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“Berkeley Liberation Radio Stream”
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[Return to: Miklos Nyiszli's Lessons on Class (temporary page)] for audio files and transcripts of the June 1, 2014 Waking Up Radio show that discusses this notion of ‘inclusive capitalism’.
[Return to: “Keith Lowe Lessons From Savage Continent… For Building Our Future” (Part 1)] for audio files and transcripts for the July 6, 2014 through the September 28, 2014 Waking Up Radio shows.
[Return to: “Keith Lowe Lessons From Savage Continent… For Building Our Future” (Part 2)] for audio files and transcripts for the October 5, 2014 through the November, 2014 Waking Up Radio shows.
“Embracing Global Goals, Scope and Action: Becoming Global Actors… Claiming the ‘All’”
“Prince - Proudhon - Audio From (Including and After… the July 31, 2016 Show
For the beginning "Prince and Proudhon in chronological order, please go to the "Prince and Proudhon" Audio (in chronological order, Pt. 1) Page and see also the: and the: "Missing Audio Files- 2 Page: Proudhon Raises Up the Love" Audio Page. The first "Missing Audio" page is being messed with, but it has the audio for earlier shows: Missing Audio Files - 1 Page
These following audio-files are presented in chronological order... beginning with the July 31, 2016 Show. (The more recent at the end.
For other show audio please go to the "Prince and Proudhon" Audio (Pt. 1) Page and the: and the: "Missing Audio Files- 2 Page: Proudhon Raises Up the Love" Audio Page. The first "Missing Audio" page is being messed with, but it has the audio for earlier shows: Missing Audio Files - 1 Page
Our July 31, 2016 Show:
When Shakespeare says that “all will come to naught…” he's talking about the lies of the 'power'-guys… the function of which is propagandistic… The objective – for 'power' – is to replace our thoughts with their own: a preemptive silencing… which 'power's strategists… like Bentham… advised from the standpoint of 'energy efficiency'… …“all will come to naught…” means the lies can't stand up… but it means more than just this… and I find I keep pondering it… I'm certain Nikola could offer the clearest explanation… he is the 'scientist-alter' to Shakespeare's 'artist'… but they both took 'human energy' to be at base their subject… So what is its state – human energy's – when it observes… takes note… and seemingly does 'nothing'… and yet this 'nothing' resolves the lies to naught? We have been worrying and worrying and worrying this problem for ten thousand years and more… a whole lot of thought has been devoted to it… It is not surprising that we have now figured it out… and that beneath the surface of our apparent suppression… much is happening. What do we call this energy of 'happening'? And how do we bring it forth… to consciousness… and so to its manifestation in action? And because 'power' compels our silence… there is an energy-consequence… effect… on both sides. What is it? Karl Popper's point is well taken: the rulers cannot fix in place a pattern – and indisputably there is nothing 'natural' about 'class'… it is pounded into our social arrangements by force… the most effective form of which being simply the totalitarian structure of 'society itself… as Bentham said – …the rulers cannot fix in place a pattern without silencing the objectors. (And we shall have to get clear together who is and is not an 'objector' [i.e.… who is and is not a threat to the achievement of their ambitions… these totalitarian Utopian social engineers: the Plato's Tribesmen… To state baldly that the set of circumstances called 'class' is not 'natural'… or 'necessary'… that it is imposed by force by those with the power to do so… is the most 'radical' message… To state that this 'reality' based on 'scarcity' and artificially-created and maintained hierarchy is the work of the Miniscule Few (point-zero-zero-zero of the world population) in order to maintain their 'privilege' atop a global-system of 'class'… is the most 'radical' message… To say that decision-making by and for The Few is wrong… that decision-making is the provence of all – as leadership is the capacity of all and must not be hoarded – is the most 'radical' message…
The point of forty-million dead was to “make their canvas clean…” i.e.… make the peoples of Europe obedient… to destroy their sense of solidarity with each other… to destroy their belief in international socialism… – which means the point… at base… was 'energy-efficiency'… ease of management… and eradication of the memory of their secret weapon… I began Waking Up: Freeing Ourselves From Work (the book) thinking about the difference between driven energy and three-phase power… This was Nikola's influence… what I did not get was that the coerced-work-system is by definition 'Fascist' (which simply means that 'the state' demands obedience… demands that we work for it… requires that human beings be 'subjects' – why did I not get that the coerced-work-system is by definition Fascist before I 'stood outside' of it?… by being designated an 'objector'… and then hounded by 'power's functionaries and targeted with EMF weapons… Now it seems so obvious… But we've been conditioned to value the thoughts we are given – the compartmentalization – more than the evidence of our own senses… Of course the state is Fascist – the state compels our obedience – if it wasn't it would provide the means for self-sufficiency… instead it creates… scarcity… and justifies it… as Proudhon says… by mandating the supposed inviolability of property… He's right… all social ills come from this invention – and recall… the 'property' we oppose is “the sum of the abuses of property…” – the invention of 'power' that allows them to lay claim to to the planet and everything on it if they systematically hoard the resources to do it – the process that's been called “the accumulation of capital” – stacking the deck and fencing off the means and putting us on the market as commodities… We are made saleable objects not by 'inevitable laws of the market' but by the 'law' of “might makes right” (another Plato-derived maxim…) the hidden-bullies create the state to make the 'law' to keep us slaves… to make us believe there's no other way… that we cannot survive otherwise. But if we are facing a structurally-sustained false-'reality' how do we address it structurally – i.e.… what constitutes effective strategy when confronting rigid structures? If we don't… like Proudhon… like Popper… like Prince… as a matter of conscience… want to preserve the quality of the human called 'freedom'… if we rather are driven by the need to eat… to feel some measure of security… If the conditioned thoughts that tell us it 'pays' to be obedient seem to serve us… are borne out by experience… what new thoughts can compete with that?
It's been a rough week… I have to be honest with you… every day I ask Prince how he did it… how he hung on to his love… I've been struggling with it… By the way… there is also something for the little ones on the Nascence website called The Talking Tree (you can download the free mp3 audio of it using a link on the 'Tools' page… and watch the video of it by following the link to YouTube… also posted to the 'Tools' page…) The challenges the 'power'-guys have put me through… the 'punishment' I am subjected to continuously… because… after all these years… I found again my true 'self'… has shown me what an amazing gift Prince had to have 'gotten' – what I'm only now getting – as a child… as a youth… and I know we start with it as children… but I've never known anyone who was able to do what he did… which is… hang onto himself… I know there's plenty of you guys out there… but because it hadn't been my experience… In any case… I sure which I had credited it more… or thought more about it. A real treasure. Thank you Prince.
Karl Popper Explains 'Breeding'… and so 'Infiltration'… as 'Power's Solution to the Problem of 'Succession': “Another difficulty of Utopian [social] engineering is related to the problem of the dictator's successor.… [And while Popper was writing with the example of Hitler… et al. (dictators who made use of Plato's theories… and were made use of by Plato's Tribesmen…) before his eyes… writing because he saw that Fascist ideology is – and all totalitarianisms are – rooted in Plato's political theories… i.e.… in Plato's rationalizations of 'class'… I have no idea if Popper was aware of the degree of the hidden Plato's Tribesmen's self-organization… that he had some awareness of their existence seems likely to me… as it's hard to imagine them not trying to recruit him… given the breadth of his knowledge of ancient languages and civilizations… and Marxist theory… Point being: he knew these guys are seriously into 'breeding'… and that their solution to this problem of 'succession' was likewise Plato-derived… – P.S.] The very sweep of such a Utopian undertaking makes it improbable that it will realize its ends during the lifetime of one social engineer, or group of engineers. And if the successors do not pursue the same ideal, then all the sufferings of the people for the sake of the ideal may have been in vain.… [I have to interject here: Does Popper not show us how to think? Is this not a skill we want our young people to become adept in? Should not The Open Society and Its Enemies be 'required reading' for teenagers? Popper would have us think… the 'power-guys' – and their 'power'-propped media would have us sleep… – P.S.] A generalization of this argument leads to a further criticism of the Utopian approach. This approach, it is clear, can be of practical value only if we assume that the original blueprint, perhaps with certain adjustments, remains the basis of the work until it is completed. But that will take some time. It will be a time of revolutions, both political and spiritual, and of new experiments and experience in the political field. It is therefore to be expected that ideas and ideals will change. What had appeared the ideal state to the people who made the original blueprint, may not appear so to their successors. If that is granted, then the whole approach breaks down…” Popper assumes that incremental improvement is the best we can do… Of course he is writing without awareness of what was being done with the work of Nikola Tesla…
Although I don't think that Popper sufficiently appreciated the degree to which 'class' is inherently totalitarian… which means that we commoners are structurally locked-out… ad infinitum… from the decision-making process… and so did not fully credit the devastating effect of this on the full development of our gifts… Neither Proudhon or Kropotkin had any illusions about this. What did Proudhon say? He said that: “The welfare of the oppressed is of more importance than official composure. Equality of conditions is a natural law upon which public economy and jurisprudence are based.” And of this 'welfare'' which must be considered above all else… he placed nothing higher than our full spiritual (ethical) and intellectual development. Point being: 'class' does not allow them… by definition… We can't be a little bit 'equal'… we need full equality to have society… This 'aesthetic' sense he is about to discuss… afflicting those who believe they are 'rulers'… is in fact an artifact of 'class'… the 'virus' Alice terms their 'repetition compulsion'…
Karl Popper: “But this aesthetic enthusiasm becomes valuable only if it is bridled by reason, by a feeling of responsibility, and by a humanitarian urge to help. Otherwise it is a dangerous enthusiasm, liable to develop into a form of neurosis or hysteria. Nowhere do we find this aestheticism more strongly expressed than in Plato. Plato was an artist; and like many of the best artists, he tried to visualize a model, the 'divine original' of his work, and to 'copy' it faithfully.… Much as I may sympathize with the aesthetic impulse, I suggest that the artist might seek expression in another material. Politics, I demand, must uphold equalitarian and individualistic principles; dreams of beauty have to submit to the necessity of helping men in distress, and men who suffer injustice; and to the necessity of constructing institutions to serve such purposes.… Plato, speaking about “the philosopher who has communion with the divine”, mentions first that he will be “overwhelmed by the urge [Plato is describing here a 'compulsion'… I doubt he pondered much its origins… – P.S.] to realize his heavenly vision in individuals as well as in the city”, – a city which “will never know happiness unless its draughtsmen are artists who have the divine as their model.” Asked about the details of their draughtsmanship, Plato's 'Socrates' [i.e.… his propagandistic invention… – P.S.] gives the following striking reply: “They will take as their canvas a city and the characters of men, and they will, first of all, make their canvas clean…” The kind of thing Plato has in mind when he speaks of canvas-cleaning is explained a little later. “All citizens above the age of ten,” Socrates answers, “must be expelled from the city and deported somewhere into the country; and the children who are now free from the influence of the manners and habits of their parents must be taken over. They must be educated in the ways [of true philosophy], and according to the laws, which we have described.… Whether they happen to rule by law or without law, over willing or unwilling subjects;… …and whether they purge the state for its good, by killing or by deporting [or 'banishing'] some of its citizens… – so long as they proceed according to science and justice, and preserve… [and… of course… by Proudhon's definitions… and those of all (relatively) psychically-undamaged humans… what he is describing is the opposite of 'justice' –…Alice Miller is like the antidote to Plato… who… give him his due… almost knew the psychology of abuse as well as she… but from the opposite sensibility…
The Plato's Tribesmen have created a 'structure' – let's discuss it – and stuck us in it… but they're outside it… we might call where they live the 'Parallel Universe of Plato'… with the Republic used as its Constitution… a book of political propaganda and strategy which the 'power'-guys religiously adhere to: promoting a separate structure of law and system of education for the 'rulers' and “'rulers'-in-training” (…once we have our discussions… and think through what Popper's brought us… we see that it 'proves' the existence of extensive infiltration [this is not new strategy… though its deep and wide incursion into our lives… post-French Revolution… likely is…] needed to represent for the hidden global-state… In organizing to realize a global society that is the opposite of 'class' we'll have to accept extensive infiltration as a given – we do not know who anyone is – and work around it… we cannot let that impede our getting together and creating our societies of opposition to 'class'… that link together globally… this is what we do… and once we start I think we'll realize that there is a limit to the degree to which the strategy of infiltration works in those circumstances… we have to plough forward… despite. So what do I mean when I say the “we don't know who anyone is…” – I mean that they [the 'power'-guys] look for 'areas of concern' – I guess they would look at it as Bentham did… 'medically'… as: “areas that have been 'infected' with the 'disease' 'wanting to be free'…” and they flood their folk in those areas… and that 'disease' “wanting to be free…” didn't start yesterday… so you may have known somebody for twenty years and they are not who they say they are… That is what we're up against… unfortunately… and we must not let that sound… feel… daunting… So… 'infiltration'… a given… and we proceed apace nonetheless…) Karl Popper: “This is the way in which the artist-politician must proceed. This is what canvas-cleaning means. He must eradicate the existing institutions and traditions. He must purify, purge, expel, banish, and kill. [And note who… at the level of massive dislocation and extermination… nation-state de-legitimization… is experiencing extreme disorientation and violence: Syrians… Libyans… Iraqis… Turks… Egyptians… Somalians… Yemenis… – inhabitants of ancient places along the Mediterranean and Red Sea routes out of Africa and into the Persian Gulf… the very area whose cast of characters and the history of which the 'power'-guys want to re-visit… for their 'future generations of Obedient'… to 'prove' that Ancient Greece was “the birthplace of 'civilization'”… Miklos Nyiszli talks about this strategy… as do Karl Popper and Martin Bernal… this strategy of literally re-writing 'history' for future generations… and they have proven… with Nikola's work… that they can do it… they can wipe out memory of it… So we gotta move on this quick… serious biz… because they have the means to do massive elimination of folk… and we don't want them deciding they have to figure out how to eradicate the memory of how we can use the Internet to convene a One Day Global General Strike and overnight have our freedom… globally…
Additional previous show excerpts for our August 7, 2016 Show:
…our experience of 'class' is itself a trauma that needs to be experienced consciously… and integrated into our personalities (can we experience 'class' as a trauma consciously if we have not first experienced the abuse we were subjected to as infants and small children consciously? – we're going to be trying to sort that out as we work toward building numbers of folk committed to working for global human freedom…) such that we can become 'fully-developing individualities'… as opposed to manifestations of 'power's priorities: Consigning us to the role 'wage labor' is a trauma… because it requires us to cut of huge trunks of ourselves… with no one confirming that that's what's going on… So it is a wound that never gets defined as a wound… and leads to endless confusion – the original trauma of a coerced-work system. What if “the story that one does not know…” is “the loss of the infinite…” that we all possess: “That what they have not – that which they possess – ” (Shakespeare's The Rape of Lucrece, line 135) …and we asked: “if 'we-the-people' – the nation – are the child… who… what… might be… the “emphatic partner”?… by which word… 'emphatic'… I take it she means… strong… in possession of certainty… And what does it mean?… being the emphatic partner? – voicing those original suppressed thoughts? What does it mean to be the psychic support of our Brothers and Sisters in our common process of healing from the wounds of 'class'? We're going to be thinking again about these questions… especially in terms of the kinds of 'safe spaces' we want to establish… [From our Waking Up Radio show of January 17, 2016]
In recent shows we've been trying to grasp how it was that training in obedience came to be viewed as simply a 'mode of thought'… as almost a 'cultural' achievement… an 'evolution of the human' (most egregiously…) also-known-as 'civilization'… …and this pinpoints… I think… the difficulty we've been having gathering together our ethical resources (globally) and determining to move on… because… as Kropotkin says: “When we have but the will to do it, that very moment will justice be done: that very instant the tyrants of the earth shall bite the dust.” (From “An Appeal to the Young”) …a difficulty captured in Kropotkin's use of the word 'tyrant'… because while there's no doubt the word fits for our current crop of 'power'-besotted men… they would deny it… deny that it applies to them… and in truth they are a breed apart from the 'power'-lustful 'kings… priests… and capitalists' (the guys Kropotkin meant by the word 'tyrant'…) of which he wrote – these new 'power'-guys… by going into hiding… by inventing 'child-rearing'… and by using 'Plato' for self-justification and guidance… rewrote the terms of 'the class struggle' such that it gave us no purchase… [Kropotkin's] analysis is useful… I think… to dispel the fog enshrouding our relations… across the false divisions: the fog of 'economics'… but it should be updated to reflect [the new terms of the 'class struggle'… and] our current situation of 'power's depletion of our common planetary resources… [From our Waking Up Radio show of December 13, 2015]
Our No-Stream Fill-in Waking Up Radio show of August 7, 2016:
Our planned August 7, 2016 show is postponed until August 14 when we will hopefully be streaming over the Internet again. In thinking about what might be a helpful lead-in discussion to our deep probing of the implications of the theft and suppression (by the global-state-statesmen…) of the work and inventions of Nikola Tesla… the phrase that kept coming up for me was: “Hoarding the Knowledge Resources…” With that as our theme… I asked my son if he would agree to discuss it with me… and he did. Thank you D-Way. Unfortunately… the battery on his recorder went dead in the middle of our conversation so it ends abruptly… but I hope you will… as I do… find the 35 minutes or so conversation that we did record useful in framing our discussion next week. This is Part 1 of it. It's important that we understand this underlying motive of ‘power’. The philosopher-king-statesmen reason that if they can own / control ‘all’ the ‘Knowledge’ – and particularly the ‘knowledge’ of how to kill us (see our recent word-beat with spoken-word from the January 11, 2015 show… and the January 26th, 2014 show included on the page: “Miklos Nyiszli’s Lessons On Class”) – then their ‘supremacy’ can never be challenged. It is time to confront Du Bois’ question: what price do we place on freedom?… During the July 24, 2016 show we said: “Forty-million dead in Europe from WWII… Nikola Tesla tries to avert it…” i.e.… the 'power'-guys knew he was close to completion on a defensive weapon some twenty years before he wrote to J.P. Morgan… in an effort to stop the second World War… and we know our 'power'-guys well enough to make a very good guess as to what they were doing to Nikola those 20 years previous: picking his brain… keeping him under surveillance… lying to him… and flooding his sphere with false folks… If he had not been sabotaged could he have ended war? And we're also going to be talking about this notion of “Hoarding the Knowledge Resources…” because we've been conditioned to always focus our eyes and thinking on 'the economy'… while they pursue 'Knowledge-Infinite… including the 'knowledge' of how to 'stay on top'… We've been arguing that we have to get our eyes focused on the actual situation… the real obstacles facing us… in order to advocate effectively for the lives… the world… we want… [From our No-Stream Fill-in Waking Up Radio show of August 7, 2016]
Next week we will quote from an article Nikola Tesla wrote in 1914: “Science and Discovery Are The Great Forces Which Will Lead To The Consummation of The War,” published under the headline “Nikola Tesla Looks To Science To End The War, The Sun, December 20, 1914: “Modern machinery wrought by science is responsible for this calamity; science will also undo the Frankenstein monster it has created… A new force, a new agent, a demonstration by any means, old or novel, but of a kind to surprise and suddenly illuminate, to bring the belligerent to their senses and furnish irrefutable proof of the folly and uselessness of carrying on the brutal fight.…” “Thousands are working on it… bent upon developing some process or apparatus for accomplishing the purpose, and there is feverish activity in France, Russia, and especially in Germany, among electricians, chemists and engineers…” He's trying to avert war… And we know now that he's talking about a machine… a means… a technique… that uses various harmonic frequencies… that he has found a way… by varying harmonic frequencies… to amplify and focus electromagnetic force such that it can become a defensive weapon… meaning that an incoming airplane could absolutely be prevented from firing on the city… and that to display that kind of overwhelming force would mean an end to conflict… because it would bring everything to a halt while people tried to figure out what was going on… and then there would be discussion… and it would be open discussion… including all the peoples of the world… What he is saying… is that in order for there to be peace… there cannot be differential access to knowledge… that there is in fact an equalizing force… And I think he's right… In an earlier show we discussed how the discovery of how to predict the flooding of the Nile led to the creation of a 'priest-class' which then hoarded that knowledge – and it's speculated that that's the origin of 'class' in the first place: a few wanting to hoard the knowledge… appear magical… to impress and awe the others… and to then appear to be a 'god'… god-like… And this is… I am arguing… what we are confronted with… not an 'economic system'… not 'greed'… not 'capitalism'… We are confronted by a very few who want all the 'knowledge' resources disproportionately held in their hands… They want us to continuously appear… to ourselves… as children… so that they can appear as gods… [From our No-Stream Fill-in Waking Up Radio show of August 7, 2016
D-Way: This technology must still be used and that's my question: Why is it not talked about?… How come it's not pushed in the public conversation… having a defensive weapon that is EMF-based?… that seems like a legit PR-move to go… What happened with that particular project? The Raven: Well that's why we're tying it to 40 million people dead… I think what we have to keep in mind is that twenty years' gap between the two communications we quoted – the first in 1914… hoping to avert the First World War… and the next in 1934… hoping to avert the Second. Nikola was open about his work… the global-state-statesmen not only knew what he was doing… but were also working on it… By the outbreak of the Second World War they were well on there way… if not there… as Nikola writes that he has perfected the weapon and needs only to be allowed to bring it up to scale… But they knew what he had… and they wanted to hoard it… that's the point. To hoard knowledge of this kind… makes you seem like a god: this is an invisible assault… and it must have got them thinking along the lines of being able to stay in the background… So a weapon that would allow them to stay in he background… – we have to remember their main objective: 'keep the cattle herded…' that's always been the main objective this would allow that… And what was also going on was the discovery that EMF-exposure created disease… had health impacts… and so was also being worked on by doctors during this time… studying the physiological impacts of it… We don't know at what point they cooked up the notion of using it secretly to eliminate opposition – the idea of eliminating opposition secretly has been an obsession of 'power's for some time… D-Way: There's certain technologies that they really tote as 'helping to keep us safe…' but we hear nothing about how Nikola Tesla wanted to avert the World Wars with this technology…it's just surprising to me that they have been able to keep this technology so secret… Perhaps it's because there's not enough people talking about it and putting it out there… I guess I'm wondering what the lesson then is now… We're talking about Nikola Tesla… we're talking about hoarding information in order to seem god-like… What's the lesson in Nikola Tesla's story? Why are we talking about him? [From our No-Stream Fill-in Waking Up Radio show of August 7, 2016]
D-Way: I guess I'm wondering what the lesson then is now… We're talking about Nikola Tesla… we're talking about hoarding information in order to seem god-like… What's the lesson in Nikola Tesla's story? Why are we talking about him? The Raven: Well… Nikola Tesla's inventions were disappeared from our discussion… from our knowing… and the man himself was disappeared… which means they are doing things with his inventions secretly… You haven't heard this quote but in one of the articles of Nikola's we're going to quote from he argues that it is possible to control… “the precipitation of the moisture of the atmosphere… through the medium of electricity…” that you can literally control where it rains and and where it doesn't… Now… if you want to be like a god… that's critical… to be able to control the weather – that's 'historical'… If you can control how we survive… whether we can survive… our ability to eat… this furthers their objective: to make us obedient… The French Revolution showed them that we will continuously struggle to be free… and that we will get our freedom unless they figure out a way to literally make us be obedient… form us from birth on up… obedient… Now a weapon that they cannot be held responsible for – anything that they make public… they're responsible for… that will create anger… and at this point… to even allow discussion of their ability to take down planes invisibly… We don't hear about it anymore bur there used to be this mysterious 'Bermuda Triangle' where planes would go into it and disappear – of course they have to test this stuff… so a whole mystery was created around “what happened?” They have been using his technology… his inventions… secretly… not for the purposes intended… but to cause harm… in order to be able to eliminate their opposition secretly… which has always been the obsession of 'power'… [From our No-Stream Fill-in Waking Up Radio show of August 7, 2016]
The Raven: So… from 'power's perspective… “how do you create a world in which no one challenges their assigned position?…” We'll be quoting next week from Popper that speaks to this… that Plato is the theory and philosophy of totalitarianism… Plato's definition of 'happiness' is that which creates the strongest… the most secure… state… This is the objective of the hidden guys called 'Plato's Tribe'… to realize the vision of Plato… they've been using that book the Republic for the last two hundred and fifty years… in order to create a world of fixed unchanging 'class' divisions… what Plato wanted and thought could never happen… They want to achieve his vision for him… they think this is an honorable mission that they're on… D-Way: Why did Plato think it couldn't happen? The Raven: Because people want to be free… and that unless you could make the entire world obedient… there's always gonna be people who are free…and who come in and… just like Jesus… just like all prophets of 'class'… they spread sedition in the sense of: “We're born free… look at the ravens… look at the birds… they don't bow down to nobody… what's wrong with you people? We're here to be free… now to kowtow and kiss ass…” Plato knew that… we're born free… that's want we want to be… So… he knew… you have to breed people to accept their position… And then people like Prince come along and write “Slave” on their cheek… what are you going to do with them? So they wanted to breed us obedient… and you can only do that if you control the entire world… Or we're gonna look over and see… “Well look at those Haitians they got their freedom… they don't bow down to nobody…” “Well… we just create an under-ocean earthquake… Two hundred thousand dead… Bam!… Oh Not enough dead?… Let's infect them with cholera…” So you see the ability to kill anybody… secretly… who doesn't obey… is the supreme check on disobedience… D-Way: Trump card.The Raven: Trump card. [(Part 5 of our No-Stream Fill-in Waking Up Radio show of August 7, 2016]
[“160807secretkillingthetrumpcard.mp3”: the word-beat…]
The Raven: So keep in mind… this is the objective of the 'power'-guys… they've been using that book the Republic for the last two hundred and fifty years… in order to create a world of fixed unchanging 'class' divisions… what Plato wanted and thought could never happen… They want to achieve his vision for him… they think this is an honorable mission that they're on… D-Way: Why did Plato think it couldn't happen? The Raven: Because people want to be free… and that unless you could make the entire world obedient… there's always gonna be people who are free…and who come in and… just like Jesus… just like all prophets of 'class'… they spread sedition in the sense of: “We're born free… look at the ravens… look at the birds… they don't bow down to nobody… what's wrong with you people? We're here to be free… now to kowtow and kiss ass…” Plato knew that… we're born free… that's want we want to be… So… he knew… you have to breed people to accept their position… And then people like Prince come along and write “Slave” on their cheek… what are you going to do with them? So they wanted to breed us obedient… and you can only do that if you control the entire world… Or we're gonna look over and see… “Well look at those Haitians they got their freedom… they don't bow down to nobody…” “Well… we just create an under-ocean earthquake… Two hundred thousand dead… Bam!… Oh Not enough dead?… Let's infect them with cholera…” So you see the ability to kill anybody… secretly… who doesn't obey… is the supreme check on disobedience… D-Way: Trump card.The Raven: Trump card. [(Wordbeat of Part 5 of our No-Stream Fill-in Waking Up Radio show of August 7, 2016]
The Raven: So you can see their point… why they would want to hoard the knowledge resources… Furthermore… if we know it's being done to us… we develop defensive mechanisms don't we?… We are infinitely inventive… we'll figure out a way to defeat it… to protect ourselves… the only way it works is if we don't know… And it mimics disease doesn't it?… Look at my case… years going around getting medical tests… going to doctors… that's what everybody does who's targeted… It works… They've been doing it for decades… It works… It's time for it not to work anymore… - that's why Nikola Tesla [among many reasons to do with getting our freedom…] Just as he said… we all have to be in possession of his inventions… He created them for us… for peace… that's what they're there for… once they're in our hands… they can no longer kill us secretly [and they can be redirected to their intended purpose…] D-Way: Was there ever any movement to get his papers public? It seems that that would be an important thing to do… The Raven: It's not just getting his papers public… it's getting everything they stole from him and took away from his apartment when he died… I mean… it's one thing to write … 'yes… you can transmit electricity through the atmosphere… I have a way…' OK… well what is that way?… And he is unique in a sense… I mean he did this on a shoestring budget because he knew what he was looking for… And it takes resources… And… unfortunately… that's what 'the economy'… that system of accessing resources… is for… that means they can control who does what… So his papers were ripped off… taken away… hidden… They intended to completely bury our awareness of it… And even if you know what he was doing… if you happened upon this book [Margaret Cheney's Man Out Of Time] written about him… and you learn… 'well he says there's a way to transmit electromagnetic force… and focus it on a specific target… and annihilate it…' How? If you're not Nikola Tesla… How? [(Part 6 of 6 of our No-Stream Fill-in Waking Up Radio show of August 7, 2016]
For our August 14, 2016 Show:
Peter Kropotkin: “For thousands of years in succession, to grow one's food was the burden, almost the curse of mankind. But it need be so no more. If you make yourselves the soil, and partly the temperature and the moisture which each crop requires [think: 'Earthships'… – P.S.], you will see that to grow the yearly food of a family, under rational conditions of culture, requires so little labour that it might almost be done as a mere change from other pursuits. If you return to the soil, and co-operate with your neighbors instead of erecting high walls to conceal yourself from their looks; if you utilise what experiment has already taught us, and call to your aid science and technical invention, which never fail to answer to the call – look only at what they have done for warfare [seriously… – P.S.] – you will be astonished at the facility with which you can bring a rich and varied food out of the soil. You will admire the amount of sound knowledge which your children will acquire by your side, the rapid growth of their intelligence, and the facility with which they will grasp the laws of Nature, animate and inanimate.… Have the factory and the workshop at the gates of your fields and gardens, and work in them. Not those large establishments, of course, in which huge masses of metals have to be dealt with and which are better placed at certain spots indicated by Nature, but the countless variety of workshops and factories which are required to satisfy the infinite diversity of tastes… factories and workshops into which men, women and children will not be driven by hunger, but will be attracted by the desire of finding an activity suited to their tastes, and where, aided by the motor and the machine, they will choose the branch of activity which best suits their inclinations… Very soon you will yourselves feel interested in that work, and you will have occasion to admire in your children their eager desire to become acquainted with Nature and its forces, their inquisitive inquiries as to the powers of machinery, and their rapidly developing inventive genius. Such is the future – already possible, already realisable; such is the present – already condemned and about to disappear…” (from Fields, Factories, and Workshops, written around 1889, quoted in our Waking Up Radio show of August 2, 2015)
Our August 14, 2016 Show:
I find myself continuing to think about what Nikola Tesla's inventions to free us from coerced work and state-manufactured scarcity (and his inventions prove unequivocally the truth of that last term…) I've posted an excerpt from the August 2, 2015 show which I hope we will hear afresh given what we now know about the gifts Nikola has left us… a subject we'll return to in our August 21, 2016 show… Karl Popper: “Plato says frequently that what he is aiming at is neither the happiness of individuals nor that of any particular class in the state, but only the happiness of the whole, and this, he argues, is nothing but the outcome of that rule of justice which I have shown to be totalitarian in character…” Keith Lowe: “During the course of just six years, the demographics of Europe had changed irredeemably. The density of Poland's population fell by 27 percent, and some areas in the east of the country were now barely populated at all. Countries that had once been ethnically mixed had been 'cleansed' so extensively that, to all intents and purposes, they now included only a single ethnic group. As well as an absence of people, therefore, there was an absence of community, and an absence of diversity: large areas of Europe had become homogenous. This process would only accelerate in the months after the war.…”
Since reading it during our July 31, 2016 show it has been haunting me: Plato's dictum to “make the canvas clean…” None of the killing… dispossessing… and displacing of whole populations was happenstance (or originated with we-commoners…) they had… and continue to have… a plan… do these hidden 'power'-guys… and though we'll never read about it in The Times… or sit and watch it discussed in television news analysis – as once we're moving to make our own social arrangements… our eyes will never again be on them… and there will of course be no intermediary analyzing our lives… we will be talking to each other directly…) – they meet in secret to make their malevolent agreements. They want – and this they'll tell us in sweetened language – to make an 'orderly' world… they want – and this they'll never say to us… we-commoners – to re-write history and install themselves as rulers over us… present themselves as heroes… warriors… philosopher-kings… and gods… to conditioned 'citizens' – as to make themselves seem worthy of being so treated… the world must be peopled only with the obedient: compliant human energy. (What was done to them they are doing to us… perhaps especially the secrecy of it…) Staying hidden behind a variety of ruses (principally the 'economic'…) relying heavily on psychological manipulation of us (principally by utilizing the parents to instill obedience… as happened to them…) they've made extensive use of us to realize their fathers' ambitions. We must ask ourselves again Du Bois' question: What price do we place on our freedom? And are we really here to service the neuroses of the Miniscule Few?… to help them 'live up to' their parents' depraved expectations?… 'prove' they are 'worthy' of at last receiving their attention?
One of the posted archival-excerpts for our discussion today is to help us think through the recurring question we're asking (which will recur till we grow beyond it…): why do we defer to 'keepers'… allow ourselves to be directed against what our bodies want to do? – this excerpt speaks to these 'inner' dynamics… and the need for us to discuss with openness the issue of coercion (we'll be returning to this notion of the critical strategic element of being 'open' in what we do… for a variety of reasons having to do with exorcising those early childhood demons – that fear of losing the parents' love…) …and when we address this issue of 'coercion' openly we confront the residual rage left to fester in us… from the inculcation of obedience… Were it not for this training… and the control of the thoughts to which we have access – the suppression of our needed ancestors… Karl Popper and Alice Miller particularly – we would long since have recognized that force and happiness are opposites… because freedom is our inherent nature. But the shadow-state needs shadow-troops… and each one of us has been recruited… and each one of us has been denied the truth… So when Popper said that the gleam of Plato's scheme may dim in time to those in his tribe… that new ideas and ideals… new information… could arrive (Proudhon's point as well – and Nikola's – about how we progress as human beings authentically… without force…) and that “what had appeared the ideal state to the people who made the original blueprint, may not appear so to their successors…” we should have taken more time with his suggestion… particularly given Alice… given Nikola… given Karl himself… For Shakespeare's point must be fully credited too: much happens that is not immediately evident… and that our entrapment… in this moment… is almost solely a function of not seeing the trap: their scheme for checking… punishing… and eliminating… the 'disobedient'… and 'weeding the 'redundant' – from child-rearing… to 'High Tech Auschwitz'… We can't be made puppets once we see what they're doing to us… But their use of EMF weapons against us is a 'secret' hidden in plain sight… kept hidden by their almost total control of the media needed to further discussions (what I mean by that… is that… we may one by one happen upon Man Out Of Time by Margaret Cheney… but… how do we have that discussion – the development by Nikola Tesla of this weapon and in whose hands it would obviously be held – on KPFA… on Democracy Now!? – which we need to have to develop our understanding as a people (and the Pentagon is not secretive about having such a weapon – HAARP – and that they've been playing with varying frequencies for use as a weapon for a long time… but as to using it extra-legally on US citizens – that requires discussion… that requires pressure from we-the-people…) expose to our awareness all suppressions… – kept hidden therefore by 'power's firm hand on our leashes…
'…jobs, raise wages and improve our national security…' and with that list… I suspect… we have the 'global-state's (U.S.-portal…) definition (for us…) of 'happiness'… And with that definition in their hand… do you think they can sell us… a credible argument… for the use of EMF weapons against us? I think not. And while we'll be raising the question again… elaborated… angled more to the need to honor the truth of Prince's heroism… here we place it within our strategy for challenging the 'license ' of the state to kill and lie to us… ad infinitum… – Are there any 'Miklos's out there who can analyze the results of the autopsy done on Prince's body with the objective of answering our questions about whether it showed EMF-exposure effects?… And in this context of exposing the state's lack of legitimacy… we must also ask if there are any 'Nikola Tesla's out there who can widely share additional information on the weapon itself… To our 'Miklos's who want to help: if we can prove Prince's death was due – or presents evidence to suggest that it was due – to assault by EMF… or even just if his body shows evidence consistent with microwave-radiation-assault…and to our 'Nikola's out there who want to help: if we can prove that the weapon Nikola designed on a small scale has been made operational by the U.S. state on a very big scale… and used against us… then… this added information adds urgency… strength … and depth… to the necessity of we-the-people calling the question on our right to happiness – we owe it to ourselves… we owe it to our posterity… we bear this responsibility…
Many ancestors have pointed this out: that when you begin to struggle with the authentic forces at work distorting us… the release of energy involved with embracing the truth… in every sense… is joyful… Yes you are punished… but to emerge from that fog of confusion int doing something that really does help your Brothers and Sisters. I mean… could anything signal more clearly that what we are going for is the opposite of this than their use of killing us clandestinely – and their wanting to cause us ill health? – it's real hard for us to wrap our minds around that… because we agree with George Eliot: what do we live for if not to make life less difficult to each other… and the notion of people wanting to make life more difficult… it just doesn't compute – so… it is exhilarating to work on correcting the most massive wrong in human history… Truly…
During the July 24, 2016 show we said: “Forty-million dead in Europe from WWII… Nikola Tesla tries to avert it…” i.e.… the 'power'-guys knew he was close to completion on a defensive weapon some twenty years before he wrote to J.P. Morgan… in an effort to stop the second World War… and we know our 'power'-guys well enough to make a very good guess as to what they were doing to Nikola those 20 years previous: picking his brain… keeping him under surveillance… lying to him… and flooding his sphere with false folks… because the global-state-statesmen wanted to have a secret weapon… Nikola trying to avert war… I don't think the question is purely academic: could he have? In the next few shows we will bring all four of our recent consultants in to discuss the question : Prince… Proudhon… Nikola Tesla… and Alice Miller… Nikola Tesla: “What I needed at this psychological moment is some such revelation. A new force, a new agent, a demonstration by any means, old or novel, but of a kind to surprise and suddenly illuminate, to bring the belligerent to their senses and furnish irrefutable proof of the folly and uselessness of carrying on the brutal fight. This idea, to which I have myself devoted years of work, has now taken hold of scientific men and experts all the world over. Thousands of Thousands of inventors, fired on by this unique opportunity, are bent upon developing some process or apparatus for accomplishing the purpose…” [By a circuitous route… through world-wide discussion of the material substance… and the suppression of… Nikola's gifts to us… may we realize Nikola's dream… and our own…] As to whether the global-state has done it… created this space-based EMF weapon… anyone who has been made a target of it and survived long enough to finally learn (if they didn't already know…) to trust what their body is saying and gather more information by investigating… absolutely knows that this weapon exists… and that the global-state (which includes representatives minimally from those states above mentioned by Nikola…) is using it extra-legally against us… we-their-'subjects'…
And as we read together what follows… let's consider this: We have been arguing that the only way 'power' can maintain its privileged position as global-'statesmen' is by manufacturing 'scarcity'… because the earth is abundant… Nikola's work bends to this abundance… and therefore to our freedom… So… what we can say with certainty then is that 'power's obsession with total control of us… with our 'management'… means there is no doubt that if Nikola's achievements and guidance in the area of electrical engineering are completely sound… that if he sold no 'wolf tickets' when it came to what he found – when it came to his electrical inventions and potential applications of them… and of the electro-magnetic power of the earth generally… for accelerating us to our freedom… there is no doubt the 'power'-guys would have been secretly surrounding him with false-folks in his latter years… attempting to 'manage' and manipulate him psychologically… try to take all they could from him while he lived… and get the rest after his death… and then… get busy with their 'work' of suppression… misdirection… misrepresentation… maligning… distorting… discrediting… and… in general burying the gifts he hoped to leave for us… and ferry them to their private concerns… labs and technicians… to serve their personal purposes. I.e.… we would see exactly what happened. If there had been nothing to use secretly the statesmen would have flung the doors wide open to let us see that 'nothing'… they would have no reason to surround it with mystery. But anyone targeted with these weapons has no need to deduce the truth with such reasoning… their swollen heads and clogged chests… and the patterns associated with the 'delivery' of them would be sufficient 'proof'… and proof as well… therefore… that the state is Fascist – sufficient 'reason' to use our right to pursue happiness to move to abolish the state… here in the U.S.… while we work with our Brothers and Sisters across the planet to convene our inaugural… celebratory… first of many… One Day Global General Strike… to discuss the world we want… with ourselves… not with our so-called 'leaders'… A global 'pause' for reflection and feeding a new vision threatens no one but 'the state' – official and shadow… We need plans for self-sufficiency… both individually and collectively… as individuals and societies… We need a plan for helping each other globally to realize… maintain… and keep… our freedom…
“In April 1976, Secretary of State Henry Kissinger sent the following telegram to the U.S. Embassy in Moscow, which summarized the conclusions of the study of the Moscow signal: Henry Kissinger: “Subject: Radiation and UHF and Electromagnetic Dangers: Beginning in 1960 the Soviet Union directed their high frequency beams of radiation at the U.S. Embassy in Moscow which were calculated not to pick up intelligence but cause physiological effects on personnel. The effects the Soviets calculated to achieve in the personnel serving (at least as early as 1960) included (A) Malaise (B) Irritability, (C) Extreme fatigue. At this time the Soviets believed that the induced effects were temporary. Subsequently, it has been verified that the effects are not temporary. Definitely tied to such radiation and the UHF / VHF electromagnetic waves are: (A) Cataracts, (B) Blood changes that induce heart attacks, (C) Malignancies, (D) Circulatory problems, and (E) Permanent deterioration of the nervous system. In most cases the after-effects do not become evident until long after exposure – a decade or more.…” Whose idea do you suppose it was… 'High-Tech Auschwitz'?… to use their 'Space Battleship' for 'population management'?: disease bio-engineering and dissent-elimination?… We're going to assume for the purposes of this discussion that this memo is authentic (and Mr. Kissinger please feel free to step forward and deny it…) and with that assumption made we have to say – as Kissinger is a political animal (to say the least…) – this letter reeks of 'cover-up' and 'cover your ass'… don't it? Look at the date… a follow up on events in Moscow two decades late… Nixon gone… what's going on? But we know the lies are too thick to unpack and that our course is… as it's always been under 'class'… to take our lives back… and now we can.
(What's beautiful about the strategy of the One Day Global General Strike is that… even though they have total control of our intercommunications… our 'transactions' [of all kinds…] this don't require much intercommunication… all it requires is pickin' a date… texting or tweeting “One Day Global General Strike on this date!… Pass it on!”… sufficient time for it to circle the globe… and then… we have our discussion…) Margaret Cheney: “In his old age Tesla was gratified to hear his invention of electrical oscillation devices for medical therapy receive high accolades.… Modern cancer treatment has, of curse, progressed even farther and the full medical implications of Tesla's techniques are still being explored. Most recently, in the 1980s, the American Association for the Advancement of Science announced promising research in the electromagnetic stimulation of cells for the regeneration of amputated limbs… [So let's imagine what happens when you stimulate the cancer cells instead… – P.S.] And studies of various universities have also indicated that pulsed current is superior to direct current in the healing of fractures. As is typical of so many of Tesla's inventions, scholars still do not know the whole range of their possible applications or, in some cases, even their full theoretical significance.” (Margaret Cheney, Man Out Of Time, p. 242)
Nikola Tesla: “But the time is very near when we shall have the precipitation of the moisture of the atmosphere under complete control, and then it will be possible to draw unlimited quantities of water from the oceans, develop any desired amount of energy, and completely transform the globe by irrigation and intensive farming. A greater achievement of man through the medium of electricity can hardly be imagined. The present limitations in the transmission of power to distance will be overcome in two ways – through the adoption of underground conductor insulated by power, and through the introduction of the wireless art. The first plan I have advanced years ago. The underlying principle is to convey through a tubular conductor hydrogen at a very low temperature, freeze the surrounding material and thus secure a perfect insulation by indirect use of electric energy. In this manner the power derived from falls can be transmitted to distances of hundreds of miles with the highest economy and at a small cost. This innovation is sure to greatly extend the fields of electrical application. As to the wireless method, we have now the means for economic transmission of energy in any desired amount and to distances only limited by the dimensions of this planet. In view of assertions of some misinformed experts to the effect that in the wireless system I have perfected the power of the transmitter is dissipated in all directions, I wish to be emphatic in my statement that such is not the case. The energy goes only to the place where it is needed and to no other…” (And while… writing as 'war' engulfed Europe… Nikola was not sanguine about eliminating war… I am… very sanguine… thanks to him – that with Nikola's gifts to us… along with those of many others who have contributed to our knowledge of how to establish… and preserve… individual self-sufficiency… I am very sanguine that we can end war permanently… And we have to remember that he became sanguine as well… his letter twenty years later [and in other writings as well…] express that he'd arrived at the conclusion that we can avert war… But achieving our freedom makes the question moot.)
How do we interpret what happens next?… two 'world-wars'… after which… there was no more an authentic international Socialist movement – and instead widespread fear of nuclear weapons… calibrated to reflect supposed hierarchical threats… and to keep us divided and disoriented… nation against nation – and no more talk of Nikola Tesla's weapon…or his life-long work devoted to peace… and inventing what would be needed to make it a reality… Today… though it's not a view familiar to us… let's consider those two 'world wars' through the lens of Nikola Tesla's inventions… let's see them… always there but kept hidden… always there fueling the statesmen's ambitions… always there but disappeared from us… along with the man himself… Nikola Tesla… let's consider that the string of his work… pulls all… And then let's consider… in whose hands it belongs… Keith Lowe: “The only nation to lose substantial amounts of territory would be Germany, for whom it was regarded as a fitting punishment. Once again, there was no consultation of the 'freely expressed wishes of the peoples concerned,' as promised by the Atlantic Charter'… The consequences for these people would be momentous… [Regions] German for hundreds of years, and were populated almost exclusively by German people – more than 11 million of them… it was unthinkable that 11 million Germans would be allowed to continue living within the borders of the new Poland. As Churchill put it… “it would be a pity to stuff the Polish goose so full of German food that it got indigestion” It was understood by all parties that these Germans would have to be removed. When concerns were raised at Yalta about the practicality, and the humanity, of expelling such large numbers of people from their ancestral homelands, Stalin remarked blandly that most of the Germans in these regions had “already run away from the Red Army,” Broadly speaking, he was correct – the bulk of the populations in these areas had fled in fear of Soviet vengeance. But by the end of the war there were still some 4.4 million Germans living there, and in the immediate aftermath of the war, a further 1.25 million would return – mostly to Silesia and East Prussia – in the belief that they would be able to pick up their old lives. According to Soviet plans all these people would either be conscripted as forced labour to pay off German war reparations, or be removed…” Truman… quoted in Kevin Phillips: “…if we see that Germany is winning we ought to help Russia, and if Russia is winning we ought to help Germany and in that way, let them kill as many as possible.” It was not a sentiment that got Truman in trouble…” [How could we have put up with such people as this over us… sitting on us… for so long? We didn't see another way… well… now we do.]
Immanuel Wallerstein: “The one sphere in which the United States did not have an excessive advantage [in the aftermath of WWII] was the military sphere.…” [We see how when we have in the back of our mind the truth that the U.S. has in its possession this weapon invented by Nikola Tesla it changes how you hear everything… that's why these discussions are so explosive for 'power' right now. It is a Pandora's Box. It does change everything about what we think we know… – P.S.] “As a result, if the United States were going to play the role of hegemonic power, it would have to come to some kind of terms with the Soviet Union and neutralize its military strength.… It is my contention that what ensued was a tacit 'deal' between the United States and the Soviet Union, to which we have given the metaphorical name of Yalta. It seems to me that this deal had three components. The first was a de facto division of the globe into two spheres of influence more or less along the line of the location of the armed forces of each of the two countries at the end of the war.… The second part of the tacit agreement was the de facto economic disjuncture of the two zones. The United States would offer no assistance on the reconstruction of the Soviet bloc… [And it seems there was a fourth part: “silence discussion of Nikola Tesla and his inventions… and use EMF-weapons only on your own citizens…” – P.S.] Once the military status quo was achieved, the Untied States could proceed to realize its overall political and cultural dominance in the world-system…” So there are layers to the theater aren't there?… with Nikola at the bottom… sealed up with his inventions… the keys to our freedom… We must ask ourselves what are the implications of 'power' hoarding Nikola's gifts to us… in circumstances of resource-depletion? Are they waiting until they've rendered the entire world-population obedient to release them?… or do they intend to suppress public knowledge of them ad infinitum?… the deeper we go the more abominable it gets… it's time to call the question of our right to pursue happiness… All the wars and killing by states of whatever political persuasion were designed to d just what they did: maximize the body-count…
Our August 21, 2016 Show:
Nikola Tesla: “When the great truth accidentally revealed and experimentally confirmed is fully recognized, that this planet, with all its appalling immensity, is to electric currents virtually no more than a small metal ball and that by this fact many possibilities, each baffling imagination and of incalculable consequence, are rendered absolutely sure of accomplishment… humanity will be like an ant heap stirred up with a stick: See the excitement coming!… (1904)” “So long as there are different nationalities there will be patriotism. This feeling must be eradicated from our hearts before permanent peace can be established. Its place must be filled by love of nature and scientific ideal. Science and discovery are the great forces which will lead to [the consummation of war… I have just made known an invention which will show to electricians how to produce immense electrical pressures and activities. By their means many wonderful results will be achieved. The human voice and likeness will be flashed around the globe without wire, energy projected through space, the wastes of the ocean will be made safe to navigation, transport facilitated, rain precipitated at will… Advances of this kind will, in times to come, remove the physical causes of war, the chief of which is the vast extent of this planet. The gradual annihilation of distance will put human beings in closer contact and harmonize their views and aspirations. The harnessing of the forces of nature will banish misery and want and provide ample means for safe and comfortable existence… (1914)” Once we are free we must always remember the ones we owe… who made it possible for us to live so… debts we can never repay… except by living freely… every day… and never giving back the freedom for which they… so dearly… paid…
In 'society'… we shall be arguing… there is no 'state' that murders 'its' citizens… whether openly or clandestinely… At present… nowhere under 'class' does 'society' exist… Our Sisters and Brothers… and we… are being killed… in Egypt… Ethiopia… Nigeria… the Ukraine… Turkey – killed by the state or its surrogates (representing for the global-state… [Syria is of course being dismantled…]) or wasted in factories… in Mexico… Venezuela… Brazil… China… Yemen… South Africa… Indonesia… Pakistan… Vietnam… Afghanistan… Iraq… and here in the U.S.… for the crime of being powerful… It's important that we understand the motives of 'power'… But when they kill a well-known person – like Prince – for the crime of being powerful… this single one becomes an emblem of the whole of the slaughter 'power' commits… that one person stands for all the dead killed for the crime of being authentically powerful (i.e.… self-grown and continuously self-developing…) coming to terms with the torture and killing of this one… enables us to hold in our minds and hands the torture and killing of the whole mass of those victimized in power's crimes – because to intervene in this one… demand justice for this one… is to possess the key to freeing us all… freeing us from millennia-long slavery… because his death contains the whole of it… the whole of 'power's misdeeds of the last two centuries… He and Nikola Tesla are both keys… and… together… their truth is our truth… is our freedom… Justice for Nikola… justice for Prince… is freedom for all of us…
Until you're subjected to 'power's campaign against you of surveillance (including visual… watching him – whether just his heat signature or more than this – when he's in his own home (I'm sure it pleases and thrills them that they can have access to anyone they want… no matter how much money or celebrity they have… The only thing they don't have access to are our thoughts… and they're working on it…) – those who warn of the state's privacy violations of 'its' citizens don't know the hundredth part of it.… This is what the state does to those targeted as inconvenient or 'disobedient' – by which I mean 'challenge the legitimacy of the state'.… Until you're subjected to 'power's campaign against you of surveillance… harassment… and attrition of your physical strength – stores of energy… I'm not sure you can fully appreciate the enormous strength and courage it took for Prince to continue to do his art authentically… i.e.… to tell the truth through the route of his body's direct access to it… unmediated by the 'power'-guys' attempts to distort or lessen his confidence in it… by means of psychological manipulation: to express honestly his thoughts… fears… and longings – to share his authentic 'self' openly meant putting himself at even greater risk… because 'power' depends on extracting precisely this honest information about your feelings in order to use it against you (“they don't care where they kick… just as long as they hurt you…”) – these are sadists… as we've said… what they do to us shows us what was done to them… as infants – and through our readings of Alice Miller's For Your Own Good… we learned that the memory of the torture done to them is not accessible to them as adults… it gets buried… along with the rage that they felt in being subjected to it… but the rage isn't gone just because it got lost to their conscious mind… and this is why we're comparing the different strategies today of Karl Popper… Proudhon… Alice Miller… and Prince – because in their various ways they are addressing this question of how to re-access our suppressed feelings… another way of saying this is: how to end the class system…
The situation is just as Joe Cocker said: the folks determined to 'rule' our world (rule us…) don't know what love is… and become fearful at the sight of it… of spontaneous feelings – for reasons Alice has explained to us… But this – showing us authentic feelings – is precisely what artists are here to do… and to explain loss of the eternal in loss of the authentic 'self'… and vice versa… to remind us of our body's direct route to it – the eternal – and to help us restore it to ourselves consciously… by honoring the spontaneous feelings of our bodies (…and we're going to be exploring what that means… I've been thinking a lot about it… and I'm hoping folks are having discussions of this: how does honoring… right now… somehow getting in touch right now with the spontaneous feelings of our bodies… begin to unfreeze… melt… the feelings of rage… and allow ourselves conscious access to our buried feelings of rage from infancy… which our conscious mind – once we have access to those feelings – can explain… to that infant that could not understand it… could explain the larger context in which it happened… and eventually to forgive the parents for having tortured them… and to then become a vital person again…) …so in delving into this issue of losing access to our very bodies… circuitously then… they expose the hypnotic effect of the coerced-work-system… When we cannot live on our own terms (which means honoring what your body says – and that's a big discussion – as a facile… empty… formula… “listen to your body” has been offered to us… but what Alice has been explaining to us is not simple at all… not easy… to honor what your body wants… because it's continuously getting misinterpreted by the system around us… such that… as many ancestors… including Samuel Butler… have pointed out… we will tell ourselves we are really happy when we are not… So what we tell ourselves are simply the 'master's messages that we repeat because we've been conditioned to do so…) we 'zone out'… become like zombies… rootless beings… bodies for hire… It's taken me thirty years and more to almost catch up to Prince… and… I've been thinking a lot about the psychic isolation he must have endured… because once he got identified by 'power' as a threat… and I imagine that was pretty early on… there is no doubt in my mind that they surrounded him with a lot of false folk… and targeted him with EMF… a secret weapon that he couldn't talk about… and if you can't talk about the most important thing that's happening to you… it forces you to become silent… forces you into a psychic isolation… It's taken me thirty years and more to almost catch up to Prince… and if I'm part-way there… it's only because of Alice Miller… and the jolt of the loss of him… which brought me again to his music…
…what the coerced-work-system does is to tell us what we are to think about… it forces us to make our bodies objects – slaves – at the command of the Mind… the 'Intellect'… of 'power' (which… in controlling what gets 'credit'… funded… controls what work gets done…) But as we detach… for whatever reason… from that system… and our minds have more freedom to wander… let's help each other wander over to the ancestors (and I hope that the “My Son's Beats” page… which merges spoken word with his beats… is useful for this as well… for discussion and reintroduction to thoughts that have been suppressed…) and living heroes who help us hang on to our authentic-ness – who… like Prince – I don't know of others who are modeling authentic-ness in the way he did… by which I mean challenging the state… the state as we've come to understand it as that internalized 'state' within each one of us… that 'state' that 'power' depends on to do its bidding… implement its vision… which makes me grieve all the more for Prince (perhaps you know of others who are doing similar service for ''the people'… as opposed to 'the state'…) – living heroes who have been denied their due… because our minds were kept distracted (and subtly influenced by the propaganda mechanisms of 'power'… used… in the case of Prince …to delicately or obviously 'dis' him… diminish his image in our eyes… precisely because we so need him…)
'Economics' as a discipline is the miming of 'growth' in a dead system: another way of saying “Property is theft…” To 'grow' – in every sense – under the current 'system' requires… as Proudhon is carefully demonstrating… a theft (hence the short-hand and so incomplete rendering of his message captured in the words “property is theft…') – it requires – this semblance – laying hands on what is not rightfully yours… This act mimes growth but is not true growth… as true growth requires uncoerced life… freed energy… to occur… Everything about 'class' is false… which our bodies perceive and resist… and in order to maintain its control of us 'power' must constantly slip falseness in amongst us… and then condition us to accept it as real… and in order to maintain its facade of 'superiority' it must present to us 'evidence' of it… So their m.o. has become: kill those who are creative because they model an independent thought process and so are threats… and as well possess 'assets' (creativity requiring access to the authentic 'self'… demonstrating which challenges the whole 'logic' of 'the system'…) assets ripe for the plundering… so the 'power'-guys' m.o. is: kill or otherwise destroy threats… steal their work… and put their name on it. We are already seeing them laying the groundwork for doing this to Prince… Those who steal his unreleased music are planning to argue that they really own it because they will be 'developing' it… Sound familiar? Today… we're going to be thinking about the historical and psychological dynamics underlying… and implications of… our having been pounded into an artificial… manufactured 'world'… including… with Proudhon and Popper… how this happened… in both a psychological and material sense… Nikola Tesla… in our opening quote… put his finger on both the material and the psychological dynamic we're looking at today when he calls attention to the state… and its ideology of patriotism… as the key barrier to our achieving the world peace we all want…
…the Plato's Tribesmen… believe… following Plato's lead… that the only way to freeze class in place – i.e.… realize Plato's fantasy of unchanging 'class' divisions – is to freeze thought in the child – which is what the installation of obedience – indoctrination into the doctrine of 'force' – means… although this is never discussed. Without understanding this… their practice pushed them – and now all of us – onto a precipice… away from the edge of which we-the-people have been fiercely… and with much loss of blood and life-substance… struggling to battle. Into this scene steps Prince… who advises: “Instead of asking how much of your time is left… ask how much of your mind baby… because in this life things are much harder than in the Afterworld…” – I mean… he looked around him and was appalled… at the lack of thought… (And in this context we should recall from our discussions with Alice Miller that another view on 'power's obsession with obedience is their obsession with punishment – perhaps they think of it as 'behavior modification'… as their parents did: 'correcting' 'unacceptable' [to them…] behavior – and although I am certain they found Prince's entire being objectionable – as he was an undivided whole and unable to not model claiming the authentic 'self' – I suspect that what they most wanted to stop him from doing was… firstly… composing (when you're getting hit with EMF it messes with your ability to make the art that you're trying to make… – and… again… if they consider someone who's written books that are self-published and speaks on pirate-radio 'deserving' of this treatment… someone like Prince… I cannot imagine how horrendous it must have been… and to not be able to talk about it… You know… I certainly know… what the reaction to Prince would be… I've received it… – and Prince was on a mission… he had some things to accomplish… and he could not jeopardize it – and as we've said over and over… they want to pin those they are targeting into a lose – lose position… and that's what they did to him… Except… – we'll be discussing just how successful that so-called 'lose – lose' was on Prince… it definitely silenced – not in his lyrics but in his ability to speak openly about what they were doing to him… and to point out the obvious: we got Fascism folks [Martin Luther King struggled with this as well: with how to say that without getting discredited… without losing what he was here to do…] and secondly… reaching out to us – performing. These would be occasions when they would try to hit him hard… and these guys seem to take movement as a personal challenge – perhaps the 'thrill' of killing people while they lay prone in bed… or draped on stairs… or immobile in wheelchairs… has finally grown stale.…) He knew they were going to kill him one day… that knowledge is expressed clearly… and repeatedly… in his lyrics.
Probably without having the help of Alice… Popper… or Proudhon… Prince nonetheless became their complement in the generation of three-phase power: Proudhon and Popper representing for 'mind'… Alice and Prince for 'body' and 'spirit'. Popper… Proudhon… Alice… and Prince… were all… in a sense… offering to us remedies for 'class'. Popper and Proudhon ask us to reason with them… Alice and Prince… taking several steps beyond (or behind) Popper and Proudhon… ask us to feel with them (we're going to be thinking a lot about that… as a strategy…) Alice shows us the impairment of our reasoning faculties that occurs with the suppression of the authentic 'self'… which creates fear… and halts the thought process… as our unconscious tries to make sense of what is going on… to come to terms with the fear that occurs with the suppression of spontaneous feelings… force… inflicted by a parent… as the state's surrogate… a condition which the state… in creating 'class' systemically… automatically continuously recreates… As many ancestors have said: “It's the system that's at fault…” – and though those words are simple and over-used… we should think more about them… as what we want for our world is the opposite of 'class'…
EMF is a world-wide secret weapon of the global-state… Last week we discussed these words ofImmanuel Wallerstein: “The second part of the tacit agreement [between the U.S. and the Soviet Union] was the de facto economic disjuncture of the two zones. The United States would offer no assistance on the reconstruction of the Soviet bloc… The third part of the 'deal' was to deny that there was any deal. Each side proclaimed loudly in its particular language that it was in a total ideological struggle with the other. We came to call this the 'cold War'…” –and we suggested that it seems likely there us a fourth part: “silence discussion of Nikola Tesla and his inventions… and use EMF-weapons only on your own citizens…” The global statesmen (not to be confused with simple politicians or corporate CEOs…) – the U.S.-production-center of the global-state particularly – slipped out of the theater of WWII very pleased… I imagine… with what they'd seen – the complete and utter annihilation of our dreams of peace and global good fellowship – accomplished really just by simple manipulation – by words only… in some respects… by employing a massive mountain of lies… but… by a circuitous route… through world-wide discussion of the material substance… and the suppression of… Nikola's gifts to us… gifts he invented to free us… from coercion of any kind… but Nikola's vision of peace has been returned to us… and may now be realized…
No word yet on the results of the police investigation – including the full autopsy findings – into the death of Prince… There must be some 'Miklos Nyiszli's out there who… as a matter of professional interest… can press for the findings release… analyze them… and report what you find: was there swelling?… where?… what was the specific drug found?… how much?… how did it get in him?… how long had he been dead?… were his muscles contracted?… was the iron in his blood excessive?… toxic levels of it?… and is there any documented evidence of the physiological effects of (any type of…) EMF radiation? – and this was given to us in quite a nice summary by Henry Kissinger last week… he talked about 'extreme fatigue' and that's what I mean by the term 'electrical paralysis'… because it feels electrical… but do understand why it would be described as 'extreme fatigue'… because it is… but it's many things besides a feeling of fatigue… with the swollen-ness… numbness… etc. – We are 'only' asking for the full truth… Shall we live in society or out of it? In society… there is no state that murders us clandestinely… And I must add this to my request to the good-hearted 'Miklos's in discussion with our radiant 'Nikola's who read this: Prince's child died of a rare condition – a fused skull – and we've since learned… from Nikola and Margaret Cheney… that various kinds of EMF cause various physiological effects… could a laser targeting the skull of a baby in utero or a fetus… cause it to fuse?…
[I think that's a straightforward question to answer… and if the answer is “yes”… then we've just discovered another 'disease'… or 'syndrome'… they've invented to explain… cover up… their use of EMF weapons…] Proudhon: “An evil, when known, should be condemned and destroyed. The legislator cannot plead ignorance as an excuse for upholding a glaring iniquity. Restitution should not be delayed. Justice, justice! recognition of right! reinstatement of the proletaire! – when these results are accomplished, then, judges and consuls, you may attend to your police, and provide a government for the Republic… For the rest, I do not think that a single one of my readers accuses me of knowing how to destroy, but of not knowing how to construct. In demonstrating the principle of equality, I have laid the foundation of the social structure. I have done more. I have given an example of the true method of solving political and legislative problems. The science of society – like all human sciences – will be for ever incomplete. The depth and variety of the questions which it embraces are infinite. We hardly know the A B C of this science, as is proved by the fact that we have not yet emerged from the period of systems, and have not ceased to put the authority of the majority in the place of facts… The task of the true publicist, in the age in which we live, is to close the mouths of quacks and charlatans, and to teach the public to demand demonstrations, instead of being contented with symbols and programmes. [But… as Alice showed us… we do not question that which is a continuation of our childhoods… so the 'power'-guys made it their personal business… to make certain… they control them… the thoughts we receive as children… but we are in transition… we are waking up… – P.S.] Before talking of the science itself, it is necessary to ascertain its object, and discover its method and principle. The ground must be cleared of the prejudices which encumber it. Such is the mission of the nineteenth century [and our own… – P.S.] For my part, I have sworn fidelity to my work of demolition, and I will not cease to pursue the truth through the ruins and rubbish. I hate to see a thing half done; and it will be believed without any assurance of mine, that, having dared to raise my hand against the Holy Ark, I shall not rest contented with the removal of the cover. The mysteries of the sanctuary of iniquity must be unveiled, the tables of the old alliance broken, and all the objects of the ancient faith thrown in a heap to the swine. A charter has been given to us, – a résumé of political science, the monument of twenty legislatures. A code has been written… Well! of this charter and this code not one article shall be left standing upon another! The time has come for the wise to choose their course, and prepare for reconstruction. But, since a destroyed error necessarily implies a counter-truth, I will not finish this treatise without solving the first problem of political science, – that which receives the attention of all minds. When property is abolished, what will be the form of society? Will it be communism?”
[So you can see what we mean when we say that the two world wars of the twentieth century annihilated our hopes for international socialism… for ending a global-'class'-system…] Proudhon: “Of the Causes of our Mistakes. The Origin of Property: The true form of human society cannot be determined until the following question has been solved: Property not being our natural condition, how did it gain foothold? Why has the social instinct, so trustworthy among the animals, erred in the case of man Why is man, who was born for society, not yet associated? I have said that human society is complex in its nature. Though this expression is inaccurate, the fact to which it refers is none the less true; namely, the classification of talents and capacities. But who does not see that these talents and capacities, owing to their infinite variety, give rise to an infinite variety of wills, and that the character, the inclinations, and – if I may venture to use the expression – the form of the ego, are necessarily changed; so that in the order of liberty, as in the order of intelligence, there are as many types as individuals, as many characters as heads, whose tastes, fancies, and propensities, being modified by dissimilar ideas, must necessarily conflict? [The 'power'-guys might hear this as justification for their actions… if 'conflict' stems from a diversity of 'wills'… thoughts… force everyone's to be the same and we will have 'harmony'… at the end of a wave-delivery mechanism… – P.S.] Man, by his nature and his instinct, is predestined to society; but his personality, every varying, is adverse to it…” [He is mistaking “the human under 'class'” for 'the human' – So as to laying the blame at the feet of 'wills' of “…an infinite variety…” “modified by dissimilar ideas…” – we shall have to see… but I suspect… without his having the benefit of Karl Popper… John Boswell and Alice Miller… that his belief may border on tautology… that he may not see that the 'idea' of 'proving' – which is a psychic need 'to prove' one is 'better-than' – plays a role in the formation of a 'will to supremacy'… and stems from a breach of trust… a violation of the 'law of society' that the earth gives us… – or an accident of experience?… But I do see his point… the human-animal is endlessly inventive in the area of 'finding explanations'… seeking answers to questions… and sometimes those answers found are based on inadequate information… which is all that one is presented with… under 'class'…]
Proudhon: “In the bees, the will is constant and uniform, because the instinct which guides it is invariable, and constitutes the animal's whole life and nature. In man, talent varies, and the mind wavers; consequently, his will is multiform and vague. He seeks society, but dislikes constraint and monotony; he is an imitator, but fond of his own ideas, and passionately in love with his works.…If, like the bees, every man were born possessed of talent, perfect knowledge of certain kinds, and, in a word, an innate acquaintance with the functions he has to perform, but destitute of reflective and reasoning faculties, society would organize itself. [He is describing perfectly what Plato wanted… – P.S.] We should see one man plowing a field, another building houses; this one forging metals, that one cutting clothes; and still others storing the products, and superintending their distribution. [Not liking the implied 'mind' – 'body' split – so formative of the 'class'-project… But… he had no other tangible reference on which to found his thought. Rather than frame the possibilities for the self-organization of our global-society in terms given to us… essentially by the 'rulers'… by the 'class'-project itself… I prefer to think of our capacities as gifts that are earth-given… i.e.… at base… capabilities of the body-undivided… – P.S.] Each one, without inquiring as to the object of his labor, and without troubling himself about the extent of his task, would obey orders, bring his product, receive his salary, and would then rest for a time; keeping meanwhile no accounts, envious of nobody, and satisfied with the distributor, who never would be unjust to any one. Kings would govern, but would not reign; for to reign is to be a proprietor a l'engrais, as Bonaparte said: and having no commands to give, since all would be at their posts, they would serve rather as rallying centres than as authorities or counsellors.” [This is clearly the picture the Plato's Tribesmen hold dear: 'self-regulation'… society as a 'clockwork mechanism'… no 'objectors'… no independent thought of any kind…]
Our August 28, 2016 Show:
The longing for freedom didn't start with us… and the theory of how to suppress it didn't start with them… to end 'class' we have to know how it began… at least its present totalitarian iteration… Karl Popper describes this longing for freedom as being manifested in 'the transition from the closed society to the open society'… Thucydides: “Nearly the whole Hellenic world was in commotion. In every city, the leaders of the democratic and of the oligarchic parties were trying hard, the one to bring in the Athenians, the other the Lacedaemonians… The tie of party was stronger than the tie of blood… The leaders on either side used specious names, the one party [for democratic Athenians] professing to uphold the constitutional equality of the many, the other the wisdom of the nobility; in reality they made the public interest their price, professing, of course, their devotion to it. They used any conceivable means for getting the better of one another, and committed the most monstrous crimes. This revolution gave birth to every form of wickedness in Hellas… Everywhere prevailed an attitude of perfidious antagonism. There was no word binding enough, no oath terrible enough, to reconcile enemies. Each man was strong only in the conviction that nothing was secure…” – and we must keep in mind that what he's talking about is the attempt of a self-organized band of 'rulers' – the current version of which are the Plato's Tribesmen – to artificially impose 'tribalism' – which is what a society of rigid fixed 'class' divisions is an expression of… i.e. everyone confines their identity to 'their' narrow group… while the Plato's Tribesmen… it just so works out… remain forever on 'top': everyone 'plays their position' and is (artificially… because they are told they are… from infancy…) 'happy'… – the society is closed to change… to new ideas… to thought… to growth… But once the quest for the open society… for freedom… begins… we cannot be turned from our determination to achieve it… – Jesus of Nazareth being one of the most potent examples of this…] John: “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love. We love him, because he first loved us. If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen? And this commandment have we from him, That he who loveth God love his brother also…” [And this brings us to our question for today: What is the route by which love for our freedom becomes the imperative for love for all my Brothers and Sisters?…]
Nikola Tesla: “All this energy emanates from one single center, one singe source – the sun. The sun is the spring that drives all. The sun maintains all human life and supplies all human energy… Another answer we have now found to the above great question: To increase the force accelerating human movement means to turn to the uses of man more of the sun's energy… [through his explanations in other writings we have gleaned… that he's asking… ultimately: what will increase the human energy that will get us free? This is our question as well… And we will be arguing that this creative energy for life is the kind of energy Prince speaks of when he talks about 'purple electricity' you know the kind you feel when you feel passion… when you feel love… when you feel powerfully connected to all life… – that it is this kind of energy that fuels creativity… fuels our freedom… But Nikola Tesla's inventions to free us were stolen and used to produce toxic energy… – P.S.] we honor and revere those great men of bygone times whose names are linked with immortal achievements, who have proved themselves benefactors of humanity – the religious reformer with his wise maxims of life, the philosopher with his deep truths, the mathematician with his formulae, the physicist with his laws, the discoverer with his principles and secrets wrested from nature, the artist with his forms of the beautiful; but who honors him, the greatest of all, – who can tell the name of him – who first turned to use the sun's energy to save the effort of a weak fellow-creature? That was man's first act of scientific philanthropy, and its consequences have been incalculable.…” (1900) [Whoever was that first 'scientific philanthropist'… many others followed… in whose line we find Prince. Prince is our treasure… he took enormous risks… bore hideous punishment… for us:]
(Message to the 'power'-guys:) “Lay down your funky weapon, come join us on the floor… Making love and music's the only things worth fighting 4. We r the new power generation, we want 2 change the world. The only thing that's in our way is u. Your old fashioned music, your old ideas, We're sick and tired of u telling us what 2 do. Pardon me 4 thinking, but there's something under my hair… I bet u thought the lights were on but noone's living there… U think that if u tell enough lies they will see the truth? I hope they bury your old ideas the same time they bury u… Lay down your funky weapon, come join us on the floor Making love and music's the only things worth fighting 4. We r the new power generation, we want 2 change the world. The only thing that's in our way is u. Pardon us for caring, we didn't know it was against the rules (shout it out) If we only want to love one another… Then tell me now who's the fool (tell me, tell me) No father, no mother, no sister, no brother, nobody can make me stop Said if u didn't come 2 party child, I think u better get up offa my block. Lay down your funky weapon, come join us on the floor… Making love and music's the only things worth fighting 4. We r the new power generation, we want 2 change the world. The only thing that's in our way is u. Your old fashioned music, your old ideas, We're sick and tired of u telling us what 2 do. Why don't u just be happy, baby.” (Prince)
'An evil… once known… must be destroyed…' – isn't that how Proudhon put it? Where did his love come from?… this love that fuels all fighters for freedom… Two such we are thinking on today are Nikola… and Prince. Nikola's and Prince's words to us last week are planting seeds: it is that which 'harmonizes' us globally that – once misery and want are eradicated with the employment of Nikola's inventions – will cultivate common aspirations in us globally… In Nikola's case what harmonizes us is 'Nature'… i.e.… the earth and our passion for discovery… and in Prince's case… it is love (we played his song Anna Stezia from the CD LoveSexy…) which… arguably… embraces all three. At the risk of seeming self-indulgent – until I establish more clearly his incalculable significance – in bringing Prince to our weekly gatherings… his murder supports our doing this. He was a threat to those who hold our leashes… and it's important that we understand why… beyond the evidence of his body testifying to EMF… or the results of the police investigation exposing glaring holes in the official story… back to the original reasons why he was targeted as a threat in the first place… …and until we see – which I certainly didn't before being rolled into the gears of the machine – that the entire 'world' we are presented with as infants… and conditioned to accept as 'real'… is false… a construction crafted by hidden actors… and particularly the propaganda machinery known as 'the education system' or 'the media' (because the global-state-statesmen amassed means to so do…) – until we see this… or look at this… recognize the degree to which the media and education is vetted… censored… cleansed of his messages that indirectly (though they speak this clearly enough to them who are policing the popular 'discourse'…) reject the legitimacy of the state – it may be difficult to understand why an obvious treasure would be treated so hideously… The answer lies in Alice Miller and in our understanding what conditions make it possible for us to be ruled (that's the whole game that's the point… for them… we must be 'governable'…) those being: keeping us separated from each other… keeping us from seeing our inherent self-creative power – our endowment from the earth – and that being as well… freezing spontaneous feelings in the 'power'-designed imposition of child-rearing… as a strategy for planting obedience –the 'master's voice – in every child… and our internalization of the master's voice (obedience…) and of course the stultification of our thought-process: our inability to see the crass falseness around us because of our indoctrination in accepting it as real… or legitimate. Prince challenged 'power' on all these fronts.… The punishment inflicted on him for his courage – the worst being the assault by EMF… because he could not fight back – paid for the education all artists who witnessed that courage received from it… paid for their knowledge gained from his example… It may not save them from being similarly assaulted but… if those who read this spread the word… many more may learn that this weaponry exists… and that the state uses it… along with the tactic of infiltration – a 'surround with false-folks' strategy – to sabotage and suppress the so-called 'disobedient'… Discussing Prince then leads directly to discussions of Nikola Tesla… And we learn so much from challenging 'power' that we need to know about ourselves.
(And that's a notion I want to think more about… so we can get clear on the distinction between what we're talking about… and the so-called 'self-healing' industry…) Everything Prince did required enormous courage – add to this… thirty years of torture by EMF… forcing him into a state of hyper-awareness of continuous threat… of being aimed at constantly… making his road – our treasure… creating such a rich legacy for us – making his road so hard… 'compensating' him – these 'power'-guys did… for the gifts he shared… with pain and suffering his whole life… and then… now… insults to the last… they attempt to trash him yet again… this time with lies about his supposed inability to bear pain… that fictional 'pain' itself a fabrication to cover up the real pain they'd been dishing out to him for decades… Prince came… if we can judge by what he gave… to feel and express our common pain from living in a social construction in which we have no intrinsic value – that was his whole point… and the whole point of his being a threat to 'power'… He exposed the pain… the wounds… of 'class'… exposed them to our conscious scrutiny and analysis… so we could begin figuring out what to do… He is an inestimable asset in our fight for freedom… His goal: churn pain to joy… frozen to vital… the transformation of a cruel cruel world… a dead world… to living manifestations of love. Love = Life. The idea that he would run from it is ludicrous… This man did not run from pain… he transformed it to love… that they want to hang that crooked story on him is hideous… He took in all the pain and all the intense feeling… and expressed it for us – both so we could take a look at it… and so we would not feel so alone… He became the voice of the Silence around him: that which is never spoken but unconsciously felt (or consciously felt but never spoken because it is speech sanctioned by 'power'…) and therefore that which has been silenced by the system… because authentic assessment of the system would challenge its legitimacy… It perpetuates itself by keeping us from looking honestly at our true (deep) feelings… Considering his many gifts defines for us true wealth… necessarily raises the question of our right to happiness… to live in our gifts without being molested…
Mrs. Trotter gave me a chance to be a real friend and I blew it… She said… if the thought of me comes into your mind… call me… The night she died… I thought of her… and didn't call… I can't tell you how often Prince sprang to mind… only to be dismissed because I didn't want to be seen as name-dropping… making-use-of his fame… I was too focused on 'self'… and didn't think with my heart… Not a day passes I don't regret it… Alice is that angel Prince spoke of… bringing her words of compassion… words of peace… Where would we be without Alice? Thank you Sister… Prince came to bring us encouragement and love “Do not fear” he tells us and modeled it. When he says “I'm here to tell you… there's something else… he is reiterating Emily's words to us… “This world is not conclusion…” and Jesus': “Do not fear…” Prince's message comes from and honors his body… always (and honors honesty…) Don't be afraid of those strong feelings – or of expressing them – of longing for one-ness… of longing to merge… they guide us true. Dance is free expression of feeling… Every feeling has a body expression… In movement / expression / music we get our feelings out… My son said something I'm continuing to think on: “People have to see the light in themselves and I'm not sure how much his music helps with that process He told the truth – what he was seeing and experiencing – with his music. But people listen to music to get by… maybe questing… but we need something paired with it so that our prophets are not killed… so that it's not about them… We need more people seeing their light… grieving for that lost child that was them… I'm not sure that comes from telling the truth. We need more people seeing their light.” – “Emily Dickinson's right… you do have to tell it slant… and Prince is right: You have to have positivity… beauty… grace… and emotion…” I wanted to respond to that but it's not been possible his week – it's been a very intense… challenging… week… but I'm hoping all of you will ponder that as well… because it speaks to that segment of the show we keep putting off: “What would an authentic self-defense practice look like?” and I'm particularly thinking about the applicability… or the practical aspects of Prince's strategy… trying to describe more clearly what that strategy is… Prince sees so much… he did not fear… he was not afraid to look… He looked (not a common… or easy… thing to do… for we trapped in the 'class'-system…) he looked… and then applied his musical and poetic gifts… and his analysis… to sharing with us a key piece of the solution… He told us: we all spring from the sun… we are all literally connected. The more I learn from him… the sadder I get… that I missed… until now… the great event that is Prince.
(No word yet on the results of the police investigation – including the full autopsy findings – into the death of Prince… and until the full information is released… I'm encouraging us to apply whatever whatever pressure we can to getting more answers to our questions about his death… to continue to press for the release of this suppressed information… which… with our knowledge… gained from Nikola Tesla that the hidden 'power-guys' possess the inventions [including EMF weapons…] that he conceived to free us from toil and coercion of every kind… would allow us to look for evidence – inclusive of the conditions Henry Kissinger described in his telegram to Moscow in 1976 – of damage to Prince's body as a result of assault [and in his case this would be a prolonged assault over decades…] by an EMF weapon or… I am convinced… many different types of EMF weapons… Last week Proudhon introduced to us the beginning of an argument which sheds light… I think… on the origins of 'class'… as well as on our project of ending it… and we commented that he is describing Plato's vision… which the would-be rulers – the global-state statesmen – have taken up as their mission proffered for a tin-cup…) Proudhon: “But man acquires skill only by observation and experiment. He reflects, then, since to observe and experiment is to reflect; he reasons, since he cannot help reasoning. In reflecting, he becomes deluded; in reasoning, he makes mistakes, and, thinking himself right, persists in them. He is wedded to his opinions; he esteems himself, and despises others. Consequently, he isolates himself; for he could not submit to the majority without renouncing his will and his reason, – that is, without disowning himself, which is impossible.… [In this work Proudhon demonstrates his greatness… he shows us… we trapped in 'class'… he shows us ourselves… as Shakespeare does… in a different venue… he tells us he will help us through the sticky-wickets… he will not abandon us to those trapped in the 'mistaken notion' that they must 'rule'… In short… he inspires us to keep going… Like all the great souls the earth produces within 'the system' of 'class' he is an antidote to the horrors produced by those arrayed against her… – P.S.] he could not submit to the majority without renouncing his will and his reason, – that is, without disowning himself, which is impossible. And this isolation, this intellectual egotism, this individuality of opinion, lasts until the truth is demonstrated to him by observation and experience.…”
I feel we should back up and consider Proudhon's argument in juxtaposition with Popper's Chapter 10 of The Open Society and Its Enemies (which shares the book's title…) with Alice… and with Prince… because all four… I think… are looking at the same thing from different angles: dissension and violence rending human 'society' (and this is coterminous with class… or maybe just another way of saying that a system of 'class' rends human society with dissension and violence…) and how to heal the rent… and bringing them into nexus may bring us to the crux of our dilemma… we who have been 'made use of' for many many millennia… What I found myself reacting strongly to in what Proudhon will say is the notion that the crux of the problem of society being rent in two is the human's (under 'class'… we must always add…) power of reflection… So… he argues… the problem is our thinking… and our ego (and you can probably see where I'm going with this: to Alice… who argued that the freezing of spontaneous feelings when the effort to force us to obey engenders fear and confusion in us… as infants… forestalls the development of the authentic self… the true self… or 'ego'… which one needs to exist both for us to authentically 'reason'… and to fiercely defend it… So Proudhon's argument pertains to those whose souls have not been bludgeoned into robotic repetitions of programmed thoughts…) and then he says… our false notions we will not let go “until the truth is demonstrated to him by observation and experience [which… we will be arguing… is the influence of the earth… involved with… influencing… our bodies…
Karl Popper… in describing… in his Chapter 10… the… in his words… struggle of humans to emerge from the 'closed society' – he uses the illustration of the conflict between Athens and Sparta… between the two opposing ways of being in the world: the open versus the closed society – reveals – perhaps tangentially – a fundamental disagreement between us… me and Popper… expressed in the statement: “Our Western civilization originated with the Greeks. They were, it seems, the first to make the step from tribalism to humanitarianism. Let us consider what that means…” – I suspect that a large part of our dispute is about terminology and that as we clarify what he means by 'humanitarianism' we may be better able to decide whether we agree or not… but we'll set that aside for now with my short rebuttal that I see nothing 'humanitarian' about 'class'-society… which in most academic work is equated with 'civilization'… We have been arguing in this space that we need to create and agree upon a new lexicon: the lexicon of freedom…Proudhon: “In what follows, the magical or tribal or collectivist society will also be called the closed society, and the society in which individuals are confronted with personal decisions, the open society….” [we should note that this definition confirms our argument that this global-'class'-society we got is totalitarian… i.e.… closed… which he says “can be justly compared to an organism…” – and while the notion of 'an organism' – i.e.… something self-contained – is suggestive of totalitarianism… Popper would disagree that 'class' is inherently totalitarianism… a disagreement that I think might dissolve with the new information we've acquired since he wrote: I'm thinking particularly of 'world-systems theory'… contributed by our Good Three – Terence K. Hopkins… Immanuel Wallerstein… and Giovanni Arrighi – and of course the work of Alice Miller… explaining the psychological dynamics at work in the resistance of some progressives to reincorporate… and continue… the work of Peter Kropotkin – and of course if he had had any inkling that the work of Nikola Tesla was being used to clandestinely kill us… either for our dissent… or because we're part of a population the global-statesmen want to get rid of… that would have put him square on the side of “Yes… the state we got is Fascist…” What our Good Three argued is that the strategy 'fix the state' is a failed strategy…that has long since been nullified by the totalitarian (global) character of 'class'… – P.S.]
Proudhon: “As a consequence of its loss of organic character, an open society may become, by degrees, what I should like to term an 'abstract society'. It may, to a considerable extent, lose the character of a concrete or real group of men, or of a system of such real groups.… We could conceive of a society in which men practically never meet face to face – in which all business is conducted by individuals in isolation who communicate by typed letters or by telegrams, and who go about in closed motor-cars (Artificial insemination would allow even propagation without a personal element.) Such a fictitious society might be called a 'completely abstract or depersonalized society'. Now the interesting point is that our modern society resembles in many of its aspects such a completely abstract society… There are many people living in a modern society who have no, or extremely few, intimate personal contacts [except with their personal group… their 'tribe': “rigid… fixed… divisions” between us being what 'power' has systematically created… cultivated… and enforced… for the last 250 years – they had a plan… which means they were very effective because they organized to achieve it – P.S.], who live in anonymity and isolation, and consequently in unhappiness. For although society has become abstract,the biological make-up of man has not changed much [you can bet your bottom-whatever they are working on that… – P.S.]; men have social needs which they cannot satisfy in an abstract society.… [O]ur modern open societies function largely by way of abstract relations, such as exchange or co-operation.… Thus when we say that our Western civilization derives from the Greeks, we ought to realize what it means. It means that the Greeks started for us that great revolution which, it seems, is still in its beginning – the transition from the closed to the open society.…” […given the complete suppression of that… the notion that these ideas of longing for freedom originated in ancient Greek society I think is not true… and the fact that they have elevated Plato (the 'power'-guys…) over the millennia… and completely suppressed the anti-slavery movement of Athens… and the broader world… does not suggest an on-going progress of furthering freedom… but rather an on-going progress of suppressing it… – P.S.]
Proudhon: “Of course, this revolution was not made consciously. The breakdown of tribalism, of the closed societies of Greece, may be traced back to the time when population growth began to make itself felt among the ruling class of landed proprietors. This meant the end of 'organic' tribalism. [By which I take it he means tacit (unquestioned) consent… agreement…of the 'rulers'… We have to keep reminding ourselves that this 'society' he speaks of is resting on the backs of us… the human-cattle… – P.S.] For it created social tension within the closed society of the ruling class. At first… colonization… postponed the breakdown… Perhaps the most powerful cause of the breakdown of the closed society was the development of sea-communications and commerce. Close contact with other tribes is liable to undermine the feeling of necessity with which tribal institutions are viewed…” [We will be applying the lessons from this… and our analysis the example of Prince… to begin answering the question: how do we open up this closed society?…]
For our September 4, 2016 Show:
Prince: “…I was so moved that I had to write this song… the other thing is that the first line of the song says that 'I was born on the same plantation of the United States of the Red White and Blue…' and we live in a place now that feels just about like a plantation… we're all indentured servants… when I found out there were eight presidents before George Washington I wanted to smack somebody… I wanted to know why I was taught otherwise… Just tell me the whole story… I'll fill in the blanks… but don't tell me something that you think I'm supposed to know…” [From a 2009 radio broadcast.]
Prince: “…What he [Dick Gregory, in a video called 'The State of Black America'] said affects all of us. He said something that really hit home about this phenomenon of 'chem-trails', and, you know, when I was a kid I used to see these trails in the sky all the time and you'd say 'Oh that's cool, a jet just went over,' and then you started to see a whole bunch of them, and the next thing you know everybody in your neighborhood was fighting and arguing and you didn't know why, Ok, and you really didn't know why, I mean everybody was fighting. So, he started riffing about the chem-trails, and he started to say some things that hit home so hard and I would recommend that everybody try to get what he said online or whatever, try to get a copy of it, and just listen to it, because I was so moved that I had to write this song…” [From a 2009 radio broadcast.]
D-Way: “What do you mean by 'authentic language'?…” The Raven: “'Earth-based'… For example… on the Left… often language is co-opted by a mistaken urge to be 'scientific'… What I'm saying is that in order to unify and in order to free ourselves from the conditioning of this system which is designed to take our earth away… we have to re-claim earth… it's really quite simple and basic… if we stop and think about it… which jobs don't allow us to do… which is what they're for… and with not enough of the populace locked down in a job… 'power' is trying to figure this one out… and this is a rare and very important opportunity that we have to seize… So… 'earth-based is my short answer to your question… that… when we start talking about 'what future we want'… we have to… little by little start re-connecting with the earth… and say… for example… 'ok… I'm looking around where I'm standing… I see way too much concrete… how are we going to feed ourselves?…' But to start I think it's enough to know -- and the Occupy Movement I'm very grateful to for many reasons but particularly for showing how quickly we can begin again… instantaneously because we're alive… and this is what we do… So… instantaneously we can begin creating that alternative that is in alignment with the earth if we start aligning ourselves with the earth… It is about saying 'we're done with this system…' I think… and the inability to say that that is holding us back…” [From our July 29, 2012 radio broadcast.]
…and… by the way… more and more I'm convinced… because this is what I've experienced… that while they may have drones that can dispense EMF… the drones are mainly used for surveillance… precision-targeting… and for intercepting or interrupting wireless transmissions – i.e.… for plausible deniability… and to instill in us a false sense of the 'power'-guys supposed omnipotence… but that the main 'delivery-mechanism' for EMF-assault is elsewhere – an 'above' 'elsewhere'. This is what Leuren Moret says in her article, “The Historical Roots of the New World Order and Its Permanent War Economy…” She tells us that as early as 1952 “a secret meeting was held in New Mexico between Russian and U.S. scientists at the Sandia Lab… [and that] an exchange of information on the biological hazards of microwave and electromagnetic frequencies and safety levels was not entirely successful… [that] shortly after the Russians began a thirty-year programme beaming the U.S. embassy in Moscow with microwaves, causing the deaths of three U.S. ambassadors and illnesses in employees…” So when are we going to demand full disclosure on this weaponry?… and is it not clear that the 'power'-guys operate globally… and use states to keep us caged?
The structural backbone of the crafted falseness (smallness of spirit…) of this global 'class'-system – manifested in 'economics'… in 'politics'… in what we are told is our 'human nature' – is material insecurity: manufactured scarcity… another name for the enforced atomization they impose on us (and we're exploring that connection today…) 'Hidden-power' is this crafted smallness… its 'hidden-ness' is designed to conceal this point… that it has a goal: the 'meritocracy'… 'Perfection'… By their acts consistent with this objective they are outed… but we have been prevented from discussing the obvious… To 'achieve' a so-called 'meritocracy' – and thereby realize the vision of your 'OT' (Original Totalitarian) – what would you need? You would need Ideology – 'EPP' (Extreme Poisonous Pedagogy)… you would need 'TB' (Total Belief)… and you would need ATM (All The Money). The 'systems' for continuously delivering these things to them – and in an ever-increasing fashion – we can see have been achieved: extreme disparities in all three are not only clearly evident… they have replaced… if we are to judge by appearances only… the need for independent thought entirely… and are rapidly replacing the human being with the human machine – and their 'hidden-ness'… the speed of their actions… and our atomization… have defeated all attempts to discuss our feeling that we are being driven… rushed like cattle to slaughter…
Our September 4, 2016 Show:
Nikola Tesla: “It was the artist, too, who awakened that broad philanthropic spirit which, even in old ages, shone in the teachings of noble reformers and philosophers, that spirit which made men in all departments and positions work not so much for any material benefit or compensation [but] for the pleasure there is in achieving it and for the good they might be able to do thereby to their fellow-men. Through his influence types of men are now pressing forward, impelled by a deep love for their study, men who are doing wonders in their respective branches, whose chief aim and enjoyment is the acquisition and spread of knowledge, men who look far above earthly things, whose banner is Excelsior! Gentlemen, let us honor the artist, let us thank him, let us drink his health!…” Those who have taken the time to listen to these shows know we are exploring in this space what gets in the way of our getting our freedom… we are attempting to identify these barriers and we've learned that while they are mainly mental… there are physical ones as well… and a critical one that has to be removed from the hands of the state is EMF weaponry. There is so much packed into those words of Nikola Tesla's that explain why a system of 'class' is a failed social arrangement that must be replaced with freedom. Discussing Prince in the context not just of his punishment with EMF and the silencing of his criticism… but in the context of what made him a threat – his 'big-ness' (he urges us to be 'big' with him…) – outs 'hidden-power'… de-legitimates (shrinks…) the state – hidden and official… [and] what has been called 'chem-trails' (what I'd assumed was another name for geo-engineering – which has received funding from Bill Gates…) are a spray of metal-particulates that enhance the effect (strength) of 'power's microwave stream… It was not only in low-income Minneapolis that such experiments (tests) were conducted… I read once in a posting on HAARP that Detroit also was a 'test-site' that received this particulate-spray as well.
…it wasn't long before 'the state-as-parent' noticed him as 'a concern' – when he presented himself as a recalcitrant to the music industry – stepped in… and began applying what I'm sure they considered 'the needed corrective'… and monitoring (life-long monitoring… following… behind… punishing… letting him – along the way – point out for them their weaknesses… where they were vulnerable… so they could shut it down… I don't think we can share Prince authentically… and in the process better understand ourselves… and the current challenges that face us in defending our 'selves'… and getting free… if we don't appreciate that his life – an extreme version of our own – was completely dominated by false folks… it takes a long time to sort that out – I can testify – because we judge others by ourselves… They created a completely artificial world around him – and all artists they fear – it takes time to figure this out – but it's just an extreme version of what they do to all of us… all of us are being held in a concentration camp while some among us – like Prince – are being tortured while we pretend not to notice… It's hideous to contemplate that these folks got in this man (because he absorbed everything around him…) but… thinking on this… it could be an event analogous to that scene in the last Matrix when Mr. Smith finally kills the Oracle only to have her power… her love… released into the world… Let's make the murder of Prince a completely analogous event to this.
We can't authentically share him without understanding what he was up against… and so what we are up against: the hidden-'power' that is manipulating our lives… and this includes sharing and discussing the fact that he was being invisibly attacked almost from the start of his professional life… by false-folks and EMF (and while we're on the subject of being threatened… can we please send some protective energy to Hillary Clinton?… I don't like the vibe I'm getting from the 'power'-fed media… elevating her running mate while subtly undermining her… harping on her health… and so on…)
…this means that Prince gained… at a very early age… an education only 'won' the 'hard-way'… and which… incorporated into his musical… poetic… and analytic gifts… catapulted him to the top of our 'Most Needed Asset for Securing Our Freedom' list… He learned that loving… listening to… and expressing your body's urgings unequivocally (without fear…) gets you 'in trouble' with the state… In “Computer Blue” when he says "please please tell me what the hell is wrong" I believe he's expressing this… and for the next thirty years plus he never stops expressing this. He had a unique gift of being able to express (document…) masterfully… in an extraordinarily compelling interweave of story… mood… sound… and song… what his body felt… what he saw and sensed going on around him… a gift that only increased as his musical and literary palette grew more extensive… Prince's entire life was about the confrontation with the rigid… unequivocal 'discipline' of 'the state-as-parent' – a presence in all of our lives under 'class' but generally hidden behind buffers… the confrontation Prince experienced was extremely coercive and violent… but invisible except for the effects in his body: a physical… wave bombardment that could never be discussed… this… his very life… health… peace of mind… under 24 – 7 assault… and on this most important subject for his very physical and psychic survival… he could not speak in his voice… only in his music did he testify… and relied on our perspicacity and the truth to be established… in time…
I love Shakespeare and Prince… you can spend so much time with so few words of densely-packed thoughts… Shakespeare and Prince: magic people… It's funny… my son came across an Ebony magazine packed in a box in the garage from 1984 that has Prince on the cover… and whoever wrote the article about him said “…you wonder if he's not magical in some way…” which was startling because I was thinking that and it's not a word you usually hear journalists use… This play by Shakespeare sums up in three words the great event that is Prince: 'Measure for Measure': spirit / soul stepping in to supercede false justice… Soul: his strong arms… his cauldron… welcomed us in… that they might take our fear… take our pain… take our fake… and 'mealed' with his heat… be returned to honest… unashamed… feeling… Prince dedicated his life to the belief… the cause… of healing the cancer of 'deadness'… soul-murder… that was all he was surrounded with (the 'power'-guys were… and should be still… very afraid of him…) Prince called his strategy (in the 1988 CD of the same name…) 'LoveSexy'… which he juxtaposed with 'SpookyElectric'… children arrive ready to come to the rescue… as we've said… they come wanting to help solve the problems the people they see around them manifest… but… with the exceptions of those he started out with and the old-school musicians like Miles Davis he sought out or who sought him out (who I've no doubt the 'power'-guys assiduously tried… with their Iago-whispering tactic… to separate him from…) so… with significant exceptions… there were a large quantity of agents placed around… We've learned from Alice why he was a threat to 'hidden-statesmen'… and I've learned from bitter experience that they like to surround and suffocate their targets…
Once this power of authenticity became apparent to the 'power'-guys… probably with that first Warner Bros. contract when he was only 17 – only a child then… a child that I'm certain they were completely confident they could eat alive with but a few applications of their EMF 'treatment' – the wave weapon they stole from Nikola Tesla… all of whose inventions were intended for the same purposes Prince made his: peace and love… once this power of authenticity came to the attention of the 'power'-guys… the global-statesmen… I believe they got busy 'punishing'… or 'correcting'… his 'inappropriate' behavior. What they wanted was for him to place his gifts… his astonishing abilities… at their disposal… to produce for them… and they fully intended to continue the 'treatment' until they made him bend… He never did. He never will – this he communicated as well… clearly… in his songs from that point on.… Now later… the state would embrace open sexuality and improving the position of beat-down boxes (reducing social inequality…) such that this rhetoric is now featured prominently in the 'power'-fed media… 'Power' learned from him… in essence… how to contain him… Would he be considered a threat by 'power' if he entered the world of 'class' today… or been born on the Woodstock stage… as he put it? Without Alice it might be difficult to get: that while 'class' exists Prince for 'power'… poses a complete and total threat…
Prince was deemed a threat because they believed he 'tempted' young people to consider an alternative allegiance to an allegiance to the state. Put like this they 'justify' assaulting and killing whoever they choose… by categorizing their target as a so-called 'national security risk'. Prince suffered this extralegal punishment for over thirty years… during which… and increasingly so as his understanding and determination to resist grew… hidden 'power' tried to suppress and censor his work… keep him and his music from his audience… the people he truly was sent to serve – us… The alternative allegiance Prince presented is common to artists generally… which is why they are particularly at risk… I'm feeling a painful sense of urgency about the need to preserve Prince's legacy to us… We need to lift high those who rep for us… for life… else 'power' will sink them… In our May 15, 2015 show we asked what was the precipitating event to his murder… and we suggested in our May 1 show that he may have been about to release some powerful songs of resistance: songs which may reside in the Vault where he kept reportedly well over a thousand songs archived. Prince is not here to defend his legacy… and given the 'power'-guys continuous campaign of suppression of his most powerful critiques of 'the system' it falls to all who want to ensure that all his rich legacy to us is preserved intact… that none of it is suppressed. Let's press for a full inventory – including titles and lengths – of what he left in the Vault. And… though it may not be seen in the light that it stands in for me… I find I cannot stop thinking about the timing of his death: the coincidence with my being injured by an EMF stream that went into my left thigh and back (described in the April 24 show…) so if anyone has information about this that I've been pondering… please let me know. Is it possible he'd listened on occasion to the show?… to Waking Up Radio? Could he have seen my son and I when we went on Frank Moore's Vimeo internet show “The Shaman's Den” on July 29, 2012? If he had listened it would confirm his interest in outing the hidden practice of assaulting us with EMF weapons. Please let me know if he ever watched Frank Moore's show… and also of course if you know whether he ever listened to this radio show – if there was a 'Prince' listening to this show it would add an additional sense of urgency to the 'power'-guys obvious intention to silence this show…)
He provided visits to the eternal… the hypnotic effect of his music is such that he pulls you with him into it… Why is that not enough to answer 'Socrates' Dilemma'? My son's point… left unaddressed last week… was that Prince's music needs to be coupled with discussion… that 'people listen to music to get by… maybe questing but we need something paired with it so that our prophets are not killed… so that it's not about them. We need more people seeing their light… grieving for that lost child that was them…' But if it is so that 'people listen to music to get by…' this is a manifestation of 'power's pressure on them – unacknowledged… undiscussed… no one ever said to them… 'the system is abusive… based on coercion… which runs against our nature as humans…' –Moreover 'power' hold on us must necessarily grow less and less… our Good Three pointed this out in our discussions of Antisystemic Movements… and this is… in essence… the physical (in us) manifestation of all the 'Breakdown Theories' of Marx… Rosa Luxemburg… and Proudhon: 'power' is loosening its hold: we see this in its increasing reliance on violence - blatant coercion – to suppress us… though until we discuss it this may sound counter-intuitive… and as we discuss it… this opening… Prince's music enters at that opening and fills us up with longing for the real… His music surges rhythmically – like the earth it is part of – it pulses… throbs… it is the opposite of 'class'… Prince wanted to be the solution… I think he was more successful than he knew… The world has been made so false that the critical mass to flip it is building fast…
In one of his songs a disembodied voice tries to hypnotically condition him to remove the words 'me' and 'mine' (though it is true that all of under 'class' have been framed… shaped… by that story 'me and mine'… we have to create a new frame…) to remove those words from his vocabulary… Prince was way too hard on himself. When you are being hurt… and no one else sees… necessarily you focus on 'self' self-protectively… and necessarily the longing to be held becomes intense… because your hurt is never acknowledged… I'm struggling with a lot of anger at those who did this to him (and at myself for being 'survival-mode-heart-slow'…) but I think of it as one of Prince's messages to me… that one of the things I learned in exploring the meanings in "Thieves"… that there is no contradiction between love and fury (and recall Alice's point that no one is ever hurt by an emotion… it is these emotions that we have to own… acknowledge…) Jesus shows us this when he grabs the switch and drives out those who have corrupted our temple… the temple that is our bodies… our freedom… our inherent right to not be messed with… Hope is Truth… and vice versa… I believe is Shakespeare's point… his 'great justice'… under a system of 'class'… long overdue for collapse: …this is a system that requires an enormous amount of energy – which has only one 'prep-ready' source: us… we who take the energy of the earth and make it available to 'power' so it can continuously suppress us / life / freedom… n amount… this energy – that is to say… the amount of energy they need to keep 'control' of us steadily increases as… so you see time is on our side… as we get this ball rolling… as we remove our energy from them – as we stop making the sun's energy available to it… to suppress us with – and give it to each other… to the cause of freedom… the cost for them of repressing us… to try to contain it… goes way up… and eventually they cannot sustain their system of coercion… Freedom is cheap… Freedom as a global social arrangement is effortless… because we do it naturally…
I continue to urge those who love this man… Prince… to continue to press the media for more concrete facts (as opposed to planted innuendo…) about his death… answers to some of the questions we asked on the June 19, 2016 show… and to insist that we need an independent analysis of the autopsy findings and the results of the police investigation… when and how did this drug supposedly get into the body of this man who foreswore all drugs – whose body was his temple – and to figure out ways to get this widely discussed… I believe that most of us who love him know he was murdered… and those who come from his world must surely know that if this is not stopped when we have a better shot at doing that than has ever existed before… we are not just doing a disservice to Prince… we are doing a disservice to life itself… because a system of 'class' is based on the ability to enforce death – no movement… enforced obedience means 'soul-death'… a world peopled by automatons… which is what they've become because they experienced the most extreme versions of 'power's child-rearing practices… and we want to help them no less than ourselves get free of rigid fixed 'class' divisions… We have the means… its long-overdue… One last thing: I'm sure it did not escape you [we played his song “Let's Have a Baby”] how much Prince wanted that baby… who I believe was also murdered… so another way you can help in this righteous cause of outing the truth is to investigate whether a laser-weapon assaulting an in utero infant's skull could cause it to fuse…
For our September 11, 2016 Show:
Prince: [regarding his decision to change his name…] “…when one completely listens to one's inspiration and inner voice you will create things out of it that will lead you towards Enlightenment… 'Prince' was in a trap… 'Prince' was under contract… 'Prince' was owned… I had to get free from the mentality of being a slave… If you can't do everything that you want to do… if there's a ceiling… and you're not allowed to go as high as you can go… you're in fact a slave… we as people… because we have to answer to a 9 to 5 or answer to a boss or whatever – [we] didn't come to earth like that… [we] came to earth for re-creation… which means recreation… and to re-create love… you can't do that when you're constantly angry and constantly being held back… the 'industry' way of doing business is cool… for them… we're just an alternative…” [From a 1998 interview.]
Our September 11, 2016 Show:
His whole life Prince has been the one to take great risks… for us… to light the way… for us… And when… those he stood up to hit him hard… he just stepped it up… his game… his music… his critique… his visual and musical… physical and spiritual… representation… for us… of freedom… He modeled 'the real' in a sea of inauthenticity… he showed us how to be vulnerable… to grieve… to heal the soul… to own the longing we feel to merge with another… with each other… with the eternal. He's shown us how to be righteous… He's done this work alone… There's no other like him… I didn't know all this… because I was too busy being none of these things… too busy trying to be the one that exposes hidden-'power'… but don't get me wrong… I had help missing him… these past seven years have been a dance on the primed hot coals laid for me… a trial by fire… one long continuous physical and psychic assault designed to keep me too busy jumping… running… lashing back like a snarling dog backed into a corner… to even think about living… Prince never let them do that to him… he never let them stop him from fully loving… fully living… He was vulnerable and tender despite them… despite their vicious efforts to stop him… kill his spirit… I was not up to his standard… but who could be… really? Prince never let them do that to him… he never let them stop him from fully loving… fully living… He was vulnerable and tender despite them… despite their vicious efforts to stop him… kill his spirit… I was not up to his standard… but who could be… really? I ask for your forgiveness Prince… There's no excuse for what I did… my lapse of heart… my failure of love… Though it may not matter… I have so much love for you it will fuel my reply to what they did for many many lifetimes…
I am beginning to think that when Prince came to Oakland a month or so before he was murdered by the folks who have been torturing him for decades… he was reaching out to me in the only way he could… given the vast gap in our circumstances… I knew… I'd said as much on the radio show… that he was being targeted… but I did nothing… I didn't try to help him… and these false folks had so constructed things that there was no way he could initiate any contact for mutual cooperation… His whole life was made a life of fighting-back… I could have been at least a psychic friend in that… but I was too busy with my neediness… to let that sink in… If I had erred on the side of 'heart' I think I could have saved his life… by throwing a big spotlight on the extraordinary heroism of his suffering and resistance… With just a little bit of heart I could have seen this… that we are comrades in spirit… I could possibly have preserved his life thereby… preserved this treasure for all of us… We can only do what's right… he has shown us… and when we fail to defend that 'right'… the cost cannot be measured… These sad people will do what they will… as he has said… but if we all determine to live as he did: fiercely defending our 'selves'… these people will simply cease to exist… in that instant… they will be gone.
Prince fought this battle with the hidden-'state' – fought the physical and psychic battery inflicted on him – for well over 30 years… He fought back in the only way he could (until we make it safe… with the help of Nikola Tesla… to discuss it openly as an established threat…): through his music… but as we have not made it 'safe' for those who are being targeted to come forward publicly and receive support in ending the mistreatment… the thirty years of torture necessarily he endured in some measure alone… because no one knew how to defend him against it… and perhaps didn't know of it… but this is a different moment we are living through… Though it should not be so… we have the evidence of his body and we have the results of the police investigation… and we have Nikola Tesla… if we boost discussion of both way up… both lives skewed by the line of EMF… both caught in that line… both messed with… and hurt… by the 'power'-guys… both needing us in this moment o raise them up… so they can free us of the mind-chains of millennia… breathe finally the air of freedom… boosting them up will expose the cover-up… lies… and distortion… that sought to rob us of them both… With the exceptions of family members… who I can only assume are being lied-to and played… since I do not hear them speaking out for him… anyone at the so-called funeral – given the secrecy in which the evidence of his body is kept – can only be 'power'-placed / paid / and played… can only be false-folks deeply planted in his life. As we discussed in a previous show… this tactic of deep-planting did not begin with Richard Aoki… In this moment doing what should have been done to preserve his life… will raise the discussions that expose the true nature of the state… and call the question of our right to lives free of coercion… When you have found true power your whole being exposes the lie of 'the system'… but 'the story' is everything: how you frame your true power is everything… in terms of 'power' either staying hidden or being exposed… The 'power'-guys have been -- right in front of our eyes weeding out the 'recalcitrant brutes' and encouraging the 'tame ones'… for ten thousand years and more… but we have yet to discuss it - what better evidence for our slavery exists than that they have the technology for controlling us happening in front of us - can dispose of us at will - and we never discuss it or them… let alone sound the alarm with each other… Because these Tiny Few are broken they seek to break us… because they are frozen they try to freeze us… To protect themselves… to stay hidden… these Most Broken Few have arranged things (reliving their childhood trauma…) such that - they will tell us – we cannot know what's real and what isn't… what's true and what isn't… And when we're stuck in the details they constructed for the purpose of keeping us stuck… this may be the case… but when we embrace our Big Justice: that we are not made for any kind of coercion… but rather just the opposite… that we are made for mutual aid and cooperation… then this we know for certain: we must be rid of the mindset of 'power' for Authentic Life to begin (again…) for the heartless manufacture of suffering to end… we must get our own bodies back… and as we do… Poof!… they are gone… The pain is endless until the 'power'-guys put down their funky weapon and leave us alone… and this feat will be achieved not by any action on our parts… but by our inaction… for one inaugural day – that brings about many others – of work cessation… spirit-recreation… and savoring… savoring the taste of freedom
'The story' is everything… without the right story how do we know our lives are being stolen… see the intentionality behind the theft… expose the hidden-global-statesmen lurking behind 'appearances'… the appearance of 'happenstance'?… and so put the abuse of us in its proper perspective… It takes time to figure out the artificial construction called 'class'. I've posted the following audio-excerpt from an interview with Prince to the audio pages for these shows… I wonder at what point Prince… in his hidden battle with the hidden shadow-global-state… realized he was being targeted because he thought authentically… (and as to the symptoms you experience when you rise from 'sleep' after having been tortured for hours… Prince perfectly captures the feeling of that experience with that slowed-down voice…)
I wonder at what point Prince… in his hidden battle with the hidden shadow-global-state (it's a global shadow state… the 'Big Boys all work collaboratively…) I wonder when he realized that he was being targeted because he thought authentically… did not buy the lies with which we are bombarded… because he thought with… honored… his earth-endowment (his body) – and we have been arguing here that the thought-process only exists when it is authentic. (I am hoping to restore this force that is Prince not just to me but to all of us… because it was not I alone who missed the full picture / power of his resistance…)
Prince was targeted because he had an authentic thought process… he did not look to the state for the definition of who he was… he was given his power from the earth… he knew where it came from… he called it his 'higher power'… that he channeled through his body… He had an authentic thought-process and we've been arguing that the thought-process only exists when it is authentic. As infants (under 'class'… ) we all see the lies which surround us… but we form different conclusions about them… depending on an unmeasurable number of factors… Some… like me and Prince… because our parents were too enmeshed in their own mutual issues to bother much with those of their children's… conclude that the lies are the problem and we must expose them… Others conclude that for some unknowable reason the lies must be served… protected… furthered… bowed down to… self-abnegation became the price of our parents' false 'happiness'… or false stability… …but to honor the questions that come as to the reasons for all the lying… requires a journey to truth… which… as Prince says… with Alice… is a journey to the 'self'… the true 'self'… I'm quoting at length from the biographer of Nikola Tesla because in this excerpt we can see that only with the right story can we get unstuck from the mindset of 'class'… and advance to our freedom… Margaret Cheney: "It was clear to any trained observer, he said, that a new attitude toward sexual equality had come over the world, receiving an abrupt stimulus just before the first World War. Naturally he could not foresee that in the wake of the second World War women would again backslide and relinquish much more social and economic gain in a compulsion to procreate…" [We now see… that we along-for-the-ride subjects of the Most Damaged Few who gave birth to themselves from the head of Plato following the unseating of the aristocracy (in the aftermath of the French Revolution…) that things do not 'just happen'… these hidden 'power'-guys manipulate our lives behind scenes… – and this unseen but true 'reality' we all feel when we arrive and our brilliant bodies are forced to decide what to do with the malaise they feel all around us… when we arrive… – P.S.]
Nikola Tesla: “Through countless generations, from the very beginning, the social subservience of women resulted naturally in the partial atrophy or at least the hereditary suspension [and we know this is a 'class'-specific suspension… - P.S.] the hereditary suspension of mental qualities which we now know the female sex to be endowed with no less than men.… The acquisition of new fields of endeavor by women, their gradual usurpation of leadership," he said, "will dull and finally dissipate feminine sensibilities, will choke the maternal instinct, so that marriage and motherhood may become abhorrent and human civilization draw closer and closer to the perfect civilization of the bee.…” Margaret Cheney: “The perfect communal life of the bee was radical chic for the times, promising "socialized cooperative life wherein all things, including the young, are the property and concern of all… [this is straight-up Plato's Tribesmen-totalitarian-talk… - P.S.]. For years it had been rumored that Tesla had invented a powerful beam, a death ray, but he had been strangely uncommunicative on the subject. In early 1924 a flurry of news reports from Europe claimed that a death ray had been invented there - first by an Englishman, then by a German, and then a Russian. Almost at once an American scientist, Dr. T.F. Wall, applied for a patent on a death ray which he claimed would stop airplanes and cars. Then a newspaper in Colorado proudly retorted that Tesla had invented the first invisible death ray capable of stopping aircraft in flight while he had been experimenting there in 1899." The inventor was unusually noncommittal on the matter.…”
We have arrived back at the point Kropotkin made when we first consulted him (we posted as a pdf excerpts from some of his essays the first of which discussed this…) one that keeps recurring and has appeared in various forms in various ways along our circuitous exploration of the requirements needed… for us to get our freedom: the question of the 'efficient' use of energy… and in particular our human energy… Alice Miller has discussed it as a return to vitality -- a renewed ability to access one's vital energy… of those almost hypnotically conditioned to suppress it -- with the reacquisition of the 'authentic self'… Nikola Tesla addresses the issue of human energy 'efficiency' in terms of removing the obstacles in the way of our freedom. Kropotkin and Proudhon view the matter in a way analogous to both Alice and Nikola: our energy is being repressed… a state which is enormously energy-inefficient – because we are not here to be… do not exist to be… 'managed'… and the more awake we are the less 'governable' (read: 'expensive' for 'power') we become… So… we have to multiply their tasks… their 'containment chores'… the fronts on which they must confront us… Let's make their 'control issues' pop in every nation and region… let's make their experience of them so numerous… and so onerous… that they decide -- now rather than sooner -- to get on board… join us on Prince's dance floor… while we get busy being free… doing what comes naturally… making certain that making love and beauty's the only thing we see… We must no longer let their fear establish the conditions for our lives…
The murder of Prince is a blow that will reel me forever… but the model and strategy of Prince is a gift the depths of which… despite our grief… we must plumb in this moment… because they lead to our freedom'. As we start to spread these discussions about our body's need for the absence of coercion – and how devastating coercion is on the psyche of the child… we gain the clarity we need to engage the questions our Brothers and Sisters ask as to how it is that the uncensored expressing of one's feelings puts us on a collision course with the hidden-'state'. Prince captured our hearts… but also our imagination… in sharing his… he expands our possibilities… He can imagine going places nobody else can… musically and in terms of the transformation of society through the expression of suppressed feelings… And many of us are not even aware (as Alice Miller discusses…) the degree of our suppression until we see Prince… We need to get his music out far and wide so we can imagine 'bigger' with him… He captured what should be… and isn't… or will be and isn't yet… He refused them… and instead became the defender of that which 'rule' is set against… set to suppress: our human spirit of freedom… He helps us to see the 'roles'… see the boxes… see the absurdity of the assignments… see the coerciveness and corrosiveness behind the whole project of 'assigning us'… He shows us that it is possible to "re-define one's identity"… an education… a modeling… for us… which became ever more politically astute the more he was punished for it… He came to understand… and to show us… that seizing the power of redefinition… when pursued relentlessly… brings the 'power' of the state down on your head.But most of us do not attain this quality of 'distancing from' the state… because of an unconscious identification with the parent… a parent who forfeited their authentic 'self'… and so tell themselves… "Well… I have to work…" Until we can discuss that we are owned when we do not give to ourselves 'the work' that sets the course for our lives… then… it will be difficult to intervene authentically in defense of our 'wholeness'… Until we can admit… as did Prince… stepping back and viewing his situation objectively (which is getting on the same side with yourself… and turning away from 'the system's - which begins to provide to our conscious mind the 'right story'… on which we can build an authentic self'… until we do… it will be difficult to see the hidden-coercion (which is how 'power' manifests itself…) difficult to imagine a different world based on abundance and the absence of force… Seeing the coercion means seeing the yoke… allowing us to start down a new road… Part of the process of getting free is engaging with children authentically… which means developing our language of freedom.
Update on getting this show out: hovering drones drain the battery on my laptop – at home or uploading – and the 'Smart Meter' is an open door to our electrical system to these folks… so I don't use the laptop plugged into it… and they blocked my upload attempts completely a couple times this week… it takes longer and longer to clear the mucus after more ferocious and frequent hits from their funky weapon… I'm getting hit right now… but I wanted to take the time to let you know some of the constraints on getting posted the stuff I'm trying to get posted… It is a challenge… and it tells us that we're going in the right direction… we're doing something right… Keep that in mind… We have to multiply the fronts on which they have to do this… This is about 'the power of One'… my Brothers and Sisters… Each one of you listening… please… do something that puts you at risk of being targeted with EMF… and very shortly afterwards we will have an end to this funky weapon called EMF…
For our September 18, 2016 Show:
Prince: “…I don't gauge success based upon the way other people gauge success… this isn't about SoundScan and C-SPAN and all that… this is about our plan… this is about what we believe now… If you ask any artist the music is a success upon creation… when you give it to somebody like a Rolling Stone or a Vibe and they start critiquing it… then your perception changes… but that's looking through somebody else's eyes… So… again… we gauge success based upon what we feel in our hearts… We've shut our minds off now… minds should be used for what they were made for: filing cabinets… We think with our hearts…” [From a 1998 interview…]
Prince: “…Also… I think a lot about something that is going to unite us all… we have to find out what that is… because if Jesus came down here we'd probably not recognize him… and I think it's important that we all unite for something now… and I just wanted to come on and talk about… maybe that could be freedom…” [From a 1998 interview…]
Our September 18, 2016 Show:
What is happening to Hillary is a warning to her – “we will not let you become president… so what you gonna do?” – I imagine they've been giving her such warnings for some time… which is why I'm so impressed with her courage… The 'power'-guys have seen that we will allow them to 'pick our president' (in a blatant sense) once (conservatively…) they can only conclude that we will so do again… Don't you think the question is now up for more and more of us here in the U.S.: if 'power' doesn't reside in elected officials or CEOs… if Presidents and Secretaries of State and Supreme Court Justices can be dispensed with at the whim of a handful of shadow global-statesmen - no muss no fuss… no questions asked – then… how much longer can we pretend this isn't Fascism? Let's not forget our oft-cited and discussed Lester Crocker quote – reiterated by Diana Spearman and Erich Fromm – that 'democracy' and totalitarianism are not opposites… and that 'class' is their nexus… Fromm adding that public opinion is easily crafted (and so election outcomes…) An illustration from today's (September 15, 2016) New York Times: an article titled “Unsavory Side of Free Wi-Fi Spurs Retreat” which says that free wi-fi in New York City led to “people lingering for hours, sometimes drinking and doing drugs and, at times, boldly watching pornography on the sidewalks…” (Question: Do you think people can be paid to do such things?… do you think agents can be made to do such things?… This is called "the coerced-work-system-is-the-shadow-global-state"… This is called "they have all of us in their pocket when they manufacture 'scarcity'…" When we have to go to a Keeper to eat… that's Fascism folks… The global-state-statesmen are amassing 'power' to realize a vision that they have…) – so the free Internet access was shut down. Once you accept the reality of a crafted world… using resources hoarded for the purpose of making happen what you want to happen so the Few can remain ever 'on top' and 'in control'… once you see this: the motive… means… and mission… you see them… the 'power'-guys… And you see how easily… until we see them… we get played… because we're atomized and can see only to the next bill that needs to be paid… and they are organized and have the full global picture… and where they're going… ever before their eyes…Repeatedly we have been told by the ancestors – particularly by Proudhon and Kropotkin… - that the true wealth is Association… not only because in association we share the suppressed truths that free us – freeing first our minds and then our bodies… – but because freedom is the only wealth that means anything… that feeds the soul… allows us to feed each other… and so continuously re-seeds freedom… so… without each other… we can't get free of the deeply-soul-lost… highly-organized… Tribe of Plato. Prince was sent to bring the love being suppressed in the world (Prince came with work to do. There is a sign on my car and on the back of the book Waking Up: Freeing Ourselves From Work: "No one else can tell you what work you're here to do…" - a useful summary of the solution and the problem: other people have been telling us what our work is… and that is a recipe for Fascism… when they have hoarded all the resources for themselves… - that is not just a recipe… that is Fascism…) he wasn't very far along with this assignment before the 'power'-guys butted up against him… They understood why he was such a threat… though it was a bit before he did… I suspect… it was precisely because he was not talking violence-bitterness-and-grievance… but rather because he was talking love… he was asking “what unifies us?”… and because he was talking to the next generation… talking to youth… and the 'power'-guys knew… if he grabbed them… the children… then he would have taken from them the future they'd planned on: their intended unshakable hand of Totalitarianism… what we now understand is that facing 'power's hidden-hand is facing “Socrates' Dilemma”… i.e.… the difficulty of reaching those most in need of the prophesy… the prophesy that we are here to be free… to love one another and establish a world of peace… mutual help… and harmony - all of which require the absence of coercion…
We turn to our prophets because we see our lost selves in them… each one of us has exactly that same power… so imagine if every single one of us manifested power to the degree that he manifests it… that would mean the end… of this system… So it is now our challenge to begin understanding what authentic power means… what our true selves actually are - how to turn away from the voice of Authority when we've been indoctrinated… conditioned… from infancy… to believe that that's all we can do… all we can be… that those are the only possibilities - the ones 'power' offers us - we've been conditioned to think exist… Each one of us can consider now… given the particular life that you are living… consider how to manifest your power in this moment… because to take on this challenge… - "affairs have become soul-size…" as Christopher Fry said… taking on a challenge that is 'soul-size will exponentially accelerate your process of reclaiming your 'self' right now… because you are challenging the entire game that has led to our suppression as a global humanity… So to consider this moment is to deeply ponder… given your particular circumstances… what you can do to end this nightmare of global totalitarianism… because it's here… they are moving fast to apply that shoulder-lock and fix us in place… have no intention (or ability…) to turn back… So… each One of us must do what must be done to confront the bully-Daddy-State… you will know you are on the right track when you experience your first EMF-blast – dancing to Prince while you're at it: “Shake! You gotta shake somethin'”… – if each one of us… as individual Ones… though we be a single tribe… (…a single tribe - and I've been thinking about… last week we played "The Rainbow Children" (the first song on the CD…) and he talks about needing a new nation… and that's how I think of our tribe of individual 'Ones'… not a tribe of folks who subsume their individuality to some false… 'global-state ' idol… 'power'… but rather who discover true power within themselves… each one… Individual self-sufficiency… continuous growth… is the foundation of our Association - we all have to be 'big' to form our Tribe of Unified Ones…) though we be a single tribe we are also individual Ones… and when we act in this moment… we will shake off the hand of 'power' for-Ever… We can spread the word… speak out loud… share… the suppressed truths of 'live-love': "we are not workers… we are human beings… meant to be free… to help each other get so and keep so…" we can say… "We are not 'hands' for 'power' or 'subjects' of states…" or tweet: "May 1 Day Global Work Strike" …or "Prince killed with EMF…" and reference this radio show or the 'Blog' page as the place to go for more information… or delve into Nikola Tesla's particle beam weapon… or… maybe 'Prince parties" where we discuss what it means to 'live-love'…
The power of One: “Release It!” – It really doesn't matter what anyone else does… the power of One releases the power of All… because we're all connected… and this is how we re-energize… re-vitalize… each other (Prince is clearly trying to help us do this: find our voices… listen to our inner voice and send it out into the world for our Brothers and Sisters to hear…) The solution according to Prince is truly living-loving (one word… and although the 'sexy' part of it is central… because respect for and honoring the body is key… it needs to be discussed… I think… among us… (…because this is one of those… points… guaranteed… that 'power' will try to use against us… it's what they do… - points of potential vulnerability to 'power's tactic of infiltration and undermining… I mentioned to my son yesterday that the moment these 'power'-guys heard a Sister in Tahir Square say… during the Egyptian Revolution… that it was the first time she walked the streets with her Brothers and felt safe… felt loved… and that's the kind of love Prince is talking about… The 'power'-guys no sooner heard that than they sent their agents out to assault women… This is what they do and we have to be prepared for this… No coercion… as we've said… is at the heart of all we do… that requires a lot of discussion with our Brothers and Sisters… why don't we test the theory… which is a method… a strategy… and a 'way-of-being'… 'wholism'… 'live-love'… For inspiration let's listen to the man himself… I've posted the following two brief excerpts of an 1998 interview with him to the audio pages for these shows:
Prince is able to capture feeling – the feelings of authentic experiences – in sound… what does this mean for our healing?… for our confrontation with the abuse of 'class'?… for our confrontation with a lot of feelings that have been suppressed… for our understanding it authentically… and waking up? This feels true: Prince feels for us… captures lived… authentic… experience in sound… and plays it back to us… to help us remember… what that felt like… he honors what the body says… what the body feels… he honors our experience in our bodies… He listens… and we've been trained not to… So he's had to model this for us… Never got much thanks for that, did he?… the huge gift he was sent here to give… Prince's work of explanation of his method… "The Rainbow Children"… cannot but help us with the questions we've raised today… I suspect… we shall have to see… that in creating it Prince is inviting us into a mystery… where echoes meet echoes in the Great Hall of the Communal Mind… “The Rainbow Children”: my son tells me there's no point trying to interpret the story until we've listened to all of it… so I'll just post lyrics as we go… with each show…
(Even though I only had that one album - Purple Rain - that one small group of songs to represent for Prince for thirty years… I realized recently that I never really listened to it… that the lyrics are really quite prophetic and cryptic… and I wonder if anyone asked him about them… because in my case I just danced to them… I didn't think… and that is a testament to the power of 'power's conditioning of us… its conditioning of us not to think… at all… And I'm gonna continuously encourage folk to not let them get away with murdering Prince. I mean it's such an obvious murder right?… keeping his body on hold for hours until they could bring in a guy who has these prescription drugs on him… from L.A.… before they called the police… - it could not be more obvious that there has been suppression of a murder here… and a murder-in-the-making for decades… You can live with a continuous EMF assault… it does wear you down however… and it does kill you… in various ways… depending on the intensity of the wave… the type of wave… the particular frequency and the type of EMF… They've been playing with this forever [it seems…] - it's their obsession: figuring out how to kill us secretly. This is their preoccupation. Our preoccupation is love… and making that live in the world… As Prince has said "love must rule us all…" - and not he alone says this… all the prophets of 'class' have that same message… So please keep pressuring… to whatever degree you can… for exposure of the truth around the circumstances of Prince's murder…)
Popper: “…When reading Thucydides we must never forget that his heart was not with Athens, his native city. Although he apparently did not belong to the extreme wing of the Athenian oligarchic clubs who conspired through the war with the enemy, he was certainly a member of the oligarchic party, and a friend neither of the Athenian people, the demos, who had exiled him, nor of its imperialist policy. (I do not intend to belittle Thucydides, the greatest historian, perhaps, who ever lived. But however successful he was in making sure of the facts he records, and however sincere his efforts to be impartial, his comments and moral judgements represent an interpretation, a point of view; and in this we need not agree with him.…) Thucydides writes: “Certain Athenians were privately making overtures to them” (i.e. to the Spartans) “in the hope that they would put an end to the democracy, and to the building of the Long Walls. But the other Athenians… suspected their design against democracy.” The loyal Athenian citizens therefore went out to meet the Spartans, but were defeated… “Nearly the whole Hellenic world,” writes Thucydides, “was in commotion. In every city, the leaders of the democratic and of the oligarchic parties were trying hard, the one to bring in the Athenians, the other the Lacedaemonians… The tie of party was stronger than the tie of blood… The leaders on either side used specious names, the one party professing to uphold the constitutional equality of the many, the other the wisdom of the nobility; in reality they made the public interest their price, professing, of course, their devotion to it. They used any conceivable means for getting the better of one another, and committed the most monstrous crimes… [I suspect that it is by reference to illustrations such as this of the amorality of 'rule'… that the present would-be gods justify their own monstrous crimes… – P.S.] This revolution gave birth to every form of wickedness in Hellas… Everywhere prevailed an attitude of perfidious antagonism. There was no word binding enough, no oath terrible enough, to reconcile enemies. Each man was strong only in the conviction that nothing was secure.” […Spartan methods] were dominated by the ultimate aim that dominated [its'] policy, by its attempt to arrest all change and to return to tribalism. (This is impossible, as I shall contend later on. Innocence once lost cannot be regained, and an artificially arrested closed society, or a cultivated tribalism…” [and here we must keep in mind that what he's talking about is the attempt of a self-organized band of 'rulers' – the contemporary iteration of which are the Plato's Tribesmen – to artificially impose 'tribalism' – which is what a society of rigid fixed 'class' divisions is an expression of… i.e. everyone confines their identity to 'their' narrow group… while the Plato's Tribesmen… it just so works out… remain forever on 'top': everyone 'plays their position' and is (artificially… because they are told they are… from infancy…) 'happy'… – the society is closed to change… to new ideas… to thought… to growth… – P.S.]”
Prince: “…But how can we explain the fact that outstanding Athenians like Thucydides stood on the side of reaction against these new developments? Class interest is, I believe, an insufficient explanation; for what we have to explain is the fact that, while many of the ambitious young nobles became active, although not always reliable, members of the democratic party, some of the most thoughtful and gifted resisted its attraction. The main point seems to be that although the open society was already in existence, although it had, in practice, begun to develop new values, new equalitarian standards of life, there was still something missing, especially for the 'educated'. The new faith of the open society, its only possible faith, humanitarianism, was beginning to assert itself, but was not yet formulated. For the time being, one could not see much more than class war, the democrats' fear off the oligarchic reaction, and the threat of further revolutionary developments. (and hasn't that always been the case: that those who 'rule' use violence… stimulated by themselves… to coerce us into accepting their terms… which is 'rigid… fixed… "class" divisions… the closed society… So folks couldn't see much further beyond this continuous violence… created by the 'power-guys'…)” We began our 'compare and contrast' into the origins of 'class'-as-a-system side-track into Karl Popper because Proudhon is… it seems to me… locating it in some almost necessary historical process that led to a 'mind - body' split… associated with what is called the 'Western'-bend of human society (under 'class'…) He's laying blame for the 'moral evils' it generates at the feet of the human's (under 'class'…) 'power of reflection…' He will be qualifying this by describing it as a "power of reflection put initially at odds with 'instinct' (our bodies…) until the thought-process moves beyond this first step and continues to grow. We have been arguing (with Alice…) that fear in infants that comes from being confronted with a 'reality' that denies the truth they were born with - that we are all One - and… viscerally… from being forced to obey… which freezes the thought-process in place… and also (with Emily…) that "the Outer from the Inner Derives its Magnitude…" or… 'power' makes 'society' in its own image… i.e.… based on the contours of its own poor soul… its frozen thought-process… We will be returning to Proudhon after a our long digression into the heart of the malaise… or the misconception… or the 'moral evil' called 'class' – contemporary illustrations of this truth being too numerous to count let's let the glaring insanity of the murder of our great global treasure in our movement to freedom – Prince – out of the fear and the hatred of love… on the part of those who lust for 'rule'… stand for all of them…
For our September 25, 2016 Show:
Prince: “……what you watch and what you listen to becomes part of your fiber… turns into you… and I think it's important that we start to have some sort of censorship… we've turned that word into a bad word but it's really… you know we're kind of jacking our kids' brains up… we need to start to examine the stuff a little bit more closely… turn the TV off just like for a week… what if we just shut down for a week and everybody had to find stuff to do… and then we'd really have Y2K huh? [Asked if this philosophy carries over into the arena of new music coming out… he replies:] Well I'm not one to judge but I think we have to look at how things stack up to the truth……” [From a 1998 interview…]
Our September 25, 2016 Show:
Prince… like the 'power'-guys… though on the flip side to them… is very concerned about what goes into the heads of the children… because they are literally 'the future'… and… from 'power's perspective… if you can get them to believe… of what they're born into… that "there is no alternative"… then you have cemented that future in place… So… we're going to have to loosen that hold that 'power' has over our minds and the minds of our children… My son and I were discussing metaphors for 'power' recently - comparing 'the vampire' and 'the Mr. Smith virus 'with one that Prince uses: 'the spider'… and the spider web… and my son thought that the advantage of the first two is that they capture the truth that you don't know that it's happening to you… that you are being absorbed… but that… if you fly into a spider's web you immediately know it and you struggle to get out… but then we thought… what if you're born into that web?… then it's a different matter isn't it?… and then… if everyone is telling you that this discomfort you feel is "just the way it is…" advises you to seek psychiatric help because you can't seem to move freely in this medium… and you're asking "what is going on?"… and everybody ignores you… then that might make it a better metaphor than we first thought…
'The truth'… love… freedom… caring for one another… asking what unifies us as a global humanity - Prince was able to go to the heart of the dilemma of our being trapped 'subjects' under 'class' because he had freed himself from both material and psychic insecurity. His gifts allowed him to possess an authentic allegiance… and so an authentic intelligence (and an independent thought-process produces the same result in answer to the question: "Why are we still not free?…") he was completely aware that he owed no state for them and that to keep them… his gifts… he must remain true to their source: universal energy… universal love… the eternal - that the state comes down on your ass for that is a problem that's only solved when we have each other's back… To the child who arrives and does not see his or her body's truth reflected in the world around her… a profound fear… we have said… begins to settle into him: "what is true and what isn't? If expressing my true feelings causes my parents to turn away from me… I am lost… and if my parents force me to suppress my true feelings… then I am lost…" The child can't move… his feelings and thoughts are frozen… for whatever she chooses… she loses… or so it seems - loses either the love of the false world constructed around him… or loses his place in eternity… his true connections and sources of power… and ultimately… her unique gifts… ("the values we want her to have…") I'm stuck on that phrase as I read it because… I mean… she's talking about emotions and a thought-process that her child 'must' have: "love for her community…" - what if 'her community' doesn't love her?… Unless we allow our children to experience the world on their own terms… and form their own thoughts (this was the battle Prince was fighting… apparently alone…) their own impressions… trust their own feelings… then… unconsciously… they are lost… they are asking: "What am I here for?… you've done all my thinking for me… you've thought through the whole thing… and I'm just here to be a robot… and… dutifully regurgitate the thoughts you give me to think… - P.S.]…
I feel such a sense of urgency about this (the sanctity of two-year-old psychic spaces…) - no judgement however… I've been there… As I said to my son recently… if it were not for the gift of being able to hang out with two-year-olds at the 'Tot-lot' when my grandson was two… I might not have seen this myself… We are so conditioned to dismiss babies and infants… to look at them as 'blank sheets' or 'lumps of clay' that we can just pound into any shape we want… when they are 'truth' embodied… they are links to the eternal… they come with the truth to share with us… and it is urgent that we start listening… that we start devoting time to being with them on their own terms… silently… letting them teach us…
So if the individual is the basic unit of 'political' organization… what do we do together as we determine to get there?… to let Freedom have now its chance to live… Authority - we are so through with Authority… we've given it thousands and thousands of years… we want our Freedom back… please?… My hope is that we 'composite' our individual analyses of what resources are needed on our 'Global Days of Freedom Planning"… our One-Day Global General Work Stoppages… planning that eventually carries over to our Life of Freedom… our world of re-claimed global humanity… based in non-coercion…To begin with we'll need outdoor places to gather… food to share… comfort… music… joyousness and dance thought about in advance… (although we shall have to factor in 'power's theft of Nikola Tesla's weapon (I hope people are 'googling' "Nikola Tesla's particle beam weapon…" This is really really important. I've noticed more and more articles in the New York Times about the automotive company 'Tesla'… there's been a whole flood of them… Let's get our flood going: "Nikola Tesla's particle beam weapon…" - and while we're at it… his knowledge of how to make rain available wherever it's needed… Nikola Tesla has a whole slew of inventions he created for us to be free… which 'power' has suppressed to keep us in slavery… So we're going to have to push back hard right now… because they have the 'lock-down-in-slavery' thing well under way. We do not want to continue this mess. We want to live 'Big' like Prince… I so love this man… there's no one like him… I'm just am completely floored… and… dismayed with myself… for not knowing… it's just unaccountable to me… My son says 'stop saying it…' But… how could some one so 'big'… on the same path as me… doing the same work as me… using different tools to be sure… slightly different strategy… perhaps… I'm still exploring it… - side-by-side tracks never cross… Anyway…
Still no mention about the results of the police investigation into the murder of Prince… which we know has to be very very telling… as well as no word about the full results of the autopsy… Perhaps folk more local have received more information and it just hasn't reached the New York Times… if so… I hope somebody will clue me in… otherwise we'll just have to keep mentioning the radio show of August 14, 2016 in which we learned that Henry Kissinger himself (twenty or so years after the fact) addressed the question of EMF bombardment of the US Embassy in Moscow in the fifties… acknowledging its potentially lethal and definitively physiologically damaging effects… i.e.… acknowledging the possession and use of Nikola Tesla's particle beam weapon among the 'super-powers' - the global-state-statesmen. Henry!… your original memo was in 1976… its time to issue a new one to the people of the world alerting us to the dangers from attacking people with EFM weapons… [The juxtaposition between 'us'… frozen in a moment at age two or three… and we stuck in someone else's dream… century after century… stuck in their story of Abandonment and Loss… stuck in the lie that there must be a divide… within us… and without - …The Outer from the Inner Derives its Magnitude… allows us to understand the significance of our dictum: "the individual must be the basic unit of 'political' organization… in the Freedom… and in the transition to it…" We revere our prophets (who necessarily are prophets of 'class'…) because they model this for us… show us what we must do and be… to end 'power'… for Ever.…- P.S.](I hope folks are able to follow this digression within a digression within a digression… because one thought led to another. In order to unpack and understand and challenge Proudhon's argument that we can see the origins of 'class' (or 'power' … the lust for 'rule'…) in the human's 'power of reflection'… we brought in Karl Popper to provide some of the historical context… Popper… because he felt he could not brush off as simple propaganda what he considered to be Plato's sincere concern to help the rulers (particularly of Athens) find some way out of their incessant mutual rending of each other… went to some trouble to explain the social context for Plato's concern. So Popper wanted to explain the context in which Plato arose… And it occurred to me that Alice Miller (particularly) and Proudhon are better equipped to explain Plato… and what happens to the individual's thought-process when exposed to the kind of turbulence that Alice describes for us that happens to the two- and three-year old when they are not respected… and when violence and coercion is imposed on them.…
Popper: “In view of all this [Popper's demonstration that Plato's definitions of 'justice' and 'happiness' are totalitarian], it seems to be a consistent and hardly refutable interpretation of the material to present Plato as a totalitarian party-politician, unsuccessful in his immediate and practical undertakings, but in the long run only too successful in his propaganda for the arrest and overthrow of a civilization which he hated. But one only has to put the matter in this blunt fashion in order to feel that there is something seriously amiss with this interpretation… I therefore began to search for evidence which would refute this interpretation.… The new material made the identity between Platonism and totalitarianism only the more manifest.… In the light of my new interpretation, it appears to me that Plato's declaration of his wish to make the state and its citizens happy is not merely propaganda. I am ready to grant his fundamental benevolence. ['Benevolent'… defined as: “well-meaning and kindly… from the Latin 'bene' 'well' and 'velle' 'to wish'… is a subjective judgment… and 'kindly' might be stretched to fit in its old usage of 'courteous'. Popper has appended a note (at the back – page 293…) to his formulation that reads: “In my story there should be 'no villains… Crime is not interesting… It is what men do at their best, with good intentions… that really concerns us', I have tried as far as possible to apply this methodological principle to my interpretation of Plato.” [With Alice's elucidation of the psychological dynamics at work kept in view… we can see that what he terms Shaw's 'method' reads very like the psychological dynamics that Alice warns us are a soul-trap… in which the child tries to 'understand' the parent… To want one's parent to be happy is not 'benevolence'… it may well be the root of the malaise of 'class'… and all the twisted horrors it bore (But… as Prince is demonstrating… as Prince and his Rainbow Children are demonstrating and will demonstrate… it can also be the source of the solution to ending 'class'… and I hope we can think more about this… Is this a third possible path in our response to 'class' (to his or her parent's dilemma of suppressed rage…) when we're two or three… does it explain how prophets came among us?… to want one's parent to be happy… perhaps… can also be the source of the solution to ending 'class'… it may be so on a deep… if not deepest… level… Let's think about it.
(And by 'third path'… away from the horror of generalized unhappiness that we perceive when we arrive… eventually… and perhaps comes to a head around age two… Alice Miller says that it's a mistake when the child begins to try to 'get on the same side' with the parent… and we've argued that that is in fact 'getting on the same side with the state'… but… in the case of a very insightful… or… what's the right word?… a very deep-seeing child… who may in fact see beneath the facade that the parent presents… for some reason or other… to the heart of the matter… then… is it possible to get on the side of the parent's suppressed true self?…) Alice Miller: “This is an example of the unrelenting, tragic nature of the unconscious compulsion to repeat. Its positive function must not be overlooked, however. Would it not be much worse if the parents' pedagogical aims were fully realized and it were possible successfully and irreversibly to murder the child's soul without this ever coming to public attention?… Repetition is the language used by a child who has remained dumb, his only means of expressing himself. A dumb child needs a particularly emphatic partner if he is to be understood at all. Speech, on the other hand, is often used less to express genuine feelings and thoughts than to hide, veil, or deny them, and thus to express the false self. And so there often are long periods in our work with our patients during which we are dependent on their compulsion to repeat – for this repetition is then the only manifestation of their true self [and it may be that the baby and the infant accurately… like Alice herself… perceives and understands that the repetition of the compulsion is the 'true self' speaking… You know… we've been so misled about what the baby and infant is… they are completely brilliant… - P.S.]. It lays the basis for the transference, and also for the whole mise en scene of the patient's field of interaction, which in the literature is described as acting out and is often met with mistrust.”… [forgiveness comes with adequate consciousness… to be sure (I know that children are often encouraged to 'understand' the parent as an expression of some higher good or benevolence on the child's part… told they are a more 'noble' person for doing so… Alice has shown us that that is in fact a lie… Rather… doing that is just continuing to suppress one's authentic rage at one's experience of being treated abusively… So… no… it is not authentic 'forgiveness' when one doesn't understand what's going on in reality… when one doesn't have the right story…)… but 'understanding' those who hurt us… is but a steamer trunk to one going under… – P.S.]
For our October 2, 2016 Show:
Prince: “…ultimately I think the music just shows that we're just all one people… and we don't deal in the divisions… we're just one big party… [Asked how he holds onto his passion… he replies:] Every day I think of as a new beginning… and I've been blessed enough to have some of the most incredible musicians in the world in each of my bands… [Asked about the importance of artists reclaiming the art from the industry:] …of course [the music industry] wouldn't change [reconsider restrictive contracts] because if they changed they wouldn't really exist… and that's kind of the situation we're in right today… they're not going to exist much longer… Kids today… they're so talented and sophisticated… they can create their albums on laptops… they can do the artwork themselves… they can deliver it through the Internet… they can be their own distribution service… I mean what do we really need record companies for… I mean really?… [Asked if he was optimistic about the future of humanity… he replied:] Absolutely… anytime you get people like this together and you just sit down and you talk about things… what we all seem to come up with is that we all are one people… A lot of [the divisions] are taught to us… and I think it's taught to us for a reason… because ultimately it keeps us apart… and it keeps the people in power in charge of us… So ultimately we're going to have to learn how to be together and become one people…” [From a 2004 interview…]
Our October 2, 2016 Show:
'The work' before us is making a world fit for all of us… a world that is matched with… and matches… our gifts from the Eternal… the 'all of it'… Prince saw this decades ago… and… trust… 'power' saw him… and tried to move a mountain onto this man… to stop him… punished him harder with EMF than I've yet to experience… and I've been hit hard… nonetheless… he carried this work far forward… and alone… he had no help that I can see from us… received small thanks or acknowledgement for it… largely because we didn't even know about it… most of us… because his work… why he came amongst us… has been suppressed… because to listen to Prince is to have to think authentically - the more so the deeper you go… when he says things that we know are true but no one else is saying them… we have to ask ourselves why is no one else saying them?… when he puts his finger on what's missing… that which we feel in our hearts: joy… love… peace… and freedom - all without any need for coercion to bring forth - we have to ask 'why is it missing?'… and to hone this analysis into a political strategy: this should have been discussed by us… I mean… truly… he gave us astute political analysis and strategy with the words: "when the elevator tries to bring you down… go crazy… punch a higher floor…" We should have jumped all over it - and we would have were it not for 'Socrates' Dilemma' and the 'power'-guys concerted efforts at suppression… - we might have been able to protect him from the swarm of agents they put around him (w included…) - because until you've had considerable experience with their tactics against us… you don't question what people present themselves as… (and anyone who doesn't think we've been lulled to sleep should consider the phrase that issues from the state: 'our enemies'… Have you traveled to other lands… and… if so… did you ever encounter such a thing in them? (If I have anything like 'enemies' it might be these 'neighbors' helping the state blast me with EMF… and I wouldn't want to preserve a 'weapons arsenal' to use against them… I would want… and do want… we of like-mind-stayed-on-freedom to create the conditions that would release them from coerced-work and guarantee for all of us a Freedom free of fear and all coercion…) The statesmen pretend to battle with each other to keep us in harness… The global 'power'-guys… the ten thousand who see us as but fuel to run their Plato-derived-'class'-fixity-forever machine… realize their dream of riding us like an unassailable ship on a tamed ocean… they… superciliously… we… wearing our humble smile of permanent gratitude… but the moment enough of us… committed to a future in which All grow their gifts without limits… in good fellowship… supporting each other…
Nikola Tesla: “In the middle of June, while preparations for other work were going on, I arranged one of my receiving transformers [Quoting from my electrical apprenticeship class notes: A transformer is an electro-magnetic device that transfers electrical energy from one circuit to another through mutual inductance… The circuit connected to the source (of energy) is called the 'primary'… and the circuit connected to the load (in Nikola's story a recording device…) is called the 'secondary'… Transformers are used to 'step' voltages up or down… and this can be done because it's made of coils of wire around a magnetic material (called the 'core'…) and the induced voltage changes proportionally with the number of turns or 'windings' of the wire - so the ratio of windings from the primary to the secondary allows Nikola to decrease the voltage and so measure voltage fluctuations more easily… - P.S.] I arranged one of my receiving transformers with the view of determining in a novel manner, experimentally, the electric potential of the globe and studying its periodic and casual fluctuations… The earth was found to be, literally, alive with electrical vibrations, and soon I was deeply absorbed in this interesting investigation. No better opportunities for such observations as I intended to make could be found anywhere. Colorado is a country famous for the natural displays of electric force. In that dry and rarified atmosphere the sun's rays beat the objects with fierce intensity. Aided by the dryness and rarefaction of the air, the water evaporates as in a boiler, and static electricity is developed in abundance. Lightning discharges are, accordingly, very frequent and sometimes of inconceivable violence. On one occasion approximately twelve thousand discharges occurred in two hours, and all in a radius of of certainly less than fifty kilometers [thirty-one miles] from the laboratory. Many of them resembled gigantic trees of fire with the trunks up or down. I never saw fire balls, but as a compensation for my disappointment I succeeded later in determining the mode of their formation and producing them artificially…”
Nikola Tesla: "In the latter part of the same month I noticed several times that my instruments were affected stronger by discharges taking place at great distances than by those near by. This puzzled me very much. What was the cause?… Not only was it practicable to send telegraphic messages to any distance without wires, as I recognized long ago, but also to impress upon the entire globe the faint modulations of the human voice, far more still, to transmit power, in unlimited amounts, to any terrestrial distance and almost without any loss. With these stupendous possibilities in sight, with the experimental evidence before me that their realization was henceforth merely a question of expert knowledge, patience and skill, I attacked vigorously the development of my magnifying transmitter, now, however, not so much with the original intention of producing one of great power, as with the object of learning how to construct the best one. This is, essentially, a circuit of very high self-induction and small resistance which in its arrangement, mode of excitation and action, may be said to be the diametrical opposite of a transmitting circuit typical of telegraphy by Hertzian or electromagnetic radiations. It is difficult to form an adequate idea of the marvelous power of this unique appliance, by the aid of which the globe will be transfor" Margaret Cheney: "The eminent Yugoslav physicist, Dr. Aleksandar Marincic, points out that today when we have proof of the Earth's resonant modes and know that certain waves can propagate with so little attenuation that standing waves can be set up in the earth-ionosphere system, "we can judge how right Tesla was when he said that the mechanism of electromagnetic wave propagation in 'his system' was not the same as Hertz's system with collimated radiation." In his introduction to Tesla's Colorado Springs Notes, Dr. Marincic observes that the scientist could not, however have known "that the phenomena he was talking about would only become pronounced at very low frequencies"; and he surmises that further study of Tesla's writings "will reveal some interesting details of his ideas in this field." The diary especially throws light on his part in the development of radio, and there is no longer a question of his mastery of wireless transmission as early as 1893." (Man Out Of Time…)"[The theft of Nikola Tesla's research papers and notes… which… when we include within this act 'under-false-pretenses-gotten'… and when we consider Nikola's sudden and increasing secretiveness about his work beginning in the 1920s and continuing thereafter… the theft likely began well before his death in 1943… when all his remaining papers were removed from his apartment… disappeared… we may be certain… into the hands of the global-statesmen… this theft meant his work could not be replicated outside of the research laboratories of the global-state… The duplicity of the 'power'-guys is not something we-of-good-heart are equipped to deal with… which is why we have to simply end this system… we have the means…]
I've thought a lot about how the Fates have brought together me… Prince… and Nikola Tesla… how the love Nikola felt for all of us… along with the inspiration he emerged from the Eternal with… led him to create amazing inventions he conceived to make our lives easier… but which… in the wrong hands… were used to kill Prince… a man who shared Nikola's love for all of us… and who also came with amazing gifts and inspiration from the Eternal to help him with his mission: to turn our faces away from the 'power'-besotted… the very ones from whom Nikola's tools must be now wrested… and to joy… peace… freedom… and love… Let's not forget what the fierce assault on Prince shows us: that love itself is a 'national security threat' to the shadow 'global-statesmen'… which… from their perspective… must be eradicated… Prince tried… his life-long… to pull our eyes to him from the 'power'-guys… it's time to hear the guitar play… to hear his counsel… and to finally give it our response…The more I hear this collection… the more it seems to me… he's raising in this piece all the questions we need to get clear on… to move on… to being free… The sum total of the words of our prophets of 'class'… across all the boxes 'power' tries to put them in… is this: we are all one… many nations… one blood…
I hope every week to find that the pressure of our questions as to what really caused the death of Prince will force the release of some further statement… and until that happens I continue to encourage folks to demand the full autopsy and police investigation findings… There is absolutely no doubt that they fabricated the 'cause of death' for the 'official' consumption of us… The more we listen to and learn about him… the less we're able to be manipulated by these lies… No matter how carefully he tried to establish clearly to all of us that he didn't allow drugs in or around him - no one ever saw him take any… no one I'm sure except an agent. Right after the murder I read that Arsenio Hall sued Sinead O'Connor for claiming he provided drugs to Prince - lying on him… along with the 'story' being boosted up by the 'power'-fed media… screams "this is an agent…" - never doubt the 'power'-guys hoped to have nobody around him but false folks… (Much as we would like to think we can detect falseness in others… the reality is… we can't…) This is the world we got… with hidden-'power'-guys planning for Fascism for some time - they can call it 'totalitarianism'… they can call it 'Plato's Dream'… but if we are forced to obey or get blasted with EMF weapons… or murdered in some other way… and if we are not allowed access to alternative views… that's Fascism… There is no 'consent' of 'the governed' when dissent is eliminated… This is obvious - we got Fascism… we need to take this seriously. It isn't just this country… it is a global system of 'power'… I've been struggling… - like Henry Kissinger… you might want to revisit the radio show of August 14, 2016 during which we read his 'memo' about the blasting of the U.S. Embassy in Moscow with electro-magnetic force energy and its lethal effects… - and I'm really hoping we have folk… in addition to folks pressuring about the murder of Prince… we have folks who can 'whistle-blow' a bit if only by sharing their expert knowledge as to what exactly these guys are doing with Nikola's work… more precise information about the delivery of this pain… how exactly is it done?… The more knowledgable we become… added to pressure on the state to reveal what it is doing… what it has… the less able they are to continue the practice… the more the state is de-legitimized… the more our future is realized… bit by bit… although… when these 'power'-guys have to cop to what they've been doing… it ain't no more about 'bit-by-bit'… it's "we're in it… it has flipped…" and it's going to happen that suddenly because Freedom's gonna taste too good to want to go back… and once it's known that the state has been clandestinely killing 'its' own 'citizens'… we don't go back… at that moment we are looking at each other and saying: "OK I know how to organize this…" "I know how to organize that…" (True wealth… uncoerced energy…) "We'll start local… we'll connect our resources globally… This is gonna be fun…"
Proudhon: “The mother of poverty, crime, insurrection, and war was inequality of conditions, which was the daughter of property, which was born of selfishness, which was engendered by private opinion, which descended in a direct line from the autocracy of reason. Man, in his infancy, is neither criminal nor barbarous, but ignorant and inexperienced [I'm arguing that we didn't start out that way… ignorant… but that 'class'… the form of non-society called 'rule'… 'hierarchy'… makes us so… to keep us so… – P.S.]. Endowed with imperious instincts…” [once again… we are reminded to thank Alice… among other things for the insight that we do not question that which is a continuation of childhood… and… again… we must insist… that the 'class'-bound human is not definitive of what 'the human' is… We are not just 'more than this'… we are 'not this'… The contagion of fear of The Few… though it took millennia to… has infected the world… and the world must work together… to end the sickness… and reclaim our true endowment as humans… in which I do not see 'Imperious'… – P.S.] Kropotkin: “For thousands of years in succession, to grow one's food was the burden, almost the curse of mankind. But it need be so no more. If you make yourselves the soil, and partly the temperature and the moisture which each crop requires, you will see that to grow the yearly food of a family, under rational conditions of culture, requires so little labour that it might almost be done as a mere change from other pursuits. If you return to the soil, and co-operate with your neighbors instead of erecting high walls to conceal yourself from their looks; if you utilise what experiment has already taught us, and call to your aid science and technical invention, which never fail to answer to the call – look only at what they have done for warfare – you will be astonished at the facility with which you can bring a rich and varied food out of the soil. You will admire the amount of sound knowledge which your children will acquire by your side, the rapid growth of their intelligence, and the facility with which they will grasp the laws of Nature, animate and inanimate…”
For our October 9, 2016 Show:
Prince: “…[Asked about how much music he has in his Vault… and what he plans on doing with it…] Hmm… tryin' to see if you fit the profile of a bootlegger… I'm a keep an eye on him… We actually have a few vaults now because I record so much… [Asked to confirm he gets very little sleep…] Yeah… I'm in rehab now though - studio-rehab… better clarify that…” [From a 1998 interview…]
Our October 9, 2016 Show [Our "Justice for Prince and Proudhon Reading" segment planned for today has to be postponed until next week as the recorder suddenly stopped working when we got to this segment… - P.S.]
So while it may seem that our conversion into extensions of machines… into objects-not-ourselves… tools that do work for the 'Proprietor'… - while it may seem to us a recent phenomenon… Zora knew otherwise… When Prince arrived… sent on his mission to us… it was to ascertain and assess… the extent of the problem… and he discovered… that conditions for freedom… for heart… for life… for love… are critical… Prince was here to show us the true way of love… but even more specifically… he was here for Unity… to bring us together… Always present in him is the sense of 'East' meets 'West'… and in the mutual inter-twining of hearts… minds… and thighs… an old understanding is re-energized ("a voice in every color sings a song that is so old…" [from the song "7"]) Love brings the feeling of limitless possibilities… it brings the Infinite back into view… the Infinite stolen from us when we were two… in the 'class'-system… with the inculcation of obedience… using the weapon of Force… the opposite of Freedom… What price authentic Freedom (we ask in this space…) which means no bosses of any shape… whether formed up as Loneliness… or fed us as Fear… whether it's the Clock standing over us… Hunger stalking us… or Statesmen screwing us… we want none of it… it's time… for Freedom…
'What price authentic Freedom?… it is incalculable… it is Everything… As with all prophets of 'class' Prince foresaw its end… but it doesn't take much vision to see this – we're all born with our inherent freedom – it just requires paying attention… But there are some among us (and 'power' knows this and looks for them…) who have authentic visions… of that which must be… because in some sense… they've already happened… Zora Neale Hurston: “Even I do not know when the visions began. Certainly I was not more than seven years old, but I remember the first coming very distinctly… So when I left the porch, I left a great deal behind me. I was weighed down with a power I did not want. I had knowledge before its time. I knew my fate. I knew that I would be an orphan and homeless. I knew that while I was still helpless, that the comforting circle of my family would be broken, and that I would have to wander cold and friendless until I had served my time.… I never told anyone around me about these strange things. It was too different. They would laugh me off as a story-teller. Besides, I had a feeling of difference from my fellow men, and I did not want it to be found out. Oh, how I cried out to be just as everybody else! But the voice said No. I must go where I was sent. The weight of the commandment laid heavy and made me moody at times. When I was an ordinary child, with no knowledge of things but the life about me, I was reasonably happy. I would hope that the call would never come again. But even as I hoped I knew that the cup meant for my lips would not pass. I must drink the bitter drink. I studied people all around me, searching for someone to fend it off. But I was told inside myself that there was no one. It gave me a feeling of terrible aloneness. I stood in a world of vanished communion with my kind, which is worse than if it had never been. Nothing is so desolate as a place where life has been and gone. I stood on a soundless island in a tideless sea. Time was to prove the truth of my visions, for one by one they came to pass. As soon as one was fulfilled, it ceased to come. As this happened, I counted them off one by one and took consolation in the fact that one more station was past, thus bringing me nearer the end of my trials…”
Those who seek to control us ad infinitum… control us by keeping us boxed… and separate… so we don't know each other… and so stay so much smaller than we're meant… we are the stuff of the Infinite… Prince knows this… and while he believes this is what unifies us ultimately… once the 'power'-guys started blasting him with EMF… i.e.… a completely hidden… secret… weapon… he had to come to terms with it… he had to 'process' the existence of an organized… hidden… group of guys… which his use – in The Rainbow Children (in the song "Muse To The Pharoah": “when dem devil come Dem devil come dressed as light”…) of the term 'light' suggests the Plato's Tribesmen term for themselves… 'the Illuminati'… which we now see… thanks to Alice Miller's For Your Own Good… is grandiose self-deception… and that actually they represent the 'modern' 'original' of 'the Abandoned Children of Plato'… a fate they have frenetically been attempting to impose on us… in the aftermath and beyond of the French Revolution…) once Prince saw this… he saw that before love can rule us all… the hand of the pretenders to rule must be shaken off… how to do this… became his question… To somehow convince us to tap into true-wealth… its source in the Eternal… became his answer… but I'm beginning to suspect… that within the ultimate mission of bringing about the conditions needed so that love can lead us… or attached to it… or attached to the intermediate mission of getting us past the lies of the 'power' guys (or am I trying to impose a sequence that doesn't exist?…) is a third mission that Prince came with: to return belief in 'the Eternal' to us… to provide us with certainty that there is an 'Afterworld'… that we continue beyond our physical bodies… so that we may have again the courage we are born with… so that we can have each other's backs… How else explain how our magic-man knew so much about that which had not yet been?…
"To fill a Gap… Insert the Thing that caused it - Block it up with Other - and 'twill yawn the more…" - these lines by Emily Dickinson explain why it is that Prince provides the music for our movement to Freedom… authentic Freedom… How do we tap into our (born-with… inherent…) true wealth?… for isn't it only when we repossess ourselves that the magician's trick of 'the system' loses its spell?… or… put alternately… isn't it only when we repossess ourselves that the ancestors provide the gifts we need to help our Brothers and Sisters… and ourselves… get free… If so… what value do we give to these gifts of… and for… Creation?… Prince's Vault provides a good illustration… protecting gifts that help us get free… And what price should be assigned Nikola's inventions (minus his provision of the system of electrical distribution - plus plus many others that were not useful to 'power' as secret weapons… and so reached us - the electrical distribution system we all depend on - I mean they literally hoped - as they fully intend with Prince - to disappear this man… I was taught in elementary school that it is to Edison that we owe our electrical system… Marconi… the radio… Nikola had to take his case to the Supreme Court to correct the latter lie… they keep telling them both anyway…) inventions stolen from him at such tremendous cost to us all? And what price knowledge of the Eternal… the Source… when we know this is what gives us our Freedom?… when we know that this is what leads to our ability to establish Freedom as our expectation of Life when we arrive? My whole life I've been given hints… reminded… that the Infinite exists: the man who came to me on the second anniversary of my father's death (who I wrote about in Waking Up…) Sifu Coleen Gragen standing in the door of the station (though I didn't share this at the time… it was 'too different'…) almost exactly thirty-four years later… that put me on the road (the very next show… on September 27, 2015) of pondering deeply the quality artists manifest when they represent for the 'all-of-it'… for soul-sufficiency - for 'bigness' - that makes them threats to 'power' (…and the fact that I failed to mention Prince in these discussions causes me such grief… now… that I see… the man he is…) 'out of work'… and pondering it… the whole issue of 'work'… Coleen came to me in a dream… It was May Day 2008… and I woke up with a song… which I believe was a gift to me from Coleen… called "Now Is The Time"… and it includes these lines: "Once upon a time I did just what was needed and I laughed… laughed… laughed… at how easy it seemed… once I woke up… and I spoke up… and I found you…" I think I finally found that 'you'…
[A gift from Coleen: “Nowisthetime.mp3”:]
“Now Is The Time…”: “Once upon a time I did just what was needed and I laughed… laughed… laughed… at how easy it seemed… once I woke up… and I spoke up… and I found you…”
Here, according to his experimental results, a great electrical "south pole" was created with a stationary wave that rose and fell in unison with his transmissions from his "north pole" at Colorado Springs. Each time the wave receded, it was reenforced and sent back more powerfully than before to the antipode. Had the Earth been capable of perfect resonance, the results could have been catastrophic, but since it was not, the effect, he believed, was merely to make available at any point on the Earth energy that could be drawn off with a simple piece of equipment. This would include the elements of a radio tuning unit, a ground connection, and a metal rod the height of a house. Nothing more would be needed to absorb household electricity from the waves rushing back and forth between the electrical north and south poles. He did not, however, satisfactorily prove this claim, let alone apply it. Nor has anyone else [that is… we surmise… outside of the misanthropic minds… labs… and minions (who apply his knowledge right in our midst… under our noses…) of those oh-so-secretive 'power'-guys… And it just blows my mind to hear her say this… that with a radio tuning unit… a ground connection… and a metal rod the height of a house - and of course with Nikola's knowledge applied by us… instead of the 'power'-guys - we draw the energy we need free… from the skies… We have to start talking about the possibilities inherent in our repossession of Nikola's gifts to us… - P.S.] One day, working with such currents, he succeeded, to his surprise, in precipitating a dense fog. There was a mist outside, but when he turned on the current the cloud in the laboratory became so dense that he could not see his hand inches in front of his face. From this he concluded that he had made an important discovery. "I am positive in my conviction," he said later, "that we can erect a plant of proper design in an arid region, work it according to certain observations and rules, and by its means draw from the ocean unlimited amounts of water for irrigation and power purposes. If I do not live to carry it out, somebody else will, but I feel sure that I am right." This idea too went into his legacy of unfinished business, and to this date no one has implemented it [Oh some 'ones' have implemented it… but it's still unfinished business until it's we-the-people (globally) working with it… - P.S.] It has been reported by various writers that during his power transmission experiments in Colorado, Tesla succeeded in lighting up a bank of two hundred 50-watt incandescent lamps wirelessly, at a distance of twenty-six miles from his station. In his own writings, however, no such claim was ever made, nor is there other evidence that he did so. What he actually wrote [which to my mind confirms those reports… as he had planned to demonstrate the system he'd designed on an industrial scale… in Canada… before those plans were somehow squashed… - P.S.] "While I have not as yet actually effected a transmission of a considerable amount of energy such as would be of industrial importance, to a great distance by this method," he would write on returning East, "I have operated several model plants under exactly the same conditions which will exist in a large plant of this kind, and the practicability of the system is thoroughly demonstrated."
Part five of “The Rainbow Children” is called "Everywhere” – when we discuss this piece and the larger work we'll be juxtaposing it with “Art Official Age” (2014)… for example the lines: “I woke up in the city in a bit of a rage… Determined 2 free my mind from this art official cage… Tought by tought my teachers taught from an early age… A place in heaven far off in the future… Come on, let's go… Free the people, come on, let's go… Art official, art official cage… Ghettos 2 the left of me, malls 2 the right… Why's my kingdom come only in prayers at night?… What should I expect if I'm not willing 2 fight?… A place in heaven somewhere in the future… Art official, art official… Art official cage… Come on, let's go… Free the people, come on, let's go…” So in discussing “The Rainbow Children” we will also be discussing the trajectory of his growth… as a continuously developing human being… mind stayed on freedom… not for himself alone… which is not in any case a possibility… but for all of us trapped… under 'class'…
Prince interview excerpt For our October 16, 2016 Show:
[The interviewer tells us that Prince has agreed to play only as an accompanist to her… He asks her what she wants to sing… - From a 2004 interview.]
Our October 16, 2016 Show:
The reasoning… or underlying premise… with which I began Waking Up: Freeing Ourselves From Work (the book…) I believe is quite sound: if only a Few have the 'power'… the resources… to 'make reality'… the rest of us are just living in their dream… in their skewed conceptions… In one of the series of interviews with Prince that I've been excerpting from he says that psychic survival for him (my term…) necessitated the creation of his 'own world'… in a sense… into which you enter only by invitation… what he described sounded very much like Emily Dickinson's line: “the soul Selects her own Society…” indeed it does… 'class' demands we create 'safe' psychic and physical spaces if we want to preserve our humanity… and… ideally… hang onto our love. This 'safe space' was exponentially more needed by Prince because he was a target of those closeted 'power'-guys who torture and kill at will… they believe they are entitled to… as 'philosopher-kings'-in-line for the Top Spot… I suppose they would define that as “the most heartless”… You will recall from our reading from Karl Marx's The Eighteen Brumaire that Louis Bonaparte devised a strategy of governing by secret means… which intersected with… as we learned from Alice Miller… the indoctrination of children of the elite into the ways of 'governing-the-state' known as “Poisonous Pedagogy” a.k.a. the inculcation of absolute obedience to Authority… and intrinsic to 'poisonous pedagogy' and the inculcation of obedience – torture inflicted on the infant – is training in the suppression of spontaneous feelings… and within this the essential importance of maintaining secrecy about one's true motives and thoughts… I mention this to make clear that “rule by secret means” is a well-developed centuries-old strategy of the global elite we have been calling 'Plato's Tribe'… because the Republic is their game-plan and rules-book… provides their manual of propaganda plays… raison d'etre… and sense of legitimacy – and because Plato recommended infanticide for those infants deemed 'redundant' (and we are in John Boswell's debt for documenting the practice of child abandonment among the 'privileged 'classes' in Europe from [at least] 'late antiquity'… in his book The Abandonment of Children in Western Europe From Late Antiquity Through the Renaissance…) – for our understanding of which we owe Karl Popper and his monumental work… The Open Society and its Enemies, Volume 1: The Spell of Plato… “Rule by secret means”… one of the tactics involved in this is “agent-surrounding”… linked to “EMF-bombarding”… and I believe that this tactic… indirectly… led Prince to my son and me… and has given us men – Nikola and Prince – too 'big' to be 'not-seen' ("justice for Prince means freedom for all of us…") And if Prince caught the interview there with me and T… and as a result listened afterwards… even if only occasionally… to our show… it would explain… a lot of the off-the-charts agent-attention I got in the years subsequent… if not the EMF bombardment – because that had already started…
"When Feelings Are Not Suppressed in Infants… Love Can Grow in Them… and… With it… Authentic Thought… i.e. Thought Not Subject to the Command of Authority (the State…)"… Prince has a capacity to love… to love despite being in an "Art Official Cage" - where did it come from?… this capacity?… the work… the visions… he was given was to do this… model… and encourage us to manifest… this capacity… Surround this man with false folks – and I'm talking literally paid-agents-for-'power' – because as an organized bunch of small men you perceive the threat presented by his bigness… - and you inflict on Prince a psychic torture… a heart-blow… every bit as horrendous as the physical torture of his body and spirit with EMF… Prince: “…where'd they learn hypnosis?… How'd they keep me under 4 so long?… Break the bread I earn, just keep me far from closest… I need their kind 2 illustrate what's wrong - what's wrong? ("Slave", Emancipation, 1996)” “When it comes 2 love… Why do some men, why do some men turn their backs?… Can't somebody please tell me?… Old, old friends 4 sale… Get'em while the gettin' is hot… But U better watch out, they'll kiss U until they get what U got… And they'll show U the friends that they're not… Old friends 4 sale ("Old Friends 4 Sale," The Vault: Old Friends 4 Sale, 1999)” “Right the wrong… Hear the song… Before long U won't hear nothin' but the crackle of flames… Right the wrong… Hear the song… Would u rather die knowing that u did or keep living in shame?… (Come on, come on, come on)… Did you hear me baby?… Right the wrong… I'm 6 feet in the grave… I'm 6 feet in the grave… Died when he wanted 2 (right the wrong right the wrong) light the life that lives… ("Right the Wrong", Chaos and Disorder, 1996)” We just have to know that EMF and false-folks is 'power's m.o. with whoever they deem 'unneeded' or 'disobedient'… this is clearly what my experience of being targeted with harassment and EMF-blasting… even before I did radio… Done to me… absolutely means that this was done to Prince… for if I was a perceived threat… Prince was… is… exponentially more so…
“Please please tell me what the hell is wrong…” (“Computer Blue”)… In the midst of 'chaos and disorder' a new friend suggested the 'order' offered by Jehovah's Witnesses… and the words of Jesus offered authentic explanation of the unrelenting physical and psychic torture inflicted on him… but they need to be augmented… with what we now know… 'Power's m.o. in 'dealing with a threat… Do we need a guidebook or can we proceed past this Art Official Cage directly to our future?… But here's some of their (previously mentioned…) bits: give him a wife… a job… a friend… They already gave him a wife… and they murdered his baby in addition (I personally don't believe there's much doubt of this… but we need our Miklos' and Nikola's to confirm that a laser-weapon-assault on an in utero skull would or could fuse it…) and that didn't stop him… They couldn't get him a job so they got him a best friend who brought him to Jehovah's Witnesses… and that's the box they intended to bury him in… along with the diminutive 'master of pop…' He was looking for an answer as to why he was here… what he was doing on the planet… why he was being tortured… head-and-heart-hurt for bringing the love… the party… for pointing out that we are here to share joy and pleasure with our Brothers and Sisters… (And even though I… unfortunately… lost my music… my exploration of music… as I explained on an earlier show… when our stuff got stolen… when my son was five… reading Alice Miller brought it into sharp focus: that Prince was at risk… and this realization based only on Purple Rain… the CD and film… the effect that music had on me was hard to explain… although now I'm beginning to understand… But it did require Alice Miller breaking it down for me: why the authentic self… seeing that… seeing someone modeling that… is the biggest threat of all… to the 'power'-guys… the global-statesmen… It was only later that he figured out… and I have to tell you when he mentioned Miles Davis… one among a lot of good-hearted folks who fled the country who I suspect were being targeted… when he mentioned Miles getting in touch with him… I have to wonder… Miles being the elder I am now… and caring about the youth coming up… and who… I've no doubt did follow Prince… could very well see in his lyrics what was happening to him… But however it happened… Prince figured out that it was these 'power'-guys… the U.S.-branch of the global-interstate system… When you got heart… and you start getting hurt by somebody… you want to fight back… and it obviously radicalized him… all but saying in his lyrics: "I am being assaulted with EMF-weapons by an out-of-control state… we got Fascism folks… but he couldn't say that [although in lyrics I just read the day after this show I discovered he in fact had said that: "we got Fascism folks…"] And he also figured out that the hate that was being directed at him was something he needed to see…) In a sense he was searching for a clarity he already had… because his body possessed it: “I need their kind 2 illustrate what's wrong…” – but without support… it's hard to hang onto the body's truth… particularly when an 'agent-surround'… and their manufactured 'reality'… is wearing you down… along with a secret weapon of a global elite that sucks the life out of you… resulting in an EMF-death either slow or fast… depending on type of frequency and its intensity… (…this may be more on-the-money than I knew… I mean it feels like this… like it's sucking the life out of you… and… given what Nikola said about the behavior of the stationary wave… that it acts almost as a pendulum… well… let's get our contemporary good-hearted Nikola's to pull our coats on this… We need the assistance…)
Because what Prince is showing us… trying to get us to see… is that this is all of us… we are all in this together… If you are not yourself being hit with their secret weapon… the moment you have a good friend… or a child… or someone you love… who decides "enough is enough… I'm speaking up…" they're in the crosshairs… and just as Prince said… do you really want to die knowing that you did nothing?… He is trying to show us that our lives… our 'bigness'… our true lives… depends on our being authentic… How he maintained his love with so little support from others likewise ruled by love I do not know… I do know - because I've been the target of this tactic - I do know he was surrounded by a large number of hidden agents… and that a large part of the reason for the tactic is to prevent (using 'Iago-whispering' and such like plays…) to prevent authentic people from coming into… or remaining in… your life… True love for this man they would not let near him… They would surround him with a lot of hot women… quite a few I would imagine… including under-age… because they wanted to get this man 'in trouble'… he's got a lot of songs about that… This was obviously one of the tactics they wanted to sink him with… which he knew… You can't be a target o EMF-weapons and not know the 'power'-folks are trying to destroy you… But what I suspect he did not know for a while… because it's really hard to get this… is that they 'breed' children to do their dirty work for them… they use very young people because they are so easy to manipulate… 'dupable'… 'influence-able'… reared in a totalitarian child-rearing environment that does not allow them access to the truth… So… it takes a while for us to get that they can plant people in places where they are then stuck… for decades… The reality is that in progressive communities you can know someone for quite some time and never know that they were placed there to infiltrate it… as we saw with Richard Aoki… recruited out of high school… They do that a lot… I saw it at Berkeley High happening… So… no way… when someone as young as Prince gets rocketed to celebrity-status as he did… was he going to find his way to too many people authentic… I'm sure there were some… But I'm also sure these 'power'-guys found ways to drive wedges between him and those who are authentic……
But he was plying his gifts – in his close world of 'creation' and soul-sustenance – with a large number of agents… in a constructed reality within a constructed reality… a large number of agents constructed a false reality for him to exist in… What his body felt from them… necessarily… was the problem of deeply-frozen feelings… and… true to his mission… he tried to help them… receiving but more falseness (discovered and secret…) for recompense… but we were given the incalculable gift of seeing truth triumph over falseness… of seeing unshakable integrity and courage in the face of the pressure of extreme duplicity – a pressure immeasurably worse than we knew… and so asking of and receiving from him courage the extent of which we could have no inkling… His belief in his mission… his belief in love… in music… got him through this… for it allowed him to see that the lowest the human spirit (necessarily under 'class'…) could go… was a place he had to visit… clearly he knew the truth of Shakespeare's strategic advice that difficulties must be known to be overthrown… and what he knew in his whole being… was that the problem (of 'class' – my wording…) was… is… frozen feelings… When we relinquish our authentic voices… how do they come back to us? Perhaps… as Alice suggests… with an emphatic partner – and in Prince I suspect we have just the one needed… for there's none more emphatic than he… not just because he asks the right questions: “Art official… art official… Art official cage… Louder than a bomb since the day of my birth… Got me 2nd class when I got here 1st… Lovely score but how am I supposed 2 know what it's worth…” – but because he's created for us a universe of sound and feeling united in his music that is an alternative space to 'class' ("Spirit's calling… Here's a reason why… [Come…] If U had the chance 2 see the future would U try?” [Come…] [“Come”]) which… when we inhabit and discuss… allows us to see 'power's abuse of us (the point of the song “Come” by the way is that she can't… Such an interesting song… such an interesting man… to say the least…)
…we must always credit that manufactured scarcity is 'class's fundamental premise… But the propaganda "there isn't enough' is seen as the patent falsehood it is when we come to 'music' and 'sex'… 'Music' and 'sex' are always at hand when we want them… so 'power' makes war on them… tells us they aren't ours to bestow on each other… but rather theirs alone to grant… to 'allow' us to have (this conditioning literally silences and paralyzes us… we do not believe ourselves entitled to freely express either without Authority's permission…) (This assumed 'right' of the state is still very much alive but began its' collapse in the 'West' with "the changes in power relations between status-groups…" during what our Good Three called "The Great Rehearsal": “There have only been two world revolutions. One took place in 1848. The second took place in 1968… 1968 is alive and well in the sense that its objective of altering the balance of power in the world social system in favor of subordinate groups has been highly successful. Yet, this success has been accompanied by an equally remarkable failure to improve the material welfare of these subordinate groups [This speaks to the problem Proudhon hopes to correct… of our stated beliefs (“I am free…”) and reality (“I am a slave to Necessity… Hierarchy… Authority…” not being consonant… – P.S.] The reach of authority has come to be more and more denied, as both the US and USSR governments, among others, have increasingly discovered. 1968 symbolized the outburst of such skepticism. Fourth, the demands of the disadvantaged status-groups – of gender, of generation, of ethnicity, of race, of sexuality – will get ever stronger…” This has led to what they term 'a crisis of legitimacy' for the state – that is… increasingly… particularly given the expansion of our organizational capabilities with the Internet and instantaneous communication – we are now saying out loud that which few but Prince… at the time he said them… had the courage to say (I paraphrase): "What on earth do we need you (the state) for? You poison the earth and the-earth-our-bodies with bad food… bad air… thoughts designed to destroy our spirits as heartlessly as your pollution and secret weapons destroy our health and physical existence… You insist on fueling endless wars that nought but the statesmen want… and expect us to thank you for the miserable existence you inflict on us… Time to let love lead… i.e.… time for us to be free. One Day Global General Strike… and we can make it be…
Prince… everything about him… his stance… his glance… the sounds from his instruments… all say the opposite of "the state owns us…" – they say… "I am yours… we belong to each other…" they say… "there is lush abundance in your fingertips…" they say "there is more than enough… just reach for it… Come…" Murders of our powerful agents of freedom… of them there have been many… but what distinguishes the murder of Prince… at least in this Art Official Age manufactured by the Plato's Tribesmen… is their fear that his lyrics and music could inspire disciples… because his message goes beyond 'politics' to the body itself… (this is so important for understanding who gets targeted…) challenges the 'power'-guys' assumed ownership of us… Prince urges us to reclaim our bodies: if these bodies are for loving… they are not for 'being-made-use-of'… abuse… in any sense – and it is this they don't want us to look at… this… the whole game they've been running… for millennia… which is why they want to get on top of our picture of him… naming him… writing his story… claiming his definition… real quick… this is why they want control of his Vault… and what music of his we can hear… Those of us who love him must demand a full inventory (and maintaining the integrity…) of his music and lyrics… the music and writings he left us… and fight for honest oversight and dispensation of these gifts to us… he was in touch with that place… that place of "pure energy" to a staggering degree… which… combined with his staggering honesty… meant that what he saw… felt… and figured out… he put directly into music and lyrics (Prince was porous-Infinitely… which I'm thinking about as being what is known as 'prophetic'…) i.e.… his music and lyrics provide documentary evidence… of what was done to him (and what is being done to us …) through them he speaks… and with them… with him… we will achieve… our freedom… He is our beacon and standard-bearer to love… let's follow him there…
The more we listen to and learn about him… the less we're able to be manipulated by these lies… Again… recalling what we learned earlier about Henry Kissinger… you might want to revisit the radio show of August 14, 2016 during which we read his 'memo' about the blasting of the U.S. Embassy in Moscow with electro-magnetic force energy and its lethal effects… - and I'm really hoping we have folk… in addition to folks pressuring about the murder of Prince… we have folks who can 'whistle-blow' a bit if only by sharing their expert knowledge as to what exactly these guys are doing with Nikola's work… more precise information about the delivery of this pain… how exactly is it done?… And there is no doubt the official story they've invented for 'cause of death'… and 'the story of Prince' overall… is a fabrication… In answer to these guys… let's demand the facts that have been suppressed: can a laser-weapon directed at the skull of an in utero infant cause it to fuse?… if it can… there is no doubt that these 'power'-mad-guys murdered Prince's child (I'd say it's almost a certainty… just based on their m.o. with a target - when you're their target and you really want something… it becomes their obsession in life to take it away…) Did Prince himself over the decades of the torture he bore… present clear signs of 'EMF assault' - I'll tell you some my own experience suggests: Did he minimize the light in his house at night to make getting hit more challenging for them - using… is my assumption… drones for targeting… Did he try to protect himself in any way with aluminum? (These two were mentioned in a recent People magazine story in a quote from an old girlfriend…) Did he have trouble enduring the torture while he was asleep and have to minimize his 'sleep-time'? Did he wake up with a lot of mucus and difficulty moving? Did he make it a point to not telegraph (announce in advance…) his comings and goings? And… in the circumstances surrounding his murder… did he take actions that might have precipitated it: music in his Vault more explicit in exposing what the 'power'-guys have been doing (although… clearly… now that I've heard them… I see that the challenge issued in his last three CDs was more than enough to have prompted the decision of the 'power'-mad to finally finish murdering him… after torturing him for decades… I mean… "I'm going up Lady Liberty's dress and blow… blow… blow…" - that's a powerful line [don't you wish you'd written it?]) We know he visited his lawyer… did he leave instructions with the lawyer for expediting this exposure? How many songs did he leave in the Vault and what are their titles? Why was the man from L.A. who brought the drugs with him allowed to be with Prince's dead body before the police arrived? Were the drugs they said they found in Prince of the same type that the man had on him? Did the autopsy reveal a lot of mucus in Prince's system?… a lot of iron in his blood?… swelling of his cheeks?
Turning to Proudhon… In what follows let's keep in mind that he's talking about the human being shaped by ten thousand years of hierarchy and injustice - 'rule' - and that 'rule' exists by seizing and monopolizing access to (and control of) 'knowledge'… the knowledge resources… first and foremost among them… language… and… let's recall as well Bentham's reminder to 'power' that "he who claims the lexicon… owns the world…" Proudhon will be speaking of 'science' – using his definition – as a driving force for bringing us all together… but we must never forget that 'power' uses a different definition… Perhaps the key – speaking operationally – definition for 'science' in these guys' minds is "means to control us…" and it may well be that their largest debt for this definition is to Nikola in 'bestowing' upon them the keys to the electrical underpinnings of the planet… and all life on it… 'Thanks' to Nikola (or… rather… thanks… more properly… to their own soul-stuntedness…) they can control us with illness and catastrophe (and outright slaughter of us… as in the case of Iran… Nigeria… etc. etc.…) and supreme military weaponry… dominate through fear… as Machiavelli taught them… and lack of access to the truth… And also 'thanks' to Nikola they can intercept and limit our inter-communications to a very large extent… to maintain this lack of access… But our heart… our love… will triumph nonetheless… now… now that we know what's up… we-growing-numbers among the seven billion of us – hearts… hands… and minds – all looking for hope… that soul… spirit… love… is not lost to the world… and in us… they shall find it… now… now that we have looked under the dress of state… and see the trembling fear of these 'power'-mad abandoned of Plato… hoping to win the praise of their likewise tortured daddies… traumatized children… trained to hate… now… that we have clear sight… certainty… we have returned mobility… for clear sight opens the flood-gates of our love… so we can make our mad-dash… to freedom… And… hang in there if you're having a hard time… As Prince urged us earlier… in the song… "Sweet Baby"… "You're not the only one getting beat down… it happens to us all [under 'class'…]" And I keep pondering this… that… even though – and you would have had to experience this to fully appreciate the love Prince is capable of: what it is to be tortured in plain sight – with no one knowing… and so no one seeming to care… You feel lost… you feel so alone… – but that Prince could be someone… one of those rare… rare people that Erich Frommm didn't even think existed… he said… "Everyone wants to be loved… but no one wants to be loving… "Prince wants to be loving… So we're celebrating him now… Forever… On-goingly… in this space… And… trust… if your spirit starts to flag at all… just remember that you are not alone… You ain't got just me… and a whole lot of good-hearted folks listening (and who ain't…) you got Prince… and he is "Dead On It…"
For Our October 23, 2016 Show:
[In this interview…Prince tells a story told in his family about when he was a small child… that he was born epileptic: "I used to have seizures when I was young… and… my mother told me one day I walked into her and said… 'Mom… I'm not going to be sick anymore…' and she said… 'why?'… and I said… 'because an angel told me so…'" – From a 2009 interview in which Prince mentions the song "Colonized Mind" which begins with these words: “Upload: the evolution principal… U c a rock on the shore and say… "it's always been there"… Download: no responsibility… Do what you want nobody cares… Upload: the master race idea… Genetically disposed 2 rule the world… Download: a future full of isolated… Full of isolated boys and girls… Upload: a 2-party system… The lesser of 2 dangers… Illusion of choice… Download: a veiled form of fascism… Nothing really ever changes… U never had a voice… If you look, ur sure gonna find… Thruout mankind's history… A colonized mind… The one in power makes law… Under which the colonized fall… But without god it's just the blind leading the blind… (Prince, "Colonized Mind", Lotus Flower, 2009)]
[“07 Mellow.mp3”:]
"Mellow" by Prince… from "The Rainbow Children"
Our October 23, 2016 Show:
When one manifests the Power of One… one manifests the Power of 'Us'…” 'Power' understands very well the Power of 'Us'… the collective… which is why they want to own it… own us: those “sensors and signal-transmitters in human form” we talked about in the October 9, 2016 show?… that's their 'Internet of Things' cage they've been trying so hard to squeeze us in… that's “Them Owning Us”… 'us' reduced to machinery controlled by them… through the means of Force… Coercion… in multiple forms… Prince… and Nikola… and all free beings… on the other hand… want to give 'it' freely – the Power of 'One' – inspire us to claim it in ourselves… wants us to be able (because the structure of society is based in it…) to claim it in ourselves… Prince… and Nikola… and all free – self-owned… and owned by naught else – and all free beings… want us to claim our 'wholeness'… possess our gifts (self-develop them…) our gifts from the Eternal… i.e. our bodies… as they were meant… with no 'Force' sitting on them… this… is the most oppositional stance to 'class'… We are at such a critical juncture… and the drone- and other such Machine-interfering with me has grown intense-er… much mo… beyond the 'routine' health-eroding effects of EMF-blasting (continuous…) they have forced themselves onto my word-processing path and it's getting difficult to do the dance… just getting words typed and uploaded on this machine has become an unpleasant odyssey… these sad 'power'-mad so love to mess wid us… break our flow… try to dispirit… but… I know… you're gonna… with me… bear wid it… whatever obstacles they throw in our path… (Do you feel Prince's influence?… )
“Garbage-in – Garbage-out”… is a good summary description of the operation of 'the system' – one of its key fundamental flaws (“structural 'contradictions'…”) It has not been discussed much by us in terms of its larger 'systemic' implications: it means a world of people with garbage in our minds… and a physical landscape of garbage as far as the eye can see… For this discussion… for now… think of the 'Garbage-in' as the lies of the 'power'-guys: they cannot be honest… or the entire house of cards called 'capitalism'… will fall in on them… The perplexities of the Federal Reserve (US) posted in The New York Times of late… (For example in theThe New York Times of October 15, 2016 we read: “The presenters at the Boston Fed conference, which was devoted to the slow pace of growth in recent years, generally attributed a large share of the economy's underperformance to issues that would seem beyond the reach of monetary policy, including demographic shifts and slow productivity growth. 'Just pushing down unemployment, by itself, is unlikely to draw large numbers of workers back into the labor force,' said Gabriel Chodorow-Reich… One possible reason, Ms. Yellen said, is that households and businesses with relatively large debts… [Time out: She's talking about here the difference between the so-called 'real' 'economy' – i.e.… the earth… us… – and the fake one of endless manipulation of “Invisible Deeds” (so to speak…) – their made-up (made up by made-up 'instruments' day-dreaming-up their fanciful-like…) their imagined world of: “the human-cattle can be made to swallow whatever crap we force in their mouths…” (a fundamental… Plato-derived misunderstanding…) – while… actually (here the 'real-world' speaks…) – not so much… This made-up-pretend-world of theirs is partly captured by the word 'speculation'… and partly captured with the image of self-less (will-stripped) minions trained to take their own crap for real… trying to please their masters by 'producing' 'new' ways to con the currency out of the people's pockets and into theirs (the masters'…) At base… she's saying (perhaps conscious of this… perhaps oblivious…) “Oh no… can it be… that the people see… are becoming conscious… are waking up?”… our machine is malfunctioning!”…
The perplexities of the Federal Reserve (US) posted in The New York Times of late asking how it can be that their garbage-making machine (to which we have been conditioned to attach the moniker 'capitalism'… or… 'the free market'…) is finally running out of steam (or… in their propaganda… has merely 'choked'… or… 'clogged up'… and so… they must root about in it… reach their arms into the mechanism and slosh the mess about… put their hands on the trouble… and break it free… so the market can… 'move'… again… – we should revisit our May 3, 2015 show… which points out that the global-state-statesmen have been in possession of this “Heads-up!” on the 'breakdown' (transition…) moment we are in for a century and a half or so [I'm providing it for reference… and will only comment additionally that the 'self-valorization of capital' notion referred to in the second excerpt (below) which has served 'power' as key propaganda so well over the decades is a myth… as Rosa Luxemburg explained… that by “the 'self-valorization of capital'”… they mean… or… its authentic meaning… is 'the discovery of 'new'… untapped 'resources' to plunder…] these 'perplexities' aired publicly are a good illustration of the various levels of “Garbage-in – Garbage-Out…” – all happening simultaneously (as 'systems' are wont to display…) From the larger 'vantage of the whole' we observe the 'global-economic-system' itself (chewing madly away on the flesh of our Grandmother [Earth]… for decade stacked upon decade as far as the eye can see…) Next week we'll discuss 'power's plans for us given the end of their feeding frenzy facing them… and what… on the other hand… what must be our plan for ourselves…
Continuing our excerpt from Margaret Cheney's Tesla: Man Out Of Time… Margaret Cheney: “In a diary entry dated January 3, 1900, after describing the taking of some laboratory photographs, he mentioned watching the formation of sparks into streamers and "fireballs" [the definition given in the dictionary I just consulted… of the word "ball lightning"… described by Margaret Cheney here… is: "a rare and little known kind of lightning having the form of a moving globe of light several centimeters across that persists for periods of up to a minute…" - P.S.]. Ball lightning, or fireballs, is a phenomenon that has fascinated and baffled scientists from ancient times to the present. Fireballs are mentioned on Etrurian monuments, in the works of Aristotle and Lucretius, and in the writings of the modern atomic scientist Niels Bohr. Arago analyzed some twenty reports of fireballs in 1838. Some scientists have maintained that they are merely optical illusions, and so Tesla himself thought until they began to appear accidentally on his high-voltage equipment in Colorado. These strangely ephemeral objects, unlike regular lightning, move slowly, almost parallel to the ground. They have been known to appear in airplanes in flight, move eerily along the floor of the cabin, and after no more than five seconds vanish. Tesla's speculations do accord with some recent hypotheses. He thought, for example, that the initial energy was insufficient to maintain the fireball and that there must be another source,which he believed came from other lightning passing through the fireball's nucleus. For him fireballs were merely a fascinating nuisance, yet he took the time to follow this apparently useless research wherever it might lead - and in the process claimed that he had learned how to create the phenomenon at will. Modern scientists, using the most powerful nuclear accelerators, have tried and failed to replicate his achievement (although the fascinating, and potentially valuable, nuisance still occurs unasked).”
Prince is alone in having developed a strategy applicable to our present moment… One of the key conclusions reached by our Good Three as a result of their 'systematic' (global…) analysis of our prospects for winning our freedom… we who long for it (globally…) was: “…the de-nationalization of domestic labor forces suggests a fundamental change, on the part of the left, as to what “national” means…. To accomplish the reconception will entail a degree and kind of substantive and rhetorical inventiveness not presently in ascendance within prominent movements. And the third, the increasing salience of the gender question, entails… the further generalization, from the pauperization of women to the pauperization of people on a world-scale…” (Giovanni Arrighi, Terence K. Hopkins, and Immanuel Wallerstein’s Antisystemic Movements…” And I'm going to encourage us to think about this quote for next week… and to think about this notion of the "'pauperization' of people on a world-scale…" not just in material terms… but in wholistic terms… because those are the terms we are given by Prince… and these are the terms that… I believe… make his strategy so 'evolutionary'… so fresh… and so needed for this moment… It has been anticipated by all who long for us to free ourselves from force… from coercion… including Nikola Tesla himself… we have been pauperized in every sense… in all of our aspects… when we are diminished by the coerced-work system… – but the sense in which are Good Three are talking about it… in which the entire globe is engulfed… that is to say… the very structure of the global economic system… cannot provide for the numbers of us that now exist… and… for them… the global-statesmen… this is a dilemma of "what to do with us…" for us this is a dilemma of how to save ourselves from these sad folk… and regain the full richness of our human possibilities… I am convinced… from clear indications in his lyrics… that as early as 1982 – when his album 1999 was released – that Prince was getting hit with EMF… Point being: that Prince possessed the key strategic 'next steps'… for us to get our freedom… What we have to remember… is the key strategic and historical juncture that all of us globally now inhabit… one that our Good Three are calling us to see… a juncture in which the official 'left' has been captured by the interstate-system (global-'power'… the shadow global-state… the tasks of which are implemented by 'for-sale-agents' of… trained-up in… the coerced-work-system… paid to do the dirty work of the shadow global-statesmen via a number of routes: public… private… and off-any-books clandestine – and in every state (until we develop alternative routes for our energy to flow in…) in every state it is the same… How do we change this? How do we confront hidden actors using hidden means… agents… and weaponry?… That is the puzzle that only those who possess a clear picture of what we are up against can solve… one who is strategic and far-sighted – that means Prince. Next week we'll talk about it. In the meantime… let's do what we can to insist that Henry Kissinger answer the questions we have put to him… and take responsibility for the murder of Prince… After all…he not only knew about these weapons at least a decade before Prince was first targeted… but… clearly… unless he denies authorship of the telegram we reproduced during our August 14, 2016 show… he was one of the principle architects of the whole bi-partite scheme: to use EMF weapons for both the 'surgical' elimination of dissent… and 'population management'…
Part seven of “The Rainbow Children” is called "Mellow” – when we discuss this piece and the larger work we'll be juxtaposing it with “Art Official Age” (2014)… for example the lines: “I woke up in the city in a bit of a rage… Determined 2 free my mind from this art official cage… Tought by tought my teachers taught from an early age… A place in heaven far off in the future… Come on, let's go… Free the people, come on, let's go… Art official, art official cage… Ghettos 2 the left of me, malls 2 the right… Why's my kingdom come only in prayers at night?… What should I expect if I'm not willing 2 fight?… A place in heaven somewhere in the future… Art official, art official… Art official cage… Come on, let's go… Free the people, come on, let's go…” So in discussing “The Rainbow Children” we will also be discussing the trajectory of his growth… as a continuously developing human being… mind stayed on freedom… not for himself alone… which is not in any case a possibility… but for all of us trapped… under 'class'… Proudhon: “The practice of justice is a science which, when once discovered and diffused, will sooner or later put an end to social disorder, by teaching us our rights and duties [I think we should pursue this notion of Proudhon's further… as well as his clarity of thinking on this question (we continue to wrestle with… as to "what is 'order'?"… what we mean by it… and what generates it…) corresponding so exactly with Princes's – that 'class' produces disorder… while the modern totalitarian state proclaims it does the opposite… – P.S.] All that he does from instinct man despises; or, if he admires it, it is as Nature's work, not as his own.… Instinct is the source of passion and enthusiasm; it is intelligence which causes crime and virtue.…” [But… as Popper suggests… it is the split which is distinctive of 'class' and we must not mis-take this split for some 'necessary' 'stage' on the road to the triumph of heart and mind united… In some – Prince comes to mind – they already are… No… the issue is regaining what was stolen from us: our wholeness… Reading this while always these days thinking about both Nikola and Prince… I am struck… as I have frequently been while reading this… by the deep insight Proudhon possesses… and though he is no doubt right in his observation about the (really) fear and revulsion with which the Mind-worshipping abandoned children of 'class' look upon mystery – what Proudhon calls 'instinct' – once these sad folk got organized and became consciously Plato's Tribe… and began amassing resources to realize Plato's vision… they were able to take matters a few steps further… and manifest it in practical… strategic… terms… and actively suppress these works of (the reality of…) 'instinct' (the body speaking…) hustle them from our eyes –as they did with Nikola (for obviously many additional reasons…) as they are trying to do with Prince… as they did with Proudhon himself… – P.S.]
Proudhon: “In developing his intelligence, man makes use of not only his own observations, but also those of others. He keeps an account of his experience, and preserves the record; so that the race, as well as the individual, becomes more and more intelligent…” [were you to walk among us today Proudhon… you would back away from your own statement on this question of the progressive 'intelligence' (which I think is the equivalent of Fromm's 'ability to reason' – while by 'intelligence' Fromm means “rapid… facile… regurgitation and manipulation of… given… [so-called] 'facts'” inputed into us…) 'intelligence' of the 'class'-trapped human… Fromm… having had a good look at the modern totalitarian state puts the matter this way:… Erich Fromm: “In observing the quality of thinking in alienated man, it is striking to see how his intelligence has developed and how his reason has deteriorated. He takes his reality for granted; he wants to eat it, consume it, touch it, manipulate it. He does not even ask what is behind it, why things are as they are, and where they are going. You cannot eat the meaning, you cannot consume the sense, and as far as the future is concerned – apres nous le deluge! (Erich Fromm, The Sane Society, p. 171 – 2)”… What he is describing is what Nikola Tesla prophesied thirty or so years earlier (the quote this is in reference to was cited in our September 11, 2016 show…) i.e.… the 'human being' become 'functionary': the 'clockwork society of the bee' in which individuals are trained to fulfill roles (jobs) but not to develop their thought-process (what Fromm calls the ability to 'reason'…)
Proudhon: “It is not enough, then, to say that we are distinguished from the animals by reflection, unless we mean thereby the constant tendency of our instinct to become intelligence. [But by 'instinct' Proudhon means what Alice means when she says 'spontaneous feelings'… So… to convert both to a common tongue and stand them side-by-side – and invite Prince and Fromm along for the ride – we might say that it is our Reason that gets stoppered up… with the suppression of our Freedom: “Pardon us for caring, we didn't know it was against the rules… If we only want to love one another… Then tell me now who's the fool (tell me… tell me…”) – P.S.] While man is governed by instinct, he is unconscious of his acts. He never would deceive himself, and never would be troubled by errors, evil and disorder, if, like the animals, instinct were his only guide. But the Creator has endowed us with reflection, to the end that our instinct might become intelligence; and since this reflection and resulting knowledge pass through various stages, it happens that in the beginning our instinct is opposed, rather than guided, by reflection; consequently, that our power of thought leads us to act in opposition to our nature and our end;…” [I feel Prince suggesting we tag this – worthy of a fuller look… I think… it is suggestive… is it not?… particularly as Alice has shown us that those tortured as infants with obedience training… because this torture freezes their spontaneous feelings… it simultaneously freezes their thought-process… such that they come to believe that 'instinct' – what the body says – and intelligence are opposed – I'm feeling a great surge of love for Proudhon… as though he has just solved a great mystery… found the key that we needed… to bring about the healing… and our necessary unification…
Proudhon: “It is not enough, then, to say that we are distinguished from the animals by reflection, unless we mean thereby the constant tendency of our instinct to become intelligence. [But by 'instinct' Proudhon means what Alice means when she says 'spontaneous feelings'… So… to convert both to a common tongue and stand them side-by-side – and invite Prince and Fromm along for the ride – we might say that it is our Reason that gets stoppered up… with the suppression of our Freedom: “Pardon us for caring, we didn't know it was against the rules… If we only want to love one another… Then tell me now who's the fool (tell me… tell me…”) – P.S.] While man is governed by instinct, he is unconscious of his acts. He never would deceive himself, and never would be troubled by errors, evil and disorder, if, like the animals, instinct were his only guide. But the Creator has endowed us with reflection, to the end that our instinct might become intelligence; and since this reflection and resulting knowledge pass through various stages, it happens that in the beginning our instinct is opposed, rather than guided, by reflection; consequently, that our power of thought leads us to act in opposition to our nature and our end;…”[…I'm going to pause mid-paragraph… but I really think we need to think more about this notion that it is in fact this process of (as Proudhon sees it…) a necessary development of our thought-process… that it is a fear – it feels to me like he's saying – that it is a fear of… – and again this gets back to the child-rearing practices that Alice Miller has been explaining to us – a fear of the instinctive… that has led to the shattering of our fundamental wholeness… and the destruction of our necessary thought-process… necessary for us to be human beings… [To intro this outro song of Prince let me say that this another one of those songs that he sings to those of us – and there are many many many of us – who are working so hard… and sometimes feel that no one sees it or cares… he cares… from him to us: “1000 X's and O's…” [song by Prince from the HitnRun: Phaze One (2015)]
For Our October 30, 2016 Show:
[“05 Colonized Mind.mp3”:]
“Colonized Mind” by Prince: “Upload: the evolution principal… U c a rock on the shore and say… "it's always been there"… Download: no responsibility… Do what you want nobody cares… Upload: the master race idea… Genetically disposed 2 rule the world… Download: a future full of isolated… Full of isolated boys and girls… Upload: a 2-party system… The lesser of 2 dangers… Illusion of choice… Download: a veiled form of fascism… Nothing really ever changes… U never had a voice… If you look, ur sure gonna find… Thruout mankind's history… A colonized mind… The one in power makes law… Under which the colonized fall… [And this is Kropotkin's point… very to the point… – P.S.] But without god it's just the blind leading the blind… Upload: a joint venture record deal… It's just another way 4 the man 2 steal… While he's sticking you with the bill… Download: the temporary acquisition of fleeting fame and fortune… Nothing 2 leave in ur will… Upload: a child with no father… Download: no respect 4 authority… Upload: a child with no mother… Download: a hard time showing love… If you look, ur sure gonna find… Thruout mankind's history… A colonized mind… The one in power makes laws… Under which the colonized fall… But without god… It's just the blind leading the blind…” (Prince, "Colonized Mind", Lotus Flower, 2009)]
[“08 1+1+1 is 3.mp3”:]
“1+1+1 is 3.mp3” by Prince… from “The Rainbow Children”
Prince: “My father was so hard on me… I was never good enough… and there was something about that… it was almost like the Army when it came to music… "that's not even close…" he would say… "that's not even close to what I'm doing…” and he'd play again… and… I could hear it… We learn like that… we learn from being shown… It doesn't come from books and just reading it… we need to be shown… So… it's having really good teachers and a bar that's so high… Creating your own universe is the key to it I believe… and letting all the people that you need occupy that universe… I'm blessed enough to be able to say that Miles Davis was a friend when he was alive… and he was a wonderful mentor… and really really funny… and he could critique something you've done by humor… and out of love… people he care about… he tried to help…
Our October 30, 2016 Show:
“What if God was one of us?… Just a slave like one of us?… Just a stranger on the bus… Tryin' 2 make His way home…” as we've reiterated several times over the course of these shows…'God' goes by many names… walks in many shapes… among us… and they all mean 'infinite energy'… 'Eternity'… Prince used a variety of terms to signify this concept… most often 'God' and / or 'Love'… used interchangeably… But in order to hold in our minds a vision of a free future across 'class' time… we needed to have someone we could embody that principle of Infinity… of the Eternal… in… so that we could feel loved in a system that structurally creates the opposite experience: the experience of not feeling loved…
So it is addressing that huge wound which is tied to our being forced to relinquish our true selves… The two are two sides of the same coin: the feeling of not being loved… and the rage at having to let go of one's authentic-ness in order to try to be loved… It is critical that we unify globally… and… that we have a lingua franca… a common language… a common terminology… 'God' goes by many names… but it is that 'body-feeling of being part of that Infinite energy that is often called 'God' – that is what's important… in order for us to know we are loved… know we belong in that love… and that we deserve it… now… as Prince said not in some future 'heaven'… but right now… “It Begins With Heart… It Will Be Heart… Heart Is the Destination”… "Freedom cannot be caged… do we doubt this? I don't think we've considered enough the implications of the 'power'-guys stamping the slur 'work' on that which we (absent force) did for fun… An original theft… an 'original sin'… I think we can look at it as… And… as Forever Relevant ('til we end 'class'…) Emily says: “To Fill a Gap…” Prince and Nikola – potent threats to 'power' because they model its opposite: love… self-ownership… authentic power… allegiance to Life… to their fellow human beings… – are keys… and their lives follow similar trajectories: necessarily coming to 'power's attention… their lives hideously altered because of that fact… both lives inundated by false folks (agents of the state…) both steadfastly pursued their gifts despite this… both had their 'Vaults' raided and ripped off… both leaving amazing legacies the 'power'-guys hope to diminish in our eyes… both lied about monstrously… both 'power' hoped to bury with those lies and steal from us our continuing knowledge of all they did for us… both motivated by love for their fellows… both practical activists in demonstrating that fact… both illustrate supremely the power of One when it manifests the power of Us… …both… far from fearing 'mystery'… Eternity… drew their strength from it… The 'power'-guys want the riches that blossom from love… without the love… this is a set-up for us to be endlessly abused – we're not here to be hurt… but that's all the statesmen have on offer when we arrive… an array of 'hurts'… on display in their encased phony world… from which we're disingenuously encouraged to have our pick of 'hurts'… “so we may commence…” they neglect to tell us… “the assassination of your essence… it is intolerable to us that you should continue to possess what we have lost…” “Dressed in a little brief authority…”
“Demonstrating Dominance Project of the 'Power'-Guys…” Every now and then these words must be spoken again: ”Oh, lovers of power! Oh, mitred aspirants for this world’s kingdoms! an hour will come, even to you, when it will be well for your hearts – pausing faint at each broken beat – that there is a Mercy beyond human compassions, a Love stronger than this strong death which even you must face, and before it, fall; a Charity more potent than any sin, even yours; a Pity which redeems worlds – nay, absolves priests. (Charlotte Bronte, Villette)…” I looked into 'power's Propaganda-Sheet and what did I see?… but more of their same intended conditioning… to try to get us to accept… a World Vision of Their Total Dominance… Here's the title I found (in full): “At Heart of U.S. Strategy, Weapons That Can Think: Robot Arms Race Alarms Scientists as Rivals Advance Artificial Intelligence – Weapons That Can Think At Heart of U.S. Strategy to Maintain Dominance”, published in The New York Times of October 26, 2016… of course the only machines that 'think' are the robots they plan for us to be… “artificial intelligence” applied to computer programming is a misnomer… rather… what they mean should be termed “artificial obedience” (the point of all they do is to get us to confuse 'obedience' with 'intelligence'…) to replace us where it's 'cost-efficient'… winnow our numbers as Plato insisted… disappear the 'disobedient'… or 'Poor Fits' with their world of Perfect Obedience ('perfect' defined as predictable… unchanging… faces frozen in masks of pleasantness… obeying Authority without hesitation… hanging on the approval (parsimoniously given…) of whatever surrogate daddy is given them… Isn’t ‘chaos’ what they’ve been doing to us?… forcing us to live under conditions of insecurity that have been totally manufactured? Herding us into wars… into poisoning the planet… into placidly giving our children up to abandonment [which is also our gifts’ relinquishment…] – in service to we-know-not-what… i.e.… all just to stay unconscious… asleep [and this is where the ‘Mr. Smith’ and ‘The Matrix’ metaphors exceed in relevance even ‘the Vampire’ analogy: our fear of standing up to mommy and daddy… the longing to be seen… and to receive their approval – i.e., we’re back at the central fact… that the core of our distress… is coerced child abandonment…] (From the section titled: “Is a global ‘Supremacy Game’ necessarily totalitarian?”… the intent of the 'progress' con has been… since they invented it… to con us into participating in their “Demonstrating Dominance” project… I say 'nay'… I say “happy babies over kings on thrones… any day…” only in the context (the story) of their Domination Project does the global economic competition make any sense at all…
And let's never forget what Proudhon said: there is no such thing as a 'fair' wage deal… once you've put yourself on the market… the game's over… the whole game is poisoned… is contaminated… – when we lose ourselves… authentic ownership of ourselves… we lose everything… “Here is what is most extraordinary about the demise of the Canada-Europe pact:…” [say the spokesmen for the global-statesmen…] “It did not involve wealthy countries and poor countries with different labor and environmental standards. It spanned two of the most affluent, democratic and regulated societies on earth…” [again we ask – and once we come together and discuss the answer becomes obvious… even when one's head is not being blasted extra-legally with EMF and therefore doesn't know for absolute certain this state is not 'democratic'… that this is Fascism'[“Ur thousand years r up… Now U got 2 share the land… Section 1 - the 14th amendment says 'No state shall deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law'… Mr. Man, we want 2 end this letter with 3 words… We tired a-y'all…” (Prince, “Dear Mr. Man”, Musicology, 2004)] – even when one's head is not being blasted extra-legally with EMF… we know that a global-'class'-system… is by definition totalitarian… We know how to create good lives for ourselves… we've known this since there was an 'us'…… an 'our'… a 'we'… We don't need their 'help'… Look at what their continuous 'worrying' of Haiti's free people… their (before messed-with…) blessed gift of self-sufficiency… Every household could feed itself – and… truly… a few communal hens… sheep… and gardens… and so could we… But… no… the 'power'-guys can't have that… so they stepped up their “Pound 'Til Obedient' operation – while flooding us with images of Haiti's supposed 'backwardness' (I'll tell you what's 'backward'… letting global-'power'-guys continue to 'manage' us… when we have the technology for organizing global work-stoppages generally… and when the secrets of living in balance with the earth… in self-sufficient communities interlinked and associating-freely with our Brothers and Sisters globally… have been known for thirty centuries…) Recall what Hesiod said (see Palmers' Chat for the full quote…): “For the gods [read: 'power'-guys] keep hidden the livelihood of men… Otherwise you might easily do enough work in a day to have enough for a full year with no further need to be working… and might immediately hang up your rudder in the smoke of the fireplace… and release your oxen and hardworking mules from their labor…” And that was thirty centuries ago. The point of the 'power'-guys' Global Dominance Project is not really to answer the question “who wins?”… but rather the question… “will the people keep losing so we can pretend we're supermen?…”
The dictionary definition of 'ball lightning'… you recall…was simply that it was a form of lightning with the form of a moving globe that “have been known to appear in airplanes in flight, move eerily along the floor of the cabin, and after no more than five seconds vanish.” Nikola Tesla understood them as an unstable electromagnetic field “the initial energy of which was insufficient to maintain the fireball… and that there must be another source, which he believed came from other lightning passing through the fireball's nucleus…” and said that he “had learned how to create the phenomenon at will…” Margaret Cheney commented on this by saying that “modern scientists, using the most powerful nuclear accelerators, have tried and failed to replicate his achievement…” which… given the sticky fingers of the 'power'-guys when it comes to anything that could give them a weapons-advantage… and given that all of Nikola's papers were lifted from his rooms upon his death… suggests that this is part of their EMF-weapons-theft of Nikola… but it provides powerful evidence that it is our individual power unleashed to which is owed the inventions that we delight in… that make life more interesting… joyful and exciting…
Once we know that the global-state-statesmen cannot be straight-forward… and once we understand that we are the global-state-statesmen's prime and only obsession (unless their competition with each other counts as Number Two…) …once we understand that we-the-people are their biggest threat… then we can grasp the true aims behind such a DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) 'competition'… “The vision of the so-called internet of things – giving all sorts of physical things a digital makeover – has been years ahead of reality. But that gap is closing fast… Today, the range of things being computerized and connected to networks is stunning, from watches, appliances and clothing to cars, jet engines and factory equipment. Even roadways and farm fields are being upgraded with digital sensors. In the last two years, the number of internet-of-thing devices in the world has surged nearly 70 percent to 6.4 billion…” [this is a big discussion… closely aligned with the 'power'-guys 'vision' of making currency-flows “more transparent, fast, efficient and secure…” (for them… whenever they talk about 'security' they mean their own…) The global-statesmen want to be able to “track every pound or renminbi on every step of its travels through the financial system in real time…” Back to the Lohr article… and… the real point of their little research experiment: what they were really studying was those Defcon guys… and the limits of linearity… hoping their lack of a soul doesn't mean what they suspect it means…
They are trying to automate a match to human intelligence… to 'automate' the human thought-process – they want to know… for instance… how One-Man… Prince… can defeat them (and it will prove so…) with all their numberless minions and bottomless pockets (until we sew them shut… But their project is doomed before begun… as Alice shows us… creativity is unique to life… by definition you cannot 'automate' what comes from freedom…) casting about for a good metaphor I found Prince's “Digital Garden” staring at me… and really… what better one do we need?… as… in the minds of these sad Abandoned Children of Plato… our fertile Grandmother's rich abundance (or… rather… now… at this point… her skeletal remains…) can be 'digitized' – Oh so 'modern'… Oh so 'creative'… Oh so 'clever'… and 'sanitized' are they… stripped of all fertility they can look about them at the dead rock they have made… and… finally… feel safe. But we must deny them their celebration… our children demand better of us… they require a world that is honest… The utter falseness we have allowed to proliferate around us is a monstrous betrayal of their inherent honesty and love… If we want to see truth… we must put our collective hands on the shoulder of this monster for a day… tell it to go take a nap so the grown-ups can chat… then we will see Truth all about us… we will see all that is good… fine… and beautiful… Then… we will breathe freely again… and figure out together how to make what we see… breathe… and feel… our daily portion… and… the world we bestow on the children…
"When one manifests the Power of One… one manifests the Power of 'Us'…” Those global-'power'-guys want total access to us… complete transparency about our thoughts and movements… which they believe can be known by ensuring they are the source of all we think… and do… and then reducing both to a number that leaves a 'digital footprint'… and then… make absolute certain they are the only ones with access to this 'knowledge'… to the Big Picture… the only ones to attain the 'vantage of the whole'… Our definition of 'knowledge' precludes such an ambition… the creation and acquisition of 'knowledge' by our definition requires the opposite of this… requires Total Freedom… which… despite being (or because it is) so cost-efficient… abundant riches flow from it…
“Prince's strategy for ending 'class'… – Stated Concisely But We'll Unpack: Dance… Music… Sex… Romance…” Our needs are basic and sweet… we don't need total control of everything… and everyone… in the world… we don't need drone-surveillance on every home to prove to ourselves how 'smart' we are… we don't need to know what every living soul is doing or thinking… so we don't need to reduce every thought and action to a pre-determined manipulable quantity that can be digitized and uploaded to their central 'brain' on which to unleash a few thousand armies of dead-souls (or 'souls-in-hiding'…) to invent predictive algorithms for… no… we don't need no 'total control of Us…' no… We know what we're doing: we're making love and music… in every sense of those words… in collaboration and harmony with all free beings… and as we work on making our souls so… we know… Prince is walking with us… step by step… Prince – our most exquisitely sensitive observer and diagnostician of souls – became the emphatic partner needed to show us… by his model… what we'd lost: ourselves… a living manifestation… then… of a solution to “Socrates' Dilemma”: “how to help those conditioned to be blind to what is missing in them… finally see it – the spirit of their true selves calling to them from a distance – and to long for… and achieve… reunion… In the interview-excerpt with Prince that I posted for this show Prince discusses the importance of being shown what we're trying to learn… also one of his survival tactics for living under 'class'… the one I think of as “the soul selects…” and then his relationship with Miles Davis… tellingly… there was zero interest displayed on the part of the interviewer to Prince's mention of Miles… What he was interested in however… was how Prince distinguished false 'friends' from true… Once we have ourselves again… at long last – what others did… the crimes of the 'power'-guys… assuming they are no longer abusing us (happiness for us begins with the Age of 'Power' ended…) becomes irrelevant… It is that Great Grievance that we are burdened with under 'class' – the loss of our authentic-ness… our true selves – that speaks to us of retribution… that warps and wounds continuously… Once that is in the past… we could almost care less what they did. We already know what they did: they slaughtered without mercy indiscriminately… they caused disease to be spread wide among us… they committed genocide… they targeted our most powerful and brilliant gems among our artists and activists – those who modeled true power in authentic ownership of 'self'… in wholeness – for elimination and / or punishment… simply because they don't want us to see authentic power. 'Punishment' is their m.o.… we want no part of their sick mindset… we want to… finally… at long last… live our gifts.
“Another of Tesla's claimed discoveries at Colorado Springs came late one night as he was working at his powerful and sensitive radio receiver. Only elderly Mr. Dozler, the carpenter, remained on duty. Suddenly the inventor became aware of strange rhythmic sounds on the receiver. He could think of no possible explanation for such a regular pattern, unless it were an effort being made t communicate with Earth by living creatures on another planet. Venus or Mars he supposed to be the more likely sources. No one at that time had ever heard of such phenomena as regular sounds from space.… Thrilled and awestruck, he could only sit and listen. Soon he became obsessed with the idea of returning the signal: There must be a way. The probable explanation of what he had heard was radio waves from the stars. Not until the 1920s were such counting codes again picked up by astronomers (and given official credence); and in the thirties they began to be transmitted as coded numbers into a digital recorder. Nowadays"listening" to the stars is commonplace.”
“1968: The Great Rehearsal…” “the Great Rehearsal for What?”: Let's think about this further: the notion that the Great Wave of our longing for freedom first comes in to assess… see… feel… process… and then recedes to return more assured – the time of assurance is now upon us… And we must also keep in mind as we listen as well that one of the things Prince – continuously reiterated in his lyrics – Prince hopes to show us (among many things… including the core message: “You can be honest… speak out loud [in every possible way…] what your body is saying… ) is that 'what seems'… appearance… can be deceptive… for instance… his well-thought-through depictions of the unity of sexuality with Eternity was almost always interwoven with his explicit critiques of the state… and I hope it's clear that while our focus on Prince is 'over-determined' – many imperatives bring us to it – doing so is not to diminish the suffering which is… right this moment… being experienced by so many others who find themselves in the crosshairs of the 'power'-guys… that… on the contrary… it is because of that omnipresent suffering of all of us under 'class' that we focus on Prince… and Henry Kissinger – the latter representing our continuous enslavement… the former… our freedom – that it is because of the feeling that the problem is overwhelming (because we are confronted with a totalitarian system…) that we personalize the factors shaping this challenge… this juncture where we sit… Justice for Prince means freedom for all of us…
We have been trying to translate Proudhon's observations into the language of freedom (i.e.… beyond 'class'…) which locates the problem of 'moral evil' – division… violence… insinuated into the inter-linked families of human beings… into the heart of the infant (who arrives with a sense of justice and truth interwoven in him or her…) rending our inherent unity – locates the problem within the 'original sin' of 'class'… an abusive social arrangement that must be experienced consciously as such… for us to advocate for ourselves… and move beyond it… “While man is governed by instinct…” and we have been challenging the whole 'project' of the mind – body split… arguing that it is coterminous with 'class'… that we have been forced to become an object to ourselves… and that it is force itself which is the problem… and must be ended for our full lives to begin… again… This is the key to our diminishment… this split… and the key to our loss of 'the mystery'… our knowledge of Eternity… and herein we see yet another reason why Proudhon is so interesting: He argues that the course of our soul's and thought's development will inevitably lead us to the science of the practice of justice… which… in a sense… is our recovering what was stolen from us by the system of 'class'… and here-in-that we can see the deeper political implications of 'power's strategy of separating us from our infants (and I'm talking psychically more so than physically…) – granting that their enforcing this is also their (the 'power'-guys') reenactment of their own early childhood experience of abandonment – i.e.… we are prevented from learning from our infants… what a human being is… and so cannot see… by letting them teach… the vast power we tap and manifest… when we are not afraid… of the Infinite… but rather embrace it as source… as does Prince… and Proudhon… and Popper… etc.… so let's call the question: Did the mind – body split (which I'm arguing is at the heart of 'class'…) have to happen for us to acquire this knowledge… from which follows conscious reincorporation of the Eternal in us?… And what is the advantage in this? What does it mean to be conscious of the Eternal?… and of the Eternal in us? – with the word 'consciousness' we're talking about a 'body-feeling'… are we not?… so why not just say that… isn't that what Prince was modeling for us?… a feeling of Unity… practically expressed?…
“While man is governed by instinct, he is unconscious of his acts. He never would deceive himself, and never would be troubled by errors, evil and disorder, if, like the animals, instinct were his only guide. But the Creator has endowed us with reflection, to the end that our instinct might become intelligence; and since this reflection and resulting knowledge pass through various stages, it happens that in the beginning our instinct is opposed, rather than guided, by reflection; consequently, that our power of thought leads us to act in opposition to our nature and our end; it happens that in the beginning our instinct is opposed, rather than guided, by reflection; consequently, that our power of thought leads us to act in opposition to our nature and our end; that, deceiving ourselves, we do and suffer evil, until instinct which points us towards good, and reflection which makes us stumble into evil, are replaced by the science of good and evil, which invariably causes us to seek the one and avoid the other. Thus, evil – or error and its consequences – is the first-born son of the union of two opposing faculties, instinct and reflection…” ['opposing' only under 'class' – it is the shattering of the union… the making 'two' what was One… that weakens us such that we can be conquered… I am very grateful to Proudhon for his close look at this question… I'm going to pause mid-paragraph… but I really think we need to think more about this notion that it is in fact this process of (as Proudhon sees it…) a necessary development of our thought-process… that it is a fear – it feels to me like he's saying – that it is a fear of… – and again this gets back to the child-rearing practices that Alice Miller has been explaining to us – a fear of the instinctive… that has led to the shattering of our fundamental wholeness… and the destruction of our necessary thought-process… necessary for us to be human beings…] (Our outro song by Prince: “Dreamer…” from the Lotus Flower (2009) album]
For Our November 6, 2016 Show:
[“04 One of Us.mp3”:]
“One Of Us” by Prince: “What if God was one of us?… Just a slave like one of us?… Just a stranger on the bus… Tryin' 2 make His way home… If God had a face, what would it look like… And would U wanna see it… If seeing meant that U would have 2 believe in things like heaven… And Jesus and the saints and all the prophets?… Yeah, yeah, God is great… Yeah, yeah, God is good… Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!…” (Prince, "One Of Us", Emancipation, 1996)]
[“11 Dreamer.mp3”:]
“Dreamer” by Prince: “Eye was born & raised on the same plantation… In the united states of the red, white and blue… Eye never knew that eye was different… Til dr. king was on the balcony… Lying in a bloody pool… Expected so much more from a loving society… A truthful xplanation but you know what?… Eye got another conspiracy… If it was just a dream… call me… Call me a dreamer 2… With more rewards & accolades… Than anyone b4 or after… 21st century, oh what a shame… That race still matters… A race 2 what and where we going?… We r in the same boat… But eye'm the only one rowin… Last time eye checked you were sleepin'… …but you can call me a dreamer 2… Peanut butter logic served on a bed of lies… Don't go down 2 easy… When you see ur father cryin'… Have you ever clutched the steering wheel… Of ur car 2 tight?… Prayin' that the police sirens… Pass you by at night?… While the helicopter circles… & the theory's getting deep… Thing they're spraying chemicals over the city… While we sleep?… From now on eye'm staying awake… So you can call me a dreamer 2… Wake up wake up…” (Prince, “Dreamer”, Lotus Flower, 2009)]
[“09 Deconstruction.mp3”:]
“Deconstruction” by Prince… Part 9 of “The Rainbow Children”: “One after the other, the Banished Ones fled as they watched from the distance the destruction of the Digital Garden. With no more fruit 2 bear from its trees, the Haze was finally broken. With the rains came the awareness that NEVER AGAIN WOULD ANYONE EVER LAY CLAIM 2 THE TREASURES OF THE RAINBOW CHILDREN! As though awakened from a dream, the Muse opened her eyes. this time as Queen.”
[“05 Just Like U (monologue).mp3”:]
“'Just Like U' Monologue” by Prince: “'If I could just get a picture of you and Michael Jackson together Prince… I could retire Prince… [Please?]'…” (Prince, "Just Like U", Indigo Nights, 2007)]
Our November 6, 2016 Show:
Prince and Proudhon… are very well paired here… are there two any sweeter with love for us anywhere?… Prince wants no revenge for the monstrous wrongs done to him… he wants truth and love and justice to live… again… Proudhon (and Popper with them both by the way…) calls all the massive 'moral evil' the 'power'-guys have connived at… at root a 'mistake'… the mistaken notion of the sad children of Abandonment… – who… until Alice Miller (For Your Own Good…) John Boswell (The Abandonment of Children in Western Europe: From Late Antiquity Through the Renaissance…) Martin Bernal… (Black Athena: The Afroasiatic Roots of Classical Civilization, Vol. 1: The Fabrication of Ancient Greece 1785 – 1985 [Yes… you heard him right… 'fabrication'… as in 'made-up'… as in 'invented'… as in 'propaganda' replacing even the broadest conception of 'class'-bound 'education'… installed in the aftermath of the French Revolution (those heads of the 'power'-guys then rolling determined them – Plato's Tribe… our modern 'power'-guys – that their necks would never be rolled or stretched – and so they shall not… when our love… we-the-people's… is finally allowed to live… again…]) and Karl Popper (The Open Society and Its Enemies, Vol. 1: The Spell of Plato… have been so hard for us to grasp… – their mistaken notion that the body… love… our inherent knowledge of our fundamental One-ness and freedom… must be made war on… so that we-the-people can be made to bend to… be subdued to… the regime of their born-dead (and so mistaken…) 'Reason'… a 'mistake' with its roots in Plato… or rather in the global-statesmen's claiming of him… All their 'errors' – their trying to turn us into machines that obey instantly… their wanting us to believe quick ascertainment of their wishes followed by instant-obedience is a mark of 'intelligence' (all the institutions of 'class' exist to teach us this – which means 'class'… being global… is totalitarian… all aspects of it – family… school… 'job' – reflect a single mindset… a single reality…) their longing for a world peopled by automatons who only do what they are told to do… their resentment of us for refusing – can be understood as but versions of this fundamental one: “the people are cattle that must be herded…”
The dairy farmers were concerned that the Canadian system of regulating the dairy industry which protected them would begin to be eroded (and with the deal the erosion has so begun…) “For the moment, the system remains largely intact, and any direct harm from the new trade deal may not be great. Mr. Caddey [a third generation dairy farmer…] said he thought that small cheesemakers in Canada might be hurt…” We are in the time of the “contortions and convulsions” Rosa Luxemburg wrote about when the servants of 'power' sent to privatize the globe have worked themselves out of a job… and what they believed was a well-oiled machine has dramatically slowed… “The weakness of the global economy is exacerbating the trend. Infrastructure investment by multinational corporations declined for the third straight year in 2015, according to the United Nations. It predicts a further decline this year…” Remember the Ovid story of Erysichthon that we mentioned in Revealing Division… who was punished with the disease 'ever-eating-ness' by the Goddess of the Harvest for cutting down her favorite tree… around which the dryads danced… we are now at that moment foreseen by Ovid… and Marx (writing in his Grundrisse on his “Breakdown Theory” – a truth-telling to those servants of the 'power'-guys': political-economists (among whom he… to some degree… had previously been numbered…) those producers of the (fanciful) 'economic theory' that the deputies of 'power' could eat the earth ad infinitum and there would always be more self-generating abstractly ('self-valorization'…) for them to use to keep the people busy… if not fed…
Peter Kropotkin, writing around 1888: “The Decentralisation of Industries,” of Fields, Factories and Workshops Tomorrow: “China will never be a serious customer to Europe: she can produce much cheaper at home; and when she begins to feel a need for goods of European patterns, she will reproduce them herself… Progress must be looked for in another direction. It is in producing for home use. The customers for the Lancashire cottons and the Sheffield cutlery, the Lyons silks and the Hunparian flour-mills, are not in India, nor in Africa. The true consumers of the produce of our factories must be our own populations. And they can be that, once we organise our economical life so that they might issue from their present destitution.… [Of course… the 'reason' for 'business'…and 'modern' warfare (once 'class' became totalitarian with the establishment of the bureaucratic global-state – the interstate system…) the 'reason' for 'power' was never 'progress'… but to subdue us… – P.S.] Instead of worrying our brains by schemes for getting customers abroad, it would be better to try to answer the following questions: Why the British worker, whose industrial capacities are so highly praised in political speeches; why the Scotch crofter and the Irish peasant, whose obstinate labours in creating new productive soil out of peat bogs are occasionally so much spoken of, are no customers to the Lancashire weavers, the Sheffield cutlers and the Northumbrian and Welsh pitmen? [And… strange to say… some of the 'power'-guys have embraced a version of this message themselves – in an effort to forestall our embrace of Kropotkin… and our own freedom – embraced a version of it tied to a posture of 'patriotism'… With all the “Heads up!” they've been given… with all their tied-up minions analyzing data… crunching the numbers that mean our Grandmother Earth is suffering… there is no way they've been asleep to the implications of a Grandmother-'calling-to-accounts' impending… or to our own growing consciousness that we have the means and enough of the truth of our inherent freedom… for us to now say to them: “See ya! Don't need ya!”… – P.S.] Why the Lyons weavers not only do not wear silks, but sometimes have no food in their attics? Why the Russian peasants sell their corn, and for four, six, and sometimes eight months every year are compelled to mix bark and auroch grass to a handful of flour for baking their bread? Why famines are so common amidst the growers of wheat and rice in India?… The Capital and Labour problem is thus universalized; but, at the same time, it is also simplified. To return to a state of affairs where corn is grown, and manufactured goods are fabricated, for the use of those very people who grow and produce them – such will be, no doubt, the problem to be solved during the next coming years of European history [and of course now 'world history'… – P.S.] Each region will become its own producer and its own consumer of manufactured goods. But that unavoidably implies that, at the same time, it will be its own producer and consumer of agricultural produce…”
'Tomorrow' has now arrived… we have all we need to be free globally… but that means that enough of us (that 'critical mass') need to believe in our right to be truly free – i.e.… based in individual self-sufficiency… So… his points must be discussed and well-taken in… along with the implications of the inventions of Nikola Tesla… which are intended to be… and so must be… used to free us from coerced work… forever… Full… rich… lives for all… anywhere… everywhere… are not only possible… but our personal responsibility to secure… for the fruitful continued existence of human-kind… and all the more so as we learn and develop the 'science' of cooperating freely… Consider the cost of 'power's path of 'coercion' versus our path of love: one takes us all to inevitable destitution (as their fantasies of divinity become ever-more expensive to maintain…) if not outright destruction… (A miniscule example of a cost attached to the path of 'coercion': I read this week that to conduct [Homeland Security)] drone surveillance on someone [flying as high as 28,000 feet] – and I obviously take this information in with a lot of personal feelings aroused… having been subjected to it every day for years [a conservative estimate would be at least five… and I have to tell you… it feels like I'm being 'warred' on… and I know Prince felt the same… we have to take in how he knew the U.S. state is Fascist… when others among international rock stars did not… how did he know this is Fascism… When you start being hit with EMF you have no doubt about this…] for who-knows how many hours each day – to conduct drone surveillance on someone costs $12,255 per hour… and each drone costs $20 million – no price is too high – and that most def includes the cost of our lives – for the 'power'-guys to impose on us [of course we have to pay the cost of everything because we are the source of everything…] to maintain them in their illusion of being divine: no price is too high to force us to pay to maintain the statesmen in their elevated positions… So we can either pay for our own destruction… or we can pay… with our own energy… with our own love… for our freedom. It's time for that… we don't need no would-be-gods.
“The Time Of Assurance Is Now Upon Us” – So: “1968: The Great Rehearsal…” “the Great Rehearsal for What?”… Are We Ready Yet To Answer This Question? Our Good Three (Giovanni Arrighi… Terence K. Hopkins… and Immanuel Wallerstein did the work of historical analysis that we needed to fully see this juncture where we stand… we with our minds and hearts stayed on freedom… and to better understand the both real and false (propagandized) prospects of what has been termed 'the left'… a term not coterminous with we-who-long-for-freedom… particularly as… as our Good Three explain… Official Dissent has been captured by the global-state – and so our freedom… they concluded… waited for new terms… new strategies… a new way of seeing… A new way of seeing (how 'bout that our bodies are not to be 'made-use-of' by anyone… for any reason… we have to start focusing on that core issue…) in fact… which… as Prince shows us… is also “a song that is so old… sung in a voice of many colors…”) looking long… spanning the centuries… as is their wont… viewed 1968 as a 'rehearsal'… but another way to conceive of it might be… as a Great Wave of longing for freedom that first comes in to assess… see… feel… process… and then recedes to return more assured… we are arguing here… that the time of assurance is here… But… the practical reality looms to confront us… as it did Prince (which makes his thought-process an incalculable gift to us in this moment…) and the reality is… we have not yet confronted 'power' about the weapon of EMF it's been using against us… And it strikes me that this necessary confrontation can most fruitfully be linked with our referendum process on our right to pursue happiness…… At some point we likely must prosecute as a joint civil and criminal action – as a class-action – the state's use of this weapon against us – in order to raise awareness and discussion about the Fascist nature of the state… and tie it to a referendum on our right to pursue… and establish in the conditions and structures we create… our right to happiness: happy is how we came… and we want our lives to reside in that same place… So you lawyers out there – and all of us – we must put our 'thinking-caps' on and address all aspects of this question: the need to document that these weapons are in the possession of the state and that they have used them secretly against citizens – and the documents gathered and published by Leuren Moret (in particular Henry Kissinger's telegram to Moscow in 1976 regarding this weapon and Russian use of it [discussed in our August 14, 2016 show…]) are a good place to begin… she can be queried…
Continuing our excerpt from Margaret Cheney's Tesla: Man Out Of Time… As we read about Nikola's life after Colorado… we should consider what it would mean for the 'power'-guys of the time – folks like J.P. Morgan and the heads of state Nikola appealed to for support as WWI loomed… support in scaling-up his particle-beam weapon (in order to put a fast end to conflict through its awe-inspiring… if awful… demonstration of unassailable force…) – what would go through the minds of those who lust for 'power'-untouchable to learn of Nikola's invention… Think of what the current versions today would do… and you know what they did: “The probable explanation of what [Nikola] had heard was radio waves from the stars… Although Tesla could not doubt the testimony of his ears, he could nevertheless anticipate the ridicule of his fellow scientists when they heard the news. He was therefore slow to reveal his discovery. And the reaction when it came was all that he might have guessed. Professor Holden, the former director of the University of California's Lick Observatory, was the quickest to criticize: “Mr. Nikola Tesla has announced that he is confident that certain disturbances of his apparatus are electrical signals received from a source beyond the earth,” he told a reporter. “Until Mr. Tesla has shown his apparatus to other experimenters and convinced them as well as himself, it may safely be taken for granted that his signals do not come from Mars.” But the last thing Tesla intended to do just then was to disclose his apparatus to other scientists. His work in Colorado was finished. The New Year, 1900, arrived and went almost unnoticed by the inventor, who was in the midst of preparations to dismantle his equipment and depart. Tesla, at least, seemed perfectly satisfied with what he had achieved in Colorado. He had made lightning dance at his command; he had used the whole Earth as a piece of laboratory equipment; and he had received messages from the stars. Now he was in a hurry to get on with the future…”
Prince… as a prophet of 'class'… understood that across all the boxes in which 'power' tries to place us… we are all one: many nations… one blood – but he alone among them developed a strategy for this present moment… we're going to be exploring that… and perhaps the core of it is that we can have a good time getting our freedom… it is not the way we thought it was… it's not about some grim 'vanguard party' whippin' those 'masses' into shape… herdin' 'em up for the next iteration of 'class'… No… this is the evolution of the human being… or the recovery of our human-ness… We are considering… with the help of Prince… what it would mean to synthesize and advance their gifts – Proudhon's and Prince's – now that we better understand the history of 'class'… particularly since it became totalitarian… and considering that for many among us – the earth-connected indigenous especially but including those rare gems among us like Prince who held onto their original endowment of freedom despite the Authoritarian-Imposition (and we must not be mis-led by 'power's pundits… who will tell us that the freedom Prince urges us to embrace means 'chaos'… or that we must take our 'class'-derived mis-education for true and imagine this 'system' in the U.S. is not authoritarian… when in fact… it is exceedingly so: it is Fascist…) – we must consider that many among us did not relinquish their thought-process… felt no fear of 'heart'… 'mystery'… 'eternity'… the expression of spontaneous feeling – and that this quality called 'living our gifts fully' continues to exist among us… and it's time now for all of us to reclaim it…
Proudhon: “Thus, evil – or error and its consequences – is the first-born son of the union of two opposing faculties, instinct and reflection [and we've been arguing that these faculties were artificially opposed… by force… by 'power'… in order to sanctify the subjection of the Many to the false Authority of the Few… that they might pose as gods… and… that… on the back of this 'original lie'… all the subsequent lies of 'class' flowed like a polluted stream through our eyes and minds… blurring our sight… to such a degree… that we finally have been brought to this moment… when… with the help of Prince… we shall recover our thought-process… and sight… and see around the filth around us as it is… clearly… and think the question of 'reality' through to its fundamental basis… and determine consciously that we must create it… for it to serve our true interests… for us to be human beings… again… – P.S.] Thus, evil – or error and its consequences – is the first-born son of the union of two opposing faculties, instinct and reflection; good, or truth, must inevitably be the second child. Or, to again employ the figure, evil is the product of incest between adverse powers; good will sooner or later be the legitimate child of their holy and mysterious union. Property, born of the reasoning faculty, intrenches itself behind comparisons. But, just as reflection and reason are subsequent to spontaneity, observation to sensation, and experience to instinct, so property is subsequent to communism. Communism – or association in a simple form – is the necessary object and original aspiration of the social nature, the spontaneous movement by which it manifests and establishes itself. It is the first phase of human civilization. In this state of society, – which the jurists have called negative communism, – man draws near to man, and shares with him the fruits of the field and the milk and flesh of animals. Little by little this communism – negative as long as man does not produce – tends to become positive and organic through the development of labor and industry. But it is then that the sovereignty of thought, and the terrible faculty of reasoning logically or illogically, teach man that, if equality is the sine qua non of society, communism is the first species of slavery…”
Proudhon: “I ought not to conceal the fact that property and communism have been considered always the only possible forms of society. This deplorable error has been the life of property. The disadvantages of communism are so obvious that its critics never have needed to employ much eloquence to thoroughly disgust men with it [Proudhon is using the term 'communism' as Popper uses 'tribalism'… or 'the closed society'… which is necessarily totalitarian. I think Proudhon would be quite surprised and dismayed if told that close to two centuries since he wrote these words… and seventy years since Popper wrote his… the cold despair… the lock-down-hold of the 'closed society'… tightening its grip around our lives… has only grown more fierce… He would see then… for his honesty is even more fierce… that we are not in the grip of inevitable 'forces'… but very damaged… organized… and irrational… men… themselves in the grip of an obsession… and then ask us… as Prince asks us: "why did we come to this planet… why did we come to this life?" - i.e.… why are we here?… if our answer is to live fully and truly unbent by fear of unknown forces… he might reply as Shakespeare does… now that we no them… these formerly hidden-hands of Plato… we can… when we're ready… shake them off quite easily…]”
Proudhon: “The irreparability of the injustice which it causes, the violence which it does to attractions and repulsions, the yoke of iron which it fastens upon the will, the moral torture to which it subjects the conscience, the debilitating effect which it has upon society; and, to sum it all up, the pious and stupid uniformity which it enforces upon the free, active, reasoning, unsubmissive personality of man, have shocked common sense, and condemned communism by an irrevocable decree. The authorities and examples cited in its favor disprove it. The communistic republic of Plato involved slavery; that of Lycurgus employed Helots, whose duty it was to produce for their masters, thus enabling the latter to devote themselves exclusively to athletic sports and to war […since 'class' begun… having superior military force… held over the heads of 'the people'… has ever been 'power's obsession… – P.S.]. Even J.J. Rousseau [who we've since learned… thanks to John Boswell and Alice Miller… was also a big fan of Plato… to the degree… of abandoning his children… all five… cheerfully… - P.S.] - confounding communism and equality - has said somewhere that, without slavery, he did not think equality of conditions possible. [It's because of just this mindset that Prince believed… as we shall see… when we listen to the song "Family Name”… that one of the key questions on which we must gain clarity as we re-make ourselves free… is that there is no 'making room for' a worldview based on force… that we “cannot serve two masters…” – once discussed and made clear to us… we can move forward with greater assurance that there is only one road to Freedom… and that road is Non-Coercion…]”
For Our November 13, 2016 Show:
[“05 Act Of God.mp3”:]
“Act Of God” by Prince: “But I got news for you… Freedom ain't free… They lock you in a cell if you try to be… But the ones who say no, make history… Call it an act of God… (Act Of God)… Tax dollars build a plane drop a bomb… Supposedly to keep us all safe from Saddam… Bringing bad news to another woman… Call it an Act of God… But I got news for you… Freedom ain't free… They lock you in a cell if you try to be… But the ones who say no, make history… Call it an act of God… (Act Of God)… Funny how nobody's holy books are the same… Everybody's God got a different name… The day that it's over is the end of the game… And they call it an act of God… Hey, it will be all over when the people are free… Free to be who and what they want to be… Wherever we go it's up to you and me… Call it an act of God… We so tired said we through with fear… There never was no hell or boogie man here… If he was seen look he was in your mirror… Call it an act of God… Call it whatcha want except an act of God [x3]…” (Prince, "Act of God", 2010, 2010)]
[“02 Race.mp3”:]
“Race” by Prince: “Lie down, fair 1, and come away… Till the rain is over and gone… G-G-Gimme the beat now (Face the music)… Lead line (Face the music)… If the air is a little thick in this room 2nite… I reckon it's the result of an onslaught of separatist rookies… Overcome by this colorful sight… Talkin' so fast that even they… Talkin' so fast that even they… Don't know what they mean… Of all the things that base a rhyme… How is it that U everytime… Regurgitate the racist lines that keep us apart?… Thank God this ain't Monopoly… U'd make us all go back 2 start… Race… In the space I mark human (Face the music)… Race… Face the music… We all bones when we dead… Race… In the space I mark human (Face the music)… Cut me, cut U… Both the blood is red… I gotcha… D-d-down with H-I-S-T-O-R-Y and all this BS propagandi… Keepin U from me and me from U as we grow… I don't wanna know (I don't wanna know)… Why those before us hated each other… I'd rather believe they never did… I'd rather believe (I'd rather, I'd rather believe)… That there's hope 4 a kid… And if he imitates the best… I guess that's what I'll try 2 be… And I will let the rest dissolve with my guitar underneath the sea… Race… (Face Face Face Face Face)… Face the music (Face the music)… Face the music… Race… In the space I mark human (Face the music)… Race… Face the music… We all bones when we dead… Race… In the space I mark human… (Face the music)… Cut me, cut U… Both the blood is red… Get it?… Race… Got it… Race… (Face-F-Face the music)… Race… Race…” [Prince, "Race", Come, 1994]
[“01 Loose!.mp3”:]
“Loose” by Prince: “(Loose!) Everybody wants 2 know what's wrong with U… (Loose!)… They see U actin' like a crazy fool… (Loose!) When the music hits U don't know what 2 do… Push your way up 2 the front and shake your motherfuckin' 'do… Loose!… (Loose!)… Fuckin' 'do Loose! (Loose!)… (Loose!) Bangin' gangs, slangin' wangs and rock… (Loose!) Won't gain U nothin' but an angry cop… (Loose!) Get your education first then buy a pair of shoes… Push your way up 2 the front and shake your motherfuckin' 'do… Loose!… (Loose!)… Guitar solo… (Loose!)… (Loose!) How the hell U gonna tell me what 2 do?… (Loose!) I got the clothes, I got the bank and the crew… (Loose!) If U look real close, I even got your garden tool… Push your way up 2 the front and shake your motherfuckin' 'do… Loose!… (Loose!)… C'mon everybody… Loose!… (Loose!)” [Prince, “Loose”, Come, 1994]
[“10 Wedding Feast.mp3”:]
“Wedding Feast.mp3” by Prince… Part 10 of “The Rainbow Children”: ““Brother dear brother, I came as quickly as I could… The Digital Haze is broken,The Banished Ones r gone 4 good, gone 4 good”… Now there must b a wedding… Now there must b a feast… A feast, a feast… A smorgasbord at least… A brunch, a munch… Of cake if just a piece… Not just a vat of chitlins… Or turkey meat u c… We r what we eat… So we must eat a leaf… We'll dine under a tree… Unless it snows!”
Our November 13, 2016 Show:
The fear with which the global-statesmen absorbed the election of Barack Obama… and then his election again… is perhaps best measured by their relentless efforts – testified to by an almost daily dose of it in the 'power'-fed media – their relentless efforts to both create and make us believe in a 'widening racial divide'… They are very busy with this right now… constructing the story that Barack's election meant exactly the opposite of its actual meaning… and the story that… when we have the chance to make history by electing the first woman U.S. president – and not just any woman… but the most supremely qualified person for that gig around… the electorate – one in which people of color and women play an increasingly influential part – 'inexplicably' lost their minds and voted for a man who boasts of hating both… a 'mystery' the propaganda-sheet 'explains' by their invented 'widening racial divide'. If it sounds like fiction… it's because it is fiction… a construction… and they are able to get away with this because we are kept atomized… I mean think about that Panopticon… if we can't see or talk to each other except through the medium of them… how are we gonna know what each other thinks?… and they exploit that to the max… I guess we know now how it was Trump could run-to-lose… and nonetheless still 'win': during the campaign I couldn't figure him out… how it was he could be so absolutely unconcerned about running for president – and he's a practiced performer… I never bought for a minute that he was 'authentic'… that he just said whatever odd thing came into his head – I mean whoever heard of a person who was running for U.S. president going off to play golf in Scotland in the middle of a campaign?… not caring how he performed in a debate… brushing off a video in which he boasts of groping women… Now I get it… he wasn't running like he wanted to lose… he was running like he knew he couldn't lose… [There is always I suppose… given the times we are living in… the possibility he was running to lose and the 'power'-guys are making him lie in their bed… but whichever way it was… he is putty in their hands… a puppet… We are living in an utterly false world… so false in fact… that… as Prince has pointed out… the falseness must flip on them… i.e.… the overwhelming falseness causes to be generated the counter-balance… more and more of us are feeling that we must be that… the counter-balance… And I would be the last person to suggest the “power-of-the-one” doesn't exist… So in the event we are looking at an example of it… a grand gesture… I strongly recommend to him… and to all of us… “punch a higher floor…” We must all refuse to be moved by the strings [unless they're Prince's guitar-strings…] and when we do… soon it will be impossible to believe they had ever been…
The Plato's Tribesmen are going to pretend they didn't install this guy as president but rather keep pushing the message that we did – we-the-people – because we are 'so divided'… and then gleefully encourage us to blame each other for whatever befalls us… in the way of our 'civil liberties' loss… as a result… These guys have such contempt for us… with heads so swollen with their own hubris… swollen largely due to their theft of the inventions of Nikola Tesla – they imagine we will accept whatever noose they decide to strangle us with (and though it is obvious… it should perhaps be said that the statesmen are supported in their intentions by the 'professional Left' – only those who would corroborate 'power's key messages in this moment will be allowed access to our thought-process…) for example… though I find it difficult to tune in our local so-called 'progressive' station because of its 'left-version' propaganda… I did this week a couple times… before I knew the outcome of the election… and both times I heard a key 'power'-guy-message being dutifully regurgitated… i.e.: “the Democratic Party has only itself to blame for nominating someone so 'unelectable' [and this pundit had the shamelessness to say this even though she won the popular vote… despite 'power's vote-theft…] This fabrication – that she was disliked by the electorate – was put out every other day in the New York Times for what felt like the entire campaign… precisely… I'm certain… to make it so… but I never bought that it worked as bombarding-self-fulfilling prophesy… women (and a lot of men…) wanted to see a woman become U.S. president… appreciated her grasp of the issues and coolness under pressure – there is none more capable for the position… which means she could offer resistance to the Plato's Tribesmen… if there is no one in that seat that can offer resistance to them at all… we planning global freedom have a much more difficult time… which is why I'm so disappointed that we have not figured out how to expose this [“man-in-the-middle”] tactic and counter it in some way… Although I'm really hoping that it becomes moot at this point… that we have seen enough of the dirty tricks and ugliness of this 'system'… that we no longer need to go through this song-and-dance of trying to… as Prince says… “choose the lesser of two dangers…” but rather… choose freedom… for all of us…
If they can angle drones off in the distance and suck up my little contribution to 'The Work' (…and the tech-people the 'power'-guys are likewise busily trying to divide us from have to know this 'man-in-the-middle' technique – outed repeatedly now as part of the global-statesmen's arsenal of election-stealing tricks [the man credited for designing in during the selection of Bush conveniently (for 'power') was killed in a plane crash] – have to believe that it was a factor in this 'miraculous' 'win' for Trump. For instance I unearthed a story from a couple months back about a (so-far) ill-fated collaboration between Mark Zuckerberg and 'SpaceX' (which is part of the 'Tesla' motor company… and has the Space Station cargo-delivery contract [which… once we learn more about the Pentagon's 'Space Battleship”… mentioned by Margaret Cheney… may prove more than just ironic…]) – their “$200 million communications satellite that would have extended Facebook's reach across Africa…” – Mark Zuckerberg hoped it would “provide wireless connectivity to nations across the world that do not otherwise have easy internet access… [including connectivity] to large parts of sub-Saharan Africa…” – exploded as it was about to launch. “Along with satellite coverage, Facebook is teaming with local internet providers [in Kenya] to offer access, and is also building its own drones – the first of which is named Aquila – to beam internet connectivity down to cities…” (Kenneth Chang, Mike Isaac and Matt Richtel, “SpaceX Explosion Puts Big Goals of Facebook and Musk Into Question,” The New York Times, September 2, 2016) – and that beam… as opposed to the one they killed Prince [and blast me…] with… goes both ways…)
If they can angle drones off in the distance and suck up my little contribution to 'The Work'… what do you suppose they did with the data that determines who holds the office on which they've fixated with such an ill lust… such a fierce covetousness… for this chess piece to hold among their 'assets' – 'assets' for putting us in a hold they believe we can't get out of? But it's important that we never forget that it is a global-system-of-'power' that confronts us… which means that it's imperative that we reach hands across the interstate system and plan together our freedom… globally… Initially I wrote about challenging the vote… but how could such a discussion even begin when we don't have our own media? This problem continues to press on us… but it need not impede our convening a global day of work-stoppage for planning our global alternative to the current fear-and-force-based system (…not having our own media need not impede our using social media to organize a Global General Strike… – at least for now… but I think we have to see this Trump-insertion as a threat as well to our ability to use social media tools for global action planning… the 'power'-guys are already dropping signs in The New York Times (to get us all 'adjusted' to the idea… that our leashes must get much tighter… between the lines of this for instance: “…it seems clear that a shift is in the offing… Leaders of these [tech] behemoths… want to make money, sure, but they also wanted to make the world a better place, to offer a kine of social justice through code… offering a kind of radical connectivity that they promised would lead to widespread peace and prosperity [Note to any tech folk of good heart: Please listen again to Prince's song “Loose!”… which I posted to the Blog page near the current date… which opens with the line “Wake Up People!”… if you truly want “widespread peace and prosperity” keep listening to this show and start thinking some new thoughts on how to get there… – P.S.] Much of the wealth generated by the five biggest American tech companies flows to young liberals in California and the Pacific Northwest, exactly the sort of 'global elites' Mr. Trump railed against in his campaign…” [Oh please… if you want to picture 'global elites' think 'Henry Kissinger' or 'Bill Gates' – he's definitely up there… got the inside scoop… helping them with (funding) the 'geo-engineering' / 'chem-trails' false-trail… Whenever they're trying to amp up the stream that is hitting me those trails are all over the sky… going with me wherever I go… so I know it is about the use of that weapon… I absolutely know that… Prince saw them everywhere too – they were using them to hurt him…
And in addition… the global-statesmen have already set up the lines of battle to keep us divided internationally in their various versions of the 'us-and-them' global-divide-and-conquer play… to forestall our determination to come together… they hope ad infinitum… These two titles from the November 11, 2016 New York Times give you the idea: “A Well-Armed Trade War: If Trump Moves to Squeeze China, He Could Inflict Pain, But Beijing Would Have Ways to Counterattack,” and “Russia Prepares to Block LinkedIn…” This edition also mentions that China has wasted no time clamping down even harder on Hong Kong… and we know Russia feels likewise empowered vis-a-vis 'her' 'closed-in-and-captured' (the paper the next day brought more bad news along these same lines… about the 'license to abuse' states are seizing globally…) Given the speed with which the global-statesmen are moving… it feels more and more urgent for we here in the U.S. to link organizing a global day of work-stoppage in order to plan a global-society based in opposite operating premises (to 'class' / 'power' / 'rule'…) with a referendum on our right to happiness… and this tied to exposure of the state's use of EMF weapons against individual U.S. citizens – an inquiry that demands an answer from Henry Kissinger as to his knowledge about how early… and how… these weapons have been employed by the state… …and most importantly for its success (as we'll be discussing…) let's make a work-stoppage for designing the infrastructure of… and planning steps for achieving… a global society based in individual material-sufficiency and non-coercion… a party in memory of Prince… who worked so hard for us to have just this… our freedom… gave his life so that we might achieve it… and has set us up with all the music we could ever want… to amplify our need to be free… Prince expressed what it feels like to be assaulted with EMF weapons… by using his slowed-down voice to convey that sense of electric-paralysis that makes you feel frozen and clogged… mucus-thick and painfully-slowed… And he testified to this assault as well by employing recurring themes: being stuck in a soulless machine… being the target of professional killers… the expectation of an early death… and… especially when he was a young man… the notion that he was being confronted… assaulted… by… an utterly alien (alien to him… to love…) force… that for some reason he could not fathom felt threatened by him… The song “1999” (released in 1982) opens with this voice saying: “Don't worry… I won't hurt you… I only want you to have some fun…” with a drumbeat that sounds like his slowed-down heart… “Download: a veiled form of fascism… Nothing really ever changes… U never had a voice… If you look, ur sure gonna find… Thruout mankind's history… A colonized mind… The one in power makes law… Under which the colonized fall…” (“Colonized Mind”, Lotusflow3r, 2009)… or: “But I got news for you… Freedom ain't free… They lock you in a cell if you try to be… But the ones who say no, make history… Call it an act of God… Funny how nobody's holy books are the same… Everybody's God got a different name… The day that it's over is the end of the game…” ("Act of God", 2010, 2010)
Prince told the absolute truth in his music… and when he called himself “Dr. FeelGood” in “Let's Go Crazy”… he was not overstating it… These guys… the global-state-statesmen… exist by theft – trapped in the 'plunder mindset' Proudhon schools us on today… one that only knows destruction… exposing with this mindset what was done to them… the 'power'-guys… revealing the hidden crime: the murder and secret burial… of its 'glassy essence'… the soul's abandonment… and with it… an authentic (independent) thought-process… they have no creativity themselves. The lust for false 'power' (plunder) testifies to the absence of the true… 'Creativity' means 'life'… means surrendering to the forces of life… Imagine the world in which it is allowed to exist unharnessed and unharassed in each and every one of us… It is time for us to have this world… – only we can make it for ourselves… Fascism can only stride openly if it can get us to hate… or believe our Brothers and Sisters are motivated by hate… One of the tasks of the emphatic partner – Prince is showing us – is to help us feel loved… show us the abuse we've suffered that we've been trained not to see – confirm it exists… and help us to release our grief… our tears… It is the corruption of this 'system' that has to be seen… so parents can do the right thing… as… fundamentally… none of us want to hurt our children… none of us want our children to become lost to themselves… tools for others… lose their gifts…We all want to experience freedom… But until we talk about it… we can get stuck in the absence of love – each of us will have to bring it… it is the core of 'The Work”… which consists of: …our global consciousness (seeing from the 'vantage of the whole'… and owning a commitment to the truth as expressed in our essential earth… our bodies being our direct route (root) – the knowledge that “1 + 1 + 1 Is 3”…) the work we do for our Sisters and Brothers… the work we give to 'the All'… there is the 'tribe' we do it with… sustain with DMSR (Dance… Music… Sex … Romance)… which are routes to manifesting the eternal… and experienced (honored) as such… It should console us that Prince was made for this historical moment – broadly speaking… His music provides a necessary corrective to the hateful thoughts with which we are generally raised (under 'class'…) which 'power' ensures get continuously reproduced and disseminated. His songs require discussion among all of us who believe in “one global people… one love…” as we discover and share whatever we find to extend our numbers… and commitment to global freedom…
For instance… in the song “Race”… Prince provides what I believe are useful tactics to consider: He calls out and names what he sees: outing “hidden-'power'”… folks I've no doubt were agents (“If the air is a little thick in this room 2nite… I reckon it's the result of an onslaught of separatist rookies… Overcome by this colorful sight… Talkin' so fast that even they… Don't know what they mean… Of all the things that base a rhyme… How is it that U everytime… Regurgitate the racist lines that keep us apart?… Thank God this ain't Monopoly… U'd make us all go back 2 start…” – and shows us that… strategically… the best response to “hidden-'power'” (and we must discuss what that is…) is to notice what's going on around us… and keep dancing… and bringing the love… in creative ways that anchor our goals… Also: notice his finding a way to practically express our global-consciousness (“Race… In the space I mark 'human'…”) and his driving-force forward (“D-d-down with H-I-S-T-O-R-Y and all this BS propagandi… Keepin U from me and me from U as we grow… I don't wanna know… Why those before us hated each other… I'd rather believe they never did… I'd rather believe… That there's hope 4 a kid… And if he imitates the best… I guess that's what I'll try 2 be… And I will let the rest dissolve with my guitar underneath the sea…”
Consider what it would mean for the 'power'-guys of the time – folks like J.P. Morgan and the heads of state Nikola appealed to for support as WWI loomed… support in scaling-up his particle-beam weapon – what would go through the minds of those who lust for 'power'-untouchable to learn of Nikola's invention… Think of what the current versions today would do… and you know what they did… Margaret Cheney: “When he reached New York in mid-January 1900, reporters and magazine editors pounced upon him. Predictably, the eastern scientific fraternity had echoed Professor Holden in denouncing Tesla's claim to have received a message of extraterrestrial origin – at least, without telling them how he did it… Certain that he was at the forefront of a broad, revolutionary technology, he immediately began filing new patents for radio and the transmission of energy, based on his Colorado experiments. As a first step, he envisioned building a world radio center offering all the services enjoyed today – interconnected radio-telephone networks, synchronized time signals, stock-market bulletins, pocket receivers, private communications, radio news service. He referred to it as a world system of intelligence transmission. The first patent that he filed on his return (No. 685,012) was a means for increasing the intensity of electrical oscillations, the medium for doing so being liquefied air to cool the coil and thus reduce its electrical resistance. He also received two other patents in 1900 and 1901 related to buried power transmission lines and the method of insulating them by freezing a surrounding dielectric medium such as water. One, a reissued patent (No. 11,865), referred to a “gaseous” cooling agent – apparently a key word that had been inadvertently omitted from his original patent No. 655,838. He was therefore one of the originators of cryogenic engineering.… This is yet another instance in which his pioneer work has gone unacknowledged – possibly because it might open a door for the U.S. Patent Office to invalidate later claims.…” Preface to our reading of Proudhon: We should keep in mind… though… that at some point… probably in Plato's day… and then by him 'systematized'… these errors became conscious lies (as Popper has shown us by exposing Plato's conscious intent to incorporate them in the next generation…) – the notion that to be motivated by… what Proudhon calls 'instinct' and I call 'heart'… expressed a 'lesser stage' in 'human development'… while a few proclaimed themselves manifestations of the 'higher stage'… and set about making us… forcing the rest of us to be… more 'amenable' to 'rule'… so the 'higher' ones (so-called) could craft the 'higher' 'society': Plato's Republic… Proudhon is now showing us a subsidiary error that derived from the original dualism (mind / body split…) the original rigidity… a duality in thinking that shattered our original wholeness… the idea of Plato's 'communism'… another word for 'totalitarianism'… being key to the achievement of 'equality of conditions' for the Many – the 'leveling effect' De Tocqueville spoke of… or “the greatest good for the greatest number” notion of Jeremy Bentham… to which all are forced to bend…)
Proudhon: “Private associations are sternly prohibited, in spite of the likes and dislikes of different natures, because to tolerate them would be to introduce small communities within the large one, and consequently private property; the strong work for the weak, although this ought to be left to benevolence, and not enforced, advised, or enjoined; the industrious work for the lazy, although this is unjust; the clever work for the foolish, although this is absurd; and, finally, man - casting aside his personality, his spontaneity, his genius, and his affections - humbly annihilates himself at the feet of the majestic and inflexible Commune! [Did he not just… in the blink of an eye… because he sees their antecedents… understands from what they are made… cut the whole item "Plato's Tribesmen"… not needed to piece together anything… set it on our discussion-table to contemplate… And the proof of his perspicacity in seeing their unchanging fixity is on view all around us today… as they seek to impose 'their Way' on the entire planet… Time to get busy my Sisters and Brothers… - for something else: our Freedom… - P.S.]” [Our outro song is “Strange But True” from Rave Un2 the Joy Fantastic… - P.S.]
Prince songs For Our November 20, 2016 Show:
[“08 HardRockLover.mp3”:]
“HardRockLover” by Prince: “She walked into the party… And dared me to live up to her dreams… We 'bout to get it started… Turn my guitar up so I can make this woman scream!” [Prince, “HardRockLover”, HitnRun Phaze One, 2015]
[“09 Whole Lotta Love.mp3”:]
“Whole Lotta Love” by Prince: “We have a whole lotta love…” [Prince, "Whole Lotta Love", Indigo Nights, 2007]
[“11 Indigo Nights.mp3”:]
“Indigo Nights” by Prince: “London knows how to party” [Prince, “Indigo Nights”, Indigo Nights, 2007]
[09 I Will.mp3”:]
“I Will” by Prince: “I will walk this road, I will, I will… It's gonna be hard but I know, I will, I will… People come and they'll go, but I'll still, I still… Face up to the truth and just grow, I will, I will… I will fight this fight, I will, I will… I will sleep 2night, I will, I will… Ive been down before, but I still, I still… Remember what I came 4, I will, I will… I will get 2 U, I will, I will… And then I'll help U get thru, I will, I will… U've preyed on many a fool, until, until… No one cared about U, but I will, I will…” [Prince, “I Will”, Chaos and Disorder, 1996]
[“11 She Loves Me 4 Me.mp3”:]
“She Loves Me 4 Me” by Prince… Part 11 of “The Rainbow Children”: “This one I can b what I wanna b… I don't have 2 live up 2 no one's fantasy… I could write another 300 melodies… 2 her it's just 3, cuz this one.… She Loves Me 4 Me… With this one I don't even have 2 comb my hair… I can wear what I want 2… Or nothing she don't care… I don't even have 2 take her on the rollercoaster c… Cuz this one, this one, She Loves Me 4 Me… In the morning,… When I rise and c her eyes… Look deep in2 mine… I find a better place… This one I can tell all my secrets 2… I don't need 2 make her swear she would never tell anywho… Besides I'm the only one she ever really wants 2 c… Cuz this one, honestly, She Loves Me 4 Me… When the night falls… And she calls… I run 2 her side… Cuz she got the ride that I like 2 ride… I like to ride it… This one I can take over my momma's house… And I don't have 2 worry what goes in and out her mouth… All she needs is just a little gratuity… She don't like no beef, she just loves me 4 me… she just loves me 4 me… This one, This one, She Loves Me 4 Me…” [Prince, “She Loves Me 4 Me”, Rainbow Children, 2001]
Our November 20, 2016 Show:
While it's been noted that Prince was about 'bringing the love'… I have not heard anyone point out that 'bringing the love' also means returning (modeling) an independent thought-process… because 'thought' is the daughter or son of love… which springs from the Infinite – and that to 'bring the love' in any meaningful sense… we have to end this system premised on its opposite …and I have heard no discussion of what is required to accomplish this project… Prince released this song in 1996… the year of his baby's death (one day I hope to get clearer on the chronology of the events of his life…) a death I do not believe was an 'unfortunate fate' or an 'act of God'… but the intended effect of a laser-weapon into the head of an in utero infant: “I will walk this road, I will, I will… It's gonna be hard but I know, I will, I will… People come and they'll go, but I'll still, I still… Face up to the truth and just grow, I will, I will… I will fight this fight, I will, I will… I will sleep 2night, I will, I will… Ive been down before, but I still, I still… Remember what I came 4, I will, I will…” [Prince, “I Will”, Chaos and Disorder, 1996] After reading Alice Prince might have added a stanza or two: “As a child they tortured you… I know… I know… And it left you broken in two… I know… I know… And all your feelings froze… and so… and so… The tears they just won't flow… you can't let them go… But this grief that no one sees… I will… I will… Spoken it will unfreeze… it will… it will… Our love will be like the sea… it will… it will… That our grief runs to meet… once it… is seen… it will…” Point being: 'bringing the love' ain't easy… but we must remind ourselves daily: “I will… I will…”
[The batteries died during the discussion of “The ATM Machine” so some of that commentary was lost… – P.S.]
What does it mean to be 'antisystemic'?… Doesn't it mean that you out hidden-'power' by bringing its opposite?: up-front… assertive… unapologetic… emphatic… love… Who does this but Prince? And don't we need someone as dazzling as he… to pull our eyes away from 'power'… and the fear it continuously re-seeds?… Isn't this 'power'-imperative – to reclaim our eyes and keep us afraid… to impregnate us unceasingly with fear (and to provide to us a cornucopia of designer-'protests' to choose from… and so divert our energy for 'protest' into the next generation… the damage the 'power'-lustful can do behind the front of Trump – which they will then blame on us … “because 'we' voted for him…” – is infinite…) – isn't this 'power'-imperative what the dramatic insertion of Trump into our prospects for an open future… isn't this what it was designed to accomplish?… to get us all wistful and weepy for the kind… 'fatherly'… state?… and so isn't what we're seeing the current 'power'-guys' iteration of the 'Cold Bath Treatment'-staple in their “Keep them off-balance and insecure” bag-of-duplicitous-tricks for staying in control?… Do we really want to spend our time on the planet reacting to what 'power' does to us?… or do we want to start planning the alternative? (…and let's never forget their biggest trick…grabbing all the land (the money… honey…) and hanging onto it: When we say that finite resources cannot sustain this 'system'… it's important to the effectiveness of our practices that we help reinforce with each other an understanding of what 'the system' is… that by 'the system' we do not mean 'capitalism'… but 'class'… i.e. a 'system' in which the Tiny Few continuously reduce the amount of earth available to everyone 'not-them'… or 'not-needed' to sustain the illusion of a 'meritocracy'… We have been arguing that an authentic definition of 'the economy' is: “a mechanism or process for continuously reducing the amount of earth available to 'commoners'… while continuously consolidating the whole of the earth's resources (including 'the people' themselves…) into the hands of those who plan to establish themselves as planetary 'rulers' who can never be unseated by any group or groups of 'commoners'…” Doesn't what we have been calling 'capitalism' accomplish that? Is that not a 'wonderful' machine for accomplishing that?
We were just talking about the ATM Machine… and the strategic reason… from the perspective of 'power'… for inserting Trump into our prospects for a free future… So this 'ATM Machine"… we've been arguing is the Big Con: grabbing all the land… all the resources… and then training us to be obedient… predictable… functionaries… who are trained to respond to the stimulus (carrot) of money… and to the carrot of recognition… because resources are made scarce… love and appreciation and attention are made scarce… Point being: we are created (by 'power') to be small intentionally… This is never discussed on the Left… except by Prince… and Alice Miller… a few folk… which we don't get to have our discussions of… and that has to change for us to grow bigger… (They also have some less soaring but nonetheless pressing tasks to finish up – [and… it should also be remembered… and always kept within our hearts – the advise Jesus and many other wise-guides-to-love gave: we know each other by our acts… and… in 'power's case… they are known particularly by their acts in interrelation and synthesized – i.e.… we see their intentions by their acts (the only reason to read their propaganda-sheet…) and their hidden hand is becoming ever-more-transparent with their insertion of Trump and his 'scary unpredictability' – and on this tip we owe Hillary Clinton a debt: she forced the 'power'-guys' hand… and I will be forever grateful to her for that…] …for instance… they really want to bring their boy Edward Snowden home [I mean – and this is not the only suggestive item – a full-page ad in the New York Times that says “Bring Our Boy Home” – or words to that effect – evidences this (wherever money is flowing 'power's hand is holding the urn… “Black Lives Matter” again comes to mind… [they really want to set Barack up to take the hit historically for what they're calling (for instance in the New York Times of November 14, 2016) the imposition of a “harsher security” regime in the U.S.])] and… obvious from even before the Republican nomination was up for grabs… they like House Speaker Paul D. Ryan for the 'Say-so seat' (the presidency…) Now… who's to say their timeline… and they do take pride in 'looking long'… and they must – as Plato told them and Kissinger repeated – temper the 'ideal' with 'the possible' (always changing…) but it's hard to miss that the global-statesmen are worrying their bits in this moment… else I doubt they would have brought us the theater piece “Trump the Extreme” (doesn't the bile rise to think of it: that in the eyes of the global-statesmen our deaths and misery are just their chips-and-cheese and entertainment they munch for lunch…) And doesn't this mean then… that we must… with an equal force to their thrust of him on us… turn away from their horror-story-theatrics… and begin designing our loving alternative… initiated… as Prince recommends… with music… dance… and a regenerative romance – a holy respect and appreciation for each other's bodies (a state cannot… could never… do this for us – only we can do this… for each other… Statesmen are in the way of this… necessary… evolution to love…) and a 'holy respect' for each other's bodies (disrespect of our bodies is the core of this 'system' called 'control-us-ad-infinitum…) means we don't try to coerce each other… don't attempt to subtly… or obviously… overtax each other's creative gifts (our love – and I'm talking about when we all come together to plan that party for Prince and our One Day Global General Strike – that is the goal… and that shakes out the agents… trying to disrupt that basic goal is how they 'out' themselves… because we ain't trying to coerce nobody… we ask for help with our particular project… we got a good idea… people vote with their feet: "OK I'll help you do that… that makes sense to me…" but it is key that we begin re-growing… kickstarting… our authentic thought-process… We have not been aware… because we haven't been discussing these issues consciously… the degree to which the thoughts we think are 'power'-given and re-circulated [Prince gives us new thoughts to think…] We need to begin to think authentically… that means working with these fresh ideas that we hear together by discussing the texts that have been suppressed… including Prince… and with these suppressed ideas begin thinking new thoughts… and sharing them with each other – thinking for ourselves… Thinking for ourselves restarts our process of developing love and empathy – tied… as it must be… with our grief at what has been done to us in having our authentic self stolen from us…)
Let me just finish this thought: what it means to respect each other's bodies… and to not make demands on each other's creative abilities – what I'm trying to say… is that it would be easy… as this is the conditioning… to slip back into that mode of trying to control other people's energy… and this is what we're going to be discussing with each other: the degree to which coercion is totally… that our words… our thoughts… are totally saturated with this 'need' to get others to do our work: what we want to accomplish… and by this measure we gauge our power in the world… So we're going to have to support each other in regenerating our independent thought-process… and in trusting that process… So no force is needed when it comes to planning our One-Day-Global-General-Strike… and our Party For Prince… and none – whether as a mere hint or a hammer – must be tolerated – if folks don't want to do it… they don't want to do it… we work with the folks who want a free future… and then we try to grow our numbers by the sheer magnetic… captivating… and charismatic display of ourselves doing this Freedom-Work…) Our tool… our source… rather… that with which our ideas and actions are fueled… is just the resurgent stimulus of life renewed and unrecumbent… that's all we need to urge us on… the longing to see each other as we are meant to be… brilliant… joyful… startling… funny… and loving…
I don't know if you can hear these drones but I'm getting hammered pretty good… it's constant so please bear with me… it's gonna be that way until it ain't… I have accepted the reality that only a movement… only us moving forward… not 'protesting'… but moving for what we want: our bodies back… and talking about that… and having discussions and planning sessions and dance and song about that – that creativity blossoming of freedom is what makes their EMF weapons untenable: too many targets… and… little by little… we break out of their hold… and they then have to confront the reality that we are aware of 'the weapon'… and will be forced… at some point… to own its existence and their possession of it… and decide: 'what then?' – how they are going to cope with the fact that we know… Their m.o. is: 'just keep lying and lying and lying'. Ours must be: 'eyes on the prize at all times…' Ideas blossom in unexpected ways in the fertility of mutual re-energizing… re-becoming – if our mental soil has been adequately prepared… our heart sprouts ideas… and vice versa… We said that 'bringing the love' means returning (modeling) an independent thought-process… This is so because the absence of love (which our bodies note when we arrive…) is a puzzle we can't work out in a totalitarian system… as… a totalitarian system bans by tacit global-statesmen-agreement and by the implied decree of the uniformity of thought built into its social arrangements and conditioning – via the institutions of 'class': 'education'… 'media'… and 'childrearing' – the thoughts we need to gain a clear picture of our actual condition… that we are captive living beings who were made by the earth for freedom… and so… when we are unable to figure out this 'original puzzle'… our minds circle 'round it fruitlessly… i.e.… 'Thought' gets 'stuck'… but (as George Eliot said…) “feeling's a kind of knowledge…” that can help us get 'un-stuck'… We are unpacking in this space some conclusions we arrived at with the help of Alice Miller (using her book For Your Own Good…): that the suppression of our authentic-ness… our 'true self'… our spontaneous feelings… which our parents force us to do… in their mis-guided service to the state (the 'power'-guys…) driven by the fear that otherwise we would be punished (which no doubt is true… but this doesn't mean we run from the necessity to fight for freedom…) that the theft of our wholeness necessarily makes us 'small'… and that to get it back… we have to see the opposite: 'big'… This… in a sense… is the method in Prince's broader strategy for 'decommissioning' 'the system': he models 'big'… and 'partying-big'… and makes us want both – a joyful expressing of our body's voice in joyful engagement with our fellows – and in wanting what he has… we are wanting our original selves back… our original joy… Prince knows this… and encourages us repeatedly to follow his lead…
We need each other to feel truly glorious… lovable… unconquerable… 'big' (and I'm talking about the groups we work together in… and I know we have to confront the issue of 'trust'… and Prince is going to be very helpful here as well…) – or at least it's a whole lot easier when we support each other in becoming and being so – and we need to feel truly glorious to want to defend our right to 'be it'… for ourselves and others… seeing each other's worth as we do 'the Work' (this is a quality of Prince that is key to the freshness of his writing: he paid attention to the people and the world around him… this quality of authentic-thinking is necessarily connected to the quality of 'being love'… it stands out in his lyrics from Day One… For instance… when he says: “We live in a world overrun by tourists… They look at life through a pocket camera… Half of the staff of their brain is on vacation… Mama, are u listening?… We need a new breed – Leaders, Stand Up, Organize… [From the song "Sexuality" (we're going to have to discuss that… the connection between 'sexuality' and "Stand up! Organize!"…) in the CD… Controversy (1981)] – or when he says in the song “New Power Generation” [from the CD Graffiti Bridge (1990)]: “Pardon us for caring, we didn't know it was against the rules… If we only want to love one another… Then tell me now who's the fool?…” – "who's lost their thought-process…" in essence…) spoken to those who have been told what to think from infancy… Next week we'll think more deeply about how Prince sees expressing sexuality honestly [more difficult than we thought…] challenges the 'rape-non-culture-of-class'…)
So while it feels as if we're 'just' engaged in one long party… we're actually envisioning and concretizing the future we want… in which problems get solved effortlessly… because the focus… the goal… is the engine driving all of us: we are consciously there to face and undo our wounds of 'class'… and to plan the (global) infrastructure needed to support each one of us being fully self-determining – that's what we're there for… everybody we are working with… in whatever space we are in… working on it… that's what they are there for… and if they are not… that becomes evident pretty quick… and we get through it… by dancing… I'm beginning to see… and I want to get clearer on this… – and problems get solved effortlessly because we trust… the collective 'mind'… 'soul'… and 'body'… of us… – once we are shakin' our collective mind-body-and-soul together… the earth tends us into sync (and our thought-process is going to expand exponentially as we watch this happen…) i.e.… we trust the process and the basic concept: individual material-and-soul-sufficiency is necessary for the individual to be the initiator and implementor of 'policy' – at the center of decision-making: that is… the basic unit of political organization… the process… then… must model the objective… It is the intention behind the act that elevates or debases it… We get together to party and support each other's goals… not to tell each other what to do…
And if we find ourselves outnumbered… and this is possible… that is to say… our focus on the One-Day-Global-General Strike / Prince Party is somehow being nullified… or negated… or vetoed… because we were such a threat that our group is almost wholly agents… if we find that we're back to working independently… we must trust our independent thought-process… and as we do this… as we get strong… we're able to withstand the pressure of being outnumbered … that's a real pressure that hopefully will be part of our discussions… Continuing our excerpt from Margaret Cheney's Tesla: Man Out Of Time… Earlier in the book… in chapter 12… “Robots”… Margaret Cheney… describing an event in Tesla's life in 1898… writes: “It was not on the whole, however, a comfortable time for a man of dark complexion and foreign accent to be an American… [Nikola] was hoping, after an impending exhibition at Madison Square Garden, to interest the government in his very latest wonders. [And I think that we have to know… that he did… – P.S.] The day for which Tesla the inventor had been working and waiting arrived in the midst of martial distractions… The demonstration of the world's first radio-controlled robot boat by Tesla failed to make the splash it deserved, not only because it was overshadowed by the war, but because he made the mistake of presenting more than the public could absorb at once. The remarkable stage of development to which he had carried wireless, the forerunner of modern radio, would have been quite enough; but to introduce automation simultaneously, as he did, was probably too great a leap. On that day in 1898 when he demonstrated the common ancestor of modern guided weapons and vehicles, of automated industry, and of robotry, he was introducing an idea for which the world would not be ready for many years.” [Nothing illustrates the 'plunder-mindset' of the 'power'-guys… which Proudhon will school us on next week… as the story of the their theft of Nikola Tesla's inventions…]
In our August 28, 2016 show… we noted (thanks to Karl Popper…) that to attempt to impose a closed (totalitarian… or 'communist' – which the ancient society of Sparta was [on which Plato based the Republic…] – whatever the tag a branch of the tree 'Class' uses… it teaches 'its' people to think: “I am nothing… the state is all…” – this is the base content of all the institutions of 'class'…) that to attempt to impose a closed system of thought ('class') on people is to arrest 'thought' in them… and in the broader social arrangement – global… and in all of its parts… In that show we also quoted John… from the New Testament: “God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him. Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment [when 'power' tests us… – P.S.]: because as he is, so are we in this world. There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love. We love him, because he first loved us. If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen? And this commandment have we from him, That he who loveth God love his brother also. (John 1, 4: 16 – 21)]…” and asked: 'What is the route by which love for our freedom becomes the imperative for love for all my Sisters and Brothers?…' What we've been discussing – in our synthesis… since the murder of Prince… our synthesis of Prince's strategy for global human freedom with what we've learned from Alice Miller and others about what gets in the way of it – we've been discussing how it is that when thought is arrested… simultaneously are empathy and love arrested… Prince's mission is Alice's mission: to get us 'un-stuck'… thaw our frozen feelings… get us out of our 'heads' – i.e.… 'power's conditioned mindset (which inspires suppressed rage and instills paralyzing fear…) – Prince… analyzing this problem correctly devoted his energies to getting us back… situated comfortably… in our bodies… Our recent shows have been viewing the mindset of 'power' – which… being expressly totalitarian can be viewed… examined… and understood from many angles – from the perspective of 'theft'… the original theft of 'the soul'… perpetrated by parents… at the behest of the state: the child's spirit is conquered – fear is instilled – and here begins the 'rape-culture' mindset of 'power' – the 'plunder-mindset': “Take what you want… you need not respect ownership…” No thought is involved in it so it cannot be reasoned with… it is a mindless compulsion to 'be' (manifest 'perfectly'…) a function… and to perform for the reward of recognition dangled… To this compulsion – base service to the “plunder-mindset of 'power'”… to rip off Nikola… to rip off Prince… as their own creativity is dead… is a 'triumph'…
Proudhon: “Communism is inequality, but not as property is. Property is the exploitation of the weak by the strong. Communism is the exploitation of the strong by the weak. [(Think of Nikola… think of Prince… they are the strong… these 'power'-guys are the weak… it is exactly the opposite of what they want us to think…) Writing… as he was… in the 1830's… his authentic concept of 'communism' – similar only in the broad sense of a 'collective ownership' – is not what we've been 'taught' (i.e.… absorbed via the 'power'-fed-media…) to think of when we hear the word… its unity with 'totalitarianism'… though… as Popper shows us… is obvious not just in Plato's philosophy… but obvious once we subject it to an authentic thought process… To Proudhon… writing within the context of an incipient global-'class'-system… the full-blown monster raging around us today would be a nightmare too shocking to contemplate… were it not that he undoubtedly would also see the counter-balance blossoming around us as well… Our full-blossoming in Freedom… Maxim Gorky knew [seen in his novel Mother…] will mean our mutual brilliance will startle our eyes… cause our hearts to cry for joy… to be and meet at last who we truly are… - P.S.] In property, inequality of conditions is the result of force, under whatever name it be disguised; physical and mental force; force of events, chance, fortune; force of accumulated property, etc. [Such an important point… never discussed… and particularly now… with the abundance of our gifts - stolen - surfeiting in 'overproduction'… is discussion of this suppressed: Whence comes the coercion? Why do we put up with it?… Nikola Tesla's inventions alone free us from the need for any coercion in the sharing of our gifts with each other… - P.S.] In communism, inequality springs from placing mediocrity on a level with excellence [No… as Prince points out and demonstrates… this is a tactic and product of 'class'… to make us easier to control… - P.S.] Communism is oppression and slavery. [Slow-wit that I am these days… it just occurred that he is describing… whether he has it in mind is another matter… the communism of Plato… i.e totalitarianism… Popper has explained this exhaustively - the community of men and women and all the property held in common was intended… as Proudhon says… to strip the human being of all personality and render him or her but shadows of the state… robots… 'yes-men-and-women'… in word: obedient… that's not how we came… that's how we had to be made… from infancy on up… from 'power's perspective… so that they would have a free rein to implement their fantasy… trained in them… by their mis-guided parents… So it's time for us to stop helping them… and rather help each other's freedom live in the world around us… – P.S.]” – Our outro song from Prince is “Baby Knows” from Rave Un2 the Joy Fantastic… and I hope you're thinking about in what sense dance is going to get us through the minefields of infiltration…
Prince Songs For Our November 27, 2016 Show:
[“01 Wow.mp3”:]
“Wow” by Prince and ThirdEyeGirl: “Like a bee to some honey; a moth to a flame… We've got an addiction and we got him to blame… We never saw it coming 'cause he made no claims… 'til now… You can call it the unexpected or you can call it… wow!…” [Prince and ThirdEyeGirl, “Wow”, PlectrumElectrum, 2014]
[“12 ...Back 2 The Lotus.mp3”:]
“…Back 2 The Lotus” by Prince: “From a lotus flower… from my inner… corner of my… from within the clouds… animal of your seed… the forms are……” [Prince, “…Back 2 The Lotus”, Lotusflow3r, 2009]
[“01 It.mp3”:]
“It” by Prince: “I think about IT baby all the time, all right… IT feels so good IT must be a crime, all right… I wanna do IT baby every day, all right… In a bed, on the stairs, anywhere, all right… I wanna do IT baby all the time, all right… Cuz when we do IT girl, IT's so divine, all right… I could be guilty 4 my honesty, all right… But I've got 2 tell U what U mean 2 me, all right (all right)… With U I swear, I'm a maniac, all right… U see IT ain't no joke, just a natural fact, all right… I wanna do IT baby all the time, all right… Cuz when we do IT girl, IT's so divine, all right…” [Prince, “It”, Sign O' The Times, 1987]
[“04 Anna Stesia.mp3”:]
“Anna Stesia” by Prince: “Have you ever been so lonely that you felt like you were the only one in this world… Have you ever wanted to play with someone so much you'd take anyone… boy or girl… Anna Stesia come to me… talk to me… ravish me… liberate my mind… tell me what you think of me… praise me… craze me… out this space and time… Between white and black… night and day… Black night… seemed like the only way… so I danced… Music… nothing great… no way to differentiate… I took a chance… Maybe… maybe… maybe… I could learn to love… I mean the right way… I mean the only way… Perhaps… you could show me baby… Maybe… maybe… maybe… I could learn to love… if I was just closer to somethin'… (Closer…) (Closer to your higher self?…) I don't know… (Closer…) (Closer to heaven?…) Maybe… (Closer to God…) Save me Jesus… I been a fool… how could I forget that you are the rule… you are my God… I am your child… from now on… for you… I shall be wild!… I shall be quick… I shall be strong… I'll tell your story… no matter how long… No matter… no matter… no matter… for you… We're just a play in your master plan… now my lord I understand… (Understand…) Love is God… God is Love… Girls and boys… Love God above… Love is God… God is Love… Girls and Boys… Love God above… Love is God… God is Love… Anna Stesia come to me… talk to me… ravish me… liberate my mind… tell me what you think of me… praise me… craze me… out this space and time… Love is God… God is Love… Girls and Boys… Love God above…” [Prince, “Anna Stesia”, Lovesexy, 1988]
[“15 And God Created Woman.mp3”:]
“And God Created Woman” by Prince: “In a deep sleep I fell… And the music starts 2 swell… One of my ribs He took and it shall be… Bone of my bones (bone of my bones)… And God created woman… And we were naked and did not care… There's a time 2 take and a time 2 share… 2 in love, all around and all aware… Flesh of my flesh (flesh of my flesh)… And God created woman… Temptation sweet and so much (sweet and so much)… Surely die if neither one of us shall ye touch (shall ye touch)… Then again we could die from the rush (rush)… Heart of my heart (heart of my heart)… And God created woman (woman)… Woman… My-my-my-my-my-my woman… In my darkest hour I find… Many serpents who have lied (lies)… Given half the chance still I'd run 2 your side (run 2 your side)… Love of my love (love of my love)… And God created woman (woman)… And if I never see u again… It's alright 4 I am guilty of no sin… They can have u, I'll have your love in the end… Soul of my soul (soul of my soul)… And God created woman…” [Prince, “And God Created Woman”, Symbol, 1992]
[“16 Wherever U Go, Whatever U Do.mp3”:]
“Wherever U Go, Whatever U Do” by Prince: “Oh-ooh… Wherever U go, whatever U do… Ooh please, remember that I'll always be there 4 U… U don't have 2 call, U don't have 2 say… Just think about me and I'll be on my way… I don't have 2 worry, I'm sure U'll be fine… Cuz if U stay happy, then what's your's is mine… Wherever U go, whatever U do… Remember that I'll always be there 4 U… (Ooh Baby)… Wherever U R, think of your dreams… Ooh please, remember life ain't always what it seems… 4 each rainy day (rainy day)… That comes your way… The sun will come shining and U'll be okay… Keep on smiling - every girl and boy… Remember when U were children U had toys… Wherever U R, think of your dreams… Remember that dreams become the life U lead… Whatever U play, it's okay 2 lose… Ooh sometimes (sometimes…)… As long as U learn from every game U choose… If one thing is sure, U'll always endure… If U try your best at everything U do… Say what U mean and mean what U say… The price 4 a broken heart's 2 much 2 pay… And nothing is worth it, if U don't have 2 try… The higher the stakes - the higher the sky… Wherever U go, whatever U do… Please remember… Remember that I'll always be there 4 U…” [Prince, “Wherever U Go, Whatever U Do”, Rave Un2 The Joy Fantastic, 1999]
[“12 Family Name.mp3”:]
“Family Name” by Prince… Chapter 12 of “The Rainbow Children”: “Welcome. U have just accessed the Akashic Records Genetic Information Division. This program is required 4 those wishing 2 obtain a marriage blessing from The Kingdom. When u wish 2 begin this program, place ur right hand on the scanner and tightly clench up ur buttcheeks as u might feel a slight electrical shock. Please select the race history u desire. U have selected African-American. This is your history: First of all, the term "black and white" is a fallacy. It simply is another way of saying "this or that". Let's examine the term "this or that" in its ultimate form which is: "this" means the truth or "that which is resistant 2 it. When a minority realizes its similarities on a higher level - not just "black"- but PEOPLE OF COLOR, and higher still "INDIGENOUS", and even higher still, "FROM THE TRIBE OF.", and yet higher- the "RAINBOW CHILDREN". When this understanding comes, the so-called minority becomes a majority in the wink of an eye. This action will cause a Reaction or Resistance. The source of this Resistance must b banished as it is in direct conflict with the initial action. It cannot be assimilated, 4 its very nature is resistance. In other words, ONE CANNOT SERVE 2 MASTERS. U r either "this" or "that" which is not "this"…” [Prince, “Family Name”, Rainbow Children, 2001]
Our November 27, 2016 Show:
I think I know what The New York Times – brought to us by and for those who want full control of our minds… the 'power'-guys – I think I know what they mean by their term 'Fake News' (…a topic they are bludgeoning us – or… perhaps more to the point… Facebook… with daily now…) what they must mean by their term 'fake news' are the sweated-over or effortlessly-vomited (because they are mere iterations of an old old script…) contrivances… constructions or orchestrations of 'power's own hidden folk (who… by Rutenberg's terms… by being intentionally kept very hidden… are forever excluded from scrutiny… while their mis-attributed and unidentified effects (principally that we are kept unccertain about what is true and what isn't… such that anything might be so… even the fantastic notion that we-the-people chose Trump to 'lead us'…) while these effects proliferate like a contagion around us…) designed… these particular constructions… once dutifully blown-up-and-out-wide by the media… to encumber the capacity of we-the-people (globally) to use social media to plan and organize globally… Of course what they don't mean… and will never admit – as they don't exist to serve the cause of honesty: their entire project to require us to equate 'news' with want they give us… 'truth' with the box they want to force us in… and 'journalism' with the project of stamping as 'legitimate' these labored-over constructions provided by 'power'… is designed never to contradict the story of 'power'… of 'rule'… of 'class' – the story that has been our steady diet for centuries… Of course they want to control what goes out… and they want Mark Zuckerberg to do it for them… They are telling him “handle it… handle it… or we'll handle it for you…” Their hubris knows no bounds… and they wouldn't be making this play (pressure applied every day consecutively… for a week at least…) if they didn't think they already have him in check (of course they thought the same of Prince… and Nikola too – meanwhile both are going up Lady Liberty's dress… and they're gonna blow… blow… blow…)
Tell me… The New York Times – and the 'power'-guys for whom you speak – is it “Fake News” that Prince's death is the result of thirty-years-plus of being subjected to an assault by EMF (electro-magnetic-force) from weapons possessed and deployed by 'the state' (in whatever shape it chooses to take)? Is it “Fake News” that Nikola Tesla invented a family of EMF weapons that… depending on the specific weapon… can bring airplanes down… or cause ill health… disease… and / or death to human physiology?… and be used to eliminate people secretly? Is it “Fake News” that the U.S. state (and likely all the 'major powers'…) now have these weapons… and have not disclosed the full extent of what they have to 'their' people… or the full scope of their use? (as we organize globally to get free of the stranglehold states have [a hold secured by appropriating to their exclusive use our collective global means – our common planetary resources – hopefully some of us will gradually peel back the layers of 'cover-up' to determine when precisely EMF weapons began to be used widely by the U.S. state (and presumably as well by [at the least] the states identified by Margaret Cheney as having citizens who took out patents on them in the early twentieth century: Germany… Russia… and England…] In a previous show I suggested that the Yale experiment to see if people would obey the order of an authority to deliver shocks to (torture) a helpless fellow human being… knowingly cause pain… was to determine the viability of their using EMF-weapons secretly against citizens within the country where they are being used… broadly… to cause disease and eliminate dissent (an earlier show included quotes from Margaret Cheney's book – which… as we're reading the latter third of the book now… we'll return to – that describe the physiological effects of EMF – it can affect the growth-rate of cells… and… this was confirmed by Henry Kissinger in his telegram [discussed in the August 14, 2016 show…] which lists the specific effects of the weapons they're using as well… It messes with our human electrical systems… causes heart disease… strokes… So we have to 'out' the use of these weapons… there can be no 'work' more critical… and I don't just mean for our health here in the U.S.… I mean for the health of humanity… I mean for the health of all life… It is just that critical that we force the U.S. state to admit they have these weapons… and never let up until we have the full truth about their use…
And we've had numerous discussions as to why this is so critical… and I think a little thought devoted to it by anyone new to this issue will reveal why that is… When the state does not admit that it eliminates its own citizens… and therefore dissent… secretly… you have Fascism… and unfortunately this is a global totalitarian system that the 'power'-guys are hoping to cement in place… precisely because we have the technology – largely thanks to Nikola Tesla – to free us from the coerced-work system… the gifts to us from the earth were given freely… we want to share them with each other freely… And that's what we're here to do in this moment… is to restore basic health… vitality… fairness… justice… truth… – I mean… you don't get no bigger than that… right?… A recent obit of the actor Robert Vaughn [in the New York Times of November 12, 2016] is also suggestive… in a variety of ways. It reminded us that his hit series in the 1960s in which he played a debonair 007-type spy who fought… week after week… a “secret organization intent on achieving world domination through… devices like mind-controlling gas…” The organization was called T.H.R.U.S.H.: “Technological Hierarchy for the Removal of Undesirables and the Subjugation of Humanity.” The series was inspired by the creator of the James Bond character. At the height of the show's popularity in 1967 Robert Vaughn “became national chairman of an organization called Dissenting Democrats…” and… speaking out against the Vietnam War… said… “In our fervor to halt the potential spread of totalitarianism, what incredible precedent are we setting in Vietnam?… by marching our legions through the countryside of foreign continents, burning homes, laying waste to the land and indiscriminately killing friend and foe alike?…” A more capable person than I must sort it all out… once we're free…)
If you want to suggest these are 'fake' questions…New York Times… why not serve truth and help settle them: answer the questions we listed at the beginning of the June 19, 2016 show… present the results of the police investigation into the death of Prince – including the full autopsy findings – to test your theory? And if you truly do… as you claim to… value the job of 'journalism'… which you say provides the truthful counter to all 'the Fake' we are bombarded with… and as we want to know about the theft and subsequent suppression of Nikola Tesla's inventions (which is wanting to know about the role of hidden-'power' in our lives…) – why not send your journalists out to clarify?… have them investigate the existence of Nikola Tesla's particle-beam weapon?… whether the U.S. state possesses it… developed a whole family of EMF weapons based on it… have journalists explore his life and expose his full array of contributions that have been so wrongfully keep secret from us? And why so much manipulation of the historical record? It is the large questions – that are expressions of the hidden fundamental structures of our lives – that we need more information about… And while we're on the subject of 'fake'… what about this totally fake president-elect… brought to us by the 'power'-guys?… –it's been really funny over the past few days watching the various stories in the New York Times shift the onus of responsibility for the installation of Trump: first it was placed on us… we-the-people… supposedly… chose this completely unprepared person to 'lead' us… miraculously… though the country's becoming more and more of-color and women… we chose someone who expressed hatred for us… that didn't wash… nobody bought it (folks are now trying to encourage Hillary Clinton to get a recount of the physical ballots in three key states… particularly as her popular vote advantage keeps going up – it's well over two million now… so the 'power'-guys have to acknowledge that Trump was not "elected by the will of 'the people'"… that fact alone de-legitimizing the state…) so now they're trying to shift blame: first to "fake news"… and then to 'the Russians'… But of course… "it can't be" that the vote was hacked… How do we know? The Department of Homeland Security says so… They didn't notice anything out of the ordinary (for them)… "just our usual job: keeping you safe from yourselves… allowing us to deliver 'the future' as it's meant to be… with you guys in chains… and us making all the decisions because we are the 'philosopher-kings…' while you are 'born-to-be-bossed…' the herd… the cattle…" 'Born-to-be-driven'?… No… actually… we're all born with the same 'stuff'… and it has been because of the weight of millennia of conditioning in obedience that we have been… until now… unable to see the obvious… and it is now that we are able to see through this fog of lies because we have… thanks to Nikola Tesla and his tribe… the tools we need to talk together globally… so that we can all catch up as a Global-One… because it takes a Global-One to get out from under the whip of this totalitarian system. These guys are organized globally… it is only ten thousand… at most… but they are organized… which shows the power of organization… Time we did that… starting with our One Day Global General Strike. We'll get our lives back… almost overnight…
And while we're on the subject of 'fake'… what about this totally fake president-elect… brought to us by the 'power'-guys… installed using a fake election and machines (on and off the ground…) with secret computer systems to provide a fake vote?… Lastly… is it 'fake news' that we deserve to live fully as the earth (our nature) intended… unencumbered… and that we must organize world-wide to achieve this earth-given right? When you daily limit our right to know… by failing to investigate and discuss… the big… suppressed… facts that determine our lives… we state-subjects… your screaming “Fake!” strikes us as highly disingenuous – you surely don't imagine we could possibly believe that you are the true arbiter of what is 'fake'… and what isn't? The whole project of 'class' (an imposed hierarchical arrangement premised on 'rule'…) is a fraud… based in lies about what we are inherently as human beings… a fraud balanced precariously therefore on 'fake news'… that they would use this word 'fake' to pound us back into this highly-crafted 'Fake'… cast that word at us as an allegation used to suppress our inter-communications when we try to talk with each other by going around them… in order to organize ourselves to defend ourselves against their 'Fake' (by designing a global alternative premised on truth – our nature as free humans – that allows us to finally live our gifts as they are meant…) – that they would use this word 'fake' on us… is obscene.
The Time Of Assurance Is Now Upon Us” – So: “1968: The Great Rehearsal…” “the Great Rehearsal for What?”… Are We Ready Yet To Answer It? Prince simplifies things strategically… and while we'll be attempting to put the entire package together in a way that does his strategy justice… what follows will be but first-take-elements within it… (Suffice to say… its source is the assurance that we are whole human beings… not objects… or subjects): • “We can make each other feel good… feel happy…” and “We must feel happy to feel love…” (That's a political point… because it is in keeping us unhappy that they keep us conquered… is the conclusion that makes when we think that through… and therefore… it is very powerful thought to say: "…This power to feel good… feel happy… feel loved… is within our own hands… And here's an excerpt from one of Prince's songs that expresses this: “This is something every girl should know… Every part of U comes alive when U take it slow… This is something every man should see… Give your woman what she wants and give her what she needs… (What she needs…) Ask her in a whisper that only 2 can hear… What can I do, what can I say, baby? Forget your every single fear… Come on (Come and get your come on)… One kiss at a time…” [Prince, “One Kiss At A Time”, Emancipation, (1996)] Now… granted my experience is limited… but… I've never been with a man who said anything like this to me… Further… I cannot even imagine any of the men I've been with saying this to me… Sad… huh?… and especially saying it as Prince would… And if you don't think saying this requires love… try saying it if you happen to have sex with someone you like – because Prince is in love here… There's other times and places when he's not… when he sings about sex from the sheer bliss and fun of it… e.g.… “Tick, Tick, Bang!” • “Do what feels good to feel happy…” and… • “Dance to reconnect with the source…” • “'The source' (the Infinite) shows us the truth – and it feels good…” • “Risk being honest about what your body wants…” And listening to Prince you realize how rare that is… because in his songs you realize he says stuff no one else says… expressions of the truth that is never openly acknowledged… He gives us gems… treasures… even when he's expressing – he put it in one of the interviews that he's 'got a mean side' – we're going to talk about that in a minute… it didn't come out that often. As far as I'm concerned… it didn't come out often enough… because this man was surrounded by agents… – you cannot know that unless you are also being targeted by these folk… And the more threatening you are to 'power'… the more they're going to try to isolate you – placing their people around you – and you have to factor that into our understanding the events of his life… the stories he's tells… and what he depicts in his songs…
• “Risk being honest about what your body wants…”… • “There is no reason to lie about what our bodies want (no legitimate reason… I should say… and we'll be talking about some of those illegitimate reasons – what holds us back from being open and honest…) and honoring what our bodies want makes us feel happy…” and this is no less so when it's about 'getting our own back…' it's important to note… given the conditions imposed on us under the terms of 'class' – defending our precious 'self' makes you feel happy… makes your body feel appreciated (particularly when we have or have reacquired our true 'self'…) – defending your precious 'self' against someone's bad or duplicitous energy feels good… and the opposite we're going to be thinking about as well: what it does to your psyche – and this is important for us to think about because we're going to be working necessarily with a collective… in a group… and while hopefully everyone you work with you trust… there will be issues of trust… and there will be folks who are not honest… because this is a system that is going down viciously… and the 'power'-obsessed will not spare any expense to try to interrupt… stop… what we're doing… It will be a challenge that we have to get ourselves prepared for… so that means that we will find ourselves most likely surrounded by duplicitous energy and that causes us to feel – particularly it did for Prince… as a youth… confused… Perhaps less so for us… for Prince it was something entirely new… He was so young when the targeting of him started – because he was powerful so very young… and did not have a chance to become politically aware of these tactics (until later in life…) because he was so immersed in just the music… and figuring out what the hell they were doing to his body… and who was doing it to him… and why… They kept him in a state of hellish confusion as a very young man… So we have to start understanding that our bodies are really sensitive instruments that feel when someone is not being honest… and we can't necessarily… first of all… consciously become aware of it… and then process it… until we've had these discussions… and made the tactic something that's part of our conscious awareness… So there's no reason to lie about what our bodies want… and Alice Miller has explained… expressing honest anger is restorative (Prince's song “Sarah” is one example…): if you express anger… then you have no need to 'be' the anger (to be violent) if we speak it – then our body has been heard. • “We must feel happy to feel love…” – we'll explore this in more detail in upcoming shows – when we don't feel happy… that is a psychic emergency that takes priority as a basic survival question… our body must address it first… • “Love women… make women happy…” as… • “If women are happy… the children can be happy…”
“Love women… make them happy…” – Sounds too simple almost doesn't it?… It certainly is never discussed by us… – it's one of those strings that once you start pulling on it… the whole system unfolds before our eyes… and we realize that this is an intentional unhappiness that is being imposed on us… – “Love women… make them happy…”: It is within and from Prince's love for women (at the heart of his strategy…) that we must place his advocacy of nakedness and open sexuality… his vision of a 'new breed of leaders'… – and the reason why he drew the rage of the 'power'-guys down on him… We should see it as key to his strategy… key to his resistance… and to his receiving 'power's 'punishment': Prince likes women… In such an intensely misogynistic 'system' as 'class' (premised as much on hating women as on 'hierarchy' and 'rank' broadly…) this emphatic condition could not help but bring him to 'power's attention… add that he intentionally wanted to 're-create' obedience-numbed-us… to 'wake us up'… and that he used the concept of a 'new breed' (a fascistic version of which they had seized for themselves…) and it becomes quite inevitable that the 'power'-guys would come down on him… hard… that they would want to hurt him as much as stop him… that he would bring all their sadistic energy to the fore… His whole being confronted them as a conscious challenge (we must fully appreciate what Prince endured to fully appreciate him…): “Stand up everybody, this is your life… Let me take u to another world, let me take u tonight… U don't need no money, u don't need no clothes… The Second Coming, anything goes… Sexuality is all u'll ever need… Sexuality - let your body be free… C'mon everybody, yeah, this is your life… I'm talking about a revolution we gotta organize… We don't need no segregation, we don't need no race… New age revelation, I think we got a case… I'm OK as long as u are here with me… Sexuality is all we ever need… Reproduction of a new breed - Leaders, Stand Up, Organize… Reproduction of a new breed - Leaders, Stand Up, Organize… Reproduction of a new breed - Leaders, Stand Up, Organize… Everybody… We live in a world overrun by tourists… Stand Up, Organize… We need a new breed… Leaders, Stand Up, Organize… I wanna be in the new breed, Stand up, Organize… Sexuality is all I'll ever need… Sexuality, I'm gonna let my body be free… Sexuality is all I'll ever need… Sexuality, I'm gonna let my body be free… Sexuality…” [Prince, “Sexuality”, Controversy, (1981)] And when we sing those words with Prince… it makes us begin to internalize them in our bodies… which is why he got targeted…
And the more I think about it… the more remarkable his strength and political / strategic precocity becomes… (Remember… he published “Sexuality” when he was only twenty-three… and I am certain he was already getting targeted then… This is a man who lived by his wits and fortunately he had a whole bunch of them… a very brilliant man… Prince survived by being a difficult target… and by figuring out early what was going on…) The potency of the man is just stunning… Prince is so stimulating… he makes everything more fun… more interesting… We see things with fresh eyes when we think his thoughts – this shows the power of his music… the power of his voice… and the power of his analysis: 'power' (the global-statesmen… the Tribe of Plato) literally gets in the way of the free expression of our body's truth because it wants to own us… our bodies… control what our bodies do… I'm struggling with the fact that for thirty-years-plus Prince put to us pregnant… pressing… pertinent… essential questions about our condition under 'class'… under the false terms of intentional limitation imposed by a very few (point-zero-zero-zero-one percent…) and… as far as I can determine… received no response… Repeatedly he asked for this… repeatedly he was met with silence from us… How he sustained his vital spirit despite this is a mystery – “how I got so funky…” he says in “My Name Is Prince”… “is a mystery…” Partly he answers this in one of the interviews we listened to by saying that he put his feelings in his music… But… he was a sacrifice (we'll be listening to the song “The Sacrifice Of Victor” soon…) Now it's time for us to speak… and answer for ourselves… and provide an issue with our bodies our reply: for what?
Margaret Cheney: “Meanwhile, as George Scherff reminded [Nikola Tesla], there was a problem of some urgency with respect to his bank account. He had run through $100,000 during eight months in Colorado.… To whom should he turn? Colonel JJA? George Westinghouse? Thomas Fortune Ryan? J. Pierpont Morgan? C. Jordan Mott? Although he was being ridiculed in the press, his reputation among capitalists still remained good. One thing that impressed such hard-headed gentlemen was the record of the Westinghouse Company in maintaining its monopoly of alternating-current patents [At some point we must begin her book at the beginning… Tesla's life is so completely key to our understanding of so many things… In any case… Margaret Cheney writes in Chapter 5 (“The War of the Currents Begins”): “…for [Nikola Tesla's] forty [A.C.] patents Tesla received about $60,000 from the Westinghouse firm, which included $5,000 in cash and 150 shares of stock. Significantly, however, according to Westinghouse historical records, he was to earn $2,50 per horsepower of electricity sold. (Memorandum of Agreement dated July 7, 1888, between Westinghouse Electric Company and Tesla Electric Company.)] …One thing that impressed such hard-headed gentlemen was the record of the Westinghouse Company in maintaining its monopoly of alternating-current patents despite the efforts of competing industrialists to batter down the walls. In a search for new developmental capital he again began frequenting the Players' Club in Gramercy Park, the Palm Room of the Waldorf-Astoria, and, of course, Delmonico's. To the same purpose he suggested to a willing Robert Johnson that an article for Century magazine be written by Tesla on energy sources and the technology of the future. He slaved over this article, which was eventually entitled “The Problem of Increasing Human Energy,” and which appeared in June 1900. Like most of Tesla's writing it turned out to be a lengthy philosophical treatise rather than the brisk report on his Colorado research which Johnson had desired. Nevertheless, it created a sensation.… The Century article with its photographs and predictions thrust him even further into the center of controversy. But though his scientific colleagues sniped, the press remained generally loyal. [from ch. 15: “Magnificent and Doomed”, in Margaret Cheney's Tesla: Man Out Of Time, 1981, p. 153 – 55].”
Part twelve of “The Rainbow Children” is called “Family Name”… What is our 'family name'?… Prince asks… Do we get to choose it?… not under 'class'… The point of 'rule' is to 'own' us – the process of stripping us of ourselves Prince understands well… others have noted it in more circumscribed terms… In Waking Up: Freeing Ourselves From Work I quoted Saidiya Hartman: “It was one thing to be a stranger in a strange land, and an entirely worse state to be a stranger to yourself…” and argued that a global-system of 'power' has made us all 'strangers to ourselves' – that's the point Alice Miller is making… and the point Prince is also making here… Turning now to Proudhon: “Man is very willing to obey the law of duty, serve his country, and oblige his friends; but he wishes to labor when he pleases, where he pleases, and as much as he pleases. He wishes to dispose of his own time, to be governed only by necessity, to choose his friendships, his recreation, and his discipline; to act from judgment, not by command; to sacrifice himself through selfishness, not through servile obligation. Communism is essentially opposed to the free exercise of our faculties, to our noblest desires, to our deepest feelings. Any plan which could be devised for reconciling it with the demands of the individual reason and will would end only in changing the thing while preserving the name. Now, if we are honest truth-seekers, we shall avoid disputes about words.… Property, in its turn, violates equality by the rights of exclusion and increase, and freedom by despotism. The former effect of property having been sufficiently developed in the last three chapters [which we have yet to read… - P.S.], I will content myself here with establishing by a final comparison, its perfect identity with robbery. [If 'property' is known by the right to dispose… as one wishes… of a thing existing… or a thing incipient… then we are possessed by parents and markets conditionally… and by the state wholly… Prince… in an interview… describes the shock with which it sunk in that an industry executive was staking his claim to a song he hadn't written yet… What does this suggest?… – P.S.]”
Prince Songs For Our December 4, 2016 Show:
[“06 Tangerine.mp3”:]
“Tangerine” by Prince: “Some days I feel tangerine… Some days I feel blue… Some days I just wanna black out… Everything I felt for U… Even though I take your picture… Everywhere I go… I use it for a coaster and drink the overflow… Some days I make a lot of money… And give it all away… 2 take my mind off the tangerine colour… Of your negligee… Beggars can't be choosy… If they don't know how 2 serve… U got a different phone number… and a lot of nerve… Some days I feel tangerine… Some days I miss U, 2…” [Prince, “Tangerine”, Rave Un2 The Joy Fantastic, 1999]
[“07 There Is Lonely.mp3”:]
“There Is Lonely” by Prince: “Is it me or did the room just get darker?… Is it me or did I just lay down and die?… Is this a dream or did the world just crumble at my very feet?… How in heaven will I ever be alright?… There is lonely and there is lonely… And then there is how I feel right now… Perhaps only Cain when he'd slain his brother… Could ever come close 2 knowing how… yeah… There is lonely and there is lonely… And then there is how I feel right now… Perhaps only Cain when he'd slain his brother… Could ever come close 2 knowing how… There is lonely and there is lonely… And then there is how I feel right now…” [Prince, “There Is Lonely”, The Vault… Old Friends 4 Sale, 1999]
[“03 Blue Light.mp3”:]
“Blue Light” by Prince: “Oh well, here we are again… Lookin' 4 something 2 get us in the mood… I tell each and every one of my friends… That the love we make is really pretty rude… But they don't believe me cuz it's written all over my face… Like Evian and the deep blue sea… U and me got different taste… U like it in the dark but I like a… Blue light… Can u turn on a Blue light… Then cuddle up 2 me So tight… Just u and me All night… Alright… Blue light… Can u turn on a Blue light… Then everything will be Alright… Oh, Blue light… U say u wish I was shy… I always take a simple thing and push it way 2 far… But baby, that's the problem with u and I… U say not in public but I say in the car… Say, we need to get wild again like it was when we first met… Close your eyes and count 2 ten and when u open 'em - I'll be standing naked with nothing but a smile on… Blue light… Can u turn on a Blue light… Then cuddle up 2 me So tight… Just u and me All night… Alright… Blue light… Can u turn on a Blue light… Then everything will be Alright… Oh, Blue light… I'll be 117… U'll be still sayin' "Baby not 2 nite"… It's easy 2 see us on the cover of a magazine… "Double heart attack, couple both die in a fight"… Oh Baby! I don't wanna cross that road cuz I love u 2 much… I'd do anything just 2 heat up your cold touch… Anything I would do, but up until u tell me 2… Blue light… Can u turn on a Blue light… Then cuddle up 2 me So tight… Just u and me All night… Alright… Blue light… Can u turn on a Blue light… Then everything will be Alright… Oh, Blue light…” [Prince, “Blue Light”, Symbol, 1992]
[“10 On The Couch.mp3”:]
“On The Couch” by Prince: “Come on baby… ooh, ooh, ooh… Don't make me sleep on the couch… No… No… No… Love jones is on the TV again, baby… Ooh, I wanna go down south - yeah… Come on baby… Come on baby… Its undignified to sleep alone… O yes it is… That's what all the people ain't got nobody do… U know they do… Talkin' (talkin') on the telephone… Don't make me crash… Don't U do it baby… (Don't U do it, uh-uh)… Don't make me sleep without ur kiss… O darlin'… without ur kiss (Don't U make me do it)… Tossin' and a-turnin'… Every inch of me yearnin'… Don't u make me… Don't u make me… Don't u make me… Don't u make me… Don't u make me… Don't u make me… Don't u make me… Don't u make me… Suffer like this… I know, I know, I know, I know that… We agreed to be married (U know I know)… Shouldn'ta let me unzip ur dress… Y'd U do it, baby (Y'd u do it) O yeah… confess u tease… unless u please… Don't make me sleep on the couch…” [Prince, “On The Couch”, Musicology, 2004]
[“11 Man'O'War.mp3”:]
“Man'o'war” by Prince: “Why U screaming?… U know I'm not a man of war… Break the gold chain that I gave U… Throw it down on the floor… Instead of this 7 page letter… I wish I had peace of mind… My friends tell me: "U should go get her"… But loving U, loving U, loving U… Is a waste of time… Oh yes it is, a waste of time - ooh… I need 2 get out of this city… I need 2 get U out of my head… I need 2 get away from the words that U said 2 me… Why U screaming? (ooh)… U know I'm not a man of war… How could U think that I… Could put something inside of someone… That I put inside U, inside U?… Even if I tried 2 (Tried 2), tried 2 (Tried 2)… I couldn't cuz I still smell like the last time that we… Loving U, loving U, loving U… Is a waste of time (a waste of time)… Oh, yes it is… Loving U - a waste of time (ooh-oh)… I need 2 feel wanted again… I need 2 feel love is alive, yeah… I need 2 hear U say… That U ain't looking 4 another reason 2 make me cry… Why U screaming? (ooh)… U know I'm not a man of war… I've been trying 2 make U happy, baby… Ever since we were sophomores… (But loving U, loving U, loving U)… Is a waste of time, oh yes it is… Oh, is a waste of time, waste of time, waste of time… If there's no future… Then there is no past… And all we've got is right now… Let's make it last… Make it last, make it last (ooh)… Why U screaming?… U know I'm not a man of war… Break the gold chain (Break the gold chain that I gave U)… Throw it down on the floor - oh baby… Instead of this 7 page letter… I wish I had peace of mind… My friends tell me: "U should go get her"… But loving U, loving U, loving U… loving U's… …a waste of time (A waste of time)… Oh, is a waste of time - yeah… I need 2 get out of this city… I need 2 get U out of my head… I need 2… I need 2 get away from the words that U said 2 me… I need 2… I need 2 feel wanted again… Oh, I need 2 hear no sin… Hear me… (But loving U, loving U, loving U)… Why U screaming?… U know I'm not a man of war… Break the gold chain that I gave U… Throw it down on the floor - oh baby… Instead of this 7 page letter… I wish I had peace of mind… My friends tell me: "U should go get her"… But loving U, loving U, loving U… Is a waste of time… U know I'm not a man of war…” [Prince, “Man'o'war”, Rave Un2 The Joy Fantastic, 1999]
[“06 Feel Good, Feel Better, Feel Wonderful.mp3”:]
“Feel Better, Feel Good, Feel Wonderful” by Prince: “Feel Better, Feel Good, Feel Wonderful… Feel Better, Feel Good, Feel Wonderful… Hey!… Eye could tell by the color of ur… (? field…) U thought this game was over (? appeal)… U tried 2 do me like my good brother Steve… But eye got another funky… Trick up my sleeve… Eye expect you need a freak on you a little bit more… But you get nothin but well-wishes… & flowers galore… Eye mean no harm… Eye still got ur back… U can come and drink my wine… As a matter of fact… Just feel better, feel good, feel wonderful… Eye don't know what you thought… When you spit in my face… But this dimension ain't the time… Or the place… Eye don't know who told you u could… Stand next 2 me… But eye got a guitar that could… Part the sea… Don't mean no disrespect… Eye ain't tryin' 2 brag… But that might b the same one that… Tapped on the crag… And he brought 4th water… That quenched ur thirst… And we'll keep feeding ya… But first things first!… Feel better, feel good, feel wonderful… If you think about how much time it took… 4 you 2 try 2 get a page in my book… Eye feel so good right now… Eye just can't recall… What the __ eye was thinking when eye… Threw you the ball… It hit 3 bystanders after you touched it… Now they wanna sue me but they love me 2 much… Cuz they know eye wish them heaven and all of its gold… Same 2 u, come on let's groove 2 the purple rock 'n roll… Feel better, feel good, feel wonderful… Better than good, better than good… U know you should feel wonderful… Keep ur mind in the vertical motion… Always looking up… Feel better, feel good, feel wonderfulFeel better, feel good, feel wonderful…” [Prince, “Feel Better, Feel Good, Feel Wonderful”, Lotusflow3r, 2009]
[“13 The Everlasting Now.mp3”:]
“The Everlasting Now”… Chapter 13 of “The Rainbow Children” by Prince: “I knew this dude… He was very cool… He used 2 rule… Until he went 2 school… Not a normal school… That breeds a fool… But the one that teaches… Men aren't fit to rule… That's when he took his pearly crown… He raised it up and spun it 'round… And tossed in2 the deep blue underground… No longer led by the ways of man… He looked 4 the kingdom deep within… That's when the drums in his head began 2 pound… Don't let nobody bring u down… Accurate knowledge of Christ and the Father… Will bring the Everlasting Now… Join the party, make a sound… Share the truth, preach the good news… Don't let nobody bring u down… The Everlasting Now… Now turn the page, at an early age… This brutha on stage, he was all the rage… Taught an integrated world 2 sing… The color u are don't mean a thing… Everybody's a star all the everyday people sang… He changed the funk, put it in a bag… Then he changed the colors of the flag… But u can't teach a dog new tricks if his tail don't wag… Don't no matter how much money u made… All the cars u got and all the women u laid… You mess with the flag… 2 them u're still a spade… Don't let nobody bring u down… Accurate knowledge of Christ and the Father… Will bring the Everlasting Now… Join the party, make a sound… Share the truth, preach the good news… Don't let nobody bring u down… The Everlasting Now… See this girl in her make-believe world… Plastic boobs and clip-on curls… 'Round the pole see her big butt twirl… These r the dreams that do unfurl… Never everlasting… Don't let anybody bring u down… The Everlasting Now… Now watch that girl in her make-believe world… Plastic boobs and clip-on curls… 'Round the pole see her big butt twirl… Electric beaches skin do bake… Vanilla fudge and wedding cake… If we should die b4 u wake… U got any last requests 2 make?… The Everlasting Now… The Everlasting Now… The Everlasting Now… Johnny B. Well… bring the beat… Now… From this day forward 'til times indefinite, those who love Christ r the ones who benefit. All the players' ice melted in2 one platinum chain and in a downward spiral it dripped down the drain. "U know, this is funky but I just wish he'd play like he used 2, old scragglyhead son-of… (Ooof)." Don't let nobody bring u down… Accurate knowledge of Christ and the Father… Will bring the Everlasting Now… Join the party, come on make a sound… Share the truth, preach the good news… Don't let nobody bring u down… The Everlasting Now… (Tear it up!… We ain't through… Still stinkin'… Break… On the 4… Psych…)” [Prince, “The Everlasting Now”, The Rainbow Children, 2001]
Our December 4, 2016 Show:
…the 'power'-guys are fully absorbed right now – as we are waking up all over the world (the very riskiness of 'power's moves reveals its desperation) – with maneuvering: monitoring… policing… inventing… and furiously spinning… 'the story' by which they bend our thoughts to cleave to their story of 'rule'… 'class'… 'power'… While the concrete crumbles and dissension is sewn all over… states of every totalitarian hue of obsession are desperately trying to hold our attention…cleave our 'will' to theirs – to finesse our 'consent' to be governed by them. This moment is called… in the academic tongue… “the crisis (for 'power'…) of the states's de-legitimization…” “Political scientists have a theory called “democratic consolidation,”which holds that once countries develop democratic institutions, a robust civil society and a certain level of wealth, their democracy is secure…” [I.e.… 'the state'… whatever its justifying-political-ideology… will be 'secure' so long as it has the means to keep enough people sheltered… clothed… and fed (through 'jobs'…) and too busy (through 'jobs'… and survival-issues overall…) to develop their thought-process beyond the limits imposed by the state to ensure its preservation… i.e.… 'power's existence… The issue of 'system'-legitimization – or its flip-side 'Force'…) is where 'the market' (or 'economics'…) and 'the state (politics…) intersect… reveal their identity in the goal “keep the people corralled…” stuck… unable to join hands across all the boxes created for us… That is to say… if one arm of 'power' can't accomplish it… the other is relied upon… But the terms of the 'modern'… bureaucratic… political arrangement 'power' has established for itself require that the operation appear to be dispassionate 'laws' working themselves out… (This is why Marx is no threat to them… for instance… and they allow someone like myself to attend a 'Marxist Sociology' program… Once we have an accurate picture of 'power's game… an accurate understanding of 'class'… we understand what is a threat… and what isn't…) – a 'clockwork mechanism'… i..e.… 'power' must stay hidden… and we must appear to be the ones who put chains on ourselves ('the law')… This becomes all the more critical as the resource-stores of the planet shrink… and states (or their surrogates in 'the economy'…) scramble to secure as much of the remainder as possible… To them it's a game… to us… a purgatory that they want us to believe has no solution… and so is endless… It so dispirits us… this mad scramble that sets us against each other… and ourselves… forestalling our discussion of how it will be that the wealth we are here to make (once we've dissolved our chains…) – that we are kept from making because a Tiny Few want to rule over us – will dwarf in content (love…) scope… quantity… quality and significance the pathetic shreds of flesh our Grandmother Earth has left (a similar… if even more apt… image might be that given us by Shel Silverstein in his book The Giving Tree… in which the Tree never complains as the adult strips her down to nothing…
“Data from Freedom House, a watchdog organization that measures democracy and freedom around the world, shows that the number of countries classified as “free” rose steadily from the mid-1970s to the early 2000s…” [To paraphrase Jeremy Bentham… “he who controls the lexicon… controls the world…” The word 'free' is used here to mean… operationally… “sufficient resources are available to the state to purchase the 'consent of the governed' such that no force is required to quell grumblers…” – we must include among these resources… EMF weapons (because even though use of EMF-weapons is force… it is hidden force until outed by us… and manifests as 'disease'… or other ill-effects that are mis-identified…) we are never allowed to scrutinize… let alone discuss… the lexicon. We are simply told over and over that “we live in a democracy”… when basic survival issues are not met under this 'democracy' we're told we live in… 'democracy' understandably becomes irrelevant… and then researchers like Mr. Mounk can conclude that 'democracy' is less important to us and is losing support… We see this building rationale… which is pressure applied on us… all over the world… the squeeze that suggests to us that we will (supposedly) accept any 'form of government' that can 'make the trains run on time.' Diana Spearman… author of Modern Dictatorship… has made this point in several places in her book [quoted in “Founding & Realizing A Test Site – Not Modeled on ‘Democracy’… But On Freedom – Premised On “Leisure IS Happiness” – see the FRATS.pdf on the 'Tools' page…] for instance: “In origin the Fascist movement was a spontaneous reaction to the state of disorder in 1922 and to the failure of Socialism.” [So we see these are old tactics… the word this sentence ends with must merely shift… or alternate… from 'socialism'… to 'democracy'… to 'communism'… to fit any nation today (just prior to this show the station aired excerpts from a couple different left-leaning radio programs that referred to Trump's program as 'Fascist'… and so their continually drumming into us this lie that we-the-people elected him… is to imply that we are growing more fascistic in our political beliefs… And they want us to believe this about all nations around the world right now… So when they install their hardcore surveillance state everywhere… we'll look at each other for responsibility for this mess we find ourselves in… We have to get our own means of discourse…]
[So I think it's really important that we begin discussing this mechanism… the propagandistic device of feeding us lies… planting the people to say those lies… quoting those people in the media outlets 'power' owns or controls… and then creating havoc in the streets – the 'power'-guys have done this over and over historically [recall Marx's description of the December 10 Society (an early example of this 'shadow-state-tactic' from mid-nineteenth century France…) in our reading of an excerpt from his The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte…] and by preventing us from discussing how they create the disorder… that is supposedly behind our 'turning fascistic'… they can run this game endlessly… I think we know this by now… I think that our ability to speak globally is such today that enough of us see this game… – those of us who do must remember that 'seeing' bears its responsibility… and we have to take that seriously… it's not something we can pass on to the next generation… because by then it is quite likely the global-statesmen will have both eliminated the information that young people need to gain the understanding necessary to have the certainty that they must act… (not to mention elimination of the 'social-media-organizing' option available to us now…) – and 'power' understands this sequence of steps leading to action very well… and because they do… and because they're organized… they've been able to interrupt that process generation after generation… We can't let that happen now… – P.S.] “The second was public openness to nondemocratic forms of government, such as military rule…” [And all of this is very much skewed based on the people they decide to cite… and based on the imposition… using techniques like what they call 'austerity'… which we've been calling 'manufacturing scarcity'… By creating hardship… and then at the same time stimulating divisions between us… the tendency… the pattern… has been (because we haven't been able to talk with each other about these devices…) for us to turn against each other… and then it's easy to roll out the notion that we need a strong state to 'manage' this discord which they themselves create… So this entire piece is based on… not 'truth'… but stories that 'power' creates itself… feeds to the media… feeds to academia… that treat it as 'data'… and then gives it a veneer of 'scientific' veracity… – which is propaganda used to continually keep us confused… – P.S.] “And the third factor was whether “antisystem parties and movements…” [And those who have been listening regularly know that 'Antisystemic Movements' is the title of a collection of papers presented by Terence K. Hopkins… Giovanni Arrighi… and Immanuel Wallerstein… published as a book… that we have read large sections of it over the course of these shows and I hope folks will go back and listen to those excerpts… because we don't want to be turned against each other by having the lexicon imposed on us… – what we thought we were standing on pulled out from under us… – P.S.]
Fidel Castro's death (and what we can learn in our discussions of the spinning of the story of Cuba and Venezuela required by this event… and Hugo Chavez's earlier death) • the global-statesmen's insistence on total control of what information we-the-people get • the illusion of academic freedom… • the fraudulent presidential election… • the systematic elimination of dissent using the hidden weapon of EMF (with Prince and Nikola representing our challenge to this…) – all suggest that it's time we laid to rest… any lingering attachment some of us may have… to the concept of 'democracy' (particularly as it is practically expressed under conditions of a global 'class' system…) as being what we want for our future. The global-'power'-guys' spin on Cuba… Venezuela… and the U.S. presidential election are all of a piece… all spun of the same desperation to return us to 'somnambulance'… now that we're breaking out of their trance… “The Cuban missile crisis and the American trade embargo only strengthened the siege mentality that Mr. Castro relied on for decades, as he argued repeatedly that Cuba must remain under tight control lest the northern imperialists invade and turn the island into an American fief…” As I type the following question… I sit as a test of endurance… my head swollen with mucus from a continuous blast from the state's arsenal of EMF-weapons… my entire body now feels like a struck tuning-fork… vibrating silently but loud in my head… the swelling and continuous electrical charge making my muscles feel stiff as the interstellar insect in Men In Black in its Edgar-suit (as an aside: I love the small-but-significant lessons about 'power' in that film… how the Will Smith character learns its nature by observing its reactions to him: “So… Big Bad Bug got a bit of a soft spot… huh?” he says as he crunches a very large bug underfoot – [I was so disappointed when the Linda Fiorentino character wasn't part of the sequel… she has to have one of the most awesome voices and presence Hollywood has given us (a 'Prince'-quality – you don't want to look at anyone else when they're on the screen…) right up there with Jack Nicholson – and I'm certain Paul Robeson had this quality to the maximum degree… judging by the photographs…] I digress…) So… Fidel made the argument that the global-'power'-guys will fight unceasingly to prevent the example of someone seeming to 'triumph' over them continue to exist… – let alone the example of an entire population… that went up against them… and survived unrecumbent… Hmm… do you think he had a case?
Once… when I was a student… I had to defend a paper to a group of men… I titled the paper “Racism As A Cultural Phenomenon”… One of the men was Terence K. Hopkins… which is how I know about him… With Immanuel Wallerstein he developed the theory of a single 'world system' that has existed for the last 500 years or so – with Giovanni Arrighi they published as a book a collection of papers they presented that explored the question: when and how will the next world-wide (and so 'antisystemic'… as 'the system' is a global system…) global transformation occur?… a transformation that is actually a transition to an entirely new global society defined by all of us… not by The Few hiding behind whatever ideological ruse convenient to the sprig off the global-totalitarian-tree they happen to be speaking on… Near the beginning… if not the opening of the paper… I included a poem… which I also quote in Waking Up: Freeing Ourselves From Work: Donna Kate Rushin’s “The Bridge Poem”… published in the anthology This Bridge Called My Back… and before we began Terry said to me that the line: “I am sick of having to remind you to breathe before you suffocate your own fool self…” made him laugh because his wife kept telling him the same thing… The paper… a labor of love… I now see as a first glimpse at the Plato's Tribesmen… though of course I didn't know it… but I suspect Terry did… so much in this I find curious… I proceeded in this writing much like Proudhon following the track of 'property'… but my fish was 'racism'… and… to cut to the chase… I'll say that I followed it to “the division between mental and manual labor”… at which point I asked: “Is this a 'chicken and egg' question?: which came first… (ancient) 'slavery'… or the dualism in thought?”… Already back then I was pointing my finger at the need for 'wholism'… and all the while I was attempting to think this through in thought… Prince was modeling the solution: “Just be it…” he showed us… “let your body be it… what it is… what it is trying to be… undivided… fully be all of your inheritance… Bow down to none but to them… those that provided it… which is bowing to the Infinite…” Parallel tracks… he and I… we were going down parallel tracks… destined to come together… mind and body… united.
Today we proceed further along the road of our question: “How do we loosen the grip of the 'power'-guys?”… and also along the road of our answer: we loosen their grip on us by loosening ourselves… We are all so tightly held… Prince showing us this is one of his key gifts… he shows us what needs to shift in us to move out from under 'power's cloud… and move together for our freedom…I know no other like him… who models authentic 'power' while showing us the way out of the dilemma for us of its loss: explaining what and who stands in the way of our regaining it… and urges us to fight back… and he… through us… will be all the more effective when we pair him with the 'right story'… We need the 'right story' in order to set aside doubt and uncertainty and to inoculate ourselves against the insidious effects of 'power's propaganda… which exists to a large extent to make us doubt the truth we are born with… For each of us joy is within our own hands… and even sweeter with someone who pleases you… 'power' 'spends' (wastes) our blood-and-sweat-manifested in order both to convince us otherwise… and to structurally enforce this diminishment of our lives… As Prince has said… if it feels good 'power' makes it a crime… What it feels like… here on the receiving-end of the 'power'-guys pathological determination to bludgeon it senseless… is that they see their 'reason-to-be' to nullify the joy that lives effortlessly… And… as Prince has also said: “We tired a-y'all… Tired… tired… sick and tired of being tired…” With the 'power'-guys gone the 'business' of 'being fully alive and energized' will be so easy…
We are reading an excerpt from Margaret Cheney's Tesla: Man Out Of Time… As we read about Nikola's life after Colorado… we should consider what it would mean for the 'power'-guys of the time – folks like J.P. Morgan and the heads of state Nikola appealed to for support as WWI loomed… support in scaling-up his particle-beam (i.e.… EMF…) weapon: “'From the electrical-engineering editor Thomas Commerford Martin came eloquent support: “Mr. Tesla… because he saw farther, he saw first the low lights flickering on tangible new continents of science…' Publicity – whether good or bad – was precisely what Tesla wanted, for he still desperately needed to attract the attention of potential backers. One of the first (though not necessarily most important) to step forward was Stanford White, the celebrated architect. The two men met one evening at the Players' Club which White had just remodeled, and, feeling an immediate rapport, soon fell into an intense conversation. White had read and been excited by Tesla's vision of the future as painted for Century magazine. When the inventor began to describe the physical plant that he envisioned for his world broadcasting system, the architect became an eager partner in the grand plan… Nor was this grand plan a mere fantasy. Even while Tesla had still been in Colorado, oscillators and other equipment were being assembled in his New York shop under the close direction of Scherff and an engineering assistant. Security was tight as usual. Immediately upon his return he got in touch with George Westinghouse, [can I get a collective groan out there… please?… – P.S.], knowing that his engineers could supply the custom-built machinery he would need. [So we see how the 'economy-scam' works… when nothing can get done without them… the ones who intend to be 'in charge' ad infinitum… we're screwed… right? So… what's our move?… I suspect a variant on this answer: “Render therefore unto Caesar the things which be Caesar's, and unto God the things which be God's…” Continuing: “His Colorado experiments, he wrote Westinghouse, absolutely demonstrated the practicability of establishing telegraphic communication to any point on the globe “by the help of the machinery I have perfected.” He would need an engine and a direct-current dynamo of at least 300 horsepower on either side of the Atlantic, and these would be expensive. “You will know of course,” he confided, “that I contemplate the establishment of such a communication merely as the first step to further and more important work, namely that of transmitting power. But as the latter will be an undertaking on a much larger and more expensive scale, I am compelled to first demonstrate such feature to get the confidence of capital.…” He also requested that Westinghouse lend him $6,000, to be guaranteed by his English royalties. The industrialist invited Tesla to ride with him on the train from New York to Pittsburgh in his private “palace car” to talk over the whole matter…”
I hope you had a chance to listen to “The Everlasting Now”… – our next show we'll hear the conclusion of “The Rainbow Children”… And so we're going to be thinking about… because… as we talk about reclaiming the lexicon… we're talking about reclaiming our thought-process… having a new frame of reference… – Prince was very absorbed in this… So… for instance… when he talks about “The Everlasting Now”… I believe he's talking about these bodies we walk around in… and that we need to honor our original gifts… So… let's think this through together… What is this new frame of reference that Prince is developing for us as an alternative way of thinking?… so that we can begin to break those mental chains of obedience to the 'power'-guys… In our recent discussions of how to re-make ourselves afresh… snatch ourselves from 'power's grip… with the help of Prince… numerous challenges are all coming together… all… to a significant degree… stem from the question of 'confidence' in what we are inherently… in 'certainty' that we are entitled to the full width and breadth of ourselves – to our full gifts – and to those of our Brothers and Sisters… and so settle… therefore… on this very question of 'property' – what do we own… Really? – that Proudhon has so brilliantly… and helpfully… thought-through for us… It but remains for us to discuss him widely and broadly… as he… along with Prince… exists to help us regain our freedom… By helping us gain clarity on the question we alluded to earlier by quoting St. Luke: What must be rendered to the state… and what to ourselves… on which the state can make no legitimate claim… The state is a robber… a thief of souls… we live in the time of re-making ourselves whole…] Proudhon: “Robbery is committed in a variety of ways, which have been very cleverly distinguished and classified by legislators according to their heinousness or merit, to the end that some robbers may be honored, while others are punished…” [And I'm suggesting that the key 'thing' of which we are robbed… is our souls… So you see his examples refer to the notion that we come (to the earth…) with the expectation of 'society'… it's in our body-knowledge of the Eternal: we are all One…] “Bandits, brigands, pirates, rovers by land and sea, – these names were gloried in by the ancient heroes, who thought their profession as noble as it was lucrative…” [We've been pondering this haven't we?… as we… to our horror… come to see how these 'power'-guys think: their association of rape… plunder and robbery with 'glory'… We have grasped that they justify their behavior by reference to ancient texts… but that explanation hasn't felt sufficient… We've been discussing it as “The Plunder Mentality of the 'Power'-Guys” – it's a mindset that… once seen consciously by us… means the end of it – that's exciting isn't it? – means we are taking our lives back… and growing up…]
Nimrod, Theseus, Jason and his Argonauts… Robert Guiscard, Tancred de Hauteville, Bohemond, and most of the Norman heroes, – were brigands and robbers. The heroic character of the robber is expressed in this line from Horace [around 65 B.C.… – P.S.], in reference to Achilles, – “My right is my lance and my buckler.” General de Broussard said, like Achilles: “I get wine, gold, and women with my lance and my buckler.” [This is 'power' – 'power' is 'power' is 'power'… creating the conditions such that: “Humanity must perforce prey on itself, like monsters of the deep.” (William Shakespeare, King Lear, Act IV, Scene II)… But 'power' is not us… though until now its theft of our whole selves we've been unable to correct… like Proudhon… like Prince… like all of us… before Alice (and the others to whom we owe their piece of the puzzle of 'class'… of 'rule'… of 'power's lost soul…) we've been trying to 'help' them… help them understand what love is… Now… with the 'right story'… because of Alice Miller and her explanation of the repetition compulsion… we know… they can't 'understand'… their mindset is set to 'rob' us ad infinitum… we can only stop their madness by turning away from it and being the opposite (love)… for each other… It causes me a lot of grief to think of our Prince of Love circled by so many women (people) who were false… placed there by the 'power'-guys to hurt him… while he tried so hard to help them… – but though he felt their frozen hearts he could not melt them… What follows is a more resigned version of this theme… of 'helping others to feel love…' and though he is at this point older (48)… his belief in the power of the Earth… the Infinite… is unshaken… This is from his 2006 CD… 3121… and is called simply “Love”: “Stop telling me what U want me 2 hear… Stop telling me what U want me 2 fear… Stop trippin' on something U overheard… Love is winning… without a word… Stop giving me Ur 'wish list'… Love is free from all this… Like a bird flyin' over the hilltops… Love is like the sky, U know it never stops… From the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks…” Let's never forget why Prince was targeted… hurt… tortured… and murdered… with EMF-weapons… and flooded with false-folks throughout his life… These 'power'-obsessed plan to bury this man and his music… We must not let that happen. Both exist to save us… – so let's save him… his music is for our freedom…
Prince Songs For Our December 11, 2016 Show:
[“01 I No.mp3”:]
“I No” by Prince: “Rain is wet, and sugar is sweet… Clap your hands, and stomp your feet… Everybody, everybody knows… When love calls, U gotta go… Welcome 2 the New Power Generation… The reason my voice is so clear… Is there's no smack in my brain… Hundalasiliah… Ha na na-sha na na na na na na… I know there is a heaven, I know there is a hell… Listen 2 me people, I got a story to tell… I know there was confusion lightnin' all around me… That's when I called his name don't U know he found me… No! Is what Spooky Electric say, it is not OK… I know love is the only way till my dying day… No - til my dying day I'll be OK… Cuz Lovesexy is the one til my day is done… Hundalasiliah… I know there is a devil because he talks so loud… He makes U do things that your friends do, hang out with the crowd… But my Lord he is so quiet when He calls your name… When U hear it your heart will thunder… U will want 2 hear it every day… No! (people) Is what Spooky Electric say (everbody say)… But don't U know that I know… Love is the only way, til my dying day… No – Til my dying day I'll be OK… Cuz Lovesexy is the one til my day is done… Hundalasiliah… Alright y'all, everybody in the house (serve it up, Frankie)… Here's what I want U 2 do… Raise your hand up, straight in the air… Swing it 2 the right, savoir faire… Up on the 2, swing on the 4… Everybody on the dancefloor… Sha-ho, sha-ho, sha-ho, sha-ho… Sha-ho, sha-ho, sha-ho, sha-ho… Y'all ain't got it together… Go ahead, go ahead, go ahead… Raise your hand up, straight in the air… (let's get it up, let's get it up)… Yeah… Say no… (say no) No - if U can't find your way - everybody say… (say no) No – if U're afraid, everybody ain't got it made… (Say no) - if U want a drug other than the God above… No – if U need a drink every single day… Blow that devil away!… Say yes… Yes - if U want this feeling called love… (come on 'ya, say)… Yes - if U want it now raise your hand 2 the man above… (Yes) Up on the 2, swing right on the 4… We want everybody 2 open this door!… Say no - if U don't wanna live life under the gun… (I know) We know a better way 2 have some fun… (I know) I know - there is a heaven and a hell… I know there is a heaven and a hell… [song breaks down into a crowd noise…]” [Prince, “I No”, Lovesexy, 1988]
[“16 3 Chains O' Gold.mp3”:]
“3 Chains O' Gold” by Prince: “If I don't think about the fact that she left me… If I don't see the pearls fall from the sky… If I don't hear the accusations of blasphemy… If I don't feel the tears in my eyes… This is the best day of my life… U say u'll call me and then and then u don't… I'll want 2 kiss u and then I won't… We both do nothing and call it love… Is this love?… Is this love?… This morning I wanted a cup of coffee… But I didn't have any cream… Last night I wanted some inspiration… But I didn't have any dreams… Coupled with the fact that u belong 2 another… Whose name is self-righteousness… So evil girl, if one of us has a date… With the undertaker, which one will it be?… U can cry 4 ever, but u'll get no sympathy… This is the best day of my life… I've got 3 chains o' gold… And they will shine 4 ever… They are the nucleus of my soul… Melt down, no, they will never… I've got 3 chains o' gold… And they will shine 4 ever… They are the nucleus of my soul… Melt down, no, they will never… Give back the chains - if you don't you will die… Nothing should come between you and I… I've got 3 chains o' gold… And they will shine 4 ever… If one of us has 2 go… U will go before me… If one of us has 2 go (3 chains o' gold…) U will go before me… (3 chains o' gold…) U will go before me, baby (they will shine 4 ever…) Cuz I sho 'nuff say u will… (3 chains o' gold) (u will go before me…) (u will go before me…) (u will go before me…) (u will go before me…) I've got 3 chains o' gold… They gonna shine… Forever, forever, forever… (3 chains o' gold…)…” [Prince, “3 Chains O' Gold”, Love Symbol, 1992]
[“10 Strays Of The World.mp3”:]
“Strays Of The World” by Prince: “Come now all ye strays of the world, there's a place 4 U… In Love's kingdom, boys and girls, all are welcome 2… Strays of the world, strays of the world… La la la la la… Surrender all ye sad of heart, 2day hold back no tears… The past is gone when we can start conquering our fears… Strays of the world, strays of the world… La la la la la… Strays of the world, strays of the world… All ye boys and girls, all around the world… Are welcome 2 come on in, come on in… Strays of the world, strays of the world… (Strays of the world…) Fear not all ye lonely ones, Love will find us soon… This will kiss the risin' sun and make love 2 the moon… Strays of the world (Come on, come on…) Come on, strays of the world (Come on, come on…) Come on in (Come on…) The door is open (Open up that door…) Hey yeah! (Hey yes, hey yes…) Let me hear U say "Yeah!" (Hey yes…) Let me hear U say "Yeah!" (Hey yes…) Strays of the whole world… Strays, strays, strays of the world… Come…” [Prince, “Strays Of The World”, Crystal Ball, 1998]
[“04 What's My Name.mp3”:]
“What's My Name” by Prince: “Take my name, I don't need it… Nothing stays the same anyway… Take my fame, I can't use it… My girlfriend calls me lame, the game was over yesterday… Tell me, what's my name?… Tell me, what's my name?… What's my name?… Take this bass, I can't play it… It only makes me wish 4 the way it used 2 be… U could slap my face, but I got 2 say it… U never would have drank my coffee if I had never served U cream… Now tell me, what's your name?… Tell me, what's your name?… What's your name?… What's your name?… Come on!… Do U dream in color or do U discriminate?… Do U love others, do U love or do U hate?… Do U worship fire or do U worship a dove?… Do U live a liar or do U live 4 love?… What's your name?… What's my name?… What's your name?……” [Prince, “What's My Name”, Crystal Ball, 1998]
[“02 Sweet Baby.mp3”:]
“Sweet Baby” by Prince: “Now don't u cry… Everybody gets their heart broke… Sweet baby, sometime… So he left u for another fool… Yes, a fool… 4 lovin' him from the start… Ask yourself what's more important… Him or the broken pieces of your heart sweet baby… Stand tall, (tall)… Sweet baby, (baby)… Don't u fall… U ain't the only one gettin' beat down… It happens 2 us all… The road u choose 2 walk in this life (the road u choose 2 walk in this life)… Is one that leads into the next… So sweet baby, stand tall (sweet baby, stand tall)… Stand tall (sweet baby)… Sweet baby, hold your tears back now… Better days gonna come your way soon, oh yeah sweet baby… Someway, somehow… (sweet baby)… Sweet baby… Walk faster, sweet baby… Don't let those bad boys catch u now… Those things that they will have u do… U been done known better, oh, and how… How can u sleep knowing that u and a fool… Sing in the same key… Walk faster sweet baby (walk faster)… Strive 2 be the very best that u can be (strive) (sweet baby)… Sweet baby… Oh, sweet baby… Sweet baby, hold your tears back now… Better days gonna come your way soon… Oh yeah, sweet baby, someway, somehow… (sweet baby)… Sweet baby… Better days gonna come your way, yeah… Sweet baby…” [Prince, “Sweet Baby”, Love Symbol, 1992]
[“11 Dear Mr. Man.mp3”:]
“Dear Mr. Man” by Prince: “What's wrong with the world 2day?… Things just got 2 get better… Show me what the leaders say… Maybe we should write a letter… Said Dear Mr. Man, we don't understand… Why poor people keep struggling but U don't lend a helping hand… Matthew 5:5 say "The meek shall inherit the earth"… We wanna b down that way… but U been trippin since the day of your birth… Who said that 2 kill is a sin… Then started every single war that Ur people been in?… Who said that water is a precious commodity… Then dropped a big old black oil slick in the deep blue sea?… Who told me, Mr. Man, that working round the clock… would buy me a big housed in the hood… Cigarette ads on every block… Who told me, Mr. Man, that Eye got a right 2 moan?… How about this bog old hole in the ozone?… What's wrong with the world 2day… Things just got 2 get better… Dear Mr. Man, we don't understand… Maybe we should write a letter… Listen, Ain't no sense in voting - same song with a different name… Might not b in the back of the bus but it sure feel just the same… Ain't nothing fair about welfare… Ain't no assistance in AIDS… We ain't that affirmative about your actions until the people get paid… Ur thousand years r up… Now U got 2 share the land… Section 1 - the 14th amendment says "No state shall deprive any person of life,… liberty, or property, without due process of law"… Mr. Man, we want 2 end this letter with 3 words… We tired a-y'all… Tired… tired… sick and tired of being tired…” [Prince, “Dear Mr. Man”, Musicology, 2004]
[“10 Saviour.mp3”:]
“Saviour” by Prince: “Ooh… How did I ever come this far without you baby?… What was I thinking?… What was I trying to be?… You're my destiny… I can see we're like two petals from the same flower baby… We're like two branches from the same tree… Whenever I look in your eyes… I can see a paradise… You're my saviour… you're all I'll ever need…” [Prince, “Saviour”, Emancipation, 1996]
[“14 Last December.mp3”:]
“Last December” by Prince: “If ur Last December came… What would u do?… Would anybody remember… 2 remember u?… Did u stand tall?… Or did u fall?… Did u give ur all?… Did u ever find a reason… Y u had 2 die?… Or did u just plan on leaving… Without wondering y?… Was it everything it seemed?… Or did it feel like a dream?… Did u feel redeemed?… In the name of the Father… In the name of the Son… We need 2 come 2gether… Come 2gether as one… Did u love somebody… But got no love in return?… Did u understand the real meaning of love?… That it just is and never yearns?… When the truth arrives… Will u b lost on the other side?… Will u still b alive?… In the name of the Father… In the name of the Son… We need 2 come 2gether… Come 2gether as one… In ur life did u just give a little… Or did u give all that u had?… Were us just somewhere in the middle?… Not 2 good, not 2 bad?… In the name of the Father… In the name of the Son… We need 2 come 2gether… Come 2gether as ONE…” [Prince, “Last December”, The Rainbow Children, 2001]
[“21 Last December reprise.mp3”:]
“Last December Reprise” by Prince: The Rainbow Children, 2001
Our December 11, 2016 Show:
Here's a joke: the global-state wants us to believe that it – Totalitarian Central – can 'save us' from Fascism… – it even brings in an unknowing representative from Suppression Sub-Central – Station Russia – from the band Pussy Riot to 'warn us' about creeping totalitarianism… When we first considered the issue of the recruitment and duping of young people (in the Waking Up Radio of September 16, 2012: “Richard Aoki and The Abandonment of Children…”) we concluded that we have to provide an alternative story… (i.e.… the truth…) and discussion of the critical censored issues of our time: the primary one being: the theft of our lives… and the hidden Authority that accomplishes it: the shadow state… which creates hardship… makes the strings that bind us to it (the state…) and then puts in place elaborate ways to pull them… [For instance…] as the supposed 'inevitability' (presented as inherent in human nature…) or even 'beneficial' quality of 'violence' in 'human society'… is a key prop the 'power'-guys rely on to justify their existence… I'll mention a really offensive example of this one… No matter how often scholars like Proudhon… and Peter Kropotkin – whose lengthy study Mutual Aid: A Factor of Evolution arrives at the opposite conclusion – and Terence K. Hopkins… and Karl Popper – who show us that the 'history' the 'power'-guys glorify but tracks the depths to which their own soullessness will go… For instance… Popper wrote: “What people have in mind when they speak of the history of mankind is, rather, the history of the Egyptian, Babylonian, Persian, Macedonian, and Roman empires, and so on, down to our own day. In other words: They speak about the history of mankind, but what they mean, and what they have learned about in school, is the history of political power…. This is elevated into the history of the world. But this, I hold, is an offence against every decent conception of mankind. It is hardly better than to treat the history of embezzlement or of robbery or of poisoning as the history of mankind. For the history of power politics is nothing but the history of international crime and mass murder (including, it is true, some of the attempt to suppress them). This history is taught in schools, and some of the greatest criminals are extolled as its heroes… A third reason why power politics has been made the core of ‘history’ is that those in power wanted to be worshipped and could enforce their wishes. Many historians wrote under the supervision of the emperors, the generals and the dictators…To maintain that God reveals Himself in what is usually called ‘history’, in the history of international crime and of mass murder, is indeed blasphemy; for what really happens within the realm of human lives is hardly ever touched upon by this cruel and at the same time childish affair. The life of the forgotten, of the unknown individual man; his sorrows and his joys, his suffering and death, this is the real content of human experience down the ages… all the history which exists, our history of the Great and the Powerful, is at best a shallow comedy; it is the opera buffa played by the powers behind reality… It is what one of our worst instincts, the idolatrous worship of power, of success, has led us to believe to be real.” [And we are learning… thanks to folks like Karl Popper… how that is a conditioned belief on our part… by 'power' systematically eliminating all other stories for us to hear… – P.S.]” So… we should ask ourselves… are enough of us having these discussions with young people… encouraging them to think through the core suppressed issues of 'class'? – and are we providing the terms and concepts – the language – that would allow young people to do this?
Prince was targeted because of the power of his words – words subject to… surrendered to… pulse… life… harmny… beat… We must never forget that it is only with words – words used to disconnect us from ourselves – that 'power' holds our (true) power in check… words… planted in our minds (freezing our thought-process…) using the stunted – unborn – love of parents. Last week we said that reclaiming the lexicon is reclaiming our thought-process… and that we can only reclaim our thought-process by possessing a new frame of reference… Prince was totally absorbed in this project… and… because of 'power's suppression of it… received no response from us… – his tireless efforts did not result in the discussions he hoped would occur. Prince… alone in his exhortation-unmet said that we must be 'ruled by naught but “love”' – a concept he equated with 'the source'… the 'Eternal'… He said this directly… he modeled what he meant… and he showed us how to overcome the structures of obedience that got in the way of it… got in the way of our living by it… living the dictates of 'love' – they speak through our bodies'… (…and his sense of urgency… I'm convinced… was a consequence of his being targeted with EMF (Prince could not delude himself about… or dillute the truth of… the Fascistic nature of the state…) – a fact to which he testifies in his music and lyrics with eloquence… once we know how and why this weapon exists… his documentation of its use on him is obvious… The recurring theme of death is all about this… Initially he thought that he was being assaulted for 'religious' reasons… due to his passionate advocacy of a 'body-loving-claiming' embrace of sexuality (and it is clear… I hope… how this is the opposite of the 'marketizing' [using to attain greater 'power' under 'class'…] – whether what one seeks is money or attention – 'marketizing' of one's sexuality…) – the creative principle rooted in the Eternal – on which all of us must draw to be vital living things… – attacks by the so-called 'Religious Right' [most notably Tipper Gore – Prince's response to her… by the way… was to appear naked on the cover of the album Lovesexy… – reinforced this notion…] By the time he was working on the album and film Graffiti Bridge… when he wrote “New Power Generation”… someone had pulled his coat [could it have been Miles Davis? I'd really like to know when Miles met with him…] pulled his coat about the nature of the weapon as the source of his chronic physical ill effects… if not about the reason for the assault… which I suspect he continued for a time to think was about his advocacy of the honest expression of one's sexual longing… I mean… he knew it wasn't about race because they killed Elvis… it's now easy to see – he has that line in “Face Down”… “Dead like Elvis”… so interesting for its wealth of meaning…) …when the 'power'-guys realized that he thought the assault on him was about his open expression of sexuality… they probably… I am suspecting – just like I saw them at one point trying to pull him into making this about 'race'… – a lot of folks encouraged him in that belief that the targeting of him was due to his openness about sexuality… And while they were definitely trying to pull him away from his explicit and free and loving expression of sexuality… the 'power'-guys realized they had much bigger problems with this man than that (of course their control is also about 'claiming the definitions'… and they figured out that they could claim that word 'sexuality' and just tie it into the commodification of it…): they were trying to pull him away from leading young people into taking back our world… So… they hoped to nullify his ability to do that with labels that would narrow his appeal: 'sexuality' was one box they hoped to lock him into… 'religion' – Jehovah's Witnesses – was another… 'race' was a third (get him to think it's about Black folk being targeted… as opposed to the fact that these 'power'-obsessed want to claim the world… human energy… and realize their global totalitarian vision… He figured that out in time… but it definitely takes time… and good folks contributing their piece of the puzzle… It takes time and we've got to expedite these discussion… Every single who's listening and has the ability to get these discussions going… emphasize the importance of an inter-disciplinary analysis in order to see from the vantage of the whole… And so we needed Alice Miller… and Martin Bernal… and Terence K. Hopkins… and Immanuel Wallerstein… and Giovanni Arrighi… and Karl Popper… Miklos Nyszli… and Nikola Tesla… for reasons we're exploring right now… A lot of people were critical… including Jeremy Bentham… even though he came from the opposite perspective he was honest… and it is honesty that is desperately needed in a world that is literally inundated by falseness: they have multiplied their numbers by recruiting and training young people with Plato – not their fault but this is the reality we got – we are going to have to drive these discussions forward and steal ourselves to not be pulled off track… because there's going to be a lot of false folks thrown in our path…
So… Prince kept going… he held on to his love… despite the continuous double-assault… I am very grateful for his never censoring out any of his feelings… grateful that he somehow knew they must be documented… It's not easy getting hit with 'power's (presumed ace-in-the-hole) EMF weapons or its hidden agents… but he knew… as we must… that it is imperative now that we gain our freedom (and I'm not talking about the insertion of Trump into their political story… it has been urgent for two centuries… but… thanks to Nikola's inventions… we can finally… successfully… halt the 'power'-guys' relentless drive to install a global totalitarian regime…) it is imperative now that we gain our freedom… and there's no other path to it than through 'power's resistance… His life is a testament to the strength that comes when love and thought are united in trust… trust in the 'All-of-us'… the Eternal 'Come'… We parents can jumpstart the urgent need for all of us to think and love furiously right now (and always…) by playing and discussing the legacies of both Prince and Nikola Tesla… men who stood for the power of love-and-thought-united… Nikola's inventions mean there never was any need to charge us for energy… to charge us for water… to set us against each other in competition for supposedly scarce resources… His inventions mean we are meant to come together as One… to realize the potential of them (which Proudhon also suggests… with his discussion of the harmonizing 'tend' of all of our individual efforts… unimpeded… uncoerced…) – they mean Art… Love… Cooperativeness… can live unbent… that Excellence – Donny… John… Bob… Charles… Elvis… Otis… Prince – will not be stolen from us while the Massively Anti-Life Children of Abandonment – demanding of us an even more massive antidote of love to end their hate – while the Tiny Few pretend they are installing Excellence… Nikola's inventions are literally intended for us to use to achieve the freedom from Necessity needed to end 'power'… 4-Ever…
Do we need further proof that we are in the transition to freedom… on the edge of… not the next 'world revolution'… but rather the first and last 'world evolution'… than that these 'power'-guys – the living dead – have seen fit to disinter their 'original' Bureaucratic Global-Statesman for inspiration: Louis Bonaparte (and I'm going to follow Marx's lead on this… he refused to call the man 'Napoleon' (III…) “…The uprising of February 1848 illuminated the hopes of a 'social republic,' a vague socialist utopia that would provide jobs to the unemployed and liberation to all those who suffered indignities and inequalities. Everyone put forward their claims: the 'artisans'… the peasants… the women… the slaves… (Immanuel Wallerstein, The Modern World-System IV: Centrist Liberalism Triumphant, 1789 – 1914, p. 89) The response of the 'power'-guys… already gone into hiding… scheming… manipulating… plotting and planning behind scenes… was to let Louis take the lead… and he did… with his Society of December 10… a tactic 'power' liked very much… as it fit perfectly with their intent to create a hidden machinery of state (– we have to think this through because we're so used to thinking of 'the state' in terms which are not useful (rooted in reality…) in this moment when we are moving on to our freedom… This is a key moment when we have to see clearly… and so we have to talk about the hidden machinery of state such that the forefront theatre – which 'power' wanted to keep us busy with – ceases to exert a pull on our minds – ) wanted to keep us busy so that they would be free… these global-statesmen… the Plato's Tribesmen… free to do as they please – of course using our compliant… obedient energy to accomplish their schemes… realize the dream of their fathers… establishing Plato's Republic… Try to imagine as we think again about the Society of December 10 that it never went away… try to see that it is in the world around us today… They never let go of this strategy – although when Marx uses the term 'rascally fellows' think instead of those who need money: their duped children… students… older 'retired'-folk… the low-income… the formerly-incarcerated… This strategy is exactly what they've done in the Bay Area… – and 'power's use of this tactic is why the whole discussion of the 'fake news' red herring that they're putting out there to get folks upset because this supposedly dismantles an authentic political process… and that 'only the truth and nothing but the truth'… which is equated with 'the facts and nothing but the facts'… serves the 'power'-guys' purposes because they create those 'facts'… and if that is what 'the truth' is… we're sunk… right?… we'll never have access to reality… the true picture of what's going on in the world… For that… we have to see those guys who hide… So… imagine… if the scene Marx describes… was reported without Marx's peeling back the curtain and letting us see underneath… We would be told that there were "crowds of cheering folk at the train stations to greet Louis Bonaparte wherever he went… Hence… 'the people' are supporting Louis Bonaparte… He has the support of the people…" Well this is exactly what they do… they create the 'Trump supporters'… who show up at the rallies… etc. This tactic never went away… And so the newspapers then report 'what happened'… 'the facts'… "Look at all 'the supporters'…" – and make sure their journalists never have time to delve into what made 'the facts' 'happen' in the first place… Well Karl Marx knew better… These folks… in our case ten thousand global-guys… who take the comedy (Trump…) as comedy… are bound to win over we-the-people when we take it seriously… which… if all you have o gauge by is the newspapers… we are supposedly taking it seriously… – I don't think so… I think we're at a moment when the emperor has no clothes…
We are given the comedy of Trump – literally a comedy this time as it was impossible to take the man seriously – but the ones who stand behind… hidden behind the curtain… no longer care that we see the comedy… see that the 'politics' they give us for entertainment… is indeed nothing but theater… How long will be pretend we are children? We have long since grown up… but we stay in our knickers… keep wearing our short-pants… Why? We've seen this play… over and over… we know 'power's game – it's so old – we have social media… we can type “One Day Global General Strike” – put it out to mull… stimulate thought… Why not? Must we wait for them to impose a Ryan… or whoever it is they line up next… why not start writing… singing… dancing… planning… our own world into being?… the world in our image… of love – not theirs of hate… So the first step: showing up for the One-Day Global General Strike and Party for Prince is easy compared to those that come next… because that first step cannot be undermined by agents… Let's figure out how to make the next ones likewise… to ensure that… as Prince says: “whatever we do… we keep it moving… we don't stop the groove…” There are some 'understandings' that are key… perhaps each one of us should keep a running-list and compare our notes while we dance to them… For instance: “the true machinery of state they keep hidden… the forefront is just duped Brothers and Sisters… we must not get stuck in anger at them…” “Anger… period… is non-productive…” and: “Render therefore unto Caesar the things which be Caesar's, and unto God the things which be God's” ( St. Luke, 20: 25) “What is Caesar's [the state's…] and what belongs only to us? What is the state utterly incapable of? Love… Sharing… Art… What do they seek to destroy in us? Our unique love… sharing… art… So what is ours and never Caesar's… that which they cannot make and continuously seek to annihilate in us… Love… Sharing… Art… a.k.a… the song of Freedom spun through our hands and voices…” They have none themselves… and want none for us… Let them keep what they own… we want none of it – when they covet that which is dead… i.e.… non-generative of life… I think we should reply… “you are welcome to it… but leave life to us… and leave us for life…”
Let them keep what they own… while we keep what is uniquely ours: that which they have not… and cannot do… the unique spontaneous free expression of feeling… that blossoms into gifts for all… Prince: “Uno para todos, y todos para uno [One 4 all and all 4 one]… March, we march… (Whoa)… March, we march… Now's the time 2 find a rhyme (Yeah)… That's got a reason and frees the mind (Yeah)… From angry thoughts, the racist kind (Yeah)… If we all wanna a change then come on get in line… Next time we march (Whoa)… We're kickin' down the door… Next time we march (Whoa)… All is what we're marchin' 4…” Kropotkin: "[Proudhon] favored an approach he called 'Mutuellisme'… Kropotkin: “Under such a system… all the exchanges of services would be strictly equivalent." Whatever we do for each other is equivalent… Our due is me and you… we get to have each other to draw on… to look to for support… for sustenance… Their analysis – the 'power'-guys' – in the aftermath of the French Revolution was correct… as far as it went: to exist they must stay hidden… But Nikola saw further… saw that once… with the aid of his inventions… we could think and speak with each other as One… their game would be up… They ran it once… they can't run it again… Now it's just a matter of time… and how many unnecessarily lost lives…
Do we need further proof that we are in the transition to freedom… on the edge of… not the next 'world revolution'… but rather the first and last 'world evolution'… than that these 'power'-guys – the living dead – have seen fit to disinter their 'original' Bureaucratic Global-Statesman for inspiration: Louis Bonaparte… while simultaneously trying to resurrect the Cold War (“Our ['Five-Star-Fascist'] party,” says a member “…is not Russian-aligned or American-aligned…”) – is there any old 'dupe-the-children' play from their tattered playbook for suffocating our hopes for freedom… that they haven't resurrected to try to suppress us with in this moment?… we must see by this how close we are to getting free by the 'power'-guys frenzied reaction to our simultaneous efforts around the globe to achieve our freedom right now… which includes… this 'power'-reaction… their frenetic attempts to raise the hackles of our fear to porcupine levels (aimed at each other of course – they plan…): the 'Fake News Virus' has invaded Italy (I've been trying to figure out what the 'referendum' that supposedly means Fascism Is Rising In Italy actually said – no luck yet…) and now in Germany… because… we're told… Putin wants to “radicalize politics'… whatever that means… all to neutralize social media for our global organizing efforts… and (they intend) to keep us confused (and their academics busy…) for generations… while they (they hope) continue to 'rule'… and we (is their intent) cringe in fear and cut our eyes at each other as the source of our discontent… and bend our backs and beg not to be winnowed… promising 'power' we will be 'Totally Obedient'… why not rather give each other a single day – all together now… Prince crooning soothingly as we meet… or rocking us out into the streets – a single day to discuss an alternative… an alternative to the insanity of the bizarre notion of 'Rule'… of our remaining children so the Bully-State can continue to bully us… for no reason at all… but our fear-frozen-feelings… that will melt in an instant… in the heat of experiencing each other's love… – And – since we discussed it earlier – let's play it as our outro song from Prince: “Face Down!” [from the Emancipation CD (1996)…]
Prince Songs For What was to be Our December 18, 2016 show which is now our Jan. 1, 2017 Show on “Bill Gates' Raids UC-System Coffers to Sink Nikola Tesla”:
For our December 25, 2016 show on Prince's The Rainbow Children, please visit the Prince “The Rainbow Children” page… [This in-progress page as a (regularly updated) pdf: The Rainbow Children, by Prince (pdf file).
[“14 Shy.mp3”:]
“Shy” by Prince: “After a month of just bein' alone he said, "I wonder what L.A.'s thinkin'"… Streets he roamed in search of a poem amongst the wild and drinkin'… When he sees cool dark skin in hot virgin white… The search was over at least 4 2night… When she co-signed and then told him she was… Shy - Cool dark skin in hot virgin white… Shy - Lips say won't but her body say might… Shy - Looks like we're gonna take the long way home 2night… Oh baby (Shy)… After a look much louder than words she said, "I passed my initiation… A friend of mine, he got killed and in retaliation… I shot the boy ("Pop! Pop!"), huh, twice in the head… No regrets, no sorrow - I'm goin' back 2morrow 2 make sure he's dead… Cuz if I don't, they'll call me a chicken, but U can call me…" Shy - Cool dark skin in hot virgin white… Shy - Lips say won't but her body say might… Shy - Looks like we're gonna take the long way home 2night… Shy… Shy - Lips say no but the body say might… Looks like we're gonna take the long way home… Looks like we're gonna take the long way home… Looks like we're gonna take the long way home 2night… The girl was rough, but he called her bluff… And he told her not 2 know was better… Fact or fiction he wondered… And that's when the rain and thunder got wetter… And at the top of the page he wrote… Shy - Cool dark skin in hot virgin white… Shy - Looks like we're gonna take the long way home 2night… Shy - Cool dark skin in hot virgin white… Shy - Lips say won't but her body say might… Shy - Looks like we're gonna take the long way home 2night… (Oh, say it now, yeah)… (Shy, shy!)… (Shy)… Ooh baby, don't U wanna be alone 2night?… Shy - Yeah (Oh yes)… Shy (Shy)… Shy - Looks like we're gonna take the long way home 2night…” [Prince, “Shy”, Gold Experience, 1995]
[“11 Comeback.mp3”:]
“Comeback” by Prince: “Walking up the stairs… Just the afternoon… Sweet wind blew… Not a moment 2 soon… (Hoo) I cry when I realized… That sweet wind was U… Spirits come and spirits go… Some stick around 4 the aftershow… Don't have 2 say I miss U (don't have 2 say I miss U)… Cause I think U already know… If U ever lose someone… Dear 2 U… Never say the words they're gone… They'll come back, yeah… They'll come back, yeah yeah… They'll come back… Tears go here… Tears go here… Tears go here… Tears go here…” [Prince, “Comeback”, The Truth, 1998]
[“01 P Control.mp3”:]
“P Control” by Prince: “Nuestra presentacion especial comenzara en breve… (Our special presentation will start shortly)… Pero antes un mensaje de nuestros auspiciadores… (But first a message from our sponsors)… Uh, yeah… Uh… Good mornin' ladies and gentlemen ("What hotel number is she in?")… Boys and motherfuckin' girls ("319, 319" "Cool")… This is your captain with no name speakin'… And I'm here 2 rock your world… With a tale that will soon be classic… About a woman U already know… No prostitute she, but the mayor of your brain… Pussy Control (Are U ready?)… Aaah, Pussy Control, oh… Aaah, Pussy Control, oh… Our story begins in a schoolyard… A little girl skipping rope with her friends… A tisket, a tasket, no lunch in her basket… Just school books 4 the fight she would be in… One day over this hoodie… She got beat 4 some clothes and her rep… With her chin up, she scolded "All y'all's molded… When I'm rich, on your neck I will step"… And step she did 2 the straight A's… Then college, the master degree… She hired the heifers that jumped her… And made everyone of them work 4 free?… No! Why?… So what if my sisters are triflin'?… They just don't know… She said "Mama didn't tell 'em what she told me… 'Girl, U need Pussy Control'" (Are U ready?)… Aaah, Pussy Control, oh… Aaah, Pussy Control, oh… [Verse 2] Pussy got bank in her pockets… Before she got dick in her drawers… If brother didn't have good and plenty of his own… In love Pussy never did fall… And this fool named Trick wanna stick her… Uh, talkin' more Schick than a Bic… 'Bout how he gonna make Pussy a star… If she come and sing a lick on his hit… Pussy said "Nigga, U crazy if U don't know… Every woman in the world ain't a freak… U can go platinum 4 times… Still couldn't make what I make in a week… So push up on somebody wanna hear that… Cuz this somebody here don't wanna know… Boy, U better act like U understand… When U roll with Pussy Control" (Are U ready?)… Aaah, Pussy Control, oh… Aaah, Pussy Control, oh… Breakdown… (Are U ready 4 the best Pussy U ever felt?) [x2]… With one more verse 2 the story… I need another piece of your ear… I wanna hip U all 2 the reason… I'm known as the player of the year… Cuz I met this girl named Pussy… At the Club International Balls… She was rollin' 4-deep… 3 sisters and a weepy-eyed white girl drivin' her haul… I pulled up right beside her… And my electric top went down… I said "Motherfucker, I know your reputation… And I'm astounded that U're here… I fear U're lonely and U want 2 know… A 12 o'clock straight up nigga… That don't give a shit that U're Pussy Control… Well I'm that nigga, at least I wanna be… But it's gonna be hard as hell… 2 keep my mind off a body… That would make every rich man… Want 2 sell, sell, sell (75, we need another.. 85, 85 here, sold!…) Can I tell U what I'm thinkin' that U already know?… U need a motherfucker that respects your name"… Now say it, Pussy Control (Are U ready?)… Aaah, Pussy Control, oh… Aaah, Pussy Control, oh… And the moral of this motherfucker is… Ladies, make 'em act like they know… U are, was, and always will be Pussy Control (Are U ready?)… Peace and be wild (Aaah, Pussy Control)… Say what, huh? (Oh)… Oh no, don't U think about callin' her a ho (Are U ready?)… U juvenile delinquent… Best sit your ass down… Talkin' about Pussy Control… Huh, can U dig it?… Aaah, Pussy Control (Are U ready?)… Oh (Are U ready?)… Aaah, Pussy Control (Are U ready?) Oh (Are U ready?)…” [Prince, “P Control”, Gold Experience, 1995]
[“08 Walk Don't Walk.mp3”:]
“Walk Don't Walk” by Prince: “Walk on their side of the street?… Don't walk where it feels the best?… Walk away from people u meet?… Don't talk 2 strangers… Unless they walk the way u want them 2?… Don't walk unless the others do?… I said walk, like u could use a ride?… Don't walk with a confident stride… Then people will walk over u… Don't talk until they tell u 2?… Don't talk if it's against the rules?… Just walk away and be a fool?… That's what they wantcha 2 do… Yeah, that's what they want u 2 do… Sha-la-la-la-la… Sha-la-la-la-la… Sha-la-la-la-la… Sha-la-la-la-la… Don't talk if it's against the rules?… Just walk away and be a fool?… That's what they wantcha 2 do… So u got 2 walk like u wanna make it!… Don't walk like u just can't take it… Go on and walk on any side you like!… Don't walk wherever they tell u 2 - psyche!… The sun will shine upon u one day… If u're always walkin' your way… The sun will shine upon u one day… If u're always walkin' your way… Sha-la-la-la-la… Sha-la-la-la-la… Sha-la-la-la-la… Sha-la-la-la-la… (tellin' me now, just walkin')… Said I'm walkin' on your side of the street (tellin' me now, just walkin')… I'm talkin' 2 the people I meet (tellin' me now, just walkin')… Alright… Walk - don't walk… Talk - don't talk… Walk - don't walk… Talk - don't talk… Walk - don't walk… Talk - don't talk…” [Prince, “Walk Don't Walk”, Diamonds and Pearls, 1991]
[“02 Sexuality.mp3”:]
“Sexuality” by Prince: “Stand up everybody, this is your life… Let me take u to another world, let me take u tonight… U don't need no money, u don't need no clothes… The Second Coming, anything goes… Sexuality is all u'll ever need… Sexuality - let your body be free… C'mon everybody, yeah, this is your life… I'm talking about a revolution we gotta organize… We don't need no segregation, we don't need no race… New age revelation, I think we got a case… I'm OK as long as u are here with me… Sexuality is all we ever need… Reproduction of a new breed - Leaders, Stand Up, Organize… Reproduction of a new breed - Leaders, Stand Up, Organize… Reproduction of a new breed - Leaders, Stand Up, Organize… Everybody… We live in a world overrun by tourists… Tourists - 89 flowers on their back… inventors of the Accu-jack… They look at life through a pocket camera… What? No flash again?… They're all a bunch of double drags who teach their kids that Love is bad… Half of the staff of their brain is on vacation… Mama, are u listening?… We need a new breed - Leaders, Stand Up, Organize… Don't let your children watch television until they know how to read… Or else all they'll know how to do is cuss, fight and breed… No child is bad from the beginning… they only imitate their atmosphere… If they're in the company of tourists, alcohol and US history… What's to be expected is 3 minus 3.… absolutely nothing… Stand Up, Organize… We need a new breed… Leaders, Stand Up, Organize… I wanna be in the new breed, Stand up, Organize… Sexuality is all I'll ever need… Sexuality, I'm gonna let my body be free… Sexuality is all I'll ever need… Sexuality, I'm gonna let my body be free… Sexuality…” [Prince, “Sexuality”, Controversy, 1981]
[“06 Breakfast Can Wait.mp3”:]
“Breakfast Can Wait” by Prince: “Hey baby, where you going?… No please don't rush off so soon… If you leave me like this… What I'm gonna do… [Chorus:] Finally my eyes are open… I dream about you all night long… The only thing that I've been hoping for… is before you to go to work babe, we get it on… I ain't tryin' to make you blush,… But I just wanted to tell ya, I think you're great… I know you're late, but I need another taste,… Breakfast can wait!… [Verse 1:] Grits and gravy, cheese eggs and jam… Can nobody cook it like you girl… No ma'am!… This here early morning, need something else on my plate… I think I want another bite of you… Breakfast can wait!… Breakfast can wait… You really put it on me… You shut it down last night… I thought the police was gonna come (last night)… Loud, yeah, cryin'… Yeah, I ain't tryin' to make you blush… I just think you're great… Ain't no need to rush,… Breakfast can wait… [Chorus:] Finally my eyes are open… I dream about you all night long… The only thing that I've been hoping for… is before you to go to work babe, we get it on… I ain't tryin' to make you blush,… But I just wanted to tell ya, I think you're great… I know you're late, but I need another taste,… Breakfast can wait!… [Verse 2:] Hotcakes smothered in honey… (wait a minute)… I'm gon' have to pass… Fresh cup of coffee, no, no… I'd rather have you in my glass… Only thing's that gonna sweeten my tongue… Only thing that's gonna last now… Is another bite of you babe… Breakfast can wait… [Chorus:] Finally my eyes are open… I dream about you all night long… The only thing that I've been hoping for… Is before you to go to work babe, we get it on… I ain't tryin' to make you blush,… But I just wanted to tell ya, I think you're great… I know you're late, but I need another taste,… Breakfast can wait!… Breakfast can wait!… [Verse 3:] Can't stop even if the ṗolice come… Breakfast can wait!… I got a double time, kick drum… Breakfast, breakfast… You can't leave a black man in this state… Breakfast can wait!… Oh no… Breakfast, breakfast can wait!… Come here baby, let me put you on my plate… Hey now… Breakfast can wait!… Better call your job yeah… Breakfast can wait!… Tell 'em you gon' be late… Breakfast can wait!… Yeah, yeah, yeah… Prince is in charge now… Nice one… Breakfast can wait!… Breakfast can wait!… Breakfast can wait!… You're the only thing I need… Breakfast can wait!… Sweetness in my tongue… Breakfast can wait!… Come here baby, let me show you where I'm from… Breakfast can wait!… Yeah… Breakfast can wait!… Oh, you know you might need to pray for me… You might need to come again… Breakfast can wait!… Oh yeah-yeah…” [Prince, “Breakfast Can Wait”, Art Official Age, 2014]
[“05 We March.mp3”:]
“We March” by Prince: “Uno para todos, y todos para uno [One 4 all and all 4 one]… March, we march… (Whoa) [x6 in BG]… March, we march… If this is the same avenue my ancestors fought 2 liberate… How come I can't buy a piece of it even if my credit's straight?… If all the water's dirty and I wanna lay the pipe, my dammy… The river that I drink from, will it be the same as your mammy?… Now's the time 2 find a rhyme (Yeah)… That's got a reason and frees the mind (Yeah)… From angry thoughts, the racist kind (Yeah)… If we all wanna a change then come on get in line… Next time we march (Whoa)… We're kickin' down the door… Next time we march (Whoa)… All is what we're marchin' 4… If this is the same sister that U cannot stop calling a bitch (Bitch)… It will be the same one that will leave your broke ass in a ditch (Ditch)… If U can't find a better reason 2 call this woman otherwise… Then don't cry, U made the bed in which U lie… Now's the time 2 find a rhyme (Yeah)… That's got a reason and frees the mind (Yeah)… From angry thoughts, the racist kind (Yeah)… If we all wanna a change then come on get in line… Next time we march (Whoa)… We're kickin' down the door… Next time we march (Whoa)… All is what we're marchin' 4… (Whoa) [x4 in BG]… March, we march (Come on)… March, we march… Yes we do!… Dig… Now we clarify 4ever, in other words as long as it takes… We ain't got no use 4 ice cream without the cake (Umm)… We ain't got no time 4 excuses, the promised land belongs 2 all… We can march in peace but U best watch your back if another leader falls… March, we march… [Feet stompin'!]… March, we march… He said it, she said it and I say… Now's the time (now's the time) 2 find a rhyme (Yeah)… That's got a reason (Yeah) and frees the mind (free your mind)… From angry thoughts, the racist kind (Yeah)… If we all wanna a change then come on get in line (Get in line!)… Next time we march (Whoa)… We're kickin' down the door… Next time we march (Hey yeah) (Whoa)… All is what were marchin' 4 (Whooaa)… Next time we march (Oh yeah) (Whoa)… Kickin' down the door… Next time we march (Hey yeah) (Whoa)… All is what were marchin' 4… The fun don't stop the bacon… That's when the money gonna stop the shakin'… I know that next time we march, yeah…” [Prince, “We March”, Gold Experience, 1995]
Our January 1, 2017 Show… Our “Bill Gates' Raids UC-System Coffers to Sink Nikola Tesla” Show:
How is it that those who are determined to 'rule' us can commit heinous acts and feel triumphant?… find 'glory' in putting their proprietary mark on something they didn't make… and in fact stole… how it is that those who violate the implied social contract of equality and good fellowship which we all arrive on this earth with… how could they violate it at every step along their journey through life… and nonetheless perceive themselves as 'the best'? Nothing excites this discussion – the fact that these guys just take what they want and perceive themselves as 'superior' for being the most duplicitous – more than the theft and suppression of Nikola Tesla's inventions This false-dealing with Nikola came up for me majorly this week when I read a piece in the New York Times of December 13, 2016 that should have been titled “Gates Takes the Initiative to Bury Nikola Tesla”… but instead was called: “Bill Gates Leads New Fund as Fears of U.S. Retreat on Climate Grow”: “[Bill] Gates, the billionaire co-founder of Microsoft, announced on Monday the start of a fund [Breakthrough Energy Ventures] to invest in transformative energy research and development to reduce the emissions that cause climate change. The work would supplement and build on basic research already underway at government labs…” In Shakespeare's day there was a game called 'Bowls'… I don't know how it was played… but it involved a bowl in which a ball was spun… running along whatever bias was given it… This is a good metaphor for all of us under class… 'Power' gets our parents to 'bias' our 'selves' in the directions that serve it… while disappearing from our attention and access huge realms of our native inclinations… Well… 'power's plans for these students present a small example of this: 'power' intends for those who arrive with a lively interest in the completely fresh and original… and once-in-a-millennia-man… Nikola Tesla… to 'forget'… dismiss… dis-incline their interest away from… Nikola… and towards… “basic research already underway…” by which phrase they do not mean “research underway built on the stolen inventions of Nikola Tesla… harbored in the hidden labs of the shadow-global-state…” Nikola: “While I have not as yet actually effected a transmission of a considerable amount of energy such as would be of industrial importance, to a great distance by this method,” he would write on returning East, “I have operated several model plants under exactly the same conditions which will exist in a large plant of this kind, and the practicability of the system is thoroughly demonstrated.” His method in brief: “Here, according to his experimental results, a great electrical “south pole” was created with a stationary wave that rose and fell in unison with his transmissions from his “north pole” at Colorado Springs. Each time the wave receded, it was reenforced and sent back more powerfully than before to the antipode. Had the Earth been capable of perfect resonance, the results could have been catastrophic, but since it was not, the effect, he believed, was merely to make available at any point on the Earth energy that could be drawn off with a simple piece of equipment. This would include the elements of a radio tuning unit, a ground connection, and a metal rod the height of a house. Nothing more would be needed to absorb household electricity from the waves rushing back and forth between the electrical north and south poles.” [And… by the way… the New York Times of December 14, 2016 suggests that Mark Zuckerberg has not learned from the cautionary tale of Steve Jobs… or our discussion of the strategy of 'power' to place agents too close for targets to see… who then assist with the delivery of EMF till the target's hand loosens its grip on what 'power' covets…]
Proudhon explains the assumption of 'power' of its 'right' to take whatever it wants: “…since the highest and almost the only merit recognized [by the 'power'-guys… the global-state-statesmen… – P.S.] is physical strength, the strongest, and consequently the best, is entitled to the largest share; and if it is refused him, he very naturally takes it by force. From this to the assumption of the right of property in all things, it is but one step.” (Proudhon has their number… minus the critical contribution of Alice Miller to our understanding of the projection-compulsion and the repetition compulsion in the infant whose thought process and empathy has atrophied or has been stunted as a result of being forced to obey.) The mindset of 'rule' is the core control-technique of 'class'. It is defining of it… it is taught to all of us as legitimating ideology and… once embedded in institutions established to make it totalitarian – it reproduces itself 'automatically': it not only requires no thought from we-stuck-in-it to continue it… ad infinitum… but must actually destroy independent thought to exist.… And so the self-perceived 'best'– the Plato's Tribesmen… or the global-state statesmen – take what they want – our lives… our creations… our common earth – without any psychic discomfort… they never lose a night's sleep over it… But these slugs that drag their childhood baggage through and across our lives necessarily leave their trace of Hate… this Hate is what they force before our eyes and tell us that it is… “too bad so sad…” part of the 'human condition'… We can see… therefore… the 'power'-guys' intentions… aims… ambitions… though they stay hidden… through their acts… but first we have to see them…
Letting these guys continue to do what they do guarantees our world will be continuously degraded… because this mindset can only be met (when we allow ourselves to stay stuck in it… stuck in the 'logic' of “corner-conquer-and-control…”) by more of it – it is totalitarian… and as… therefore… 'power' tends to aggregate within the 'system'… we would be feeding an already enormous 'Antipathy toward Life' problem… We have been encouraged to view the traces of their Dead-Weight-of-Hate that they drag through our lives and leave in their wake as 'Evil'… but Proudhon's term 'moral evil' is better… more honest and so more apt… it fits right into Alice's explanation… and she in his… Alice explains that the infant's thought-process is arrested when forced to be obedient… Proudhon explains that the thought-process is arrested when it cannot get past the 'mind-body-split' that is forced on it… which… is… as Alice says… the suppression of spontaneous feelings… a.k.a.… the death of life… which Prince came to address… (…and for our discussion of The Rainbow Children on December 25, 2016… and our on-going discussion of Prince's strategy for ending 'class'… I urge you to see Prince's film Graffiti Bridge …in it he is expressing his dilemma of having come with a mission – to bring the love… be 'Dr. Feel-Love' to show the way to happiness – and yet he himself is so sad… because he is being subjected to hidden assaults by the shadow-state: agents and EMF… anyone in his shoes understands his dilemma perfectly… but few wear them partially and none fully: he is a prophet… I think these lines of Shakespeare relate to this dilemma: “What comfort is for Claudio?…” “There's some in hope…” “It is a bitter deputy.…” “Not so, not so; his life is paralleled even with the stroke and line of his great justice. He doth with holy abstinence subdue that in himself which he spurs on his power to qualify in others. Were he mealed with that which he corrects, then were he tyrannous, but this being so, he's just.…” think we should call this question that Shakespeare is addressing 'Prince's Dilemma'… Hope comes to counsel Despair… but our Despair – facing the annihilation of Love itself… the Soul itself [expressed in Christopher Fry's line: “Affairs are now soul-size…”] is so massive it threatens to overwhelm Love… Should Love be honest about his situation?… How be honest and offer hope? How be honest and not be 'unjust' to the mammoth Need of his Brothers and Sisters? [and… by the way… Morris Day and the Time are coming to town in March… they will be at the BAL Theatre in San Leandro [which… no offense… is essentially Oakland…] on March 25, 2017. Get tickets at BALtheatre.com or call 510.614.1224)
Once we see these guys we lose our fear of them. I wrote a song once for my grandchild Nanji – I've posted it with two other children's songs just below the excerpts from interviews with Prince [in the side-column…] on “The Rainbow Children” web page that I set up (you can find it above the current date on the 'Blog' page…) to hold the compilation of the individual tracks into a whole… with the accompanying text…) – the song goes: “When I put on my Superman-cape… and I go and look and see… I know… If I take a good look… and get up close… ain't nuthin' botherin' me… O No… Ain't nuthin' botherin' me…” Because of Alice… we've been able to get up close and take a good look at the 'power'-guys… Underneath the dress of Lady Liberty they sit cringing… hugging their malevolent schemes… the weapons they believe make them 'supreme'… and a soul-crushing load of hate from the abuse they suffered at the hands of their totalitarian mothers and fathers… As we pointed out in our August 23, 2015 Waking Up Radio show… what Plato's Tribesmen do to us exposes their own sufferings unerringly… as infants. For instance… their compulsive attempt to use what we love against us… just as their love for their parents was used against them: “Thus, the adult must instill obedience by the exercise of his power, this is done with a severe glance, a firm word, possibly by means of physical force (which curbs bad behavior although it is unable to produce good behavior) and by means of punishment… Since the child's affection can be gained by expressions of love, this same affection can be made use of to make him more amenable to discipline…” Children reared to be 'masters' by these methods do not believe in the power of love… of sourcing the Infinite… They believe in what has been shown to them: fear… force… coercion… manipulation… conquest of the spirit… Prince has come to provide the antidote for those of us willing to become… the Rainbow Children… On December 25th we discussed it… Our core psychic difficulty getting through this miasma of sadness called “the forced divisions of 'class'” – the normalized betrayal / violation of our inherent One-ness… the false impositions of hardship… the pretense that there are insufficient resources for all – is that we're all alone… The final chapter (fourteen) of “The Rainbow Children” is called “Last December”… which concludes with these lines: “We need 2 come 2gether… Come 2gether as ONE…”
Margaret Cheney's Tesla: Man Out Of Time: “[Westinghouse] invited Tesla to ride with him on the train from New York to Pittsburgh in his private “palace car” to talk over the whole matter [of a loan of six thousand dollars to allow Tesla to demonstrate “the practicability of establishing telegraphic communication to any point on the globe “by the help of the machinery I have perfected.” On the trip Tesla explained that his plant would surpass in performance the Atlantic cable both in speed and in the ability to send many simultaneous messages. He proposed that Westinghouse retain ownership of any machinery he furnished and interest himself to a certain extent in the venture. But Westinghouse had learned his lesson in the hard world of finance. He suggested that Tesla explore financing among capitalists who were looking for opportunities to invest excess wealth…” [Once we are free – human energy no longer a commodity or subject to compulsion of any kind – we should probe this history more deeply. When this request to Westinghouse occurs Westinghouse already owns all of Nikola's AC patents (on which our electrical distribution system is based…) and it is two years after Nikola's jaw-dropping demonstration of robotics and wireless transmission of energy at the Paris Exposition… he has been in communication with statesmen… financiers… and industrialists about his 'perfected' 'world system of power transmission'… there is high security at his research facility… he has already contributed numerous articles about the wireless transmission of energy to journals on electricity… and… Margaret Cheney… writing [earlier in the book: p.117] about an appeal to Westinghouse in1898 says that: “[Nikola Tesla…] tried to interest Westinghouse in developing… a machine embodying the art of telegeodynamics, with which he claimed to have sent six miles through the Earth mechanical waves 'of much smaller amplitude than earthquake waves,' that lost little of their power with distance. They were not intended to transmit electrical energy but would enable messages to be carried anywhere in the world and received on a tiny pocket set. Such waves could travel without interference from weather. When pressed by reporters to describe his apparatus, he would say only that it was a cylinder of finest steel – suspended in midair by a type of energy which was old in principle but which had been amplified by a secret principle – combined with a stationary part. Powerful impulses impressed upon the floating cylinder would react on the stationary part and through it, on the Earth. Nothing was to be developed from this concept. All his life however, Tesla stuck by his guns as to the awesome potential of mechanical resonance…” – and of course DARPA's HAARP weapon is based in this now demonstrated potential… The secrecy with which the post-French Revolution global-statesmen operate… particularly when viewed against Nikola's openness and good relations with the Press of his day… suggests that not only would they covet Nikola's inventions for wireless control and power-transmission… but they would want to obtain them without Nikola's knowledge…]
Pierre – Joseph Proudhon: “The heroic character of the robber is expressed in this line from Horace [around 65 B.C.… – P.S.], in reference to Achilles, – “My right is my lance and my buckler.” General de Broussard said, like Achilles: “I get wine, gold, and women with my lance and my buckler.” [This is 'power' – 'power' is 'power' is 'power'… creating the conditions such that: “Humanity must perforce prey on itself, like monsters of the deep.” (William Shakespeare…) – P.S.] We rob, – (eight). By cheating; (nine). By swindling; (ten). By abuse of trust; (eleven). By games and lotteries. This second species was encouraged by the laws of Lycurgus [9th century B.C. Spartan lawmaker], in order to sharpen the wits of the young… Under Louis XIII. and Louis XIV., it was not considered dishonorable to cheat at play. To do so was a part of the game; and many worthy people did not scruple to correct the caprice of Fortune by dexterous jugglery…”
Proudhon: “We rob, – (twelve). By usury. This species of robbery, so odious and so severely punished since the publication of the Gospel, is the connecting link between forbidden and authorized robbery. Owing to its ambiguous nature, it has given rise to a multitude of contradictions in the laws and in morals, – contradictions which have been very cleverly turned to account by lawyers, financiers, and merchants. Thus the usurer, who lends on mortgage at ten, twelve, and fifteen percent., is heavily fined when detected; while the banker, who receives the same interest (not, it is true, upon a loan, but in the way of exchange or discount, – that is, of sale), is protected by royal privilege. But the distinction between the banker and the usurer is a purely nominal one. Like the usurer, who lends on property, real or personal, the banker lends on business paper; like the usurer, he takes his interest in advance; like the usurer, he can recover from the borrower if the property is destroyed (that is, if the note is not redeemed), – a circumstance which makes him a money-lender, not a money-seller. But the banker lends for a short time only, while the usurer's loan may be for one, two, three, or more years. Now, a difference in the duration of the loan, or the form of the act, does not alter the nature of the transaction. As for the capitalists who invest their money, either with the State or in commercial operations, at three, four, and five per cent., – that is, who lend on usury at a little lower rate than the bankers and usurers, – they are the flower of society, the cream of honesty! Moderation in robbery is the height of virtue!” (Our outro song from Prince… featuring Morris Day and the Time: “Release It” [from Graffiti Bridge (1990) film and CD…])
Prince Songs For Our January 8, 2017 Show:
[“18 Gold.mp3”:]
“Gold” by Prince: “There's a mountain & it's mighty high… You cannot see the top unless you fly… And there's a molehill of proven ground… There ain't no where 2 go if you hang around… Everybody wants 2 sell what's already been sold… Everybody wants 2 tell what's already been told… What's the use of money if you ain't gonna break the mold?… Even at the center of fire there is cold… All that glitters ain't gold… All that glitters ain't gold, mmm… There's an ocean of despair… There are people livin' there… They're unhappy each and every day… But hell is not fashion so what you tryin' 2 say?… Everybody wants 2 sell what's already been sold… Everybody wants 2 tell what's already been told… What's the use of money if you ain't gonna break the mold?… Even at the center of fire there is cold… All that glitters ain't gold, no no… All that glitters ain't gold, no no… There's a lady, 99 years old… If she led a good life, heaven takes her soul… Now that's a theory and if you don't wanna know… Step aside and make a way 4 those who want 2 go… Everybody wants 2 sell what's already been sold (Sold)… Everybody wants 2 tell what's already been told (Told)… What's the use of bein' young if you ain't gonna get old? (Old)… Even at the center of fire there is cold (Cold)… All that glitters (glitters) ain't gold, no no no no no… All that glitters ain't gold… Alright… All that glitters, all that glitters, all that glitters… ain't gold… Na na na na na na na (Gold [x4])… Na na na na na na na (Gold [x4])… Gold, gold, gold… All that glitters ain't gold, gold, gold… All that glitters ain't gold, gold, gold (Na na na na na na na)… [repeat]… You are now an official member of the New Power Generation… Welcome 2 The Dawn… All that glitters ain't gold (Gold) [repeat & loop]…” [Prince, “Gold”, The Gold Experience, 1995]
[“01 The Truth.mp3”:]
“The Truth” by Prince: “What if half the things ever said… Turned out 2 be a lie… How will U know the Truth?… If U were given all the answers… And U stopped 2 wonder why… But how will U know the Truth?… Everybody's got a right to love… Everybody's got a right to lie… But the choice U make ain't no piece of cake… It ain't no MF piece of pie… [clock ticks]… What If time's only reason?… Was to give us all somethin' 2 fear?… And if so y'all, the end of the journey's so clear… Questionaire, What did U stand 4?… Questionaire, Who did U save?… When it gets right down to-wait a minute… When it gets right down to the nitty of the gritty… When it gets right down to it did U take more than U gave… Everybody got a right to love… Everybody got a right to lie… But the choice U make aint no piece of cake… It ain't no MFMF [O(+> screams the following] piece of pie… [computer blips]… Mmmm oh… Gotta (Gonna?) tell the truth y'all… Gotta tell the truth… Gotta tell the truth y'all… Gotta tell the truth… Gotta tell the truth y'all… Gotta tell the truth… If there was just one day… That everybody tell the truth… We'd all trade bank accounts & move back to Neptune…” [Prince, “The Truth”, The Truth, 1998]
[“14 The One.mp3”:]
“The One” by Prince: “Mr. Mike Phillips. Just for me… the sexy people just… snap your fingers… oo… if you're looking for a man who'll walk away from responsibility… I ain't the one… if you're looking for a brother that'll treat you like anything but a natural queen… I ain't the one… if you're looking for a man that'll sweep you off your tired… weary feet… take you anywhere you want to go baby… buy you anything you want to eat… make love to you child… each and every day of the week… look no further… I am the one… O yes… O yes… O yes… Somebody clap your hands tonight… Let me talk… Listen… If you're looking for a man… take his money and keep it all to himself… I ain't the one… No… If you're looking for a man who will have twenty women and confuse it with his wealth… I ain't the one… O no… If you're looking for a man… Who'll share with the mirror… buy you half the town… treat your every little step baby… like you were walking on holy ground… Look no further… Yeah… Yeah… I am the one… Mr. Maceo Parker show your love to London… Yeah… Respect… Ladies and Gentlemen… Renato Neto…” [Prince, “The One”, Indigo Nights, 2007]
[“08 Ol' Skool Company.mp3”:]
“Ol' Skool Company” by Prince: “Oo… this is my song… [Chorus]… Every once in awhile… U need some ol' skool company… Somebody that appreciates a sexy groove… And a old school melody… When god his son and the love of family… Ruled in the community… The songs you sing… Lift you up 2 heaven… A heaven we can believe in… Everybody's talkin' about hard times… Like it just started yesterday… People eye know they've been strugglin'… At least it seems that way… Fat cats on wall street… They got a bailout… While somebody else got 2 wait… 700 billion but my old neighborhood… Ain't nothing changed but the date… [Chorus]… Ain't nothing ever come from complaining… Xcept a bitter heart, that's true… Follow along and you gon wanna do… Something b4 the next chorus is thru… The songs we sing… They used 2 mean somethin… Now every other one is just mean… Rather than reminisce eye'm telling you this… It's time 4 a brand new scene… [Chorus]… Everybody's sinkin' in the quicksand… Created by the keeper of time… Cast aside by using ancient tricks… That changes ur state of mind… They got you catering the whims of the flesh… B4 you get ur paper right… Call me old fashioned… But back in the day… There wasn't no shorties in sight… 1st come job then come marriage b4 shorty… Come out with the baby carriage call me… Old fashioned just clap yo hands just clap yo hands… Radio used 2 b local untouched by the man… Songs we used 2 sing used 2 mean something… Now they just bland like the drummer… Where's the real drummer? michael b.… Mint condition, morris day… Jellybean wishin' sheila e and brother john, sometimes me… 'til dawn… If the white house is black… We gotta take the radio back… Power 2 the people… Power 2 the people… Put this thing on repeat go back 2 one… And just move ur feet tell ur friends prince and… The mplsound we can't be beat…” [Prince, “Ol' Skool Company”, Mplsound, 2009]
[“09 Like A Mack.mp3”:]
“Like A Mack” by Prince: “That’s why I never let a man pick out my clothes… [Prince:]… Roll up in the town early afternoon (hey hey hey)… Looking for the pimp dress make you swoon (hey hey hey)… Found a little number and a fancy brassiere (hey hey hey)… Lookin' like a mack all up in here (lookin' like a mack all up in here)… [Chorus -Prince:]… sho black posse and the girls are hot… Pick one come and show me what you got… Everything or nothing if you want a lot of what's cookin'… She's lookin', lookin', lookin', lookin', lookin' like a mack, like a mack… [Curly Fryz:]… Whatcha lookin' at me? Oh!… Stead of lookin' like who? Whoa!… Drop it down then I pick it up slow… We run the town, city, states and the globe… Tryin' holla, I’m like, “What? No!”… Plus he lookin' like eww, gross!… I’m on the wave can you keep up with my flow… My music bang, you can feel it in your soul… And I rolled up in the town early afternoon… On the block lookin' hot like it's early June… At the top shinin' bright something like the moon… Can you picture us with my lyrics bumpin' my cartoons… With my ace cuz we're queens so we never get carded… Kill the scene then we leave call it “dearly departed”… Tryin' to dip but we can't cuz we came bombarded… You already know we coming the hardest… [Chorus - Curly Fryz:]… Cam light flashing and my click is hot… Pick one come and show me what you got… Everything or nothing if you want a lot of what's cookin… Cuz she lookin', lookin', lookin', lookin', lookin', ow… [Prince:] Look at little Willy walking down this way… Only bring a blonde on a good day… Not another autograph, cue the DJ… Everybody dance when I say… Pro black fashion and the girls are hot… Dancin' with each other cuz the boys are not… Tryin' to trade numbers for the drinks they bought… But, whatcha supposed to think in a club full of thots… [Chorus - Prince:]… Pro black fashion and the girls are hot… Pick one, come and show me what you got… Everything or nothing if you wanna lot of what's cookin'… Cuz she lookin', lookin', lookin', lookin', lookin', like a mack… [Curly Fryz:]… Here’s my crew dressed in all black like we mobbin'… Pockets got the mumps so you know we never starvin'… Noddin' and bobbin' our heads to the beat… You see how we rockin' shows, go and get up out your seats… Life is like a movie when we step up on the stage… I got fifty different styles that I got up on display… We gon' make the party jump so you know we're here to stay… Stackin' paper up while y'all on the same page, come on… [Chorus - Curly Fryz:]… Cam light flashin’ ‘and my click is hot (hey)… Pick one come and show me what you got (come on)… Everything or nothing if you wanna lot of what’s cookin’… Cuz she lookin’, lookin’, lookin’, lookin’, lookin’, ow… [Prince:]… Tryin' to trade numbers for the drinks they bought (hey hey hey)… Drinks they bought, dri-drinks they bought (hey hey hey)… whatcha tryin' to think in a club full of thots… Hey hey hey, hey hey hey… Club full of thots… club full of thots… Club… Hey hey hey, hey hey hey… She's lookin', lookin', lookin', lookin', lookin', lookin', like a mack… Lookin', lookin', lookin', lookin', lookin'…” [Prince, “Like A Mack”, Hit n Run Phaze One, 2015]
[“07 Million $ Show.mp3”:]
“Million $ Show” by Prince: “Don't worry, I won't hurt you, I only want you to have some… Dearly Beloved… we are gathered here today to get through this thing called… 'Show'… [Chorus:]… Welcome To the Mill… Million $ Show… This is something that you never seen before… Welcome To the Mill… Million $ Show… This the kinda music make you lose control… [x2]… If you're ready come on let's go… You heard the news on the internet… About the tickets you got to get… Your favorite band comin' to your town… What was lost but now is found… Tell serena first come first serve… What we mean is who got the nerve… Standing outside people singing in line… Nothin's out the question when you outta your mind… [Chorus:]… Welcome To the Mill… Million $ Show… This is something that you never seen before… Welcome To the Mill… Million $ Show… This the kinda music make you lose control… Don't listen to the music… Sayin' fear the fro… You got the $ so you go, go, go… Miss it for the world - only be insane… They're coming thru the snow… The sleet or the rain… Oh the rain… the rain… the rain… Miss it for the world - only insane… [Chorus:]… Welcome To the Mill… Million $ Show… This is something that you never seen before… Welcome To the Mill… Million $ Show… This the kinda music make you lose control… [x2]… If you're ready come on let's go… Only the haters ever complain… Can't hear jack in the back of my plane… Turn the music up so they diss in vain… Turn the music up so they diss in vain… Turn the music up!…” [Prince, “Million $ Show”, Hit n Run Phaze One, 2015]
Our January 8, 2017 Show:
It's hard for me to look sometimes… at what I shouldn't call… but do… 'the minions'… To not see that look I will take some time… I will drop my eyes… to not see that look on their faces… though Alice explained it… that look so pleased… to be of service… that look so self-satisfied… or absent… because we are made to serve a Bigger Thing… I don't want to see… that they've exchanged the grim paternal visage… for Eternity… One of the key reasons I wrote Waking Up: Freeing Ourselves From Work… The work of our time is for all of us to begin to distinguish ourselves from 'the system,' so we can begin to be people again…” (I was referring to the Mayans I quoted at the beginning of chapter II [“The Two Winds:] who said they were people… not 'workers'… I didn't know about Karl Popper. Once I'd read The Open Society The work of our time is for all of us to begin to distinguish ourselves from 'the system,' so we can begin to be people again…” (I was referring to the Mayans I quoted at the beginning of chapter II [“The Two Winds:] who said they were people… not 'workers'…and Its Enemies: the Spell of Plato I had a more powerful term – more powerful because it captured more explanation… even more truth… in it: The Tribe of Plato. In a conversation my son and I had this morning we were thinking about the implications of a condition of chronic fear being imposed on us by a Tiny Few damaged folk – the global-state statesmen: they manufacture insecurity as the broad… general… inescapable… condition for our lives… and treat us as experimental subjects in a vast social experiment… establish variables within it… and then watch us to study our reactions to what they do. Because we are 'figuring-out-beings-par-excellence' (we're problem-solvers… we're not meant to be stuck ad infinitum in a problem – as Prince says in Gold: “There's an ocean of despair… There are people livin' there… They're unhappy each and every day… But hell is not fashion so what you tryin' 2 say?…” – Truly. What are these people who set this mess up trying to say? Prince's work is packed with so much thought that needs to be discussed… that will help us disconnect from their repetition compulsion…) Because we are 'figuring-out-beings-par-excellence'… what has been key to their domination has been 'keeping us busy'… keeping us jumping so fast that we don't have time (our own lives) to think.… Whatever other factors may have been involved in this story… one thing I think is clear: that baby had no fear. But what when the threat is not known?… when something is behaving un-naturally?… as… for the infant… with a parent that is indifferent to its distress… and in fact causes it… or forces the baby to disown its own feelings… The state – and now it is a global-state… a global-system-of-'class'… – wants us to have fear as infants… so that we will eventually have fear of it… It's what they trade in… it's their currency: “Here… take the fear… or I'm gonna worry about you…” (to paraphrase that line in the film Bound that I like so much… and use so often…) It is this unwanted… imposed… load of fear that explains why it takes so long for us to find our true voices… speak in an authentic tongue… We're taught the language of fear as infants… taught to wait for permission… to listen for the voice of Authority to tell us what exists… what's 'legitimate'… Training in obedience as infants literally seizes (freezes… paralyzes…) our bodies. Prince is the 'body-worker' we've been waiting for…
Margaret Cheney's Tesla: Man Out Of Time: “Tesla, believing that Marconi had infringed his patents, wanted to sue him.… Of all the people who had read Tesla's article in Century magazine and been impressed by the boldness of his vision, one fitted the inventor's requirements perfectly: J. Pierpont Morgan. The two met for a talk about the world system. Tesla instinctively was less forthcoming than he had been with Westinghouse: no need to distract the financier with too much technical information. Instead, he dilated on themes of money and power. He described to Morgan the plan for all wavelength channels to be broadcast from a single station. Thus the financier would have a complete monopoly of radio broadcasting. Where others in the field were thinking only in limited terms of point-to-point transmissions, as in ship-to-shore and transoceanic wireless, Tesla was talking about broadcasting to the entire world. Morgan was interested.… He made no mention to Morgan of the wireless transmission of power, not because he had given up the idea, but for the prudent reason that it would have made some of the banker's existing investments obsolete.” The way Nikola Tesla is received in a system premised on controlling (commanding) human energy… i.e.… in a system in which human energy is not free… should be sufficient… once we discuss it… to 'prove'… that the evolution of humanity itself depends on our 'loving ourselves' – putting ourselves first… refusing to put ourselves on the market… and being willing to work to achieve the needed intermediary steps: the Global General Strike… and our global discussions… To set these discussions up for success… we must prepare ourselves for 'power's preemptive strike on ideas it's threatened by… So how do our 'system-dissolving' ideas not get absorbed before they have a chance to do their work?… and what makes them 'system-dissolving'?
Herbert Marcuse: “To the degree to which organized labor operates in defense of the status quo, and to the degree to which the share of labor in the material process of production declines, intellectual skills and capabilities become social and political factors. Today, the organized refusal to cooperate of the scientists, mathematicians, technicians, industrial psychologists and public opinion pollsters may well accomplish what a strike, even a large-scale strike…” [Marcuse was writing in the 1960s… two decades before our Good Three's careful analysis which faced the reality of a global system of 'power'… as well as the new circumstance of instantaneous global communication – all to say Prince is dead on it:…“next time we march All is what we're marching for…” said Prince… striking for All is a different animal than all heretofore known 'strikes'… – P.S.] “…in the administered society, the biological necessity does not immediately issue in action; organization demands counter-organization. Today the fight for life, the fight for Eros, is the political fight…” and our Good Three's (Terence K. Hopkins… Giovanni Arrighi… and Immanuel Wallerstein) analysis in Antisystemic Movements lend support to Marcuse's conclusion that unity is key across the false divisions of 'class' – it tells us that a global movement to establish global Freedom must by-pass the interstate system… We have the benefit of their insight and analysis… what more then is needed? For one thing: knowledge of Nikola Tesla and discussion of the implications of the theft of his inventions and discoveries – his inventions and discoveries that have to do with electromagnetic force (EMF) – for our ability to mobilize on a global scale… The fear of the global-state-statesmen… that the story of how they suppressed and used the EMF inventions of Nikola Tesla… their fear that this hidden history will be broadly exposed and discussed is for multiple reasons… it shows the utter contempt with which it treats our most creative (and of course all of us… all life…) 'proving' that 'power' sees our creative gifts as its to dispose of as it wishes… that by its calculus… we exist but to be put to use by 'it'… to serve its (not global humanity's…) narrow self-interest… its 'power'-lust ambition… and that for us to have any chance at all of using our gifts to the full we must insist on the end of 'power'… the end of coercion… discuss where it exists… picture our future without it… and push for it hard until we own it… all… all of our suppressed gifts from the earth and the ancestors and each other… But not least of the reasons they fear this exposure is that it puts us all globally on the same side… across all the false divisions… In particular the global-'power'-guys fear that those who possess the needed technology for us to get free… literally almost over-night… will re-conceive their allegiance… re-orient their moral compass to the magnetic pull of Love… and help sweep… as fast as we can all make it happen… the ignoble purposes of the global-state into the dust-bin of our story as humans bent on freedom and unification… globally…
This fear of the global-statesmen has been telegraphed repeatedly… in the months before and after their installation of Trump (who it seems they may soon excusing from the classroom…) in its preferred print-propaganda-placement device… The New York Times… a good example appeared just yesterday… “a new era in the tech business… a new superclass of American corporate might ('Devil, devil what u know?… U been here since 1914, but now u got 2 go… U been hidin' behind corporate eyes… Devil, u got 2 go…') In the United States, Europe, Asia and South America, the Five find themselves increasingly arrayed against legal and regulatory powers, and often even against popular will…” [And here we have the secondary purpose of the piece (after the establishment of 'the state' as 'hero'): to try to create what they claim already exists: antipathy in 'the people' toward those who own the technology we need to get free – they will beat this poor horse all the way home… As if this process has not been driven by the global-state-statesmen and their obsession with Total Surveillance… to see the real source of the disruption of our lives… see the burying of Nikola Tesla… see 40 million dead in Europe alone due to World War II because of it… as well as the manipulation of the weather by pumping metal particulates into the atmosphere… see the silent slaughter also with EMF using Nikola's stolen weapon… see our living in hardship… fear… and insecurity… see the 'power'-guys… see the global-state-statesmen…]
Propaganda tells us what exists over and above our own experience… which… in my case… working in the trades… is that… when we have direct experience of each other all the lies we've been told about 'the other' fade – “Every time I watch the other people news… I c a false picture of myself, another one of u…” (“The Work Pt. 1”, The Rainbow Children) – and as Prince also said… the state sows divisions between us – and I've learned quite deliberately… with agents – in order to stay in charge of us (and in “Million $ Show” [from Hit n Run Phaze One (2015)… one of the Prince songs posted for this show…] Prince reminds us… for when we're rockin' in our freedom with his music… that it is the haters (the 'power'-guys and their 'paid-to-undermine-guys'…) who will be doing the complaining – there are strategic implications to this which I hope will be discussed. To see 'power' and 'power's minions… look who's sowing divisions… or telling us ad infinitum how wide 'the divide' is growing between you and I: between 'we-the-people' and the Tech-folks… between 'we-the-people' and the police… between 'we-the-people' and the 'One-Percent-ers'… or that 'the corporations' or 'the politicians' are to blame… sitting in their corporate board rooms or isolated nooks… they 'just don't get' how hard it is for we 'common folk'… trying to pay the rent with rising food prices… and then… within the 'we-the-people' sub-groups the state places us in: between the 'racial boxes'… between 'skilled' and 'unskilled'… gay and straight… women and men… But who is it who wants to stop us from coming together globally and self-developing our gifts? – that's the question to ask. Nikola wanted unity and freedom for all of us… Nikola wanted global unity… and a few of those 'tech titans' do too… So we need to expose the hidden hand that smashed Nikola Tesla… stole his inventions… and uses them to sit atop all of us: corporate titans not on the 'in'… 'stars' of stage and screen… 'celebrities' who know about this weapon… have seen friends be made ill and drop… or just drop… but are controlled by the need to protect the ones they love… We are a 'problem-solving species'… let's 'problem-solve' this…
But also critically needed is our: understanding of the hidden abusiveness of the 'class'-system… an understanding provided by Alice Miller and Prince… in their emphasis on the importance of resurrecting suppressed spontaneous feelings… a suppression which led to the arrest of thought (and I hope it's clear that when we're talking about the resurrection of spontaneous feelings we're talking about reclaiming the body… because it's hard to love what ain't yours… when you reclaim your own body… you don't want it used by anyone but yourself… and you see that getting our freedom is something that we can only do together…) a suppression which led to the arrest of thought: we start repeating what we're told… regurgitating the given thoughts of the state… and in so doing we lose our earth-given-gift of empathy – that is to say… the pressing need for us to be “made whole in Love…”: “God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him. Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment [when 'power' tests us… – P.S.] He that feareth is not made perfect in love. We love him, because he first loved us. If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen? And this commandment have we from him, That he who loveth God love his brother also.” (John 1, 4: 16 – 21) Prince's mission is Alice's mission: to get us 'un-stuck'… thaw our frozen feelings… get us out of our 'heads' – i.e.… 'power's conditioned mindset (which inspires suppressed rage and instills paralyzing fear…) Thanks to Alice we can see the cringing child beneath the dress of Authority (the totalitarian parent…) the Fascists who stand behind the goal of 'Perfect Reason'… …but what stands behind us… and our goal of perfect love in perfect freedom… that will help provide to us… the needed confidence? Their EMF-assault tactic is 'designed' to do many things: to murder in the guise of 'disease'… to punish and 'correct' 'disobedience'… to impose physical and psychic isolation… but a key potential effect that I believe is intended is to make the victim more like the assailant… i.e.… bitter… heartless… to cause the target to no longer believe in love… They were never able to achieve this with Prince… Over and over despite his own torture he wrote: “Wherever U go, whatever U do… Ooh please, remember that I'll always be there 4 U… U don't have 2 call, U don't have 2 say… Just think about me and I'll be on my way…” This man is so interesting because he arrived with the most important mission in history… It's so humbling to discover this man… humbling… humiliating… embarrassing… and… angering… This is the man they want to literally turn into a cartoon character… this man so formidable who is for us to hold onto – we 'strays of the world' who are here to end this foul 'system' of 'class' – for us… in our darkest moments… to know we're not alone: this man they are trying to utterly diminish and rob us of…
[Proudhon is identifying… itemizing… all the ways a system of 'class' commits robbery. Point being… as our bodies tell us daily… a 'class'-system is premised on theft… which means it's destined for death. It's time for us to take our bodies back. What we have to have to do this… is certainty… 'certainty' that we must have the full width and breadth of our gifts… back… in our sole possession… – P.S.]: “We rob, – (thirteen). By farm-rent, house-rent, and leases of all kinds… We rob, – (fourteen). By commerce, when the profit of the merchant exceeds his legitimate salary… We rob, – (fifteen). By making profit on our product, by accepting sinecures, [“positions requiring little or no work but giving the holder status or financial benefit…”] and by exacting exorbitant wages… The farmer, who sells a certain amount of corn to the consumer, and who during the measurement thrusts his hand into the bushel and takes out a handful of grains, robs; the professor, whose lectures are paid for by the State, and who through the intervention of a bookseller sells them to the public a second time, robs; the sinecurist, who receives an enormous product in exchange for his vanity, robs; the functionary, the laborer, whatever he may be, who produces only one and gets paid four, one hundred, or one thousand, robs; the publisher of this book, and I, its author, – we rob, by charging for it twice as much as it is worth…” The farmer, who sells a certain amount of corn to the consumer, and who during the measurement thrusts his hand into the bushel and takes out a handful of grains, robs; the professor, whose lectures are paid for by the State, and who through the intervention of a bookseller sells them to the public a second time, robs; the sinecurist, who receives an enormous product in exchange for his vanity, robs; the functionary, the laborer, whatever he may be, who produces only one and gets paid four, one hundred, or one thousand, robs; the publisher of this book, and I, its author, – we rob, by charging for it twice as much as it is worth. [I.e… as many have said since… if not half so eloquently… “we didn't make this mess… OK?…” – P.S.]
“In recapitulation: – Justice, after passing through the state of negative communism, called by the ancient poets the age of gold, commences as the right of the strongest. In a society which is trying to organize itself, inequality of faculties calls up the idea of merit; equite suggests the plan of proportioning not only esteem, but also material comforts, to personal merit; and since the highest and almost the only merit then recognized is physical strength, the strongest [i.e.… based on the given premise… – P.S.], and consequently the best [ditto], is entitled to the largest share; and if it is refused him, he very naturally takes it by force. From this to the assumption of the right of property in all things, it is but one step… [So – Proudhon has done it… explained to us how it is that the Plato's Tribesmen… the global-state statesmen… can so stretch their imaginations as to think that in robbery… murder… torture… genocide… there exists 'glory'… or anything but bottomless soullessness… – P.S.] Such was justice in the heroic age, preserved, at least by tradition, among the Greeks and Romans down to the last days of their republics. Plato, in the “Gorgias,” introduces a character named Callicles, who spiritedly defends the right of the strongest, which Socrates, the advocate of equality, seriously refutes.” [Popper discusses this question within the context of what he terms “the protectionist view of the state”… which Popper saw as a goal to steadily work towards… but is a notion that Kropotkin and Proudhon have handily debunked… and which Nikola Tesla's gifts have rendered moot – along with all the subsequent technology invented that is useful for establishing the individual self-sufficiency of each as the basis of our global society – this being the political implication of one of Prince's conclusions at the end of The Rainbow Children: that we must… once healed from the brutalization of 'class'… turn to… attend to… be led by… the kingdom deep within… an 'order' that comes from tuning our various instruments to the key of love… this… Prince believed in… the power of love always guiding us… as that inner voice we're made too busy to hear… but it cannot guide unless each individual is free. I am so angry at all the lies they're hoping to sink Prince in… bombard him with as they bombarded him with EMF. Establishing his truth – the truth – means winning our freedom… I believe this… but I also want it established in and of itself: what they did to him. I want to see the record set straight… 4Ever… Prince's song “4Ever” from his CD Lotusflow3r (2009) is our outro song…
Prince Songs For Our January 15, 2017 Show:
[“02 New Power Generation.mp3”:]
“New Power Generation” by Prince: “Pardon me 4 living, but this is my world 2… I can't help that what's cool to us might be strange to u… Pardon me 4 breathing, can we borrow some of your air?… The problem with u and your kind is that u don't know love is there… Lay down your funky weapon, come join us on the floor… Making love and music's the only things we're fighting 4.… We r the new power generation, we want 2 change the world.… The only thing that's in our way is u.… Your old fashioned music, your old ideas,… We're sick and tired of u telling us what 2 do.… Pardon me 4 thinking, but there's something under my hair… I bet u thought the lights were on but noone's living there… U think that if u tell enough lies they will see the truth?… I hope they bury your old ideas the same time they bury u… Lay down your funky weapon, come join us on the floor… Making love and music's the only things we're fighting 4.… We r the new power generation, we want 2 change the world.… The only thing that's in our way is u.… Your old fashioned music, your old ideas,… We're sick and tired of u telling us what 2 do… We r the new, We r the new, We r the new,… Making love and music… New power, we stand… Pardon us for caring, we didn't know it was against the rules (shout it out)… If we only want to love one another… Then tell me now who's the fool (tell me, tell me)… No father, no mother, no sister, no brother, nobody can make me stop… Said if u didn't come 2 party child, I think u better get up offa my block.… Lay down your funky weapon, come join us on the floor… Making love and music's the only things we're fighting 4.… We r the new power generation, we want 2 change the world.… The only thing that's in our way is u.… Your old fashioned music, your old ideas,… We're sick and tired of u telling us what 2 do.… Why don't u just be happy, baby.… [chorus repeated with this sung over it]… Go on and get up offa my block… Get up offa my block, because… Love is there if you'd just open up 2 it.… If you'd just believe your whole world would change… New power generation, you've got to rearrange. We've got… We r the new power generation, you've gotta give up all the fight… We gotta try 2 love one another, baby. we r the new power generation… We r the new power generation.… We r the new power generation…” [Prince, “New Power Generation”, from the film and CD Graffiti Bridge, 1990]
[“05 Right The Wrong.mp3”:]
“Right The Wrong” by Prince: “Right the wrong… Hear the song… Before long U won't hear nothin' but the crackle of flames… Right the wrong… Hear the song… Would u rather die knowing that u did or keep living in shame?… Right the wrong… 2, 3, uh… 1, 2, 1-2, come on… (Right the wrong baby)… Far be it from me to say… It seem like we could stop the flow of snow in the sky today… But I guess the weather man he likes the rain… Ain't that insane… Now sing…Right the wrong… Hear the song… Before long U won't hear nothin' but the crackle of flames… Right the wrong… Hear the song… Would u rather die knowing that u did or keep living in shame?… (Come on, come on, come on)… Did you hear me baby?… Right the wrong… I'm 6 feet in the grave… I'm 6 feet in the grave… (right right, right right) … Right the wrong… Ashes to ashes, dust to dust (right the wrong right the wrong)… This young man with a talented soul (right the wrong right the wrong)… Died when he wanted 2 (right the wrong right the wrong) light the life that lives… (right the wrong right the wrong)… So he shall not be pitied… Nor shall the guilty be forgiven… Until they find it in their hearts to… Right the wrong…” [Prince, “Right The Wrong”, Chaos and Disorder, 1996]
[“01 Baltimore.mp3”:]
“Baltimore” by Prince: “[Eryn Allen Kane:] Baltimore… [Prince:] Nobody got in nobody's way… So I guess you could say it was a good day… At least a little better than the day in Baltimore… Does anybody hear us pray… For Michael Brown or Freddie Gray?… Peace is more than the absence of war… Absence of war… [Prince & Eryn Allen Kane:] Are we gonna see another bloody day?… We're tired of the cryin' and people dyin'… Let's take all the guns away… [Prince:] Absence of war, you and me… Maybe we can finally say… Enough is enough, it's time for love… It's time to hear… It's time to hear the guitar play, guitar play… Baltimore… If there ain't no justice then there ain't no peace… If there ain't no justice then there ain't no peace… If there ain't no justice then there ain't no peace… If there ain't no justice then there ain't no peace… [Prince & Eryn Allen Kane:] We're gonna see another bloody day… We're tired of the cryin' and people dyin'… Let's take all the guns away… If there ain't no justice then there ain't no peace… If there ain't no justice then there ain't no peace… If there ain't no justice then there ain't no peace… If there ain't no justice then there ain't no peace…” [Prince, “Baltimore”, Hit n Run Phaze Two, 2015]
[“01 Around The World In A Day.mp3”:]
“Around The World In A Day” by Prince: “Open your heart, open your mind… A train is leaving all day… A wonderful trip through our time… And laughter is all U pay… Around the world in a day… Around the world in a day… Now dig… Loneliness already knows U… There ain't no reason 2 stay… Come here and take my hand, I'll show U… I think I know a better way, y'all… Around the world in a day… (listen 2 me, babe)… Around the world in a day… (all the babies sing it now)… Ooh-la-la… Ooh-la-la-la-la-la-la… No-sha-sha… No shouting… No shouting… No - no shouting… The little 1 will escort U… 2 places within your mind… The former is red, white, and blue… The ladder is purple, come on and climb… Around the world in a day… Around the world in a day… Come on, sing… Around the world in a day… Say papa, I think I wanna dance… (summer she is sweet)… Around the world in a day… Around the world in a day… All the little babies, sing around the world… Around the world in a day… A government of love and music boundless in its unifying power… A nation of alms, the production, sharing ideas, a shower of flowers…” [Prince, “Around The World In A Day”, Around The World In A Day, 1985]
[“05 Dance On.mp3”:]
“Dance On” by Prince: “Oh, pick it up!… There's a bass guitar in this… Grenade Launcher roars in a television sky… Tell me how many young brothers must die… Dance on, dance on… Dance on, dance on… Little Talk Johnny blew the big score… The gang nailed his feet 2 a wooden floor… Nuclear Ban never stays in tune… They all know the words but the music is doomed… Everybody… Dance on, dance on… Dance on, dance on… Pick it up… Dance on, dance on… Dance on, dance on… Dance on, dance on… A bass guitar in spider webs, longing 4 the funk… Uzi gun takes his place in a wagon trunk… (get off me, punk, U ain't sexy)… Stealin' ladies purses then settin' them a'flame… M&M killers playin' Mickey Mouse games… Lord have mercy… Dance on, dance on (Dance on)… Dance on, dance on (Dance on)… It's time 4 new education… The former rules don't apply… We need a power structure that breeds production… Instead of jacks who vandalize… Detroit - what's happenin'?… What color is your money today? [this is sung in a round]… Get your money straight… Everybody dance on…” [Prince, “Dance On”, Lovesexy, 1988]
[“06 Lavaux.mp3”:]
“Lavaux” by Prince: “Take me to the vineyards of Lavaux… Wanna see the mountains where the waters flow… Life back home depresses me, just another form of slavery… The cost of freedom is anything but free… I don't care if they are covered with snow… I don't care if the road is narrow, if it is I'll know… It was always meant to be, still in love I must believe… Whatever path I choose will lead me home… Lead me home, Lavaux… Take me to the streets of Portugal… That might be my destiny to see the waterfall… Tears or rain, they're all the same… The only way to win this game… To let everybody play and share the ball… There ain't nobody got no chains on me… I'm flying higher than any mountain, deeper than any sea… A paradox is box's key, I'm the why in mystery… You're gonna unlock the secrets if you please… Come take me to an assembly in New York… To speak of the brand new everlasting wonder war… To win or lose is so absurd… And the only casualty is the word, the word… Revolution time has come today… 'Cause it took a black face to see the same decay… Like the chocolate of Vavey, in the sun they'll melt away… As for me, I'll laugh and go to the mountains where the waters flow… Back to the vineyards of Lavaux… Lavaux… Lavaux… Lavaux… Lavaux…” [Prince, “Lavaux”, 20Ten, 2010]
Our January 15, 2017 Show:
Questions for Janet Yellen: “Is there such a thing as a “free market”?… Is there a single 'world-system' with various fronts and facets?… Is this system based on theft?… Is it Fascist?…” A NYT columnist provides a kind of a reply a columnist who has quite dutifully trumpeted the 'Trumpian Threat'…: “The Republican regulars build their grand strategies upon the post-World War II international order – the American-led alliances, norms and organizations that bind democracies [if you're in China please substitute the words 'China' and 'communist governments'… or if… etc.… the operative word is 'bind'… – P.S.] bind democracies and preserve global peace. The regulars seek to preserve and extend this order, and see Vladimir Putin as a wolf who tears away at it…” (Have we answered Yellen's questions for her yet?… What is the relationship between an 'international political order' and a 'global economic system'? Are they not just names on gates of our pen?) Note: 'data' is 'money' to a Fascist 'state': “Wealth and influence in the technology business have always been about gaining the upper hand in software or the machines that software ran on. Now data – gathered in those immense pools of information that are at the heart of everything from artificial intelligence to online shopping recommendations – is increasingly a focus of technology competition…” Time out for a reality-check – we all know the world given us by the 'power'-guys is a mess. Ms. Yellen won't say this… the corporate-nose-to-the-bottom-line-folks certainly won't… All over the world we-the-people are rising. Our Sisters and Brothers who run the transit system in London struck and the paper predictably describes it as an assault on the 'rest of us'… the violence of states and state-actors against 'their' 'subjects' across the Global South (though we must never forget that the hidden violence of EMF is as great a… if not a greater… threat) the violence imposed on our Sisters and Brothers in Africa… Asia… South America and the Middle East… is thrust in the faces of us in the so-called 'West' as a daily reminder of what real 'chaos' looks like… we should be grateful if we have food and shelter – own your own bodies?… forget about it – and we're all being collectively told: gather and dance in clubs at night at your own risk… all being set against each other at a rising clip (if we credit what the paper says… which I hope we don't…) So… all the “cloud services, artificial intelligence and data mining, voice-activated assistants, self-driving cars, virtual reality…” (to quote from the 'Frightful Five' piece we discussed last week – on whose backs do they rest? Do you suppose Janet Yellen will answer my last question with: “a technologically-sophisticated slave system is not 'Fascist'… please be more precise with your terminology…”?
(…should we go into the implications of that last statement… or save it for the next show so we don't continuously short Proudhon? I'm wrestling with this question because in my mind right now I watch a scale… On one side is 'Marcuse's Great Hope'… for the System-privileged-professionals-of-heart… and on the other… the impatience of the global-state-statesmen… to be done with them… – for I am convinced that the tale of Hansel and Gretel was written for them… These Plato's Tribe 'power'-guys want a free hand to establish an open global totalitarianism… We should consider what gets in the way of their doing that…) Infiltration – conscious planning by the Few… acting in concert… acting in secret… amassing resources to bias the world – i.e.… no state could control it… and in fact it is not the official actions of official states that determines the bias of the world… and so the concerns we have in this space never make it to the pages of the New York Times… The current reality of the bureaucratic totalitarian global 'order'… which sets the real conditions for our lives… is the real game we're kept from discussing and therefore from protecting ourselves from. I ask again… for the purpose of discussion… is it really necessary to unweave the tangled web of deception… by deceivers cast to catch the people in a lifetime of confusion… for us to know we are not free. Wherein lies the highest practicality of effort for we-determined to establish freedom for all humanity… 4Ever? Prince… our ultimate strategist… said: “If the white house is black… We gotta take the radio back…” (from a Prince song we posted for our January 8 (last week's) show: “Ol' Skool Company” (Mplsound, 2009) Do you hear Nikola shouting: “Yes!… Serious!… Take it back!… like… yesterday people!… I invented radio and EMF weapons for the cause of peace… to help us all get free… not to deepen your slavery!”… And let's not forget… with his “stationary-wave” method all we need is a radio tuning unit… a ground connection… and a metal rod extending up over the height of your house… for you to have all the free electricity you need… (Let's think about this in the context of Prince's overall strategy: what I've been calling 'wholism'… and Alice Miller calls 'vitality' – or the true… authentic… self… and which Proudhon views as the full development of 'reason' into 'morality'… concurring with Alice: that the problem is the splitting-off from ourselves [once 'power' is embedded in the totalitarian institutions it establishes to accomplish this…] the splitting-off from ourselves of our earth-given gifts of love and empathy [and an independent – independent from 'power's totalitarian institutions – thought-process…] Alice adds additionally that this split-off self is then despised… re-defined as 'weakness'… and projected onto targeted [systematically disempowered…] groups… a perhaps too-wordy way to say: that our resistance is 'adoring' our body experiencing and expressing 'joy'… with each other… a joy sent out into the open air… and sweetly sung in loving… respectful… liaisons…)
The global-state wants to control not just All The Money… but All The Information that exists and that we have access to (personal data and historical truth: ATInfo-wrap-around our minds… with all of the first [the 'personal' data of lifeless entities stuck in “the Spider's Web of Things” – us…] they are more assured of determining the second… and ensuring that we are ever more 'cleansed' – with each passing generation – of accurate information (…I noticed that the print-propaganda-insertion-means I try to read seems to be telegraphing a 'power'-intention of 're-discovering' Nikola Tesla's observations – bit by bit… I suspect they want cover for their extreme audaciousness in attempting to bury Nikola Tesla. I'm referring to an article in which we find this said with no mention of Nikola Tesla: “When I got started back in the '80s, nobody cared [about lightning],” said Hugh Christian, a research professor at the University of Alabama at Huntsville and director of the team that developed a lightning sensor that will be attached to a truss of the International Space Station in 2017. It will augment coverage provided by a geostationary satellite, known as GOES-16, that was successfully launched in November…” it's difficult to credit that a research professor who directs a team designing a lightning sensor for the International Space Station could say that before 1980 “nobody cared…” about lightning's meteorological effects. Nikola Tesla went to some trouble to study lightning… even creating it himself… and providing the 'power'-guys with their heads-up on using electrical waves to create condensation (rain) in the atmosphere. We are so in Nikola's debt for everything electrical and EMF… for which he is given almost no credit. But the broad effect of the suppression of Nikola and Prince… our biggest spirits… on our thought-process is equally disturbing. It seems the global-state-statesmen will not rest until all of us are as dumbed-down and stripped of independent thought as they themselves are… A global totalitarian 'order' renders the notion of the 'protectionist state' moot… Suppression of our gifts… our 'big-ness'… can in no sense be interpreted as 'protection'… But it is also rendered moot from below… from the view of winning and living in and cherishing (ad infinitum…) Freedom… Last week we asked whether we are discussing the fact that Nikola Tesla's gifts – along with all the subsequent technology invented that is useful for establishing the individual self-sufficiency of each as the basis of our global society – eliminate any possible role for a 'state' – this is the political implication of one of Prince's conclusions at the end of The Rainbow Children: that we must… as and after we heal from the brutalization of 'class'… turn to… attend to… be led by… the kingdom deep within… “Open your heart, open your mind… A train is leaving all day… A wonderful trip through our time… And laughter is all U pay… Loneliness already knows U… There ain't no reason 2 stay… Come here and take my hand, I'll show U… I think I know a better way, y'all… Around the world in a day… (listen 2 me, babe)… The little 1 will escort U… 2 places within your mind… The former is red, white, and blue [both: our former mind… and that which forms our mind… – P.S.] The ladder is purple, come on and climb… A government of love and music boundless in its unifying power… A nation of alms, [of] the production and sharing ideas, a shower of flowers…” (Prince, “Around The World In A Day”) Abundance naturally 'orders' itself… as water finds its level… finds where it is needed… and where it is needed… it fills… and where a surfeit exists… it exits… this is an 'order' that comes from abundance… when we tune our various instruments… to the key of love… This… Prince believed in… the power of love always guiding us… as that inner voice we're made too busy to hear… that inner voice cannot guide unless we are free… The seeming incongruities lodged in this unexpected place I find myself in come to me repeatedly… that I feel the imperative… the necessary… what?… something… to speak for Prince… a man whose bright light of honesty exposes the muck of orchestrated lies this system feeds us… this man with a voice like no other… with a gift for expressing authentic feeling like no other… could not speak for himself… This trap these 'power'-guys thrust him in fills me with an inexpressable anger and horror of what they've done… are doing… to us… that our Prince of Love… had no one seemingly to voice recognition and appreciation of what he was doing for us… that they heap lies on this man who literally died for us… spurs me on and draws me inextricably to him…
This attempt to bury Prince in lies spurs me on… particularly as I know that because of his direct experience with the hiddenness of 'power' and its weapons… only he has been analyzing the full problem of our capture and continued incarceration… that only Prince has made a complete assessment of what we are confronted with in being confronted by organized global-'power' – and Shakespeare is right… we have to know the problem to address it successfully… and particularly as I know that establishing the truth of what these global-Fascists did to him for over 35 years ends 'the system'… This is one side of it. But I must admit to another side: I just find this man endlessly interesting… His work is so packed with thought… and when you know that someone put a lot of thought into something… and you value them for their kindness and wisdom… and scope of vision… you want to absorb your full measure of that thought… you want all that you can grasp of it… My life is illustrative of “Socrates' Dilemma”… I was the kind of person Prince was trying to reach: “Half of the staff of [my] brain [was] on vacation…” but for that very reason… I could not hear him… What changed in me such that I could finally hear him?… Proudhon: “Enclosed within a circle, our mind revolves about itself, until a new observation, creating within us new ideas, brings to view an external principle which delivers us from the phantom by which our imagination is possessed…” If so… then we need to have access to those new ideas… and we need to have time to let them marinate in us… the length of which shortens in proportion to our authentic discussions of those ideas with the ancestors… and with each other…
Margaret Cheney's Tesla: Man Out Of Time: “[Nikola Tesla and J. Pierpont Morgan] met for a talk about the world system [of communication]. Tesla instinctively was less forthcoming than he had been with Westinghouse: no need to distract the financier with too much technical information. Instead, he dilated on themes of money and power.… Where others in the field were thinking only in limited terms of point-to-point transmissions, as in ship-to-shore and transoceanic wireless, Tesla was talking about broadcasting to the entire world. Morgan was interested.… He made no mention to Morgan of the wireless transmission of power, not because he had given up the idea, but for the prudent reason that it would have made some of the banker's existing investments obsolete… The relationship (no doubt a familiar one for Morgan) quickly became like that between courtier and king. Morgan was “a great and generous man.” Tesla's work would “proclaim loudly your name to the world. You will soon see that not only am I capable of appreciating deeply the nobility of your action but also of making your primary philanthropic investment worth 100 times the sum you have put at my disposal in such a magnanimous, princely way.…” Morgan, who had no interest in philanthropic business arrangements, responded by sending Tesla a draft of their agreement and asking him to sign over 51 percent interest in his various radio patents as security for the loan. Tesla sent Morgan a note in which he quoted an admiring comment from Professor Slaby, now a German privy councillor in addition to being a renowned scientist: “'I am devoting myself since sometime to investigations in wireless telegraphy which you have first founded in such a clear and precise manner.… It will interest you, as father of this telegraphy, to know…'” This would indicate to Morgan the speciousness of claims being advanced by Marconi and others. Tesla also observed to his patron that neither Raphael nor Columbus could have succeeded without their wealthy sponsors.… In March 1901, Tesla went to Pittsburgh to place orders with Westinghouse for generators and transformers. At the same time he had agents in England scouting the coastline for a suitable location on that side of the ocean.… W.D. Crow, an architectural associate of White's, worked closely with Tesla on the design of a tower, which would have at its peak a giant doughnut-shaped copper electrode 100 feet in diameter. Later this was changed to resemble the cap of a gigantic mushroom. The octagonal tower, made entirely of wooden beams preassembled on the ground, would rise from a large brick building. But the total height of this fantastic structure posed a worrisome question because of wind resistance.… For a time they considered falling back on an older design utilizing two, or perhaps three, much smaller towers, but eventually a single tower was built that soared to a height of 187 feet. Within it was a deep steel shaft that ran 120 feet down into the earth. This shaft, encased by a timber-lined well twelve feet square and encircled by a spiral stairway, was designed so that air pressure could raise it to touch the tower's top platform. Wardenclyffe was a landmark as magnificent in concept and execution as America's Golden Age of electrical engineering ever produced. Magnificent and doomed.”
The so-called 'right of the strongest' – premised on the lie of 'scarcity' – has been institutionalized in what we're told is 'the economy'… one of the ways 'power' disappears itself… In the 'freedom-economics' lesson Proudhon and Prince will provide… we will find “lesson number one”: “abundance comes from freedom…Proudhon is identifying… itemizing… all the ways a system of 'class' commits robbery… and has traced the odd – to those of us with empathy… with 'heart' – the odd notion of the 'heroic' robber and pillager back to its ancient roots… and has cited a character in Plato's Gorgias who expresses this view of the 'right' of the (so-called) 'strongest'… which inspired us to hear what Karl Popper has to say on this question: “…it seems that the protectionist theory of the state was first proffered by the Sophist Lycophron, a pupil of Gorgias.… [I]t emerges clearly from Aristotle's context that Lycophron's theory was solely concerned with the end of the state; for Aristotle argues that Lycophron has not seen that the essential end of the state is to make its citizens virtuous. [That phrasing is extremely telling… is it not? With those words… and thanks to Alice… we can see the bully-parent standing behind this clearly irrational belief… we can see the forced-infant clearly at the center of this 'mistaken'-system based on coercion… and Popper will be corroborating this assessment as well in his comparison with Lycophron's view… If Alice had taken her analysis to the level of the global-'class'-system… and had we discussed it globally… we would now be in our Freedom… – P.Sl.] This indicates that Lycophron interpreted this end rationally, from a technological point of view, adopting the demands of equalitarianism, individualism, and protectionism.… The fundamental idea of protectionism is: protect the weak from being bullied by the strong. This demand has been raised not only by the weak, but often by the strong also. It is, to say the least of it, misleading to suggest that it is a selfish or an immoral demand. [Alice explains this irrational view as well… this identification with the parent… – P.S.] There can be little doubt that Plato knew Lycophron's theory well, for he was (in all likelihood) Lycophron's younger contemporary.… Thus the passages in which most commentators find a similarity between the tendencies of the Gorgias and the Republic reveal, in fact, a complete change of front. In spite of Callicles' hostile presentation, the tendency of the Gorgias is favorable to protectionism; but the Republic is violently against it.… It is not at all unlikely that Lycophron's doctrine explicitly raised the demand that the state should protect the weak, a demand which is, of course, anything but ignoble. (The hope that this demand will one day be fulfilled is expressed by the Christian teaching: “The meek shall inherit the earth.”) [That's not just biblical text… that's prophesy… and as Prince said in one of the interview segments I haven't been able to edit and post yet… we are in the time of prophesy… For millennia those words – “The meek shall inherit the earth…” with us… the people… have been “sticky like glue…” an unpaid bill… that has now come due… Our reply to 'power's lies has been germinating for some time… many have added to it… brought their piece of the solution… and… thanks to Nikola Tesla and Prince… we're now ready to act on it… be the joy til that's all we see… win or lose we live our 'everything'… those are the rules… but for me… with Prince… I'm a be… “sticky like glue”…] that's our outro song: Prince's song “Sticky Like Glue” from his CD 20Ten (2010)…
Prince Songs For Our January 22, 2017 Show:
[“01 My Name Is Prince.mp3”:]
“My Name Is Prince” by Prince: “My name is Prince and I am funky… My name is Prince the one and only… I did not come 2 fuck around… 'Til I get your daughter I won't leave this town… In the beginning God made the sea… But on the 7th day he made me… He was tryin' to rest y'all when He heard the sound… Sound like a guitar cold gettin' down… I tried to bust a high note, but I bust a string… My God was worried 'til he heard me sing… My name is Prince… and I am funky… My name is Prince… the one and only - hurt me… (Do that, do that, somebody)… (Do that, do that, somebody)… Hurt me (Do that, do that, somebody)… (Do that, do that, somebody)… (Do that, do that, somebody)… (Do that, do that, somebody)… (Do that, do that, somebody)… (Do that, do that, somebody)… My name is Prince and I am funky… When it come to funk I am a junky… I know from righteous… I know from sin… I got 2 sides… and they both friends… Don't try 2 clock 'em, they're much too fast… If u try to stop 'em… they kick that ass… Without a pistol, without a gun… When u hear my music… you'll be havin' fun… That's when I gottcha… that's when u mine… To tell the truth, tell me what's my line?… My name is Prince… and I am funky (You can't stop Prince)… My name is Prince… the one and only… (You can't stop Prince) - hurt me… (Do that, do that, somebody)… (Do that, do that, somebody)… (Do that, do that, somebody)… (Do that, do that, somebody)… Funky fresh 4 the 90's… My name is Prince, I don't wanna be king… Cuz I've seen the top… and it's just a dream… Big cars and women… and fancy clothes… Will save your face… but it won't save your soul… I'm here to tell you… that there's a better way… Would our Lord be happy… if He came 2 day?… I ain't sayin' I'm better, no better than u… But if u want 2 play with me, u better learn the rules… My name is Prince… and I am funky (You can't stop Prince)… My name is Prince… the one and only (You can't stop Prince)… I did not come… 2 fuck around (You can't stop Prince)… 'Till I get your daughter… I won't leave this town… I won't leave this town… I won't leave this town… I won't leave this - leave this - leave this… My name is Prince… and I am funky (You can't stop Prince)… My name is Prince… the one and only (You can't stop Prince)… Funky fresh 4 the 90's (Do that, do that, somebody)… (Do that, do that, somebody)… (Do that, do that, somebody)… (Do that, do that, somebody)… Hurt me (Do that, do that, some…)… The funkier I be… The funkier I get, oh shit… Lickety split on the lyric… A new jack in the pulpit… Watch it deacon, your track is leakin'… What is this u're seekin'?… The syncopated rhymes are at their peak… When you jumped on my D.I.C.K.… That's the one thing that I don't play… The jock strap was 2 big 4 u anyway… U're just a simpleton… I'll bust u like a pimple, son… My star is 2 bright… Boy, I'll sink u like the ship Poseidon Adventure… U're bumpin' dentures 2 be cocksure… There must be more coming from… Your mouth than manure.… So with a flow and a spray, I say hey… U must become a prince before u're king anyway… (Do that, do that somebody)… (Do that, do that somebody)… It's time I get ig-ni-ig-ni-ig-ni-ig-ni-ignorant… Def be the beat that I'm rockin'… Yo… so come get a hit… And put your thinking cap on… U've been forewarned… I call upon the inner forces that I've got brewin'… In my cauldron. That means my nugget… Sometimes I'm rugged… The style I possess be havin'… The other brothers buggin'… and this is 4 those who oppose… And propose 2 overexpose disclose… Pose a threat 2 my brother… Like any other man makin' a stand… I'll be damned if I let u play this hand… I'm the blackjack dealer and the cards are stacked… What do u expect 2 win when u're used to playing craps?… (Do that, do that somebody)… Hell yeah, let's get this under the hmm… (Do that, do that somebody)… It's gettin' tricky… That means a sticky situation… 2 resurrect a groove with feeling… And give it this much affection… Passion flows… who knows… What lurks in the gallows of my mind… I put my foot in the ass of Jim Crow… 12 inches of non-stop sole… I'm on a roll with P, and it's time for the show… So do that, do that somebody… Wave your hands in the air… This is a motherfucking party… While u're laying back I'm on the attack paddywhack… Give yourself a bone… This is my house and I'm prone… 2 layin' some chrome upside some motherfuckers dome… And I'm out… My name is Prince and I am funky… My name is Prince the one and only… My name is Prince… My name is Prince… My name is Prince… My name is Prince… My name is Prince… My name is Prince… My name is Prince… My name is Prince… My name is Prince… My name is Prince… (“Yo man…” “What?” “She came…” “Where?”)” [Prince, “My Name Is Prince”, Symbol, 1992]
[“01 Planet Earth.mp3”:]
“Planet Earth” by Prince: Imagine holding Planet Earth… In the palm of your hand… With no regard for your place of birth… Or claim to any land… The only thing between us now is the truth we understand… If Planet Earth was in the palm of your hand… 50 years from now what will they say about us here?… Did we care for the water and the fragile atmosphere?… There are only 2 kinds of folk… And the difference they make… The ones that give… And the ones that take… [Chorus:] Just like the countless bodies… That revolve around the sun… Planet Earth must now come into balance with the one,… That caused it all to be… Then we'll see His kingdom come,… So shall it be written, so shall it be sung… Imagine you could rid the Earth… Of anyone you choose… Which ones would you need the most… And which ones would you lose?… Do we want to judge another… Lest we be judged too?… Careful now… The next one might be you… [Chorus]… Imagine sending your first born… Off to fight a war… With no good reason how it started and what they are fighting for… And if they're blessed to make it home… Will they still be poor?… Pray for peace right now and forever more… [Chorus x2]…” [Prince, “Planet Earth”, Planet Earth, 2007]
[“01 The Future.mp3”:]
“The Future” by Prince: “"I'm not gonna kill you. I want you to do me a favor,… I want you to tell all your friends about me."… "What are you?"… "I'm BATMAN!"… I've seen the future and it will be… I've seen the future and it works… And if there's life after, we will see… So I can't go like a jerk… Systematic overthrow of the underclass… Hollywood conjures images of the past… New world needs spiritually… That will last… I've seen the future and it will be… I've seen the future and it will be… I've seen the future and it works… And if there's life after, we will see… So I can't go like a jerk… Yellow Smiley offers me X… Like he's drinking seven up… I would rather drink 6 razor blades… Razor blades from a paper cup… He can't understand, I say 2 tough… It's just that I've seen the future… And boy it's rough… I've seen the future and it will be… I've seen the future and it works… And if there's life after, we will see… So U can't go like a jerk… No, no… I've seen the future and it will be… Wait a minute… Pretty pony standing on the avenue… Flashin' a loaded pistol, 2 dumb 2 be true… Somebody told him playin' cops and robbers was cool… Would our rap have been different if we only knew?… I've seen the future and it will be… I've seen the future and it works… If there's life after, we will see… Don't go out like a jerk… Systematic overthrow of the underclass… Hollywood conjures images of the past… New world needs spiritually… That will last… I've seen the future and it will be… I've seen the future and it will be… I've seen the future and it will be… I've seen the future and it will be… I've seen the future and it will be… I've seen the future and it will be… "Think about the future"…” [Prince, “The Future”, Batman, 1989]
[“08 When She Comes.mp3”:]
“When She Comes” by Prince: “When she comes… always unexpected… But never rejected surprise… It’s always a shock when he undoes the lock… & she’s there… without a care… When she comes… The house is always a mess… She’s cool nevertheless & here’s why… She remains as we say… a sweet bird of prey… She flies… & she’s satisfied… When she comes… A lemoncello ballet… A psychedelic cabaret in his mind… Without further adieu… he takes off her shoes… & whatever confines… When she comes… A blue bed of roses… she never closes her eyes… 4 his artful technique… deserves a peek… Call it sublime… cuz it happens… When she comes… So oh sweet the taste… The tears that roll down her face… Don’t cry… Tho sad at 1st site… they r filled with delight… 4th of July… When she comes…” [Prince, “When She Comes”, Hit n Run Phaze Two, 2015]
[“04 The Gold Standard.mp3”:]
“The Gold Standard” by Prince: “Shut Ur body down, make it walk around, let me see U walk over and Ur focus just slip… Shut Ur body down, go walk around, let me see U walk over and Ur focus just slip… Shut Ur body down, make it walk around, let me see U walk over and Ur focus just slip… [guitar lick]… U… Everybody get ready 2 move (Go, go, go, go…)… Oh yeah… Everybody, everybody… Come on… Listen… We know what y'all be thinkin', nude is the brand new yawn… Everybody's just drinkin', inhibitions just gone… U don't need 2 be rude, U don't need 2 be wild… Whatever U do, don't compromise and done with style… The gold standard, crazy amazing, upper echelon groove… The gold standard, crazy amazing, turn it up, let Ur body move… U… Get ready to… I'm talkin', talkin' 2 U… Got 2… let Ur body move… We know what y'all be feelin', there used 2 be a time… Music was like a spiritual healing, the body, the soul and mind (Some medicine)… U don't need 2 be rude, U don't need 2 be wild… If what U play take Ur troubles away and make somebody smile… The gold standard, crazy amazing, upper echelon groove… The gold standard, crazy amazing, turn it up, let Ur body move… U… Baby… I'm talkin', I'm talkin' 2 U… Oh yeah… Shut Ur body down, make it walk around, let me see U walk bobbin' and Ur troubles just smooth… 24 carrot hashtag, put Ur phone in Ur bag, ain't nobody got 2 tell U put Ur hands in the air, say "Ow!"… When the beat's 2 much, U need 2 drop that cup, one left and right, hands up, everybody just… Everybody just… Swing Ur hip 2 the left and right, if U know about the "Bus Stop," there's a tight hook… Now everybody just shake… Shake… New power… slide… New power… slide… Ha, ha, ha… Here come the chorus y'all… The gold standard, crazy amazing, upper echelon groove… The gold standard, crazy amazing, turn it up, let Ur body move… Turn it up, let me see that body move… Let me see Ur body move… Turn it up, let me see that body move… Let me see Ur body move… Turn it up, let me see that body move… Body, body… move… Turn it up, let me see that body move… [funky horns and guitar]… Turn it up, let me see that body move… Turn it up, let me see that body move… (Let me)… Turn it up, let me see that body move… (Let me see Ur body, babe)… Turn it up, let me see that body move… That body move (So amazing)… Gon' see that, that body move… (Baby, U're amazing)… That body move… (The gold standard)… Gon' see that, that body move… (Oh baby… Oo)… Hey baby… Oh yeah? Really?… No, that's cool… Bring it here… All the way here, come on… Let me get in there… Good God, mmm… Keep it there… This is exciting, it's different…” [Prince, “The Gold Standard”, Art Official Age, 2014]
[“02 Shut This Down.mp3”:]
“Shut This Down” by Prince: “We came to shut this down… We came to shut this down… (Come on…) Everybody knows… This is how it goes… Ain't no playing around… Just keep your eyes on me… If you wanna get pleased… I'm bout to shut this down… My hand is money… My ice is cold… Whatever you holdin'… You better fold… Cuz when we drop this… It's gonna make a sound… All around the world… When we come to town… We come to shut this down… (Down… We come to shut this down…) You looking at me… But you never see… How i got so funky… It's a mystery… Must be genetics… My DNA… Electromagnetism… You can't get away… I get you baby… All sweaty and hot… I'm gonna get you where you never get got… Baby… We come to shut this down… (Down… We come to shut this down…) What you waiting for… Get out on the floor… Move your body 'round… (We come to shut this down…) Don't know how we do… This the ol' skool… Straight purple mack baby… (Let's go… Let's go…) [Funky bass…] (Back… back… back… back… back…) (We come to shut this…) “Boy… if you don't sit yo… down… Sit down!… You see grown folks workin… We didn't ask you anything… And I told you I was gonna buy you a whistle too”…” [Prince, “Shut This Down”, Hit n Run Phaze One, 2015]
Our January 22, 2017 Show:
Prince is just the last in a long line of discussions we've been denied… Let's consider the following one from Karl Popper's The Open Society and Its Enemies, Vol. 1: The Spell Of Plato… in that light: “It is now usually recognized that Anytus, the democratic leader who backed the prosecution, did not intend to make a martyr of Socrates. The aim was to exile him. But this plan was defeated by Socrates' refusal to compromise his principles…” [I don't like that choice of word… 'compromise'… it suggests there was something Socrates could concede… to bullies… This story about the death of Socrates could have been written about Prince… in that parallel-story the words 'the prosecution' should be replaced with 'the hidden shadow-state'… and the poison they set in front of Socrates so he could see his fate we will make the EMF-weapons stolen by the global-state… along with so many other secreted-away inventions of Nikola Tesla… inventions that will both free us from the poisonous insertion of the 'power'-guys into our lives… and allow us to make of our world a paradise… the moment we see these global-state-statesmen… and what they've done… (Until we have our freedom and the full truth is exposed we can't know precisely what inter-state agreements were made between the 'power'-guys about the use of EMF-weapons… but I suspect Prince could have fled the country and lived – he chose to stay and fight them…) I digress… See the bullies… get them clearly pictured in your minds… picture the intimidation… the manipulation… the mountain of suffering caused by them… picture the babies whose lives they fully intend to derail from joy… from communion with their fellows… from sharing and cooperation… from the endless exploration of their creativity without anyone telling them what to do with it… in short… from any chance of true happiness… In truth… it ain't complicated… we don't want to be forced… it's that simple… we are born happy… communal… cooperative… and free… and the society we make will reflect our natural 'reality'… Fewness and truth: “we are communal”… we never hear those words spoken to us as youth… when those words meet our ear… we see… none of this around us is our made-'reality'… and all the questions that come from that recognition… lead to getting free… but first the obvious must be said out loud…) and then tell me what in that scene should be 'compromised' with. I would rather he had used the phrase his “refusal to bend”… We don't bend to bullies. We fight them… – P.S.]
Karl Popper: “But this plan [to exile Socrates] was defeated by Socrates' refusal to compromise his principles. That he wanted to die, or that he enjoyed the role of martyr, I do not believe. He simply fought for what he believed to be right, and for his life's work. He had never intended to undermine democracy. In fact, he had tried to give it the faith it needed. This had been the work of his life. It was, he felt, seriously threatened. The betrayal of his former companions let his work and himself appear in a light which must have disturbed him deeply. He may even have welcomed the trial as an opportunity to prove that his loyalty to his city was unbounded… Socrates' death is the ultimate proof of his sincerity. His fearlessness, his simplicity, his modesty, his sense of proportion, his humour never deserted him. “I am the gadfly that God has attached to this city,” he said in his Apology, “and all day long and in all places I am always fastening upon you, arousing and persuading and reproaching you. You would not readily find another like me, and therefore I should advise you to spare me… If you strike at me, as Anytus advises you, and rashly put me to death, then you will remain asleep for the rest of your lives, unless God in his care sends you another gadfly.” He showed that a man could die, not only for fate and fame and other grand things of this kind, but also for the freedom of critical thought, and for a self-respect which has nothing to do with self-importance or sentimentality.” (Karl Popper, The Open Society and Its Enemies, Vol. 1: The Spell Of Plato) The parallels between what we know of the mission and integrity of Socrates and those of Prince are striking… Both devoted their lives to reaching young people. This is one of the things that confused me about Prince when I first 'met' him while trying to understand the film and album Purple Rain… his use of the phrase “Raise Up Children!”… i.e.… “raise yourselves up…” – his referring to us as 'children' when he was no older or even younger than the people caught in the headlights of his force… He was just a child when he gained certainty about his mission… Where did it come from?… that certainty… I struggled in vain to grasp what he was about and ultimately just turned to the job of being a single mom. Both men – Socrates and Prince – knew that young people were being robbed of their full intellectual endowment… their full powers of reasoning… i.e.… knew that they were being lied to… understood that this was due to the myopia and fear of the 'rulers'… who they could not reach with rational argument… It is the fearfulness of these 'power'-mad sad guys that the kindhearted and whole… like Socrates… like Prince… could not understand… none of us could… until we read Alice…
Consider the people we've been denied access to that we needed to free our minds of 'power's totalitarian conditioning of 'class': to free our minds of the really quite irrational notion that there's such a thing as 'the best' (a notion which is simply Plato's sugarcoated version of the older idea that 'the strongest deserve to rule'… from which assumption came the maxim “might makes right…”and an ocean's worth of blood flowing from the so-called 'rulers'… and which Plato helpfully… for his paters… sought to make more 'sexy' (and less lethal… for them…) by creating an entire philosophical system based on its rewording: “only the most highly-trained – i.e.… certified as possessing the mystery of 'dialectics' – philosophers deserve to 'rule'…) people that need to be discussed in the only context that matters to we-bound in 'technologically-sophisticated-slavery': a future that's free… i.e.… we have to see an end to this mess we're born into to fight to achieve that end (Prince is our most stunning illustration of this – “why is this never discussed on the 'Left'?”… we should ask ourselves: fleshing out our goal of freedom…) If you're a young person with heart – and we all start out that way… so perhaps I should say: if you're a young person who's managed to emerge from 'childrearing' and the 'mis-education system' with your heart still beating with love for your fellow Brothers and Sisters – you see the mess of soullessness and death of empathy… seemingly condemning all humanity… and start looking for answers… What we don't know because we're never told is that while we're looking for answers to the insanity in which we're stuck… 'power' is looking for us… knows that we're out there and has designed and put in place ways to identify and guide (or eliminate… I think this is one of their 'take-aways' from their experience with Prince… particularly… but many others also fall in this category of 'expensive problem-people-for-'power'… anyone want to hazard a guess as to how much these 'power'-obsessed-global-statesmen spent on the surveillance and harassment and torture of Prince for over 35 years!
So… while we're looking for answers to this mess… 'power' is looking for us… knows that we're out there and has designed and put in place ways to identify and guide… or eliminate… we who love our fellows… So when we 'discover' that there is a stream of 'thought' known as 'The Left” that is waiting for us… we turn to it eagerly: “at last”… we think… “an explanation!” The reality… we soon find… is dismaying. We learn either that it is a very difficult 'discipline'… a 'science'… with many 'schools of thought' to sort through… along with a collection of historical tomes that are like secrets of the crypt: you can hardly breathe down there. What we're given is the 'Left'-version of 'Plato's Dialectics”… or we learn it is a 'practice' of activism without careful analysis… generally a 'practice' of releasing the rage 'class' sows in all of us… because it is based in coercion… based on the suppression of our native gifts and wholeness… (These… sad 'power'-obsessed have the soul-death and consequent shamelessness to patter to us about 'productivity' and 'efficiency'… these most profligate wasters of our lives and energy – our creativity… our endless possibilities…) “You have to work and serve your 'betters'…” is the message 'power' wants to ensure that every child in the world will hear… and that every critical voice who says the opposite is silenced… in whatever way seems most cost-efficient… – this is “The Plan of 'Rule'”… at least from Bentham's day… if not earlier… With this plan ten thousand have enslaved (and that would be in a 'technologically-sophisticated way… today – which 'power' will tell us means 'Progress'… and… ipso facto… 'Happiness': “Your bodies don't feel it?… that's because they're out of step with The March Of Progress… “give us more time…” they tell us… “we're working on re-designing them…”) with this plan ten thousand have enslaved seven billion… That's been their Plan… and their entire global system is now based on it… and what must now be discussed by us is that this Plan… and their entire global system to 'manage' us… have been based on the theft and suppression of Nikola Tesla and his inventions. When Nikola wrote about “expanding human energy” he was… as intentionally as he could be for that day… writing about freeing it… All his inventions – the three-phase induction motor… his AC-based system of electrical distribution… his inventions in the areas of wireless communication… automation… robotics… wireless power-transmission… and the use of electrical resonance: varying wave frequencies to influence health outcomes and end war – were designed to expand the capacity of the individual by freeing us from labor and oppression that drained our energy – forced labor and oppressive social conditions based on hierarchy and coercion. He knew that labor that re-energized us was not 'labor'… but rather 'joy'… an expression… and re-charging… of our life-force… our vitality… Nikola Tesla's inventions explicitly free us from work… and from Necessity – from coercion… The “expansion of human energy” means releasing us from slavery… So we see that the issue of 'productivity' is entirely specious… a red herring… to put the most generous cast on it…
From our discussion last week: “So… all the “cloud services, artificial intelligence and data mining, voice-activated assistants, self-driving cars, virtual reality…' – on whose backs do they rest? What keeps these feathers floating?: a technologically-sophisticated slave system”… Do we need to experience loss of income and / or shelter to understand what isn't fluff? Who knows this and who doesn't? How can ten thousand wannabe-gods control seven billion when we have instantaneous global communication… and all the technology we need for each individual one of us to be entirely materially and spiritually self-sufficient – if the material basis of that individual self-sufficiency is global cooperation and mutual aid… instead of competition and coercion and rule by the So-Lost-Fearful-Few (SLoFFs – sounds rather more cuddly than the people the term represents…) The scale I referred to last week… with 'Marcuse's Great Hope' that the System-privileged-professionals-of-heart will wake up… on one side… and the impatience of the global-state-statesmen to be done with them… on the other… has the capacity to shorten or lengthen… or end… our continuing slavery… if those who confidently possess and wield the technology that constitutes that material basis of individual self-sufficiency I spoke of wake up sooner rather than later… We should consider the implications of those words of Hitler's we refer to often: that it gives Fascists a secret thrill to know that only they know what is really going on… we should consider that Fascism depends on only a very very few being privy to the secret manipulations and hidden scheming of that Tiniest-Few… who not only believe in the notion of 'the best'… but are in active competition to achieve it: the 'top spot': 'god-like-status' – “Every hierarchy must culminate in a pinpoint…” said Mussolini… summing up their reasoning… in which we can hear the lost child speaking… still hoping to please that invisible frowning father or mother… having biased and consolidated the resources of the planet to achieve it… such that what remains is but being re-shuffled: i.e.… so-called 'losers' are multiplying apace… more are every moment being made… The 'power'-guys are in a race… and 'those-not-aware-of-the-game' – no matter their piles of money or glow of fame – once no longer needed (never forget… this mindset is strictly utilitarian and mechanistic – in this too we can see the unloved child hiding… its hideous experience of being 'put to use…' is clearly evident in their world-view…) the 'power'-guys are in a race… and we are but in the way… The totalitarian global-statesmen… are ready to eat the Less-Focused-On-World-Domination… They feel the movement of the dispossessed rising… feel our wind blowing against them… and there is an increasing desperation to their acts: they cannot relax ever… but restlessly seek to create the only thing they think will allow them to forestall the deconstruction of their psychologically-necessary privilege of exclusive 'knowledge': that 'feudal chaos' of which Proudhon speaks: all of us fighting each other – 'the people' against (what the hidden-'power'-guys will tell us is) 'The Elite'… and vice versa… being but the widest layer of it… The truth is that – with the exception of that almost invisible (.0001%) slice of humanity… hubris puffed up on Nikola's stolen gifts – the truth is we all want the same things… and though our voices have been stolen… we are… bit by bit… recovering them…
Turning now to Nikola… our reading of Tesla: Man Out Of Time: “Because of the inventor's impatience for delivery of his machinery, Westinghouse assigned a special person to expedite it. But the slowness with which Tesla was getting his money from Morgan…” [I think we can see the hidden scheming of 'power' here… what do you think?… Controlling where money flows controls what work gets done… and what work doesn't – the 'global-state-statesmen' developed the strategy because it converts us into puppets… In so doing it can determine who gets stress… and who doesn't… To cite one example… the New York Times of January 18, 2017 has an article titled: “Internal New York Times Report Says Newsroom Must Change at Faster Pace”… Journalism overall has been subjected to this economic assault for some time… for reasons discussed in Waking Up: Freeing Ourselves From Work and most of us are well aware of: newsrooms were acquired by hedge funds… which then loaded debt on them… budget crises and bankrupting predictably follow… etc. etc. – the tone of this article… however… is distinctly menacing… not only because part of the restructuring plan calls for more 'visual reporting'… or that they want to 'train' the 'journalists' themselves… but also because they have “a plan to invest $5 million toward covering the incoming president, Donald J. Trump, and his administration…” Part of the reason for the 'restructuring' we are told (in addition to 'proving' to Trump's supposed base that 'their voices will be heard' in the leaner… meaner… New York Times…) is “to support an ambitious goal that The Times laid out [a self-created pressure… that is…] in October 2015: to double its digital revenue, to $800 million in 2020…” – The global-guys need only place a little chump-change on that button later down the road to declare the strategy a 'success'… and 'justify' the cuts… no matter how painful to us… Add these pieces together and you have a propaganda campaign and a fearful 'staff'… who are being put on notice that they are expendable… i.e.… “don't think too hard about what you're told to do here…” Returning to Margaret Cheney: “…Because of the inventor's impatience for delivery of his machinery, Westinghouse assigned a special person to expedite it. But the slowness with which Tesla was getting his money from Morgan forced the inventor to take on other work while awaiting the completion of Wardenclyffe. He moved his offices to New York's Metropolitan Tower for increased professional visibility. A great disappointment to Tesla was the government's continuing failure to order his radio-controlled devices for coastal defense. When Congress passed a Coast Defense and Fortification Bill providing $7.5 million, he wrote Johnson that perhaps half a million would be “invested in Teleautomatons of your friend Nikola,” and that the rest undoubtedly would find its way into the “hands and pockets of the politicians.” Even this note of cynicism betrayed unwarranted optimism”
[Shall we go back? Recall that Proudhon prefaced his explanation of the identity of property with robbery by saying that: “Property… violates equality by the rights of exclusion and increase [accumulation], and [violates] freedom by despotism…” I am very much looking forward to Proudhon's exploration of that latter point… the truth of it in evidence everywhere around us today… confirming the importance of basing strategy on accurate analysis ('seeing reality'…) It has taken us to ancient Athens and the trial of Socrates… fortunately Alice Miller came along with us and was able to explain that what Socrates was fighting is the same bully-mindset we are looking at today in the current version of the now-global totalitarian-'statesmen'… a mind-set carried down through the millennia of 'class''… because we needed Alice to fully see it… and Proudhon with Karl Popper et al. to unpack it (and a problem must be accurately understood to be solved…) To reiterate our earlier point… 'property' as Proudhon defines it – “the sum of the abuses of property” – is just another word for 'class': 'class' institutionalizes arrangements of access to resources – which equates with 'property'… i.e.… privatizing the common endowment of all: the ancestors and the earth, while stripping us of our right to celebrate our own and each other's gifts (which to do requires individual-'self'-ownership…) 'Accumulation' leads to the breakdown of true society: in which we recognize each other as associates… which means as equals… Proudhon gets to the root… the fundamental premises of our lives together… and compels us to think about them… so that we may consciously judge the full implications of what we do (e.g.… when we allow our earth-given-gifts to be marketed… sold at auction… converted into property…) His gift of honesty – which he shares with Socrates… with Prince… with Popper – combined with the depth of his thought… his penetrating analysis… allows him to do this. We needed Proudhon because 'power' learned… largely thanks to Plato… that what is key to 'rule' is 'the people's confusion… followed by the institutionalization of that confusion (fundamental and systematically taught mis-understandings…) and this can only be accomplished if 'rule' owns 'the word'… the lexicon… our ability to speak with each other and come to common understandings…We needed Proudhon because 'power' has been throwing so much paper at us – for millennia – we've lost confidence… We are taught – deeply trained – to dis-believe what our bodies tell us… and so – with the help of the ancestors… Proudhon standing out particularly for his direct confrontation with the problem – we had to unpack 'power's argument as to why it was supposedly needed… Proudhon explains… but… as Prince saw: “We learn from being shown…” The critical 'gap' in us that 'power' created and that only we can fill up again is certainty… 'certainty' that we must have the full width and breadth of our gifts… our lives… our joy… vitality… our happiness… back… in our sole possession… as we said last week… we must be the joy we want to see… live our 'everything'… those are the rules… and then… win or lose… we are creating true society…
[I hope it's clear why this important discussion (of Lycophron's protectionist theory of the state…) has not been ground zero for the development of our thought on how we all live and cooperate together… and now share lives globally – a discussion initiated over two thousand years ago – following the clear trail left by the power of Proudhon's reflection to the natural destination of authentic thought on how we associate… when united with love… to… what he called “the practice of justice as a science…” – a discussion basic for the establishment of true 'society'… the careful analysis of Proudhon and Popper which we have just learned has been available to young people in theory over the generations for almost two hundred years… and should have been given to all of us to think through… a discussion which… had it been allowed into the public… into our general… discourse… would by now necessarily have ended the mad romp of this global tribe of would-be gods… the Plato's Tribesmen… over the entire population of the planet for just about that same length of time… We are 'figuring out' animals par excellence… when we're not brutalized as infants… I hope it's clear that 'thought' (and… necessarily with it… love… as we've been discussing… in showing how Proudhon's and Alice Miller's analysis [and indirectly Prince's…] from two different angles… arrive at the same conclusion: that the suppression of spontaneous feelings arrests the development of thought…) that serves collective humanity – itself has been suppressed… out of the fear of the Tiny Few (the fear at base… that they too will be excluded from 'society'… once they observe the principle of 'exclusion' modeled by their parents… and… as Proudhon is pointing out… this principle invalidates the concept of 'society'…) out of the fear of the Tiny Few… determined to stack the deck… to 'prove' to the bullies who raised them… that they deserve to be kept… and have the attention lavished… that they didn't get… Popper also explains the historical background to Plato's invention of 'Socrates'… and says: “[Socrates criticized the democratic statesmen of Athens] for their lack of intellectual honesty, and for their obsession with power-politics… Socrates, the teacher-politician, even went out of his way to attract young men and to gain influence over them, especially when he considered them open to conversion, and thought that some day they might possibly hold offices of responsibility in their city.…[In the case brought against Socrates] he was accused of having had his hand in the education of the most pernicious enemies of the state… the charge was given the vague and rather meaningless form that Socrates was corrupting the youth, that he was impious, and that he had attempted to introduce novel religious practices into the state. [That sums up the 'power'-guys charges against Prince almost to the letter… – P.S.] (The latter two charges undoubtedly expressed, however clumsily, the correct feeling that in the ethico-religious field he was a revolutionary.) [Once Socrates was dead] Plato, his most gifted disciple, was soon to prove the least faithful. He betrayed Socrates, just as his uncles had done.… Plato tried to implicate Socrates in his grandiose attempt to construct the theory of the arrested society; and he had no difficulty in succeeding, for Socrates was dead.” [Plato guides the Plato's Tribesmen… the global-state-statesmen… as well then… in this tactic: “when a threat – for instance… Prince – that could influence the children is 'dead' (“Dead like Elvis…”) invent a safe 'version' of him… and put him to work for you… make him lie in your bed…” i.e.… they want to flip the image we have of the man… in our minds take a man who is searingly honest and make him (seem) essentially dishonest… seem to represent what he worked his whole life to end…] Socrates' point: that it is better to suffer injustice than to inflict it… is only clear with Price's and Proudhon's [and all the prophets of 'class' – the prophets who brought hope of deliverance to its victims…] insight that we are here to develop our social nature… It cannot be seen through a totalitarian (or utilitarian…) lens – with Fascist reasoning… Developing our social nature means that we are diffuse as to time and space… that we are limitless… and that we are all connected… To violate this truth is to violate why we are here… it is to turn our backs on our fellows… and to reject the support and love of those who died for us… with that thought… I chose for our outro song Prince's song “The Cross” from his CD Sign O' The Times (1987)
Prince Songs For Our January 29, 2017 Show:
[“18 The Sacrifice Of Victor.mp3”:]
“The Sacrifice Of Victor” by Prince: “What is sacrifice?… (We s… we s… we s… we sacrifice)… NPG in mass attack, Sonny, please.… (we sacrifice)… Church if u will, please turn 2 the book of Victor (We s, We s)… We like 2 start at the top if u don't mind… (we sacrifice)… (Don't say it, preacher)… I was born on a blood stained table… Cord wrapped around my neck… Epilectic 'til the age of 7… I was sure heaven marked the deck… (we sacrifice)… I know joy lives 'round the corner… (Joy for sale down on the corner) (we sacrifice)… One day I'll visit her I'm gonna… (Out on my block I'm just a loner} (we sacrifice)… When she tell me everything (tell me)… That's when the angels sing (sacrifice)… That's when the victory is sho 'nuff (sho 'nuff down with the sacrifice)… (we sacrifice)… (help me)… (Don't say it, preacher)… Mama held up her baby 4 protection… From a man with a strap in his hand… Ask the Victor 'bout pain and rejection… U think he don't when he do understand… (we sacrifice)… I know joy lives 'round the corner… (Joy for sale down on the corner) (we sacrifice)… One day I'll visit her I'm gonna… (Out on my block I'm just a loner) (we sacrifice)… When she tell me everything (tell me)… That's when the angels sing (sacrifice)… That's when the victory is sho 'nuff (sho 'nuff down with the sacrifice)… (we sacrifice)… (help me)… (S.A.C.R.I.F.I.C.E)… (we-we-we sacrifice)… (Don't say it preacher)… (sac-sacrifice)… (we-we-we sacrifice)… (we-we-we sacrifice)… (sacrifice… if u turn the page)… (Don't say it, preacher)… 1967 in a bus marked public schools… Rode me and a group of unsuspecting political tools… Our parents wondered what it was like 2 have another color near… So they put their babies together 2 eliminate the fear… We sacrifice yes we did… Fighting one another, (we sacrifice) (don't say it preacher)… All because of color… The angel of hate - she taught me how 2 kick her… If she called me anything but Victor (u mean like nigger?)… If the only thing that tells is father time… Then sacrifice is a mutha sublime - we love it… Listen mutha - we sacrifice… (don't… don't… don't say it preacher)… (we sacrifice)… (Well, well, well, well)… (What is sacrifice?)… Hold yo' text, deacon… Never understood my old friends are laughing… They got high when everything else got wrong (pass the booze up here)… Dr. King was killed and the streets… They started burnin'… When the smoke was cleared, their high was gone… Education got important, so important 2 Victor… A little more important than ripple and weed… Bernadette's a lady, and she told me (what she say?)… "Whatever u do son, a little discipline is what u need,… Is what u need, u need to sacrifice"… (we sacrifice)… I know joy lives 'round the corner… (Joy for sale down on the corner) (we sacrifice)… One day I'll visit her I'm gonna… (Out on my block I'm just a loner) (we sacrifice)… When she tell me everything (tell me)… That's when the angels sing (sacrifice)… That's when the victory is sho 'nuff (sho 'nuff down with the sacrifice)… (we sacrifice)… (what is sacrifice?)… (we sacrifice)… (S.A.C.R.I.F.I.C.E)… (we sacrifice) (joy around the corner)… Hey Wendy, how come we… (we sacrifice)… 'scuse me y'all (we sacrifice)… We don't don't mean 2 take up yo time (joy around the corner)… But we got something… Heavy on our minds (we sacrifice)… Yes, we do (we sacrifice)… Sometimes, u gotta leave the one u love… Somebody, anybody, everybody wave your hand… Around every corner, there's another sacrifice (joy around the corner)… But u got 2 do the best u can y'all (we sacrifice)… Say u got 2 go through it (go through it)… U got 2 go through it y'all (go through it)… High glory, yeah… Sell it, don't tell it, don't tell me myself (joy around the corner)… sacrifice at my feet… Lord I might get tired,… But I, I've got 2 keep on (we sacrifice)… Walkin' down this road, (we sacrifice)… Keep on walkin' down this road (joy around the corner)… When I reach my destination (we sacrifice)… My name will be Victor… Amen” [Prince, “The Sacrifice Of Victor”, Symbol, 1992]
[“04 Still Would Stand All Time.mp3”:]
“Still Would Stand All Time” by Prince: “It's just around the corner, it's just around the block… this love that I've been waiting for, a Love solid as rock… A Love that reaffirms that we R not alone… A Love so bright inside U it glows… and night and day would run together, and all things would b fine… still would stand all hate around us… still would stand all time… still would stand all time… it's not a thousand years away, it's not that far my brother… when men will fight injustice instead of one another… its not that far if we all say yes and only try… then Heaven on Earth we will find… (all time)… (still, still would stand all time)… no one man will be ruler, therefore love must rule us all… dishonesty, anger, fear, jealousy and greed will fall… Love can save us all… Oh, love, Love, oh Love if U would just please give us a sign… Still would stand all time… Heaven, heaven on Earth we all want 2 find (we all want 2 find it)… Still (still) would stand all time… we R not alone people (we're not alone)… tell me can U see the light (can ya see the light)… if U just open your eyes (still would stand all time)… so much U will know, so much U will show… Love, Love, its not that far away if we all say yes and give it a try… (Got ta give it…a try…yes!) still would stand all time (I say still)… (so many times) so may times, i thought i could not make it… (still would stand all time)… life was closing in I just knew, I just knew I couldn't take it… that's when Love opened it's arms, and if U dont go in child… Still would stand all time (still would stand all time)… U better run to the light, leave your past behind… all things will be fine… Still would stand all time…” [Prince, “Still Would Stand All Time”, Graffiti Bridge, 1990]
[“10 Now.mp3”:]
“Now” by Prince: “Now!… (Freaks on the floor) [repeats in BG during chorus)… 1 2, 1 2… Light up another one dude… Now! (1 2 3 4, come on, come on, freaks on the floor)… (Go go yeah) (Now) (Go go yeah)… Now! (1 2 3 4, come on, come on, freaks on the floor)… (Go go yeah) (Now) (Go go yeah)… 1 2, 1 2, '94… I'm on the set, freaks on the floor… Don't worry about my name, it's 2 long 2 remember… I could tell U now but we'd be here 'til next September… 3, it be like that, see?… This ain't about the trippers trippin' like they know they be… This ain't about this, that, what, where, or how… This about the freaks doing everything they wanna do now!… Now! (1 2 3 4, come on, come on, freaks on the floor)… (Go go yeah) (Now) (Go go yeah)… Now! (1 2 3 4, come on, come on, freaks on the floor)… (Go go yeah) (Now) (Go go yeah)… Now! (1 2 3 4, come on, come on, freaks on the floor)… (Go go yeah) (Now) (Go go yeah)… Now! (1 2 3 4, come on, come on, freaks on the floor)… (Go go yeah) (Now) (Go go yeah)… What U wantin' 2 say? (Get funky)… What U wanna play? (Get funky)… 3 4, 3 4, 99… She the new hero cuz she's so divine… Unaffected by the system, she'd rather die… Than write a rap 4 some big booty heifer gettin' by… On that booty, instead of doin' duty… Aspire 2 be higher, I admire so I fire… Cuz it's flyer 2 be hungry than phat… Take it from this sista, y'all take it from that… It's flyer 2 be hungry than phat… The ride up front is better when U've been in the back… That's a fact… This ain't about this y'all, it ain't about that… This ain't about the booty movin' pumpin' the max… This ain't about this, that, what, where, or how… This about the freaks doing everything they wanna do now!… Now! (1 2 3 4, come on, come on, freaks on the floor)… (Go go yeah) (Now) (Go go yeah)… Now! (1 2 3 4, come on, come on, freaks on the floor)… (Go go yeah) (Now) (Go go yeah)… Now! (1 2 3 4, come on, come on, freaks on the floor)… (Go go yeah) (Now) (Go go yeah)… Now! (1 2 3 4, come on, come on, freaks on the floor)… (Go go yeah) (Now) (Go go yeah)… What U gonna say? (Get funky)… Now U wanna play? (Get funky)… 40, 45, snake's alive… Say one thing, do another, it's time… We chill on that… Nah, I don't need a gat… I'd rather see yourself checkin' ass up 2 bat 4 another swing… Anybody can sing… There's more 2 genius than the word my sister anything I would bring… Or would U rather dine alone?… If U change your mind, U can reach me on your video phone… It's a dime, as in dollars and that's my 2 bloody cents… This ain't about this, that, what, where, or how… This about the freaks doing everything they wanna do now!… Now! (1 2 3 4, come on, come on, freaks on the floor)… (Go go yeah) (Now) (Go go yeah)… Now! (1 2 3 4, come on, come on, freaks on the floor)… (Go go yeah) (Now) (Go go yeah)… Now! (1 2 3 4, come on, come on, freaks on the floor)… (Go go yeah) (Now) (Go go yeah)… Now! (1 2 3 4, come on, come on, freaks on the floor)… (Go go yeah) (Now) (Go go yeah)… What U come 2 say? (Get funky [x2])… Come on, now how U wanna play? (Get funky [x2])… Band!… (Now)… 67, 67… Freaks dance like they in heaven… DJ don't stop the music, DJ don't stop the music… Fill us with de dope track, lick us, twist us, roll us in your mouth… Light us up and take a hit, light us up and take a hit… Mmm, suck us 'til we're dry… And when we're lookin' like a roach, hit the lights… Before U say goodnight though… Let's make a toast yo… This ain't about this, that, what, where, or how… This about the freaks doing everything they wanna do now!… Now! [x7]… Now! (1 2 3 4, come on, come on, freaks on the floor)… (Go go yeah) (Now) (Go go yeah)… Now! (1 2 3 4, come on, come on, freaks on the floor)… (Go go yeah) (Now) (Go go yeah)… (Get funky [x4])… (Freaks on the floor) (Now) [x3]… (Get funky) [x3]… (Now)… Now!…” [Prince, “Now”, The Gold Experience, 1995]
[“01 Compassion.mp3”:]
“Compassion” by Prince: “Get it on… Right on… A zero point approaches… And the field around you drop… Thoughts become reality… And it feels like time has stopped… When all that's on the radio… Is electromagnetic pop… Steady, your teeth are gnashin'… Compassion… Get it on… Compassion… Right on… Love for the greater number… Freezes over and cools… And everyone around you acts… Like a bloody fool… No sanctity to the left of you… No righteousness to the right… The only thing that's left in fashion… Compassion… Get it on… Compassion… Whatever skin you're in… We all need to be friends… All happy again… So much better than nothing… Everybody can win… With a little faith in man… Beginning of an end… Start up a brand new something… When ego, fear, and judgment… Become the rule of law… Watch the polar ice caps… Heat up, melt down, and thaw… When the greedy one forgets… That he's the reason for it all… The only gold that's so worth stashing… Compassion… Get it on, get it on… Compassion… Right on, right on… In the high-seated lawless no love can be found… Nature will rise against nature and get down… Whatever skin you're in… We all need to be friends… All happy again… It's so much better than nothing… Everybody can win… With a little faith in man… Beginning of an end… Start up a brand new something… If you got compassion… Let's get back in fashion… The new international anthem… Whatever skin you're in… We all need to be friends… All happy again… It's so much better than nothing… Everybody can win… With a little faith in man… Beginning of an end… And start up a brand new something… Whatever skin you're in… (Whatever skin you're in)… We all need to be friends… (Black and white and yellow, we can be friends)… All happy again… It's so much better than nothing… Everybody can win… With a little faith in man… Beginning of an end… And start up a brand new something…” [Prince, “Compassion”, 20Ten, 2010]
[“06 Fallinlove2nite.mp3”:]
“Fallinlove2nite” by Prince: “Don’t, don’t you wanna… Fall in love tonight… She said, don’t, don’t you wanna… Fall in love tonight… Special night, my favorite crew… The moon threatened to dance her out of her shoes… In his ear, he was about to hear… An offer that he could not refuse… She said… Don’t, don’t you wanna… Don't you wanna fall in love tonight… (She said)… Don’t, don’t you wanna… Don't you wanna fall in love tonight… She said… Underneath the taffeta… There ain’t no better hiding place… If I see the moon, I’ll just laugh at her… Wanna wake up to your, your pretty face… Don’t, don’t you wanna… Don't you wanna fall in love tonight… (She said)… Don’t, don’t you wanna… Don't you wanna do it till the morning light… She said… We can sleep all day tomorrow… Dream about this fantasy, fantasy… We don’t have to beg, steal, apologize, or borrow… Uh, ’bout to go hard, y’all ready for me… Don’t, don’t you wanna… Don't you wanna fall in love tonight… (She said)… Don’t, don’t you wanna… Don't you wanna do it till the morning light… [x2]…” [Prince, “Fallinlove2nite”, Hit n Run (Phaze One)", 2015]
Our January 29, 2017 Show:
“Every day since the election, I have felt like I'm living in the Twilight Zone, that I'm watching some weird show that is part fiction, part reality TV…” – i.e.… it feels like she's watching theatre… which is the truth… we are being given fiction equipped with multiple supporting fictional strands attached (this mess – and I'm speaking of the global mess the 'power'-guys keep delivering to us – is so not-what-we-want… but are we asking ourselves what we do want?… because these global-'brigands' are rushing to renegotiate their post-WWII 'global consensus'… and before continuing I'd like to encourage us to recall (and listen again to) the following words from the first chapter of Does Capitalism Have A Future? (that we read together in our May 4th and 18th, 2014 shows…) in the context of the question “how do we begin the necessary process of taking charge of our own lives? – which means wresting them from the frozen grip of the global-state-statesmen… the people Immanuel Wallerstein refers to as the 'World Right: “In my view, for a historical system to be considered a capitalist system, the dominant or deciding characteristic must be the persistent search for the endless accumulation of capital [having it put so clearly unintentionally exposes the ideological nature of 'capitalism'… as well as its underlying root of coercion (“you will be compelled to obey…”) and its function as shield… as the obvious role of brute force in sustaining it is ignored or kept hidden… for instance… all of Nikola's stolen inventions have been turned into corporations… and we trained to thank them for them…] – the accumulation of capital in order to accumulate more capital. And for this characteristic to prevail, there must be mechanisms that penalize any actors who seek to operate on the basis of other values or other objectives, such that these nonconforming actors are sooner or later eliminated from the scene…” [Now… as we and the earth (and we are earth…) are the source of everything… and… as we're tired of bowing down to would-be 'kings'… and to forge our global-unity to figure out what to do about it… we need 'global-unity-forging' tools… which Nikola et al. thoughtfully provided to us… so we support with our substance these tools – should one of them fall into the hands of someone who also wants global-unity… does 'power' have means within its 'economic' scheme for 'removing' this 'nonconforming actor' from the scene?… Say 'power' whittles away at his fortune but the people globally keep restoring it… what does 'power' do to get rid of him?… In 1900 or so they stole another one of Nikola's inventions to solve this 'dilemma' for them: the EMF-weapon… so we must face reality: 1 plus 1 plus 1 Is 3…]
“A de facto division of the globe into two spheres of influence…” Immanuel Wallerstein: “The United States emerged from what we refer to as the Second World War endowed with incredible economic strength… The one sphere in which the United States did not have an excessive advantage was the military sphere… As a result, if the United States were going to play the role of hegemonic power, it would have to come to some kind of terms with the Soviet Union and neutralize its military strength. This was particularly true since internal political pressure in the United States led to a relatively rapid demobilization of its land forces worldwide. It is my contention that what ensued was a tacit “deal” between the United States and the Soviet Union, to which we have given the metaphorical name of Yalta. It seems to me that this deal had three components. The first was a de facto division of the globe into two spheres of influence, more or less along the lines of the location of the armed forces of each of the two countries at the end of the war. There was a Soviet bloc, which would come to be defined as running from the Oder-Neisse line in central Europe to the 38th Parallel in Korea (and including mainland China, after the definitive defeat of the Kuomintang by the Chinese Communist Party forces in 1949). What the United States and the Soviet Union in effect agreed to observe was the primary (virtually exclusive) right of each to decide matters within its sphere. A crucial element of this de facto agreement was there would be no attempt to change these boundaries by military (or even political) means. After 1949, this accord was reinforced by the concept of “mutually assured destruction” based on the fact that both sides had sufficient nuclear strength to respond to any attack and destroy the other.” [And we are arguing that the development of nuclear weapons was to primarily serve a profoundly propagandistic purpose… which is also obviously political: to guarantee a permanent state of fear in the people… and that what really reinforced the accord was the secret of the theft and use of Nikola Tesla's invention: the EMF-weapon (once they'd ironed out their little difficulties… as evidenced by the 'Russian'-blasting of the US embassy in Moscow in 1960 with electromagnetic force waves– see our August 14, 2016 show which has this quote from Leuren Moret's document…
Immanuel Wallerstein: “The second part of the tacit agreement was the de facto economic disjuncture of the two zones. The United States would offer no assistance in the reconstruction of the Soviet bloc. Its aid would be limited to its zone – the Marshall Plan in western Europe, comparable aid to Japan and later to South Korea and Taiwan in east Asia. U.S. aid to its allies was not simply altruistic philanthropy. It needed customers for its flourishing industries, and reconstructing the economy of these allies made them good customers, as well as faithful political satellites. The Soviet Union in turn developed its own regional economic structures, ones that reinforced the autarkic character of the Soviet zone… The third part of the “deal” was to deny that there was any deal. Each side proclaimed very loudly in its particular language that it was in a total ideological struggle with the other. We came to call this the “Cold War.” Note however that it was and remained to the end a “cold” war. The purpose of the very loud rhetoric was not in reality to transform the other… Each sought rather to oblige its satellites (euphemistically called allies) to toe a very strict political line, as dictated by the two superpowers. Neither side would ever support in any meaningful sense rebellious forces within the other camp, since this might lead to the undoing of the primary agreement of a military status quo between the two superpowers. [I.e.… their 'rule' over us: “There must be no divisions within the master class…” said Plato… – P.S.] Once the military status quo was achieved, the United States could proceed to realize its overall political and cultural dominance […during the show his use of the word 'cultural' brought up questions for me… as I see a frozen global 'class'-system as the antithesis of 'culture'… – P.S.] This arrangement worked very well in the beginning. And then the self-liquidating character of a geopolitical quasi-monopoly began to take its toll. [The phrase 'the self-liquidating character of a geopolitical quasi-monopoly' I suggested was an unhelpful abstraction disguising the continuous striving of we-the-people for our authentic freedom… – P.S.]”
In the current circumstances – in the new geopolitical scene… in which 'the people' globally are rejecting all forms of captivity… in which Syrians… Gambians… Russians… the English… the Chinese… Bangladeshis… and Argentines – none of us… want keepers… are no longer willing to accept keepers… …obviously the post-WWII 'global consensus'… that 'glory-time' for the U.S. global-statesmen and those who serve them…in which the U.S.-zone of the globe rode rough-shod over the world is long-gone… but the 'power'-obsessed can't think outside-of-their-compulsion and so decide they must make more… zones… to re-capture us with… and bust up our building global-awareness…) but the point of the article is not commiseration… but rather to deepen still further our sense of disorientation… to sow confusion in us by encouraging us to doubt what we know… and feel… while reassuring the global-statesmen and those who consciously serve them – who surely see… that the mental-captivity of we-the-people is slipping… and increasingly so – to reassure that .0001 percent… so wedded to their dominance… that our backs are still bent to the yoke (quote from Wang): “They will eventually comply with this one-child policy. The first time will be the most difficult, just as when you put a yoke on an ox's back for the first time, it will resist and struggle. But once the yoke is accepted by the ox, you can tighten it repeatedly, even to the point of choking it to death. Peasants are like oxen, once they accept something as inevitable, you can continue to tighten the screw.…” (I hope it's clear that this is not just how 'power' views the Chinese people but how 'power' views all of us – from Plato's day on… and obviously even before Plato… but Plato gave them their playbook on how to keep us as they see us: beasts burden…)
(Several of our upcoming shows will focus on 'the economy' – to help us 'see reality'… and be better prepared for the challenge that confronts us… of creating our own 'global consensus'… and to not get suckered… when they come at us with offers of a 'guaranteed minimum income'… or tantalizing hints of the chance to build 'new nations'… always… of course… under their 'leadership' [eventually into High-Tech Auschwitz (never said…)]) The conclusion the article reaches – after bringing in other voices to dominate over Marcy's… The lie they hope to lead us to is that Trump represents a movement of 'radical disruption' that wants to “return to a surer, stronger past to which Mr. Trump's red baseball caps have alluded.” Never mind that this is the nation that elected its first Black president eight years ago and re-elected him four years later… we're supposed to believe that we are now a nation longing for “a surer, stronger past…” – this is obvious b.s. cooked up in right-wing think-tanks: this describes how they think… not how we think… We are witnessing an attempt to re-erect their crumbling 'Panopticon'… with malevolent-tales they hope will “reclaim our eyes…” which have been wandering for some time… The manufactured “fake news' campaign… though primarily created to eliminate social media as a tool for us to use for the global organization of our freedom… is also an attempt to prevent our discussing what's really 'fake'… the Big Fake… the Big Scheme to turn human beings… into machines – i.e.… millennia-long slavery. The truth is: we're not supposed to be slaves. 'Class' is one massive 'crooked road' that we got to straighten out. We're in the midst of the greatest true adventure of all time… as Prince said (in the last song of his [so far] last CD [Hit n Run Phaze Two] – “Big City” : “Power to the ones aware… there's nothing bigger than this!” – in this adventure we-the-people have been handed some powerful weapons with which to fight for our freedom: two powerful Seers… Nikola Tesla… and Prince… and the magical tools they have created for us. It's time for the ones aware to get this party on… for all the rest…
…a tilt-a-whirl built by Fascists: and so designed to throw as many off as fast as possible… But we know… because we've been thinking it through… that those 'dizzy'… 'sick'… 'nauseous'… 'uncertain'… and 'unhappy'… feelings… that all the lies crafted for us to imbibe cause – and we feel the duplicity no matter the patter on the radio (or on the 'whatever'.…) – that these sick feelings are what those who want to preserve their 'management' of us want us to have… that this state of things is what the global-statesmen want to be… so that their hands are left free to dispose of us as they please… “Grant I may never prove so fond, [foolish] To trust ‘power’ on its own bond; Or a dog that seems a-sleeping; Or a keeper with my freedom…” (Shakespeare) And that line from Ousmane Sembene's novel Gods Bits of Wood keeps recurring to me now: “Real misfortune is not just a matter of being hungry and thirsty, it is a matter of knowing that there are people who want you to be hungry and thirsty – and that is the way it is with us. We've discussed often in these shows how it is we know that the divisions and miseries around us are systematically sown… we've discussed this citing the technologies described by Kropotkin (in agriculture… ) Michael Reynolds (with the Earthship… We spent some time on 'the Earthship' in Waking Up: Freeing Ourselves From Work [the book]… as well as on the Nascence website. After I got back from Taos, New Mexico… following an unsuccessful attempt to meet with Michael Reynolds… I drafted some memos and presented them to the Homeless Commission of the City of Berkeley [these memos are posted somewhere on the Nascence website] – feeding and sheltering ourselves isn't hard… because with our own hands we could make homes more beautiful than what they got up in the hills – and sleep in our 'bedroom vehicle' while we're constructing them. But 'power' doesn't want us to build for ourselves that which is more beautiful… because the key issue for 'power' is 'class'… maintaining stratification… maintaining hierarchy – and for us to have the power within our hands to make beauty… grow our own food – “O no no no…” they think… they don't what that… then the whole game is up. But it is within our power now and we must take that time… that One-Day Global General Strike… to discuss that truth: that there is no need for us to continue to bow down to these folks… no mo'…
Other Show Files:
pThe lost child is the source of our troubles…. [And… thanks to John Boswell's The Kindness of Strangers: Child Abandonment in Europe from Late Antiquity Through the Renaissance… we understand now how this happened… That is an important book. If you get a chance… I hope you'll read it… or bits of it… and that you'll try to feel it… if you know what I mean… feel the full implications of that – thousands of years of child abandonment – and how that gets embedded in what people think is part of being 'human'… but isn't… It's like Kropotkin telling us that in ancient texts gorillas were described as 'gregarious'… breaks your heart to think about that… how much damage has been inflicted… on life – we are not yet what we're meant to be… but we will recover all that was stolen from us by this sick system of rigid hierarchical rule.] It’s time for us to heal the hurt, complete the circuit – return home. We have nothing now but our imaginations and our biological memory, but that’s enough for the task at hand, which is reunion.
“The principle directional tendency of capital is its centralization on a world scale… This determining direction of capital on a world scale… entails for antisystemic forcs at least three broad consequential subordinate directional tendencies. First… the ongoing relocation of labor-using manufacturing processes to the semiperiphery and hence the shift there of the epicenter of “classically” framed and conducted class conflict… Second is the de-nationalization, in effect, of domestic (“national”) labor forces. The world’s workers, increasingly made into laborers under the aegis of capital, move as they always have in order to be in relation to capital, a movement sharply furthered in speed and extent by developments in communications and transportation… Ship, air, and electronics have for decades now been analogously forming the possibility of an organized world proletariat within “national” locales. The possibility is at once eliminated, however, so long as we think with the state-formed consciousness that there are “nationals” and there are “immigrants,” and in that way reproduce the varieties of racism these historically formed categories inevitably entail. “National” and “immigrant” are categories of the capitalist world-economy’s interstate system; they have no place (except as phenomenologically [i.e. to do with objects in our consciousness and experience…] phenomenologically real conditions to be overcome) in the language of world-scale workers’ movements.”
“National liberation in segments of the capitalist world-economy, and the transformations it has effected in relations of rule and other social relations, have altered the social structuring of the world-historical accumulation process. That much is historically evident and therefore theoretically to be taken into account. [Don't you love that?… that analytical clarity?… I mean… who else… who says they're devising theory even bothers to ensure that it's based in reality these days?… or 'strategy' likewise… or particularly… – P.S.] But it has not eliminated the relational conditions through which the accumulation process operates. And precisely that world-historical elimination, of the relational conditions through which accumulation of capital occurs, is what is entailed in the idea of the class struggle as the pivotal process in the transformation of the capitalist world-economy into a socialist world order. [What happened to that as our goal… hum?… We seem to have lost track of that somewhere along the way… – P.S.] …If, however, we cease to accord strategic primacy to acquiring such state power within the interstate system, far more becomes historically possible and thereby, within the domain of historically realistic alternatives, theoretically possible. It would seem a dubious theoretical tenet to assert that national liberation, in its successive occurrences, is in any way a necessary condition of the revolutionary transformation of the world-economy. It is surely indefensible to claim it as a sufficient condition.”