the linch-pin of their control… and the coerced-work system is in its process of disintegration.
…the center that coerces cannot hold… a field fed by force must inevitably lose its source… life… suppressed… is returning unfettered… and afresh…
Alice: “First… If parents have had to learn very early in life to ignore their feelings, not to take them seriously, to scorn or ridicule them, then they will lack the sensitivity required to deal successfully with their children. As a result, they will try to substitute pedagogical principles as prostheses. Second… Parents who never learned as children to be aware of their own needs or to defend their own interests because this right was never granted them will be uncertain in this regard for the rest of their life and consequently will become dependent on firm pedagogical rules.” [Her insights… so critical for us to discuss and grasp have been suppressed… because to discuss them would call into question the entire 'class'-system… – P.S.]
Alice: “In contrast to generally accepted beliefs and to the horror of pedagogues, I cannot attribute any positive significance to the word pedagogy. I see it as self-defense on the part of adults, as manipulation deriving from their own lack of freedom and their insecurity… There is in the word pedagogy the suggestion of certain goals that the charge is meant to achieve – and this limits his or her possibilities for development from the start. But an honest rejection of all forms of manipulation and of the idea of setting goals does not mean that one simply leaves children to their own devices. For children need a large measure of emotional and physical support from the adult. This support must include the following elements if they are to develop their full potential [so we see in some of the assumptions she is making… a degree of ambivalence about 'class' society… a degree of… denial… perhaps?… about the full scope of the abuse she is documenting… and its roots in a 'system' that requires our dispossession… Essential elements of our support of children: – P.S.]
January 24, 2016 Show:
…'power's use of weapons-technology to control dissent… limit population… and 'manage' our heads – determine what thoughts we think – only works by targeting singly those who challenge this thought-control… by returning to our thought-process the alternative vision of suppressed ancestors…those who expose hidden-'power' and the cons by which it maintains its domination… and who offer us clear alternatives to 'power's global 'system' – it only works by picking us off one-by-one… provoking fear in those who remain… and then suppressing the existence of the attempt – or re-writing the story of it – such that subsequent generations see 'class'… 'hierarchy'… decision-making-by-the-few… as the only possible way to 'manage' 'our' 'complex' 'modern' 'society'.… Alice says we must 'respect the child'… where in the above do we see that happening?… where in our sacrifice of dissent – and so a thought-process that is authentic – and in our capitulation to fear and dishonesty… does 'respect for the child' come in? Can it be that we don't see that we are betraying our children?… in every possible way… when we teach them they exist… not for themselves… but to be functionaries of the state?…
Can it be that we don't see that we are betraying our children?… when we teach them… by our example if not overtly… to obey bosses… and to respond to money as a trigger of our behavior… Combine that training with material ('economic') dependence… and we get fascism… A bit of thought and this conclusion is obvious… but I must admit… until I became a target… because of my dissent… until I had no choice but to see how easily large numbers of folks could be turned into trackers and hounders of me… convinced to participate in my being extra-legally assaulted…and… more and more I'm becoming convinced that the drones are primarily used as cameras and processing and sending data to some weapon… located… where?) my head feels like a solid block of mucus… my chest likewise… and… once I get back from uploading this pdf it will require hours of loosening and clearing to ameliorate… while simultaneously being subjected to more of the same… 'punishment'…
None of the above is what we want… but it is inevitably what we will get when we accept 'power's 'right-of-management'… when what we want… is good fellowship… globally… Good fellowship is what our children expect when they come to us… it is an expression of our experience of 'the infinite'… The good fellowship of an honest world is what they must get… if we are to make our beliefs and our acts coalesce… and if we believe that our children deserve our respect…
If we were to ask ourselves why we accept subject-status for any of us… but especially for the children… many rationalizations would come in response… but they would all boil down to… coercion – i.e.… we feel we have no alternative. We have been using this space of the radio discussions to explore whether that's the case… whether 'class' exhausts the possible global social arrangements… and whether there is a way to confront global-'power' successfully… Even the shallowest probe of our sincerest heart and mind requires this honest assessment: that superior force in the hands of those who benefit from our subjection to them means not only that our subjection (our remaining forever children…) will continue ad infinitum… but that we will be… and have been… subjected to continuous manipulation… – because 'power' exists for itself… not us… and because it despises the 'weak'… and because its 'power' is unchecked by any repercussions for its abusiveness… If they can create crises – whether personal health disasters or broader social catastrophes – and get us to pay for them… where does this lead?… Isn't it issuing a permanent blank-check by the very terms of our existence under 'class'? Can we see that 'power' has concocted one scheme after another to bring about massive transfers of wealth…
“Breaking out of the 'Panopticon' globally…” means affirming our right to have access to each other and support each other…in order to both develop our personal gifts maximally as well as develop our social gifts maximally… through the design and implementation of self-management practices… We start by developing anti-coercion positions and pledges (this relates to the point we've been making – an extension of Alice's – that we have to experience the trauma of 'class' consciously – which encompasses the abusiveness of child-rearing – and integrate it into our personalities… on the road to reclaiming our 'selves' and thinking authentically…) And we start by sharing these pledges with our Brothers and Sisters around the world… working toward mutually supporting their public affirmation… affirmation of these commitments… pledges…
Where do we begin to address 'self-defense' in a 'system' (of 'class'…) that denies the right of the authentic 'self' to exist?… a 'system' whose essence is coercion… and whose 'nature' is totalitarian – as it is impressed across all social institutions… and is global… Most likely if we tried to bring Alice into our work with children… geared toward helping children identify… navigate… and openly confront… honestly… not just threats to their physical existence (in the broadest sense of those words… i.e.…including in an 'economic' sense…) but as well threats to their intellectual and emotional development… the money would dry up… agent-action would escalate… meetings and facilitated planning sessions would follow… along with smooth and orchestrated guidance from multiple (especially funder) sources… The 'evolution' to our global future that's free will not be funded by philanthropy – just the opposite. It will come from focused… concerted meetings… discussions… and actions – globally – and from endorsing and sharing anti-coercion knowledge and practices… with ourselves and with our children…
For a lot of us it is too fantastical… almost too silly – if they have not read Karl Popper… Miklos Nyiszli… John Boswell… Alice Miller and Martin Bernal – to believe that the lives of almost all the people of the planet have been structured and limited by the musings of a frustrated… two-millennia-long-dead would-be 'philosopher-king'… It is an horrific notion… and yet it is so – our lives have been structured and limited by a handful of guys… since the French Revolution… who developed a scheme for aggregating all of the 'money' – read: 'resources of the planet' – in order to implement the Republic… They literally used the Republic as guide… along with Bentham… and the child-rearing pedagogues… for locking rigid hierarchy in place. Look around you today and note his precepts arrayed… in particular: “no one should ever be without a leader…” – isn't that what a coerced-work system means? We have had no opportunity… most of us… to develop our inherent leadership… and 'power' intends that to never change – and they have the answer to folks who try… when we stand to the side… and so can see the hidden hand on the levers… ultimately… we can only 'break out of the Panopticon' globally – by working together across nation to build alliances for challenging the management-right of states… When we consider it… EMF-weapons were the 'perfect' 'solution' to such folk… – dissenters – from 'power's perspective: 'surgical' and 'humane'… simply apply a bit of 'punishment' when people 'disobey'… and we are effectively checked in our ability to dissent. These weapons have put a lock on our ability to develop – both as global humans and as a global society. There are no independent actors anymore if we don't check this threat… – everyone would indeed have a leader…
If those who harm us… are functionaries of… those who say they are 'self'-less… fragments of an 'idea' that lives in them… an 'idea' of 'Perfection'… if those who harm us… say they are but following orders… to whom do we address… our anger?… [I've been wondering who gets to decide who uses 'the weapon'? Is it a perk?…
At the end of last week's show she was telling us that the first key element of supporting our children is to respect them… – Meanwhile… how do we do that when we indoctrinate them into a system of 'class'? This is getting to my point about the need to advance the gift of Alice… because 'class' itself is inherently abusive… and yet because it presents itself as 'progress' it remains largely hidden to us… even Alice – and saying this is not to minimize Alice – just to be able to see the inherent integrity of that new being is a huge advance under 'class'… and to be humble enough to recognize that we have to learn from these babies… they are so whole and healthy and in touch with the true knowledge of life… of what it means to be alive… and healthy… and part of the vast infinite… Alice: “Learning is a result of listening, which in turn leads to even better listening and attentiveness to the other person. In other words, to learn from the child, we must have empathy, and empathy grows as we learn. It is a different matter for parents or educators who would like the child to be a certain way or think they must expect him to be that way. To reach their sacred ends, they try to mold the child in their image, suppressing self-expression in the child and at the same time missing out on an opportunity to learn something.”
Alice: “The reason why parents mistreat their children has less to do with character and temperament than with the fact that they were mistreated themselves and were not permitted to defend themselves. There are countless people like A.'s father who are kind, gentle, and highly sensitive and yet inflict cruelty on their children every day, calling it child-rearing. As long as child beating was considered necessary and useful, they could justify this form of cruelty. Today such people suffer when their “hand slips,” when an incomprehensible compulsion or despair induces them to shout at, humiliate, or beat their children and see their tears, yet they cannot help themselves and will do the same thing again next time. This will inevitably continue to happen as long as they persist in idealizing their own childhood…”
Alice: “The greatest cruelty that can be inflicted on children is to refuse to let them express their anger and suffering except at the risk of losing their parents' love and affection. The anger stemming from early childhood is stored up in the unconscious, and since it basically represents a healthy, vital source of energy, an equal amount of energy must be expended in order to repress it. An upbringing that succeeds in sparing the parents at the expense of the child's vitality sometimes leads to suicide or extreme drug addiction, which is a form of suicide. If drugs succeed in covering up the emptiness caused by repressed feelings and self-alienation, then the process of withdrawal brings this void back into view. When withdrawal is not accompanied by restoration of vitality, then the cure is sure to be temporary…”
Alice: “At puberty, adolescents are often taken totally by surprise by the intensity of their true feelings, after having succeeded in keeping them at a distance during the latency period. With the spurt of biological growth, these feelings (rage, anger, rebelliousness, falling in love, sexual desire, enthusiasm, joy, enchantment, sadness) seek full expression, but in many cases this would endanger the parents' psychic balance… society's views, which are represented by the parents, and which the adolescent has long ago internalized, must prevail: the consequences of having strong, intense feelings are rejection, isolation, ostracism, and threat of death, i.e., self-destruction… The drug addict punishes himself for seeking his true self – certainly a justifiable and essential goal – by destroying his own spontaneous feelings, repeating the punishment that was inflicted on him in early childhood when he showed the first signs of vitality.” [Isn't the clarity and simplicity of the truth exhilarating?… – P.S.] “…in these out-of-the-ordinary moments, the young person discovers how he might have been [George Eliot wrote… and Alice concurs – and illustrates repeatedly in her essential and transformative work – that “it is never too late to be the person one should have been…” – P.S.]; he has made contact with his self, and as might be expected, once this has happened, he can find no rest. He can no longer act as though his true self had never existed. Now he knows that it does exist, but he also knows that ever since early childhood this true self has not had a chance.” [But when we are denied our true selves it is our entire life that is like a dream… and that is in fact the intention of those who have set it up: this global reenactment – on a vast and massive scale – of their own suppressed traumas… – P.S.]
January 31, 2016 Show:
Continues themes we've been developing: “What does it mean to integrate our experience of the abusiveness of 'class' into our personalities?…” and… “particularly given the disintegration of the global-coerced-work-system… and 'power's inevitable hidden machinations in response… Child-rearing (under 'class'…) is totalitarian… a reflection of the global 'class' system… which means its 'class-violence and abusiveness' – i.e.… its coercion – we don't consciously experience as such… which means many of us… as Marcuse said… never become aware of our chains (the 'class-system'-locks on our thought…) are not aware that force runs against our inherent nature and so produces rage in us – which 'power' then rushes in to tell us is part of 'our' nature… as well as to license it – that rage – for its purposes: which are all at base about defeating our solidarity… The entire 'system' is about 'defeating our – we-the-people's – solidarity' – there's energy wastage (and destruction…) for you – (it's important that we give to our insight that 'power's key requirement-to-exist is destroying our mutual concern [empathy…] its full weight… consider what it means that 'power' seeks to find it to annihilate it… It is imperative that we take away the ability of the most emotionally-stunted… the most damaged… to shape the world in their image…) We must create for ourselves gathering spaces in which we can do as Alice says and begin to consciously experience the abusiveness of 'class'…
…and this is where I think we advance Alice: at this moment when we remember our earliest feelings of rage at being forced – and then… as we develop our understanding… with the help of our Brothers and Sisters… to see that that force can entirely be laid at the feet of the coerced-work system… is entirely due to the coerced-work system… This is what Alice didn't focus enough on… and perhaps didn't recognize… She argues that it is only by getting on our own side – as the child who was hurt because of this force applied to our sensitive selves… – that we can get 'unstuck'… release the grief that unfreezes frozen feelings – and this is so true… all of us know – those of us trapped in this coerced-work-system – that feeling of being 'stuck'… of having our feelings frozen… as we… on 'automatic'… keep doing what we think… what we thought… our parents needed us to do… and that if we kept doing it… somehow… the solution would come… we would find the right 'formula' that would solve the dilemma… that would make them happy… and so we kept doing what we thought we were supposed to do… – that's our feelings being frozen… our spontaneity being buried: “doing what we're supposed to do…” – all of that is entirely due to the coerced-work-system… all of it… – all of it a set-up for the past two and a half centuries… a conscious intentional… plan. And it is that understanding… that illumed-truth… that allows us to get un-stuck… that allows us to begin to have access to that original… spontaneous… vital… self… that we are… but we buried… thinking we had to… to please our parents… that we had to… to be 'good'… to be 'good people'… to win praise… to finally get the love that was denied us……
In our October 4, 2015 show we got an update – from the Fall, 2015 Slingshot (Wolverine de Cleyre, “Alive and Well: A Visit to Zapatista Territory”) – on a group of folk who have done that hard work of consciously experiencing 'class'-abuse… and the result is revealing: “Zapatistas see the real work, the important thing, as growing their own food, raising their children, living together. They are willing to engage in armed struggle to defend this autonomy from a government they feel has no legitimacy, but that's not what they want to devote their energy toward.… Their autonomy is due both to their own unbending will, and international pressure that keeps the Mexican military from slaughtering them wholesale…” But while the Zapatistas prepare for armed conflict… 'power' takes its assault 'economic' – which it prefers over witnessed-battery (unless it serves other 'power'-purposes: e.g. fostering divisions… eliminating the indigenous… or preserving the global hierarchy…) for it far-better 'disarms' us (any hidden-hand that harms us… whether extra-legal… or extra-economic… receives 'power's preference… if it's convinced we'll remain ignorant of it…) and leaves our anger no true culprit to answer to it… But while international pressure shields the Zapatistas from slaughter… until we consciously experience the abusiveness of the global-'class'-system… how can we ultimately protect out Sister and Brother Zapatistas?
Possessing 'the right story'… we have been arguing… is key to our 'healing'… to the full restoration… of both the 'self' we were born with… and our common earth-endowment… …and 'the right story' to understand… to regain our authentic-ness… and repossess what was stolen… is the story of 'class': i.e.… the objective of 'power' has ever been: “keep the cattle herded… until we don't need them…” Let's recall yet again one of our key lessons (also discussed in our March 9, 2014 Waking Up Radio show…) from our reading of Savage Continent by Keith Lowe: “…‘war’ is always war on us… whether they spill our guts with guns… or markets…” …that comment was in response to this quote from Marx and Engels: “[The developing bourgeoisie] compels all nations, on pain of extinction, to adopt the bourgeois modes of production; it compels them to introduce what it calls civilization into their midst, i.e., to become bourgeoisie themselves. In one word, it creates a world after its own image.” But what we've learned… is that the disaster that was developing was not a force called 'capitalism'… but the megalomaniacal conscious self-organization and aggrandizement… of Plato's Tribesmen…
Sisters and Brothers… I said this recently – and sang it in fact – to a few paid functionaries at the park one early morning this week… I lost the melody but it went something like this: “There is a list… of EMF-targets for their weapons… and never doubt you are on it… for they want no loose ends… it may come as cancer… it may come as heart attack… it may come as Alzheimer's… it may come as stroke…” – I named a few more… but I forgot one… an obvious one actually… Sisters and Brothers… this is a particularly nasty assault… the mucus settles in the throat and chest (and steals your breath…) and requires constant attention to get rid of it – which you can't… at least not while they keep hitting you… I imagine it kills early and fast… and particularly those with few means – it's occurred to me that the Auschwitz metaphor is more exact than apt… when disaster strikes of any kind… who survives?… who can afford the drugs and the treatment? So what does it 'accomplish'?… elimination of the 'unfit'… and transfers of wealth from those left… Though we know 'power' has always favored such schemes… few will believe this – 'High-Tech Auschwitz – is their answer to accelerating income-inequality… But keep garlic on hand… Trust what your body says…
…I felt like I was poisoned… the taste in my mouth I still have – whatever they're plowing the skies with?…'aluminum sulfates'?… 'self-levitating aerosols'? – I recall linking to an article on my page Palmers' Chat on “Solar Radiation Management'… I have to say … I am wondering… now that I know that nothing appears in the media that's not vetted… whether that's 'plausible deniability' for an 'Auschwitz' scheme… truly… this is the world we got… Now I am not trying to suggest that we try to investigate… rather… that we trust our process of reclamation of ourselves… our power… it is powerful people that demand a world that's free… But I am concerned that rather than hearing this… folks are told that because of climate disruption – the threat to the planet – we should focus on our own back-yards… even though we know that a One-Day-Global-General-Strike – if we could get that message around the world… and do it for one day… this whole game of 'power's would be over… and the earth could begin to heal…)
Alice: “It will not surprise us to learn that she continues to idealize both parents, as is frequently the case with drug addicts. She feels guilty for being so weak, for disappointing and disgracing her parents. She also says “society” is to blame – which of course cannot be denied. But the real predicament, the conflict between her search for her true self and the necessity of adapting to the needs of her parents, cannot be recognized as long as she continues to protect her parents from self-reproach. The concrete example of Christiane F.'s life story can help us to understand this predicament… Christiane, who is beaten often by her father for reasons she does not understand, finally begins to act in ways that give her father “good reason to beat her.” By so doing she improves his character by making an unjust and unpredictable father into one who at least punishes justly. This is the only way she has to rescue the image of a father she loves and idealizes. She also begins to provoke other men and turn them into punitive fathers – first the building superintendent, then her teachers, and finally, during her drug addiction, the police. In this way she can shift the conflict with her father onto other people. Because Christiane cannot talk with her father about their conflicts or settle them with him, she relegates her fundamental hatred for him to her unconscious, directing her hostility against surrogate male authority figures. Eventually, all the child's bottled up rage at being humiliated, deprived of respect, misunderstood, and left alone is turned against herself in the form of addiction. As time goes by, Christiane does to herself what her father had done to her earlier…”
Alice: “When I read Christianne's account of her childhood I sometimes was reminded of descriptions of life in a concentration camp… two examples:'…it was even meaner to take it a child's wooden spoon away from him. All the little children always took a long wooden soup ladle out with them, Because that was the only way we could reach the elevator buttons. Without the ladle, you were completely helpless… Of course, none of the other children ever helped you out… My father looked at me as though he had gone crazy. Then I knew he was going to go on one of his wild rampages. He shouted and started writing and hitting me. He kept on hitting me, and I was trapped on my bed and couldn't get away…' No one seriously doubts that the inmates of a concentration camp underwent terrible suffering. But when we hear about the physical abuse of children, we react with astonishing equanimity… lack of empathy for the suffering of one's own childhood can result in an astonishing lack of sensitivity to other children's suffering… This kind of insensitivity thus has its roots in the abuse a person suffered as a child. He or she may be able to remember what happened, but in most cases the emotional content of the whole experience of being beaten and humiliated has been completely repressed. This is where the difference lies between treating an adult and a child cruelly. The self has not yet sufficiently developed for a child to retain the memory of it or of the feelings it arouses. The knowledge that you were beaten and that this, as your parents tell you, what for your own good may well be retained… but the suffering caused by the way you were mistreated will remain unconscious and will later prevent you from empathizing with others… from their ranks are recruited the most reliable executioners… and torturers. They beat… and torture out of an inner compulsion to repeat their own history, and they are able to do this without the slightest feeling of sympathy for their victims… These people were beaten and humiliated themselves at such an early age that it was never possible for them to experience consciously the helpless, battered child they once were. In order to do this, they would have needed the aid of an understanding, supportive adult…”
February 7, 2016 Show:
What we have been doing… is attempting to break into… break through… the totalitarian conditioning of 'class'… which is extremely hard to do… because of a 'power'-installed totalitarian child-rearing… and its continuation in totalitarian 'education'… – plugged into a 'system' of coerced-work… a scheme that keeps us working without thinking… or 'thinking' only with the thoughts… and for the tasks… given us – until… like those who built Auschwitz… we “work ourselves out of a job…” which is this 'moment' we are in. Now… it's hard for us to wrap our minds around this because 'class' conditioning is totalitarian… and we want to please our parents… …and we see… predictably…this tendency of states to 'weed out its recalcitrants'… and 'winnow the populace'…has shifted into high gear. All over the world you see it happening: states slaughtering their own people – whether openly… as in the case of Syria and Egypt… or through secret collaborators as we see in Nigeria and Mexico… or both… or on the 'down-low'… as exists in the U.S.… and in all states… no doubt… with sufficient means… or through intermediaries… by spreading ill-health and disease…
…this is what Kropotkin was saying a century ago… and yet I am not hearing this among anarchists today – and he's a 'Founding Father' of the 'anarchist' body of knowledge and thinking. And I know… if they don't… that that is largely due to infiltration of folk who continuously redirect away from those basic concepts and aims… which comprise the alternative that we want and need today… and the fact that his global vision and goal is not being discussed [is not the only thing being discussed… with single-mindedness of purpose…] is proof enough of the reality of infiltration… Kropotkin could not have been more clear… or more powerful – and yet… nothing is done with that… nothing is being done with the basic notion of a global system-redesign… which we had reiterated by our Good Three – Terence K. Hopkins… Giovanni Arrighi… and Immanuel Wallerstein – thirty years ago… nothing done with this notion that it is not within a nation-state that we can get free. Is that still a goal of anarchism today?… getting free… and if it is… is it a global goal?… a global vision? What has become of our global vision of a redesign of a world… not into a 'system'… but into a world society?… a global arrangement of humans which is completely cooperative… without coercion… – the only practical… strategic… expression of which is organizing Global General Strikes as an on-going effort… until we get our freedom – I'm issuing a challenge to folks on the Left: Where is the global vision? Why is it not being spoken over and over? Why can we not be as dedicated and determined as those tiny… tiny… point-zero-zero-one-percent?… who have been ruling us for two and a half centuries… and have gotten very used to it… It will not be a simple thing to move these guys out of their illusions of divinity… We have to claim our power as human beings… with the single-mindedness of purpose and focus that we are confronted with. We are seven billion… they are ten thousand – this is imminently doable with our global means of communication – instantaneous communication – and organizing… It is long past time that we got busy…
…I'm sort of reacting to something I read in a recent anarchist paper… which just reminded me how important it is that we stay focused on our prize… because it is guaranteed that there are folks infiltrating trying to divert us from that focus… I mean… 'global-power-folk' have a lot of resources… they are not just in anarchist organizations… they're in cafes and grocery stores – this is what I mean about 'seriously wanting to influence our thinking…' they are not just in traditional media outlets… they have insinuated themselves into public space period… Again… this is not about trying to ferret folk out… or be suspicious of one another… just the opposite… we all manifest the state… but it is simply for us to help each other stay on task… stay focused on getting our freedom… and develop some loving ways to do that… so that it feels loving… and not as some sort of artificial adherence to some rule… In sum… the global-state-statesmen effectively checked our right to pursue happiness here in the U.S.… with the coerced-work system… because coercion destroys our empathy… and with it all hope for happiness… because the pursuit of happiness requires freedom from necessity – requires full possession of our own lives… i.e.: no coercion…
And as Sebastian de Grazia (another suppressed ancestor… whose masterful work… Of Time, Work and Leisure… has been purged from the Berkeley Public Library…) says: “The original idea [of the right to pursue happiness] was…: only through not having to work can men pursue happiness. Not surprisingly, then, that those idlers and drones who lived by this last notion, the gentry who wrote or approved the Virginia Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence, never did an honest day's work in their lives. [And this applies to all the subsequent 'classical civilization'-fabricators and Plato's Republic-realizers… dubbed in these pages: 'Plato's Tribesmen…] [Lord] James Bryce was right in saying that the Founding Fathers had gone back 2,000 years for the source of their ideas.” [No doubt when subsequent courts tried to rob us of our right to pursue happiness by demolishing the original concept of the 'Founders'… they did so on the basis that “thinking had evolved…” well… 'thinking' has now 'evolved' back to the original concept… in the recognition that to pursue happiness we have to own our own lives… literally… we must have no masters… we must be free of necessity…]
Those who established – and 'manage' still – behind scenes – the 'global-class-system'… never could… never would… imagine for us the contemplative life they want for themselves… and… Cronus'-all… they have hoped to so hobble us – with lies… with servile 'education'… with endless worry and toil – that it would never occur to us to challenge their definitions… or hope for ourselves the relaxed… contemplative… leisurely life they demand for themselves… in order to pretend they are 'citizens' of the 'Republic'… or 'philosopher-kings'… 'critically-needed'… to 'think'… to ensure that it is 'logic' and 'reason' – embodied in the 'verifiable' and 'proven' 'best'… that make the decisions… for all the rest of us – for seven billion… who are then condemned to being pawns… sacrificial lambs…and collateral damage… in the 'power'-plays and machinations of the Tiny Ten Thousand… who winnow our numbers to wipe out the 'superfluous' – as determined by their absurd compulsions which they parade as 'logic'… The issue is whether we will determine… for ourselves… that it's time for us to be 'people' too… to be fully human and self-determinative… as the 'Founders' strove to do (…though it was a goal beyond them… hobbled in their blindness by their fear… their early childhood experience of not being sufficient as they were… at birth… but… ever-restless… must 'pursue' a 'proof' of their 'worth'… in the 'purity' of their 'reason'… of their 'intellect'… in the complete suppression… of their authentic selves… Clearly… these are not the ones who offer guidance …to authentic freedom…) When Alice says that we don't question that which is a continuation of our childhoods… she could as well have put it that we don't question our repetition compulsions. The coerced-work system generates an unconscious rage in us that is a continuation of our childhoods… a rage at being forced… forced to be 'good'… to perform… to accept that our feelings are irrelevant and to be suppressed… the base mindset of 'class' is a base trauma… This cannot be what we want for our future… So why do we assume it? Why do we hobble ourselves… self-limit… and forfeit what we want before begun… to contemplate our future?
…and I think we will see… that in following our questions (listening to the earth… and the ancestors…) we 'make'… 'create'… ourselves… and that… is happiness… Peter Kropotkin has shown us that there are two base mindsets… two basic operating premises… for humans: 'Authority' and freedom… We've been stuck in 'Authority' for ten thousand years or more… and we came to accept it – those of us stuck in it – because it was equated with 'progress'… because it was what our parents taught us… and because we were compelled… by a lot of violence – which eventually came to be organized… 'managed'… by the state… which we were trained to view as the parent… which would 'protect' us… if we obeyed. But now we see the game… the game of 'power'… of 'supremacy'… of 'rule'… of control of the Many by the Few… see… that we are nothing to it… that by its terms we must stay as children… we're ready… for something new. Everything we do must be with a purpose… a dedication… a commitment… to freedom. That is how we get it.
The arrogance of 'power' has no bottom… Does our grief? Can we forgive our parents for the injury done… that we were never seen? Can we trust… that just as the earth is abundant… and is subject… to the rule of eternal renewal… so is our love… and that once… the unnatural… ignoble… and blind woundedness of these lost abandoned children who 'made themselves'… into a heartless Tribe of 'power'… of Plato… to 'prove' they are deserving of our worship… so that they may destroy us in the excess of their hate… destroying… in absentia… with a hate that has no bottom… that which they hate: their parents…
Alice: “Theoretically, a child beaten by his father could afterwards cry his heart out in the arms of a kind aunt and tell her what happened; she would not try to minimize the child's pain or justify the father's actions but would give the whole experience it's due weight. But such good fortune is rare… A child is more likely to opt for a terrible inner isolation and splitting off of his feelings than he is to “tattle” to outsiders about his father or mother… Thus, it may well be that the plight of a little child who is abused is even worse and has more serious consequences for society then the plight of an adult in a concentration camp… Defenselessness and helplessness find no haven in the self of the child, who later, identifying with the aggressor, persecutes these qualities wherever they appear…”
Alice: “…A child conditioned to be well-behaved must not notice what she is feeling, but asks herself what she ought to feel.… [It cannot be emphasized enough: the damage done to us… particularly here in the U.S.… by a 'class'-conditioning in subservience to the state (in any of its many guises…) that robs us of our access to our true 'selves'… our true feelings… which means… among other things… that each one of us who chooses to look past… grow beyond… this totalitarian conditioning… to the de-commissioning of 'class'… and to the planning of our non-coercive… de-centralized… cooperative… future… must accept that we represent… that we literally speak for many known and unknown 'others'… who have not yet found their voices… whose true feelings have been stifled and have not yet risen to their conscious minds (their feelings… their voices…) It also means… that we are called upon to fully use our creativity and love… to design our anti-coercion education means that speak directly to our particular location's artistic predilections… needs and gifts… that embrace wholistically… and model the spontaneity and honesty of fresh life… And we must trust… that whatever may be the initial reception in our Brothers and Sisters – authentic or not – the words… the model… transmit a potency with which the listener… the observer… must sit… and ponder a bit… – P.S.] Christiane was forced to learn at an early age that love and acceptance can be bought only by denying one's own needs, impulses, and feelings (such as hate, disgust, and aversion) – at the high price of surrender of self… Many therapeutic groups… substitute one evil for another instead of trying to help these young people see what function addiction actually has in their lives and how they are unconsciously using it to communicate something to the outside world…”
February 14, 2016 Show:
…and as… the daily-increasing harassment … targeting… punishment… and attacking… of the past six years – seeing how many folks are… and how easily… recruited to these tasks – has left me feeling extremely unsafe in the world – this is a tactic I've not heard discussed… so I'm mentioning it: the isolating effect of being literally surrounded by teams of folks who wish you ill – so say nothing of the isolating effect of being tortured invisibly… so you are unable to receive any support… And… since we're naming things… anyone know how to create a sleeping space that is EMF-free? Interestingly… as Earthships was one of the tactics recommended in Waking Up for addressing our self-sufficiency needs…) it seems it may be that microwaves can't penetrate earth… but as excavation is not in the cards just yet… any other suggestions?…
Because Alice understood that the growing problem of 'diminishing empathy'… of empathy… in a sense… being 'designed out of us'… we who are caught in the global-'class'-system – because she understood that this problem is systemic… in being inculcated by means of a 'power'-transmitted and fed and continuously expanding pedagogy of 'child-rearing'… she has much to say to guide us out of that system… But it is one thing to read Alice within the false frame of “power-endemic-in-the-human-condition”… and quite another to read her integrated within the clear picture of “'power's orchestrated plan since the French Revolution…” – within the true context of “'power's conscious intent to construct a 'reality' consistent with a two thousand (plus)-year old vision of rigid… fixed… 'class' divisions…”
(I've been trying to get clearer in my own mind why Alice is both key and insufficient. I read Alice Miller when my son was a baby and was not able to do enough with it… and I've been wondering why not… because I've been… to some degree… consciously trying to reclaim my lost bits… my wholeness… for some time now: with Alice… with martial arts… by going into the trades… And so today's show is in large measure my answer to myself… and we'll be… as we go along… testing whether it is in fact an answer to that question: “why were these efforts insufficient to set… to ground… and source… a determination that was unequivocal… that could not be turned back – and of course material survival is not to be ignored… and we have to talk more about that…
…and when she calls attention to the central role of secrecy and lying and utilitarianism in the poisonous pedagogy of child-rearing… of the totalitarian control of thought… she is describing the Plato-derived strategy that Karl Popper and Martin Bernal write about as the ideological and political stance of 'statesmen' toward 'their' subject populations… Framed this way… we know that the scale – both in material-physical-geographic as well as in spiritual scope – of the problem must be addressed by any response effective in gaining our freedom…i.e.… 'child-rearing is not just one part of a larger strategic ideological assault on the Many by the Few… one of many 'poisonous pedagogies'… systematically institutionalized… and increasingly so – and in a coordinated manner around the globe – as the decades passed after the French Revolution… but as an arena for our resistance entirely insufficient… abstracted as its been from the bigger picture of 'power's totalitarian global ambition… and concerted plans for achieving it… Withholding critical information is a key 'power'-strategy. Recall what Rousseau said – discussed in our January 10, 2016 show…
In the absence of sufficient information – in the absence of a clear picture – the right story – we compromise our love… we equivocate with our body's knowledge… we forfeit our souls… following ghosts. To know that we are faced with conscious… determined… unequivocal… actors… who have amassed tremendous resources to suppress us… and who desperately want to be 'free' of us… of all 'dependence'… all 'weakness'… is all-determinative of our strategic response. So Alice makes a mighty contribution to our needed strategic reply to the systematized abuse of our lives… in explaining the psychological dynamics at play… not the least of which is… that these damaged… brutalized… manipulated… children of Abandonment… made into tools for the realization of sterile concepts… of a mission pounded into them by fathers trapped in repetition compulsions… unequivocally are set… to be rid of all resistance… and of us altogether… in a sense… by winnowing our numbers to the barest minimum…
Recall what Alice said… that those whose authentic selves have been entirely suppressed – and of none is this more comprehensively… totally… the case… than those conditioned to believe they exist only to serve the 'perfect state'… i.e.… the mission of establishing 'Perfection'… – that such as this have no access to their own vitality… and are possessed by a longing to destroy others' vitality wherever they see it… are possessed by a hatred that is insatiable… The result is a 'social arrangement' wildly out of balance with available resources… for their compulsion is to destroy… consume… without cessation… their appetite for death cannot be sated. But they have butt up against the planet's physical limits… butt up against material limits for doing that… purchasing our attention… buying our time – which is just another way of saying that the global-coerced-work system is disintegrating… Life is ever-seeking balance… and life in us is strong… we want to listen to our bodies… we want authentic knowledge… we want good fellowship… The issue for us can be stated in terms of energy: we want access to our vitality… to our full power… our wholeness… …and claiming our wholeness… is 'self'-creation… is happiness…I described our wholeness in Waking Up as having access to all three 'phases' of our power – the ancestors… the earth… and each other – which correspond with 'mind'… 'body'… and 'spirit'… The martial arts help us claim the vitality of our bodies fully… Alice helps us claim the vitality of our souls fully… and the truth – the right story – is the third phase… and we need all three to have access to our full vitality… We are arguing that the main threats to us are due… to a world created by the Few. What is the world we must form… that with our bodies conforms? …after which the question comes: how do we make ourselves into the kind of humans that inhabit… support… reproduce… and maintain… that world.
Towards 'Wholistic Self-Defense'”: At birth we come… with knowledge of the Infinite… the earth… the air… the sun… confirm this knowledge… but we've come… to a world constructed for us… by lost children of Abandonment… 'hidden-power'… caused us to doubt… turn away from… let go… this knowledge… when they placed their weight upon us… turned us to their use… But we… are ever-seeking… our root of truth… our power of the Infinite… our knowledge of our Oneness… and we turned to face these children of Abandonment… 'hidden-power'… but they eluded our eyes… struck on all sides… and we replied with questions… reached to feel its heart… tried to find its reason… and finally… its weakness… Until at last… we looked back… and within… and communicated with our own strength… our deep knowledge of the Infinite… our deep reverence for the earth… our deep love for our Brothers and Sisters… And in that light… the hiding-lost children of Abandonment… dissolved.
Alice: “To prevent absurd, self-destructive behavior from developing in adulthood, parents do not need extensive psychological training. They need only refrain from manipulating their child for their own needs, from abusing him by undermining his vegetative balance [his natural process of biological growth… – P.S.], and then the child will find the best defense against inappropriate demands in his own body. He will be familiar from the beginning with the language of his body and with his body signals. If parents are also able to give their child the same respect and tolerance they had for their own parents, they will surely be providing him with the best possible foundation for his entire later life. His self-esteem as well as the freedom to develop his innate abilities depend on this respect [but we must provide more than respect and tolerance to our children… we must simultaneously provide the truth – that 'hierarchy'… 'rank'… and training to obey Authority… are the principles on which 'the system' is premised – and help our children distinguish the truth of our inherent freedom from the omnipresent propaganda that comes from the 'class-system'…”
Alice: “It may strike the reader as very strange to see three such dissimilar life histories placed side by side (Christiane F., a drug addict; Adolf Hitler, Jurgen Bartsch, a child murderer). But it was because of this very dissimilarity that I selected and juxtaposed these figures, for, in spite of their differences, they share certain features common to many other people as well. One: In all three cases we find extreme destructiveness. – Ten: All three received affection only as their parents' self-objects and property [transfer the focus of this statement to the primary condition imposed on we-the-common-folk (that is… the requirement that we 'serve'… perform…) and you have a concise and accurate understanding of the 'power'-guys… the global-state-statesmen… Plato's Tribe – and a clear summing-up of the global 'class'-system… – P.S.] The three people described here are not only individuals but also representatives of certain groups. We can better understand these groups (for example, drug addicts… a certain type of politician)… we are far more dependent than our pride would like to admit on individual human beings (and not only on institutions!), for a single person can gain control over the masses if he learns to use to his own advantage the system under which they were raised… [Let's consider this for a moment… in the context of what we have learned by synthesizing and advancing our ancestors' gifts (including… as one of the most critical… Alice herself…): in that light… there's no doubt that Alice is right that in the decades “since Hitler conceived the idea of destroying human beings like vermin… the techniques required for such a project have certainly been perfected to the highest degree…” we have needed to circle around the acts of 'power'… and see with many eyes… see through many accumulated years of experience and knowledge… to achieve our needed insight: that it is absolutely essential… for our achieving our freedom… to out hidden-'power'… those Tiny Few who long to be viewed as gods… All to say: Hitler did not 'happen' by accident… in a vacuum… he was supported by a global-system of 'power'… those ten thousand guys who want to be gods… the very system which we are now about to de-commission…
For Our February 21, 2016 Show:
“Economic hardship rolls in Fascism… they use it every time… did it in Nazi Germany… now here it is in the U.S.: global totalitarianism… we've got to resist…”
Our February 21, 2016 Show:
…there has to be a better way than enclosing a space with half-inch chicken wire and grounding the cage… or… if it's true that earth stops microwaves… excavating and building an Earthship (though I'd love to do this…) to protect from EMF… and 'out' the use of it… Sisters and Brothers: Let's consider in more depth the implications of a plan – by that very small… very organized group of 'global-state-statesmen' – to literally re-'design' 'the human' to be more obedient… easier to 'govern'…
…our suppressed rage is continuously mis-directed onto substitute objects… the functionaries – our parents… teachers… fellow-travelers in the coerced-work system – who unconsciously (or in some instances consciously…) represent for (implement the plans of…) those ten thousand 'global-state-statesmen'… and misdirected as well onto certain designated 'others' (especially designed for every designed-'group'… by the 'power-guys' and their functionaries…) those 'others' among us given to us as designer-objects for our rage: the police… other 'racial' / gender / sexual-identity / ethnic / age / profession / religious categories (we could on like this for some time… they have been very busy… have these 'power'-guys… with their always-essential [to their continued existence…] special-project of 'keep-them-divided'…
…so when U.S. tax dollars to other militaries and police (in the so-called 'periphery'… and beyond…) disappear into that vast sink “state corruption…” we read this as an illustration of the phrase: “war is always war on us… whether they blow us up with guns or markets…” and now we can add: “or with hidden weaponry used clandestinely…” – and… by the way… does it not display the most utter and crass contempt for us – as if we don't know they have 'rail-guns' that take out ships… or that they peddle EMF weapons at police events (and wouldn't you think the possibility of EMF weapons would be automatically eliminated – signs of swelling from mucus-generation in the face… head… chest… and legs… and whatever chemical test of body fluids that's definitive – in the case of a Supreme Court Justice? – that this could be written about the investigation into the death of Antonin Scalia… that: “there were no signs of foul play…” so obviously he had “died of natural causes…” (concluded the judge who decided 'no autopsy'…)? You see how easy it is for them to wipe out anybody… even a Supreme Court Justice… if they so choose – they just need 'plausible deniability' (which they have with 'HAE' – discussed in our January 17, 2016 show – which stands for “hereditary angio (heart) edema”: “abnormal accumulation of fluid in the tissue spaces, cavities or joint capsules of the body…” – for EMF-related deaths'… that is… if you ignore other symptoms like 'ear-ringing' and that electrical paralysis that seizes the muscles…
In a context in which nothing is true… authentic… we can't grow our gifts… which we're here to do… we can't get 'big'… as our bodies… our minds… and our spirits… want to… so our being taken by the hand… and systematically misled… put us on a crooked path that… without our true map – the right story – could forever keep us trapped… no matter our good hearts and spirits and minds… …without a clear and comprehensive understanding of what is being done to us and why… we are paddling rudderless… and flying blind… we absolutely need… the right story… to get free…
What we've been up against… without knowing it… for two centuries and more… is a very organized… systematized… plan to keep us small… to prevent our fully using our gifts… under our own direction… and when some… despite the enormous suppression… start to do so anyway… it is noted and relayed… via their hidden functionaries. Now this degree of scrutiny and surveillance and data-gathering for subsequent action sounds extreme… until we fully take in what it means… for a Miniscule percentage (.0001 percent) of the global population… to order about seven billion… particularly when doing so defies reason… displays utter contempt for what the earth needs… and spits in the face of the health-priorities of all life… But we are waking up… waking up to the fact that we need only stand up… to shake off this massive threat to all life… all hope for human happiness… all chance for humanity to reach its inherent greatness… To get 'our own' back: our earth… our full gifts… our Brothers and Sisters… we have to grow – with the conscious intent of expansion into power – all three 'phases' – our bodies… our minds… and our spirits… and for all of it – expansion of mind… of body… and of spirit… we need what's true… we need the authentic… It is time to discuss what they do – these 'power-'guys – when we decide to take our own back… and embark on this 'conscious expansion' project… …if we let them pick off those who… one-by-one (and this alone exposes the tactic: the fact that we haven't been able to grow the numbers of folk who see clearly… that our gifts are not meant for markets or rating systems…) see through the illusion… we're done… 'humanity' will 'become' 'obedient'… so we have to nullify that tactic…
Getting 'big'… expansion into our full selves… regaining our original vitality… is about reconnecting… essentially… with what was lost… which requires 'overcoming' (facing…) systematically-sown fears… reconnecting with our authentic thought process… means facing our fear of 'the state' (that which thwarted it… when we were infants…) and reconnecting with our bodies… means facing our fear of 'the unknown'… of mystery… of the vast immensity of the universe… of vulnerability… of our seeming fragility… of evanescence in flow with permanence… …we've been so conditioned to believe that we must control… everything…and earth ain't that way… and we are earth… looking back… at this year just passed… I am reminded of the need for humility… asked to ever-appreciate mystery… as… whatever I 'thought' I was doing… a year ago… mystery took hold… love walked in… and then Coleen… and I began to see… the possibility… that though the ancestors provided the theory of wholism… and I could see its truth in my own life… I had a long way to go… towards actually living by it… It is our anger at being misled that gives us something to defend: the truth… 'the right story': that we are here to grow our gifts… that we are made to be 'big'… and that we are made to defend each other… mutual aid… good fellowship…
Alice: “People who have been “pedagogically” manipulated as children are not aware as adults of all that can be done to them.… In all I have read in recent years about the childhood of criminals, even of mass murderers, I have been unable to find anywhere the beast, the evil child whom pedagogues believe they must educate to be “good.” Everywhere I find defenseless children who were mistreated in the name of child-rearing, and often for the sake of the highest ideals. My optimism is based on the hope that public opinion will no longer tolerate the cover-up of child abuse [and with our broad lens… we see that unless we get 'power' off our backs… this needed shift in 'public opinion' cannot happen… – P.S.] in the name of child-rearing, once it has been recognized that: One. Child-rearing is basically directed not toward the child's welfare, but toward satisfying the parents' needs for power and revenge. Two. Not only the individual child is affected; we can all become future victims of this mistreatment…”
Alice: “How can this vicious circle be broken?… how do we find the path to true forgiveness? [It seems to me this question doesn't really flow from her analysis… which is otherwise based on a critically important slice of the historical record… But in those missing slices – integrated into her analysis… the result being the pie – lies the solution… to the problem of Plato's Tribe… Because the issue is not 'forgiveness'… but freedom… Although… since I wrote that… I'm not so sure… I'm sitting here looking at Afghan soldiers… being set up… about to be sent off to slaughter… Syria… its rich ancient society… its people… so kind and generous… being heartlessly destroyed – or that's the attempt – displaced families forced into tents… violence and disease systematically sown across the globe… police states… hidden schemes and tyranny… the fare for good-hearted people everywhere… and here in the U.S.… the reward for a lifetime of self-less labor… premature death from 'High-tech Auschwitz'… But of this at least I am convinced: we cannot stop to ponder it – this question of 'forgiveness' – until we have our freedom… – And in this comment I am of course talking about those ten thousand guys… not we duped… unconscious functionaries – the parents that took us by the hand and led us into slavery… – some simply because they had no alternative… – it is essential that we now provide that alternative……”
Alice: “Can we speak of forgiveness if we hardly know what was actually done to us and why? And that is the situation we all found ourselves in as children. We could not grasp why we were being humiliated, brushed aside, intimidated, laughed at, treated like an object, played with like a doll or brutally beaten (or both). What is more, we were not even allowed to be aware that all this was happening to us, for any mistreatment was held up to us as being necessary for our own good. Even the most clever child cannot see through such a lie if it comes from the mouths of his beloved parents… [and if… as Bentham said… the lie is confirmed on all sides… This is key… – P.S.] Genuine forgiveness does not deny anger but faces it head-on. If I can feel outrage at the injustice I have suffered, can recognize my persecution as such, and can acknowledge and hate my persecutor for what he or she has done, only then will the way to forgiveness be open to me. [What this suggests for us… looking at multiple levels and manifestations of a single injustice: “the 'class' system'”… which… being totalitarian… enmeshes us all in it – 'betrayal' being one of its signature qualities – is that the concept of the 'state-in-us'… i.e. placing what happened to us in 'the right context' (our gaining the light of truth…) – may provide the path through this tangle… as we all participate in… and reproduce it… this injustice. This abusiveness is something we all (under 'class') now do to each other: we stage our small dramas while 'power' stages its big one – telling itself it is the 'god in the machine' (deus ex machina…) the 'power'-guys as a plot device inserted into our lives… in the staging of which they reveal their compulsions and deepest wish: to be perceived as gods and saviors of us… and so… justifiably worshipped… and not a malevolent force that destroys those who refuse its crafted falseness… and choose to honor instead authentic allegiances… But once we see the reality behind the staging… the magnitude of the wrong dwarfs all particular dramas (“affairs are now soul-size…”) – and by 'seeing reality' I mean seeing them… the global-state-statesmen… Plato's Tribesmen… seeing their dilemma… their repetition compulsion… and seeing as well… that we have become them… that we likewise have been infected with this trauma of 'class'. And while they cannot face their compulsions… while they have no authentic power-sources… this is not true of us… we have the continuous support of the ancestors… the earth… and our Brothers and Sisters… i.e.… we have the truth… and we can… face them… 'Seeing reality' means seeing that only by our being the emphatic partner can we end this cycle of repetition… – P.S.] Only if the history of abuse in earliest childhood can be uncovered will the repressed anger, rage, and hatred cease to be perpetuated…”
Alice: “Only if the history of abuse in earliest childhood can be uncovered will the repressed anger, rage, and hatred cease to be perpetuated. Instead, they will be transformed into sorrow and pain at the fact that things had to be that way. As a result of this pain, they will give way to genuine understanding., the understanding of an adult who now has gained insight into his or her parents' childhood and finally, liberated from his own hatred, can experience genuine, mature sympathy. Such forgiveness cannot be coerced by rules and commandments; it is experienced as a form of grace and appears spontaneously when a repressed (because forbidden) hatred no longer poisons the soul. The sun does not need to be told to shine. When the clouds part, it simply shines. But it would be a mistake to say that the clouds are not in the way if they are indeed there…”
Alice: “It would be wrong to say that, because we understand its origins, the harm we compulsively inflict on another person does not cause harm and that little Paul did not hurt the girl. To recognize this makes the tragedy visible but at the same time offers the possibility for change. The realization that even with the best will in the world we are not omnipotent, that we are subject to compulsions [under 'class'… – P.S.], and that we cannot love our child in the way we would like may lead to sorrow but should not awaken guilt feelings, because the latter imply a power and freedom we do not have. Burdened by guilt feelings ourselves, we will also burden our children with guilt feelings and tie them to us for a lifetime. By means of our mourning we can set our children free…”
For our February 28, 2016 show:
We recalled the words of Gustav Landauer in our July 28, 2013 show (included in the pdf you can download free: “Reclaiming Our Leadership: Waking Up Radio Conversations (Vol. 1)”
“What mistaken notions must there be to imagine that a state will change its ways because we wag a finger at it?... or that we-the-‘workforce’ could be moved to join a project that means but a change in management? What did Emily say? “to fill a gap, insert the Thing that caused it... Well... the ‘gap’ to fill between our hanging back and our being moved to act... is but our stolen lives returned... it’s that for which we yearn... the missing love and power... took. So what would the authentic conversations about ‘race… about ‘socialism’ be?… the ones that do lead to a true road?… They would... as Gustav Landauer told us… [Gustav Landauer] defined as the task of the socialists and their movement: “to loosen the hardening of hearts so that what lies buried may rise to the surface: so that what truly lives yet now seems dead may emerge and grow light.” (quoted in Erich Fromm’s The Sane Society…) as Fry told us… as Alice Miller told us… as all the ancestors who see that we must be the opposite of what we have been made to be… under 'class'… have said… …they must lead to tenderness. What else but this could our future be… if its opposed to the frozen misery of centuries… breaking… now… finally… at long last. And, yes, it’s in us... of course it’s in us... is us... this ‘state’ we manufacture fresh every day simply by not consciously renouncing it... and turning to our (always present) tenderness. It’s there for us the second we stop jumping on our leashes.” (From the July 28, 2013 Waking Up Radio show.)
…so it took me years to put two and two together… and I'm sharing this symptomology because I don't believe that anyone has done that… has been able to put these things together in this way because they have not had that advantage of seeing the pattern… and seeing it… trail you about [referring to my using my car to sleep in to… as I at first thought… escape the EMF fields…]: the 'evolution' of my physical responses to the various forms of electromagnetic bombardment to which I've been treated since publishing Waking Up… beginning with that 'all-body-pain' – at times I felt I could barely walk – which provided so much medical diversion for the better part of two years… and then the nausea… ear-ringing… joint-pain… a sense of pressure in my head and chest… head pain… occasional itchiness and skin rashes… eruptions… and burning… culminating in my present project of 'clearing mucus'. (From the March 15, 2015 Waking Up Radio show.)
Our February 28, 2016 show:
Sisters and Brothers: How do we build numbers… in the face of a 'power'-response that is hidden… and therefore invisible?… If you are in a high-risk group… for getting targeted with EMF-weapons – and this includes anyone who advocates the de-centralized… non-hierarchical global social arrangement that is our future freedom… organizing a multiplicity of forums to discuss the people's right to happiness here in the U.S.… the absolutely essential need for us… to achieve our freedom… to organize regular Global General Strikes… mutual aid (love and good fellowship) as a political strategy for overcoming false divisions and achieving global unity… basing our future on fully-developing individualities and in “the independence of all possible associations formed for definite ends, embracing in their federations the whole of society…” (Kropotkin) …but there's another high risk group we must not overlook: the parents of the children indoctrinated to believe in the 'necessary' 'rule' of 'philosopher-kings'… trained to become 'Plato's Tribesmen'… functionaries… troops… no matter this does violence to their full possibilities as human beings… once this parental role is done… the parents are no longer needed and become superfluous… or… worse yet… they could experience 'soul-growth' and become a critical influence for their children…
…and what's also not expressed in what follows is the importance of mobility [sleep is a big problem…] and the patience required [because the whole time I'm 'sending energy' and loosening… I'm doing a Liangong 'walking' exercise… as… the whole time I'm being targeted (there is a book on Liangong by Wen-Mei Yu…) and the pain that must be borne… Here again we discover yet more 'hiddenness' in the tactic… as the injury (the pain) is hidden by the mucus… and what you experience is a sense of 'swollen-ness'… pressure… in the head and chest… which you might not automatically associate with mucus – and then off you go to a doctor who either innocently misdiagnoses or is bought… either way… the mucus-build-up… the balance problems… the stiffening of the muscles… would only get worse…
…whether you're targeted or not… keep garlic in stock… always 'send energy'… by rubbing together your palms… and placing your fingertips on… swollen spots… …remember to eat cilantro… kale and parsley… raw… drink hot tea that also de-toxes… and eat spicy things that are naturally hot: cayenne… ginger… and red onions… massage in cocoanut oil all over your body to help address the effects of the radiation on your skin… These 'power'-guys love to use our bodies against us – as they generate a lot of mucus to protect the organs… and toxic levels of iron in the blood… in response to the EMF-bombardment… and the mucus-flood in the head and chest… can lead to heart disease… alzheimer's… pneumonia… stroke… and death… So the mucus must be cleared on a regular basis… by gagging yourself under a warm-water-flow to get it out… and coughing can help loosen it if its particularly thick… because it's essential that it be ejected… and your body can't do it without your help… And… most important: remember preserving yourself for our resistance could not be more important – try not to give in to stress or depression… this would only be doing the 'power'-guys 'work' for them…
…we recall the very insightful and prescient words of Gustav Landauer… who defined as the task of the socialists and their movement: “to loosen the hardening of hearts so that what lies buried may rise to the surface: so that what truly lives yet now seems dead may emerge and grow light…” As the route to our common freedom lies through unity… it's been noted by many ancestors who want this for us that this means…that our route must lie through mutual caring and empathy… “What else but this could our future be… if its opposed to the frozen misery of centuries… And, yes, it’s in us... of course it’s in us... is us... this ‘state’ we manufacture fresh every day simply by not consciously renouncing it... and turning to our (always present) tenderness. It’s there for us the second we stop jumping on our leashes… We come here (as infants… as babies… to the planet…) expecting to see around us what we are: love and power… that these in combination produce the empathy we need to reclaim our freedom… these elements that went missing… when force robbed us of speech and understanding…
The injury from EMF-weapons mimics more than physical diseases… it mimics the psychic injury of absence of empathy – its invisibility – which is the chief injury of 'class'… what all of us under 'class' suffer… as a direct result of the 'normal' operation of 'the system'… because 'class' itself is an injury that we don't consciously experience as an injury (until we do… until we help each other to…) it recapitulates… mirrors perfectly… our earliest injury (under 'class'…) of being completely unseen… We are gifted at birth with the 'knowing' of how to confront threats to our equanimity… 'vegetative balance'… and so are prepared for that… we are not prepared for the unnatural and perverse circumstance of a threat to both from a parent… from someone who is supposed to want for us to be as powerful as we want ourselves to be… And when our invisible wound is never owned by those who are its immediate cause… our sense of injury is continuously re-stimulated… and we continuously seek 'others' to blame for it… It's the continuousness of the injury… I think… that precipitates the need to find a way to forgiveness… because the mutilation of our love is intolerable… but an indirect path… focused on interpersonal relations… is insufficient for the eradication of the ongoing injury: we have to address the injury of 'class' directly…
This morning on my walk (on February 26…) I thought… but we don't yet have a model for how we would so this – a model based in wholistic self-defense and distributed generation… a model as flexible and open as we ourselves… that allows us to meet in any number that works… that tolerates agents… that builds our power… that energizes us for realizing our common goal of generalized human freedom… that helps us become whole again by experiencing the injury of 'class' with consciousness… …and then… there was a gradual realization… that it was right in front of me… and I hadn't seen it (a very common experience for me…) I've been taking Kate's class in Tai Chi… my point is the model she provides of distributed leadership… shared authority – Kropotkin's notion of the blossoming of initiative… courage… and intellectual honesty… in an environment of mutual aid… She models that we can do this: design a wholistic 'self'-defense 'class' that is 'purposed' with achieving global human freedom… and this puts her at risk… but she already is… because she was Coleen's first student – followed her into the African People's Socialist Party before there was a Hand To Hand – and… she respects children… works with them lovingly… There is a woman in this class who I was thinking of… when I wrote the above about 'at-risk-parents'… a woman who's been diagnosed with Parkinson's… who flew to Hawaii just before I was about to speak to her… worry was worrying my tongue… all else it had overcome ('all else'?… what else? – it is the invisibility of 'class'-injury that silences us… it is the invisibility of its subversion-tactics that silences us… it is the invisibility of its weapons used against us that silences us… it is the hidden-ness of 'power' that must be overcome… for us to achieve our freedom.
{Alice was just telling us (last week) that making the tragedy visible offers the possibility for change… essentially the theme of today's show… – P.S.] Alice: “Since sorrow reactivates numbed feelings, it can enable young people to realize what their parents once inflicted on them in the well-meaning attempt to train them to be obedient from an early age. This can lead to an eruption of justifiable anger… left alone with this awakened anger… at long last the true child, the healthy child, can live, the child who finds it impossible to understand why his parents are hurting him and at the same time forbidding him to cry, weep or even speak in his pain. [The child] who adapts to parental demands always tries to understand this absurdity and will accept it as a matter of course. But he has to pay for this pseudo-understanding with his feelings and his sensitivity to his own needs, i.e., with his authentic self. This is why access to the normal, angry, uncomprehending, and rebellious child he once was had previously been blocked off. When this child within the adult is live liberated, he will discover his vital roots and strength… To be free to express resentment dating back to early childhood does not mean that one now becomes a resentful person, but rather the exact opposite.… Only hatred felt for surrogates is endless and insatiable – as we saw in the case of Adolf Hitler – because on a conscious level the feeling is separated from the person against whom it was originally directed.… For these reasons I believe that the free expression of resentment against one's parents represents a great opportunity. It provides access to one's true self, reactivates numbed feelings, opens the way for mourning and – with luck – reconciliation. In any case it is an essential part of the process of psychic healing.”
Our March 6, 2016 show:
…are the existence of 'the state' and 'the pursuit of happiness' mutually exclusive'? And why is this the only route to our (always present…) tenderness? We've been arguing that the 'normal' operation of the global-'class'-system requires us to mistreat each other. As we engage in discussions to flesh out and clarify this basic notion (basic to our reclamation and creation of our true selves…) we will be establishing the true story… out of which our freedom… our future… our authentic selves can be borne. This is a multi-faceted process of reclamation and creation: reclamation and creation of our original power of body… of mind… and of spirit… apologies in advance when I am too impatient… to see our 'upstart Spring' become reality… Only too well I know… the mind fixed on that path must be well-considered… But… I also know… that only by claiming that path openly… publicly… and loud… only by bringing light and attention to it… can we stay that itchy finger of 'power's on the trigger of the gun it has trained on our heads…
…when we experience the injury of 'class' – that amorphous wound of force that causes such rage in us – it is a continuous… self-perpetuating… injury… because 'class' is totalitarian… which ensures continuing repetition of the wound… continuing non-discussion of it… continuing rage… and continuing viability for the tactic of invisibility… And when our invisible wound from childhood is never owned by those who are its immediate cause… our sense of injury is continuously re-stimulated by the state / parent (and its surrogates…) throughout life… and we continuously seek 'others' to blame for it…
…an effective model of resistance – a wholistic 'Self'-defense practice… for forming ourselves into 'a people' (as fully-developing-individualities…) that believes in our right to happiness… must start with 'the right story'… Marx was looking for money and means… so to theorize how we-the-people would conquer them… thereby 'guaranteeing' our freedom… it wouldn't even occur to him to look for child-rearing activists… for a bunch of Humboldts and Cousins… installing the 'systems'… that would make us all – 'rulers' and 'ruled'… 'shepherds' and 'sheep' – obedient to… and lusting for… 'Authority'… – because that's how we got conquered… 'explanation' in terms of 'inherent laws of development' is necessarily legitimization. What Hirschman found… a continuously renewed and strengthened attendance to Plato's dictum… “there must be no split in the unity of 'the master class'…” i.e.… the point then… now… and ever will be while it lasts: preserving 'class'… which means… 'herding the cattle'.
…Once we start having our Global General Strikes… once the injury of 'class' is discussed… once we let our bodies speak… getting our freedom won't take long… our wholeness will reconstitute itself… and take heart… every baby is born free… they don't have any problem letting their bodies speak… their bodies speak just fine…) the silencing of our bodies' – that's the 'class'-system – the omnipresent propaganda that we are here to serve… – which means what our bodies want can never be our priority – that's the 'class'-system – that we must ignore them… to be 'productive'… when what we want for our lives… is 'wholism'… and honesty… and continuous growth… and to be happy… which means self-creation – by having our core-self – our fellow travelers-in-mission – wrap us in love…
Could it be our mistrust and sense of dependency comes from the coerced-work system?… a system in which we are but 'resources' for 'power's use… the very one we want to move beyond… to a freedom based in individual self-sufficiency and non-coercion? Could it be we only feel insufficient… because we've been kept separate?… and so our abundance kept hidden from us… and that we must compose it again… with consciousness?… As to being 'led' by any particular one… this must be denied by the very structure of our cooperative association… …because the basic unit of political organization – in the transition no less than in our freedom – is 'the individual'… What does that mean? It means self-sufficiency politically (and there's a lot captured in that phrase which we'll have to unpack…) It means the light of our individuality shines bright… staying open': ready to 'reply' to whatever floats by… while nonetheless staying centered… in balance… whatever wave comes on the rough ocean… as… a 'made-totalitarian'-reality is constructed to try to keep us jumping from problem to problem… but… our eyes must stay locked on our prize…
Because 'class' is totalitarian – global and omnipresent throughout all social institutions – …there is a generalized suppression of authentic feeling and thought… across the global populations… in direct proportion to the strength of that 'internalized state' in us… And we must see omnipresent coercion as a direct function of that totalitarian 'reality' of 'class'… if not just another name for it… its intentional embedment throughout all aspects of our lives… throughout every inch of the construction we have been calling 'reality'… Considering the qualities that we are expected to display (perform – we are expected to be: 'good-natured, kind, appreciative, undemanding, not to cry, always to see everything “from the positive side,” never to be critical, never to be dissatisfied, always to think of those who were “much worse off…”' – are these not the qualities expected of a 'good worker'?… are we not all… under 'class'… expected to be 'productive'?… subjected to varying degrees of manipulation and coercion… in every social institution of 'class' – in order to 'mold' this 'desired' behavior… coerce into being these qualities – given this generalized (often unconscious) expectation (under 'class') that we exist to serve 'the economy'… and that children must be trained (shaped) accordingly… when a fresh new life enters this 'scene' (and it is very much a 'scene' – a theater-construction…) a child who sees the world 'right-side-up'… i.e.… honestly… who has not been conditioned to believe that it exists to be of service… what is the reaction of this child to this 'molding' process? Is it not rage?
…knowing that 'class' is totalitarian… strikes sharply obvious… yet another – the original – of suppressed speech under 'class'… that names an underlying reality – an obvious truth that must never be spoken… only accepted – in exactly the same way the biblical text exhorts children to respect the parent… however cruel… the child feels the underlying motive of hate… and cannot even become confused by it… because the parent must not be questioned… the parent is the deputy of 'the state' – we… as parents… have to be willing to discuss this… The normalized cruelty called 'child-rearing-under-class'…
…we are now interrupting that heretofore 'circle of contempt'… as Alice Miller terms it… we are interrupting it by consciously integrating the trauma of 'class' into our personalities… “'Power's strategy of ensuring that everything it does stays hidden (by means of fundamentally dishonest child-rearing…) has been its chief advantage. It means… among other things… that it can skew anything and everything that happens to its ends / purposes (set aside its straight-up invention… fabrication… and lies…) without us knowing there was intention… such that it 'seemed' (to the absent…) to happen organically… and we could not address what was happening: the omnipresent dishonesty… the manipulation of our children… the 'end' to which we were being driven… We couldn't advance our ethical stance because we couldn't see the unethical one confronting us: the creation of 'class'… the manufacture of a sculpted 'reality'… the massive mistreatment sanctified by order of 'the state'. 'Class' means the targeting of us… and our Brothers and Sisters. 'Class' means the sanctification of bullying… So… we have something to defend here… something really critical… in order to not pass on to anyone else… and not to our children… this 'virus' called 'class'… called 'hierarchy'… called 'ranking'… called 'decision-making-by-the-few'… called 'the-stripping-of-power-and-gifts-from-the-vast-vast-many' – we have something to defend: the truth… the truth is we are infinite… the truth is we are 'big'…
…locating centrally in our practice our right to pursue happiness: reclaiming our bodies… our authentic selves… our full power… – With a whole 'self 'in hand… we are free from fear – i.e. the perception that there is a need for aggregated 'power' to 'protect us' fades… fades in the recognition… that the bounty that we are together means that 'scarcity' is manufactured by deviousness… by craft… by those who want exclusive power of control of us… The appearance we are presented with as children is a 'system' in possession of all the 'power'… which represents 'safety' to the child (while people as individuals are presented to us as stripped of power…) – a 'safety' the need for which magnifies in importance the more unsafe the world is made… and the 'power'-guys have effectively endless resources to continuously and increasingly make the world unsafe – what does this tell us?… What trajectory are we looking at?… and this is an escalating problem to the degree resources 'available' 'for us' shrink (because it's not just that resources are being consumed – under the cloak 'economic growth'…) which occurs at an exponential rate in a 'system' 'requiring' 'continuous expansion of the rate of profit' – the whole of which increases 'power's (already enormous…) fear of us… and belief in the need to more tightly 'manage' / 'control' us… placing our health and security increasingly at risk… and in particular those who offer authenticity to oppose systemic falseness…
Given that we are there – engaged in a wholistic self-defense training – in order to “reclaim and recreate our original power of body… of mind… and of spirit…” (and in what sense are these aspects integrated?…) while simultaneously engaging in a process of continuous planning of Global General Strikes… what are the areas of interface between these two broad goals?… Speaking generally… they meet in the growth of our love… and they meet in the pursuit of happiness… We have been arguing that the soul grows to comprehend the full scope of the injury we consciously experience… and what is required of us in what we see… and our willingness to take in 'all' is our 'freedom to grow'…i.e.… in our willingness to face the wrong… we re-learn what it means to be free… 'breaking the cycle'… of 'slavery'… of obedience embedded in our psyches… becoming those needed souls that can see… design and help provide… and be… our alternative global society…
Hatred is a normal human feeling, and a feeling has never killed anyone. Is there a more appropriate reaction than anger or even hatred in response to the abuse of children, the rape of women, the torture of the innocent – especially if the perpetrators' motives remain hidden? A person who has had the good fortune from the beginning to be allowed to react to frustration with rage will internalize his empathic parents and will later be able to deal with all his feelings, including hatred, without need for analysis. I don't know if such people exist [under 'class'… – P.S.]; I have never met one. What I have seen are people who did not acknowledge their hatred but delegated it to others without meaning to and without even knowing they were doing it. Under certain circumstances, they developed a severe obsessional neurosis accompanied by destructive fantasies, or, if this did not occur, their children had the neurosis. Often they were treated for years for physical illness that was really psychic in origin. Some suffered from severe depressions. But as soon as it became possible for them to experience their early childhood hatred in analysis, their symptoms disappeared, and with them the fear that their feeling of hatred might cause someone harm…
It is not experienced hatred that leads to acts of violence and destructiveness but hatred that must be warded off and bottled up with the aid of ideology, a situation that can be examined in detail in the case of Adolf Hitler. Every experienced feeling gives way in time to another, and even the most extreme conscious hatred of one's father will not lead a person to kill – to say nothing of destroying a whole people. But Hitler warded off his childhood feelings totally and destroyed human life because “Germany needed more Lebensraum [living space],” because “the Jews were a menace to the world,” because he “wanted young people to be cruel so they could create something new” [“…because 'the people' are beasts who are ruled by passion rather than reason…” “…because we need trained and qualified philosopher-kings to subdue them… – the list of supposed reasons could go on and on… “with the aid of ideology…” the child is not permitted to express their quite legitimate anger at being repressed…”
Our March 13, 2016 show:
…and… by the way… more and more I'm convinced… because this is what I've experienced… that while they may have drones that can dispense EMF… the drones are mainly used for surveillance… precision-targeting… and for intercepting or interrupting wireless transmissions – i.e.… for plausible deniability… and to instill in us a false sense of the 'power'-guys supposed omnipotence… but that the main 'delivery-mechanism' for EMF-assault is elsewhere – an 'above' 'elsewhere'. This is what Leuren Moret says in her article, “The Historical Roots of the New World Order and Its Permanent War Economy…” She tells us that as early as 1952 “a secret meeting was held in New Mexico between Russian and U.S. scientists at the Sandia Lab… [and that] an exchange of information on the biological hazards of microwave and electromagnetic frequencies and safety levels was not entirely successful… [that] shortly after the Russians began a thirty-year programme beaming the U.S. embassy in Moscow with microwaves, causing the deaths of three U.S. ambassadors and illnesses in employees…” So when are we going to demand full disclosure on this weaponry?… and is it not clear that the 'power'-guys operate globally… and use states to keep us caged?
The structural backbone of the crafted falseness (smallness of spirit…) of this global 'class'-system – manifested in 'economics'… in 'politics'… in what we are told is our 'human nature' – is material insecurity: manufactured scarcity… another name for the enforced atomization they impose on us (and we're exploring that connection today…) 'Hidden-power' is this crafted smallness… its 'hidden-ness' is designed to conceal this point… that it has a goal: the 'meritocracy'… 'Perfection'… By their acts consistent with this objective they are outed… but we have been prevented from discussing the obvious… To 'achieve' a so-called 'meritocracy' – and thereby realize the vision of your 'OT' (Original Totalitarian) – what would you need? You would need Ideology – 'EPP' (Extreme Poisonous Pedagogy)… you would need 'TB' (Total Belief)… and you would need ATM (All The Money). The 'systems' for continuously delivering these things to them – and in an ever-increasing fashion – we can see have been achieved: extreme disparities in all three are not only clearly evident… they have replaced… if we are to judge by appearances only… the need for independent thought entirely… and are rapidly replacing the human being with the human machine – and their 'hidden-ness'… the speed of their actions… and our atomization… have defeated all attempts to discuss our feeling that we are being driven… rushed like cattle to slaughter…
Of course… until now we did not have the Internet… so we are not going to be screwed much longer… because we are discussing these things apace… All over the globe we are tired of being treated like cattle… we are tired of our health being a matter of manipulation… of their whim… their amusement – there's no other way to interpret what's been going on… And what is likewise obvious is that the past and present tense (but not the future…) must be used: that we have been… and are being… screwed… …that shelter… sociability… and food… are systematically being made less and less available to us… …that the fact that the non-human resources upon which this very costly 'system' of 'continuously increasing accumulation' (which term is expressed 'politically' with the words “continuously-deepening 'class'”…) is based are finite… and therefore cannot sustain it… has been well-known by 'power' for (conservatively) a century and a half…
It is so key that we begin planning… developing… creating… our own things… our vision of what we want… and particularly here in the U.S.… where we have the right to pursue happiness… and it cannot be suppressed without the state risking its complete de-legitimization… Key components identified during our reading: • Community education involving the key concepts for exorcizing 'the state-in-us'… and for understanding “the story of 'class'”… • Grounding our new understanding in our bodies by incorporating these key concepts in movement and voice… • Organizing for Global General Strikes • Land acquisition for building Earthships – most likely city-owned abandoned lots… that simply require the pressure of numbers to be turned over to community responsibility and caring – for Earthships… establishing a demonstration site… modeling what our future looks like in micro… • (and here in the U.S. there is a fifth: organizing events to 'call the question' of our right to happiness…)
All over the world there are uprisings today that fall into this pattern of 'idealization' and 'repetition compulsion'… uprisings that either (authentically or through the influence of clandestine action…) displace rage onto substitute objects… or… more rarely… can be viewed as an incipient rising-to-consciousness of our experience of 'class'-abusiveness… But we see as well in these desperate protests our inertia – in the face of the bully-state – about pursuing a path of self-sufficiency through working together – locally and globally… as well as the crisis of our inactive empathy – particularly here in the U.S. – which we address by means of the… step-by-step growth of our understanding through our training practice… and through our subsequent autonomous mutual association… That we are consciously associating as 'global' (i.e.… 'free' beings…) reflects our reclaimed empathy… When we hear of our Sisters and Brothers being slaughtered in confrontation with the 'states' that have claimed them as their property to dispose of they see fit – in India… Indonesia… South Africa… Somalia… Tunisia… Mexico – it's important that we have at the ready a meaningful response to it – 'meaningful' in the sense that our full self is engaged… If we are true to our authentic self… we have reacquired our empathy as well – the whole of which can only be erected on the solid edifice of the truth -- only through our possession of our clear “story of 'class'…” can we gradually begin melding these uprisings together… in Global General Strikes… and achieve our freedom… (And I have to say… even though this continuous 'wave'-tormenting of me has become the norm… I still have difficulty comprehending that there are people who would intentionally cause the ill-health of others… Without Alice… it would be impossible to understand… Endless thanks to you Alice… and… are we feeling Miklos yet?… that there is no worse criminal… than the criminal doctor… because he or she shows 'power' the ways to kill us secretly…)
Our March 20, 2016 show:
…in recent shows we have been re-conceptualizing the notion of 'the state' as 'the big parent'… The fact that our personal experience as children under 'class' exactly parallels our social experience is what has allowed 'power' to hide in the 'structure' of 'society' itself… The idealization of the parent… the pattern that… as Alice has explained to us… conceals the normalized violence of child-rearing… easily transfers over… with the help of the ideological reinforcement (conditioning) of the education system and the workplace… to an idealization of 'the big parent'… and this dynamic explains much: our passivity and sense of powerlessness in the face of its ever-greater encroachments on our most basic 'rights'… its escalating assault on our spirits – its insistence on our increasing diminishment… while it bloats in size on what it strips from our hides. 'The state' tells 'its' subjects: “adjust yourselves to less and less of what makes life worth living…” or “this is for your own good…” and our response has been to try to 'understand' it – exactly the set-up… Alice warns… that will lose for us our true 'selves'… our original 'bigness'… forever…
…and the human 'political' / 'economic' resource: 'quiescent subservient populace'… upon which this very costly 'system' of “continuously-deepening 'class'” and 'continuously increasing accumulation' is based is likewise finite [as De Tocqueville… John Stuart Mill …and many others since… including our 'Good Three' – Giovanni Arrighi… Terence K. Hopkins and Immanuel Wallerstein – have pointed out: that we are determined to get free… and all the more so as we share knowledge about how to do so… and the certainty that we deserve to be so… globally…] – so they want our conditioning in subservience to hold… while they simultaneously reduce our numbers and increase hardship all over the globe – I'm really eagerly looking for some brave physician out there to start publicizing the fact that assault by EMF – electro-magnetic force – can simulate if not create disease… I'm really looking for those deep-analyses of diseases like Parkinson's and this new one we were just informed about – 'HAE' to look at the history of them… the development of these… and to 'do the work'… to prove that these weapons can… in fact… cause cancer… and heart disease (and heart attacks…) and strokes… and congestive heart failure… and pneumonia – that they can do these things… Where's the tax-funded research on that? – all of our tax dollars to the National Institutes of Health or the CDC… should be trying to support our health preventatively by helping us get rid of electro-magnetic force weaponry… although when I read in Leuren Moret's article (cited last week) on the historical roots of this “New World Order” of these 'power'-guys… Plato's Tribe… that these weapons “should be banned… I think: once we have the organization and consciousness to organize Global General Strikes… it's irrelevant whether they 'ban' them or not… because when we withdraw our human energy… gradually that will overtake the 'technicians of state' who operate these things: on some deep level… in their hearts… their souls… they want also to be free… just like we…
(What we need to push right now… and get behind… are the things that we all want… what unifies us – eliminate the false divides – and what we all want is a world that's honest and to own these bodies we walk around in: we want to be fully in charge of our own human energy…) I'm certain these 'power'-guys see EMF-weapons as a 'humane' alternative to 'Auschwitz' proper… or 'perpetual strife'… manufactured for the 'cautionary states' of the global hierarchy… knowing that 'class'-basing-resources were finite… and seeing them being 'consumed' (removed from the reach of 'the people'…) at a clip that would shortly lead to the 'redundancy' of the majority… given systematic automation… that once the world was as automated as it was going to get… the question of what to do with the 'excess' “had to be addressed…” but… keep in mind this is viewing the bounty of our centuries of hard work from 'power's perspective… their perspective of 'control'… and 'management'… and 'forcing us to do as we're bidden'… and 'staying forever on top of a global hierarchical system'… not… from the perspective of 'the infinite richness that is each and every one of us…' And because the 'tends' are 'set' structurally… the patterns are in place… of continuously-increasing-disparities in 'EPP' [“Extreme Poisonous Pedagogy”… 'Education'… we could say…] 'TB' [“Total Belief…] and 'ATM' [“All The Money”… – Our next series of shows will explore 'power's goal… 'ATM' – and our response to it – with Proudhon… along with the strategic necessity of 'hardening'… or 'tempering'… our associations such that they are not thrown off-balance by 'power's provocative actions and manufactured 'emergencies' – but instead serve as essential support… stand strong… for our Brothers and Sisters… in these times of made-crises we're in…
…because money can determine what gets advanced and receives 'recognition'… who is 'seen' and awarded 'appreciation'… and because it is a global system… every state must participate in this “system of 'class'-creation and management”… and comply with the directive: “monopolize land… certainty… and money… and then dispatch your 'excess population'…” and I suppose we should add: “…or we'll do it for you…” So we see how the global-state-statesmen can craft 'human nature' by means of the tool 'the economy' (and the strategy 'child-rearing'…) by manufacturing 'scarcity'… and we see the point Gramsci was making… that 'the economy'… and the 'polity'… are mutually-reflecting… but … he needed to add: “mutually-reflecting of 'class'…”
So immersed are we (because of our atomization… and our inability to share information…) in the effects of 'power's totalitarian scheming… that we have been unable to see… that their goal is to 'un-make' our humanity… strip us of our earth-given gift of empathy – which is an exquisite earth-given gift (which we'll be paying attention to in Proudhon when we turn to our reading of him…) – and the fact that they want to rob us of what enriches our thought-process… while claiming that they are advancing knowledge for all of us… is just hideous.
…'power' targets for 'neutralization' those that counter the key argument that decision-making must be restricted to the 'identified' so-called 'best' – (this is… a.k.a.… the 'logic' of 'rule'… the notion that 'the goal' ['end'] of 'History' is the 'best state'… and that to make it… to create something new… to establish 'Perfection'… “You must be heartless… you must be cruel” (and that's the fascist element added to the 'philosophic temperament'…) by this method of systematic insinuation…infiltration… conquering of key messages… and occupation of leadership positions… it has re-made (un-made) numerous social inventions begun with the motive of love. It has done (is doing) this with religion… it has done (is doing) this with community-based agencies… it has done (is doing) this with the arts that are focused on soul-expression and expansion… it has done (is doing) this with the martial arts – and… it is done as a conscious… but largely unseen assault – because manufactured 'scarcity' has kept the vast Many-of-us too busy simply surviving to notice big schemes… which… in any case… may unfold slowly… over several lifetimes – an unseen assault upon our fundamental nature… There is only one way through this crisis we face… and to our lost gifts… our wholeness… and that's to get 'big'… to 'get big' with consciousness… with a vision… based in a model of social organization that is premised on fully-developing individualities (respect for individual autonomy…) de-centralized reproduction of society… and the distributed generation of our individual and social human energy.
We cannot become 'big' while ignoring the plight of our Brothers and Sisters (and our own…) but… by the same token… we cannot will ourselves to 'care'… and simultaneously be authentic… be true to our true selves… The challenge we face is to deepen…and extend… our concept of 'self' – because it has been artificially foreshortened… and we must correct this unnatural stance we have been forced into. We have been made 'small' so that a Tiny Few could 'deal with us'… 'manage us'… They are afraid of our power (and this is a fear as much of the possibility that their dreams of divinity are founded on sand – as much a fear that they will have to face as an illusion the notion that they possess a god-like superiority over us… that they are 'superior' period… as it is of seeing the material world returned to all of us…) and have worked in concert to amass the needed cash to force us to be 'manageable'… We are not here to be 'managed'… but rather to fully extend the uncoerced human spirit into all directions… We are now at the point in our understanding of “the story of 'class'”… where we can see not only that Alice can be advanced to comprehend it… but that she must be… The injury of monumental falseness… the fact that we have all been lied to… puts us all on the same side… But the light of broad… monumental… truth… sets all things right… In that light… in the light of 'the right story'… the story of 'class'… we forgive our parents… we forgive each other… because we understand… and because we are all now starting down true paths… directed… with all authentic life… toward what is alive… whole… and healthy. But we need “our own things” (this is where our authentic-self-defence practice comes in – how do we defend the true self?… and then… expand our numbers…) – expand our numbers and develop our own things… created separately and together… and placed in our 'new story'… the truth. What we understand now is that we can only do this together… 'Together' – good energy – breaks us out of the personal injury of 'the state'… an injury to our bodies… minds… and spirits… through our open acknowledgement that every single one of us… until the world is free… manifests 'power'…
I'm anticipating that we'll have a couple more weeks with Alice Miller… and then we'll be turning to Pierre-Joseph Proudhon's What Is Property… which I'll continue posting little by little… and I hope you may get a chance to read it as I do.
Our March 27, 2016 show:
Themes and things: • coercion' is the common denominator of all 'class'-trauma… a trauma from which none are exempt… and… • building capacity to support our reconstituted wholeness (empathy… unity…): the importance of our ethical stance in the face of 'power's sole obsession: 'to win'… • also: an email sent informed that there have been interruptions of the Internet stream… and I fully expect there will be one when we discuss the “ATM Machine…”
“The Tiny Ten rule us by means of psychological mechanisms…” – does this statement surprise us?… On the contrary… it sounds self-evident. Yet this manipulation of us we never hear discussed in the echoing halls of public discourse… by the state-sanctioned pundits who speak for us… To hear honest… cogent… discussion of this critical issue on which we-the-people must get clear… we must go back four or five centuries – to Machiavelli… and Shakespeare – which we discussed… in the last chapter of Waking Up… “The Plan”: “…men in general judge rather by the eye than by the hand, for every one can see but few can touch. Every one sees what you seem, but few know what you are, and these few dare not oppose themselves to the opinion of the many who have the majesty of the State to back them up.… Wherefore if a Prince succeeds in establishing and maintaining his authority, the means will always be judged honourable and be approved by every one. (Machiavelli) […which is also what we heard from Hermann Goering from his jail cell… he said exactly the same thing – I mean… 'power' is 'power' is 'power'… we never hear that discussed by the official media either… – P.S.]” “A credulous father, and a brother noble, whose nature is so far from doing harms that he suspects none; on whose foolish honesty my practices ride easy! I see the business. Let me, if not by birth, have lands by wit: all with me’s meet that I can fashion fit.” (Shakespeare) ['Power' is 'power' is 'power'… – P.S. ]
So this is a new thing – this engulfment totally… through the machinations of hidden-'power' – and we owe Alice Miller… and Karl Popper… and John Boswell… and Martin Bernal et al.… for our ability to see it… to 'out' hidden-'power'… Now we stand… at a moment when we can get ourselves back at last… We have the ancestors' gifts to us… which need only to be synthesized and advanced… we have the Internet and instantaneous communication… so we can make the abuse of 'class' conscious… and make our priority the dissemination of our 'new' story… the truth… to our Brothers and Sisters (if nothing is real… we don't know what to feel (or think) – it stymies us… ensures we are easily manipulated… And so recovering our 'selves' is literally recovering 'reality'… as we exist only in relationship… are only as sound as the world that surrounds us… and until that world is of our own creation… we exist… merely… along for the ride… in a world skewed to favor the Few… In a world falsely-constructed… our 'selves' can only be likewise…… and when we accept – adapt to… modify ourselves to 'fit' to – the false world… due to a false allegiance to our parents… this allegiance is necessarily as well allegiance to 'the state'… and betrayal of the 'self'… as an authentic 'self' cannot be 'subjected'… allegiance to one's true self – once recovered… or never forfeited – opposes subjection entirely…) in the absence of our own things and the 'right story'… we continue to credit as legitimate the omnipresent falseness that surrounds us… because our lives are not our own… Here then… is the place to begin: recovering them.
We must remember that most of us are grown-up abandoned children who never got to experience their grief at being abandoned – abandoned because of the coerced-work system… because of structurally-enforced atomization… and because of the utilitarian ethics that subjects us to 'the economy' and 'the state' (as manifested initially by our parents…) That we are all (under 'class'…) reared such that our authentic self is – and authentic feelings are – suppressed… requiring of us years of trying to resurrect them… is an even more devastating secret weapon used against us than EMF. Hidden-'power' hides in us… to defeat our associations – which they fear… for obvious reasons… We have been asking ourselves and Alice whether it's possible to reverse this process of suppression of our spontaneous feelings… begun in infancy… and is never-ending… until we end it… for while they do weaponize the energy of the environment… this must not include us… we must reclaim our own energy for ourselves… and to secure global freedom for all of us. We have been asking ourselves whether our common experience of coercion… and our common reaction of rage to it – once spoken and discussed among us… re-bonds us all to our inherent longing for freedom… no matter how it had been suppressed in us… as infants…
When we say that finite resources cannot sustain this 'system'… it's important to the effectiveness of our practices that we help reinforce with each other an understanding of what 'the system' is… that by 'the system' we do not mean 'capitalism'… but 'class'… i.e. a 'system' in which the Tiny Few continuously reduce the amount of earth available to everyone 'not-them'… or 'not-needed' to sustain the illusion of a 'meritocracy'… We have been arguing that an authentic definition of 'the economy' is: “a mechanism or process for continuously reducing the amount of earth available to 'commoners'… while continuously consolidating the whole of the earth's resources (including 'the people' themselves…) into the hands of those who plan to establish themselves as planetary 'rulers' who can never be unseated by any group or groups of 'commoners'…” Doesn't what we have been calling 'capitalism' accomplish that? Is that not a 'wonderful' machine for accomplishing that? And it is the 'that' we should be focusing on… not the means for accomplishing it… and that reducing our numbers… and re-designing our human spirit… such that we are more 'manageable'… and more obedient to their commands… is… for them… key… and that their chief means for accomplishing this objective of 'population management'… is the 'ATM Machine'… They literally create an 'ATM Machine' that is dual-functioning when they create disease and catastrophe: a machine that provides a continuous stream of funding for their malevolent practices… while simultaneously draining our resources and reducing our numbers… and breeding-in the qualities they believe are 'optimum' in the humans they want in… their 'Republic'… as Plato advised them: Popper: “…Plato’s reiterated insistence that good rulers, whether gods or demigods or guardians, are patriarchal shepherds of men, and that the true political art, the art of ruling, is a kind of herdsmanship, i.e. the art of managing and keeping down the human cattle. And it is in this light that we must consider his description of the breeding and training of “the auxiliaries who are subject to the rulers like sheep-dogs to the shepherds of the state. The breeding and the education of the auxiliaries and thereby of the ruling class of Plato’s best state, is like their carrying of arms, a class symbol and therefore a class prerogative. And breeding and education are not empty symbols but, like arms, instruments of class rule, and necessary for ensuring the stability of this rule. They are treated by Plato solely from this point of view, i.e. as powerful political weapons, as means which are useful for herding the human cattle, and for unifying the ruling class.”
…chief among these qualities bred would be obedience – an obedience needed… they believe… for the statesmen to 'govern' us… and install the future they want… the 'best state'… Plato's Republic… to achieve which 'the people' must be molded to fit 'their' functions precisely… which cannot be done… unless our spirits are broken… our wholeness stolen… 'happiness' defined as 'efficient service'… and an equivalence made between the 'self' and 'the state'… destroying our love… which is our most profound empathy for our authentic connections… The 'power'-guys hope to design out of us that which enriches our thought – empathy – while telling us (and themselves…) that they represent 'Thought's apotheosis': this is the central contradiction of 'class' When Proudhon says this: “Yet, nevertheless, sooner or later, the conversion [of the bonds] will be effected and property be violated, because no other course is possible; because property, regarded as a right, and not being a right, must of right perish; because the force of events, the laws of conscience, and physical and mathematical necessity must, in the end, destroy this illusion of our minds…” he's speaking to our task of 'hardening' our associations…
What is key in what Alice is helping us to see (speaking broadly…) is that… in the absence of our understanding (i.e.… conscious incorporation… with the use of 'the right story'…) of our early childhood experience of abuse… we legitimate… perpetuate the notion of 'the state'… i.e.… we keep ourselves 'small' – 'power' uses us against ourselves (its favorite thing to do…) compulsively repeating its trauma from childhood… in Alice's terms… or… in Bentham's… we are made to 'self-regulate'… or… in Marcuse's… we 'introject' 'the state.' But what is unique in Alice's explanation… is her guidance for how to get free of it – free of this pattern designed to continuously reproduce our 'smallness'… She helps us understand in what ways we unconsciously manifest 'the state'… the abusive behavior we pass on to our children… helps us see where this behavior comes from: the omnipresence of 'coercion' in a 'class'-system… that our lives are not our own… and… beyond this… she helps us see that 'coercion' is the defining characteristic of 'class'-society… the common denominator of all 'class'-trauma… and… therefore… addressing it ('force') effectively in our practice will hopefully serve us as a 'group inoculation' against… the virus of 'class'… exorcising 'the state-in-us'… and… as a consequence… illuminate our global path to achieving our freedom in allowing us to embrace all of our Brothers and Sisters… Alice: “…it would be a sign of great progress if this taboo [against allowing children to express their legitimate aggressive feelings toward their parents…] were done away with. If the mechanism becomes conscious, if people are allowed to become aware of what their parents did to them, they would surely try to direct their response to the preceding generation and not the following one. This would mean, for example, that Hitler would not have needed to kill millions of human beings if it had been possible for him as a child to rebel directly against his father's cruelty.”
Alice: “Only if we do not allow ourselves to be reduced to the instrument of another person's will can we fulfill our personal needs and defend our legitimate rights. [We're going to be thinking more about the connection… or the relationship between… not allowing ourselves “to be reduced to the instrument of another person's will…” and having the right story… – P.S.] But this appropriate form of aggression is unattainable for many people who have grown up with the absurd belief that a person can have nothing but kind, good, and meek thoughts and at the same time be honest and authentic. [This also gets back to Proudhon's point: we have been fed false beliefs… once we have been able to discuss and get clear on the truth… would it then not mean the unseating of everything that has been suppressed?… The effort to fulfill this impossible demand can drive sensitive children to the brink of madness. No wonder they try to free themselves from their prison by means of sadistic fantasies. Yet this attempt is also forbidden and must be repressed. Thus, the comprehensible and empathic part of these fantasies remains fully concealed from consciousness, covered over by the gravestone of a dismaying, split-off cruelty. Although this gravestone is not totally invisible, it is carefully avoided and is feared for a lifetime. [And here is the deep soul-source of 'power's modus operandi… which is also its compulsion… to hide… – P.S.] Nevertheless, there is no other path to one's true self in the entire world than this one leading past the gravestone that has been shunned for such a long time. For before a person can develop an appropriate form of aggressiveness, he or she must discover and experience the old fantasies of revenge, which were repressed because they were forbidden. Only these fantasies can lead one back to genuine childhood indignation and rage, which can then give way to mourning and reconciliation…”
Alice: “…those who have benefited from analysis will not have the need to inflict harm on others once they have confronted their childhood “sadism.” Quite the contrary, they become much less aggressive if they are able to live with their aggressions and not in opposition to them. This is not a case of sublimation but a normal process of maturation that can begin when certain obstacles have been removed. It does not require any great effort, because the warded- off hatred has been experienced and not abreacted. These people become more courageous than they were before: they no longer aim their hostility at those “below” them (e.g., their children), but directly at those “above” (who wounded them and thus caused their anger). They are no longer afraid of standing up to their superiors and are no longer compelled to humiliate their partners or their children. They have experienced themselves as victims and now do not have to split off their unconscious victimization and project it onto others…”
Alice: “Even when the needs a child expresses are quite harmless and normal, she can be perceived by her parents as demanding, tyrannical, and threatening if the parents have suffered under a tyrannical father, for example, without being able to defend themselves against him…” […or have suffered under tyrannical Plato's Tribesmen… imbued with a vision… in which case… as Alice herself pointed out… as a training regimen for creating sadists… people without empathy… who will obey orders absolutely – i.e.… for the purposes to which the Plato's Tribesmen devote 'their' children… these absurd constrictions placed on them are precisely the reason conditions for all life have so worsened… – P.S.]
Alice: “Reacting to the behavior of the child or later patient on the level of drives, or even trying to help him or her learn “drive renunciation,” would mean ignoring the true history of this tragic substitution and leaving the patient alone with it…” [I want to think more about this in terms of the work we are doing together in our wholistic self-defense practice: we are not abandoning our Brothers and Sisters… we are not leaving them alone with the wrong story… with the false information that abandons them to being manipulated psychologically… and to the inevitable… and perhaps irretrievable… loss of their authentic selves… – P.S.] “There is no need to attempt “drive renunciation” or “sublimation” of the “death wish” if the personal roots of an aggressive or even destructive way of acting are understood, for then psychic energy will of itself be transformed into creativity… Mourning over what has happened, over the irreversibility of the past, is the prerequisite for this process.” [We must understand 'power's manipulation of us – hidden 'power'… – as the key to unlocking the big cage. This is the 'waking up' process of reaching our full power through the recovery of that which has been intentionally suppressed… through the route of recovering truth… – P.S.]
Our April 3, 2016 show:
This moment exists for us to “face our greatness…” – our authentic-ness has been suppressed… our true lives misdirected… into serving the dreams of our fathers… while our own we dared not believe in… It is this – our greatness – that 'power' hopes to suppress when it insists on manipulating us… constructing a 'reality'… a strict hierarchical 'ordering'… that allows it to do this… ad infinitum – a 'reality' that divides us… keeps us separate… forces us to live our lives in narrow compositions… rigid scripts… absent our understanding of what is happening… that would allow us to step out of them… and smash this artificial atomization… When each new consciousness comes… it is to a 'world' intentionally sculpted… which then sculpts our consciousness to mirror the priorities it presents… and suppress our knowledge of the infinite… forcing us into a stultifying psychic isolation (reinforced by structural atomization…) 'psychic isolation' because each one of us feels alone with our early 'earth-knowledge' and our conditioned suspicion of it… Because of atomization we're not allowed to discover the powerful way in which we create new things when our minds and our hearts and our love begins to merge together… and that that is not something they can calculate or document 'scientifically': it is magic… it is mystery… And it's time for us to begin allowing that to live… in our hearts and in our relationships with each other – not to wait a lifetime to begin to trust what our bodies tell us… what the earth tells us… but rather… now that we have global communications begin doing this… all of us together… in the here-and-now… so that we can use that energy to go for what we deserve: our freedom… finally.
So this 'virus' of 'power' is simultaneously the 'virus' of psychic isolation: keeping us 'small'… keeping us separate… keeping us afraid – that's what it's all about… “Facing our greatness” means facing our fear that we are alone (our 'sources of power' – true power: the ancestors… the earth… and each other – are sources of power because they confirm our one-ness with the eternal… In reality it's not possible for us to be alone… but 'power' constructs this experience of 'alone-ness' and calls it “the human condition…” [And we'll be pointing out again next week… as we do later in the show… how the innumerable 'philosophical explanations' we've been bombarded with… over the course of the 'class'-experience… evidences yet again… our debt to Alice… as she explains it: the need of the abandoned child to construct an 'explanation' that 'justifies' his experience of abandonment…] When we can't overcome material and psychic isolation… when we cannot create “our own things…” we cannot be authentic (unbowed) beings… Rather… necessarily… as we are social beings… and need each other for confirmation of our existence… we are forced into 'state'-sanctioned social identities: to assuage psychic isolation we join state-sanctioned groups / identities… and… as Alice said… we necessarily tend to narcissistically-cathect them… falling in with 'power's mindset of believing one's particular sect is 'better'… and in reproducing the divisions… we manifest 'the state'… When we can't overcome material and psychic isolation… we cannot help but to manifest 'the state'… in the absence of an alternative that we ourselves create…
Organizing for Global General Strikes ('global' in every sense of the word: 'all of us together' across those categories… the false divisions… of 'class'… and all of us geographically… Four: Land acquisition for building Earthships – most likely city-owned abandoned lots… that simply require the pressure of numbers to be turned over to community responsibility and caring – for Earthships… establishing a demonstration site… modeling what our future looks like in micro – and far from there being “too many of us…” we need everybody on board: there's a big mess that these 'power'-guys have made of our earth in these past two and a half centuries… and I suspect they intend to “put us to work” doing it on a compulsory basis: “work for food…” or “work for 'chits'…” or whatever it is they come up with to signify… quantify… our enslavement – that is their 'solution': 'winnow the population'… and put the rest 'to work' under terms they determine… when we're at a moment when the opposite of that must happen: we embrace the alternative that has been created by our ancestors – both indigenous / earth-connected [who don't need this work of getting their minds… their true selves… back…] and also the ancestors like Peter Kropotkin and Pierre Joseph Proudhon who have literally thought this through in so much rich detail that it's just there waiting for us… We have to believe in ourselves to put it into reality… Five: (here in the U.S.) organize a referendum to 'call the question' of our right to happiness (which is a tool… a wedge… that we must embrace here in order to take some of the bigger responsibility onto ourselves because we have more room to do so… politically speaking: they have to kill us clandestinely… our Brothers and Sisters in the 'Global South' don't have that little bit of 'wiggle-room'… of having official 'freedom of this' and 'freedom of that' – they can be killed openly – So let's use our 'greater freedom' to take the lead here…
In our practice we are undoing an enormous amount of damage done to us… through our experience living in a 'class' system… So in recovering ourselves… we're recovering our balance: we're getting oriented to authentic reality… and so we need our feet beneath us – a solid… life-prioritizing… set of ethics… a sense of fairness… – we need our certainty… – to act… and for that we need the 'right story'… sound definitions… We need to know what happened… to us… and to our fathers – we need to know what we have been carrying on our backs unbeknownst… their unmet dreams… unmet dreams that have held us captive – all of us… under 'class'… regardless of our particular set of given circumstances… The infection began with the domestication of non-human… and then human… animals… with the advent of what 'power' calls 'civilization'… but which is rather just it's own never-ending 'seekingness'… a longing to be seen as a god-like thing… A longing for divinity proclaims a proclivity for Dishonesty – so we are living in the time of the 'Reign of the False' – although Plato smoothed any niggling conscience that may have troubled the 'philosopher-kings' by terming this a 'Necessity': lying that was 'lordly'… avarice for a 'noble' purpose… they were taught… was avarice-not… lust not-lust-but-just… to realize the Perfection that 'the stupid ones' will only 'mess up'… Once we see what we – all of us – have been doing when acting unconsciously… see that we've been seeking to be our father's unspoken dreams… Because we sense the distress… when we're born into it: the obsession to 'gain' “that which we have not…” at the cost of what we have: the 'all of it'…
“Rage and pain can… pass quickly if one is free to express them.…” [Suppression of authentic feelings – internalized force – is the defining quality of a totalitarian 'class'-system… and 'class' became totalitarian in the aftermath of the French Revolution…] “And the rage, if it is really acknowledged and experienced, can make room for a feeling of sorrow over the meaninglessness as well as the inevitability of the sacrifices.” ['Inevitable' given systemic 'class'… We will be… in sense… experiencing this sublated rage at the trauma of 'class' for the first time together –(I've never written about my friend Bob because it's just too painful… I can't help but wonder if his death was an 'elimination'… due to our connection… as… since I've been targeted with EMF… every death in my life has become suspect… The GF had illustrated his order. Seeing this filled me with such a complex mix of emotions… because by then the notion of 'waste'… how our lives are just thrown away… had already found a settled seat in me… “Who is that?” I asked. That was Bob…) As Alice Miller said… our coming together is not first and foremost about 'understanding' the story of 'class'… but rather about experiencing it together… because our bodies… the earth our bodies are… are our touchstones to truth… We 'know' 'what happened' once we experience our bodies consciously… and feel… realize… that they are not tools for use… objects for hire… but a sacred trust… a mysterious interconnection… a bond… a promise… a borrow of breath… a sacred pact with all life… to honor which we are given this capacity… and when not allowed to use it… to keep our promise… we are lost… When 'power' forces us to lose ourselves… we lose our reason for being… become shadows searching for substance… looking for 'Authority' to explain our existence… we become fodder for Fascists… as Alice said… which is why they do it… force us to forfeit… our authentic-ness…
Alice: “Loving parents in particular should want to find out what they are unconsciously doing to their children. If they simply avoid the subject and instead point to their parental love, then they are not really concerned about their children's well-being but rather are painstakingly trying to keep a clear conscience.… The attitudes of “poisonous pedagogy” are not restricted to outdated child-rearing manuals of the past. There they were expressed consciously and unabashedly, whereas today they are disseminated more quietly and more subtly; nevertheless, they still permeate most major areas of our lives. Their very omnipresence makes it difficult for us to recognize them. They are like a pernicious virus we have learned to live with since we were little. We are often unaware, therefore, that we can live without this virus and would be better off and happier without it. People… can become infected without even realizing it. If they do not happen to undergo analysis, they have no occasion to discover the virus, no opportunity ever to question later in life emotionally charged convictions they adopted from their parents in early childhood. In spite of their sincere efforts to bring about a democratic family environment, they simply cannot help discriminating against the child and denying his or her rights, for, on the basis of their own early experiences, they can hardly imagine anything else. The early imprinting of these attitudes in the unconscious guarantees their enduring stability… Rage and pain can… pass quickly if one is free to express them.… And the rage, if it is really acknowledged and experienced, can make room for a feeling of sorrow over the meaninglessness as well as the inevitability of the sacrifices [although this… her use of the word 'inevitability' to refer to our incalculable losses suffered these last two and a half centuries… assumes the 'inevitability' of 'class'… which (thanks and praises to Karl Popper… Martin Bernal… Immanuel Wallerstein… et al.…) I think we can now see… is a mistaken assumption… that… on the contrary… 'class' was a conscious creation by the just-forming Plato's Tribesmen… in the aftermath of the French Revolution…]”
Alice: “…Now that my mother was showing the strength to face what had happened head-on, not to make excuses, not to deny or distort anything, because she felt that she, too, had once been a victim – now I was able to admit my knowledge of the past. It was a tremendous relief not to have to pretend any longer. And the amazing thing is that now, in spite of all her failings, which we both know about, I feel much closer to my mother and find her much more likable, animated, approachable, and warm than I did before. And I am much more genuine and spontaneous with her. The insincere effort I had to make is over. She no longer has to prove to me that she loves me in order to hide her guilt feelings; I sense that she likes me and loves me. She also doesn't have to prescribe rules of behavior for me anymore but lets me be as I am because she can be that way herself and because she is herself less under the pressure of rules and regulations. A great burden has fallen from me. I enjoy life, and it all happened without my having to go through a lengthy analysis. But now I would no longer say that my suicide attempts were unrelated to my childhood. It's just that I wasn't permitted to see the connection, and that must have intensified my feeling of desperation…”
Alice: “…Then I quoted my sentence that appears on page 132: “If parents are also able to give their child the same respect and tolerance they had for their own parents, they will surely be providing him with the best possible foundation for his entire later life.” After giving a short, spontaneous laugh, my colleague looked at me very gravely and after a moment's silence said, “But that isn't possible…” “Why not?” I asked. “Because… because… our children do not use coercive measures against us, they don't threaten to leave us when we are bad. And even if they say it, we know they wouldn't do it…” He became increasingly reflective and then said very slowly, “You know, now I wonder if what is called pedagogy may not be simply a question of power, and if we shouldn't be speaking and writing much more about hidden power struggles instead of racking our brains about finding better methods of child-rearing.” That's exactly what I have tried to do in the book I have just finished,” I said.… I can imagine that someday we will regard our children not as creatures to manipulate or to change but rather as messengers from a world we once deeply knew, but which we have long since forgotten, who can reveal to us more about the true secrets of life, and also our own lives, than our parents were ever able to. We do not need to be told whether to be strict or permissive with our children. What we do need is to have respect for their needs, their feelings, and their individuality, as well as for our own.”
Our April 10, 2016 show:
(Please bear with the website-update delays – my uploading effort has been slowed still further… with laptop-voltage-surge-attacks when I go to do my wireless uploads: and I don't want to replace the drive yet again at the moment… so I will be uploading more at the libraries.) We are beginning a new series of shows. This 'Proudhon' series is intended to flesh out our 'Transition to Freedom' issues and practices… based on the progression of the analysis of our present dilemma of being confronted with hidden-'power' – the very organized and determined global-state-statesmen (and a conversation with another member of the BLR Collective who was leaving as I came in reminded me that another important objective of these show is to get clear on our definitions: develop the lexicon of freedom…) determined global-state-statesmen… determined to lock us into a fixed global totalitarian 'class'-system – issues and practices identified in our “Embracing Global Goals” and “Raise Up Love – 1” series of shows… These issues include: “Facing our greatness – we are the wealth we've been waiting for…” we're going to be doing a lot of thinking about transforming our concepts of 'work'… 'wealth'… and 'the economy' – what do those words means under conditions of freedom for all of us…
We owe a great debt to Jeremy Bentham (and he to Plato…) for outing hidden-'power'. [Bentham: “Now government supposes the disposition to obedience: – the faculty of governing on the one part has for its sole efficient cause, and for its sole measure, the disposition to obey on the other part…” He states 'power's objective quite clearly: getting us to obey… is that what we want for ourselves?… for humanity globally?…] Ever since Bentham wrote (if not since Plato… although… granted… Plato had to be resurrected…) there should have been no confusion in the minds of we-the-people what the 'power'-guys are about: that they are unequivocal… that they see us as a species apart… that they believe their objective 'justifies' the sacrifice of our lives… that they believe that 'Perfection' is a legitimate aim… and that it can only be achieved through the imposition of 'order' – a rigid hierarchical ordering… ranking… with positions… to which we all adhere closely… and tiered compensation to reflect 'power's prejudices and objectives… Given that 'Bentham' (his contribution…) was a re-imagining of Plato… who wrote over two millennia ago… given that Bentham's statement of purpose… logic used… and objectives… were presented mostly without artifice… why are we so backwards of them?… why has 'power's strategy… which… after all… is quite obvious… not been discussed as transparent… why haven't progressives been working on it… these two centuries since?
And while you cannot know this… when I go to the library to upload… or walk at the park… or at home… or drive… wherever I go… it's an endurance test… sitting and modifying my website at the library left me so full of mucus I ended up gagging it up at the library… I can well imagine what folks thought… But what they could not imagine… is that we have a shadow-state that attacks people with electro-magnetic-force weapons… Somehow… we have to get a handle on this… we on the Left… who are willing to work for freedom… for all of us (…and by the way… it's important that Leuren Moret (the DARPA whistleblower who we cited in our March 13, 2016 show ) reminded us that these are weapons developed and used internationally… and I find it suggestive that the U.S. astronaut upon his recent return from the International Space Station complained of his head burning – as mine is right now – and of having extremely sensitive skin – which I have now all the time.)
Why wasn't 'power's strategy of getting the parents and the system of 'education' to instill obedience in our children… while suppressing our access to information (the true story) and strictly monitoring and vetting media (and all our interconnections) – why wasn't its strategy for maintaining control of us foreseen? (or… for that matter… the fact that that – maintaining control of us – was… is… the point… the objective… of 'power' in the first place?…) which is another way of asking: why haven't we been discussing 'power's strategy of 'getting us on the same side with them'? – essentially through the multi-millennia-long strategy of 'divide (the self) and conquer… everyone'… of getting us to accept the split in our common humanity between those who are 'in' and those who are 'out' – the psychological dynamic Alice Miller calls… “splitting off and projection…” (…and we call: the core division of 'class': between 'citizen' and 'barbarian'… I read a brief piece recently by the writer Tim Wise on the subject of 'education'… in which he quoted Thomas Jefferson [and… recall… Sebastian de Grazia said… in Of Time, Work, and Leisure… that the 'Founding Fathers'… “had gone back 2,000 years for the source of their ideas…”]: “Jefferson wanted to set up schools so that “geniuses will be raked from the rubbish annually”… The problem is… we-commoners… for the most part… weren't reading 'power's texts… particularly in terms of their strategic relevance… as… we would have known what to do with it. Case in illustration of a commoner knowing what to do with it: Shakespeare.
Outing hidden-'power' in our personal stories by translating them into the terms of coercion – with the help of our Brothers and Sisters and the 'right story' – is walking right up to and through our early childhood experience of coercion… so that we can process it… understand what happened – is standing what had been in darkness in the light of day… so we can see what it is… and no longer be afraid – is… in essence… a process of 'getting big'… of exorcising 'the state'… Until now… we have not been able to synthesize and advance our understanding of this experience such that this understanding can be continuously developed… and passed on to our children… and implied in this is that we haven't had a language… developed ourselves from the synthesis of our common experience… and from our analysis… of the past two and a half centuries… to give to ourselves… and to others… and particularly to our children – this language… this 'right story' – to use to make sense of what is happening to us all. Of course the Internet and instantaneous communications now changes all that… but there is a lag between our grasp of our changed possibilities… and our fully utilizing this new potentiality to more rapidly share this language… this 'right story'… and change the thoughts we are thinking… and dramatically shift the terms of engagement with our future… to our advantage…
The key points the writer is making: She's arguing that she: “…had been conditioned since childhood to believe that 'girls are just better' at emotional labor. I, like many other women, was taught to unconsciously take up the position of emotion manager… Emotion labor is usually 'unseen' labor that is part of most women's everyday lives.” “Stripping is one of the few jobs where workers are compensated for emotional labor… If [it] has taught me anything, it's that my time and energy are valuable. There are throngs of people who are willing to give fair compensation for emotional labor – and learning to ask those in my personal life to reciprocate and shoulder their fair share has been incredibly freeing.” What stands out in her account is 'power's absence… her seeming unwillingness to say explicitly that these are questions of 'power' (although her awareness of this is expressed in her use of the term 'social capital'…) I am very grateful for her honesty… for her sharing with us what is our common confusion… one we will have to grapple with as we form our associations. She shows us ourselves: most of us are children who… as Alice said… at the cost of their authentic selves… 'understood' their parents… 'understood' why her mother or his father abandoned them… and so cannot own her authentic grievance… and must displace it onto other 'objects'… and in a 'class'-system… there are no end of folk willing to play the role of “he or she that dismisses or abuses you”… because we've all been trained to be dismissive and abusive of those with less 'power' (and believe me… if you're a young person and didn't know that before you have a baby… you learn it quick then… as Alice has shown us…) So when we come to our 'associations' for global human freedom… we'll be bringing with us (or a lot of us will – probably unbeknownst to ourselves…) unconscious… and so unprocessed… Grievance… So what do we do with it?… We're not born with it… it was made in us… it is not authentic… 'Grievance' is 'power' manifested…
And… as Alice says… we should be wary of our intellectualizations of our grievances… because in them hides… an allegiance to the state… they are hidden manifestations of 'power'… what [the playwright] is saying is that she's made her peace with 'power'… which she admits implicitly by suggesting that her 'peace' is conditional… based on 'power's recognition… its acknowledgement… But when not integrated consciously into our personalities… Grievance – rage at the theft of the 'true self' – no matter if subsided… lurks… awaiting but the stress of re-stimulated Abandonment to re-emerge… which is true for all of us… until we establish our world on the premises of Abundance… and non-coercion.
Beginning with this show we will be reading from Pierre – Joseph Proudhon's First Memoir… What Is Property?… For the previous year we have been reading excerpts from Alice Miller's For Your Own Good: Hidden Cruelty in Child-rearing and the Roots of Violence… Our thought-process over the course of these shows has led us to some of the same questions Proudhon is pondering in this book: particularly the need to think authentically in order to gain the understanding we need to claim our full gifts as human beings… our freedom globally… We've been discussing with Alice's help the role of hidden-'power' in instituting globally a utilitarian conditioning (a 'make-use-of' mindset…) by suppressing our authentic self / spontaneous feelings as infants… through the poisonous pedagogy of child-rearing… which installs false beliefs (lies) in us as children that damage us for a lifetime by transforming us into functionaries in service to the 'state'… by means of an imposed training in self-abnegation: conditioning to view ourselves as objects in service to 'power' ('the state'…) and subject to 'power's creation and screen (to keep them from being seen…): the 'economy'. One of the residual questions we have from these discussions is: Can thinking authentically help us release suppressed (spontaneous) feelings… and support our experiencing the trauma of 'class' consciously… The mindset of 'ever-seekingness' is unique to 'class' because we enduring under it have been robbed of everything… and are trapped in the need to get 'it' back (this is an unconscious compulsion…) but lacked the language and the understanding of how to do so authentically.
What Is Property?… the correspondence of its themes with those on which we are trying to gain greater clarity struck me… particularly: first… his explanation of why… in the world of our making… and in our transition to it… the individual must be the basic unit of political organization… second… his insistence on 'claiming the lexicon…' and the fresh manner in which he does… third… his thought-full approach to the 'de-commissioning-of-the-system'-process… so needed in this moment we are in… our transition to freedom… fourth… his model of 'claiming the authentic self'… and fifth… the fact that the brilliant freshness of his thought has been rummaged about in without giving him his due credit – let's correct that…
Proudhon: “M. Blanqui acknowledges that property is abused in many harmful ways; I call property the sum of these abuses exclusively. To each of us property seems a polygon whose angles need knocking off; but, the operation performed, M. Blanqui maintains that the figure will still be a polygon (an hypothesis admitted in mathematics, although not proven), while I consider that this figure will be a circle. Honest people can at least understand one another… For the rest, I allow that, in the present state of the question, the mind may legitimately hesitate before deciding in favor of the abolition of property. To gain the victory for one's cause, it does not suffice to overthrow a principle generally recognized, which has the indisputable merit of systematically recapitulating our political theories; it is also necessary to establish the opposite principle, and to formulate the system which must proceed from it.”
Alice: “I contend that neither labor, nor occupation, nor law, can create property; that it is an effect without a cause: am I censurable?… Reader, calm yourself: I am no agent of discord, no firebrand of sedition. I anticipate history by a few days; I disclose a truth whose development we may try in vain to arrest; I write the preamble of our future constitution. This proposition which seems to you blasphemous – property is robbery – would, if our prejudices allowed us to consider it, be recognized as the lightning-rod to shield us from the coming thunderbolt; but too many interests stand in the way!… Alas! Philosophy will not change the course of events: destiny will fulfill itself regardless of prophecy. Besides, must not justice be done and our education be finished?… My name, like yours, is Truth-Seeker… Speak without hatred and without fear; tell that which thou knowest! Now truth reveals itself to all; today to Newton and Pascal, tomorrow to the herdsman in the valley and the journeyman in the shop…”
For our April 17, 2016 show:
“If the goal of 'power' is to privatize everything… obviously the goal of 'power' is to create scarcity. Period. It's very straight-forward… our reasoning powers lead us to the truth… because it's obvious when you disregard the conditioning… the deep propaganda… and use your own reason… as all of our ancestors have been telling us…” [From the Waking Up Radio show of November 25, 2012]
“Terence Hopkins wrote about this whole issue of the relationship between individual state sovereignty and the world economic system… Basically… he says that there's no theory of the formation of states on a world scale in any way comparable to the theory of the accumulation of capital on a world scale… He pointed out decades and decades ago that there were some fundamental contradictions that 'power' has… and I believe that 'power' cannot figure these things out because fundamentally they can't… because they believe that we are 'cattle'… What they can't figure out is that their 'system' is self-defeating… They can't stimulate patriotism and allegiance to the global economy simultaneously because the global economy is designed to create 'scarcity'… by 'eating' and privatizing the earth… But then… the 'cattle' can't be herded… and then the drums of 'nationalism' are then heard… Terry Hopkins wrote [in his summary of the 'modern world system theory'] that there were contradictions in 'power's whole… 'supremacy project'… So he put his finger on the crux of the problem from 'power's point of view… and ultimately the problem is us… Fundamentally… we aren't cattle… and we want to develop our gifts… and we want to live freely… But Terry saw this quite clearly… that 'power's vulnerability lies firstly in that states want their sovereignty… because the people they sit on will always want to be free… and will continuously push back against the walls… the limits of our captivity… until they fall…” [From the Waking Up Radio show of November 25, 2012]
Our April 17, 2016 show:
Shout-outs and thanks to those taking to the streets of Paris and across France… in movement called 'Nuit Debout': “In the night… Rise up!” – Seriously. And while it's in protest of Fascist creep… neo-liberal economic policies… imposed austerity – more and more less-and-less – and a global system that wants to keep tight control of us – may it move beyond protest to global planning for a future based in the assumption of abundance and non-coercion… And may we here in the U.S. do the same… and link arms… and aims… and love… and action… inspiring the world to believe in our right to freedom. 'De-commissioning the system' needs to be a world-wide effort… Let's flesh out what that means… in terms of exorcising the internal state and withdrawing our support… denying it human energy… So instead of demanding 'jobs'… we demand land for Earthships… communal living arrangements… and linking our intercommunications globally… It is time to wake up… from our numbing trudging slumber… our treadmill drowse… – the thought that all else but this was being systematically snipped from the picture of our possibilities… that haunted us as we read Alice: “Can this vicious circle ever be broken?… It may be that I am trying to attain something with these texts that either is not possible at all or is completely superfluous. For as long as you are not allowed to see something…” [and regardless of how overt or subtle is this message from the parent… the system 'saying it' is ultimately what silences us – i.e.… there is no alternative available for us to see – there is no option other than performance… pretense… collaboration: the pressures of 'power' on us to conform is merciless. And so what choice do most of us have… but to dissolve our authentic-ness – our original-ness – or bury it… and get on the same side… with 'power'…] Hence our present focus: providing the necessary alternative… beginning the 'de-commissioning' process… understanding the abuse we received as infants… all together… experiencing it as an intentional injury of 'class'… all together…
That we-the-people inevitably move toward claiming our full gifts – and in claiming ourselves we are also claiming each other… and all the more rapidly as we more fully utilize our enhanced capacity for interaction offered by the Internet and instantaneous communication – that this tend exerts an irresistible pull… is undoubtedly true… but is it true that 'power' “can't figure these things out”?… can't resolve the central contradiction for it of our continuous growth and our building unity globally… tied inexorably to 'globalization'… It seems to me today that the 'power'-guys have indeed settled upon a solution… of a kind… the only kind that fits with their repetition compulsion… with their contempt for us… and Plato's imperative of 'cattle'-management: continuously sow divisions between us by funding 'fascists' and 'terrorists' and 'dictators'… and 'corruption'… and 'criminal gangs'… and random acts of tyranny… and 'natural disasters'… while systematically 'managing us' by reducing our numbers – 'High-tech Auschwitz'… how was it that we could imagine that their obsession… systematically sown around the globe just a few decades ago – and on-going – had ever left us… would ever leave us alone? Are we ready yet… to provide to the would-be-gods their needed 'check'?… to play the 'emphatic partner' to the 'power'-patient… such that… we can develop the world our children need to grow their gifts… under their own direction… a world unsullied by the sick lies and corrupt intents of the 'power'-guys?
And I hate to talk about the 2016 U.S. presidential election because we got a bigger ambition… but so does 'power'. Let's not forget that we are embracing global goals because that is the only way to get our lives back… stand with the planet… and with all our Brothers and Sisters… I.e.… 'power' is global… and its strategy of containing our thoughts within the narrow bounds that its allows means… all media – and perhaps particularly progressive media – is strictly monitored and vetted… and this means two things when Hilary is attacked from all 'ends' of the political spectrum: they know she can win… and that she is not the total puppet they want in the Oval Office – and it also means they want no further impediments to getting a firm lock on us here in the U.S.… forestalling our ability to help our Brothers and Sisters globally… They want that office… and the fact that they are afraid of Hilary is actually sufficient reason for me to support her… but… again… our ambition is not 'fixing the state'. 'Fixing the state' is fixing 'for 'power' our cage… making it 'nicer' and 'tighter' so they don't have to fear us. If we must ensure that a Republican not get in that office… please weigh strategically… what that would mean.
Organizing for Global General Strikes ('global' in every sense of the word: 'all of us together' across those categories… the false divisions… of 'class'… and all of us geographically… Only by happenstance did I learn about Nuit Debout – a lot is going on around the world with our Brothers and Sisters that we don't know about… We have to struggle with unifying our efforts together… but I really hope folks across the globe in thinking through the analysis have arrived at the conclusion that the Global General Strike is irreplaceable as a strategy for moving us forward and developing the unity we need…it's so important… and is a strategy that needs to be on-going to move us to de-commissioning… But once we start having Global General Strikes… that is linked… necessarily… to the conversation about global de-commissioning… and I'm so grateful to Proudhon for having thought this through… thought through some suggestions and options to share with us… to give us hope… I'm so moved by the notion of someone two hundred years ago providing hope… writing… trusting… it would arrive despite… and… believe me… there was a whole lot of 'despite' thrown against this man… as with all of the ancestors that we need… who saw the reality of our unity… and our 'bigness'…
In coming together we invoke the true power of the earth… to challenge the disaster we have been intentionally sunk in. And I have to tell you… that before this – this personal story I'm in… of being tracked and targeted and assaulted – started… I didn't know there were so many lost souls – though I should have done… for I was one (the very reason I couldn't know…) But we have to know… to change it. In our collective grieving it doesn't matter if anyone else is authentic… as long as we are… we model it… and let the earth-in-us do the rest. And we must remember… our individual and collective purposes are conjoined – Alice conjoined with Proudhon – that while 'de-legitimization' and 'decommissioning the global-system' have been discussed before as abstract concepts… rarely… if at all… before… have they received practical expression… particularly in the context of our asserting our right – in association – to happiness.
Disregard then, reader, my title and my character, and attend only to my arguments. It is in accordance with universal consent that I undertake to correct universal error; from the opinion of the human race I appeal to its faith. Have the courage to follow me; and, if your will is untrammelled, if your conscience is free, if your mind can unite two propositions and deduce a third therefrom, my ideas will inevitably become yours. In beginning by giving you my last word, it was my purpose to warn you, not to defy you; for I am certain that, if you read me, you will be compelled to assent. The things of which I am to speak are so simple and clear that you will be astonished at not having perceived them before, and you will say: “I have neglected to think.” Others offer you the spectacle of genius wresting Nature's secrets from her, and unfolding before you her sublime messages; you will find here only a series of experiments upon justice and right, a sort of verification of the weights and measures of your conscience. The operations shall be conducted under your very eyes; and you shall weigh the result.
Proudhon: “Nevertheless, I build no system. I ask an end to privilege, the abolition of slavery, equality of rights, and the reign of law. Justice, nothing else; that is the alpha and omega of my argument: to others I leave the business of governing the world. [Exactly… end 'power' and our 'power'-bent backs will straighten… our souls will expand into our greatness… and our society will unfold in accordance with that… – P.S.] One day I asked myself; Why is there so much sorrow and misery in society? [Is that not our first conscious question… under 'class'… if… as he says… “(our) will is untrammelled, (and our) conscience… free…” – P.S.] Must man always be wretched? And not satisfied with the explanations given by the reformers… I sought to fathom the matter myself. I have consulted the masters of science; I have read a hundred volumes of philosophy, law, political economy, and history; would to God that I had lived in a century in which so much reading had been useless! I have made every effort to obtain exact information, comparing doctrines, replying to objections, continually constructing equations and reductions from arguments, and weighing thousands of syllogisms in the scales of the most rigorous logic.… But I must say that I recognized at once that we had never understood the meaning of these words, so common and yet so sacred: Justice, equity, liberty; that concerning each of these principles our ideas have been utterly obscure; and, in fact, that this ignorance was the sole cause, both of the poverty that devours us, and of all the calamities that have ever afflicted the human race [under 'class'… Is this not a perfect illustration of how… by following our questions… we recover our authentic self… i.e.… we make ourselves… and a perfect illustration as well… of why 'power' wants to stop our thinking?… – P.S.]”
Proudhon: “Hence we reason by the eternal and absolute laws of our mind, and at the same time by the secondary rules, ordinarily faulty, which are suggested to us by imperfect observation [or one's parents perhaps?… – P.S.]. This is the most fecund source of false prejudices, and the permanent and often invincible cause of a multitude of errors. The bias resulting from these prejudices is so strong that often, even when we are fighting against a principle which our mind thinks false, which is repugnant to our reason, and which our conscience disapproves, we defend it without knowing it, we reason in accordance with it, and we obey it while attacking it. Enclosed within a circle, our mind revolves about itself, until a new observation, creating within us new ideas, brings to view an external principle which delivers us from the phantom by which our imagination is possessed…”
…what he is proving… as he said… is that 'property' not only possesses no social utility… but… far worse… it leads… as Polanyi said… to the “dissolution of society…” – which we can see is so when we look around us with conscious eyes and minds – i.e.… with reclaimed bodies and therefore 'selves' – and recognize that anything that still contains a modicum of health – the earth and its species… ourselves and societies – does so as an act of defiance and constant struggle to exist… when what we need is a world that supports it… Now… given that Proudhon wrote this almost two hundred years ago… which means the 'power'-guys have long-since studied it and perceive the threat it poses to its official raison d'etre – i.e.… to further 'progress' – we cannot but accept… as we synthesize and advance Proudhon's gift… that the result we see around us is the intention: that while 'property' serves no social purpose… it does serve an anti-social one – what the 'power'-guys have in mind… is complete consumption (privatization) of the earth… and the dissolution of us… Proudhon: “Property, being capable of defense only on the ground that it produces utility, is, since it produces nothing, for ever condemned. All consumption which is not reproductive of utility is destruction…” … i.e.… he is identifying… describing… trying to help us see… the 'conception'… birth… of 'property'… in a fundamental deceit… So when he calls 'property' “an effect without a cause…” he means without an honest cause – that its existence is hidden in… he would say: “lies we tell ourselves…” or 'misconceptions'… but which I would call an 'ever-seekingness' (which is the opposite of 'following our questions'… discussed in Waking Up…) and Alice Miller would call a 'compulsion'… utterly irrational… and rooted in the early childhood experience and practice of abandonment…
Our April 24, 2016 show:
Will the question never end? “How long shall they kill our prophets – the ones who model an authentic allegiance – while we stand aside and look?” How do we support those who manifest authentic power when we know they are in the crosshairs of jealous… paranoid… false 'power'?… when we know they have been completely surrounded by false folks… when we know they have no one… but others like themselves who also have no one… that they can completely trust… because these Tiny Ten Thousand have constructed a world so fundamentally dishonest… that it checks our authentic impulse to come together and help each other… Artists – and we are all artists – are in the crosshairs of 'power' because their work requires listening to the authentic voice of the earth… if our art is to develop as it is meant… So… what then?… must we live forever under the gun? “…must not justice be done and our education be finished?…” asks Proudhon… should we not all ask ourselves this… ask ourselves do we want it… do we want to shine?… do we want to be Princes?… It was quite obvious Prince has a soul that was attended to… a “thirsty heart” (“Be thirsty heart… seek forever without a rest… let this soundless longing hidden deep inside you be the source of every word you say…” – Rumi, the Afghan poet, 1207 – 1273… – that thirsty heart cannot exist in this system. The ones we honor for being such despite the obstacles the system throws up sooner or later are shot down… for their search cannot but bring them to the truth that hidden folks have constructed a 'reality' completely false… designed to contain us…
I have to tell you… my experience of my life since writing Waking Up: Freeing Ourselves From Work feels quite surreal… I can't tell you how often I've thought… “I cannot be the only one saying these obvious things… why do I never hear them on KPFA? After all… these words I quoted – “The Mayans just stared at him. They said they weren’t workers but people, and, besides, land wasn’t property but the heart of their communities…” did not fall on my ears alone.”… And then the harassment started… and the placing of false folk first across my path… and eventually all around me… along with the clandestine bombardment with microwave radiation… and… admittedly… it took years – and Leuren Moret's work – to sort out: “The Historical Roots of the New World Order and Its Permanent War Economy”… There is a complete black-out of the message that “we are not workers…” along with the message that we must reclaim our world by organizing together globally… across the inter-state-system… a black-out extending… mos def… to the Biblical text… We are told… approvingly… that we are “the salt of the earth…” we are not told that we are “the light of the world…” that we are stars… each one… shining to show the way out of the lies we are trapped in… It is past time for us to both see each other's light… shining authentically… and to join our light with our others… our Sisters and Brothers. Because the question is profound: “…if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted?…” What is the answer? Whose responsibility is it? When will we answer “Mine”?
We will not be guided by the vetted pundits… who advance a 'philosophic' view… and caution patience… tell us to wait until 'History' finally chooses to advance our cause of living freely as we're meant to do… wait until 'History' 'allows' our release from millennia-long chains of deceit… and cruelty… and from the Hell of welding them together ourselves… out of fear… that no one will stand with us… [Vetted pundit]: “But theory would lead us to expect that capitalism would be replaced by socialism as a result of the development of the means of production coming into contradiction…” Meanwhile… while we're told to wait for 'History' to deliver us… 'power' is rushing to close down the obvious opportunity of instantaneous global communications… [The Economist]: “In the case of protest movements, the waves of collective action leave a big digital footprint. Using ever more sophisticated algorithms, governments can mine these data. That is changing the balance of power. In the event of another Arab spring, autocrats would [and of course the shadow U.S. global-state (we have to have the right language to grapple with these things…) is not 'autocratic'… it just kills ('neutralizes') all the folks who point the way to authentic freedom… – P.S.] autocrats would not be caught off guard again because they are now able to monitor protests and intervene when they consider it necessary. They can also identify and neutralise the most influential activists…”
It may be that all the ill-health of the last century may be justifiably laid at their door (and I say this because they have been experimenting with these weapons for a long time… figuring out how to intensify the hit… flooding the atmosphere with substances that would allow that… and as I said in another show I'm beginning to suspect that that whole 'geo-engineering' discussion that was current for a while and that Bill Gates was a big funder of – he seems to be at the intersection of a lot of the signifier-issues of global-'power': 'education' initiative [getting control of our heads…] 'food security'… [interfering with our ability to be self-sufficient…] atmosphere-modification [EMF-weapons / High-tech Auschwitz…] – I know we're not supposed to care who these 'power'-guys are… but in some instances it is just so obvious… that he has bought his way into the 'inner circle' of these folk – absolutely no doubt… megalomaniacal for days these people are… imagine playing with our lives… deciding who lives… who dies – it's just beyond the ken of earth-loving… human-being-loving-folk…) – what an achievement! – while they boast of the wonders of their 'science' designed to ameliorate or terminate the ill-health they cause… Authentic movement (in body… mind… and spirit…) they want not… they fear it it seems – in their 'system' what 'downward-spirals'… or 'tracks-up' they want to be their 'gift' or punishment – as 'evidence' of their 'god'-like status'… And so now they have a large repertoire of 'diseases' (and I'm serious… I keep finding out new ones: Parkinson's and pneumonia…) that they make happen in us – what a legacy of their time on the planet.
In other words… the 'system' is self-reflecting and all aspects are designed to continuously re-manifest 'the state': 'scarcity' manifests the state in 'the economy': that's why they have to continually ensure that scarcity exists… despite the obvious reality of our earth's abundance; dualistic / utilitarian thinking ('citizen'-'barbarian') manifests it in the 'polity': and I have learned that whatever official name the 'power'-guys give to the polity in whatever the state happens to be… it is… until we have our world back… in reality… Fascistic… totalitarian; the abandonment of children manifests it in 'the family'… and lack of empathy manifests it in the individual… We can riff on any aspect but we're always talking about one thing…Last week we said: “In our collective grieving it doesn't matter if anyone else is authentic… as long as we are – we model it… and let the earth-in-us do the rest…” – and that's “the earth-in-'us'”… collective 'us'… But it may be more difficult to be 'authentic' than to 'defend' the authentic self – 'defending it' being that collective effort towards our freedom (materialized in the alternative we make… together…) A recent experience confirms this… confirms that the problem of our 'understanding' the state (our parents) runs very deep in our psyches… in our habits of being. …Zora concludes: “I do not know what was the ultimate right in this case. I do know how I felt at the time. There is always something fiendish and loathsome about a person who threatens to deprive you of your way of making a living…”
Proudhon: “Man is a rational and social animal… said Aristotle. This definition is worth more than all which have been given since. I do not except even M. de Bonald's celebrated definition, – man is an intellect served by organs, – a definition which has the double fault of explaining the known by the unknown; that is, the living being by the intellect; and of neglecting man's essential quality, – animality. Man, then, is an animal living in society. Society means, the sum total of relationships; in short, system.…” [I resist the word 'system' with its mechanistic implications: “a set of things working together as parts of a mechanism or an interconnecting network…” – I resist the idea that this word – so evocative of totalitarianism – has anything to do with human societies inherently… i.e. with our voluntary association… i.e. with our future. In our July 12, 2015 show in which we discussed 'de-centralization' as an essential characteristic of our freedom… we quoted Paul Goodman's phrase: “the organization is how we cooperate…” which conveys a thing ever-growing and changing as we learn ever-more about our world and each other. I prefer this conveyance of the dynamic into our picture of freedom… for instance Kropotkin's way of describing it… but he was standing in a place decades-on past this writing of Proudhon's… with the benefit of those decades of intense introduction to the ever-growing concentration of 'power' in the centralized state of the advancing global totalitarian 'order'… He had no choice but to come to grips with the full implications of it in his analysis… on which he based his strategic guidance… – P.S.]
Proudhon: “…Now, all systems exist only on certain conditions…” [This sounds like Wallerstein: “My analysis is based on two premises…” he wrote: “The first is that capitalism is a system, and that all systems have lives; they are never eternal. The second is that to say that capitalism is a system is to say that it has operated by a specific set of rules during what I believe to be its approximately 500 years of existence…” – and then he went on to say: “In my view, for a historical system to be considered a capitalist system, the dominant or deciding characteristic must be the persistent search for the endless accumulation of capital – the accumulation of capital in order to accumulate more capital.… The priority of accumulating capital in order to accumulate still more capital seems to me a thoroughly irrational objective. To say that it is irrational… is not to say that it cannot work in the sense of being able to sustain a historical system, at least for a considerable length of time. The modern world-system has lasted some 500 years, and in terms of its guiding principle of the endless accumulation of capital it has been extremely successful. However, as we shall argue, the period of its ability to continue to operate on this basis has now come to an end…” are we feeling it?… the need for authentic thought right now?… – P.S.]
For our May 1, 2016 show:
“Now that’s a great illustration of the contrast between the clarity with which children see… and the challenged vision of adults under ‘class’… due to manufactured ‘scarcity’ and the stories we’re led to believe. So while 10,000 years of subjection produces a profound paralysis of action in us… each child starts out fresh… with backs that must be made to bend…” [From the Waking Up Radio show of February 22, 2015]
“And officially classified debtor states are required, on pain of losing their creditability as states (and hence of losing, in today’s world, their very “stateness”), to reduce the cost of their exports by reducing the costs to capital, direct and indirect, of labor within their borders. Popular demonstrations against such officially constructed austerity plans are reported almost daily. This world-level, organized pressure to depress the living conditions of the world’s more and less proletarianized workers is hard to construe as other than a strategic escalation (by capital) of class struggle.…” And my comment on what we were just hearing: the overall point here… is that the debtor – creditor relation strips the illusion of any material basis for the ‘theory’ that gaining state-power… could lead to a people-led and defined (determined) global transformation to a ‘socialist’ (however defined… and I’m arguing it must mean ‘freedom’…) world… – P.S.] [From the Waking Up Radio show of February 22, 2015]
Our May 1, 2016 show:
To the degree possible… during these shows we will be continuing to follow in the newspapers – and certainly here be giving thanks for – the “Nuit Debout” (“Night Standing Up”: which I take to mean… that those who have been disappeared are disappeared no more…) occupiers of plazas across France… and particularly in the Place de la Republique in Paris… and ask all of us to consider this May Day… and every day… organizing Global General Strikes in order to begin planning our future based in abundance (the mutual aid and cooperation of nations) and non-coercion… de-centralization… and the end of hierarchy… 'class'… rank. This means linking our resistance together…Arrighi, Hopkins and Wallerstein: “Perhaps the central question is this [say our Good Three]: how, and to what extent, can the well-organized arms of progressive movements in Western Europe, framed as they are by their current forms and immediate concerns, recompose themselves into agencies, not of national realization but of world-historical transformation? This recomposition would mean they became in the future as subversive of the interstate system per se as they have in the past been its products and proponents…”
I've been pondering the degree to which artists are at risk because there is no division within them 'servant of the state' and 'human'… one is a human being first… last and always… If we have no choice but to advance that truth without qualifiers of any kind… we will find ourselves targeted. So in our upcoming shows we turn our eyes and hearts to those who possess that… and do that… and call them 'artists'… acknowledging that 'power' is a jealous and paranoid Tribe of restless seekers of 'proof' of their own superiority… and that those who refuse to confirm this lie… by 'taking the money' and pretending that 'the system' is a fit tomb for the soul… the self-hating Tribe of Plato is determined to destroy.… In a previous show when I said that the song “Baby I'm A Star” was quite enough to get Prince targeted… I said it without stopping to let that – what it fully meant – sink in… that the pain… buzzing head… electrical-paralysis (my skull feels numb most of the time these days – the 'hitting' is continuous…) and swollen-ness – and the off-the-charts 'harassment' in ways that cannot be 'proven' (“They don't care where they kick… Just as long as they hurt you…”) The global-state-statesmen hate those who know they shine (for they cannot be controlled…) I knew he was being targeted because targeting me – given my particular circumstances – allowed me to see them… and see therefore their preoccupations… their strategy… and their m.o.… Targeting me with false folk and hidden weaponry… was revelatory… revealed the degree to which they are determined to construct all the thoughts in all of our children's heads… so thereby to interrupt Thought's natural process of growth and prevent any of us from ever recovering our true-power… and therefore from ever wanting to recover our authentic freedom…
“Then answered the Jews and said unto him, What sign shewest thou unto us, seeing that thou doest these things? Jesus answered and said unto them, Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up. Then said the Jews, Forty and six years was this temple in building and wilt thou rear it up in three days? But he spake of the temple of his body…” I believe he was using 'temple' as metaphor for the body – and “thieves in the temple” perfectly describes the assault with EMF of the 'power'-guys on the 'temple' that is our body – and (as Leuren Moret said…) they can literally remotely monitor brain activity.
We have to understand that we are butting up against folks with limitless resources – so long as we allow them to continuously draw on us… because we are the abundance they bloat themselves on – who see themselves as playing the long-game… that is… they live to conceive and execute plots that require years to bring complete denouement… i.e.… they never see 'end' to their meanness… will never concede… We… on the other hand… have been… not just too tolerant of their need to feel dominant… not just too unsure of our own gifts… too unappreciative of them… too trapped in the immediate… and the imposed atomization… but we haven't had a language in which to discuss it… and of course the means of discourse… and this is where artists come in… striving courageously to provide it… both the language… and the linkages between us… That artists exist provides the clear… living… evidence that 'class' is totalitarian… as… by their contrast we see the degree to which our world has been sculpted such that the vast majority are kept from our due development… conditioned to see ourselves not as human beings but as 'workers'. In the absence of our backing… artists have no choice but to lay low… go private… to the detriment of all of us. We are not making it safe for them to take chances… use their greater reach to support global freedom for all – and in that absence we prolong our due freedom indefinitely. But if we were to demand discussion of 'power's clandestine tactics and weapons… would that still be the case?
“The Outer From the Inner derives its magnitude…” said Emily. The 'power'-guys want to construct our 'inners' to ensure we will never develop any magnitude sufficient to challenge them… And this is done by taking control of the children (because that is… in fact… how the system reproduces itself… how could we ever have not been discussing this?… it is so obvious… and that is done – taking control of the children is done – by means of the coerced-work system – we are forced as parents to abandon them… This commandeering of our spirits has happened to each and every one of us (under 'class'…) reducing our lives to a choice between being strictly controlled – staying where we're put on 'power's dinner-table – or being cleared from the table… never getting a chance to grow our gifts… always remaining inanimate objects (until our freedom animates us… that is unfortunately what we are: puppets of 'power'… when they construct and hold the strings that constrain us…) objects subject to 'power's “'right' of disposal”… This brings us to another group of highly-targeted folk (also 'artists'…): those who work with children. 'Power' wants the influences that reach our children to be strictly monitored… regulated… and overhauled – not to ensure that children's self-development is supported… but rather to ensure 'power's continued domination by sowing within the children fascistic proclivities. How do we 'be authentic'… in a totalitarian reality?… in the absence of the support we create in our 'associations' to build global unity towards freedom? I raised this question last week because my process of thinking-through what an “authentic 'self-defense' practice” must do… along with some observations as I assist with the teaching of pre-schoolers 'self-defense'… has raised questions… and brought up my own unconscious channeling of the hidden-'state' – demonstrating to me how much we need each other to grow beyond 'power's totalitarian conditioning of us.
A lot of us start out asking why the 'Golden Rule' – “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you…” – cannot… it seems be observed… We know now that to do so would end 'the system'… making it a radical and heroic act to continue raising the question. Let's start with the children… we must not tell them what words to speak… what thoughts to think… they have their own thoughts… which surpass ours for clarity by far. I have learned to ask a favor of the parents who prompt 'political' (i.e. state-sanctioned) speech or acts in their children… to please refrain… because children have their own voices… their own minds… their own ability to judge and think… and that it is by watching us that they learn what it is possible to be… and that one thing we absolutely do not want… is for them to become robots.
Proudhon: “Now, all systems exist only on certain conditions…” [that of 'class' being to train children to be puppets of 'Authority'… – P.S.]. “What, then, are the conditions, the laws, of human society? What are the rights of men with respect to each other; what is justice?” [And he is talking about what should be… what must be… for us to be human – not in his worst dreams could he have imagined what we are accepting today as our 'reality'… – P.S.] “To practise justice is to obey the social instinct [i.e.… to be in harmony with the earth… which means being in harmony with our bodies… respecting their longing to be free… crediting it when they tell us we are not… despite the 'education' we receive… – P.S.]; to do an act of justice is to do a social act. If, then, we watch the conduct of men toward each other under different circumstances, it will be easy for us to distinguish between the presence and absence of society; from the result we may inductively infer the law. Let us commence with the simplest and least doubtful cases. The mother, who protects her son at the peril of her life, and sacrifices every thing to his support, is in society with him – she is a good mother. She, on the contrary, who abandons her child, is unfaithful to the social instinct, – maternal love being one of its many features; she is an unnatural mother. [In the Preface to Waking Up I noted that animals in zoos often turn on their own babies – but… this aside… I do not doubt that Proudhon would recognize in psychic abandonment abandonment-still… and in the poisonous pedagogues of his day and beyond… and in its adherents we call 'Plato's Tribesmen'… a most unnatural band of humans… – P.S.]
For our May 8, 2016 show:
In this week's show we return to this matter of our cultivating a new 'economic' allegiance… using our definition of 'economic': 'suppressed creative expression flowering'… and our on-going need to create and use a language between us that reinforces our right to an authentic Freedom – i.e. based in individual self-sufficiency… which means “no masters”. We will be arguing that the road to this accomplishment is through owning our own spontaneous feelings… a section of the chapter, “Progress” in Waking Up I would write differently… Today… with the benefit of Alice Miller… and Karl Popper… and John Boswell… and Martin Bernal et al.… we can see that it was not the “pressure of 'Necessity'” that drove the (what would eventually become) 'Plato's Tribesmen' to unleash their hate on us… rather it was… base and corrupt… child abandonment – these Tiny Few who plague us today are the progeny of the oblates John Boswell writes of… the abandoned children of the abandoned children of 'princes'… who were mis-guided by that 'original' of the 'global-state-statesman': Plato.
Our May 8, 2016 show:
The flowering of suppressed creativeness – our spontaneous feelings held back out of a false sense of allegiance to our parents – that comes with the recovery of the true self… we are saying is our definition of 'economics-in-two-aspects': as on the feeding of the soil depends the subsequent harvest… doing this… tending with attentiveness to the goal in mind… and describing it as such when we do it (because we possess the right story…) is “de-commissioning the inner-system”… is saying “we are working to establish the conditions that allow each one of us to be self-sufficient (my entire life that 'each one of us'… along with the global-emphasis… has been an absent emphasis on the Left – how do we end 'class' without it?…) the conditions that mean 'we do not need you (“the system”)' to feed us (either body or soul) anymore… but which embrace the conscious mutual-interdependence of all human beings globally…” – because we must work together globally to get free of global-'power'… to feed ourselves… to help each other… and to repair the damage done to the earth during the mad romp over us – for two and a half centuries – of the Plato's Tribesmen… …it's saying that we are the sufficient power and energy we need to create our just and fair and joyous global society. “De-commissioning the inner-system” – developing a strong core – allows us to “de-commission the outer-system”: develop the networks and associations that allow us to 'switch' our allegiance – expressed in securing land together… growing our own food as associations… and exchanging our goods and services globally: by-passing (as our Good Three said…) the interstate system (which of course is only accomplished by means of Global General Strikes as part of the process of wresting free our lives from their entanglement with the abusiveness of the 'class'-system…)
…the New York Times (of May 5, 2016) concoction of elaborately mixed b.s.… could not illustrate better both the threat Prince is to 'power'… and the reality that the media is but the Department of Propaganda for the global-state-statesmen. The amount of space they devote to saying nothing is a big tell… as well as the fact that this 'nothing' is paraded as truth despite being nothing but the unsupported testimony of precisely the false folks Prince strove heroically to defend himself against his entire performing life [and the full extent of his heroism is only just now sinking in… They tortured him… by surrounding him with false folks and by hitting him with EMF radiation – both tactics inflicting a soul-crushing isolation by making it impossible for him to talk about it (because of the nature of the weapons…) for if he tried… not even his friends [I've learned the hard way…] would believe him… and the 'power'-guys would be all over the attempt… using it to invalidate him… his work… and force him into an even deeper silence… as it was he was forced to deal not just with the energy-draining pain… electrical paralysis… and swelling of the assault – the never feeling well – but also a terrible isolation… all the more terrible for a person who so loved and needed touch and authenticity… to sustain his soul – his art – particularly as EMF blocks our natural electrical connections – a kind of torture no one understands who is not experiencing it… …and I have to add this about the tactic of EMF [although please don't think EMF is their only tactic to 'neutralize' a threat: there's also 'give them a job'… or 'a mate'… or a mate and then EMF…]: they tend to use it on only one person in a given network – and I'm talking about their political 'eliminations' (as opposed to their use of it for 'population management' – for 'High-tech Auschwitz'…) – only one 'treatment' at a time… so folks won't connect the dots and have the support of another person… His assassination suggests (unless he was about to release some powerful songs of resistance…) they have in mind another target. So do we see that if we allow anyone to be EMF-assaulted… we could be next on the list… to receive the same 'treatment' one day?… We let Prince suffer because we didn't know… but from this point forward… we are complicit in the suffering of any artist… and we will lose their gifts… which we need to see our true selves… For until we regain our world… reclaim our 'selves' and our gifts… artists harbor them… They are our treasures… the treasures within…)
These guys live to concoct lies… it's apparently all they do with their time on the planet… and then to attempt to smother all the goodness and love with said lies that they can find… If there was anyone authentic left around Prince after decades of them 'working' on him… I'd be very surprised… Even the fact that he was killed in an elevator is likely significant – these sad abandoned children can't seem to resist making fun of us – “Love come quick… love come in a hurry… There're fascists in the U.S. of A.… Love come quick… love come in a hurry… There're fascists takin' our lives… our world… away…” – and I'm talking about the global (shadow) U.S. State [and we're gonna be talking more about what I mean by that'… I've gotten help with that concept by just noticing how state functionaries can be put to work in the tracking and the targeting of me – and not just state functionaries… but 'workers' in general… public or private – a 'shadow state' is not what you might think… it's simply the global 'class'-system… it's having people paid to do what they are told… and it is a global 'class'-system… it is a global 'shadow state'…] Let's honor Prince's courage and love in death better than we did in life… let's not let them sneak away with their EMF weapons…pretending they didn't kill him. If there is no such thing as a whole array of EMF-weapons used against citizens of the U.S.… that can cause a variety of symptoms… symptoms that are then diagnosed as diseases and illnesses… say so… Department of the Navy… say so under oath.).
There's two fronts on which we can immediately address these hidden threats: circulating a petition demanding accountability of the Department of the Navy – to divulge… identify… itemize… and explain the use of any EMF-weapons that can be used against individuals… and then… under oath… to explain whether they are used against citizens of the U.S.A. – and then… reclaiming ourselves… beginning to practice wholistic (authentic) self-defense… is key… We've been allowing artists to be put at extreme risk in order to be an artist… We may likely never know how many did so at the cost of their lives… This is not going to stop until we step up… – and Prince's example – a potent illustration of the power and vitality that comes from owning one's authentic freedom – could have provided the answer… might have convinced more of us that we have to talk about these things: the punishment heaped on those who are authentic beings – and doesn't 'authentic' mean 'happiness'?… which explains 'power's determination to punish it… to make it – force it to be – 'unhappy'… and forestall any challenge to the state on these grounds. These folks that bring 'the punishment' – hidden-'power' – have been breathing down Prince's neck for almost all of his adult life. Imagine the courage it took to not let them steal his love.
…the global U.S. state (which is a shadow state…) is rolling out an overt Fascistic 'reality' – globally… it always happens globally… as we saw in the 1930s… that's the point… it is a global system of 'class'… that's how they realize 'Plato's vision (and the need for totalitarianism to be global if it is to be rigid and fixed explains why Plato thought his vision could only be Utopian…) So they have very consciously been making this a global system. We understood this in the early twentieth century… and the wars of annihilation of our global socialist consciousness [World Wars I and II] held that consciousness back… forced us to continuously re-discover… re-learn…what we knew before it was destroyed: that our movement must be global… – the pace at which they are imposing a fascistic reality… and attempting to force us (and that includes the elected 'representatives' – they too must be puppets – it may help to just say “we got a fascist state… and we cannot fade… we must step up if we want a free future for ourselves and our children…”) the pace at which the global U.S. state is attempting to force us to accept it… – its vested domination of the existing global totalitarian 'order' – makes addressing this… fear… in our resistance a number one priority… Two recent articles in local community weekly papers illustrate this… [So you see the strategy that's going on… they do not want us using this technology to convene our global movements… or… here in the U.S.… to convene our conventions and our referendum on our right to happiness… to 'call that question' here in the U.S.… They want us to fear doing this… and… yes… to do this we will have to convene… at points… large public gatherings… and smaller gatherings… – and… yes… those will be monitored… we cannot fear to do this… We have to use these tools… it's absolutely essential that we not allow ourselves to be kept from our due freedom… kept from our due solidarity with our Brothers and Sisters who suffer much more at the hands of their states than we… out of fear that the state will read that we want to call the question of our right to happiness… or to convene Global General Strikes… We have to get clear that either or both of these things are within our right…]
Proudhon: – “In all these cases, man is moved by an internal attraction towards his fellow, by a secret sympathy which causes him to love, congratulate, and condole; so that, to resist this attraction, his will must struggle against his nature. But in these respects there is no decided difference between man and the animals. With them, as long as the weakness of their young endears them to their mothers, – in a word, associates them with their mothers [I've also witnessed (in seagulls) how 'weakness' in one's fellow inspires we-animals to help… We see then what a complete overthrow of our natures is accomplished with poisonous pedagogy… when children are led to despise 'weakness'… – P.S.], – the latter protect the former, at the peril of their lives, with a courage which reminds us of our heroes dying for their country [Let's update this… now that we've got a good look at our Global Band of Brigands who coalesced in the aftermath of the French Revolution… and their cynical adoption of fascism when it suits their purpose… the Plato's Tribesmen – let's update this to read: “…for the freedom of human beings globally… – P.S.] There is, however, a difference between us two-handed bipeds and other living creatures – what is it?… It is by our reflective and reasoning powers, with which we seem to be exclusively endowed, that we know that it is injurious, first to others and then to ourselves, to resist the social instinct which governs us, and which we call justice. [Two thousand years previous to Proudhon's writing this… Plato attempted to overthrow this definition and replace it with: “service to the state…” and yet… it lived on… until Plato's Tribesmen… Republic in hand… re-vitalized it… by seizing command of our world… using its tool… 'the economy'… – P.S.] It is our reason which teaches us that the selfish man, the robber, the murderer – in a word, the traitor to society – sins against Nature, and is guilty with respect to others and himself, when he does wrong wilfully.… [This provides support to the argument we've been making in this space… that the mindset of 'rule'… of 'power'… of 'class'… leads to the atrophy of thought… – P.S.]”
Proudhon: – “Finally, it is our social sentiment on the one hand, and our reason on the other, which cause us to think that beings such as we should take the responsibility of their acts.… Our appreciation (I do not say exclusive appreciation, for the animals also realize that they have done wrong, and are indignant when one of their number is attacked, but), our infinitely superior appreciation of our social duties, our knowledge of good and evil, does not establish, as regards morality, any vital difference between man and the beasts.”
Proudhon: – “The second degree of sociability is justice… The sentiment of justice we share with the animals; we alone can form an exact idea of it; but our idea, as has been said already, does not change its nature. We shall soon see how man rises to a third degree of sociability which the animals are incapable of reaching. But I must first prove by metaphysics that society, justice, and equality, are three equivalent terms, – three expressions meaning the same thing, – whose mutual conversion is always allowable. If, amid the confusion of a shipwreck, having escaped in a boat with some provisions, I see a man struggling with the waves, am I bound to go to his assistance? Yes, I am bound under penalty of being adjudged guilty of murder and treason against society. But am I also bound to share with him my provisions?… That which in this instance obscures our duty is our power of foresight, which, causing us to fear an eventual danger, impels us to usurpation, and makes us robbers and murderers.” [This strikes me as a key point… one which explains the psychological dynamic underlying what Karl Popper calls 'historicism' (which I believe is an expression of the 'scarcity'- or 'abandonment'-mindset of 'class' that has so plagued us for millennia…) – and which may allow us to gain a deeper understanding of his related discussion of 'Utopian social engineering' – imposing on the present…or forcing it to accord with… irrespective of the demands which the present makes… one's concept of 'the future.' But then… this is not 'foresight' but 'anticipation'… 'assumption'… that what has been will be again: the posture of 'resistanceless-ness'… 'passivity' vis-a-vis 'possibility'… because unconscious of… a repetition compulsion. But also because the central dualistic mindset of 'class' (another dimension of the 'Abandonment' disease… akin to… or another way of looking at… the assumption of 'scarcity') – the split between 'citizen' and 'barbarian' – attempts to prevent the acquisition of experience with the rejected 'other'… such that we could gain new information… and re-form our consciousness (as Proudhon… with Alice… is confident we can do…) – and this… upon consideration… sends its support to Nikola Tesla's contention that once we attained full access to each other – through instantaneous communication – we would shortly thereafter attain our freedom….
Our May 15, 2016 show:
Lied to… lied to… lied about… lied to about his hip… What they did to me… days before they killed him (but what was the precipitating event?… They'd been torturing him with EMF for decades… and these guys are sadists…) Do we have an inherent right to freedom?… to light?… to truth? It is a a single truth… and so a single 'opposite'… a single opposite operating premise: 'Authority'… 'class'……a single counter-truth… 'falseness'… that the prophets of all religions are reacting to… who see……that we are meant to be free… that all have a right to develop their gifts unhindered and without limit… as they see fit… without coercion – all of which is prevented from so being… by folks who literally take over our bodies…(…so what does it authentically mean… we are asking… to defend them? – and in the answer is merged… everything… all 'spheres' of the social relations of 'class': ethics… politics… economics. And 'power is determined to destroy those who… like Prince… answer that question by claiming full ownership of their own bodies… which is what 'artist' means – an artist can have no other master and be an artist… truth must be their currency… love their fuel…) the invasion of our bodies as a global-'class'-society-wide process of forced relinquishment necessarily requires massive censoring… massive lying… total withholding of the truth… and… as Emily Dickinson well-knew… a 'disappearing' of those who manifest the 'one' truth… who offer to youth the model of honoring oneself and the gifts the earth gives only (and all of our words for 'God' in essence mean 'the earth'… as on earth we dwell… of earth we are… from earth we learn… to earth we return… the earth is all: eternal… and infinite…)
Proudhon: “For there is one truth of which I am profoundly convinced – nations live [and now… as 'class' is profoundly totalitarian… we may say 'the world lives'… – P.S.] by absolute ideas, not by approximate and partial conceptions; therefore, men are needed who define principles, or at least test them in the fire of controversy. Such is the law, – the idea first, the pure idea, the understanding of the laws of God, the theory: practice follows with slow steps, cautious, attentive to the succession of events; sure to seize, towards this eternal meridian, the indications of supreme reason. The co-operation of theory and practice produces in humanity the realization of order, – the absolute truth. [And what Proudhon means by these terms is not of course what the 'power'-guys (like Hegel…) mean by them… – P.S.] All of us, as long as we live, are called, each in proportion to his strength [and let's not forget what Alice said: to force on children the principle of 'absolute obedience' saps their vitality and destroys their strength… rendering them for their lifetimes servants only of their masters ('power'… 'abuse'… 'Authority'…) never of the truth… – unless… by some happy chance… they gain the information they need to break free of that conditioning… – P.S.], [as long as we live we are called] to this sublime work. The only duty which it imposes upon us is to refrain from appropriating the truth to ourselves, either by concealing it, or by accommodating it to the temper of the century, or by using it for our own interests. This principle of conscience, so grand and so simple, has always been present in my thought.”
What I am waiting for… is for Proudhon to admit… that 'falseness'… lies… 'fabrication'… 'spies'… 'craft'… artificial construction… suppression of information… clandestine operation of government… are inherent in the 'class'-project… and that while we… each one of us… is born honest… we are forced to deny that part of us: our honest assessment – that is… our very human-ness… our capacity to reason authentically (in consonance with truth… with our social nature… which is truth)… the abuse of each one of us this entails… the waste of our lives in countless ways… upon due thought… the thought of the prophets… stirs us to outrage… and then… with Proudhon… to thought… Proudhon: “What! if we suffer for truth and justice, must we, in retaliation, thrust our persecutors outside the pale of human society;… Such is not the wisdom of Christianity. O proletaires, proletaires! how long are you to be victimized by this spirit of revenge and implacable hatred which your false friends kindle, and which, perhaps, has done more harm to the development of reformatory ideas than the corruption, ignorance, and malice of the government?… How successful you would have been if, in order to influence men, you had appealed to the self-love of men…” – with Proudhon… we want to understand… and… more specifically… as our Alice said… gain information about the despised 'other' – would not this… gained experience… be the most needed content… of authentic 'self'-defense?
The shadow-state… the global shadow-state… is 'the coerced work system' (why did it take me so long so see this?…) because we have been trained to obey Authority: control the top spots and you control the hierarchy… and dupe the lot with the ruse 'democracy'… the ideology of 'better-than'… of 'citizen' - 'barbarian'… the facade is not the reality… the 'false friends' who spread hatred and division… all of them… regardless of place in the hierarchical-global-'class'-society… is the state… under the system of 'hire-by-“power”… (Is this clear?… can we see that… while the top spots needed to control government operations are gained by infiltration… through the insertion of loyalists who serve the global-state-statesmen… the global shadow-state encompasses more than just them and the legions controlled by them who are in government… but also their counter-parts in the private sector. A UPS driver who obeys and places his truck in a given location and turns on his hazard lights to assist in the clandestine tracking of someone is part of the shadow-state… likewise the Uber and the private ambulance drivers… etc.… etc.… It is the coerced-work-system that forces our bodies into compliance… forces them to be subject to control… and it is the global-shadow-state that commandeers them… The visible government is but facade.)
…we want to be effective… we want to de-commission 'the system'… Proudhon: “There has been no true revolution, says M. Cousin, without its idea; so that where an idea does not exist, or even fails of a formal expression, revolution is impossible. There are mobs, conspirators, rioters, regicides. There are no revolutionists. Society, devoid of ideas, twists and tosses about, and dies in the midst of its fruitless labor. Nevertheless, you all feel that a revolution is to come, and that you alone can accomplish it. What, then, is the idea which governs you, proletaires of the nineteenth century? – for really I cannot call you revolutionists. What do you think? – what do you believe? – what do you want? Be guarded in your reply. I have read faithfully your favorite journals, your most esteemed authors. I find everywhere only vain and puerile entités; nowhere do I discover an idea… Suppose that, perceiving all the mutual relations of men, whether they produce or exchange or consume… – in a word, social relations; suppose, I say, that, perceiving this, you wish to give this natural society a legal existence, and to establish the fact by law, – I say that then you need a clear, positive, and exact expression of your whole idea, – that is, an expression which states at once the principle, the means, and the end; and I add that that expression is association…”
…'class' is now intentionally-made totalitarian… global… Proudhon's 'transition'-vision has a 'nation'-frame… (we'll have to discuss whether… in a sense… as long as our allegiance in global …that's helpful… as in our de-centralized… cooperative… network of associations… the 'outer' and the 'inner' are mutually-reflective… -supporting… and -determinative…) But also as with Alice… the truth – a single… current of love – runs through it… that guides us true. But… in the shadows… a Tiny Few have been scheming in concert with a global-view… requiring that we take into our grasp this dramatic shift in 'power's plans – and update our analysis… and shape our plans… to manifest and make a global vision.
It was from Kropotkin that we first learned of Proudhon's 'system de-commissioning' strategy (which sounds very like St. Luke, 20: 25… which we'll get to next week: “Render therefore unto Caesar the things which be Caesar's, and unto God the things which be God's…”) He favored an approach he called 'Mutuellisme'… Kropotkin: “Under such a system… all the exchanges of services would be strictly equivalent. Besides, such a bank would be enabled to lend money without interest, levying only something like 1 per cent, or even less, for covering the cost of administration. Every one being thus enabled to borrow the money that would be required to buy a house, nobody would agree to pay any more a yearly rent for the use of it. A general “social liquidation” would thus be rendered easy, without expropriation. The same applied to mines, railways, factories, and so on.”
How complimentary Kropotkin and Proudhon are – Kropotkin was thinking a lot about what it would look like: our de-centralized… mutually-supporting… network of associations…And Proudhon was thinking similarly – in fact… Kropotkin may have been inspired by that idea of Proudhon's – Proudhon may have stimulated his thinking to go to the next step of actually doing it. But Proudhon is so critical for the actual 'transition'-thinking that we're doing… because 'the system' is a train that we have to gradually slow down – and I don't mean 'gradually' in terms of 'years'… because we have a 'global' system with 'global' folk… seven billion – it is simply a matter of getting the critical mass working on this… each of us doing our bit… working on some part of it… that slows this sucker down… grinds it to a halt – that is our sole focus in coming shows: “how do we do that?… how do we withdraw our 'fuel' from that train that is determined to destroy everything?”… because of that repetition compulsion. See… we needed all of them… all these necessary folk been thinking on this stuff for a while…
Proudhon: “The principal cause of the evil [of the current system] lay in the accumulation and immobility of capital of all sorts, – an immobility which prevented labor, enslaved and subalternized ['kept below every other'… – P.S.] by haughty idleness, from ever acquiring it… Labor invented money. Afterwards, this invention was revived and developed by the bill of exchange and the Bank. For all these things are substantially the same, and proceed from the same mind.… By this means [the bill of exchange], oppressed equality was enabled to laugh at the efforts of the proprietors [the aristocracy], and the balance of justice was adjusted for the first time in the tradesman's shop [this is why… as Wallerstein explains in his book The Modern World-System IV: Centrist Liberalism Triumphant, 1789 – 1914… (sections of which we read in our “Embracing Global Goals” series of shows… for example in our November 15, 2015 show) this is why they were called 'liberals'… – P.S.]. Now I say that, to establish equality among men, it is only necessary to generalize the principle upon which insurance, agricultural, and commercial associations are based. I say that competition, isolation of interests, monopoly, privilege, accumulation of capital, exclusive enjoyment, subordination of functions, individual production, the right of profit or increase, the exploitation of man by man, and to sum up all these species under one head, that PROPERTY is the principal cause of misery and crime…” …and he would abolish it by means of reforms to what exists… without any expropriation… both because… with Karl Popper… he believes the development of we-the-people to be necessarily continuous – as it is our nature… our earth-gift… to do so – and so believes… with Karl Popper… in piecemeal social engineering…
St.Luke: “And he went into the temple, and began to cast out them that sold therein and them that bought; saying unto them, “It is written, My house is the house of prayer: but ye have made it a den of thieves.” And he taught daily in the temple. But the chief priests and the scribes and the chief of the people sought to destroy him, and could not find what they might do: for all the people were very attentive to hear him… And the chief priests and the scribes the same hour sought to lay hands on him; and they feared the people: for they perceived that he had spoken this parable against them.” [Since 'class' begun those who strove to stoke the courage of the people to rise against it – before prophesy ruled moot their subtlety – spoke in parable and poem… metaphor and song… in short… were forced into a delicate dance… to do what the earth called them to. This is the position of artists across 'class'-time… But too much is now at stake to indulge the illusion that subtlety as to 'vision'… can lay down with commitment… and we stand up whole… and claim our bodies are our own… or pretend that subtlety protects us… from paranoid 'power'… when it's just the opposite… they will go after you just to keep you from saying the obvious: that getting free – an end to the coerced-work-system – is within our reach… that it can only be done by associating globally and withdrawing our energy from… de-commissioning… 'the system'… and sharing these discussions as broadly as you can reach. If you make 'the inherent freedom of humans'… stated thus… your raison d'etre… it will inspire all of us to rise up… and the ancestors will back it…
In our reading last week Proudhon was making the point that we – with all animals – are alike in our possession of a social nature… and that this social nature is incorporated consciously into our personalities… by means of our powers of analysis… in a just human society… but that fears afflicting some ('class'-reared-humans – although in truth… to be just… we must fix this responsibility on Plato's Tribesmen…) fear caused them to project onto the future their assumptions about what 'must be' to prevent the 'coming-to-be' of their worst fears (that being… I suspect… underlying the lies they tell themselves… that they were unloved as infants… and that their entire schema for 'rationalizing' the world is a product of this abuse… their experience of psychic and physical Abandonment… and that all of their subsequent actions are sprung from that damage – that fear of exposure of their fundamental weakness of constitution… their lack of wholeness… their loss of spontaneity… vitality… feeling – these lacks in them they fear will be exposed for all to see… that all will see they are the root of their deep-seated hate… and their fear as well… that we-the-people… once free of the hate they have fixed on us… will create our over-due world of abundance and love… a world bounteous and just – the very opposite of what they contend… that we represent 'chaos.' [This brings us to the consideration of whether this mindset reflects… in fact… the central dualism of 'class': the distinction between 'citizen' and 'barbarian'… upon which distinction (assumption… premise…) the Plato's Tribesmen have hung their entire self-justification – destroying countless lives in their fundamental misconceptions – forcing all life into its Utopian social engineering experiment.] Popper: “Inherent in Plato's programme there is a certain approach towards politics which, I believe, is most dangerous. Its analysis is of great practical importance from the point of view of rational social engineering. The Platonic approach I have in mind can be described as that of Utopian engineering, as opposed to another kind of social engineering which I consider as the only rational one, and which may be described by the name of piecemeal engineering.”
For our May 22, 2016 show:
…Kropotkin (whose voracious and fertile mind captured all the rich conditions which furthered the planting of decentralization (what… in Waking Up… I thought of as 'distributed generation'… a different way of saying the same thing… or at least… definitely complementary…) allowing us to … finally… pursue happiness – as a people… because we cannot pursue happiness as a people without the land… our conditions of existence…) Karl Popper (so critical on so many levels…) Miklos Nyiszli (ditto… but let me add… he shows us in 'power's m.o. their desperate need to keep their killing secret… and provides that necessary reminder that there are physical traces of theses things… these weapons they're using: iron in bodily fluids… swelling throughout the body… e.g.… that we need to be documenting…) Martin Luther King (who demonstrated the power of public 'voicing'… in… or along with… a global-frame – took 'the word' to the pulpit-in-the-streets… and did so globally…) and Terence K. Hopkins (to represent for our Good Three… who did attain and push forward unrelentingly that truly global-vantage… that we need to get free…) Martin Bernal (his Black Athena… that exposes the facts behind the invented 'classical heritage' that the would-be gods use to convince their children they harbor an 'historic mission'…
Our May 22, 2016 show:
Prince was a shining light – a beacon – sent to us so that we might see… the power of letting the body speak… a living example of the truth: “A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid…” He took those words to heart… and then 'power' unleashed on him their secret weaponry… for the use of which… until we change this… they have zero accountability. But all over the globe we can see the power and truth of letting the body speak… We see it in the older women dancing in the streets across China… and we see it in the youth of Afghanistan – their elders following – saying with their voices and feet that the state will not force them to be second-class citizens… …and we see it in Nuit Debout… and Tunisia… coming together to claim an 'evolutionary' moniker… coming together to say that the problem is 'the system'… and everywhere we do this… states fight back with infusions of media-propaganda and the funding of hidden 'assets'… to sow seeds of division and confusion… (…and though we often say this… it must be reiterated [as all we get from the propaganda-machinery is versions of it in the affirmative…]: these guys want us to think the problem is 'greedy corporations'… that the problem is 'money'… and they aren't about that… is their rationalization… not accumulation for its own sake – they just want all the money… and for us to get out of the way… after all… they have a world to make… and we're just the hired help… Confusion as to 'the truth'… confusion about what's going on… is literally an energy blockage… We need to know the truth… the actual forces that shape our world in order to release our energy and our power…
…the Plato's Tribesmen's is a conscious ambition… that being to see every head bowed to them… they've been disastrously effective. Their recipe for making themselves seem like gods: “Possess ever-increasingly… accumulate ever more… consolidate religiously… quantify and centralize into global financial institutions that you control… all the resources – and make certain you possess not just control of knowledge and technological and military resources… but that your possession is supreme (which means they cannot claim innocence of all the breaches of electronic security that occurred in banks… e.g.… in Bangladesh… Vietnam… and Ecuador [despite oversight of transactions by a cooperative utility set up by the banks themselves: the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT)…] and at Sony…) – fabricate the illusion of 'scarcity' and of a supposed inherent bad faith between humans… then lean back and admire your 'intelligence'…)
We learn the necessity of looking beneath appearances from Proudhon… what we don't learn from him is that these appearances are being made by the Tiny Few… who then sneer at us for believing in them… who use our being duped by their fabrications as evidence of their supposed superior 'intelligence'…and… take note… for the record only… the enormous amount of resources they devote to rigging the game of course means they're afraid… afraid they're not 'the best'… and so… mommy or daddy 'won't love them'… and… they have to believe they deserve to rule… otherwise… they're but murderers and torturers and thieves… i.e.… they would have to face that reality. …and please let's not be conned by the fall-back argument of those who plot and plan in secret that 'you have no evidence'… do we really need to 'prove' that the world is being shaped by a Platonic vision of fixed divisions… with a splash of the so-called 'meritocratic' sprayed on the brew of misery being dished out to us? Let's not forget Gore Vidal's warning to us to not be put off by the slur 'conspiracy theorist'… He said (in substance…) “of course the rulers plot and plan in secret and in concert… that's the way 'privilege' is preserved… Come on… Duh…” Let's use the evidence of our reasoning… Does 'the system' consolidate 'wealth' (money… capital… control…) in fewer and fewer hands? Yes. And is it money that compels or allows actions that engage… address… or influence… The Many in a privatized… commercialized… ranked and divided non-society shaped by the decisions of the Tiny Few? Yes. Moreover… do we really need 'proof' that the Hidden Few plot and plan and act in concert… in order for us to want our bodies back?… and to want this for all of our Brothers and Sisters?
Global General Strikes are not only effective (essential) strategy… but illustrate perfectly that the most radical act to end 'class' is to 'do nothing'… except 'associate'… as Proudhon says… with each other… we're talking low-overhead strategy now that we have the means to intercommunicate instantly… globally… now that we have social media… (and our minds stayed on freedom…) requiring us to but walk… gather… talk… share food… dance… share plans… discuss…make songs … party on from dusk till dawn… next day… the same… repeat till free… is our recipe to end millennia-long suppression… of our inherent freedom… and our inherent One-ness. And of course our discussions are key… or we would not have needed Alice Miller… Karl Popper… P.J. Proudhon… Peter Kropotkin… Jeremy Bentham… John Boswell… Terence K. Hopkins… Immanuel Wallerstein… Giovanni Arrighi… Sebastian De Grazia… Alfred O. Hirschman… and Martin Bernal… to name but those we found most critical… most critical for unpacking the fear… of the 'power'-guys… why they stay hidden… most critical… for outing them.… We are born a'fearing nothing… as we are from and of 'the all'… and we arrive with the assumption… that to 'the all' we are come. Let's return to them their fear… and take up our original endowment: in the form of our 'unity-responsibility-project'… which means… sowing seeds… fostering discussions… knitting networks… overcoming divisions… towards a single end: Global-System-De-Commission… Recall Proudhon's guidance to us: “…you need a clear, positive, and exact expression of your whole idea, – that is, an expression which states at once the principle, the means, and the end; and I add that that expression is association.…” 'association'… as few understood so well as he… is the master-key to all the doors of our captivity… it overcomes fear and atomization… it aligns us with truth… it is generative… it 'makes more' through innovation and creativity… it is wealth and energy… it is true power… it allows us to re-conceive our allegiance and reclaim our bodies: our bodies being the treasure we came with – 'power' owns no part of it…
Children perceive the rigid imposition of a fixed structure… the artificial 'order' (of a 'class'-system…) with fear and anxiety – it violates their nature… their inherent freedom… but as it is parents who impose it… they must construct the belief that there has to be a terrible-powerful reason to require that which is unpleasant and sad to replace that which is joyous and free… and the puzzle consumes them… for it is never authentically explained… and in the end most give in and become what they believe their parents want: small… rigid… humans… on the lookout for violations of 'the structure'… the 'necessary' rigidity. The systematically privileged among them are sent to 'advanced' education to learn intricate 'explanations' for the madness in order to separate them from their Brothers and Sisters… and serve as buffers to protect the hiddenness of 'power': to stop we-the-people from putting two and two together such that truth can flash round the world and our uncoerced future… based in abundance… begin. “Let's return to them their fear…” we said… “and take up our original endowment: in the form of our 'unity-responsibility-project'… starting with: “unity with the children…” children need to see our confidence… see that we do indeed know we are here to be powerful and exuberant… to fully develop our gifts… and that we value their likewise assurance… the 'power'-guys have been disastrously effective in shaping the planet because they work in concert and their ambition is conscious… They show us the critical elements for the achievement of a global vision… we need strong cores… the body is the temple that harbors our souls – our knowledge of the eternal – and our bodies have been 'invaded' (occupied…) by thieves… and just as Prince said… they're looking for our souls… to murder them… the global-state-statesmen are very much aware of the political implications of the truism that “children are the future” – i.e.… as Kissinger told us… they believe the role of the 'statesmen' is to determine the future… and they are determined to aggressively install it ('the system') in the children as early as possible… which means that their authentic selves are threatened… and must be defended. Global-state statesmen believe they own us (there's a cachet associated with their degree of control of us… as they vie with each other for rank…) And they start by breaking the spirits of the children… and all lovers of freedom – and as 'class' is totalitarian (inherently…) this is a global phenomenon. We see it in the kidnapping of school children in Nigeria and Mexico… the slaughter and displacement of villagers – they with the whole spirits – everywhere… but particularly in Africa… Asia… and the Middle East… Central and South America…
Proudhon: “But is it possible that we are not all associated? Let us call to mind what was said in the last two chapters, that even though we do not want to be associated, the force of things, the necessity of consumption, the laws of production, and the mathematical principle of exchange combine to associate us.” …we-the-people must not forget this… we are all associates… which puts all of us… in the crosshairs… never has there been a greater threat… to our living without fear… In the just society… equality lives unbent among us… all of us help each other… allow the children to be 'big'… because we are 'big' ourselves… and there will never be any chains on… or walls concealing… the truth… [and we must demand the truth about EMF…] and… I should add… writing this one month after they killed Prince… I still have not read or heard tell of the official story they've decided on… for 'cause of death'… it will be a while till the truth is documented: that it was assault by EMF… Was there muscle contraction?… had he complained of electrical paralysis… stiffening of the muscles… numbness?… swollen-ness?… difficulty moving particularly after having been asleep?… was there a lot of mucus in his body?… thirty years of this torture he endured… without being able to fight back… because these guys who believe they are gods hide… they assault and kill in secret… And the head of the Department of the Navy must be made to answer to the people… under oath… as to the specific EMF weapons they possess… to be used against individuals… what specifically exists… and who is getting targeted?…
Proudhon: “With the exception of the proprietor, we labor for each other; we can do nothing by ourselves unaided by others, and we continually exchange products and services with each other. If these are not social acts, what are they?” [They highlight for us as well… once we are in possession of the right story… the complete and total irrelevance of 'power' – which I'm getting is Proudhon's point – to the story of our greatness… we must simply get them off our backs to extend that story to its full brilliance… – P.S.] Proudhon: “Now, neither a commercial, nor an industrial, nor an agricultural association can be conceived of in the absence of equality…” [although a hidden miniscule elite changes things… they make up their own 'rules'… – i.e.… no rules – “conceived in the absence of equality”… as we saw in the example cited earlier of SWIFT (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication…) its member banks are definitely not all created equal… Hidden-'power' creates a lot of hidden rules in everything they do… It is a system based in falseness … for falseness… will perpetuate falseness… ad infinitum… until we regain our world… – P.S.]
For our May 29, 2016 show:
“…the other strategies for reproducing (perpetuating…) the totalitarian 'class'-system: keeping us so busy… and so separated – jobs and atomization and manufacturing 'scarcity' and violence and 'the law' – the centralized state structure… that is another means of keeping us 'busy'… always jumpin'… another means of manufacturing 'scarcity'… because it ensures there is never enough… despite the earth being abundant… When we are kept 'busy' and separated we can't develop our thought process –and that's changing for many reasons… we're sharing our thoughts globally… they can't provide the jobs and more and more folk are regaining their thought process… because they're able to sit back and look at 'the system' more objectively… and the word is spreading about the actual dynamics… the processes… the factors… shaping us that have not been discussed… that have been intentionally suppressed… discussions that we need to get on an authentic path to freedom…”
Our May 29, 2016 show:
After Prince was killed we began the next show asking: “Will the question never end?… how long shall they kill our prophets while we stand aside and look?” – well… the same question restated answers it: “How long shall they steal our greatness while we stand aside and look?” Is this not the question of all prophets under 'class'?… from Socrates and those who inspired him… to their precentors… on down… to now. Is this not “Socrates' Dilemma”?… and Jesus'?… and Proudhon's?… and Kropotkin's?… and Martin Luther King's?… and Malcolm X's?… and Alice Miller's ?… and Bob Marley's?… and Bruce Lee's?… and Prince's?… (Prince modeled owning himself in an entirely fresh way… by the way… a way 'power' was completely unprepared for… He showed the true-power released when we put our bodies' truth – the earth's truth – first… and it terrified the 'power'-guys… who unleashed a campaign of suppression and containment such as no artist… save Paul Robeson… has ever seen. When we read that the record label he was contracted to wanted him to stop producing things so fast… we have to understand the degree to which the combined assault of EMF and false-folks forces you to speed up… Unless you move… the battering becomes overwhelming: the swelling… the muscle-stiffening and aching all over… the 'gunk' (mucus)-build-up' in the head and chest… swathed in cotton while being pressed in a vise… a burning pressure… a burning-buzzing head… your movement a burning-pain-bit burdened drudge…) With Prince… and Proudhon… as we did with Alice… we're going to be probing our stolen greatness… the Immense Puzzle that struck us all under 'class'… by age two… and as we do let's consider the effect of the walls around us… and the rooms in which we sit… imprisoned…
…but they do… don't they? Is it not 'they'… and 'they' alone – the ones who lust for Total Control – who see… 'Everything'?… who possess the Big Picture?… while we are left with minds casting about the planted bits of fabricated 'facts' they give us for clues… stuck in our rooms… or… released into 'the world'… our distressed spirits blow about the destitution called 'reality'… substance gutted… artifacts demolished and rebuilt for each generation… to ensure there is no permanence… that no claim can be made by us… of ownership of anything… not even of our bodies… If all around is falseness… the body's truth swells in importance… in order to understand what is being done to us… There is more to say on “the cleansing of the temple” [the body] – which is the object of the prophets' (of 'class'…): to cleanse our minds of the lies of the 'power'-guys: “And the chief priests and the scribes the same hour sought to lay hands on him… and sent forth spies, which should feign themselves just men [so… we see why these works born in resistance to 'class' all read so prophetic… all sound so eerily prescient – as this of course describes a tactic of the 'power'-guys across 'class'-time: they always “send forth spies which feign themselves just men…” – because 'power' is 'power' is 'power'…] Today… in our discussion of 'stealing our Greatness'… their containment-plays… as illustration we're going to consider some examples of this: the set-up of Hilary Clinton… and the set-up of the first-and-last-ditch buffers… to keep the ass of 'power' covered – the police… and the military generally… their set-up being ours as well… the 'power'-guys goal being to nullify our absolutely essential means for getting free: social media.
As I could not see their winning play (and still don't… the demographics of the country being against them…) I'd made the unwise assumption that the global-'power'-guys had written off the 2016 US Presidential election… 'unwise'… as their doing so runs against character… I should have known better… That they are terrified of Hilary is evidenced by their decades of attacking her (and… by the way… it must be addressed that a significant number of us… we-the-people… despite the evidence of our Reason… still seem willing to say that the media is 'biased to the Right'… rather than admit… it is global-'power's Department of Propaganda…) we've had time to study and discuss… therefore… that they have cultivated a wide range of clandestine tactics… and we've had time to trust the conclusion of our Reason… that where there is orchestration of media… we are seeing the hidden-hand of the 'power'-guys… who hide ensconced in layers in order to perpetuate the illusion… the theater… theater it is… the political arena… the 'power'-guys love to invent stories… love to construct scenes – which they make you see… repeatedly… when you are made a target… and I am convinced… that they imagine themselves 'artists'… a thought which always brings to mind the art museum scene in the Tim Burton film Batman… in which the Joker… played by Jack Nicholson… dancing about to Prince singing “Party Man”… says to a woman he's 'trying to impress': “I make art till someone dies. I am the world's first fully-functioning homicidal artist. We mustn't compare ourselves to regular people. We're artists. You will take pictures of my work… join me in the avant-garde of the new aesthetic…” (thinking of that scene now… I can see why it would appeal to Prince… I can't tell you how many times that scene has come to me… as capturing perfectly the mindset and self-assessment of the 'power'-guys… I like this scene as a metaphor for 'power' also because it conveys the truth that the 'power'-guys all want us to be 'happy'… wear a big smile… be 'happy'-slaves…You hear in the Joker's words these that follow of Hitler's: “My pedagogy is hard… I want my young people strong and beautiful. That way I can create something new.”
The global-statesmen employ numerous tactics within their overall strategy of staying hidden… all of which require the use of hidden-actors – both recruited and bred (that they rely heavily on the use of children as 'operatives'… because children are so eager to please – due to the structurally-enforced abandonment of children – and because they don't ask questions…) 'Power's favorite tactic… and most common… is constructing the 'lose – lose': The global-statesmen's fixation on 'proving' they are 'the best' leads them to devote legions of minions to the 'work' of fabricating – for all possible threats – 'lose – lose' situations that their 'adversaries' can be thrust in. The 'lose – lose' set-up requires numerous corollary (and inter-related) tactics: 'the constantly-shifting-ground'… “'shock-and-awe-with-technological supremacy / audacity / pseudo-wizardry'… 'Iago-whispering' (that one is really nasty… I'm sure they've got some notches on their belt they continuously grow to indicate the suicides they've provoked with that one…) 'the false-surround'… 'narrowing your focus'… 'crowding to trip you up'… 'provocation to survival-mode'… 'the thousand-small-cuts' or 'dispirit with overwhelming pettiness' (“they don't care where they kick… just as long as they hurt you…”) And in the media… aside from outright fabrication… they depend on skewing… on selective presentation and interpretation of the 'facts'… using a tactic we could call “selective spotlighting”… Once global-'power' makes you a target… their underlying objective (aside from your elimination entirely…) is to keep you off-balanced… pressure you such that you end up seeming to be the cause of your own downfall. Recall: Hilary has been hounded by these guys for decades. Her survival in that world – almost commensurate to Prince's in his – is a testament to enormous strength… her survival alone is provocative to these guys… they hate to not get their way… they are a vicious bunch of abandoned children…
The story reconstructed: A sixteen-year-old girl… whose mother works for the Oakland Police Department… began posting nude or semi-nude (unclear) photos of herself on her Facebook page while having discussions about sex via Instagram with officers at her mother's workplace… what is required of us… we should ask ourselves… to make this plausible?… under what circumstances would a 16-year-old encourage her mother's co-workers (who also happen to be police officers) to view sexually explicit pictures of herself? Under what circumstances would you at age sixteen do this? And then we should ask ourselves: what was the effect on those who were the targets of her acts? “How do they steal our Greatness?… Is it not by keeping us so divided we cannot see what each One is doing?… Ah… but they do… don't they? Is it not 'they'… and 'they' alone – the ones who lust for Total Control – who see… 'Everything'?… the Big Picture?…” Who knows what's really going on in the places in which we are contained? ('cities'…) not those kept busy in offices circulating and recirculating the alienated and abstracted (read: 'stolen') life-energy of the earth… Who knows what's really going on?… the low-income in 'non-traditional' survival-gigs… and the police… Who do they (the ones who want to be gods… who want to 'know everything'… be 'in charge'… etc. etc.…) who do they most not want comparing notes on what is going on in our places of containment?: those not in nine-to-fives… those who have time to see what's happening in their 'cities'… and especially the police. We don't see our Greatness because we've been denied access to the whole – the right story… the 'genius' of our freedom… our natural 'harmonic arrangement' that blossoms when we're left unmolested.… The system of “hire-by-'power'” means that every one of us is available to the shadow-global-'state'… means that any one of us could become… unwittingly even… a secret-agent of global-'power'… who have but only one allegiance: winning… or rather… apologies… their paterfamilias: Plato.
For our Proudhon reading please revisit the posted excerpt from the November 8, 2015 show in which we noted that when we're kept busy and separated… through jobs and atomization… we can't develop our thought process… But we also can't – what we're focusing on today – we cannot see the Big Picture… we cannot know the truth: what's happening to us… and that's changing for many reasons… we're sharing our thoughts globally… they can't provide the jobs and more and more folk are regaining their thought process… the word is spreading about the actual factors shaping us and the suppressed discussions… discussions we need to get on an authentic path to freedom… Among these is the critical 'transition-to-freedom' thinking of Proudhon… Proudhon: “Now, neither a commercial, nor an industrial, nor an agricultural association can be conceived of in the absence of equality; equality is its sine qua non. So that, in all matters which concern this association, to violate society is to violate justice and equality. Apply this principle to humanity at large.… By this principle, the man who takes possession of a field, and says, “This field is mine,” will not be unjust so long as everyone else has an equal right of possession; nor will he be unjust, if, willing to change his location, he exchanges this field for its equivalent. But if, putting another in his place, he says to him, “Work for me while I rest,” he then becomes unjust, unassociated, unequal. He is a proprietor… Reciprocally, the sluggard [if indeed there is such a thing… 'sluggishness' may be disguised resistance to the suppression of our human-ness… our authentic-ness… – P.S.], or the rake, who, without performing any social task, enjoys like others – and often more than others – the products of society… [with Alice's help… we can say with confidence that this would be a very short-lived problem… if it existed at all… under conditions of freedom – i.e.… in our world premised on abundance and non-coercion. In that world the joy of having each other again – being able to live our inherent communalism – is the wealth we crave… And the children we raise… on the milk of that joy… and the honey of our resumed mutual aid… ensure the continuance of both… With 'power' de-throned… we manifest the generosity of the earth – only organized… concentrated… 'power' is a threat… and with each one of us tapping into the richness conceived of 'all'… that threat can never exist again… There is no 'coercion' in the world of our making… – P.S.]”
Proudhon: “On the one hand, the idea of justice being identical with that of society, and society necessarily implying equality, equality must underlie all the sophisms invented in defence of property; for, since property can be defended only as a just and social institution, and property being inequality, in order to prove that property is in harmony with society, it must be shown that injustice is justice, and that inequality is equality – a contradiction in terms… [we now are clear on how they 'justified' this clear contradiction by utilizing the propagandistic writings of Plato and Hegel to invent a 'good' 'higher' than the realization of the social instinct in a just and joyous society based in the full and self-sufficient participation of each… They tell themselves that only 'the wise' can discern this 'greater good'… and then ensure – by means of the absence of equality… by manufacturing 'scarcity'… the absence of full access to our gifts… the absence of justice – that their reasoning will never be subjected to honest scrutiny… or “tested… in the fire of controversy…” – P.S.] Within universal society there exist for each of us as many special societies as there are individuals; and we are bound, by the principle of sociability itself…” […this principle being the earth speaking in us… we are in sync with our bodies… our earth… by attending to it. There is an argument to be made… that not listening to our bodies… because forced to dissociate from them as infants – as subjects of 'rule'… of 'class'… of the global-state – is the source of all our malaises… Proudhon… like Prince… is entirely fresh… exactly what was needed when they arrived… – and as I write this coda: on May 29, 2016… they still haven't released it seems… the results of the autopsy… we should ask ourselves… what level of control and repression of the media is needed to keep reporters from reporting on this story?… – P.S.]
For our June 5, 2016 Show:
But here's the catch that caught Marx's eye: that because there's a 'relative surplus' of us… this surplus of us grows “proportionately to the advances made by capitalist production not because the productiveness of social labour decreases, but because it increases…” […automation… 'electronification' of processes… instantaneous communication and flow of information… which to acquire converted huge amounts of the earth into physical things and money (financialization)… – and as all that 'social labor' increases… 'power' don't need us no more… it stole our substance and now it's time ('power' believes…) to say “bye… see ya… don't need ya…” Alright… so what does 'power' do? Now… Marx could see far but he couldn't see as far as into the diseased souls of these guys… plug in the technology… and you have a lot of room for a lot of misanthropy… a lot of genocide… a lot of blood-flow… a lot of phony-crises… and 'natural disasters'…
“[Of the processes that stem… from 'capital's ongoing centralization…] the second and third… entail the redefinition of trajectories. For the de-nationalization of domestic labor forces suggests a fundamental change, on the part of the left, as to what “national” means…. To accomplish the reconception will entail a degree and kind of substantive and rhetorical inventiveness not presently in ascendance within prominent movements. And the third, the increasing salience of the gender question, entails… the further generalization, from the pauperization of women to the pauperization of people on a world-scale, that is precisely the change in consciousness the very effectiveness of the organizations in core zones may help to bring about, as part of world-scale movements that bypass and so subvert interstate arrangements.” (We're going to be thinking more about this… the suggestion that you can 'bypass and so subvert interstate arrangements…' and still keep intact the overall centralization of capital processes that are going on – or… in the terms being developed here… maintain the global-state-statesmen… the 'power'-guys… hidden 'power'. And we're also going to be pondering this whole issue of: How do we create a global consciousness of our shared purpose and objectives…) “The Outer – from the Inner… Derives its Magnitude – 'Tis Duke, or Dwarf, according… As is the Central Mood –” [I like the way she puts that… that sort of covers it all… 'the central mood': be that 'dangerous… unhealthy obsession…' or be that… 'life's longing for itself…' (nothing healthier than that…)][Spoken word is from our April 5, 2015 radio broadcast.]
“An alternative is possible only if we, men and women, succeed in getting back forever not simply the wage, but much more – namely the means of production: our bodies and our children, our houses and our land, our knowledge and our creativity, and the results of our labor. We want all this without continuing to depend on “central powers” like puppets, so that we can work for our own, autonomous existence…” [What happens to all the hard work that is done by our good-hearted folks from academia?… – P.S.]
Our June 5, 2016 Show:
We ended our last show (and noted in the one previous to it) that there has been no release… let alone discussion… of the results of the police investigation into the death of Prince on April 21, 2016… while we continue to call for under-oath testimony… from the head of the Department of the Navy… on its development and use of EMF (electro-magnetic-force) weaponry… designed for use against individuals… And we must also appeal to the friends of Prince… those close enough to have access to the police photographs of his body… were his cheeks swollen? Do you know the results of the police investigation? There are issues involved that run much deeper than we will ever see touched by the 'power'-fed media… I urge you to advocate for all of us… and continue to pursue… the exposure of the full truth…
“Law itself should not compel me. I would pay a fine, or undergo an imprisonment, rather than write for a show and to order, perched up on a platform.”… In Proudhon's transition strategy of a 'services' bank… where should we put Charlotte… and Emily? I ask because… while I believe we need 'transition' strategies… particularly to encourage our less-trusting fellows… who may not see that the poetry in our souls released will settle all difficulties of 'property' between us – all conflicts over ownership of 'stuff' – I also believe that to succumb to the disease 'quantification toward exchange of equivalencies' – which I don't think is where Proudhon is going – is a risk there is no need to flirt with. It seems to me there are three major (and interrelated) 'transition' difficulties we face: 'food'… 'Big Picture-decision-making' – within which we include the threat: 'hierarchy reasserting itself' – and 'property'… The first two relate to we commoners (we all gotta eat… and if we haven't thought about 'decision-making' structures… guess what?… guess who's gonna step into that breach?…) and the last (with the first two) will likely concern what Proudhon calls the 'proprietors'… the 'capitalists' – those who possess 'capital' – and 'land' sufficient for generating 'capital' – 'capital' being money that has the purpose of 'making more money': i.e.… 'accumulation'… money devoted to feeding the beast 'Ever-Seekingness'… …for the clarity of our discussion and contrast… let's recall what 'the bank' does currently… both in terms of the official propaganda and in terms of its actual function in a global-totalitarian-'class'-system. Aren't we told it is to “stimulate economic activity”?… I mean… truly… my Sisters and Brothers… do we really need a 'bank'… to stimulate us?… this means that the role of the 'bank' that he did foresee must de-centralize… while viewing and orienting globally… to such a degree that its nature changes entirely… and we may find we need to invent a new term that better conveys its tasks… and its role in our lives – perhaps we should call it 'the earth'… as the earth is our lingua-franca… its health our standard in Big Picture decisions…
(And isn't that the unstated assumption of the entire global-'class'-system?… “we must make them work…”? when the truth is that in every historical situation when we have… briefly… shaken off that chain – including the Occupy Movement in the beginning before it got infiltrated: everybody jumped in to help – we do not need to be made to shine… it's what we do.)… As for making the 'Big Decisions'… we shall have to consider what those might be… when health is our standard and only aggregate human energy has the capacity to do serious damage… with Nikola's warning in our ears: “If we use [fossil] fuel to get our power, we are living on our capital and exhausting it rapidly. This method is barbarous and wantonly wasteful, and will have to be stopped in the interest of coming generations.” …the earth needs our attention and our nourishment… certainly no further raids upon her… As Nikola said… she's holding some long-overdue IOUs on credit extended… and with our existing materials already received from her… and our human energy released from the 'power'-guys hold… we can easily address each other's needs for comfort. Our Mother is due replenishment of her stores… our bank requires her full credit restored… There is so much needed in the way of repair… and so much love in our hearts we've been prevented from sharing…
And that is the key 'economic quality' that cannot be factored into the present system's means of analysis… because it only exists under terms of freedom: the power and creativity and force of our love… and the 'would-be-gods' – our 'would-so-have-them-be-gones' – of course know this… they also know that young people… those among us hungriest for truth… are finally getting some – our ancestors who long for our freedom are extending their arms with gifts… and young people are taking them… they are waking up… So the 'would-they-were-gones' are furiously trying to trap them into a patriotic mindset that claims to be 'anti-capitalist'… and 'anti-fascist'… and 'for the planet' (…we have to get this: yes… of course they want to pick the U.S. president… but more than anything… they want to con the next generation… otherwise… their whole game is gone – do you feel me? – conning the next generation is everything to these guys… because they want to install their vision and that requires conning the next generation… So in every possible way… across all available media… that's what they're doing – including… on the Left…) – these are the 'threats'-made-carrots for young people with heart… dangled before them to lure them into… once again con them into abandoning their bodies… ignoring their hearts… stopper their thought-process… and 'sacrifice themselves heroically' – the propaganda that has worked since 'class' begun… “Save us! Save your Fathers!”… 'power' pleads with them… as it fashions the lassos to rope them back in (and hang the ones grown too recalcitrant…) Prince's message has been brushed aside… ignored entirely… that we must reclaim our bodies – every single one of us – We are a global-humanity… with a life – health – freedom- allegiance… As long as we are clear that the individual is the basic unit of political organization… working back from that… we have our 'infrastructure-plan'…
(So you feel me the discussions we need to have… we need to be thinking furiously about that question: “what is needed to support individual self-sufficiency?…” – that's why I shared what I'd learned about the Earthship in Waking Up… because I think that's a key piece… one of them – obviously… there's many… Another one is found in the “Blume” pdf that you can download from the 'Blog' page… which discusses David Blume's idea for de-centralized fuel generation in each of our small 'villages'…) All states are fighting to hold onto 'legitimacy'… and this means they are inventing lots of reasons why we in theory need them… when will we start talking about the opposite? When will we factor into our thinking and planning the problem of infiltration? Somehow we must get our own means of discourse… somehow we have to overcome this tactic… I'm convinced the answer lay in simply getting behind… standing with… our bodies and our global vision (we don't want to eke out a horrible little isolated individual existence… we want to be 'big'… we need our Brothers and Sisters – all of them – we have a right to these big discussions and decisions… we have the right to shape the world we want… and we have to start believing in those rights…) and believing in the strategy of a One Day Global General Strike… repeated until we are free… …and in ending the practice of making fodder for fascists… of converting our young people into totalitarians-for-hire… We have to intentionally create an alternative to adhere to instead of 'the global-state'… for more and more to join us in exorcising the totalitarian global-class-system…
We've been looking at this issue of 'the economy' with a scarcity mindset… understandably as our thoughts reflect both 'power's imposition of 'scarcity' on us… as well as its preoccupations – their preoccupation not only that there was never enough time for them as infants – that there was a scarcity of love – but that there would not be 'time' to realize their parents' 'vision'… an unconscious awareness that its rule… that 'rule' itself… has built-in time limits… has a built-in demise… and so that they must 'fail' (their biggest fear…) is what they are feeling. This moment has been foretold and described many times… including Marx's 'Breakdown Theory': “The growing incompatibility between the productive development of society and its hitherto existing relations of production expresses itself in bitter contradictions, crises, spasms. The violent destruction of capital not by relations external to it, but rather as a condition of its self-preservation, is the most striking form in which advice is given it to be gone, and to give room to a higher state of social production…” But the end of 'Ever-Seekingness' is not an end to 'power'… only we can do that… consciously… intentionally… globally…
The flowering of suppressed creativeness – our spontaneous feelings held back out of a false sense of allegiance to our parents – that comes with the recovery of the true self… we are saying is our definition of 'economics-in-two-aspects': as on the feeding of the soil depends the subsequent harvest… doing this… tending with attentiveness to the goal in mind… and describing it as such when we do it (because we possess the right story…) is “de-commissioning the inner-system”… is saying “we are working to establish the conditions that allow each one of us to be self-sufficient (my entire life that 'each one of us'… along with the global-emphasis… has been an absent emphasis on the Left – how do we end 'class' without it?…) the conditions that mean 'we do not need you (“the system”)' to feed us (either body or soul) anymore… but which embrace the conscious mutual-interdependence of all human beings globally…” – because we must work together globally to get free of global-'power'… to feed ourselves… to help each other… and to repair the damage done to the earth during the mad romp over us – for two and a half centuries – of the Plato's Tribesmen… …it's saying that we are the sufficient power and energy we need to create our just and fair and joyous global society. “De-commissioning the inner-system” – developing a strong core – allows us to “de-commission the outer-system”: develop the networks and associations that allow us to 'switch' our allegiance – expressed in securing land together… growing our own food as associations… and exchanging our goods and services globally: by-passing (as our Good Three said…) the interstate system (which of course is only accomplished by means of Global General Strikes as part of the process of wresting free our lives from their entanglement with the abusiveness of the 'class'-system…)
…the New York Times (of May 5, 2016) concoction of elaborately mixed b.s.… could not illustrate better both the threat Prince is to 'power'… and the reality that the media is but the Department of Propaganda for the global-state-statesmen. The amount of space they devote to saying nothing is a big tell… as well as the fact that this 'nothing' is paraded as truth despite being nothing but the unsupported testimony of precisely the false folks Prince strove heroically to defend himself against his entire performing life [and the full extent of his heroism is only just now sinking in… They tortured him… by surrounding him with false folks and by hitting him with EMF radiation – both tactics inflicting a soul-crushing isolation by making it impossible for him to talk about it (because of the nature of the weapons…) for if he tried… not even his friends [I've learned the hard way…] would believe him… and the 'power'-guys would be all over the attempt… using it to invalidate him… his work… and force him into an even deeper silence… as it was he was forced to deal not just with the energy-draining pain… electrical paralysis… and swelling of the assault – the never feeling well – but also a terrible isolation… all the more terrible for a person who so loved and needed touch and authenticity… to sustain his soul – his art – particularly as EMF blocks our natural electrical connections – a kind of torture no one understands who is not experiencing it… …and I have to add this about the tactic of EMF [although please don't think EMF is their only tactic to 'neutralize' a threat: there's also 'give them a job'… or 'a mate'… or a mate and then EMF…]: they tend to use it on only one person in a given network – and I'm talking about their political 'eliminations' (as opposed to their use of it for 'population management' – for 'High-tech Auschwitz'…) – only one 'treatment' at a time… so folks won't connect the dots and have the support of another person… His assassination suggests (unless he was about to release some powerful songs of resistance…) they have in mind another target. So do we see that if we allow anyone to be EMF-assaulted… we could be next on the list… to receive the same 'treatment' one day?… We let Prince suffer because we didn't know… but from this point forward… we are complicit in the suffering of any artist… and we will lose their gifts… which we need to see our true selves… For until we regain our world… reclaim our 'selves' and our gifts… artists harbor them… They are our treasures… the treasures within…)
(…in that most recent Slingshot… the local Anarchist paper that I sort of made reference to earlier… it said that Nuit Debout was spreading across Europe… becoming world-scale… And in one of the articles in that paper they said… “we need a national conference…” and I'm thinking: “we need to get behind Nuit Debout – is this not obvious?… when they call for a national General Strike we call for a Global General Strike to join with theirs… I'm really eager to have all the radical folk out there… progressives… discuss this issue…)'Capitalism' – 'Ever-seekingness' – its terms of production… are doomed… which means that how we produce is in flux… the new terms are up to us… we simply must grow our consciousness… and that of our Brothers and Sisters… such that we see that we are not 'workers'… not robots… not fodder for totalitarianism of whatever odor… rather… we are human beings… who associate with each other under the terms of non-coercion that we establish for each other…
(In that same issue of Slingshot – which I'm beginning to think we need to talk about – the 'Editors' Note' said something that upset me [and… by the way… referring to this mess we got as being as inevitable as death – in some phony-left version of Jeremy Bentham… “just get used to it… look for the silver lining… accentuate the positive… smell the roses… look how much fun it is when we protest uselessly… ain't growing your garden great?… watching the chickens lay eggs?…” Please…] But what really upset me was him saying that “we're better than them brain-dead folk doing their nine-to-fives…” Come on… that is fascist-thinking… and intentionally planted there. Please… we can only do this together… all of us have been trained in this mess… Ain't none of us no 'better'… we're all in this mess together – each of us is on a different timeline for 'waking up'… but we're going to have to be patient with each other… those of us who can share our love with each other and figure out ways to help wake each other up… that's what we're here for: “spreading the good news…” You know? We share our shine… just like Prince did… we don't try to glimmer for only 'our tribe' under cover of our tents… Come on… let's hit the streets folk… Let's show our shine…) In our “property is impossible” audio-file from our April 17, 2016 show we said that what 'power' does is block our natural respiration – our connection – with the earth – the mechanism by which they do this is called 'the economy'… a mechanism with a built-in time limit… undesigned obsolescence (from the Latin “falling into disuse”… – And… reading that in the definition for 'obsolescence' has stimulated some notions I'd like to explore together at some point: “falling into disuse”… because it echoed in my head my thoughts when I was writing Waking Up… in the chapter “The Plan”… about how we 'turn away' from what we don't want… and 'turn to' what we do…) What signifies 'life'? Breath… an exchange of life with life… an exchange between equivalents… except… a Miniscule Few have established a shunt-sequester-… and trap – a mechanism that diverts as it converts to trash… the bounty of our common earth… converts to waste most significantly… for the continuous reproduction of this process… we ourselves… but… we represent for life… we are the wind… the sea… the recirculator of life-energy…
“All men, then, are associated…” says Proudhon… which you see very personally… when you work together manually… as I wrote in Waking Up: “But until the world is whole, solidarity ekes out a diminished existence on isolated enclaves that are mere placeholders for structurally-constituted wholeness.… Realized wholeness requires the freedom to create each day anew.… In listening to our bodies, in working collectively uncoerced, we build solidarity and we create ourselves – our wholeness…and we make culture.… This – freedom – is the domain, the essence, of culture.… “Progress” is its’ antithesis…” from: Waking Up: Freeing Ourselves From Work, the pdf of which you can download free from the “Tools” page…
For our June 12, 2016 Show:
Alice Miller: “It seems to me that we are still threatened by the possible repetition of a similar crime unless we understand its origins and the psychological mechanism behind it. [And is there any doubt at all that she's not only right… but that the threat never left for an instant since… and that the lack of any global-society-wide process of doing precisely what she calls for: understanding the origins and psychological mechanism behind totalitarianism… rather… in fact… the opposite has been the case… there has been suppression… 'proves' that 'rule' is continuously engaged in suppression of this knowledge… and reproducing the conditions for… its 'working out' of its 'abandonment issues' – using us as object – through its massive misanthropic crimes… – P.S.] “People with any sensitivity cannot be turned into mass murderers overnight. But the men and women who carried out “the final solution” did not let their feelings stand in their way for the simple reason that they had been raised from infancy not to have any feelings of their own. These were people who, as children, had been proud of being tough and not crying, of carrying out all their duties “gladly,” of not being afraid – that is, at bottom, of not having an inner life at all…”
Our June 12, 2016 Show:
The New York Times is (and its equivalents in every nation… and pundits in general across all the media…) is there to 'help' our young people answer their questions (as… when they look around them… in a global-'class'-system… they have nothing but questions…) as to the mess made of our common resources… when our powerful youth burst upon the scene… like Proudhon… like Prince… like all of us… determined… to 'figure it out'… so the 'grown-ups' can finally… be happy. All of us… in this global-system of 'class'… upon entry discover that our petitions to exist (invisible… never stated explicitly… never discussed consciously… but there nonetheless…) are subject to 'its' terms for the lives we are allowed to live… I can't tell you how many times since Prince's murder I've wished we'd devoted some on-air time to his early lyrics… as… though their power shook me when he first released them – it's taken me my whole life to catch up to where he was then – it's only now… with the right story… that I can understand them. And in this context… in which we're discussing what is authentic freedom… there are few songs more relevant… more potently useful… than “Let's Go Crazy” – Why didn't I devote a show to that?… “Dearly beloved… We are gathered here today… 2 get through this thing called life…”
What do we request… upon entry into this global-system of 'class'?… Prince thought about it… few do… for reasons Alice explains to us… Prince knew: we petition for love… without conditions… we petition for joy… given and received with adulation… and we petition for freedom and spontaneity… Prince knew… as few do… for reasons Alice explains to us… that these are the things we are missing… and so these are the things he decided to give to us… And for his gift of extraordinary love… he received for recompense… a too-fleeting life of pain and torture… a punishment that perhaps he had foreseen… would be his payment (for him to have been that 'awake' as a young person is just stunning to me… but to have been awake… so see what was needed… and to have the confidence… the certainty… to decide to give it… suggests to me that he to know… he would be punished…
“This is how authoritarianism starts…” the pundits say about the celebrity-status achieved by a performing man with means who tosses to Unconscious Rage Seeking Objects to blame… targets to receive it… The 'analysis' of the 'power'-fed… just as Alice says… ignores the role of state-sanctioned-suppression of spontaneous feelings… embedded in the practice called 'child-rearing'… the inculcation of obedience… that robs us of our true selves and leaves in their place… a lifetime of unconscious Rage. I've got news for youth… no need to fear that some Trump is sowing the seeds of 'authoritarianism'… it's already with us… its roots deeply planted… 'totalitarianism'… in fact… because there is no ability individually to reject it… it is a global system… To really understand “Let's Go Crazy”… we need Alice. Prince shows the unity of proposed opposites. The 'power'-guys make sure they assign to we-categorized-and-ranked our designated 'opposites'… 'others' to serve as buffers… so we will not see them… but will rather destroy ourselves with sown divisions – Prince… broke in to this true death-obsession… with its necessary corrective… a summoning of authentic feelings… a summoning of the full power of the suppressed 'true self'… the one who sees unflinchingly and without fear… because he sees with love… …and his murder shows how critical it is that we stand together. Prince should not have been tortured for thirty years or more because no one would talk about electro-magnetic force weapons that can target individuals… or that states use them against those deemed 'threats'… 'threats' for a variety of reasons… including the 'threat' to the state's existence posed by 'categories' of people considered 'unproductive'… of the world they want: that 'threat' being 'social unrest' as a result of the continuing disintegration of the 'capitalist' world system'… the refusal of the Department of the Navy to talk about these weapons… evidences that they are in fact being used… but has also meant that few could know or imagine that they are used clandestinely against the U.S. state's own citizens. Alice Miller: “It seems to me that we are still threatened by the possible repetition of a similar crime [the Holocaust] unless we understand its origins and the psychological mechanism behind it.” – And I ask you… has there been world-wide discussion of these psychological mechanisms?
“This is how authoritarianism starts, with a president [referring to the possibility of Donald Trump becoming president] who does not respect the judiciary… the president has to be clear that the law is the law and that he enforces the law…” Can you imagine how someone hounded and assaulted with electro-magnetic force weapons for his or her speech hears such ruminations and / or posturings from The New York Times about 'the totalitarian threat' embodied (or should I say 'enacted'… or 'performed'…) by Donald Trump?… In the role of 'Hitler' the man is a laughable fraud… not even a pseudo-Reagan could he even begin to pull off – although… granted… he is an actor. There is no way anyone sane among the 'power'-guys could have fantasized that he could win… even a rigged-election… against Hilary Clinton… What should we rather be thinking about? Shouldn't we rather be cutting the strings of our obedience-training?… reclaiming our inheritance of authentic-thought… and using it to free ourselves and our Sisters and Brothers?
They train us to “follow the rules” from infancy… while they have none… except to obey Plato's dictums… and bow their heads to their masters… and care only about their fellow Tribesmen… but… just as the 'power'-guys having to make 'class' totalitarian to realize Plato's vision… led to our becoming a global 'One' materially… in physical reality – a result that increases their containment (of us) problems exponentially… so too does their having to base their 'legitimacy' (as we are learning from Proudhon…) their 'right' to rule… on claims that they – the global-statesmen' – represent 'justice' and 'fairness' – which our inherent nature… our earth-gift of sociability… and our never-ending need to see Justice reign… requires they do – and that as well… when they drum into us that we must be 'obedient'… “respect the rules…” this insistence likewise can only seem legitimate (as Proudhon shows us…) if we believe it is based in our inherent Justice… they condition our thought such that we accept the myth that it is the 'statesmen' who guarantee Justice… by ensuring that 'the rules' are respected… fairly administered – so too then does their glorification of 'the rules' leave them… with a conundrum… when we decide to use these rules against them… and proclaim our right… to pursue happiness…
“Listen to your body…” – an incendiary message in this global-'class'-system… our most precious treasures are destroyed or suppressed for voicing it… for showing us the power of its truth… in reuniting us… with our authentic-ness… the boldness and zest stolen from us as infants… We can now hear Prince in hearing Alice: “Those who were permitted to react appropriately throughout their childhood – i.e., with anger – to the pain, wrongs, and denial inflicted upon them either consciously or unconsciously will retain this ability to react appropriately in later life too… A person who can understand and integrate his anger as part of himself will not become violent. He has the need to strike out at others only if he is thoroughly unable to understand his rage, if he was not permitted to become familiar with this feeling as a small child, was never able to experience it as a part of himself because such a thing was totally unthinkable in his surroundings… When feelings are admitted into consciousness, the wall of silence disintegrates, and the truth can no longer be held back… It is not experienced hatred that leads to acts of violence and destructiveness but hatred that must be warded off and bottled up with the aid of ideology, a situation that can be examined in detail in the case of Adolf Hitler… Someone may object by saying that an individual human being cannot destroy an entire people on such a scale, that the economic crisis and the humiliation suffered by the Weimar Republic contributed to producing the catastrophe. There can be no doubt that this is true, but it was not “crises” and “systems” that did the killing, it was human beings – human beings whose fathers were able to point with pride to the obedience instilled in their little ones at a very early age…” We needed the right story to fully appreciate the truth of the message: “Listen to your bodies…” the message to literally put them first… defer to their wisdom… as the Hermes of the Earth (Hermes… the Greek messenger god… represented… says the dictionary… by the carved rock… and associated with the Egyptian god Thoth… the god of wisdom… justice… and writing…) to put nothing before them…
So are we feeling Proudhon that money amassed means nothing… if there's 'nothing' to do with it? (the head of Apple recently said that they had “the mother of all balance-sheets – all that money… and nothing to do with it… without beat-down-us giving up our blood…) that is… 'nothing' that can continue to sustain 'power's blood-drenched illusions? 'Progress'… to say nothing of their would-be Global-Republic… is a very expensive illusion that is no ways sustainable… It is the nation-frame that allows Proudhon to argue that wages must increase as profit-margins fall – and of course Pierre was thinking about these matters of 'exchange' in the absence of our present circumstance of self-associated and established hidden-'power'… of stealth and collusion on the part of the 'power'-guys… which changed the terms of 'the class struggle' to the degree… that it became another animal entirely… It is the 'hidden-ness' of 'power' that blows to pieces the predictive power of 'Marxist' (and all academic…) economic theories… We – the earth – are the source of all wealth… but they have drained us such that we can no longer support them. So they long to be rid of us… but how to do it while preserving themselves – which means preserving their dreams of divinity… their dreams of us on our knees begging… and waiting… to be given our instructions… – is their dilemma… Are we ready yet… to pick up our greatness… listen to our bodies' message… and stop helping The Abandoned keep us from hearing it?… our inherent richness?
Proudhon: “Am I not allowed – am I not commanded even – to rush first to the aid of him who is endeared to my by ties of blood, friendship, acquaintance, or esteem, at the risk of leaving the other to perish? Yes. And why? Because within universal society there exist for each of us as many special societies as there are individuals; and we are bound, by the principle of sociability itself [this principle being the earth speaking in us… we are in sync with our bodies… our earth… by attending to it. There is an argument to be made… that not listening to our bodies… because forced to dissociate from them as infants – as subjects of 'rule'… of 'class'… of the global-state – is the source of all our malaises… – P.S.] to fulfill the obligations which these impose upon us, according to the intimacy of our relations with them. Therefore we must give our father, mother children, friends, relatives, etc., the preference over all others. But in what consists this preference?… Preference should be shown only in personal matters, such as love, esteem, confidence, or intimacy, when all cannot be considered at once. Thus, in case of fire, a father would save his own child before thinking of his neighbor's; but the recognition of a right not being an optional matter with a judge, he is not at liberty to favor one person to the detriment of another. The theory of these special societies – which are formed concentrically, so to speak, by each of us inside of the main body…” [which… by the way… 'power' has made concentric traps in which we watch each other with suspicion…” ('self-regulation'… I guess they'd call it…) until we have our lives back… – P.S.]
…our comment on Kropotkin's use of this word… 'savage'… and on the effect of insufficient information… the lack of experience (as we saw with Herman Melville… in his book Typee – discussed early on in the chapter “Progress” in the book Waking Up: Freeing Ourselves From Work… that you can download free from the “Waking Up” and “Tools” pages of the Nascence to End Work Website – experience changes everything…) that led to its use… our comment from last August… applies here to Proudhon as well: “Kropotkin's work is essential to our getting clear on our global-society-re-design…] despite his use of such words as 'civilized' and 'savages' – reproducing the very mindset he's trying to smash – in his abolishment of the distinction between 'mind' and 'hand'… And it is not fair to say… that he was a product of his day… though obviously so… others of his day were fortunate to not be misled in that respect – only that… he was himself a product of 'class'… and of the geographic segregation… and systematic atomization… that made a truly global-vantage difficult to attain…” (From our August 9, 2015 Waking Up Radio show)
So… Proudhon has just shown Intelligence Blown By Ignorance to Error and… if made in Our Day… horrible mis-calculation… as we are thinking Unity and Strategy… Plato in our calculus is deadening… stultifying… Proudhon! … when you hear my argument you will say to yourself, “I have neglected to think!”… Consider… that a self-defining Platonic elite forming as you wrote called your folk 'savages'… and Plato calls us 'beasts'… 'human cattle'… is this the 'lofty' level we should aspire to? Consider your own words again: “…it would be strange if the intellect of man – the most sociable of animals – should lead him to disobey the law. He betrays society who attempts to use it only for his own advantage; better that God should deprive us of prudence, if it is to serve as the tool of our selfishness…” and these words of yours as well: “The duty of an associate is absolute. Man's occupancy succeeds his social nature, and is subordinate to it; possession can become exclusive only when permission to occupy is granted to all alike.” You betray yourself Proudhon… if… through a presumptive (and possessive… self-flattering…) claim on naming the possession of 'intellect'… you refuse to allow the earth to reveal to you your 'associate' in learning… Our mother Earth is come not “to destroy the law, or the prophets, but to fulfill…” The insidiousness of 'class' is that it invades our bodies… becomes integrated in our personalities – we must take them back… [I'm really encouraging everyone… as the lies about Prince's murder continue to be disseminated… to not be swayed by them… I feel certain that at some point truth will emerge about electro-magnetic force anti-individual weapons…… you cannot torture someone for thirty years without others who love him not see the evidence of that… and figure out ways to document that fact… the truth about his death…]
For Our June 19, 2016 Show:
Children perceive the rigid imposition of a fixed structure… the artificial 'order' (of a 'class'-system…) with fear and anxiety – it violates their nature… their inherent freedom… but as it is parents who impose it… they must construct the belief that there has to be a terrible-powerful reason to require that which is unpleasant and sad to replace that which is joyous and free… and the puzzle consumes them… for it is never authentically explained… and in the end most give in and become what they believe their parents want: small… rigid… humans… on the lookout for violations of 'the structure'… the 'necessary' rigidity. The systematically privileged among them are sent to 'advanced' education to learn intricate 'explanations' for the madness in order to separate them from their Brothers and Sisters… and serve as buffers to protect the hiddenness of 'power': to stop we-the-people from putting two and two together such that truth can flash round the world and our uncoerced future… based in abundance… begin. “Let's return to them their fear…” we said… “and take up our original endowment: in the form of our 'unity-responsibility-project'… starting with: “unity with the children…” children need to see our confidence… see that we do indeed know we are here to be powerful and exuberant… to fully develop our gifts… and that we value their likewise assurance… the 'power'-guys have been disastrously effective in shaping the planet because they work in concert and their ambition is conscious… They show us the critical elements for the achievement of a global vision… we need strong cores… the body is the temple that harbors our souls – our knowledge of the eternal – and our bodies have been 'invaded' (occupied…) by thieves… and just as Prince said… they're looking for our souls… to murder them… the global-state-statesmen are very much aware of the political implications of the truism that “children are the future” – i.e.… as Kissinger told us… they believe the role of the 'statesmen' is to determine the future… and they are determined to aggressively install it ('the system') in the children as early as possible… which means that their authentic selves are threatened… and must be defended. Global-state statesmen believe they own us (there's a cachet associated with their degree of control of us… as they vie with each other for rank…) And they start by breaking the spirits of the children… and all lovers of freedom – and as 'class' is totalitarian (inherently…) this is a global phenomenon. We see it in the kidnapping of school children in Nigeria and Mexico… the slaughter and displacement of villagers – they with the whole spirits – everywhere… but particularly in Africa… Asia… and the Middle East… Central and South America…
Our June 19, 2016 Show:
We are still waiting to learn the results of the police investigation into the death of Prince (although the June 18, 2016 New York Times carried a story on the 'management' of Prince's “entertainment assets”… implying that it is these 'managers' who will be 'creating' the value of them… obviously making a case for their 'right' to lay claim to them… As to 'ownership' of his estate… they are silent [and who decided what was to be done with his body… by the way?] – we are told he left no 'will'. Prince… a man who resented and resisted being 'made-use-of'… a man who cared very much about who exploited his work… who knew… I am certain… he was in 'power's cross-hairs… is suddenly unconcerned about the threat of the biggest rip-off of him possible – save the theft of his peace… health… full creativeness… and life. We are expected to believe that he told his lawyer – who he'd met with the week of his death – told his lawyer nothing about what he wanted done with his life's work born of blood and love in almost equal measure… The arrogance of the 'power'-guys is such that they no longer care whether we believe their lies or not…) Why was he meeting with his lawyer… only days before he was killed?… What did the police estimate the time of death to be? The man whose father dispenses this drug… why was this man in the elevator with Prince before emergency-folk? When did – what was the specific time that – he first entered the elevator with Prince? If we allow the 'power'-guys to get away with this murder… the killing and torturing of others deemed 'unneeded' or 'inconvenient' or “a bad influence on the youth who 'we' require to be obedient”… will continue… And in this moment there is absolutely no need to give in to them… We have the Internet… we have instantaneous communication… We can… not just 'resist'… we can win… for everyone… our freedom…
Will listening to our bodies free our feelings?… if we listen in unison… as our bodies speak in common with those of others… will that release our suppressed feelings?(…and this is what's behind the attacks on people dancing… or simply gathering… collectively in public… world-wide… These guys fully intend to 'occupy' us with scenes of violence to invoke (they hope) our 'passion' (as they see it…) to prevent our responding to the reality of their installation of their global totalitarian system… with each region assigned its 'role': a 'neat' and 'orderly' 'testament' – once the 'unneeded' are culled… and the rest have their empathy nulled – testament to some supposed organically-sprung system based on 'merit'… or… invoking Hegel… 'national character'… Please… let's not be deceived by them… As others speak for their bodies… can we then speak for ours?… If the following thoughts were expressed in a form… a movement… that we did all together… moving in a circle… “This seed… my soul…” would we be doing what Alice imagined: finally understanding what happened to us… in the light of the right story… and then integrating our experience of being abused – by a system designed by the Few to 'make use of us' (as a re-enactment of their early childhood trauma… they were turned into puppets… and I guess you could say their 'reward' was to turn us into puppets… to be in that 'power' position…) – into our personalities?… by expressing it with our bodies… so we could begin freeing… our Sisters and Brothers?… We each of us under 'class' bear its wounds… have internalized its mindset… womb the resultant rage… and birth more – a seemingly endless cycle of mutual pain and abuse that we discharge on each other… until we see the hidden hand of 'power' literally sculpting it… this misery… amassing means specifically to continue it… because that is what they were taught to do… it is their repetition compulsion… We cannot care only about our particular tribes… or societies… as Proudhon calls them… narrow our identity and focus to our particular bodies and 'societies' only… not and win our freedom… because it is our calling now to represent for our biggest selves… punch the highest floor… 'freedom' cannot be 'particular'… only global… and these Sad Children of Abandonment… Plato's Tribesmen… fully intend to rest the weight of this entire hierarchical system on their backs… our Sisters and Brothers in targeted lands…
'Authentic' challenges… being 'authentic' – defending the authentic self daily in a totalitarian reality: Confronting this theft… invasion… of our bodies… – as we hold on to our own souls through our wholistic self-defense practice… our consciousness and efforts are either outright global (as with the organization of Global General Strikes…) or have a global emphasis… – our practice has for its inspiration the theme: “Trust your feelings…” How else can we own our bodies… In considering the list of key issues not to forget as we form a training practice that expresses what we need… to regain and keep our freedom… the first is first to speak: “Let's return to the 'power'-obsessed their fear…” we said… “and take up our original endowment: in the form of our 'unity-responsibility-project'… starting with: “unity with the children…” I was thinking about this in the context of the actual little bodies… the pre-school-age Little Tigers… practicing their ki-ai's… punching into bags… carefully making their toes touch as they come to 'set' position… minds empty now… leaving to their unconscious the puzzle of what it is the grown-ups want from them… All other species let their children's bodies speak for them… even… as I described in the book Waking Up… to the extent of… in some cases… foregoing strict self-protection… I described seeing our two parenting basenjis (small African dogs) letting their babies latch onto their necks until they bled… all 'mom' did was feed them… clean up poop… and clean them… and 'pops' – though not their biological 'dad' could not have been a better father – loved nothing more than to play with them. I'm almost certain they killed our two dogs with EMF before they turned to me… In the male dog in particular I now recognize the symptoms I have today… with Koro… the female… I wasn't around so much then… I was “experimenting with the Bedroom Vehicle…” an intention I also wrote about in the book Waking Up…): the unequivocal gentleness with which our two basenjis (small African dogs…) reared their young made me marvel when I saw it… There was absolutely no coercion. When Force is made the focus of our questions… as to why we do not yet have our freedom… it leads to the discussions we need… to get to the core of the problem of how 'class'-society is constituted… for… if Force is the relevant question… we must necessarily ask… “who or what is applying it?” “We have been intentionally hurt…” “and yet we submit to it…” – the entire puzzle in which we're trapped is compacted in those two statements… The thoughts system-given have been conditioned… and until we examine them… become aware of them… make them conscious… we cannot say we are doing “the work we are here to do…” because thoughts make us… until we make them… conscious…
I was of two minds returning to these thoughts after nearly a month… a month in which 'power' has been very assiduous in conveying the message… repeatedly… and across the globe… that the threat isn't them… oh no… “it's us…” we are told… 'we' are violent… the problem isn't them and their EMF weapons (they relentlessly pound in…) oh no… the problem is us… and 'our' violence… and the guns in our possession… Circle up with some two-year-olds… breathe in their inherent freedom… and you will know… the problem is not us… it's those who lust for total control over us… “Who has the 'power' to sculpt the world… and to compel we-subjects to subject our wills to it… there let the blame lie too…” to paraphrase George Eliot… being provocative… So… to let the first mind briefly speak… and leave it to marinate for a week… it would say this: There are certain things that must be done to honor our open-tribal-spirit once we decide to become associates: what is said to any is said to all… we reinforce with each other: that we are all hosts of the virus of 'power'… until the world is once again ours… and health established as our endowment… we know ourselves (each other…) by our acts… if… after a year of working together a Global General Strike is not being organized… it may be time to reassess our working relationship… while we each work independently toward that angle… till others bend to it… Sometimes I say to myself… I've got so much of the poison of the 'class'-system in me… how do I get it out… and the answer comes: with the movement… it takes a movement to wash us clean…
Recall: “What Is Property” work was completed in 1839… and written in the years just prior… when Proudhon was in his late twenties… a mere babe. Kropotkin… writing with the maturity of years and after witnessing a hideous degree of suffering obfuscated with that rubric 'the law'… and possessing the 'advantage' of seeing the 'modern' centralized… bureaucratic state… and having made his likewise assessment… writes this: – Kropotkin: “Servility before the law has become a virtue, and I doubt if there was ever even a revolutionist who did not begin in his youth as the defender of law against what are generally called “abuses,” although these last are inevitable consequences of the law itself. This new worship has been established with especial success since the rise to supreme power of the middle class – since the great French Revolution. Under the ancient regime, men spoke little of laws; unless, indeed, it were, with Montesquieu, Rousseau and Voltaire, to oppose them to royal caprice. Obedience to the good pleasure of the king and his lackeys was compulsory on pain of hanging or imprisonment. But during and after the revolutions, when the lawyers rose to power [what we now know was the self-organization of the global-statesmen… what I call 'Plato's Tribesmen'… – P.S.], they did their best to strengthen the principle upon which their ascendancy depended. The middle class at once accepted it as a dyke to dam up the popular torrent. The priestly crew hastened to sanctify it, to save their bark from foundering amid the breakers. Finally the people received it as an improvement upon the arbitrary authority and violence of the past…” (Kropotkin, “Law and Authority”…) Kropotkin's broad… topographic… 'aerial' (from 'the vantage of the whole'…) view of the nineteenth century (and the influences which shaped it…) from the perspective of having lived through its second half – helps us understand Proudhon's optimism… Unhindered by the state… continuous growth occurs of itself… it is our inheritance from life… our earth-gift… the state has naught to do with it but its theft… and subsequent promotion of its mis-attributed provenance… its false-stamp pounded onto it…
Proudhon: “The sum total of the talents and capacities of the race is always the same, and their nature is always similar. We are all born poets, mathematicians, philosophers, artists, artisans, or farmers, but we are not born equally endowed… Intelligence and natural genius have been distributed by Nature so economically, and yet so liberally, that in society there is no danger of either a surplus or a scarcity of special talents; and that each laborer, by devoting himself to his function, may always attain to the degree of proficiency necessary to enable him to benefit by the labors and discoveries of his fellows. Owing to this simple and wise precaution of Nature, the laborer is not isolated by his task. He communicates with his fellows through the mind, before he is united with them in heart; so that with him love is born of intelligence… Man continually exchanges with man ideas and feelings, products and services. Every discovery and act in society is necessary to him. But of this immense quantity of products and ideas, that which each one has to produce and acquire for himself is but an atom in the sun. Man would not be man were it not for society, and society is supported by the balance and harmony of the powers which compose it.…” [This paragraph deserves our prolonged attention I think… certainly broad and deep discussion… for in the absence of equality among us… which requires ending the practice of quantifying and ranking (commodifying) humans… there is no 'society'… Proudhon has persuasively made the case that the necessary foundation of a society is the 'balance and harmony' of the rich 'talents and capacities'… of each one of us… which compose it… we must then ask ourselves: “what has become of our richness?… our true wealth?…” 'Balance and harmony' – and revelation of potential – are the biases of the earth… the Tiny Few obsessed with 'rule' have other biases… their priority is to close possibilities… wither our power. 'Waste' is what we see… when we allow a Tiny Few to play at being kings… they waste our lives and our rich capacities… This… perversion of truth… is what has become of our richness… We have a 'system' that says 'it' will tell us if we are needed… that unless 'it' can make use of our services… we are essentially worthless… This insanity is completely backwards. Each human being is a treasure trove of endless surprises and delights… in a world set a'right on its proper foundation… each day we eagerly await the discovery of the happy surprises we find within ourselves… and in each other… The insanity imposed has naught to do with earth but all to do with the fear of a Tiny Few… so small they must beat us into dust to have a glimmer of shine by comparison… That we accept such dreariness from this deluded so-called 'best'… is solely due to this Tiny Few withholding from us… the truth…]
Proudhon: “I have proved… both by the spirit of the laws which regard property as the basis of society, and by political economy, that inequality of conditions is justified neither by priority of occupation nor superiority of talent, service, industry, and capacity. But, although equality of conditions is a necessary consequence of natural right, of liberty, of the laws of production, of the capacity of physical nature, and of the principle of society itself… The man who is superior in strength, skill, or courage, knows that he owes all that he is to society, without which he could not exist. He knows that, in treating him precisely as it does the lowest of its members, society discharges its whole duty towards him. But he does not underrate his faculties; he is no less conscious of his power and his greatness; and it is this voluntary reverence which he pays to humanity, this avowal that he is but an instrument of Nature – who is alone worthy of glory and worship…” [and continuing to think… as I have much these days… about the loss of Prince… that it is precisely these that Proudhon describes as 'knowing their greatness…' and who are therefore capable of modeling what that means for us to see: an allegiance to the earth… to life… to our Sisters and Brothers… scorning the stolen 'authority' of global-statesmen over us… disdaining the lie that 'greatness' lies in being 'less'… in embracing 'smallness' in order to support 'genius'… or 'the most excellent'… a false 'self'-sacrifice that we are told advances all of us – 'false' because the 'self' was not allowed to exist… a 'self' pounded small with the parent's insistence on obedience… – that it is precisely those who “do not underrate their faculties; who are conscious of their power and greatness… who understand it as a voluntary reverence paid to humanity… an avowal that they are but an instrument of Nature, – who is alone worthy of glory and worship…” it is precisely these the 'power'-guys do not want us to see… – P.S.]…
For our June 26, 2016 Show:
…and then… while he sees the inevitability of a voracious 'machine' butting up against physical limits… and… therefore… the resulting immiseration of all of us (what our Good Three… and Claudia… termed “the pauperization of people on a world-scale…” – calling our attention to what it means for we-the-people to be stripped of dignity… a process von Werlhof thinks of as 'housewification'…) – he misses entirely the key aspect from which to view our dilemma of how to get free… that which must be overcome in order to feel certain that we are done… with 'the system'… and so a critical strategic focus: i.e.… our conditioned helplessness… and so… our obedience. And how to make us so… keep us so… if not by taking the advice of Townsend and Bentham… to “make us hunger…” How ensure that we cannot feed ourselves? By controlling access to land… to food. The 'plan' is so obvious… so basic… if it wasn't for 'power's strategy of keeping hidden… of wringing the last drop of 'wealth' from the planet… and us… and so controlling what gets funded… what thoughts get heard… what acts get done – and then pushing forward an alternative explanation: i.e. 'science'… in 'left'… 'right'… and so-called 'value-free' variations – all the 'disciplines' that train us in objectification and utilitarian ethics… and mistrust of what our bodies tell us.
Our June 26, 2016 Show:
Prince's body was our evidence… of his murder by EMF weapons… what has become of it?… Either his body wasn't present at his own funeral (the Internet… when I consulted it… barfed up the 'news' that two days after his death there was a 'funeral'… with only twenty people – all family members it said – allowed to attend…) so either his body wasn't in attendance… or so much of it had been removed… or was swollen… that they were determined to keep us from seeing it… And I am very concerned about friends of his who share his love for freedom… and have his means… If any who fit that description are not already targeted with EMF… they one day will be… So what could you do if that person were you?… What I'm saying is that in silence there is no safety… If we want to be big of spirit… and we want this for our children and fellows… we will have to fight for it… Freedom is not an abstract concept… grab a tiger by the tail and she'll show you… So we have only one true option if soul-death is not acceptable… and that is to call for an end to the coerced-work system… and to say that we need a global discussion and that a Global 'Pause' for a day is the way to do it… You will be called 'irresponsible'… the truth is the opposite… and it's truth we want to walk with… I do not want to lose more artists… they represent for 'heart'… for communion… for love…
Do any of us truly believe that our purpose in life is “to organize the world for global capital…”? – as opposed to creating good lives for all of us… free of compulsion and fear. Why should we support that which is destroying our capacity to be self-determining?… and to have the joyful and loving world we want… and to ensure that our freely-cooperating and endlessly creative nature is supported structurally… – and that is each and every one of us… it is a con when they tell us that they identify the ones who are creative… no… we're born that way… and we need a world that supports each and every single one of us flowering… blossoming… into our full gifts… we need a world that ensures that our freely-cooperating and endlessly creative nature is supported structurally… Why should we support a world that we don't want… in which we are set against the earth… and against each other?… “'The Chinese steel industry produces 400 million tons more steel than it can consume, and it does that deliberately because China can't keep its system afloat if its people are on the streets. Not only do they export that global excess capacity in steel around the world, they are exporting their unemployment with it,' Leo Gerard said.” (Our Brothers and Sisters in China don't want to be working in steel mills any more than we do – moreover… the world already has more than enough steel for our needs – all of us want to be free… but here we have the situation where we're fighting for our slavery…) We can see condensed in these brief words almost the entire insanity of a coercion-based world (once we discuss it all together the insanity becomes so obvious we realize that we have all been collectively experiencing Stockholm Syndrome… and that we are going to have to… collectively… shake ourselves free of this suicidal… self-destructive… debilitating conditioning… which is only as deeply rooted as it is because it's inculcated from childhood by the people we depend on to love us… the people we have to trust and depend on for love…)
In last week's show during a discussion of whether only we humans have a sense of 'the all of it'… I recalled a lovely film… Watership Down… whose central characters… the Rabbits… most definitely did… and my son just reminded me how it ended: they found at last the Land they'd dreamed of… a land in which they lived their inherent sense of freedom… that is called 'Truly Living'… (once again… the problem is not 'capitalism' – when we have a world in which states are 'over-producing' to keep folks employed… so they won't demand their bodies back… cuz it ain't hard reproducing for ourselves… reproducing our own lives… particularly when we are helping each other globally… – but it's very hard for them to keep seven billion enslaved… they need a lot of coercion… a lot of violence… they have to put a lot of pain on us… to keep us shackled… and that means destroying the earth in the process… They're OK with that. What they're not OK with is letting go their fantasy of being gods… It's not about 'capitalism'… it's about 'capitalism' doing the work they want done for them… but my point is that we have “excess production”… “excess stuff”… we got more than enough to tide us through a hundred 'transitions'… We don't demand much for our good lives – they do… they demand the whole earth – we don't… we demand… ask… for love… we want to help each other… We create wealth… that's what we're about… and we have fun doing it… It ain't called 'work'… it's called 'being alive'… and we're ready to try some… to taste some… we're hungry for it…) we're hungry to Truly Live… an inheritance stolen from us with the installation of 'class'… and it falls on us… in this moment… to take it back…
The interstate-system… beyond being means for institutionalizing Global Scarcity (when the 'world-market' requires that we produce not for ourselves but for 'it'… that is scarcity manufactured with artifice… with cons such as 'Greater Good'… and 'Progress' [I heard that word 'progress' thrown around a lot in the excerpt from 'The People's Summit' we played this morning… not one person among the speakers we heard said that things have been getting worse and worse and worse despite all that protest they recommended we do… that the quality of our lives keeps getting worse… decade after decade… not one person said that 'protest' shows 'power' its weaknesses… and they've patched up and kept going… So… far from there being 'progress'… things have gotten worse and worse by following the insufficient path of 'protest with no vision of what we want'… and that existed with Proudhon and Kropotkin and Bakunin et al.… and that's why we saw two world wars that consumed I don't know how many millions in the twentieth century to end that vision… which was so 'economically efficient'… so clearly needed… and so what we want… they had to slaughter a lot of folk to end it for a bit… but we are resurrecting it…) So this interstate-system… beyond being means for ensuring our inability to feed ourselves and help our Brothers and Sisters of other lands who are… with ourselves… experiencing great suffering (Hunger and the most corrupt and utter Soullessness are stalking us across the globe… the plight always of course most dire in the 'Global South'… the oil and fertile earth of which the 'power'-guys will ever covet… whose people they want bent to the Hard Tasks… Recall on whose backs the weight of the so-called 'Knowledge Economy' rests… who clothes it?… who feeds it?… who does the 'dirty work'?… so the machinery of Making Hierarchy… the motor of our conditioned helplessness is kept in motion… And who is dying of hunger due to year upon year of withholding rain from them… coupled with planned violence and community dismantlement… we are being mowed down with such a chilling and all-encompassing Totalitarian Contempt our minds cannot wrap around it – which means our life-affirming reply must be set on that hill… high… for as many others to see and hear as we can reach…) So this interstate-system is the means for transferring… concentrating… and centralizing wealth massively… (and it is by means of “the centralization [of capital] on a world scale…” achieved via global financial mechanisms: by means of “extraordinarily large-scale banking consortia managing “public” and “private” funds alike…” [quoting our Good Three from our March 1, 2015 show…] that wealth is sucked from the earth… us… and our Brothers and Sisters – the quality of whose lives… to the 'power'-Titans… is of no consequence… – over time… as 'wealth' grows ever-more concentrated – i.e.… the more we-extremely-abused are viewed as having little left to use… (Hence the slaughter and terrorizing of rural villages across the globe… famine is everywhere – Friday's paper tells us that 200 people fleeing Boko Haram died of hunger in Nigeria last month… If we stood with our own bodies we would be standing with theirs [for there are intimate… and mysterious… linkages between us… which… once we explore… reveal more…]
…in our earlier discussion we said that while Marx understood that as the rate of profit falls… this 'system'… based ideologically in the con of so-called 'continuous accumulation'… hits a roadblock… and it requires more than it's willing to put up on the table to keep us in 'jobs'… and that's where in this moment we are at… Marx understood that… but he missed the key aspect from which to view our dilemma of how to get free… the problem that we must overcome in order to feel certain that we are done with 'the system'… and so our critical strategic focus: our conditioned sense of 'helplessness'… and so… our obedience… How ensure that we cannot feed ourselves? By controlling access to land… to food. The 'plan' is so obvious… so basic – and I'm talking 'global'… always remember that the frame has to be 'global'… the more we-extremely-abused are viewed as having little left to use… the more the question looms (for 'power'…) what to do with us (for though we-the-earth are the source of all wealth… their 'relations of rule / Authority' (for 'power'…) are far more important… In the present circumstances of Resource Depletion… and Massive Poisoning of the planet… there is no 'economic'… i.e.… 'class'-bolstering… means to address these things… no rank-reinforcing way of restoring the earth's bounty and doing the clean-up: only we off-leash… with our bodies free… with the individual – under conditions of non-coercion – being the basic unit of political organization… can we accomplish it… (Of course their answer to this dilemma is deepened totalitarianism…) A British exit from the European Union… even if largely symbolic initially… is a shot across the bow of the Global-System… announcing a strategy of going around it… But this first step requires its follow-up… if it is to reach the goal of those who voted for it – that follow-up being addressing our structurally-enforced sense of helplessness… by beginning to make our beliefs and our actions consonant… by embracing… the 'logic'… or strategy… of Conscious De-Commissioning… or De-Centralization… of the 'global-system'… which we've also been calling Distributed Generation… and while… certainly… this is what the technology allows… and certainly this is the challenge we-associated-global-humans representing for humanity overall in this moment face… representing for its continued existence… while certainly the need could not be more pressing… and certainly the tools we need… the technology (social media…) are in our possession… we continue to hold back… “I do not believe he was much more of a coward than his neighbors, only he did not know that all sensible people are cowards when they are off their beat, or when they think they are going to be roughly handled. I believe, that if the truth were known, it would be found that even the valiant St. Michael himself tried hard to shirk his famous combat with the dragon…”
Of course one part of the answer to why we submit is our fear of punishment… the core of the system of coercion into which we are born… “With delivery trucks under constant attack, the nation's food is now transported under armed guard…”… Thus begins one of many similar recent news items about the food crisis in Venezuela… Of course we know that the 'power'-guys have a fixed obsession with designing and wielding technology that makes us their puppets… mos def this means… controlling the climate… our ability to feed ourselves… And we know that minimally they have the capability to withhold or deliver rain – superfluity or dearth or drought… bounty or famine… life or death… these are 'powers' they want in their hands… alone… They have ever coveted means to punish the 'disobedient'… it's their 'reason-for-being'… and their rationale is that they are “creating Perfection” (“homicidal artists”… we could call them…) There have been veiled threats already given… to the people of Britain… I'm glad they didn't bow to them… In the absence of consciousness… all we do becomes 'the system'… We have to have something that we're moving toward that is “not-this”… and we have to discuss it… all together globally… I think we must add one more piece to our practice of reclaiming and protecting our original… true… authentic… selves: that we see ourselves intentionally as a bank… that which sees all… that which convenes us… that through which we associate… sets the parameters for how we live… reproduce ourselves… our collective means and form… with the common aim of becoming an intentional affiliate with other de-commissioning strategies globally… working together… coordinating our acts… toward a One-Day Global General Strike… The critical point is that in whatever we do we are denying 'the system' fuel: whether spiritual or material… The usefulness of the Global General Strike is not symbolic… we need to know… who are our affiliates… for it seems likely that it will only be those who truly want our world based in non-coercion… who will authentically work for it… and once we have successfully organized a Global General Strike… we have our network for addressing hunger among us…
“You can't fight for what you don't love… and you can't love what you don't know…” – these are words that drifted from the radio… the source of which I didn't catch… that I quoted in the book Waking Up… that suggest another way of looking at our practice: we are getting re-acquainted with our original selves after a long absence… we must expect that our feet will find some rocky spots… that there will be need to love smooth… some rough. Kropotkin essentially said that we were conquered… by 'power' putting words… thoughts… in our heads… and that we have to put others in their stead… with an authentic consciousness of what has happened to us… what it has meant… what it has done to our psyches… our personalities… We have been made accustomed to letting others speak for us… from mothers telling us to “say 'thank you'…” and “say 'hello'…” (when we know that children learn by watching us… and then doing what we do… So when we punish the ones who look to us to love them… and so are trapped… cannot respond authentically to it… we are making sadists… and we see in our acts what 'power' has done… is doing… to us….) All our lives the words we say are placed in our mouths… there to corrode and corrupt our tongues… and make us puppets… till 'power' tells us “pack your things… you're not needed… you may now leave us…” What we do with our lives when under compulsion is not really 'living'… it's building Auschwitz. The words we place on our tongues must be new ones… must be spoken… must meet the open air between we and our fellows… let's think what words we need to speak. We have been made accustomed to 'the system' speaking loudly and everywhere… while we grow ever-more silent… our creative energy drained from us or lying fallow… So… wherefore shall we be salted?… we who are exhausted… and we with love to share… who shall have our salt?… if not our Brothers and Sisters… through the networks we create of distributed generation…
For our July 3, 2016 Show:
“Totalitarianism is a self-defeating project because it requires making everyone 'come in'… which means it unites us… such that inevitably we do come to see 'the whole'… i.e.… we must try to understand 'the whole' in order to understand our very lives… so… for instance… the 'political class'… the sheepdogs… is completely internationalized… so our thought must become all-encompassing as 'power' seeks to make its control all-encompassing…” [From the Waking Up Radio show of December 2, 2012]
“Fish 10: No state wants to stay on the bottom… so does this not play into 'patriotism'?… Fish 11: Our means of resistance – our thought – advances apace with 'power's means of control… Fish 12: If 'power' is trying to sculpt a reality – and 'sculpt' implies 'force' – and that reality is hierarchical… – rigid… fixed… 'class' divisions… – and if that reality it's trying to sculpt is scarcity – generalized hardship – and must therefore (because the reality is hierarchical – that's how it achieves generalized hardship: the illusion of scarcity… our belief in scarcity…) and being hierarchical must therefore achieve different effects… different outcomes… for different regions of the world… and within them… to maintain the integrity of the ideology ('natural masters'… 'natural slaves'…) and Greed was unleashed to achieve it… which eats itself (a reference to the last story in Ovid's Metamorphoses is the tale of Erysichthon…) such that the integrity of the ideology was compromised: the facade slipped… and 'power's face could be seen through it – that is to say… people could see that there's nothing 'natural' about it – 'power' – at all… what are the levers that 'power' uses to sculpt that 'reality'… the 'reality' that it's trying to create? Fish 13: So… we are at a point when the ideology has been seen through and 'power's sole play is 'to wait'… to endure… to survive us… this generation… and continuously re-train the next generation to accept its 'new world order': a dark… apocalyptic… place… Fish 14: …They have been controlling us with the 'scarcity myth' ever since 'class' started… Now… 'scarcity' has become global… total… now that it has… what is the 'progress myth' in a total-scarcity context? Fish 15: 'Panopticon on the flip-side' means they hold our eyes… 'Power' cannot allow an alternative story… a.k.a.… the truth… to hold our eyes… Fish 17: The wage is the Panopticon… the means by which we are seen by 'power'… and the lens through which we see them – that is to say… they remain hidden… because our thoughts are given us… Fish 18: Why we see our Brothers and Sisters… and ourselves… as 'cattle'… i.e.… as much less interesting than 'power' and its ways: our 'eyes'… our thoughts… have been herded via atomization and the wage… such that we can't comprehend 'the whole'… and those allowed wider access to 'the whole'… who get to see a little bit more of it… or what they're shown of it… are told they're 'stars'… 'the smart ones'… while our vision is kept even narrower [another aspect of Hierarchy…] So I believe we see our Brothers and Sisters and ourselves as cattle because we give our allegiance to 'discipline'… and that 'discipline' is just another word for 'power'… and that 'the people' are 'undisciplined'… Fish 20: 'Scarcity' justifies 'global economy'… Fish 21: It is not 'the market' (which but represents means to control us…) that the would-be-gods want to be 'self-regulating'… ultimately… but us… that's the only thing that would freeze 'class' in place… We have to be bred… designed… that way: to ever-focus on [getting] our 'bread'… and that can only be accomplished if it is scarce… And the pundit class is completely internationalized… So… if they are 'infected'… let me back up… if in fact 'power' wants us to be self-regulating… given our internationalization… through the market… the pundit class too is internationalized… contaminated the globe… and they are the only thing that gives 'power' its hold…” [From the Waking Up Radio show of December 2, 2012]
Our July 3, 2016 Show:
Erich Fromm: “How can people express “their” will if they do not have any will or conviction of their own, if they are alienated automatons, whose tastes, opinions and preferences are manipulated by the big conditioning machines? Under these circumstances universal suffrage becomes a fetish…” – And we must not forget what Lester Crocker told us: that there is no fundamental contradiction between 'democracy' and 'totalitarianism' – to achieve the latter the 'power'-guys must simply condition 'the people' to want the state… What we need is not 'democracy'… but the 'open society'… Moreover… we can see that the place to begin is not with the framework of 'voting'… but with the reconstitution of the human… i.e.… as Alice Miller says… the problem of our being made automatons – of our not having any will… as Erich Fromm points out as well – is not fixed by 'thinking' ourselves up a new set of terms for the reduction of our human-ness… but by addressing that reduction directly: the theft of our true selves… suppression of our spontaneous feelings… a suppression continuously re-instituted by the hierarchical structure… and the enforced atomization… of 'class'…
So… we do see how this is done… right?… their shaping of our feelings and 'thought' to cultivate a broad… general… sense of insecurity… along with the belief that only 'the state' can keep us 'safe'… and keep 'order' among us?Despite a deliberate search these past two months I could not find a single article in The New York Times about Nuit Debout… but every day there is a piece about the growing threat of Fascist sentiment across Europe – described as 'the revolt of the masses' – and pieces that would have us believe… fearfully…that it is violence (from us…) that presents the chief threat… whether violence of the police (who are us… and now almost daily castigated in one way or another – and this is a global castigation – [as if there is no such thing as the coerced-work system… or infiltration… or the shadow-state that operates through these means… (In the case of the murder of Prince… it was preceded by months of constant focus in the papers on 'the problem of painkillers'… and after his death… whatever might cast doubt on their official story – for instance bringing to our attention unanswered questions such as: What was the condition of the body… as evident both from the police photographs and from its appearance at the funeral?… Was there swelling of the cheeks? (a tell-tale sign of the mucus accumulation from an advanced and prolonged EMF assault…) Why was the funeral held after only two days?… Was his body shown at the funeral?… Who was at the funeral?… What are the results thus far of the police investigation? – has been carefully neglected or ignored…) Moreover… another reiteration: when a message is repeated… a lot… across multiple media… over several weeks… global-'power' is speaking… and it is incumbent upon us – we who have formed the commitment to represent for generalized human freedom in this moment (when its achievement is ours to win…) – to 'play it back'… the move on 'power's part that we're seeing… to the motivation behind it… and the sinister play I'm asking us to think about today… is the consistent attack on Facebook… and I am encouraging Mark Zuckerberg to take it very very serious… as there is no doubt the 'power'-guys consider him a prime candidate to receive their assault with EMF weapons (and if he feels there's a lot of false folks around him… don't take it personal… it's because there are… We shall all have to get a lot tighter with what our bodies say… in general… but particularly when the paid-to-make-mischief come our way…) So I'm going to say to friends of his what I wish I'd said to friends of Prince: please investigate the origin of these weapons… document their existence… expose the history of their development and use… encourage him to get access to and document the drone-traffic around his place of business and home…
In a sense… 'the state' represents 'the time of the prophets'… and vice versa – they looked out for us… they were the caretakers of our soul… but we are re-incorporating those powers back into ourselves… because everyone is thinking right now… we're too big for containment – the costs… in every sense… go way-high for 'power'… but they will not release their hold on our throats… their hope to stifle our speech… it is their repetition compulsion… repeating what was done to them… when they were helpless infants… they will keep repeating that trauma… discharging their rage on whatever victims we allow them (this is George Eliot's point [“command exists but with obedience…”]) as long as we are helpless we stimulate this in them… but… we're growing up… they are losing their advantage of a disproportionate understanding of what is happening: that is the generation of true wealth… wealth of an intangible kind… until it blossoms… in Freedom-time… Once we see… globally… that 'power' is sculpting this Hierarchy – a hierarchical 'reality' based on the illusion of scarcity – they can't prevent our uniting globally… but they persist in the attempt by encouraging us to claim narrow identities (particularly as 'the wage' loses its power to 'hold our eyes'…) which prevent our gaining the vantage of 'the whole'… while preserving their exclusive understanding of what is really happening (a disproportion that is itself a reinforcement and re-establishment of Hierarchy… which ultimately devolves into Fascism…) But technology nullifies that advantage… which Nikola Tesla foresaw… and Proudhon senses. We'll return to this theme when we discuss social media.
This moment is heavy-laden with this political strategy of co-optation… a necessity of those who want to rule… a strategy closely aligned with their absolute favorite: the lose – lose. If you are opposed to globalization you are furthering fascists… if you want to fight fascism you must 'protect the state' from them. With the vote of Britons to exit the European Union the 'power'-guys have gone into over-drive with their pounding in of their re-definition of 'freedom': “Even when it is touted by all the propaganda in the world, a cage remains a cage, and a cage is unbearable to a human being in love with freedom…” (Marine Le Pen) […as opposed to a 'state'… Marine?… substitute 'a state' for 'a cage… because 'the state' is the ultimate containment-strategy of the 'power'-guys… – although we're going to be thinking more about this issue of 'the state' (or rather… 'the nation'…) because one of the questions I raised three and a half years ago in the December 2, 2012 show… I said… “no state wants to stay on the bottom and so doesn't this play into 'patriotism'?” So… we have to get clearer on this issue of 'the state'… or rather… 'the nation': does claiming 'the nation' advance our goal of authentic freedom – we touched on this in our discussions of Antonio Gramsci… and of course in our readings of Antisystemic Movements… in which our Good Three concluded 'no' – that 'power' is global and that so must we be… The other piece that I want to get clear on is “the role of the 'intellectual” and what I meant by: “…and they are the only thing that gives 'power' its hold…” I'm sure that what I was thinking of at that time is that they… the sheepdogs… are the chief-buffers for 'power' – the political strategy of Plato of having the 'sheepdogs' manage (and control the thought of…) the sheep… us… But it also relates to Marcuse's point (discussed in “Blog 48”: “The Responsibility of the Intellectual”…) and it relates to our absolutely needing to defend artists and folks who had no idea that when then were growing into their power (and gaining a lot more 'reach' than us 'average' folk…) they were stumbling into a big mess… standing in some crosshairs called 'EMF'… that they have become threats – and this relates to Marcuse's point about the tole of 'Knowledge Workers' in getting our freedom: we saw this in the Egyptian Revolution… and 'power' is obviously all over this… trying to claim young people early… and trying to terrorize anyone who is in a position they would consider a 'security risk' (from 'power's perspective of their security…) terrorize them into not even thinking about taking their skills to a global arena and standing with 'the people'… and help develop a vision of an alternative to 'class'… to 'power'… to 'rule'… but it happens regardless… we see signs of this… and the more it happens… there is this 'snowball effect'… and because it takes so much energy for 'power' to suppress us… they are obviously in terror right now… because the means to free ourselves are so within our reach… but… as Immanuel Wallerstein said about the U.S. – and applies more aptly I think to the global-state-statesmen… Plato's Tribe – it is a 'wounded tiger'… not a 'paper' one…]
…To 'opt-out' of the European Union is to signal an intention to opt-out of – or… at the very least… reconsider this matter of – the Global Competition – an ideology of Division that is no longer effective – if it ever was – with we-commoners (these are really interesting… inter-related concepts… the definition of 'the nation' has… since its inception… been a matter of contention… between what we wanted… which is to realize our communal nature… and what 'power' wanted… which is to compel our allegiance…) so other divisions must be fed… and 'the outsider' is the original one of 'class' – it's unclear how successful the 'power'-planted ideology of demonizing 'immigrants' will be with us… but what's certain is… we need our own conversations… Because in this moment there is not only no need for us to settle… it is true opportunity that faces us: but we must step up… define our 'purple banana'… what it is we truly want… in conversations with each other… globally… and then punch that highest floor… to our freedom… Joy must live again… as an honored expectation… when we arrive on the planet…
“We know each other… ourselves… by our acts…” 'Protesting”… we are arguing… does not address our conditioned sense of helplessness… and it is undoing this conditioning… de-conditioning ourselves… that is the key to – the flip-side of… another way of seeing – de-commissioning 'the system'… The word 'progress' was thrown around a lot [at the 'People's Summit'…] but not one person among the speakers we heard pointed out that … far from there being 'progress'… things – the quality of our lives – have gotten worse and worse… decade after decade… by following the insufficient path of 'protest with no clear vision of a different path (I must clarify – they're hammering me so… I gotta be careful I don't go 'short-hand' – By 'protest'… I mean an agenda or goal to 'improve' intolerable conditions by pointing them out to 'Daddy'… 'the state'… as 'problems' that need addressing… and asking… or demanding… that he… 'It'… 'fix' them… I do not mean our coming together in large numbers to celebrate our power and our unity – which allows us to see our abundance and overcome the myth of 'scarcity' – and concretize our shared commitment to achieve our freedom… as we're seeing in Hong Kong and with Nuit Debout… but every day we must do this: concretize our shared commitment – and social media allows us to do this – every day we must be preparing the ground… planting seeds… so that when we do mass to see our power it is energizing the goal of an entirely new world… so that when we do mass… it is based in our analysis that led to the conclusion that we need a global society that all of us participate in designing – and the technology allows us to do this… right?… it is for us to get our freedom – based on premises opposite to 'power's… to 'class'…) Far from there being 'progress'… things – the quality of our lives – have gotten worse and worse… decade after decade… by following the insufficient path of 'protest with no clear vision of a different path… 'the world we want' – that in the absence of our own vision… 'protest' but reveals to 'power' its weaknesses… with their predictable response being to patch up the gaps in our enclosures and keep steppin'… No one noted that our Good Three and Claudia von Werlhof were talking about this reality of “things necessarily must keep getting worse” thirty years ago… and yet this discussion still hasn't made it to lips of the pundits… the official… over-the-airwaves… 'left' discourse – and by 'discourse' I mean being discussed… back and forth… so that we can develop our thought… If 'protesting' doesn't work… what will? We have to have a vision that is 'not-this'… the opposite of 'rule'… and we have to discuss it… all together… globally…
Is it clear that what the 'power'-guys can't own or control… they eliminate? Now… would those who have imposed an artificial 'order' on humans globally… an 'order' that depends on controlling what thoughts we think… want to own or control a global communication means that reaches over 1.65 billion people every month?… “…Facebook's document takes no stand on what kind of content it considers “informative.” Instead, informative content is in the eye of the user.… Facebook also steps back from any responsibility for choosing certain ideas over others. Its news feed, it says, is instead about giving you more of what you want…” And what if 'what we want'… is not going to be discussed… in The New York Times? What if 'what we want' has to be discussed… and discussed… and discussed again… among all of us globally… each one of us connecting to and drawing in others… people that we know… people never before consulted about 'what they want'… particularly 'what they want' as the 'reality' they see around them daily? Can you see the thought developing?… the ideas flourishing? Can you see 'power' sweating? So… how do we get a new world… one with different operating premises?… one based on abundance… cooperation and non-coercion?… as opposed to scarcity… hierarchy… and force? Is it by 'protest'… or is it through lots and lots of discussions?
Proudhon: “But equality delights my heart. Benevolence degenerates into tyranny, and admiration into servility. Friendship is the daughter of equality. O my friends! may I live in your midst without emulation, and without glory!; let equality bring us together, and fate assign us our places [do you see the trust and security that being raised with the earth generates?… – P.S.]. May I die without knowing to whom among you I owe the most esteem! Friendship is precious to the hearts of the children of men.” [It is… and… extending your logic further… and factoring in Kropotkin… the fact of our natural tendency toward equality… and mutual aid… I think it's fairer to say… in amending your point about the 'harmonic arrangement' of the gifts we present… that it is the Few… with minds ever on theft… who reply to us… the vast Many… despite the appearance… who ever try… to stopper up our brilliance… – P.S.] [Part or all of this show may not have streamed over the Internet…]
Our July 10, 2016 Show:
The central theme of our show is “Seeing from 'the all' restores access to our vitality… releases suppressed energy… 'increasing the force accelerating the human mass…'” as Nikola Tesla did… and to use his expression… and to use his expression – and it just so happens that it falls… on Nikola Tesla's birthday… Happy Chance!… We will be considering from another angle what is… arguably… the central theme of these pages: that we are here to be 'big'… to grow into our biggest selves… every single one of us globally… and that our doing this advances 'human-ness'… which is what Nikola meant by 'progress'… We will be considering that this project of continuous growth that we are born with… that our bodies urge us to in countless ways as we struggle through the resistance… the 'retarding' blocks and obstacles… of 'class'… of the 'power'-guys (the current version of which being the global-state-statesmen…) that our bodies' urging gets hijacked by them by means of a con of limited duration… limited because we ultimately grow beyond them… ultimately… but a lot of death and suffering has been happening between these times… and we are living in the time… when the suffering and schemes for killing us must stop… the con that hijacks us is the one delivered by our parents that tells us that 'human-ness' is advanced by our serving 'bigger projects' than us… the specific 'bigger project' varies across 'class'-time… is modified and adjusted by the 'power'-guys as our restlessness stretches… our understanding expands… but… as 'class' is totalitarian… whatever project we are told to sacrifice our 'selves' to is an aspect of 'the global-state' – what we wish to call 'the nation'… which we hope is the common framework that supports global freedom… The concept of 'the nation' has… since its inception… been a matter of contention… between what we wanted… which is to realize our communal nature…and our individual gifts… and what 'power' wanted… which is to compel our allegiance… our obedience… to establish 'rule' as an 'inevitable'… and irrevocable… fixture of our lives (disguised by the term 'civilization.') (And because we have not discussed Bentham – all of us together globally – it may be hard to credit that nation-states – or the 'global-state' – kill us for being disobedient and for owing them nothing [as is the case with Prince…] and certainly no allegiance… but we come to see… through discussing all together globally… that it is… at base… the reason why they kill us – apart from population management in its broadest sense: to reduce the 'surplus population.) The path to truth… and so the growth of thought… lies only through an earth-allegiance… How does 'the earth' work? It's all Nikola thought about. by which means – thought – he 'wrought himself' – as George Eliot puts it… “I have thrived on my thoughts…” says Nikola… and in coming to understand her – the earth – he came to understand himself. All of us tend toward our earth-allegiance… tend toward growth-continuous… wholistic… and free – free of coercion. Coercion… we are arguing… is absolutely unnecessary… the progress of our human-ness is what our bodies want (and… by the way… what does it say about our coherent sense of 'self'… our integrity… that we agree with Proudhon yet see the horrible capability Nikola's work – seized by the state – has placed in the hands of literal sociopaths… the global-state-statesmen… and yet do not press for discussion of it?…)
…once we do recover our 'self' that is true (or were fortunate never to lose it… as with Prince…) we will not relinquish it. And a true self that thinks authentically is absolutely needed in this time of transition back to what is whole… and healthy… With Proudhon and Kropotkin… Nikola must necessarily get us to look at what the earth is in itself… as it is authentically… not through the lens of the conditioning we receive from those who want to own it – and to own most particularly… us… for we are the energy on which their false-world runs – we receive the energy of the sun… and transform it… Nikola Tesla: “So we find that the three possible solutions of the great problem of increasing human energy are answered by the three word: food, peace, work. Many a year I have thought and pondered, lost myself in speculations and theories, considering man as a mass moved by a force, viewing his inexplicable movement in the light of a mechanical one, and applying the simple principles of mechanics to the analysis of the same until I arrived at these solutions, only to realize that they were taught to me in my early childhood. These three words sound the key-notes of the Christian religion. Their scientific meaning and purpose are now clear to me: food to increase the mass, peace to diminish the retarding force, and work to increase the force accelerating human movement…” [I think it's very clear to all of us that “the retarding force” is 'power'… organized global-'power'… determined to stay 'on top' of a hierarchy of their own creation – and a consult with the “The People's Lexicon” to attempt some translation / rectification… brings a harmonization of our terms and meanings with Nikola's: 'human movement'… I am assuming we agree… implies 'unencumbered'… implies 'free'… Given that the movement of humans under 'class' is anything but 'free'… the goal we must… as living things… necessarily seek… is our freedom.… Coercion… as we said… comes at the cost of enormous energy-loss… results in hideous waste and suffering – but its pain… is disproportionately placed: all on us… and the earth… and none on the 'power'-guys… whose terms for addressing the mess caused by them disallow… preclude… authentic solutions – which means us… off-leash… coming up with them… Were we to sit and discuss with him… he could not help but agree… that under conditions of 'power'-imposed hobbling of our energy… the only way for us to 'increase' it… is to free it… Can we all agree on this? If so… then we all have to work together for a global stoppage of this insane mess… Otherwise we are complicit (once we really understand what Nikola is telling us…) In order to contribute one's tireless energy to fulfill our human-ness… we must reacquire our authentic 'self'…]
It is absolutely revolting that the 'power'-guys stole his hard work… and have used it to cause us ill-health… disease… injury… and death… – Margaret Cheney, biographer of Nikola Tesla: “Lambert Dolphin, assistant director of the Radio Physics Laboratory at SRI International… has studied the inventor's work and his ball-lightning research for two decades [this was published in1981…] He points out that the fields of knowledge of both physics and electrical engineering have grown exponentially since about 1930.… Tesla, Dolphin believes, “may have had intuitive insight into lasers and high-energy particle beams as well as ultra-high voltage phenomena, but now that we understand all the physics much more, we can easily evaluate many of his extravagant later-life claims.” In fact, there is no good evidence to suggest that Tesla anticipated lasers. His “teleforce rays” seem to have been concerned exclusively with high-energy particle beams.… Nevertheless, Tesla's work with high voltages to accelerate charged particles does seem to have been decidedly in what is now the mainstream of physical research.… As this book goes to press, the Pentagon is studying the creation of a new branch of the armed services to be known as the U.S. Space Command, whose primary arsenal will consist of laser and particle-beam weapons fired from “space battleships.” In prose not unlike Tesla's own, a Department of Defense fact sheet compares particle beams to “directed lightning bolts” – although without explicitly admitting that such a weapon has in fact been developed…
(Continuing with): Margaret Cheney, biographer of Nikola Tesla: “It is difficult to assess the current state of the beam-weapons program because virtually everything about it is heavily classified.… At the same time, the activities of the other nations in this area have been monitored carefully by agencies of the federal government. Indeed the possibility of creating a family of particle-beam weapons has been a subject of serious discussion in this country for at least the past twenty-five years [and then absolutely silenced… – P.S.], and it is, in my opinion, of no little significance that as long ago as 1947 the Military Intelligence Service identified the writings about a particle-beam among Tesla's scientific papers as being 'of extreme importance. Since he had no laboratory in the later years of his life [Nikola died alone in his rooms in 1943… after which a large quantity of his papers disappeared from them…], Tesla was unable to develop his ideas. But it is undeniable that he described in general terms half a century ago what may prove to be one of the main weapons of the space age. And to the end of his days, Tesla the pacifist hoped that such knowledge would be used, not for war among Earthlings, but for interplanetary communication with our neighbors in space, of whose existence he felt certain.'” The 'power'-guys cannot but own their debt to Nikola for EMF weaponry… but certainly their massively misanthropic schemes of raining death and destruction down upon us is solely the 'work' of the global-state-statesmen…
Nikola Tesla: “The discovery of the conducting properties of the air, though unexpected was only a natural result of experiments in a special field which I had carried on for some years before. It was, I believe, during 1889 that certain possibilities offered by extremely rapid electrical oscillations [wave frequencies… – P.S.] determined me to design a number of special machines adapted for their investigation. Owing to the peculiar requirements, the construction of these machines was very difficult, and consumed much time and effort; but my work on them was generously rewarded, for I reached by their means several novel and important results. Once of the earliest observations I made with these new machines was that electrical oscillations of an extremely high rate act in an extraordinary manner upon the human organism. Thus, for instance, I demonstrated that powerful electrical discharges of several hundred thousand volts, which at that time were considered absolutely deadly, could be passed through the body without inconvenience or hurtful consequences. These oscillations produced other specific physiological effects, which, upon my announcement, were eagerly taken up by skilled physicians and further investigated.… [He conducted these experiments in 1889… rest assured… the 'power'-guys have had ample time to play around with these frequencies and find out their specific physiological effects… in order to develop… as Margaret Cheney said… a whole 'family' of EMF weapons – different frequencies do different things to the body… and… we've been arguing… either mimic or create diseases that have not been attributed to them… but which should be… like stroke… heart disease… cancer… Alzheimer's… pneumonia – the enormous quantities of mucus generated with certain types of EMF weapons can cause pneumonia and circulation problems that could cause stroke… but depending on the specific kind of EMF weapon it can obviously damage the heart as well… – P.S.] Another observation was that by means of such oscillations light could be produced in a novel and more economic manner…” [which is suggestive that he was on the track of laser-EMF as well… – P.S.] (Nikola Tesla, Collected Papers) [And it is quite typical and defining of who this man is… and of all folk who are motivated by love and the need to establish complete truth… honesty… and equality in our human relations… that he threw his arms open and said… “Here! Come listen! Let's share! Let's discuss! Let's work together!” – That's the world we want… That's who we are… We deserve our world to reflect who we are… It's that simple… – P.S.]
Nikola Tesla: “The most valuable observation made in the course of these investigations was the extraordinary behavior of the atmosphere toward electric impulses of excessive electromotive force. The experiments showed that the air at the ordinary pressure became distinctly conducting, and this opened up the wonderful prospect of transmitting large amounts of electrical energy for industrial purposes [Rest assured… he did not mean by this the hidden extralegal murdering of countless among us… in a 'population management' scheme we have been calling “High Tech Auschwitz'… though Auschwitz's was an industrial process… – P.S ] to great distances without wires, a possibility which, up to that time, was thought of only as a scientific dream. Further investigation revealed the important fact that the conductivity imparted to the air by these electrical impulses of many millions of volts increased very rapidly with the degree of rarefaction…” [quality of being less dense – so the current increases with distance… which is startling… and recall they were developing… or had already developed… a 'space battleship' when Margaret Cheney wrote… in 1980… so if they had that capability then… imagine what it is now… and recall she said that the U.S. is monitoring what the other nation-states are doing along these lines – they work together on this… the 'power'-guys of every nation… the global-statesmen… and are determined that we don't work together… on getting free…]
Nikola Tesla: “Further investigation revealed the important fact that the conductivity imparted to the air by these electrical impulses of many millions of volts increased very rapidly with the degree of rarefaction, so that air strata at very moderate altitudes, which are easily accessible [of course… the 'power'-guys have their own 'space station' … so altitude is no longer a problem… – P.S.], offer, to all experimental evidence, a perfect conducting path, better than a copper wire, for currents of this character. Thus the discovery of these new properties of the atmosphere not only opened up the possibility of transmitting, without wires, energy in large amounts, but, what was still more significant, it afforded the certitude that energy could be transmitted in this manner economically. In this new system it matters little – in fact, almost nothing – whether the transmission is effected at a distance of a few miles or of a few thousand miles [Yea! We've solved the energy problem… now let's deal with the 'power'-problem… that's the one we always had to deal with first… Let's get on it! We have a world to set right… on its proper foundations of equality… peace… and the absence of coercion: love…]
Nikola Tesla: “From that moment when it was observed that, contrary to the established opinion, low and easily accessible strata of the atmosphere are capable of conducting electricity, the transmission of electrical energy without wires has become a rational task of the engineer, and one surpassing all others in importance. Its practical consummation would mean that energy would be available for the uses of man at any point of the globe, not in small amounts, such as might be derived from the ambient medium by suitable machinery, but in quantities virtually unlimited, from waterfalls [Nikola probably did not foresee “space battleships”… using the unlimited energy of the sun… – P.S.]. Export of power would then become the chief source of income for many happily situated countries… Men could settle down everywhere, fertilize and irrigate the soil with little effort, and convert barren deserts into gardens, and thus the entire globe could be transformed and made a fitter abode for mankind… [What we must see by now… and we'll elaborate on this discussion next week… is that the imposition of coerced-work on the entire global population has been a scam and a crime of massive proportions – we have no words to describe it – the unfathomable cruelty of it… and of all the related subsidiary crimes of the 'power'-guys… – P.S.] Other sources of energy may be opened up, and new methods of deriving energy from the sun discovered, but none of these or similar achievements would equal in importance the transmission of power to any distance through the medium [the air]. I can conceive of no technical advance which would tend to unite the various elements of humanity more effectively than this one, or of one which would add to and more economize human energy. It would be the best means of increasing the force accelerating the human mass. The mere moral influence of such a radical departure would be incalculable. [He's talking about us all working together because there is no more illusion of 'scarcity' – there is enough for all… And we all participate in creating this paradise on earth… That's what we're meant to achieve with our time here. – And while the heart and love that infuses your hard work… Nikola… did not get transmitted with its theft… it is now up to us to make certain that our lively indignation at the suppression of your vision… and the murderous use to which your tireless efforts to bring about peace and harmony among all humanity have been put… will… by a circuitous route… through us in this moment… all around the globe… finally be the means to realize your dream… It's time for us to correct this massive injustice… in the theft and suppression of Nikola's work… and our good hearts…
Nikola Tesla: “Towards the close of 1898 a systematic research, carried on for a number of years with the object of perfecting a method of transmission of electrical energy through the natural medium [the air], led me to recognize three important necessities: First, to develop a transmitter of great power; second, to perfect means for individualizing and isolating the energy transmitted [and I'm here to testify… they got that nailed… trust… we do not want this practice to continue… these folks are so full of hubris… – P.S.]; and, third, to ascertain the laws of propagation of currents through the earth and the atmosphere. [And “through the earth definitely means 'under the sea earthquakes'… – P.S.] Simultaneously with these endeavors, the means of individualization and isolation were gradually improved. Great importance was attached to this, for it was found that simple tuning was not sufficient to meet the vigorous practical requirements. The fundamental ideal of employing a number of distinctive elements, co-operatively associated, for the purpose of isolating energy transmitted, I trace directly to my perusal of Spencer's clear and suggestive exposition of the human nerve mechanism. The influence of this principle on the transmission of intelligence, and electrical energy in general, cannot as yet be estimated, for the art is still in the embryonic stage; but many thousands of simultaneous telegraphic and telephonic messages, through one single conducting channel, natural or artificial, and without serious interference, are certainly practicable, while millions are possible. On the other hand, any desired degree of individualization may be secured by the use of a great number of co-operative elements and arbitrary variation of their distinctive features and order of succession. For obvious reasons, the principle will also be valuable in the extension of the distance of transmission.” (p. A – 153, 156 – 7, “The Transmission of Electric Energy Without Wires”)
How dare they tell us… they know best as they kill us… How dare they tell us… they know best who should live and who shouldn't… How dare they tell us they decide… who lives… who dies. We want these sick folks… out of our lives… and the only way we can get there… is through the Global General Strike. So… is it clear that all the killing and the slaughter they pay ISIS and Boko Haram to have done is just sociopathic 'theater'? – and control by demoralization… to deepen our conditioned sense of helplessness – and their use of EMF weapons on us likewise the 'theater' of 'Sociopathic Population Management'?… that they have “space battleships”… supreme weaponry to kill and unsettle us tells us this… Their m.o. is old… they return to it again and again when we overcome their intensive efforts to divide us… when we begin seeing our commonalities and build solidarity despite the global-state-statesmen… every time we do this they beat their drums of violence… they attempt to herd us into war… and division… show us our boxes and say… “step in them…” We must not let them tell us… that they need secrets and secret weapons… surely we see they say this because it is we who are the targets of them… Surely… we see them clearly now… now that we are sharing what we know… and discussing it… globally… Seeing hidden-'power' – seeing what is really happening to us – is true wealth because it gets us our freedom… because it levels the 'understanding disproportion'… because Shakespeare is right: “All difficulties are but easy when they are known…” and because Nikola Tesla is right: once we are a 'global mind'… there is no 'understanding gap' for 'power' to manipulate (it is their fear… supported by our accumulated wealth stolen… that retards our forward momentum to freedom… to a global society based on opposite operating premises to 'class' / 'rule' / coercion / 'power'…) once we end the gap in our understanding of what has been happening… we have our lives back… Sharing what we all know… but from a different angle… i.e.… “social media is the new wealth”… is a form of synthesis – it is us getting behind something… that 'creates wealth'…
For our July 17, 2016 Show:
Let’s reconsider and delve a bit deeper into what’s implied when Popper reminds us that, “…an individualist, can, at the same time, be an altruist; he can be ready to make sacrifices in order to help other individuals…” and then adds: “Plato’s identification of individualism with egoism furnishes him with a powerful weapon for his defence of collectivism as well as for his attack upon individualism. In defending collectivism, he can appeal to our humanitarian feeling of unselfishness; in his attack, he can brand all individualists as selfish, as incapable of devotion to anything but themselves. This attack, although aimed by Plato against individualism in our sense, i.e. against the rights of human individuals, reaches of course only a very different target, egoism. But this difference is constantly ignored by Plato and by most Platonists… Plato’s identification of individualism with egoism... had the effect of a successful piece of anti-humanitarian propaganda… that… has confused speculation on ethical matters down to our own time…” [From the Waking Up Radio show of November 10, 2013… Text can be found in the pdf: “Reclaiming Our Leadership: The Waking Up Radio Conversations (Vol. 3)”
“So Popper poses this notion of the ‘humanitarian state’ in opposition, again, to Plato… saying that Plato’s totalitarian theory of the state: “This is the collectivist, the tribal, the totalitarian theory of morality: “Good is what is in the interest of my group; or my tribe; or my state.” It is easy to see what this morality implied for international relations: that the state itself can never be wrong in any of its actions, as long as it is strong: that the state has the right, not only to do violence to its citizens, should that lead to an increase of strength, but also to attack other states, provided it does so without weakening itself. (This inference, the explicit recognition of the amorality of the state, and consequently the defence of moral nihilism in international relations was drawn by Hegel.) (Karl Popper, The Open Society and Its Enemies: The Spell of Plato, Chapter 6, p. 106 – 7) What Popper is arguing is that this notion of the ‘amoral state’ is not inevitable… and yet I think if we look around ourselves… at not just today… but decade after decade… there’s no doubt… this describes perfectly the ‘state’ of all states… utilitarian ethics defines the world we live in… and it defines the state… and it defines the market… and it defines our inter-relationships… this is why we’re concerned about humanity itself right now. It was not difficult to see this moment that we’re in. It’s been projected… and we’ve been warned about it repeatedly. We’re living it now. It’s time to finally come to terms with it… take that longest stride of soul. We can’t ignore it anymore.” [From the Waking Up Radio show of November 10, 2013… Text can be found in the pdf: “Reclaiming Our Leadership: The Waking Up Radio Conversations (Vol. 3)”
“So in recent shows we’ve been saying: that we-the-people must decide… if we’re tired of just being along for the ride… if we’re willing to put false division aside… and get on the same page… which means the same side… […which is not difficult, by the way… once ‘power’ is off our backs. Recently (11.01.13) I listened to a woman who was part of a humanitarian relief effort in Syria say that prior to ‘power’s conscious efforts to divide… Arab peoples got along just fine…] …and it means… developing our latent leadership…. But leadership to do what? What’s the goal? For Popper and for John Stuart Mill the answer might be, respectively: “to improve the conditions for humanity by teaching the youth authentically…” and… “to be a better citizen.” If we agree with Tolstoi and Popper that the state is not our master… but that we serve God (or I would say ‘the earth’…) then… it’s for she to whom we owe our gifts… that we grow them… she who is the object of our leadership. And we under ‘class’ very much need Karl Popper, as he’s pondered precisely those issues and concepts that we need to get clear on… to move on. And it’s not just that Karl Popper has thought so deeply about how we change society to get the future we want… but also that he did his ‘figuring out’ while watching an earlier version of the very same drama – the totalitarian threat – that we’re looking at today… which is not surprising… as the actors haven’t changed (but which, nonetheless, we never hear acknowledged.) (A Fascist movement don’t run on nothing – everything that happens (of scale) under class… depends on cash. Folks who have a goal… in this case a very big goal (and if we were discussing it – the fact that 'power' has a goal – we would also be discussing that fact: that if there is a goal they must amass means… and then everything falls into place: all the previously… seemingly confusing moves of 'power'… the inexplicable sinking of 'the economy'… When you understand that the goal is precisely what Karl Popper has shown us: totalitarianism… rule of the Few… not to accumulate money in and of itself… but to establish the 'Best State'… the goal… the vision… the fantasy… of Plato… And if we were talking about this… that would be obvious… both that we are being herded toward a goal – we can see the global pattern of increasing disparities… we know that that means in political terms a calcification of 'class'… – that to create the same pattern globally… requires enormous resources… and it's happening. So we don't hear stated over the airwaves what is obvious: we have an echo chamber… the punditry is not there to help us see the obvious… it's to keep us thinking old thoughts… the same ol' same old 'looking at each other… blaming each other… questioning whether human nature is inherently violent…' the same old issues… discussed over and over and over… which are diversions… to keep us from seeing the obvious. But more and more of us have the time to ponder… more and more of us are using it well.” [From the Waking Up Radio show of November 10, 2013… Text can be found in the pdf: “Reclaiming Our Leadership: The Waking Up Radio Conversations (Vol. 3)”
“You know that other old cliché that “you can’t love anyone else… if you don’t love yourself ”?… well… how can we love ourselves when we’re angry at ourselves every minute (unconsciously…) every minute… for being smaller than we are… for renouncing our gifts… But let’s be honest… who made us smaller than we are?… who made us ready soil for ‘power’ to plant its crookedness in… if not our parents… if not we parents… doing this daily… the work of the state… all unconscious… as Jeremy Bentham said so approvingly… and Alice Miller after him… … her light in hopes to change it. But her light was artificially dimmed. ‘Power’ will shine its garish light of ‘wrong’ on sycophantic outrage… on that which helps to keep us feeling small… unequal to the wrong around us. But that which shines the light on them… the ‘power’-guys… they are determined to dim. And ‘power’ ensured we wouldn’t get the chance… to heed our Alice. But now that we’ve our own means to start discussing her… we must… we must… push past ‘power’s limits… we must not let them stop us… from discussing Alice. […In the audio-blog (show excerpt) “Richard Aoki and the Abandonment of Children” we said that a surveillance (shadow) state needs surveillance (shadow) troops – it needs children… young people… willing to ‘serve’ it – and that means they must be both bred and recruited. When you establish within the family the pattern that you must bend… bow… to ‘authority’… that “you must be obedient…” – that obedience, as we’re hearing from Alice Miller, transfers seamlessly over to ‘the boss’… over to ‘the state’… whether that ‘state’ be – as we learned from Hermann Göring – whether that state call itself ‘democratic’ or ‘totalitarian’ or ‘communist’… all of these are patterns… ideologies… of class. And when we as parents create that pattern of responding to authority with unquestioning obedience it is almost inevitable that they become ready soil for the recruitment efforts of a ‘state’… because the state becomes an easy substitute for the parent in the child’s training… in the pattern of thought that he’s learned. And when we as parents train our children in that pattern… in that mindset… we will forever be dealing with the totalitarian threat. It’s time to move on.]” [From the Waking Up Radio show of November 10, 2013… Text can be found in the pdf: “Reclaiming Our Leadership: The Waking Up Radio Conversations (Vol. 3)”
Our July 17, 2016 Show:
I have posted excerpts from our November 10, 2013 show to help frame today's discussion… They reinforce several of the points we're making: They lend support to our claim that a future premised on abundance and non-coercion must be sustained structurally by the individual being the basic unit of 'political' organization – what would that structure… that framework… have to be… for the individual to be based in self-sufficiency… They reinforce that closing the 'understanding of what is happening' gap – the understanding of the true forces shaping our world – that ending that disproportion between those who have seized decision-making as their exclusive prerogative… and the rest of us… is key to our gaining our freedom… They point us in the direction of authentic leadership… and so to that on which our true selves must focus… to gain our freedom… They confirm that the “pundits-for-'power'” (are there any other kind?…) keep 'power's core messages at the forefronts of their minds: “Reinforce false divisions… a closed sense of tribalism…” “Encourage the youth to embrace patriotism… a collectivist altruism…” These files tell us… among other things… That “an individualist, can, at the same time, be an altruist…” That in the Platonic theory of the state that these hidden folks adhere to (quoting Popper…) “the state itself can never be wrong in any of its actions, as long as it is strong: that the state has the right, not only to do violence to its citizens, should that lead to an increase of strength, but also to attack other states, provided it does so without weakening itself…” That the goal of 'the Best State' don't run on nothing… to achieve it these guys must amass means… once we see that …“everything falls into place: all the previously… seemingly confusing moves of 'power'… the inexplicable sinking of 'the economy' [and it is in this context that their “A.T.M. – 'All The Money' – strategy…” which is also their “ATM card” (that capacity of creating disasters and then funding the relief and repair…) must be viewed – this is discussed in our March 13, 2016 show and in the excerpt: “craftedsmallness”… That the pattern of obedience inculcated by the parent transfers easily over to the boss and the state… and that this pattern requires a lot of coercion… which leaves us with a lot of rage… Yes… we all have rage… we who are born into 'class'… Do we know where it comes from? Do we ever hear authentic discussion of it? Do we know how easy it is for 'power's agents to manipulate it… manipulate us?… agents trained to do so… provoke someone full of unconscious rage to violence?… rage produced by the omnipresent coercion of the global-'class'-system?
“When you introduce a financial incentive you prompt people to see their situation through an economic lens.” [Notice his omission of the state's structural imposition of the abandonment of children – which makes affection and attention scarce commodities for children… as 'survival issues' trumps them for parents… And can you feel his appeal to young people to work for nothing coming? – P.S.] “Instead of following their natural bias toward reciprocity, service and cooperation, you encourage people to do a selfish cost-benefit calculation… Maybe it's time to build institutions that harness people's natural longing to do good.” [This pundit's work is particularly directed at the youth… I suspect the Platonist-statesmen get their academic assets to use his columns for planting propaganda… biasing supple minds ripe for bending… to ease them along 'power's hidden directions…] The goal to be 'the Best State'… the 'strongest' state… renders us… we-the-people… completely disposable… This agenda cannot be 'fixed'… only done away with… It is time for us to use our “Get Out of Jail Free” card… our right to pursue happiness… What these people want – these Plato's-Tribe Global-State folks – is for us to be demoralized and riven… they can deliver these things to us… ad infinitum… The question is… how long shall we let them?… How do we stop them? Keep texting and tweeting “1 Day Global General Strike…” and get us all thinking.
Let's review what Nikola left us with from last week's show: he directs our eyes to his focus on EMF… and the malfeasance of the 'power'-guys who used his work to create a 'Space Battleship' (in utter secrecy…) – and we owe Margaret Cheney, his biographer, for her investigation of this… which she shared in her biography of Nikola Tesla titled Man Out of Time… published in 1981 and subsequently very little heard of… as with Nikola himself. It wasn't until I went into the trades that I learned about him… initially from being shown educational videos during my electrical apprenticeship that featured two guys I think of as the 'Click and Clack' of the electrical theory world… they were a two-man Nikola Tesla Fan Club… and none of us in my class had ever heard of Nikola Tesla… but these guys had… and they strongly recommended Margaret Cheney's book… but I still never found it… never read it… until not long ago when I found a discarded water-damaged copy… but it just sat on the shelf as my life has been made a living hell… and it was only as I was preparing last week's show… drawing on Tesla quotes that I'd included in the book Waking Up… focusing then on his work that anticipated instantaneous global communication… not the aspect of it that I'm being tortured with right now: the 'particle beams'… that I went to her book and discovered not only that the show was falling on Nikola Tesla's birthday… but also what a journeyman I'd worked with – another big Tesla fan – meant when he said that Tesla had found a way to transmit electrical energy through the air.
…used Nikola's work to create a 'Space Battleship' (in utter secrecy…) to 'oversee' us… i.e.… make us… from their perspective… 'easier to manage'… by winnowing our numbers by a variety of methods… – but this 'supreme weapon of death'… and their aggregation of 'bucks'… hovering over us… allows us to face without equivocation… that the violence… disease… war… and terrorism… are products of their own most ill and fevered psychological need… their need to repeat… their childhood trauma… of being unseen… turned into puppets… and psychically abandoned… So… with Nikola we considered the question: “What is 'progress'?”… and with his help can clearly see… that the 'power'-guys… far from delivering it… are its obstacle-in-chief… Is it clear to us all now why the 'power'-guys are not concerned about 'climate change'? We are being artificially held back… numbers winnowed… hearts starved… a small number fed scraps… pointed and prodded down narrow tracks… so a Miniscule Few can feel 'better-than'… “Force'… for these guys is their 'all-in-all'… Plato their guide for how to install it… In their dream… all the 'competition' can be eliminated… so they can feel 'supreme'… I've been thinking that “no force” is a feeling… a feeling I believe that Prince had… a gift of wisdom we never got to explore with him… and that we must help each other feel our way to… What is that feeling… if not 'love'?… Because we've been trained to see (across the 'class'-polity…) 'the economy' – i.e.… how we get our bread – as the primary arena in which to try to reclaim our lives… the problem of how to achieve this reclamation has been labeled by Socialists… 'capitalism': the hierarchical… oppressive… exploitive method for producing food for the global population… or… in Nikola's terminology… to increase the force accelerating the human mass… 'Take over' that process… make it less exploitative… and we have our 'freedom'… 'Socialism'… Socialists… reasoned… but… the flaw in their reasoning… is that they didn't see hidden-'power'… the totalitarians… who were consciously… continuously… making 'class' totalitarian… Plato schooled them… as he was the Master of both Hegel and Bentham: he gave them their propaganda-playbook… and their political stratagems: “If you are a 'lord' then you can lie 'justly'…” he said… and… “No one should ever be without a master…” and… “The 'beasts' [we-the-people…] must be 'responsibly' managed… by the 'wise shepherds'… the 'philosopher-statesmen…” The 'reality' forced on us is so much worse than any science fiction we've been given… so much more horrific… than anything we can imagine.
Let the truth come… let it flow… let it pour… Let it wash us clean… Let it carry us to… our long overdue… freedom… Once we understand… that our bodies are continuously trying to 'make the correction'… un-do the damage… of the 'class'-system… do the repair work… on our small bit of earth… as our much larger Grandmother is doing herself… it is enormously hopeful to see… our understanding growing globally… It means the 'earth-our-bodies' are constantly pushing to restore that which is diseased in the human society… and that… at any moment those scales that weigh our health against the sickness that is this 'system'… will be tipping – have already tipped – toward our Grandmother's guidance: our health and wholeness… which means then… that we are in that 'rushing – hurrying – tumbling'… to… to that for which we've been longing… and the fresh new thoughts… can't come fast enough… for our thirsty spirits…
With Nikola… the 'power'-guys see the earth as a 'clock-work mechanism'… but unlike him they do not see the sun as the spring… they see themselves… Is it clear to us all now why the 'power'-guys are not concerned about 'climate change'?… they are much more concerned about getting rid of us… we they consider the 'surplus population'… so they can get on with “establishing 'Perfection'”… and 'breeding' children to accept their conditions (which they've done often and long enough to settle the question of whether it can be done… at least to their own satisfaction…) which require the relinquishment of authentic-thought… It is in this context that the words of the Eskimos Barry Lopez quotes are most pregnant: “They call us, with a mixture of incredulity and apprehension, 'the people who change nature.'” Our reason tells us… along with historical experience… that if the global-state-statesmen could do this – people a sculpted world with only the 'obedient' – they would… Nikola shows us… along with Alice… they can… if we let it happen…
But Prince and Alice and Nikola… and many many others… Miklos… for example… also show us the flip side: the vitality that comes once we re-'make' ourselves… re-inhabit the gifts we were born with… and consciously choose to disavow the state's abuse of us… i.e.… they show us that the work we do that we give ourselves is infinitely more vital… and fertile… than the work imposed under terms of coercion: whether under the pressure of 'Necessity'… or 'Hierarchy'… We must each choose our own work… 'work' cannot be imposed and yet result in the harmonic arrangement of our gifts that the earth intends… 'Jobs' – work imposed under terms of coercion – are a form of collective hypnosis: they draw us in… into narrow cells… with piped in words of 'encouragement' to “Excel!”… and prevent us from seeing all else – the Panopticon again… the Panopticon ever: it's much more descriptor… than metaphor… The urge to 'hard work' can only be self-given to be truth's reflection… a response to the earth's call to give her our attention – it is absolutely wrong to impose it… wrong for the state to force a substitution of its dictates for our earth-given longing… As Proudhon says to those who believe they know our worth and so should rank us… our equality is the sine qua non of society… Non-coercion undergirds our freedom… is absolutely essential for our gifts to blossom… rather than be choked in the fear of the Few…
But what challenges do we give ourselves… that don't come from 'the system'?… “How do I take my expanded awareness of what is truly going on around me (as opposed to what I've been told…) and use it to change myself or the physical world? – what changes as a result of what I do?…” – that's a challenge for the individual as well as the group… and the challenge we feel in ourselves… to be what we are… to say what we really think: to express ourselves… is a resultant of myriad influences… too subtly interwoven for reason to sort out… but which expresses nonetheless just what is needed by our Brothers and Sisters… and the earth… in this moment… Give it voice… share it out loud with others as we meet together… and we increase the force that accelerates our movement to our freedom. Words are powerful… it's how we give ourselves… each other… permission… or not… to expand out… follow our questions… 'Happiness'… when we stop to consider it… is being able to pursue our questions… as it is with questions that we define what we are that is not 'the system' – with questions… we 'make ourselves'… we give shape to ourselves… and following them requires… means… that we use our gifts… something we very much want to do… We're made to quest as our bodies (and naught else…) directs… it is almost defining of our humanness… of life itself… and when doing so is disallowed… by the structures of fear put in place by the would-be-masters… then… we ask ourselves… “why are we here?”… Our bodies speak true… and must be listened to… and our allegiance given to them… for humanity itself to gain its freedom… as we give ourselves new thoughts… we 'create' ourselves… or… rather… 'invite' back the 'self' we were born with… but which we were made to set aside… at the demand of the 'power'-guys… who can only seem 'supreme'… if they can shape us to be obedient…
(No word yet on the results of the police investigation into the death of Prince… including what was present in his blood: was the iron excessive… were there metals? And where are the reports on the condition of his body at the funeral [or whether the casket was open…] The questions we raised are basic… straightforward… and that they've been ignored is highly significant… To all who love Prince: let's not let them get away with it… we must continue demanding answers to the questions we've asked… repeatedly… for example in the June 19 show: there's a lot captured in those questions for the investigation to sort out… we should know what they found…) Proudhon's 'third degree of sociability': “…a single sentiment which I will call équité, or social proportionality. Equité does not change justice: but, always taking équité for the base, it superadds esteem, and thereby forms in man a third degree of sociability. Equité makes it at once our duty and our pleasure to aid the weak who have need of us, and to make them our equals; to pay to the strong a just tribute of gratitude and honor, without enslaving ourselves to them; to cherish our neighbors, friends, and equals, for that which we receive from them, even by right of exchange… Equité is sociability raised to its ideal by reason and justice… Now, this feeling is unknown among the beasts…” [Until we are free… I suggest we reserve our judgment on this question… for our soon-to-be-arrived time of recovered freedom… when we can develop authentic… mutually-appreciating relations with our plant and animal friends. As if anticipating you Proudhon… I met a 'beast' yesterday (May 25, 2016) who I believe challenges your view… And I am still haunted by the story of the wolf who asked a favor… His foot was caught in a trap… and a man happened by… it was The Trapper…
…then he quotes Toullier's French Law According to the Code: “Suppose that some spoils, taken from the enemy, and equal to twelve, are to be divided between Achilles and Ajax. If the two persons were equal, their respective shares would be arithmetically equal… And if we should carry out this arithmetical equality Thersites would be entitled to as much as Achilles… to avoid this injustice, the worth of the persons should be estimated, and the spoils divided accordingly…” [This is a perfect illustration of the disastrous absence of authentic thought under 'class'… a subject we'll return to when we discuss the absolute lack of justification… materially or technologically… for the global – for any – coerced-work system… – P.S.] “There is no arithmetical equality, but a proportional equality. It is this comparison of merits, rationum, that Aristotle calls distributive justice. It is a geometrical proportion.” To which Proudhon replies: “Are Achilles and Ajax associated, or are they not? Settle that, and you settle the whole question. If Achilles and Ajax, instead of being associated, are themselves in the service of Agamemnon who pays them, there is no objection to Aristotle's method. The slave-owner, who controls his slaves, may give a double allowance of brandy to him who does double work. That is the law of despotism; the right of slavery. [As I write this… on July 10, 2016… there have been… almost daily 'reminders' in The New York Times that 'slavery' is not our condition – oh no… they want to drum in… but Proudhon objects… and I with him… – P.S.] But if Achilles and Ajax are associated, they are equals. What matters it that Achilles has a strength of four, while that of Ajax is only two? The latter may always answer that he is free; that if Achilles has a strength of four, five could kill him; finally, that in doing personal service he incurs as great a risk as Achilles. The same argument applies to Thersites. If he is unable to fight, let him be cook, purveyor, or butler. If he is good for nothing, put him in the hospital. In no case wrong him, or impose upon him laws.… Man must live in one of two states: either in society, or out of it. In society, conditions are necessarily equal, except in the degree of esteem and consideration which each one may receive. Out of society, man is so much raw material, a capitalized tool, and often an incommodious and useless piece of furniture [I'm seeing Prince sitting there with 'Slave' written on his cheek… how 'bout you? Oh they despised him all right… and to that degree… and far beyond… we adore you Prince… for your indomitable spirit… strength… and courage… whether these were yours by benign fate or deep listening… either way… we owe you for them…]
For our July 24, 2016 Show:
Numerous ancestors have noted the 'evolutionary' trajectory of 'class'-bound… 'class'-mutilated… humans… We could say it is towards freedom… but… even more essentially… it is toward reunion: we want to be together. We are the living analog of that robot in the story The Iron Giant that cannot help but reconstitute his original 'self.' That is us… ever-striving to restore our original wholeness… our 'species-existence' presses upon us. This is why we can be certain we will get there… if the 'power'-lustful do not destroy all humanity first… for they are stuck in a death-spiral… and cannot help but pull all of us into it with them. If we let them. Which we won't. To get to our 'freedom/reunion'… we must: know what we want… see what stands against it (for our getting it is not 'inevitable'…) and be determined to get there. I believe this last comes from 'Aidos' – the Balance – our earth-given gift of Fairness. Let's listen for a moment to Peter Kropotkin's observations of the event called 'the Paris Commune'… “Of course people now blame the men, the individuals for this; but it was not the men who were the cause of this failure – it was the system. The practical solution will not be found, will not be made clear until the change will have already begun. It will be the product of the revolution itself, of the people in action, – or else it will be nothing, the brain of a few individuals being absolutely incapable of finding solutions which can only spring from the life of the people.” – If just those few paragraphs had been read and discussed by every 'revolutionist'… would they not have to become an 'evolutionist'?
Our July 24, 2016 Show:
Karl Popper: “So far we have not met with any plausible reason why only a genuine and fully qualified philosopher would be a proficient and successful political breeder. [Haven't we suspected this… felt it… that this fascist intent lay behind 'politics'?… and when they took Nikola's work… didn't we know what they would do with it?… didn't we know they were making weapons of death to be used against us?… Haven't we known… really… that their obsession is to eliminate all who stand in their way… and that this means the 'disobedient'?… Haven't they stayed hidden only because we've been afraid to look… just as we've been afraid to look too hard… at our parents?… – P.S.] And yet, as every breeder of dogs or horses or birds knows, rational breeding is impossible without a pattern, an aim to guide him in his efforts, an ideal which he may try to approach by the methods of mating and of selecting. Without such a standard, he could never decide which offspring is 'good enough'; he could never speak of the difference between 'good offspring' and 'bad offspring', But this standard corresponds exactly to a Platonic Idea of the race which he intends to breed…” We're going to be talking about both these issues today: “Do we want to live in 'society'… as Proudhon defines it?…” and… “Do we see the Fascist intent behind a global-system of 'class?” We have been arguing in recent shows that we have to know what we're up against… to fight it with effectiveness… and with determination… that we have to see 'power' authentically… which is also seeing its strategies… which is also seeing its motivations… which is also seeing its goal… and it means that from any one angle of it… the others may be arrived at inductively… because what motivates them is the goal of 'Perfection'… made manifest in their minds by 'winning'… in the simplistic sense of 'survival' while being able to cause all 'others' to die… i.e.… to possess the power of life and death over all of us. To accomplish this… given their tiny numbers… means they are obsessed with 'management'… and with having supreme weapons (this is obvious… right?…)
Nikpla Tesla: “I am credited with being one of the hardest workers and perhaps I am, if thought is the equivalent of labour, for I have devoted to it almost all of my waking hours. But if work is interpreted to be a definite performance in a specified time according to a rigid rule, then I may be the worst of idlers.Every effort under compulsion demands a sacrifice of life-energy. I never paid such a price. On the contrary, I have thrived on my thoughts.” […“I have thrived on my thoughts…” – I believe there's an answer in there that we will have to begin to tease out: how do we thrive on our thoughts… thereby increasing the balance in our bank?…] So… the 'work' that accelerates our movement to freedom… must be self-given… Proudhon: “Undoubtedly there are other elements in human progress; but in the multitude of hidden causes which agitate nations, there is none more powerful or constant, none less obscure, than the periodical explosions of the proletariat against property. Property, acting by exclusion and encroachment, while population was increasing, has been the life-principle and definitive cause of all revolutions.… The downfall and death of societies are due to the power of accumulation possessed by property.” The nature of life is continuous movement… ever-changing-ness… growth… development… 'power' understands that this is our nature… and so deluges us with various versions of its con 'progress'… to do which… and to hide behind… they unleashed a vicious consumption (destruction) of the planet… called it 'economic development'… conditioned us to accept its quantifications of our Grandmother's stores to keep score – telling us this competition is the 'business' of nations and individuals alike… and that they measured the 'progress' of humanity itself… they are trying to reduce our 'expectations' (consumption…) winnow our numbers… keep buying off the middle-buffers with gadgetry… toys… games… and carefully crafted and packaged 'experiences'… – all as a substitute for us truly living… so we can be… for them… 'manageable'… The nature of life is continuous movement… ever-changing-ness… growth… development… 'power' is attempting to effect a substitution: they hope to replace 'our growth' with a dead husk: 'it'… the walking-wounded… committed to making of its soul-death a deteriorating monument to their soul-dead fathers – conditions for us – for a free humanity itself… for our ability to develop our gifts uncoerced as we must… subject only to our own process of self-sufficient development – are in fact as dire as this suggests… Proudhon: “For my part, I have sworn fidelity to my work of demolition, and I will not cease to pursue the truth through the ruins and rubbish. I hate to see a thing half done; and it will be believed without any assurance of mine, that, having dared to raise my hand against the Holy Ark, I shall not rest contented with the removal of the cover. The mysteries of the sanctuary of iniquity must be unveiled, the tables of the old alliance broken, and all the objects of the ancient faith thrown in a heap to the swine. A charter has been given to us, – a résumé of political science, the monument of twenty legislatures. A code has been written, – the pride of a conqueror, and the summary of ancient wisdom. Well! of this charter and this code not one article shall be left standing upon another! The time has come for the wise to choose their course, and prepare for reconstruction.”
Proudhon: “Thus, jurisprudence, political economy, and psychology agree in admitting the law of equality. Right and duty – the due reward of talent and labor – the outbursts of love and enthusiasms, – all are regulated in advance by an invariable standard; all depend upon number and balance. Equality of conditions is the law of society, and universal solidarity is the ratification of this law.… Equality of conditions has never been realized, thanks to our passions…” [and by 'passions' he refers to its earlier meaning: 'violence'… And… recall our Alice… recall the explanation of where violence comes from… the suppression of spontaneous feelings… and our unconscious rage because of it… Enter into this scene our prophets of 'class'… Prince most recently… who show us the solution to this problem and are promptly punished (because our critical mass of reclaimed souls had not yet developed…) They come to show us the power of refusal… and the power of 'one'… as in the 'one' is the 'all'… – we have to take this to heart… it is these messages in our throats… on our tongues… in our minds… shared with everyone… that brings us our future… it is our longing… our wanting it bad enough – as in the 'one' is the 'all'… they show us ourselves… what has been taken from us… they show us true power… so that we can become it…]
Proudhon: “Equality of conditions is a natural law upon which public economy and jurisprudence are based. The right to labor, and the principle of equal distribution of wealth, cannot give way to the anxieties of power. It is not for the proletaire to reconcile the contradictions of the codes, still less to suffer for the errors of the government. On the contrary, it is the duty of the civil and administrative power to reconstruct itself on the basis of political equality.……” [What a debt we owe to Alice… without whom we might still be engaged… with Proudhon… in attempting to appeal to the reason of the Miniscule Few… or to provide to them the information he believed they needed to see the fecundity and justice… and obvious sense… of allowing our natural equality to blossom supported by the social arrangements we festoon them with – without Alice… who outed hidden-'power' in the poisonous practices of childrearing (and who allowed them to speak for themselves and show us that the obedience-training they inflicted on their children they consciously saw as the parallel of the obedience they would impose on 'the nation'…) and showed how the practice of child-rearing results in the totalitarian compulsion… who explains the need of the victims to split-off and project onto others the torture inflicted on them… who explains that 'reason' cannot reach them… who shows us that it is up to us to stop them… to remove from them the power of making decisions… without Alice… where would we be?]
Proudhon: “An evil, when known, should be condemned and destroyed. The legislator cannot plead ignorance as an excuse for upholding a glaring iniquity…” [And what could be more glaring an iniquity than the reduction of human beings to things… to objects… for exchange and pricing? (And is it clear as we listen again to Peter Kropotkin how critical Alice Miller… Immanuel Wallerstein… John Boswell… Karl Popper… Martin Bernal… Alfred O. Hirschman… and Nikola Tesla… are to our understanding of how we came to be trapped under the hidden-hand of such a small number of men… – P.S.] Kropotkin: “We are so perverted by an education which from infancy seeks to kill in us the spirit of revolt, and to develop that of submission to authority; we are so perverted by this existence under the ferrule [a metal encircling band] of a law, which regulates every event in life – our birth, our education, our development, our love, our friendship – that, if this state of things continues, we shall lose all initiative, all habit of thinking for ourselves. Our society seems no longer able to understand that it is possible to exist otherwise than under the reign of law, elaborated by a representative government and administered by a handful of rulers. … This is what Paris did after the 18th of March, 1871.… Instead of acting for themselves, instead of marching forward, instead of advancing in the direction of a new order of things, the people, confiding in their governors, entrusted to them the charge of taking the initiative. [So what do we learn from this? We must not entrust to others the charge of taking the initiative… – P.S.] This was the first consequence of the inevitable result of elections.… The practical solution will not be found, will not be made clear until the change will have already begun. It will be the product of the revolution itself, of the people in action, – or else it will be nothing, the brain of a few individuals being absolutely incapable of finding solutions which can only spring from the life of the people…” [The point for 'power' of making 'class' intentionally totalitarian – by making it (the economy) global… and by universalizing child-rearing (the acceptance of coercion…) is to end the possibility of there being any “life of the people…” to end all independent thought (no corner on which it can exist…) on which being 'a people' depends… The point was to universalize obedience… to create a docile human race that accepts the imposition of coercion in all aspects of its existence… An independent 'life of the people' must be reconstituted… everywhere… and mutually-associated by means of social media… communities formed in intentional opposition to the global-'class'-system…]
We cannot adequately understand the plans of the Tiny Few to make of 'class' a totalitarian global order without the work of Alfred O. Hirschman… During the September 6, 2015 show… “Hirschman… [tells us] that those consumed by the idea of 'statecraft'… by the project of 'managing' 'society' efficiently… grew attached to the notion of a 'delicate watch mechanism'… as a metaphor for a well-managed 'state'…” [Quoting Hirschman:] “…[Steuart] makes… a two-sided point: on the one hand, increasing wealth causes the statesman to have “so powerful an influence over the operations of a whole people… which in former ages, even under the most absolute governments was utterly unknown”; at the same time, however, “the sovereign power is extremely limited, in every arbitrary exercise of it.” The reason lies in the nature of the “complicated modern oeconomy,” which he also calls “the plan” or “the plan of 'economy…” which “will at length come to resemble the delicacy of the watch…” only useful if… “touched [by] the gentlest hand…” – this mechanism was… by definition – by the stores of our Grandmother Earth herself – necessarily time-delimited… but Nikola's work gave them another idea… the basis of an even 'better' (they believe…) “plan of 'economy'”… an even better 'clockwork mechanism'… using Nikola's hard work… his papers stolen… that rightly belonged to us all… and kept in the Tesla Museum in Belgrade… there to serve… as Nikola intended for them… the cause of peace and good fellowship between us… Instead… what happened?… 40 million dead in Europe as a direct result of WWII (including 6 million Germans…) and “the highest absolute number of war deaths came in the Soviet Union; approximately 27 million people…” and we should consider this as well: Margaret Cheney: “More than ever, the inventor [Nikola Tesla] seemed obsessed with his mysterious new defensive weapon. In a last poignant appeal for capital to J.P. Morgan, he wrote [on November 29, 1934 in a letter archived in the Library of Congress… – P.S.]: “The flying machine has completely demoralized the world, so much so that in some cities, as London and Paris, people are in mortal fear from aerial bombing. The new means I have perfected [and we should take note of this word 'perfected'… Nikola was very precise in his choice of words… 'perfected' means it accomplished what he says it did… but on a reduced scale… – P.S.] affords absolute protection against this and other forms of attack.…” [Without knowing it… Nikola had put himself in the hands of the global-state-statesmen… – P.S.] How our hearts ache at the picture this paints: Nikola desperate to avert war… the global-state-statesmen desperate to have an exclusive… and supreme in its degree of lethality and effectiveness… weapon… 40 million dead in Europe… it's very difficult to process this…
For our August 7, 2016 Show:
“And so a clearer… and more inclusive and practical (and so more accurate…) version of that De Tocqueville quote I cite in Unpacking ‘Democracy’ – “if you can get ‘the many’ chasing money… it leaves the few who play the higher stakes of ‘power’ freer to pursue their ambition…” – would be: “…if you can get the vast majority stuck in simply surviving (or ‘getting things done’… ‘accomplishment’…) it leaves the infinitesimal few freer to pursue their global game of ‘supremacy’ – the pursuit of ‘Knowledge Infinite.’” Diana Spearman’s book, Modern Dictatorship (excerpts and discussion of which can be found both in Palmers’ Chat – see its Table of Contents – and in Revealing Division – free pdfs available on the 'Tools' page) is helpful for understanding this underlying motive of ‘power’. The philosopher-king-statesmen reason that if they can own / control ‘all’ the ‘Knowledge’ – and particularly the ‘knowledge’ of how to kill us (see the January 26th, 2014 show… on the page: “Miklos Nyiszli’s Lessons On Class”) – then their ‘supremacy’ can never be challenged. It is time to confront Du Bois’ question: what price do we place on freedom?… Are we ready to begin organizing these discussions? [Spoken word is from the Waking Up Radio Show of January 11, 2015 – (also posted to “My Son’s Beats – Spoken Word)”]
Our July 31, 2016 Show:
When Shakespeare says that “all will come to naught…” he's talking about the lies of the 'power'-guys… the function of which is propagandistic… The objective – for 'power' – is to replace our thoughts with their own: a preemptive silencing… which 'power's strategists… like Bentham… advised from the standpoint of 'energy efficiency'… …“all will come to naught…” means the lies can't stand up… but it means more than just this… and I find I keep pondering it… I'm certain Nikola could offer the clearest explanation… he is the 'scientist-alter' to Shakespeare's 'artist'… but they both took 'human energy' to be at base their subject… So what is its state – human energy's – when it observes… takes note… and seemingly does 'nothing'… and yet this 'nothing' resolves the lies to naught? We have been worrying and worrying and worrying this problem for ten thousand years and more… a whole lot of thought has been devoted to it… It is not surprising that we have now figured it out… and that beneath the surface of our apparent suppression… much is happening. What do we call this energy of 'happening'? And how do we bring it forth… to consciousness… and so to its manifestation in action? And because 'power' compels our silence… there is an energy-consequence… effect… on both sides. What is it? Karl Popper's point is well taken: the rulers cannot fix in place a pattern – and indisputably there is nothing 'natural' about 'class'… it is pounded into our social arrangements by force… the most effective form of which being simply the totalitarian structure of 'society itself… as Bentham said – …the rulers cannot fix in place a pattern without silencing the objectors. (And we shall have to get clear together who is and is not an 'objector' [i.e.… who is and is not a threat to the achievement of their ambitions… these totalitarian Utopian social engineers: the Plato's Tribesmen… To state baldly that the set of circumstances called 'class' is not 'natural'… or 'necessary'… that it is imposed by force by those with the power to do so… is the most 'radical' message… To state that this 'reality' based on 'scarcity' and artificially-created and maintained hierarchy is the work of the Miniscule Few (point-zero-zero-zero of the world population) in order to maintain their 'privilege' atop a global-system of 'class'… is the most 'radical' message… To say that decision-making by and for The Few is wrong… that decision-making is the provence of all – as leadership is the capacity of all and must not be hoarded – is the most 'radical' message…
The point of forty-million dead was to “make their canvas clean…” i.e.… make the peoples of Europe obedient… to destroy their sense of solidarity with each other… to destroy their belief in international socialism… – which means the point… at base… was 'energy-efficiency'… ease of management… and eradication of the memory of their secret weapon… I began Waking Up: Freeing Ourselves From Work (the book) thinking about the difference between driven energy and three-phase power… This was Nikola's influence… what I did not get was that the coerced-work-system is by definition 'Fascist' (which simply means that 'the state' demands obedience… demands that we work for it… requires that human beings be 'subjects' – why did I not get that the coerced-work-system is by definition Fascist before I 'stood outside' of it?… by being designated an 'objector'… and then hounded by 'power's functionaries and targeted with EMF weapons… Now it seems so obvious… But we've been conditioned to value the thoughts we are given – the compartmentalization – more than the evidence of our own senses… Of course the state is Fascist – the state compels our obedience – if it wasn't it would provide the means for self-sufficiency… instead it creates… scarcity… and justifies it… as Proudhon says… by mandating the supposed inviolability of property… He's right… all social ills come from this invention – and recall… the 'property' we oppose is “the sum of the abuses of property…” – the invention of 'power' that allows them to lay claim to to the planet and everything on it if they systematically hoard the resources to do it – the process that's been called “the accumulation of capital” – stacking the deck and fencing off the means and putting us on the market as commodities… We are made saleable objects not by 'inevitable laws of the market' but by the 'law' of “might makes right” (another Plato-derived maxim…) the hidden-bullies create the state to make the 'law' to keep us slaves… to make us believe there's no other way… that we cannot survive otherwise. But if we are facing a structurally-sustained false-'reality' how do we address it structurally – i.e.… what constitutes effective strategy when confronting rigid structures? If we don't… like Proudhon… like Popper… like Prince… as a matter of conscience… want to preserve the quality of the human called 'freedom'… if we rather are driven by the need to eat… to feel some measure of security… If the conditioned thoughts that tell us it 'pays' to be obedient seem to serve us… are borne out by experience… what new thoughts can compete with that?
It's been a rough week… I have to be honest with you… every day I ask Prince how he did it… how he hung on to his love… I've been struggling with it… By the way… there is also something for the little ones on the Nascence website called The Talking Tree (you can download the free mp3 audio of it using a link on the 'Tools' page… and watch the video of it by following the link to YouTube… also posted to the 'Tools' page…) The challenges the 'power'-guys have put me through… the 'punishment' I am subjected to continuously… because… after all these years… I found again my true 'self'… has shown me what an amazing gift Prince had to have 'gotten' – what I'm only now getting – as a child… as a youth… and I know we start with it as children… but I've never known anyone who was able to do what he did… which is… hang onto himself… I know there's plenty of you guys out there… but because it hadn't been my experience… In any case… I sure which I had credited it more… or thought more about it. A real treasure. Thank you Prince.
Karl Popper Explains 'Breeding'… and so 'Infiltration'… as 'Power's Solution to the Problem of 'Succession': “Another difficulty of Utopian [social] engineering is related to the problem of the dictator's successor.… [And while Popper was writing with the example of Hitler… et al. (dictators who made use of Plato's theories… and were made use of by Plato's Tribesmen…) before his eyes… writing because he saw that Fascist ideology is – and all totalitarianisms are – rooted in Plato's political theories… i.e.… in Plato's rationalizations of 'class'… I have no idea if Popper was aware of the degree of the hidden Plato's Tribesmen's self-organization… that he had some awareness of their existence seems likely to me… as it's hard to imagine them not trying to recruit him… given the breadth of his knowledge of ancient languages and civilizations… and Marxist theory… Point being: he knew these guys are seriously into 'breeding'… and that their solution to this problem of 'succession' was likewise Plato-derived… – P.S.] The very sweep of such a Utopian undertaking makes it improbable that it will realize its ends during the lifetime of one social engineer, or group of engineers. And if the successors do not pursue the same ideal, then all the sufferings of the people for the sake of the ideal may have been in vain.… [I have to interject here: Does Popper not show us how to think? Is this not a skill we want our young people to become adept in? Should not The Open Society and Its Enemies be 'required reading' for teenagers? Popper would have us think… the 'power-guys' – and their 'power'-propped media would have us sleep… – P.S.] A generalization of this argument leads to a further criticism of the Utopian approach. This approach, it is clear, can be of practical value only if we assume that the original blueprint, perhaps with certain adjustments, remains the basis of the work until it is completed. But that will take some time. It will be a time of revolutions, both political and spiritual, and of new experiments and experience in the political field. It is therefore to be expected that ideas and ideals will change. What had appeared the ideal state to the people who made the original blueprint, may not appear so to their successors. If that is granted, then the whole approach breaks down…” Popper assumes that incremental improvement is the best we can do… Of course he is writing without awareness of what was being done with the work of Nikola Tesla…
Although I don't think that Popper sufficiently appreciated the degree to which 'class' is inherently totalitarian… which means that we commoners are structurally locked-out… ad infinitum… from the decision-making process… and so did not fully credit the devastating effect of this on the full development of our gifts… Neither Proudhon or Kropotkin had any illusions about this. What did Proudhon say? He said that: “The welfare of the oppressed is of more importance than official composure. Equality of conditions is a natural law upon which public economy and jurisprudence are based.” And of this 'welfare'' which must be considered above all else… he placed nothing higher than our full spiritual (ethical) and intellectual development. Point being: 'class' does not allow them… by definition… We can't be a little bit 'equal'… we need full equality to have society… This 'aesthetic' sense he is about to discuss… afflicting those who believe they are 'rulers'… is in fact an artifact of 'class'… the 'virus' Alice terms their 'repetition compulsion'…
Karl Popper: “But this aesthetic enthusiasm becomes valuable only if it is bridled by reason, by a feeling of responsibility, and by a humanitarian urge to help. Otherwise it is a dangerous enthusiasm, liable to develop into a form of neurosis or hysteria. Nowhere do we find this aestheticism more strongly expressed than in Plato. Plato was an artist; and like many of the best artists, he tried to visualize a model, the 'divine original' of his work, and to 'copy' it faithfully.… Much as I may sympathize with the aesthetic impulse, I suggest that the artist might seek expression in another material. Politics, I demand, must uphold equalitarian and individualistic principles; dreams of beauty have to submit to the necessity of helping men in distress, and men who suffer injustice; and to the necessity of constructing institutions to serve such purposes.… Plato, speaking about “the philosopher who has communion with the divine”, mentions first that he will be “overwhelmed by the urge [Plato is describing here a 'compulsion'… I doubt he pondered much its origins… – P.S.] to realize his heavenly vision in individuals as well as in the city”, – a city which “will never know happiness unless its draughtsmen are artists who have the divine as their model.” Asked about the details of their draughtsmanship, Plato's 'Socrates' [i.e.… his propagandistic invention… – P.S.] gives the following striking reply: “They will take as their canvas a city and the characters of men, and they will, first of all, make their canvas clean…” The kind of thing Plato has in mind when he speaks of canvas-cleaning is explained a little later. “All citizens above the age of ten,” Socrates answers, “must be expelled from the city and deported somewhere into the country; and the children who are now free from the influence of the manners and habits of their parents must be taken over. They must be educated in the ways [of true philosophy], and according to the laws, which we have described.… Whether they happen to rule by law or without law, over willing or unwilling subjects;… …and whether they purge the state for its good, by killing or by deporting [or 'banishing'] some of its citizens… – so long as they proceed according to science and justice, and preserve… [and… of course… by Proudhon's definitions… and those of all (relatively) psychically-undamaged humans… what he is describing is the opposite of 'justice' –…Alice Miller is like the antidote to Plato… who… give him his due… almost knew the psychology of abuse as well as she… but from the opposite sensibility…
The Plato's Tribesmen have created a 'structure' – let's discuss it – and stuck us in it… but they're outside it… we might call where they live the 'Parallel Universe of Plato'… with the Republic used as its Constitution… a book of political propaganda and strategy which the 'power'-guys religiously adhere to: promoting a separate structure of law and system of education for the 'rulers' and “'rulers'-in-training” (…once we have our discussions… and think through what Popper's brought us… we see that it 'proves' the existence of extensive infiltration [this is not new strategy… though its deep and wide incursion into our lives… post-French Revolution… likely is…] needed to represent for the hidden global-state… In organizing to realize a global society that is the opposite of 'class' we'll have to accept extensive infiltration as a given – we do not know who anyone is – and work around it… we cannot let that impede our getting together and creating our societies of opposition to 'class'… that link together globally… this is what we do… and once we start I think we'll realize that there is a limit to the degree to which the strategy of infiltration works in those circumstances… we have to plough forward… despite. So what do I mean when I say the “we don't know who anyone is…” – I mean that they [the 'power'-guys] look for 'areas of concern' – I guess they would look at it as Bentham did… 'medically'… as: “areas that have been 'infected' with the 'disease' 'wanting to be free'…” and they flood their folk in those areas… and that 'disease' “wanting to be free…” didn't start yesterday… so you may have known somebody for twenty years and they are not who they say they are… That is what we're up against… unfortunately… and we must not let that sound… feel… daunting… So… 'infiltration'… a given… and we proceed apace nonetheless…) Karl Popper: “This is the way in which the artist-politician must proceed. This is what canvas-cleaning means. He must eradicate the existing institutions and traditions. He must purify, purge, expel, banish, and kill. [And note who… at the level of massive dislocation and extermination… nation-state de-legitimization… is experiencing extreme disorientation and violence: Syrians… Libyans… Iraqis… Turks… Egyptians… Somalians… Yemenis… – inhabitants of ancient places along the Mediterranean and Red Sea routes out of Africa and into the Persian Gulf… the very area whose cast of characters and the history of which the 'power'-guys want to re-visit… for their 'future generations of Obedient'… to 'prove' that Ancient Greece was “the birthplace of 'civilization'”… Miklos Nyiszli talks about this strategy… as do Karl Popper and Martin Bernal… this strategy of literally re-writing 'history' for future generations… and they have proven… with Nikola's work… that they can do it… they can wipe out memory of it… So we gotta move on this quick… serious biz… because they have the means to do massive elimination of folk… and we don't want them deciding they have to figure out how to eradicate the memory of how we can use the Internet to convene a One Day Global General Strike and overnight have our freedom… globally…
Additional previous show excerpts for our August 7, 2016 Show:
…our experience of 'class' is itself a trauma that needs to be experienced consciously… and integrated into our personalities (can we experience 'class' as a trauma consciously if we have not first experienced the abuse we were subjected to as infants and small children consciously? – we're going to be trying to sort that out as we work toward building numbers of folk committed to working for global human freedom…) such that we can become 'fully-developing individualities'… as opposed to manifestations of 'power's priorities: Consigning us to the role 'wage labor' is a trauma… because it requires us to cut of huge trunks of ourselves… with no one confirming that that's what's going on… So it is a wound that never gets defined as a wound… and leads to endless confusion – the original trauma of a coerced-work system. What if “the story that one does not know…” is “the loss of the infinite…” that we all possess: “That what they have not – that which they possess – ” (Shakespeare's The Rape of Lucrece, line 135) …and we asked: “if 'we-the-people' – the nation – are the child… who… what… might be… the “emphatic partner”?… by which word… 'emphatic'… I take it she means… strong… in possession of certainty… And what does it mean?… being the emphatic partner? – voicing those original suppressed thoughts? What does it mean to be the psychic support of our Brothers and Sisters in our common process of healing from the wounds of 'class'? We're going to be thinking again about these questions… especially in terms of the kinds of 'safe spaces' we want to establish… [From our Waking Up Radio show of January 17, 2016]
In recent shows we've been trying to grasp how it was that training in obedience came to be viewed as simply a 'mode of thought'… as almost a 'cultural' achievement… an 'evolution of the human' (most egregiously…) also-known-as 'civilization'… …and this pinpoints… I think… the difficulty we've been having gathering together our ethical resources (globally) and determining to move on… because… as Kropotkin says: “When we have but the will to do it, that very moment will justice be done: that very instant the tyrants of the earth shall bite the dust.” (From “An Appeal to the Young”) …a difficulty captured in Kropotkin's use of the word 'tyrant'… because while there's no doubt the word fits for our current crop of 'power'-besotted men… they would deny it… deny that it applies to them… and in truth they are a breed apart from the 'power'-lustful 'kings… priests… and capitalists' (the guys Kropotkin meant by the word 'tyrant'…) of which he wrote – these new 'power'-guys… by going into hiding… by inventing 'child-rearing'… and by using 'Plato' for self-justification and guidance… rewrote the terms of 'the class struggle' such that it gave us no purchase… [Kropotkin's] analysis is useful… I think… to dispel the fog enshrouding our relations… across the false divisions: the fog of 'economics'… but it should be updated to reflect [the new terms of the 'class struggle'… and] our current situation of 'power's depletion of our common planetary resources… [From our Waking Up Radio show of December 13, 2015]
Our No-Stream Fill-in Waking Up Radio show of August 7, 2016:
Our planned August 7, 2016 show is postponed until August 14 when we will hopefully be streaming over the Internet again. In thinking about what might be a helpful lead-in discussion to our deep probing of the implications of the theft and suppression (by the global-state-statesmen…) of the work and inventions of Nikola Tesla… the phrase that kept coming up for me was: “Hoarding the Knowledge Resources…” With that as our theme… I asked my son if he would agree to discuss it with me… and he did. Thank you D-Way. Unfortunately… the battery on his recorder went dead in the middle of our conversation so it ends abruptly… but I hope you will… as I do… find the 35 minutes or so conversation that we did record useful in framing our discussion next week. This is Part 1 of it. It's important that we understand this underlying motive of ‘power’. The philosopher-king-statesmen reason that if they can own / control ‘all’ the ‘Knowledge’ – and particularly the ‘knowledge’ of how to kill us (see our recent word-beat with spoken-word from the January 11, 2015 show… and the January 26th, 2014 show included on the page: “Miklos Nyiszli’s Lessons On Class”) – then their ‘supremacy’ can never be challenged. It is time to confront Du Bois’ question: what price do we place on freedom?… During the July 24, 2016 show we said: “Forty-million dead in Europe from WWII… Nikola Tesla tries to avert it…” i.e.… the 'power'-guys knew he was close to completion on a defensive weapon some twenty years before he wrote to J.P. Morgan… in an effort to stop the second World War… and we know our 'power'-guys well enough to make a very good guess as to what they were doing to Nikola those 20 years previous: picking his brain… keeping him under surveillance… lying to him… and flooding his sphere with false folks… If he had not been sabotaged could he have ended war? And we're also going to be talking about this notion of “Hoarding the Knowledge Resources…” because we've been conditioned to always focus our eyes and thinking on 'the economy'… while they pursue 'Knowledge-Infinite… including the 'knowledge' of how to 'stay on top'… We've been arguing that we have to get our eyes focused on the actual situation… the real obstacles facing us… in order to advocate effectively for the lives… the world… we want… [From our No-Stream Fill-in Waking Up Radio show of August 7, 2016]
Next week we will quote from an article Nikola Tesla wrote in 1914: “Science and Discovery Are The Great Forces Which Will Lead To The Consummation of The War,” published under the headline “Nikola Tesla Looks To Science To End The War, The Sun, December 20, 1914: “Modern machinery wrought by science is responsible for this calamity; science will also undo the Frankenstein monster it has created… A new force, a new agent, a demonstration by any means, old or novel, but of a kind to surprise and suddenly illuminate, to bring the belligerent to their senses and furnish irrefutable proof of the folly and uselessness of carrying on the brutal fight.…” “Thousands are working on it… bent upon developing some process or apparatus for accomplishing the purpose, and there is feverish activity in France, Russia, and especially in Germany, among electricians, chemists and engineers…” He's trying to avert war… And we know now that he's talking about a machine… a means… a technique… that uses various harmonic frequencies… that he has found a way… by varying harmonic frequencies… to amplify and focus electromagnetic force such that it can become a defensive weapon… meaning that an incoming airplane could absolutely be prevented from firing on the city… and that to display that kind of overwhelming force would mean an end to conflict… because it would bring everything to a halt while people tried to figure out what was going on… and then there would be discussion… and it would be open discussion… including all the peoples of the world… What he is saying… is that in order for there to be peace… there cannot be differential access to knowledge… that there is in fact an equalizing force… And I think he's right… In an earlier show we discussed how the discovery of how to predict the flooding of the Nile led to the creation of a 'priest-class' which then hoarded that knowledge – and it's speculated that that's the origin of 'class' in the first place: a few wanting to hoard the knowledge… appear magical… to impress and awe the others… and to then appear to be a 'god'… god-like… And this is… I am arguing… what we are confronted with… not an 'economic system'… not 'greed'… not 'capitalism'… We are confronted by a very few who want all the 'knowledge' resources disproportionately held in their hands… They want us to continuously appear… to ourselves… as children… so that they can appear as gods… [From our No-Stream Fill-in Waking Up Radio show of August 7, 2016
D-Way: This technology must still be used and that's my question: Why is it not talked about?… How come it's not pushed in the public conversation… having a defensive weapon that is EMF-based?… that seems like a legit PR-move to go… What happened with that particular project? The Raven: Well that's why we're tying it to 40 million people dead… I think what we have to keep in mind is that twenty years' gap between the two communications we quoted – the first in 1914… hoping to avert the First World War… and the next in 1934… hoping to avert the Second. Nikola was open about his work… the global-state-statesmen not only knew what he was doing… but were also working on it… By the outbreak of the Second World War they were well on there way… if not there… as Nikola writes that he has perfected the weapon and needs only to be allowed to bring it up to scale… But they knew what he had… and they wanted to hoard it… that's the point. To hoard knowledge of this kind… makes you seem like a god: this is an invisible assault… and it must have got them thinking along the lines of being able to stay in the background… So a weapon that would allow them to stay in he background… – we have to remember their main objective: 'keep the cattle herded…' that's always been the main objective this would allow that… And what was also going on was the discovery that EMF-exposure created disease… had health impacts… and so was also being worked on by doctors during this time… studying the physiological impacts of it… We don't know at what point they cooked up the notion of using it secretly to eliminate opposition – the idea of eliminating opposition secretly has been an obsession of 'power's for some time… D-Way: There's certain technologies that they really tote as 'helping to keep us safe…' but we hear nothing about how Nikola Tesla wanted to avert the World Wars with this technology…it's just surprising to me that they have been able to keep this technology so secret… Perhaps it's because there's not enough people talking about it and putting it out there… I guess I'm wondering what the lesson then is now… We're talking about Nikola Tesla… we're talking about hoarding information in order to seem god-like… What's the lesson in Nikola Tesla's story? Why are we talking about him? [From our No-Stream Fill-in Waking Up Radio show of August 7, 2016]
D-Way: I guess I'm wondering what the lesson then is now… We're talking about Nikola Tesla… we're talking about hoarding information in order to seem god-like… What's the lesson in Nikola Tesla's story? Why are we talking about him? The Raven: Well… Nikola Tesla's inventions were disappeared from our discussion… from our knowing… and the man himself was disappeared… which means they are doing things with his inventions secretly… You haven't heard this quote but in one of the articles of Nikola's we're going to quote from he argues that it is possible to control… “the precipitation of the moisture of the atmosphere… through the medium of electricity…” that you can literally control where it rains and and where it doesn't… Now… if you want to be like a god… that's critical… to be able to control the weather – that's 'historical'… If you can control how we survive… whether we can survive… our ability to eat… this furthers their objective: to make us obedient… The French Revolution showed them that we will continuously struggle to be free… and that we will get our freedom unless they figure out a way to literally make us be obedient… form us from birth on up… obedient… Now a weapon that they cannot be held responsible for – anything that they make public… they're responsible for… that will create anger… and at this point… to even allow discussion of their ability to take down planes invisibly… We don't hear about it anymore bur there used to be this mysterious 'Bermuda Triangle' where planes would go into it and disappear – of course they have to test this stuff… so a whole mystery was created around “what happened?” They have been using his technology… his inventions… secretly… not for the purposes intended… but to cause harm… in order to be able to eliminate their opposition secretly… which has always been the obsession of 'power'… [From our No-Stream Fill-in Waking Up Radio show of August 7, 2016]
The Raven: So… from 'power's perspective… “how do you create a world in which no one challenges their assigned position?…” We'll be quoting next week from Popper that speaks to this… that Plato is the theory and philosophy of totalitarianism… Plato's definition of 'happiness' is that which creates the strongest… the most secure… state… This is the objective of the hidden guys called 'Plato's Tribe'… to realize the vision of Plato… they've been using that book the Republic for the last two hundred and fifty years… in order to create a world of fixed unchanging 'class' divisions… what Plato wanted and thought could never happen… They want to achieve his vision for him… they think this is an honorable mission that they're on… D-Way: Why did Plato think it couldn't happen? The Raven: Because people want to be free… and that unless you could make the entire world obedient… there's always gonna be people who are free…and who come in and… just like Jesus… just like all prophets of 'class'… they spread sedition in the sense of: “We're born free… look at the ravens… look at the birds… they don't bow down to nobody… what's wrong with you people? We're here to be free… now to kowtow and kiss ass…” Plato knew that… we're born free… that's want we want to be… So… he knew… you have to breed people to accept their position… And then people like Prince come along and write “Slave” on their cheek… what are you going to do with them? So they wanted to breed us obedient… and you can only do that if you control the entire world… Or we're gonna look over and see… “Well look at those Haitians they got their freedom… they don't bow down to nobody…” “Well… we just create an under-ocean earthquake… Two hundred thousand dead… Bam!… Oh Not enough dead?… Let's infect them with cholera…” So you see the ability to kill anybody… secretly… who doesn't obey… is the supreme check on disobedience… D-Way: Trump card.The Raven: Trump card. [(Part 5 of our No-Stream Fill-in Waking Up Radio show of August 7, 2016]
[“160807secretkillingthetrumpcard.mp3”: the word-beat…]
The Raven: So keep in mind… this is the objective of the 'power'-guys… they've been using that book the Republic for the last two hundred and fifty years… in order to create a world of fixed unchanging 'class' divisions… what Plato wanted and thought could never happen… They want to achieve his vision for him… they think this is an honorable mission that they're on… D-Way: Why did Plato think it couldn't happen? The Raven: Because people want to be free… and that unless you could make the entire world obedient… there's always gonna be people who are free…and who come in and… just like Jesus… just like all prophets of 'class'… they spread sedition in the sense of: “We're born free… look at the ravens… look at the birds… they don't bow down to nobody… what's wrong with you people? We're here to be free… now to kowtow and kiss ass…” Plato knew that… we're born free… that's want we want to be… So… he knew… you have to breed people to accept their position… And then people like Prince come along and write “Slave” on their cheek… what are you going to do with them? So they wanted to breed us obedient… and you can only do that if you control the entire world… Or we're gonna look over and see… “Well look at those Haitians they got their freedom… they don't bow down to nobody…” “Well… we just create an under-ocean earthquake… Two hundred thousand dead… Bam!… Oh Not enough dead?… Let's infect them with cholera…” So you see the ability to kill anybody… secretly… who doesn't obey… is the supreme check on disobedience… D-Way: Trump card.The Raven: Trump card. [(Wordbeat of Part 5 of our No-Stream Fill-in Waking Up Radio show of August 7, 2016]
The Raven: So you can see their point… why they would want to hoard the knowledge resources… Furthermore… if we know it's being done to us… we develop defensive mechanisms don't we?… We are infinitely inventive… we'll figure out a way to defeat it… to protect ourselves… the only way it works is if we don't know… And it mimics disease doesn't it?… Look at my case… years going around getting medical tests… going to doctors… that's what everybody does who's targeted… It works… They've been doing it for decades… It works… It's time for it not to work anymore… - that's why Nikola Tesla [among many reasons to do with getting our freedom…] Just as he said… we all have to be in possession of his inventions… He created them for us… for peace… that's what they're there for… once they're in our hands… they can no longer kill us secretly [and they can be redirected to their intended purpose…] D-Way: Was there ever any movement to get his papers public? It seems that that would be an important thing to do… The Raven: It's not just getting his papers public… it's getting everything they stole from him and took away from his apartment when he died… I mean… it's one thing to write … 'yes… you can transmit electricity through the atmosphere… I have a way…' OK… well what is that way?… And he is unique in a sense… I mean he did this on a shoestring budget because he knew what he was looking for… And it takes resources… And… unfortunately… that's what 'the economy'… that system of accessing resources… is for… that means they can control who does what… So his papers were ripped off… taken away… hidden… They intended to completely bury our awareness of it… And even if you know what he was doing… if you happened upon this book [Margaret Cheney's Man Out Of Time] written about him… and you learn… 'well he says there's a way to transmit electromagnetic force… and focus it on a specific target… and annihilate it…' How? If you're not Nikola Tesla… How? [(Part 6 of 6 of our No-Stream Fill-in Waking Up Radio show of August 7, 2016]
For our August 14, 2016 Show:
Peter Kropotkin: “For thousands of years in succession, to grow one's food was the burden, almost the curse of mankind. But it need be so no more. If you make yourselves the soil, and partly the temperature and the moisture which each crop requires [think: 'Earthships'… – P.S.], you will see that to grow the yearly food of a family, under rational conditions of culture, requires so little labour that it might almost be done as a mere change from other pursuits. If you return to the soil, and co-operate with your neighbors instead of erecting high walls to conceal yourself from their looks; if you utilise what experiment has already taught us, and call to your aid science and technical invention, which never fail to answer to the call – look only at what they have done for warfare [seriously… – P.S.] – you will be astonished at the facility with which you can bring a rich and varied food out of the soil. You will admire the amount of sound knowledge which your children will acquire by your side, the rapid growth of their intelligence, and the facility with which they will grasp the laws of Nature, animate and inanimate.… Have the factory and the workshop at the gates of your fields and gardens, and work in them. Not those large establishments, of course, in which huge masses of metals have to be dealt with and which are better placed at certain spots indicated by Nature, but the countless variety of workshops and factories which are required to satisfy the infinite diversity of tastes… factories and workshops into which men, women and children will not be driven by hunger, but will be attracted by the desire of finding an activity suited to their tastes, and where, aided by the motor and the machine, they will choose the branch of activity which best suits their inclinations… Very soon you will yourselves feel interested in that work, and you will have occasion to admire in your children their eager desire to become acquainted with Nature and its forces, their inquisitive inquiries as to the powers of machinery, and their rapidly developing inventive genius. Such is the future – already possible, already realisable; such is the present – already condemned and about to disappear…” (from Fields, Factories, and Workshops, written around 1889, quoted in our Waking Up Radio show of August 2, 2015)
Our August 14, 2016 Show:
I find myself continuing to think about what Nikola Tesla's inventions to free us from coerced work and state-manufactured scarcity (and his inventions prove unequivocally the truth of that last term…) I've posted an excerpt from the August 2, 2015 show which I hope we will hear afresh given what we now know about the gifts Nikola has left us… a subject we'll return to in our August 21, 2016 show… Karl Popper: “Plato says frequently that what he is aiming at is neither the happiness of individuals nor that of any particular class in the state, but only the happiness of the whole, and this, he argues, is nothing but the outcome of that rule of justice which I have shown to be totalitarian in character…” Keith Lowe: “During the course of just six years, the demographics of Europe had changed irredeemably. The density of Poland's population fell by 27 percent, and some areas in the east of the country were now barely populated at all. Countries that had once been ethnically mixed had been 'cleansed' so extensively that, to all intents and purposes, they now included only a single ethnic group. As well as an absence of people, therefore, there was an absence of community, and an absence of diversity: large areas of Europe had become homogenous. This process would only accelerate in the months after the war.…”
Since reading it during our July 31, 2016 show it has been haunting me: Plato's dictum to “make the canvas clean…” None of the killing… dispossessing… and displacing of whole populations was happenstance (or originated with we-commoners…) they had… and continue to have… a plan… do these hidden 'power'-guys… and though we'll never read about it in The Times… or sit and watch it discussed in television news analysis – as once we're moving to make our own social arrangements… our eyes will never again be on them… and there will of course be no intermediary analyzing our lives… we will be talking to each other directly…) – they meet in secret to make their malevolent agreements. They want – and this they'll tell us in sweetened language – to make an 'orderly' world… they want – and this they'll never say to us… we-commoners – to re-write history and install themselves as rulers over us… present themselves as heroes… warriors… philosopher-kings… and gods… to conditioned 'citizens' – as to make themselves seem worthy of being so treated… the world must be peopled only with the obedient: compliant human energy. (What was done to them they are doing to us… perhaps especially the secrecy of it…) Staying hidden behind a variety of ruses (principally the 'economic'…) relying heavily on psychological manipulation of us (principally by utilizing the parents to instill obedience… as happened to them…) they've made extensive use of us to realize their fathers' ambitions. We must ask ourselves again Du Bois' question: What price do we place on our freedom? And are we really here to service the neuroses of the Miniscule Few?… to help them 'live up to' their parents' depraved expectations?… 'prove' they are 'worthy' of at last receiving their attention?
One of the posted archival-excerpts for our discussion today is to help us think through the recurring question we're asking (which will recur till we grow beyond it…): why do we defer to 'keepers'… allow ourselves to be directed against what our bodies want to do? – this excerpt speaks to these 'inner' dynamics… and the need for us to discuss with openness the issue of coercion (we'll be returning to this notion of the critical strategic element of being 'open' in what we do… for a variety of reasons having to do with exorcising those early childhood demons – that fear of losing the parents' love…) …and when we address this issue of 'coercion' openly we confront the residual rage left to fester in us… from the inculcation of obedience… Were it not for this training… and the control of the thoughts to which we have access – the suppression of our needed ancestors… Karl Popper and Alice Miller particularly – we would long since have recognized that force and happiness are opposites… because freedom is our inherent nature. But the shadow-state needs shadow-troops… and each one of us has been recruited… and each one of us has been denied the truth… So when Popper said that the gleam of Plato's scheme may dim in time to those in his tribe… that new ideas and ideals… new information… could arrive (Proudhon's point as well – and Nikola's – about how we progress as human beings authentically… without force…) and that “what had appeared the ideal state to the people who made the original blueprint, may not appear so to their successors…” we should have taken more time with his suggestion… particularly given Alice… given Nikola… given Karl himself… For Shakespeare's point must be fully credited too: much happens that is not immediately evident… and that our entrapment… in this moment… is almost solely a function of not seeing the trap: their scheme for checking… punishing… and eliminating… the 'disobedient'… and 'weeding the 'redundant' – from child-rearing… to 'High Tech Auschwitz'… We can't be made puppets once we see what they're doing to us… But their use of EMF weapons against us is a 'secret' hidden in plain sight… kept hidden by their almost total control of the media needed to further discussions (what I mean by that… is that… we may one by one happen upon Man Out Of Time by Margaret Cheney… but… how do we have that discussion – the development by Nikola Tesla of this weapon and in whose hands it would obviously be held – on KPFA… on Democracy Now!? – which we need to have to develop our understanding as a people (and the Pentagon is not secretive about having such a weapon – HAARP – and that they've been playing with varying frequencies for use as a weapon for a long time… but as to using it extra-legally on US citizens – that requires discussion… that requires pressure from we-the-people…) expose to our awareness all suppressions… – kept hidden therefore by 'power's firm hand on our leashes…
'…jobs, raise wages and improve our national security…' and with that list… I suspect… we have the 'global-state's (U.S.-portal…) definition (for us…) of 'happiness'… And with that definition in their hand… do you think they can sell us… a credible argument… for the use of EMF weapons against us? I think not. And while we'll be raising the question again… elaborated… angled more to the need to honor the truth of Prince's heroism… here we place it within our strategy for challenging the 'license ' of the state to kill and lie to us… ad infinitum… – Are there any 'Miklos's out there who can analyze the results of the autopsy done on Prince's body with the objective of answering our questions about whether it showed EMF-exposure effects?… And in this context of exposing the state's lack of legitimacy… we must also ask if there are any 'Nikola Tesla's out there who can widely share additional information on the weapon itself… To our 'Miklos's who want to help: if we can prove Prince's death was due – or presents evidence to suggest that it was due – to assault by EMF… or even just if his body shows evidence consistent with microwave-radiation-assault…and to our 'Nikola's out there who want to help: if we can prove that the weapon Nikola designed on a small scale has been made operational by the U.S. state on a very big scale… and used against us… then… this added information adds urgency… strength … and depth… to the necessity of we-the-people calling the question on our right to happiness – we owe it to ourselves… we owe it to our posterity… we bear this responsibility…
Many ancestors have pointed this out: that when you begin to struggle with the authentic forces at work distorting us… the release of energy involved with embracing the truth… in every sense… is joyful… Yes you are punished… but to emerge from that fog of confusion int doing something that really does help your Brothers and Sisters. I mean… could anything signal more clearly that what we are going for is the opposite of this than their use of killing us clandestinely – and their wanting to cause us ill health? – it's real hard for us to wrap our minds around that… because we agree with George Eliot: what do we live for if not to make life less difficult to each other… and the notion of people wanting to make life more difficult… it just doesn't compute – so… it is exhilarating to work on correcting the most massive wrong in human history… Truly…
During the July 24, 2016 show we said: “Forty-million dead in Europe from WWII… Nikola Tesla tries to avert it…” i.e.… the 'power'-guys knew he was close to completion on a defensive weapon some twenty years before he wrote to J.P. Morgan… in an effort to stop the second World War… and we know our 'power'-guys well enough to make a very good guess as to what they were doing to Nikola those 20 years previous: picking his brain… keeping him under surveillance… lying to him… and flooding his sphere with false folks… because the global-state-statesmen wanted to have a secret weapon… Nikola trying to avert war… I don't think the question is purely academic: could he have? In the next few shows we will bring all four of our recent consultants in to discuss the question : Prince… Proudhon… Nikola Tesla… and Alice Miller… Nikola Tesla: “What I needed at this psychological moment is some such revelation. A new force, a new agent, a demonstration by any means, old or novel, but of a kind to surprise and suddenly illuminate, to bring the belligerent to their senses and furnish irrefutable proof of the folly and uselessness of carrying on the brutal fight. This idea, to which I have myself devoted years of work, has now taken hold of scientific men and experts all the world over. Thousands of Thousands of inventors, fired on by this unique opportunity, are bent upon developing some process or apparatus for accomplishing the purpose…” [By a circuitous route… through world-wide discussion of the material substance… and the suppression of… Nikola's gifts to us… may we realize Nikola's dream… and our own…] As to whether the global-state has done it… created this space-based EMF weapon… anyone who has been made a target of it and survived long enough to finally learn (if they didn't already know…) to trust what their body is saying and gather more information by investigating… absolutely knows that this weapon exists… and that the global-state (which includes representatives minimally from those states above mentioned by Nikola…) is using it extra-legally against us… we-their-'subjects'…
And as we read together what follows… let's consider this: We have been arguing that the only way 'power' can maintain its privileged position as global-'statesmen' is by manufacturing 'scarcity'… because the earth is abundant… Nikola's work bends to this abundance… and therefore to our freedom… So… what we can say with certainty then is that 'power's obsession with total control of us… with our 'management'… means there is no doubt that if Nikola's achievements and guidance in the area of electrical engineering are completely sound… that if he sold no 'wolf tickets' when it came to what he found – when it came to his electrical inventions and potential applications of them… and of the electro-magnetic power of the earth generally… for accelerating us to our freedom… there is no doubt the 'power'-guys would have been secretly surrounding him with false-folks in his latter years… attempting to 'manage' and manipulate him psychologically… try to take all they could from him while he lived… and get the rest after his death… and then… get busy with their 'work' of suppression… misdirection… misrepresentation… maligning… distorting… discrediting… and… in general burying the gifts he hoped to leave for us… and ferry them to their private concerns… labs and technicians… to serve their personal purposes. I.e.… we would see exactly what happened. If there had been nothing to use secretly the statesmen would have flung the doors wide open to let us see that 'nothing'… they would have no reason to surround it with mystery. But anyone targeted with these weapons has no need to deduce the truth with such reasoning… their swollen heads and clogged chests… and the patterns associated with the 'delivery' of them would be sufficient 'proof'… and proof as well… therefore… that the state is Fascist – sufficient 'reason' to use our right to pursue happiness to move to abolish the state… here in the U.S.… while we work with our Brothers and Sisters across the planet to convene our inaugural… celebratory… first of many… One Day Global General Strike… to discuss the world we want… with ourselves… not with our so-called 'leaders'… A global 'pause' for reflection and feeding a new vision threatens no one but 'the state' – official and shadow… We need plans for self-sufficiency… both individually and collectively… as individuals and societies… We need a plan for helping each other globally to realize… maintain… and keep… our freedom…
“In April 1976, Secretary of State Henry Kissinger sent the following telegram to the U.S. Embassy in Moscow, which summarized the conclusions of the study of the Moscow signal: Henry Kissinger: “Subject: Radiation and UHF and Electromagnetic Dangers: Beginning in 1960 the Soviet Union directed their high frequency beams of radiation at the U.S. Embassy in Moscow which were calculated not to pick up intelligence but cause physiological effects on personnel. The effects the Soviets calculated to achieve in the personnel serving (at least as early as 1960) included (A) Malaise (B) Irritability, (C) Extreme fatigue. At this time the Soviets believed that the induced effects were temporary. Subsequently, it has been verified that the effects are not temporary. Definitely tied to such radiation and the UHF / VHF electromagnetic waves are: (A) Cataracts, (B) Blood changes that induce heart attacks, (C) Malignancies, (D) Circulatory problems, and (E) Permanent deterioration of the nervous system. In most cases the after-effects do not become evident until long after exposure – a decade or more.…” Whose idea do you suppose it was… 'High-Tech Auschwitz'?… to use their 'Space Battleship' for 'population management'?: disease bio-engineering and dissent-elimination?… We're going to assume for the purposes of this discussion that this memo is authentic (and Mr. Kissinger please feel free to step forward and deny it…) and with that assumption made we have to say – as Kissinger is a political animal (to say the least…) – this letter reeks of 'cover-up' and 'cover your ass'… don't it? Look at the date… a follow up on events in Moscow two decades late… Nixon gone… what's going on? But we know the lies are too thick to unpack and that our course is… as it's always been under 'class'… to take our lives back… and now we can.
(What's beautiful about the strategy of the One Day Global General Strike is that… even though they have total control of our intercommunications… our 'transactions' [of all kinds…] this don't require much intercommunication… all it requires is pickin' a date… texting or tweeting “One Day Global General Strike on this date!… Pass it on!”… sufficient time for it to circle the globe… and then… we have our discussion…) Margaret Cheney: “In his old age Tesla was gratified to hear his invention of electrical oscillation devices for medical therapy receive high accolades.… Modern cancer treatment has, of curse, progressed even farther and the full medical implications of Tesla's techniques are still being explored. Most recently, in the 1980s, the American Association for the Advancement of Science announced promising research in the electromagnetic stimulation of cells for the regeneration of amputated limbs… [So let's imagine what happens when you stimulate the cancer cells instead… – P.S.] And studies of various universities have also indicated that pulsed current is superior to direct current in the healing of fractures. As is typical of so many of Tesla's inventions, scholars still do not know the whole range of their possible applications or, in some cases, even their full theoretical significance.” (Margaret Cheney, Man Out Of Time, p. 242)
Nikola Tesla: “But the time is very near when we shall have the precipitation of the moisture of the atmosphere under complete control, and then it will be possible to draw unlimited quantities of water from the oceans, develop any desired amount of energy, and completely transform the globe by irrigation and intensive farming. A greater achievement of man through the medium of electricity can hardly be imagined. The present limitations in the transmission of power to distance will be overcome in two ways – through the adoption of underground conductor insulated by power, and through the introduction of the wireless art. The first plan I have advanced years ago. The underlying principle is to convey through a tubular conductor hydrogen at a very low temperature, freeze the surrounding material and thus secure a perfect insulation by indirect use of electric energy. In this manner the power derived from falls can be transmitted to distances of hundreds of miles with the highest economy and at a small cost. This innovation is sure to greatly extend the fields of electrical application. As to the wireless method, we have now the means for economic transmission of energy in any desired amount and to distances only limited by the dimensions of this planet. In view of assertions of some misinformed experts to the effect that in the wireless system I have perfected the power of the transmitter is dissipated in all directions, I wish to be emphatic in my statement that such is not the case. The energy goes only to the place where it is needed and to no other…” (And while… writing as 'war' engulfed Europe… Nikola was not sanguine about eliminating war… I am… very sanguine… thanks to him – that with Nikola's gifts to us… along with those of many others who have contributed to our knowledge of how to establish… and preserve… individual self-sufficiency… I am very sanguine that we can end war permanently… And we have to remember that he became sanguine as well… his letter twenty years later [and in other writings as well…] express that he'd arrived at the conclusion that we can avert war… But achieving our freedom makes the question moot.)
How do we interpret what happens next?… two 'world-wars'… after which… there was no more an authentic international Socialist movement – and instead widespread fear of nuclear weapons… calibrated to reflect supposed hierarchical threats… and to keep us divided and disoriented… nation against nation – and no more talk of Nikola Tesla's weapon…or his life-long work devoted to peace… and inventing what would be needed to make it a reality… Today… though it's not a view familiar to us… let's consider those two 'world wars' through the lens of Nikola Tesla's inventions… let's see them… always there but kept hidden… always there fueling the statesmen's ambitions… always there but disappeared from us… along with the man himself… Nikola Tesla… let's consider that the string of his work… pulls all… And then let's consider… in whose hands it belongs… Keith Lowe: “The only nation to lose substantial amounts of territory would be Germany, for whom it was regarded as a fitting punishment. Once again, there was no consultation of the 'freely expressed wishes of the peoples concerned,' as promised by the Atlantic Charter'… The consequences for these people would be momentous… [Regions] German for hundreds of years, and were populated almost exclusively by German people – more than 11 million of them… it was unthinkable that 11 million Germans would be allowed to continue living within the borders of the new Poland. As Churchill put it… “it would be a pity to stuff the Polish goose so full of German food that it got indigestion” It was understood by all parties that these Germans would have to be removed. When concerns were raised at Yalta about the practicality, and the humanity, of expelling such large numbers of people from their ancestral homelands, Stalin remarked blandly that most of the Germans in these regions had “already run away from the Red Army,” Broadly speaking, he was correct – the bulk of the populations in these areas had fled in fear of Soviet vengeance. But by the end of the war there were still some 4.4 million Germans living there, and in the immediate aftermath of the war, a further 1.25 million would return – mostly to Silesia and East Prussia – in the belief that they would be able to pick up their old lives. According to Soviet plans all these people would either be conscripted as forced labour to pay off German war reparations, or be removed…” Truman… quoted in Kevin Phillips: “…if we see that Germany is winning we ought to help Russia, and if Russia is winning we ought to help Germany and in that way, let them kill as many as possible.” It was not a sentiment that got Truman in trouble…” [How could we have put up with such people as this over us… sitting on us… for so long? We didn't see another way… well… now we do.]
Immanuel Wallerstein: “The one sphere in which the United States did not have an excessive advantage [in the aftermath of WWII] was the military sphere.…” [We see how when we have in the back of our mind the truth that the U.S. has in its possession this weapon invented by Nikola Tesla it changes how you hear everything… that's why these discussions are so explosive for 'power' right now. It is a Pandora's Box. It does change everything about what we think we know… – P.S.] “As a result, if the United States were going to play the role of hegemonic power, it would have to come to some kind of terms with the Soviet Union and neutralize its military strength.… It is my contention that what ensued was a tacit 'deal' between the United States and the Soviet Union, to which we have given the metaphorical name of Yalta. It seems to me that this deal had three components. The first was a de facto division of the globe into two spheres of influence more or less along the line of the location of the armed forces of each of the two countries at the end of the war.… The second part of the tacit agreement was the de facto economic disjuncture of the two zones. The United States would offer no assistance on the reconstruction of the Soviet bloc… [And it seems there was a fourth part: “silence discussion of Nikola Tesla and his inventions… and use EMF-weapons only on your own citizens…” – P.S.] Once the military status quo was achieved, the Untied States could proceed to realize its overall political and cultural dominance in the world-system…” So there are layers to the theater aren't there?… with Nikola at the bottom… sealed up with his inventions… the keys to our freedom… We must ask ourselves what are the implications of 'power' hoarding Nikola's gifts to us… in circumstances of resource-depletion? Are they waiting until they've rendered the entire world-population obedient to release them?… or do they intend to suppress public knowledge of them ad infinitum?… the deeper we go the more abominable it gets… it's time to call the question of our right to pursue happiness… All the wars and killing by states of whatever political persuasion were designed to d just what they did: maximize the body-count…
Our August 21, 2016 Show:
Nikola Tesla: “When the great truth accidentally revealed and experimentally confirmed is fully recognized, that this planet, with all its appalling immensity, is to electric currents virtually no more than a small metal ball and that by this fact many possibilities, each baffling imagination and of incalculable consequence, are rendered absolutely sure of accomplishment… humanity will be like an ant heap stirred up with a stick: See the excitement coming!… (1904)” “So long as there are different nationalities there will be patriotism. This feeling must be eradicated from our hearts before permanent peace can be established. Its place must be filled by love of nature and scientific ideal. Science and discovery are the great forces which will lead to [the consummation of war… I have just made known an invention which will show to electricians how to produce immense electrical pressures and activities. By their means many wonderful results will be achieved. The human voice and likeness will be flashed around the globe without wire, energy projected through space, the wastes of the ocean will be made safe to navigation, transport facilitated, rain precipitated at will… Advances of this kind will, in times to come, remove the physical causes of war, the chief of which is the vast extent of this planet. The gradual annihilation of distance will put human beings in closer contact and harmonize their views and aspirations. The harnessing of the forces of nature will banish misery and want and provide ample means for safe and comfortable existence… (1914)” Once we are free we must always remember the ones we owe… who made it possible for us to live so… debts we can never repay… except by living freely… every day… and never giving back the freedom for which they… so dearly… paid…
In 'society'… we shall be arguing… there is no 'state' that murders 'its' citizens… whether openly or clandestinely… At present… nowhere under 'class' does 'society' exist… Our Sisters and Brothers… and we… are being killed… in Egypt… Ethiopia… Nigeria… the Ukraine… Turkey – killed by the state or its surrogates (representing for the global-state… [Syria is of course being dismantled…]) or wasted in factories… in Mexico… Venezuela… Brazil… China… Yemen… South Africa… Indonesia… Pakistan… Vietnam… Afghanistan… Iraq… and here in the U.S.… for the crime of being powerful… It's important that we understand the motives of 'power'… But when they kill a well-known person – like Prince – for the crime of being powerful… this single one becomes an emblem of the whole of the slaughter 'power' commits… that one person stands for all the dead killed for the crime of being authentically powerful (i.e.… self-grown and continuously self-developing…) coming to terms with the torture and killing of this one… enables us to hold in our minds and hands the torture and killing of the whole mass of those victimized in power's crimes – because to intervene in this one… demand justice for this one… is to possess the key to freeing us all… freeing us from millennia-long slavery… because his death contains the whole of it… the whole of 'power's misdeeds of the last two centuries… He and Nikola Tesla are both keys… and… together… their truth is our truth… is our freedom… Justice for Nikola… justice for Prince… is freedom for all of us…
Until you're subjected to 'power's campaign against you of surveillance (including visual… watching him – whether just his heat signature or more than this – when he's in his own home (I'm sure it pleases and thrills them that they can have access to anyone they want… no matter how much money or celebrity they have… The only thing they don't have access to are our thoughts… and they're working on it…) – those who warn of the state's privacy violations of 'its' citizens don't know the hundredth part of it.… This is what the state does to those targeted as inconvenient or 'disobedient' – by which I mean 'challenge the legitimacy of the state'.… Until you're subjected to 'power's campaign against you of surveillance… harassment… and attrition of your physical strength – stores of energy… I'm not sure you can fully appreciate the enormous strength and courage it took for Prince to continue to do his art authentically… i.e.… to tell the truth through the route of his body's direct access to it… unmediated by the 'power'-guys' attempts to distort or lessen his confidence in it… by means of psychological manipulation: to express honestly his thoughts… fears… and longings – to share his authentic 'self' openly meant putting himself at even greater risk… because 'power' depends on extracting precisely this honest information about your feelings in order to use it against you (“they don't care where they kick… just as long as they hurt you…”) – these are sadists… as we've said… what they do to us shows us what was done to them… as infants – and through our readings of Alice Miller's For Your Own Good… we learned that the memory of the torture done to them is not accessible to them as adults… it gets buried… along with the rage that they felt in being subjected to it… but the rage isn't gone just because it got lost to their conscious mind… and this is why we're comparing the different strategies today of Karl Popper… Proudhon… Alice Miller… and Prince – because in their various ways they are addressing this question of how to re-access our suppressed feelings… another way of saying this is: how to end the class system…
The situation is just as Joe Cocker said: the folks determined to 'rule' our world (rule us…) don't know what love is… and become fearful at the sight of it… of spontaneous feelings – for reasons Alice has explained to us… But this – showing us authentic feelings – is precisely what artists are here to do… and to explain loss of the eternal in loss of the authentic 'self'… and vice versa… to remind us of our body's direct route to it – the eternal – and to help us restore it to ourselves consciously… by honoring the spontaneous feelings of our bodies (…and we're going to be exploring what that means… I've been thinking a lot about it… and I'm hoping folks are having discussions of this: how does honoring… right now… somehow getting in touch right now with the spontaneous feelings of our bodies… begin to unfreeze… melt… the feelings of rage… and allow ourselves conscious access to our buried feelings of rage from infancy… which our conscious mind – once we have access to those feelings – can explain… to that infant that could not understand it… could explain the larger context in which it happened… and eventually to forgive the parents for having tortured them… and to then become a vital person again…) …so in delving into this issue of losing access to our very bodies… circuitously then… they expose the hypnotic effect of the coerced-work-system… When we cannot live on our own terms (which means honoring what your body says – and that's a big discussion – as a facile… empty… formula… “listen to your body” has been offered to us… but what Alice has been explaining to us is not simple at all… not easy… to honor what your body wants… because it's continuously getting misinterpreted by the system around us… such that… as many ancestors… including Samuel Butler… have pointed out… we will tell ourselves we are really happy when we are not… So what we tell ourselves are simply the 'master's messages that we repeat because we've been conditioned to do so…) we 'zone out'… become like zombies… rootless beings… bodies for hire… It's taken me thirty years and more to almost catch up to Prince… and… I've been thinking a lot about the psychic isolation he must have endured… because once he got identified by 'power' as a threat… and I imagine that was pretty early on… there is no doubt in my mind that they surrounded him with a lot of false folk… and targeted him with EMF… a secret weapon that he couldn't talk about… and if you can't talk about the most important thing that's happening to you… it forces you to become silent… forces you into a psychic isolation… It's taken me thirty years and more to almost catch up to Prince… and if I'm part-way there… it's only because of Alice Miller… and the jolt of the loss of him… which brought me again to his music…
…what the coerced-work-system does is to tell us what we are to think about… it forces us to make our bodies objects – slaves – at the command of the Mind… the 'Intellect'… of 'power' (which… in controlling what gets 'credit'… funded… controls what work gets done…) But as we detach… for whatever reason… from that system… and our minds have more freedom to wander… let's help each other wander over to the ancestors (and I hope that the “My Son's Beats” page… which merges spoken word with his beats… is useful for this as well… for discussion and reintroduction to thoughts that have been suppressed…) and living heroes who help us hang on to our authentic-ness – who… like Prince – I don't know of others who are modeling authentic-ness in the way he did… by which I mean challenging the state… the state as we've come to understand it as that internalized 'state' within each one of us… that 'state' that 'power' depends on to do its bidding… implement its vision… which makes me grieve all the more for Prince (perhaps you know of others who are doing similar service for ''the people'… as opposed to 'the state'…) – living heroes who have been denied their due… because our minds were kept distracted (and subtly influenced by the propaganda mechanisms of 'power'… used… in the case of Prince …to delicately or obviously 'dis' him… diminish his image in our eyes… precisely because we so need him…)
'Economics' as a discipline is the miming of 'growth' in a dead system: another way of saying “Property is theft…” To 'grow' – in every sense – under the current 'system' requires… as Proudhon is carefully demonstrating… a theft (hence the short-hand and so incomplete rendering of his message captured in the words “property is theft…') – it requires – this semblance – laying hands on what is not rightfully yours… This act mimes growth but is not true growth… as true growth requires uncoerced life… freed energy… to occur… Everything about 'class' is false… which our bodies perceive and resist… and in order to maintain its control of us 'power' must constantly slip falseness in amongst us… and then condition us to accept it as real… and in order to maintain its facade of 'superiority' it must present to us 'evidence' of it… So their m.o. has become: kill those who are creative because they model an independent thought process and so are threats… and as well possess 'assets' (creativity requiring access to the authentic 'self'… demonstrating which challenges the whole 'logic' of 'the system'…) assets ripe for the plundering… so the 'power'-guys' m.o. is: kill or otherwise destroy threats… steal their work… and put their name on it. We are already seeing them laying the groundwork for doing this to Prince… Those who steal his unreleased music are planning to argue that they really own it because they will be 'developing' it… Sound familiar? Today… we're going to be thinking about the historical and psychological dynamics underlying… and implications of… our having been pounded into an artificial… manufactured 'world'… including… with Proudhon and Popper… how this happened… in both a psychological and material sense… Nikola Tesla… in our opening quote… put his finger on both the material and the psychological dynamic we're looking at today when he calls attention to the state… and its ideology of patriotism… as the key barrier to our achieving the world peace we all want…
…the Plato's Tribesmen… believe… following Plato's lead… that the only way to freeze class in place – i.e.… realize Plato's fantasy of unchanging 'class' divisions – is to freeze thought in the child – which is what the installation of obedience – indoctrination into the doctrine of 'force' – means… although this is never discussed. Without understanding this… their practice pushed them – and now all of us – onto a precipice… away from the edge of which we-the-people have been fiercely… and with much loss of blood and life-substance… struggling to battle. Into this scene steps Prince… who advises: “Instead of asking how much of your time is left… ask how much of your mind baby… because in this life things are much harder than in the Afterworld…” – I mean… he looked around him and was appalled… at the lack of thought… (And in this context we should recall from our discussions with Alice Miller that another view on 'power's obsession with obedience is their obsession with punishment – perhaps they think of it as 'behavior modification'… as their parents did: 'correcting' 'unacceptable' [to them…] behavior – and although I am certain they found Prince's entire being objectionable – as he was an undivided whole and unable to not model claiming the authentic 'self' – I suspect that what they most wanted to stop him from doing was… firstly… composing (when you're getting hit with EMF it messes with your ability to make the art that you're trying to make… – and… again… if they consider someone who's written books that are self-published and speaks on pirate-radio 'deserving' of this treatment… someone like Prince… I cannot imagine how horrendous it must have been… and to not be able to talk about it… You know… I certainly know… what the reaction to Prince would be… I've received it… – and Prince was on a mission… he had some things to accomplish… and he could not jeopardize it – and as we've said over and over… they want to pin those they are targeting into a lose – lose position… and that's what they did to him… Except… – we'll be discussing just how successful that so-called 'lose – lose' was on Prince… it definitely silenced – not in his lyrics but in his ability to speak openly about what they were doing to him… and to point out the obvious: we got Fascism folks [Martin Luther King struggled with this as well: with how to say that without getting discredited… without losing what he was here to do…] and secondly… reaching out to us – performing. These would be occasions when they would try to hit him hard… and these guys seem to take movement as a personal challenge – perhaps the 'thrill' of killing people while they lay prone in bed… or draped on stairs… or immobile in wheelchairs… has finally grown stale.…) He knew they were going to kill him one day… that knowledge is expressed clearly… and repeatedly… in his lyrics.
Probably without having the help of Alice… Popper… or Proudhon… Prince nonetheless became their complement in the generation of three-phase power: Proudhon and Popper representing for 'mind'… Alice and Prince for 'body' and 'spirit'. Popper… Proudhon… Alice… and Prince… were all… in a sense… offering to us remedies for 'class'. Popper and Proudhon ask us to reason with them… Alice and Prince… taking several steps beyond (or behind) Popper and Proudhon… ask us to feel with them (we're going to be thinking a lot about that… as a strategy…) Alice shows us the impairment of our reasoning faculties that occurs with the suppression of the authentic 'self'… which creates fear… and halts the thought process… as our unconscious tries to make sense of what is going on… to come to terms with the fear that occurs with the suppression of spontaneous feelings… force… inflicted by a parent… as the state's surrogate… a condition which the state… in creating 'class' systemically… automatically continuously recreates… As many ancestors have said: “It's the system that's at fault…” – and though those words are simple and over-used… we should think more about them… as what we want for our world is the opposite of 'class'…
EMF is a world-wide secret weapon of the global-state… Last week we discussed these words ofImmanuel Wallerstein: “The second part of the tacit agreement [between the U.S. and the Soviet Union] was the de facto economic disjuncture of the two zones. The United States would offer no assistance on the reconstruction of the Soviet bloc… The third part of the 'deal' was to deny that there was any deal. Each side proclaimed loudly in its particular language that it was in a total ideological struggle with the other. We came to call this the 'cold War'…” –and we suggested that it seems likely there us a fourth part: “silence discussion of Nikola Tesla and his inventions… and use EMF-weapons only on your own citizens…” The global statesmen (not to be confused with simple politicians or corporate CEOs…) – the U.S.-production-center of the global-state particularly – slipped out of the theater of WWII very pleased… I imagine… with what they'd seen – the complete and utter annihilation of our dreams of peace and global good fellowship – accomplished really just by simple manipulation – by words only… in some respects… by employing a massive mountain of lies… but… by a circuitous route… through world-wide discussion of the material substance… and the suppression of… Nikola's gifts to us… gifts he invented to free us… from coercion of any kind… but Nikola's vision of peace has been returned to us… and may now be realized…
No word yet on the results of the police investigation – including the full autopsy findings – into the death of Prince… There must be some 'Miklos Nyiszli's out there who… as a matter of professional interest… can press for the findings release… analyze them… and report what you find: was there swelling?… where?… what was the specific drug found?… how much?… how did it get in him?… how long had he been dead?… were his muscles contracted?… was the iron in his blood excessive?… toxic levels of it?… and is there any documented evidence of the physiological effects of (any type of…) EMF radiation? – and this was given to us in quite a nice summary by Henry Kissinger last week… he talked about 'extreme fatigue' and that's what I mean by the term 'electrical paralysis'… because it feels electrical… but do understand why it would be described as 'extreme fatigue'… because it is… but it's many things besides a feeling of fatigue… with the swollen-ness… numbness… etc. – We are 'only' asking for the full truth… Shall we live in society or out of it? In society… there is no state that murders us clandestinely… And I must add this to my request to the good-hearted 'Miklos's in discussion with our radiant 'Nikola's who read this: Prince's child died of a rare condition – a fused skull – and we've since learned… from Nikola and Margaret Cheney… that various kinds of EMF cause various physiological effects… could a laser targeting the skull of a baby in utero or a fetus… cause it to fuse?…
[I think that's a straightforward question to answer… and if the answer is “yes”… then we've just discovered another 'disease'… or 'syndrome'… they've invented to explain… cover up… their use of EMF weapons…] Proudhon: “An evil, when known, should be condemned and destroyed. The legislator cannot plead ignorance as an excuse for upholding a glaring iniquity. Restitution should not be delayed. Justice, justice! recognition of right! reinstatement of the proletaire! – when these results are accomplished, then, judges and consuls, you may attend to your police, and provide a government for the Republic… For the rest, I do not think that a single one of my readers accuses me of knowing how to destroy, but of not knowing how to construct. In demonstrating the principle of equality, I have laid the foundation of the social structure. I have done more. I have given an example of the true method of solving political and legislative problems. The science of society – like all human sciences – will be for ever incomplete. The depth and variety of the questions which it embraces are infinite. We hardly know the A B C of this science, as is proved by the fact that we have not yet emerged from the period of systems, and have not ceased to put the authority of the majority in the place of facts… The task of the true publicist, in the age in which we live, is to close the mouths of quacks and charlatans, and to teach the public to demand demonstrations, instead of being contented with symbols and programmes. [But… as Alice showed us… we do not question that which is a continuation of our childhoods… so the 'power'-guys made it their personal business… to make certain… they control them… the thoughts we receive as children… but we are in transition… we are waking up… – P.S.] Before talking of the science itself, it is necessary to ascertain its object, and discover its method and principle. The ground must be cleared of the prejudices which encumber it. Such is the mission of the nineteenth century [and our own… – P.S.] For my part, I have sworn fidelity to my work of demolition, and I will not cease to pursue the truth through the ruins and rubbish. I hate to see a thing half done; and it will be believed without any assurance of mine, that, having dared to raise my hand against the Holy Ark, I shall not rest contented with the removal of the cover. The mysteries of the sanctuary of iniquity must be unveiled, the tables of the old alliance broken, and all the objects of the ancient faith thrown in a heap to the swine. A charter has been given to us, – a résumé of political science, the monument of twenty legislatures. A code has been written… Well! of this charter and this code not one article shall be left standing upon another! The time has come for the wise to choose their course, and prepare for reconstruction. But, since a destroyed error necessarily implies a counter-truth, I will not finish this treatise without solving the first problem of political science, – that which receives the attention of all minds. When property is abolished, what will be the form of society? Will it be communism?”
[So you can see what we mean when we say that the two world wars of the twentieth century annihilated our hopes for international socialism… for ending a global-'class'-system…] Proudhon: “Of the Causes of our Mistakes. The Origin of Property: The true form of human society cannot be determined until the following question has been solved: Property not being our natural condition, how did it gain foothold? Why has the social instinct, so trustworthy among the animals, erred in the case of man Why is man, who was born for society, not yet associated? I have said that human society is complex in its nature. Though this expression is inaccurate, the fact to which it refers is none the less true; namely, the classification of talents and capacities. But who does not see that these talents and capacities, owing to their infinite variety, give rise to an infinite variety of wills, and that the character, the inclinations, and – if I may venture to use the expression – the form of the ego, are necessarily changed; so that in the order of liberty, as in the order of intelligence, there are as many types as individuals, as many characters as heads, whose tastes, fancies, and propensities, being modified by dissimilar ideas, must necessarily conflict? [The 'power'-guys might hear this as justification for their actions… if 'conflict' stems from a diversity of 'wills'… thoughts… force everyone's to be the same and we will have 'harmony'… at the end of a wave-delivery mechanism… – P.S.] Man, by his nature and his instinct, is predestined to society; but his personality, every varying, is adverse to it…” [He is mistaking “the human under 'class'” for 'the human' – So as to laying the blame at the feet of 'wills' of “…an infinite variety…” “modified by dissimilar ideas…” – we shall have to see… but I suspect… without his having the benefit of Karl Popper… John Boswell and Alice Miller… that his belief may border on tautology… that he may not see that the 'idea' of 'proving' – which is a psychic need 'to prove' one is 'better-than' – plays a role in the formation of a 'will to supremacy'… and stems from a breach of trust… a violation of the 'law of society' that the earth gives us… – or an accident of experience?… But I do see his point… the human-animal is endlessly inventive in the area of 'finding explanations'… seeking answers to questions… and sometimes those answers found are based on inadequate information… which is all that one is presented with… under 'class'…]
Proudhon: “In the bees, the will is constant and uniform, because the instinct which guides it is invariable, and constitutes the animal's whole life and nature. In man, talent varies, and the mind wavers; consequently, his will is multiform and vague. He seeks society, but dislikes constraint and monotony; he is an imitator, but fond of his own ideas, and passionately in love with his works.…If, like the bees, every man were born possessed of talent, perfect knowledge of certain kinds, and, in a word, an innate acquaintance with the functions he has to perform, but destitute of reflective and reasoning faculties, society would organize itself. [He is describing perfectly what Plato wanted… – P.S.] We should see one man plowing a field, another building houses; this one forging metals, that one cutting clothes; and still others storing the products, and superintending their distribution. [Not liking the implied 'mind' – 'body' split – so formative of the 'class'-project… But… he had no other tangible reference on which to found his thought. Rather than frame the possibilities for the self-organization of our global-society in terms given to us… essentially by the 'rulers'… by the 'class'-project itself… I prefer to think of our capacities as gifts that are earth-given… i.e.… at base… capabilities of the body-undivided… – P.S.] Each one, without inquiring as to the object of his labor, and without troubling himself about the extent of his task, would obey orders, bring his product, receive his salary, and would then rest for a time; keeping meanwhile no accounts, envious of nobody, and satisfied with the distributor, who never would be unjust to any one. Kings would govern, but would not reign; for to reign is to be a proprietor a l'engrais, as Bonaparte said: and having no commands to give, since all would be at their posts, they would serve rather as rallying centres than as authorities or counsellors.” [This is clearly the picture the Plato's Tribesmen hold dear: 'self-regulation'… society as a 'clockwork mechanism'… no 'objectors'… no independent thought of any kind…]
Our August 28, 2016 Show:
The longing for freedom didn't start with us… and the theory of how to suppress it didn't start with them… to end 'class' we have to know how it began… at least its present totalitarian iteration… Karl Popper describes this longing for freedom as being manifested in 'the transition from the closed society to the open society'… Thucydides: “Nearly the whole Hellenic world was in commotion. In every city, the leaders of the democratic and of the oligarchic parties were trying hard, the one to bring in the Athenians, the other the Lacedaemonians… The tie of party was stronger than the tie of blood… The leaders on either side used specious names, the one party [for democratic Athenians] professing to uphold the constitutional equality of the many, the other the wisdom of the nobility; in reality they made the public interest their price, professing, of course, their devotion to it. They used any conceivable means for getting the better of one another, and committed the most monstrous crimes. This revolution gave birth to every form of wickedness in Hellas… Everywhere prevailed an attitude of perfidious antagonism. There was no word binding enough, no oath terrible enough, to reconcile enemies. Each man was strong only in the conviction that nothing was secure…” – and we must keep in mind that what he's talking about is the attempt of a self-organized band of 'rulers' – the current version of which are the Plato's Tribesmen – to artificially impose 'tribalism' – which is what a society of rigid fixed 'class' divisions is an expression of… i.e. everyone confines their identity to 'their' narrow group… while the Plato's Tribesmen… it just so works out… remain forever on 'top': everyone 'plays their position' and is (artificially… because they are told they are… from infancy…) 'happy'… – the society is closed to change… to new ideas… to thought… to growth… But once the quest for the open society… for freedom… begins… we cannot be turned from our determination to achieve it… – Jesus of Nazareth being one of the most potent examples of this…] John: “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love. We love him, because he first loved us. If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen? And this commandment have we from him, That he who loveth God love his brother also…” [And this brings us to our question for today: What is the route by which love for our freedom becomes the imperative for love for all my Brothers and Sisters?…]
Nikola Tesla: “All this energy emanates from one single center, one singe source – the sun. The sun is the spring that drives all. The sun maintains all human life and supplies all human energy… Another answer we have now found to the above great question: To increase the force accelerating human movement means to turn to the uses of man more of the sun's energy… [through his explanations in other writings we have gleaned… that he's asking… ultimately: what will increase the human energy that will get us free? This is our question as well… And we will be arguing that this creative energy for life is the kind of energy Prince speaks of when he talks about 'purple electricity' you know the kind you feel when you feel passion… when you feel love… when you feel powerfully connected to all life… – that it is this kind of energy that fuels creativity… fuels our freedom… But Nikola Tesla's inventions to free us were stolen and used to produce toxic energy… – P.S.] we honor and revere those great men of bygone times whose names are linked with immortal achievements, who have proved themselves benefactors of humanity – the religious reformer with his wise maxims of life, the philosopher with his deep truths, the mathematician with his formulae, the physicist with his laws, the discoverer with his principles and secrets wrested from nature, the artist with his forms of the beautiful; but who honors him, the greatest of all, – who can tell the name of him – who first turned to use the sun's energy to save the effort of a weak fellow-creature? That was man's first act of scientific philanthropy, and its consequences have been incalculable.…” (1900) [Whoever was that first 'scientific philanthropist'… many others followed… in whose line we find Prince. Prince is our treasure… he took enormous risks… bore hideous punishment… for us:]
Other Show Files:
The lost child is the source of our troubles…. [And… thanks to John Boswell's The Kindness of Strangers: Child Abandonment in Europe from Late Antiquity Through the Renaissance… we understand now how this happened… That is an important book. If you get a chance… I hope you'll read it… or bits of it… and that you'll try to feel it… if you know what I mean… feel the full implications of that – thousands of years of child abandonment – and how that gets embedded in what people think is part of being 'human'… but isn't… It's like Kropotkin telling us that in ancient texts gorillas were described as 'gregarious'… breaks your heart to think about that… how much damage has been inflicted… on life – we are not yet what we're meant to be… but we will recover all that was stolen from us by this sick system of rigid hierarchical rule.] It’s time for us to heal the hurt, complete the circuit – return home. We have nothing now but our imaginations and our biological memory, but that’s enough for the task at hand, which is reunion.
“The principle directional tendency of capital is its centralization on a world scale… This determining direction of capital on a world scale… entails for antisystemic forcs at least three broad consequential subordinate directional tendencies. First… the ongoing relocation of labor-using manufacturing processes to the semiperiphery and hence the shift there of the epicenter of “classically” framed and conducted class conflict… Second is the de-nationalization, in effect, of domestic (“national”) labor forces. The world’s workers, increasingly made into laborers under the aegis of capital, move as they always have in order to be in relation to capital, a movement sharply furthered in speed and extent by developments in communications and transportation… Ship, air, and electronics have for decades now been analogously forming the possibility of an organized world proletariat within “national” locales. The possibility is at once eliminated, however, so long as we think with the state-formed consciousness that there are “nationals” and there are “immigrants,” and in that way reproduce the varieties of racism these historically formed categories inevitably entail. “National” and “immigrant” are categories of the capitalist world-economy’s interstate system; they have no place (except as phenomenologically [i.e. to do with objects in our consciousness and experience…] phenomenologically real conditions to be overcome) in the language of world-scale workers’ movements.”
“National liberation in segments of the capitalist world-economy, and the transformations it has effected in relations of rule and other social relations, have altered the social structuring of the world-historical accumulation process. That much is historically evident and therefore theoretically to be taken into account. [Don't you love that?… that analytical clarity?… I mean… who else… who says they're devising theory even bothers to ensure that it's based in reality these days?… or 'strategy' likewise… or particularly… – P.S.] But it has not eliminated the relational conditions through which the accumulation process operates. And precisely that world-historical elimination, of the relational conditions through which accumulation of capital occurs, is what is entailed in the idea of the class struggle as the pivotal process in the transformation of the capitalist world-economy into a socialist world order. [What happened to that as our goal… hum?… We seem to have lost track of that somewhere along the way… – P.S.] …If, however, we cease to accord strategic primacy to acquiring such state power within the interstate system, far more becomes historically possible and thereby, within the domain of historically realistic alternatives, theoretically possible. It would seem a dubious theoretical tenet to assert that national liberation, in its successive occurrences, is in any way a necessary condition of the revolutionary transformation of the world-economy. It is surely indefensible to claim it as a sufficient condition.”